Osteoarthritis or crunching in the knees: causes and treatment, preventive recommendations. Pain and crunches in the knee joint: causes and how to treat

The functioning of a healthy knee joint should not be accompanied by untidy sensations and sounds. But sometimes, after certain movements, specific sounds are heard in the form that alert a person and make him look for reasons why a healthy joint creaks like a prosthesis.

Physiology of the appearance of a squeak

The knees are the most stressed joints of all. Whole mass pressure human body falls precisely on lower limbs. And at the same time, the knees have to take part in any movements: movements, squats, walking, which makes the load even stronger.

Despite the unique structure of the knee joint, it is a rather delicate organ.. And any careless movement, heavy loads, nutritional errors, internal pathologies organism provoke major changes in the joint, which may indicate early signs pathologies when the knees begin to creak.

The creaking may be barely audible and only appear during certain activities, such as squatting or climbing stairs. But in the presence of certain pathologies, a creak may be present all the time, while it is problematic to make certain movements and, moreover, the knees hurt a lot.

The creaking is primarily associated with a lack of lubrication in the joint.. Any disruption of the joints and pathological friction provokes the appearance of unnatural sounds, when the knee begins to creak like an unlubricated prosthesis. The most interesting thing is that only a living knee can creak, and if it has a real modern prosthesis, the presence of a creak is quite rare.

Physiological creak

However, the presence of a creak in the knee does not always indicate the presence of pathologies. Sometimes such sounds can be heard during active movements: walking up the stairs, squatting. Passive movements during forced flexion, stretching of the limb, or maximum flexion may also be accompanied by painless creaking.

These sounds are often accompanied by clicking or crackling sounds.. Such sounds should not cause alarm, if the knee does not hurt. This is due to cavitation, when certain movements can be accompanied by the rupture of accumulated air bubbles.

With a long stay of the knee joint in a static position, the intercartilaginous spaces do not receive the necessary amount of lubrication, and with the next bending of the knee, a characteristic creak is heard, which is caused by cartilage friction. Such sounds do not threaten health. Such a creak can cause more psycho-emotional problems than physiological ones.

Pathological squeak

It is possible to distinguish a pathological creak from a physiological one by a number of signs.:

In some diseases, a creak may be present against the background of elevated temperature, local hyperemia, and swelling of the knee joint.

To figure out why the joint creaks, you need to find out real reasons underlying pathology.

And if the physiological creak is psychologically unpleasant, causing anxiety or irritation, then the pathological one refers to a real problem that requires a competent solution.

Causes of creaky knees

Explain why knees sometimes creak without the presence of certain pathologies

possible by several factors:
  • collision of ligaments with parts of bone tissue;
  • vacuum cotton caused by negative pressure;
  • rupture of periarticular fusions.

The causes of pathological creaking are quite diverse, and it will be problematic to figure out on your own why your knees hurt and creak.

Joint instability

The presence of a creaking of the knee joint may indicate increased mobility. There are several reasons why the joint has become hypermobile. A similar problem is faced by people with increased production of a special protein - collagen. It belongs to the building material of articular elements, but is more extensible. Therefore, with such a pathology, the ligaments become more stretched, which leads to joint instability.

Usually, such a pathology is accompanied by an unnatural creak when bending a limb or squatting. In such cases, we speak of the presence of weak ligaments. Patients with weak ligaments need to do certain exercises to strengthen them.

Problems with the ligamentous apparatus can occur as a result of injuries. After damage to the ligaments, menisci, tendons, the articular elements are not able to fully recover. Therefore, quite often after injuries, instability of the joint is observed.

When there is a violation of the movement of the patella that occurs with chondromalacia or patellofermal syndrome, there is friction of the calyx against femur. Therefore, after certain movements, when bending the leg or when squatting, creaking sounds occur.


Squeaking is a characteristic symptom of osteoarthritis. This pathology is associated with wear of the articular surfaces. In addition to atypical sounds with arthrosis, the knees hurt a lot, especially after a period of inactivity. Therefore, patients with arthrosis have to do, especially in the morning, certain movements in order to disperse.

In addition, with arthrosis, there are problems with motor abilities. In advanced cases, after complete or partial destruction of cartilage tissues, patients face blockage of the joint, which requires a complete replacement of the knee joint with a prosthesis.

Usually, a knee prosthesis is installed with the help of arthroplasty.. However, it should be borne in mind that such an operation is a rather complicated and expensive manipulation. There must be quite serious grounds for arthroplasty. In addition, the prosthesis or implants installed during arthroplasty do not always take root and require a rather long period of rehabilitation after surgery.

