Sample menu for a schoolchild. The student's daily routine and schedule. Millet milk porridge

Natalya Batsukova, associate professor, head, told us how to feed a child so that studying is not a burden, but a joy, what foods should be given special preference and why older schoolchildren should eat less often than first-graders. departments general hygiene BSMU, candidate medical sciences

The actual diet of a schoolchild depends largely on what skills healthy eating We, parents, managed to instill in our children. After all, it is at school age that the craze for “fast food” begins among children, and among high school girls, it also begins with unhealthy diets for weight loss. Therefore, on the eve of the school season, let me give general recommendations By rational nutrition school age children.

Physiological needs of school-age children for energy and basic nutrients ah (“Norms physiological needs in nutrients and energy for various groups children's population of the Republic of Belarus", 2002)

Children's age
Average energy needs of children, kcal/day
Recommended protein intake, g/day
Recommended fat intake, g/day Recommended carbohydrate intake, g/day
total including animals
6 years (schoolchildren) 1900-2000 66-75 43-49 (65%) 63-71 256-280
7-10 years 2100-2300 74-87 44-52 (60%) 70-82 284-322
11-13 years old (boys) 2400-2700 84-102 51-61 (60%) 80-96 324-378
11-13 years old (girls) 2300-2500 81-