At successful operation arthroplasty prosthesis allows you to return the mobility of the joint. However, problems with creaking after surgery are not always solved, especially if only part of the knee joint is replaced with a prosthesis.

Other joint problems

In babies, joints often creak, which is explained by incompletely formed muscles and ligaments. But in the elderly, pathological creaking is associated with age-related changes, which in some cases can only be solved by replacing the joint with a prosthesis.

In any case, the creak signals increased loads, which sufficiently exceed the capabilities of the joint.

The creaking that occurs during flexion may be a harbinger of inflammatory processes in the joint. The appearance of a squeak when squatting and after straightening the limbs indicates increased loads that are associated with obesity, lifting heavy objects or a sedentary lifestyle.

Creaking during or after extension is often caused by salt deposits in the joints. Such a pathology occurs against the background of errors in nutrition or certain diseases.


Video - Why joints creak. What can this lead to.

What to do with a creak?

Before taking certain steps to eliminate the squeak, it is necessary to find out the origin of the pathology and act based on established diagnosis. Only after complete examination you can start therapy.

If the presence of a creak is associated with a lifestyle, you should try to exclude harmful factors causing the anomaly.

With a creak associated with increased physical exertion, it is necessary to significantly reduce them.

if the cause of the creak is increased loads, a good remedy baths will serve to eliminate them

Sometimes patients even have to change jobs or give up classes. certain types sports.

In such situations, you can do hot baths, visit saunas or a bath. Thermal treatments relieve tired knees.

A creak resulting from an injury is treated conservatively or surgically.. So, with bruises and ligament injuries, functional rest is required. After torn ligaments and damaged menisci, it is often necessary to do surgical correction performed using minimally invasive methods.

If the creak is provoked by degenerative or inflammatory processes, first of all, it is required drug therapy,

in which apply:
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • medicines with calcium;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • chondroprotectors.

With a significant deformation of the knee, an arthroplasty operation is performed with the replacement of the joint with a prosthesis.

It is advisable for any kind of pathology, accompanied by a squeak, to do:
  1. Exercises therapeutic gymnastics, which, without overloading the joints, strengthen muscle tissue and provide nutrition to cartilage elements by improving blood flow. It is recommended for problems with the knees to practice in the pool. Any exercise in the water does not load the joints, but helps to strengthen the muscles.
  2. Massage with healing ointments. It is possible to use ointments containing the venom of bees, snakes, as well as funds for plant-based. Well helps massage with honey, which is carried out in the evenings.
  3. Physiotherapy in the form of electrophoresis, laser or wave therapy, magnetotherapy. Such procedures contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes and tissue regeneration.

Not in the last place in the fight against creaking is nutrition. For any articular pathologies with the presence of a squeak, you will have to give up spicy and salty dishes. The diet is saturated with vegetables, cereals and lean protein.

In any case, do not forget about the methods of prevention, which consist in a balanced diet, observing the sleep and rest regimen, redistributing loads and performing a minimum set of exercises aimed at restoring the health of the joints.

Thanks to the perfect musculoskeletal system that nature has provided man, he can move without feeling pain and discomfort. V normal condition The knee joints are well supplied with synovial fluid and cartilage, which act as a kind of shock absorber for them. Ideally, the knee bends and unbends completely silently, and if a crunch and pain suddenly appeared in knee joint, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

Disease development factors

Many patients, especially women, panic if they crunch their knees while squatting and immediately try to start self-treatment. However, before choosing a way to get rid of such a condition, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence, since the sounds of a strong crunch can be caused by a physiological or pathological condition.

Physiological crunch

A crunch in the joint area is distinguished by its sound (crack or click), which appears during movement, stretching of limbs, flexion, etc. The exact reason why joints can crackle has not been established, but there are several predisposing factors.

For example, during squatting, the ligaments cling to the bone, which provokes an unpleasant dull sound in the area patella or as a result of cavitation (collapse of bubbles in synovial fluid). In this case, a crunch in the knee area is heard during joint flexion (during the divergence of the connecting bones), and the sound resembles a click or vacuum clap.

Sometimes the patient has pain during flexion of the joint, and in this case it is important to determine the reasons why a crunch is heard in the knees, because it is possible that such symptoms are caused by intra-articular sprains and ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus.

Full and partial break ligamentous apparatus against the background of pain symptoms

Pathological crunch

At pathological causes the appearance of a crunch, it, as a rule, always occurs when the knee joint is extended or flexed and is accompanied by severe or moderate pain. In this case, the crunch can result from any motor activity, which means the appearance of continuous clicks during walking, and some patients are not able to fully move around.

Another cause of crunching in the knees is a possible shift in the place of articulation of the bones. In this case, the joint constantly crunches and hurts while walking, which implies a limitation of the patient's motor activity.

Sometimes a pathological crunch appears as a result of injury or some inflammatory diseases that affect the periarticular tissue and affect the cartilage under the knee cups with changes in its structure in the future. Such diseases are, for example, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis etc.

The causes of the development of a pathological crunch may be a pathological change in the articular tissue

When flexed

The appearance of a crunch during joint flexion refers to inflammatory signs, accompanied by changes in the cartilage area. At the same time, dystrophic processes, inflammation in the synovial bag, a sharp decline lubrication, insufficient moisture, and progression of symptoms. The factors that cause knee pain and crunch are interconnected with the patient's lifestyle, diseases and damage to the structure of the joint.

When unbending

In this case, the crunch can appear quite suddenly, against the background of complete calm of the musculoskeletal system and in the absence of pain symptoms. One of the reasons for this manifestation, experts consider the features of the functioning of the synovial knee bag, since a component of its fluid is carbon dioxide (gas). When moving, it provokes a change in pressure in the area of ​​​​the articular bag and an increase in the number of bubbles, when bursting which a clicking sound is heard. In addition, such a pathological condition occurs in acrobats, gymnasts and swimmers, whose sports activities require an increased range of motion.

When squatting

This form of crunch is most common among older patients and is associated with age-related changes in the joints. One of probable causes such a condition is considered a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the joints, as well as a poor ecological situation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence of a person and impaired metabolism in the body.

In addition, in patients involved in professional sports, knees crunch with increased physical exertion and in the case of strength exercises. In this case, the synovial membrane becomes inflamed, the nutrition of the cartilage is disturbed, the friction between the surfaces increases and the cartilaginous tissues are destroyed.


Adolescence is characterized by the appearance of pain and crunching in the knees when squatting, which is associated with characteristic changes organism and active growth of the child. In this case, the appearance of a crunch is possible as a result of increased extensibility of the ligamentous apparatus and the lag of muscle growth from the formation skeletal system. However, it should be borne in mind that after the complete formation of the ligamentous apparatus, the situation returns to normal.

Important in the prevention of the formation of a crunch in adolescence has a reduction in physical activity, ensuring a balanced diet, providing the body with vitamins and minerals, as well as eliminating overstrain on the joints.

Causes of a crunch with pain symptoms

The appearance of a crunch, local hyperemia, limitation of motor activity and pain during squatting and flexion of the joint can lead various diseases including injury to the meniscus.

Quite often, the knee joint can crunch with the development of tendinitis ( inflammatory process in the area of ​​the tendons attached to the joint)

In addition, the crunch can be caused by bursitis (inflammation of the periarticular bag) and detachment (fractures) of the meniscus. Very rarely, the development of the pathological process leads to patellofemoral syndrome (the initial degree of the pathological process in the knee joint). In addition, joints may crackle in violation of cartilage nutrition.

Other reasons

In addition to the above factors, the cause of pain and the occurrence of a crunch in the knee area can be:

  • hereditary predisposition to diseases of the joints;
  • diabetes, hypo (hyper) - parathyroidism, endocrine disorders;
  • secondary infections against the background of diseases of the joints;
  • malnutrition with a predominance of sweet and salty foods in the diet;
  • increased load on the knee joint (high heels, weight lifting, forced posture, etc.);
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • diseases that provoke (gout, fractures, kidney failure etc.).

Most common cause crunching is overweight and often patients at the doctor's appointment ask why the joints hurt when moving and what recommendations the doctor can give in this regard.

Diagnosis of a pathological condition

Diagnostic measures primarily involve a detailed history taking (heredity, possible injuries, physical activity, chronic diseases, etc.). After completing the survey, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribes a number of diagnostic procedures to clarify the reason why the joint may crackle.

These include:

  • hardware technique for examining the knee joint with the determination of the presence of fluid in the joint, changes in bone and cartilage tissue;
  • x-ray examination;
  • knee arthroscopy;
  • computed tomogram;
  • MRI and radionuclide research.

Knee ultrasound procedure

After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor decides how to remove the crunch with the help of medication or auxiliary methods of therapy.

As a rule, patients do not know which doctors to contact when a crunch appears in the knee. The first doctor to meet a patient complaining of clicking in the joints when walking is a therapist who treats crunching with mild form reactive arthritis and osteoarthritis in elderly patients.

Depending on the symptoms and preliminary diagnosis, it is possible to consult a rheumatologist who performs all the necessary medical measures at inflammatory diseases joints.

In case of external deformations of the bones, as well as damage to the cartilage tissue in the knee area, the help of a traumatologist is required, and in case of overweight, the help of a nutritionist is needed, who will correct the diet and make individual plan weight normalization.

Therapeutic measures

The success of the result depends on how pathological manifestations are treated, with the help of what drugs and dosages. You should not self-medicate, as in some cases this can lead to disability and even death.

Difficulties in therapy are chronic cases, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases. In this case, it is possible to cure the crunch only with an integrated approach, taking into account the intensity of manifestations.

The treatment of crunch should be taken seriously:

  • the patient needs to ensure the rest of the joint, including with the help of a tight, but not pressure bandage;
  • it is recommended to avoid hypothermia of the joint;
  • with severe pain symptoms, you should take an anesthetic or apply an anesthetic ointment to the site of inflammation;
  • to relieve the inflammatory process and relieve pain symptoms, NSAIDs are prescribed (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ibuprofen, etc.);
  • with inefficiency nonsteroidal drugs corticosteroids are prescribed (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • to normalize the intraarticular synovial fluid, chondroprotectors (Teraflex, Aflutop, Rumalon, etc.) are prescribed, with which you can get rid of unpleasant crunch in the area of ​​the knees.

With the impotence of a conservative technique, for the treatment of a crunch in the knee, it is recommended surgical intervention with joint replacement for an implant (1 - healthy joint, 2 - with pathological destruction, 3 - implanted)

It is important to remember that before you get rid of the crunch in the knees with surgery, you must make every attempt to restore the knee. traditional ways therapy.

Folk recipes

Strengthen the action medicines traditional medicine recipes are capable, which in some cases show quite effective results.

The following methods of folk therapy are most often used:

  • it is necessary to take a small amount of wheat bran and pour it with warm milk until a mushy mass is formed. The prepared substance is applied to the affected joint, wrapped on top with cling film or parchment paper and a warm towel. Such a compress is kept on the limb for 1 hour, after which it is removed, the knee is rinsed warm water and lubricated with any greasy cream;
  • another effective tool from a crunch in the knees when walking is a compress of 1 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed orange (lemon) juice and 5 tbsp. spoons of olive (sunflower oil). The mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which a gauze napkin is dipped into the prepared solution, squeezed out and applied to the knee in the form of a compress for 1–1.5 hours, after which the joint is wrapped in a warm scarf, preferably at night;
  • good action when there is severe pain in the knee, especially when climbing stairs, has hot tub within 10-15 minutes, followed by rubbing a nourishing or anesthetic cream into the joint;
  • as remedy it is recommended to use soda lotions (per 1 liter warm water one tablespoon baking soda). A napkin soaked in this solution is applied to the affected area (for 10-15 minutes), then remove the lotion and apply a cream with the addition of vitamin A to the knee joint. In its absence, it can be replaced with slightly warmed sunflower oil. Such procedures should be performed every day for a week, before going to bed.

Despite the effectiveness of alternative therapy, before using such recipes, you should consult a doctor in order to avoid possible complications and side effects which can be caused by some herbal preparations.


Pain and crunch in the knees can be significantly reduced with the help of physiotherapy exercises, which are selected individually for each patient, depending on the severity pathological manifestations and intensity of symptoms.

Classical exercise therapy complex includes the following exercises:

  • in the morning, immediately after waking up, lying in bed, it is recommended to perform the exercise “bicycle” and “scissors” (8–12 swings each). Then, in the same position, it is necessary to bend one leg at the knee, pressing it to the chest and straightening it. This exercise is performed 5 times, after which a similar action is performed with the other leg;
  • in a sitting position, you need to put your hands on your knees and quickly shake your knees for 20–30 seconds without taking your hands off;
  • in a sitting position, you need to lean with your hands on the edge of the chair, leaning back slightly and raising your straight legs above the floor for 10 seconds. At least 8-10 such actions are done;
  • you should lean on a chair and do at least 10 squats, stopping for 2-3 seconds in the lower position. Further, it is recommended to make 6-7 circular movements, first in left side and then to the right. It is important that when performing the last action, the knees are closed and slightly bent.

The crunch in the knee joint is significantly reduced with regular massage sessions, which can be performed by a professional massage therapist.

In addition, experts say that you can do a massage yourself, but only after preliminary training. This procedure enhances blood circulation and joint mobility, which has a beneficial effect on the entire musculoskeletal system.


In order to improve the condition of the knee joint, it is necessary to comply with special diet with the inclusion in the menu of products such as:

  • honey, goat milk, whey;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, wild berries;
  • celery, cabbage and birch sap;
  • wholemeal bread with the addition of bran.

Diet should be restricted:

  • fish, tomatoes, legumes;
  • flour products, meat, smoked products;
  • salty, fatty and spicy foods, etc.

In addition to using therapeutic treatment, diets and recipes traditional healers, it is important to remember that if the patient is faced with crackling or crunching in the knee joint, an urgent visit is required to a highly qualified specialist who will do everything necessary measures for diagnosis. This approach will maximize effective result with minimal damage to the body.

The effectiveness of the restoration of the destroyed articular tissue depends on how timely the treatment is started, if it suddenly crunched in the knees. In running processes, the patient's disability and complete immobility are possible. After therapy, a long-term recovery period with a revision of the lifestyle and nutrition of the patient. With early therapy, the prognosis for the patient's recovery is favorable.

When walking, climbing stairs, you can not notice problems for a long time until they begin to be accompanied by severe pain. A crunch in the knees during movements is a signal that dangerous transformations begin in the joint with increased loads. It is important to know why they occur, what becomes the cause, how to eliminate pathological changes. This will help in time to seek help, to avoid problems.

What is a crunch in the knees

From the pressure of body weight, constant movement - walking, squatting, running - the knee joints of the body experience overload. V healthy condition they are shock absorbers due to the presence of synovial fluid, cartilage tissue. A crunch in the knees is a sign of ongoing changes. Its occurrence is considered safe according to physiological reasons, when:

  • congenital weakening of the ligaments is manifested;
  • bubbles inside the synovial fluid burst in the cavity;
  • going on fast growth bones that touch the ligaments.

Damage to the joints becomes a dangerous problem when they have a shortage nutrients. The interaction between structures is disrupted - the patella, tibia, having a flat surface for sliding, femoral. When crunching is observed:

Why are my knees cracking?

The reasons for which a crunch may appear in the knee joints are obesity, sudden movements in the presence of sedentary image life. Pathologies can cause disease. Knees crunch in case of:

  • weight lifting;
  • eating junk food - spicy, salty;
  • walking in high heels - the arch of the foot changes;
  • rhythmic loads;
  • nervous tension;
  • stress
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • meniscus damage;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • tumors;
  • fractures, dislocations;
  • hormone production disorders;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • weak ligaments;
  • lack of vitamins.

When flexed

A crunch when bending the knee joints is a sign of inflammation, changes in cartilage tissue. In the diseased area, there is an increase in the load, dystrophic processes begin. The reasons due to which the knees crunch when bent are associated with diseases, lifestyle. With damage to structures:

  • there is friction of the articular surfaces;
  • the ability to retain moisture is lost;
  • inflammation of the synovial bag begins;
  • cartilage deformity progresses;
  • the amount of lubricant is reduced.

When squatting

The appearance of a crunch when performing such a movement is typical for older people. This happens due to physiological changes joint. Possible reason crunch - hereditary diseases movement organs. Violations of metabolic processes, poor ecology are not excluded. Often, athletes crunch their knees when squatting while performing an exercise under load. In doing so, it may:

  • the synovial membrane becomes inflamed;
  • cartilage tissue is destroyed;
  • change nutrition;
  • increase the surface friction force.

Why do knees crunch when squatting in a teenager

It is important to pay attention to joint problems in adolescents. This age is characterized by changes in the body, its active growth. The crunch may indicate a strong extensibility of the ligaments. Muscle growth may lag behind bones. If the knees crunch when squatting in a teenager, the situation normalizes as the ligamentous apparatus forms. For the prevention of crunch, the following tasks become important:

  • reduce physical exercise;
  • provide proper nutrition;
  • use vitamin complexes;
  • avoid overvoltage.

Knee crunch on extension without pain

There are cases when a crunch occurs without the appearance of pain. One of the reasons for the phenomenon is the peculiarity of the functioning of the synovial bag of the knee. Among the components of its liquid is carbon dioxide gas. While driving:

  • changes in pressure in the joint bag;
  • the number of bubbles increases;
  • they burst with a clicking sound.

A crunch in the knees during extension without pain occurs with changes in the tissues of bones and muscles in old age. It is typical for gymnasts, acrobats, demonstrating flexibility and stretching. The ligaments that support the working state of a healthy joint allow them to produce an increased range of motion. This condition has an innate cause. These people are characterized by:

Which doctor to contact with a crunch in the knees

The first doctor to whom a patient comes with a complaint of clicking in the knee joint during extension is a therapist. He treats mild reactive arthritis, osteoarthritis in old age. After a survey, collection of tests, a preliminary diagnosis of the cause of the crunch is made. If necessary, after additional hardware studies, the patient is sent for a consultation with doctors of a different profile.

Who to contact for crunchy knees? It depends on the preliminary diagnosis and symptoms of the disease:

  • A rheumatologist treats inflammation of the joint, connective tissue. They turn to him for swelling, redness, pain in the knees, the presence of pathology according to the results of the tests.
  • A traumatologist provides assistance with bone deformities, damage to the cartilage of the knee.
  • A nutritionist gives recommendations on changing the diet when the weight deviates from the norm.

Diagnosis of the causes of a crunch in the knee

The process of determining the disease of the knee begins with a survey of the patient. The doctor listens to complaints, clarifies the presence of past injuries. Important Points– working conditions, sports, physical activity. The main tasks of the doctor in the diagnosis of crunch:

  • clarification of concomitant diseases;
  • clarification of hereditary factors;
  • referral for blood and urine tests;
  • preliminary diagnosis.

If necessary, to clarify the patient's condition, additional hardware examinations of the knee are performed. They determine the presence of fluid in the joint, changes in bones and tissues. Diagnosis of the causes of a crunch in the knee includes:

How to get rid of crunchy knees

To anxiety symptoms did not cause trouble, a set of measures is needed. At the same time, it is important to eliminate the reasons why the knee joint crunches and hurts, to restore motor functions after the treatment. For recovery you will need:

  • follow a diet that will be your own for obesity, gout, disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism;
  • cure the diagnosis that caused the damage to the knee joint;
  • provide peace.

To help the patient get rid of the crunch in the knees, the condition can be improved by the implementation of a set of measures:

  • taking medications;
  • local use ointments, compresses;
  • the use of vitamins;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy - magnetotherapy, laser, ultrasound;
  • reduction of stress on the joints;
  • mud treatment;
  • swimming lessons;
  • injection with joint fluid substitutes;
  • surgical operations;
  • preventive measures.

Ointment for crunchy knees

You can improve the movement of the knee joint, reduce pain, crunch, if used in the treatment of ointments. Doctors prescribe drugs that have their own healing action. The crunch in the knee when flexing will decrease if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. It is important to consider contraindications for use. These ointments reduce swelling, relieve inflammation, and relieve pain. Popular remedies:

  • Ketoprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Ortofen;
  • Nise;
  • Artrosilene.

Ointments from a crunch in the knees have another mechanism of action:


Performing a set of exercises helps maintain muscle tone, which prevents the knee joint from deforming and fraying. There are recommendations to start gymnastics in the morning, while in bed. For this you should:

  • stretch your arms, legs;
  • lying on your back, bend your knees, slide, without looking up from the mattress, at least 20 times;
  • slowly, without rushing, perform the “bike” exercise back and forth.

It is good if the complex of physiotherapy exercises will be held under the supervision of an instructor. Independent exercise can be continued at home. It is convenient to do them with a chair:


A crunch in the knee joint will not cause trouble if massaged regularly. With its help, blood circulation will increase, mobility will improve. It is good if the procedure is done by a specialist, but doing it yourself will give an equally effective result. With self-massage of the knee joint, each movement must be performed 7 times. Efficiency will increase if you additionally use:

  • warming ointments;
  • cream with bee, snake venom.

The procedure begins and ends with light stroking movements, which are performed first over the joint, and then on it. Crunch massage includes techniques:

Treatment of crunch in the knees with folk remedies

A set of measures for the treatment of joint crunch may include traditional medicine recipes. It is important to coordinate the procedures with the doctor. If your knees creak, you can rub the composition of the same parts of the tomato, olive oil, or do homemade ointment. Substances are mixed during preparation, infused for several hours. According to the recipe, the ointment contains equal proportions:

  • alcohol;
  • glycerin;
  • honey;
  • iodine.

In the treatment of crunch in the knees folk remedies you can apply a compress of five tablespoons of vegetable oil and one lemon juice. The composition on a napkin is applied to the joint, kept for an hour. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, wrapped in warmth at night. It is recommended to drink a forest drink from the crunch during the week. The prepared composition is used twice - in the morning and in the evening. The prescription should:

  • wash the fir cone;
  • dip into a glass of boiled water;
  • leave overnight.

Prevention of crunching in the knees

It is possible to avoid the appearance unpleasant symptoms if you take care of the health of your joints. An easy way is to reduce the load on them. There are several methods for this:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • women should not abuse wearing shoes with heels;
  • periodically rest during physical exertion at work, in sports;
  • when relying on your knees, use knee pads;
  • move more actively during sedentary work.

Necessary measures for the prevention of crunching in the knees:

  • exclusion of hypothermia;
  • with fatigue - the use of massage, compresses;
  • regulation of the diet with healthy products;
  • taking vitamins;
  • weight control;
  • treatment of infections endocrine diseases;
  • carrying out physiotherapy;
  • morning joint exercises;
  • swimming lessons;
  • increasing the amount of water you drink;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hiking.

Video: How to remove the crunch in the knees

The cause of the crunch that occurs in the knee joints during flexion and extension of the leg may be the process of tissue destruction. This is because the knees receive a very high load when walking, running, squatting and other exercise. Other causes of crunchy knees are injuries and certain medical conditions. You can not close your eyes to this problem and hope that everything will recover on its own.

  • Show all

    Features of the knee joints

    The cartilaginous tissue of the knee joint performs a protective function. It is soft and elastic, serves for comfortable movement and prevents damage. There is a sheath on the joints that releases fluid in small amounts. It serves as a lubricant for cartilage tissue.

    One of the most common causes of crunchy knees is a heavy load on the knees. Every day a person makes many movements in which the joints take part. As a result physical activity tissue damage occurs, it wears out. A creak in the knees appears when there is not enough cartilage connections, resulting in unpleasant sound in the joints.

    serious pathological processes appear imperceptibly. This exacerbates the problem, because a person, suspecting nothing, is in no hurry to go to the doctor. At the beginning of the destruction, a crackling sound is heard without visible reasons. The crunch can be traced during flexion and extension of the leg. After a new stage of the course of the disease begins: complicated movement and stiffness, accompanied by painful sensations.


    Symptoms of the development of pathology of the knee joint are characteristic of any age, but older people are more likely to suffer from this disease. One knee can crunch and creak, or both at the same time.

    Most often, this phenomenon does not pose serious problems. However, if symptoms occur after injury, pain, redness of the patella, swelling or swelling appear, then the development of the inflammatory process is hidden behind the characteristic creaking of the joints. It is important to consult a doctor in time for the early diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of treatment.

    Cracking during flexion and extension

    A crunch in the knees during flexion and extension occurs in the process of walking, squatting, straightening the leg. For athletes, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Exercises such as running and jumping lead to injuries in the knee joints.

    Sometimes the result of a creak is the wear of cartilage tissue. Subsequently, the articular cartilage may change or deform, and inflammation may occur in the form of a swollen knee or redness in this area. These are the first signals to see a doctor.

    Clicking while squatting

    The occurrence of a characteristic sound when squatting is also common occurrence for people involved in sports. "Occupational disease" is typical for athletes in almost all sports, since squats are basic exercises in any discipline. When a person squats, the load is transferred to the knees, hips and shins.

    If you continue to load your knees while crunching in it, then the problem may worsen. Inflammation will begin, which will lead to the destruction of cartilage tissue. The articular surfaces are deprived of protection, as a result of which they will rub against each other, creating a crunch.


    There are many reasons why a crunch in the knee joint is accompanied by pain. This can be a consequence of trauma and joint deformity. Among the causes and diseases that are chronic. This means that the disease that has arisen has not been treated for a long time, so it has developed into a chronic stage.

    Diseases manifested by a crunch in the knee:


    With this disease, in many cases, a person loses the ability to move the affected joints. Patients over 40 years of age. In women, the disease is much more difficult than in men. The cause of the disease is the accumulation of salts uric acid. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, especially at night. Painkillers do not always cope with seizures

    Rheumatoid arthritis

    Most often, this disease is faced by women, especially in adulthood. This is associated with age and hormonal changes. Symptoms are manifested in the form of swelling and deformity of the joint. Accompanied by pain during activity. V morning time very difficult to bend the knee


    The cause of the disease may be a lack of phosphorus elements and calcium in the bones. Disruptions in hormones, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition, etc. lead to this disease. A crunch is characteristic when bending and unbending the knee. Mobility is limited by pain symptoms


    Inflammation of synovial cavities (bags). The cause of the development of the disease is injury, heavy loads, damage. When moving, it is accompanied by a crunch, swelling occurs due to the accumulation of fluid

    Crunch that is considered safe:

    1. 1. Bursting bubbles of gases in the synovial fluid. When walking, the bubbles burst under the influence of pressure on them. There is a sound similar to crackling or crunching, but it does not require contacting a specialist.
    2. 2. The tendons are in contact with the joint. When a tendon or ligament clings to a bone, a characteristic sound is produced. In this case, you should not use medical care. The situation is typical for adolescents and the elderly.
    3. 3. hypermobile joints. The joint is in free movement due to weakened ligaments, gaining flexibility and mobility. This phenomenon is accompanied by a crunch.

    Crunchy knees in children

    Many parents notice that their child has a cracking knee and anxiously rush to the doctor in order to immediately solve the problem. But in childhood such a phenomenon is not considered a dangerous pathology.

    The thing is that during the formation of the skeletal system, ligamentous tissues have high elasticity and take an active part in movement. The fluid that is in the joint forms gas bubble formations that can burst when the joint is mobile.

    In adolescence characteristic symptoms appear during puberty, when the bone grows at a high rate, and the muscles and ligaments do not develop so quickly.


    Initially, the doctor checks the joint for injuries and external damage. Other reasons are found out, taking into account the type of activity of the patient and his conditions for this. Possible physical loads are also specified, excluding the possibility of injury during them.

    It is important to find out the presence of diseases. If a crunch in the knee joint in a patient manifests itself with acute pain, then the specialist must prescribe a number of diagnostic procedures:

    1. 1. Ultrasound examination.
    2. 2. General analysis of blood and urine.
    3. 3. Magnetic resonance imaging.
    4. 4. Arthroscopy of the joint.
    5. 5. Research.

    In order to remove the main symptoms (crunch, crackle, pain) and restore freedom of movement, in this condition, complex treatment is prescribed:

    1. 1. Ensuring fixation of the diseased joint.
    2. 2. Prescribe a diet that promotes weight loss. Balanced diet and correct mode.
    3. 3. The use of local drugs on the affected area: compress, ointment, gel.
    4. 4. Vitamins fortifying, for the joint.
    5. 5. Therapeutic exercise and massage.
    6. 6. Ultrasound, laser therapy, magnets.
    7. 7. Classes in the pool, acceptance therapeutic baths and mud procedures.

    If the above means are hopeless, then injections are prescribed that are injected into the interarticular space, the area of ​​​​the patella. In more severe cases only surgical intervention would be appropriate.

    The treatment regimen includes a complex of drugs that can remove symptoms and restore the joint and cartilage. Basically, these are local restorative agents. They relieve swelling, inflammation, help with severe pain syndrome. The best choice there will be ointments with the effect of warming and improving blood flow and restoring cartilage. The most common are Apizartron, Viprosal, Noyatoks. Chondroxide is used for elasticity articular bone and cartilage restoration.

    Therapeutic exercise prescribed after taking medications and ointments, in the absence of pain. Here is a set of exercises after waking up, which will get rid of the problem:

    1. 1. Pull up arms and legs in a sitting or lying position.
    2. 2. Bend the legs at the knees (lying down), without looking up from the fulcrum (10-15 times).
    3. 3. Perform the exercise "bicycle" in a slow rhythm (no more than 10 times).
    4. 4. Leaning on a stool, perform circular rotations of the knees (10 times).
    1. 1. Don't do it heavy load on the joint. You will have to give up shoes that are uncomfortable when walking, with heels. A completely flat sole won't work either.
    2. 2. You can not lift weights. If this happens, then sufficient time is needed for the rest of the joints and their recovery.
    3. 3. Use special knee pads when doing any work that involves bending the knees.
    4. 4. Don't stay too long sitting position. Periodically it is worth changing position or walking.

    You can also fight with a crunch in the knee joints with folk remedies:


    The spruce cone is washed and poured with boiling water. Leave for 10-12 hours. When the infusion is ready, the bump can be removed, it is not suitable. Drink in two doses: in the morning and before bedtime. Drink throughout the week


    They take lumpy chalk and grind it, then add kefir. You should get a mass that is convenient for application to the skin. Then the paste is applied to the inflamed area, a warm scarf is wound on top. Make a compress at night and wash off in the morning


    Press the cabbage leaves lightly to release the juice, put on sore spot, wind a woolen cloth on top, a scarf is better. medical procedure do before bed until you get the desired result


    To do this, take 5 sheets per liter of water. bay leaf and boil for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml after each meal. Course - 30 days
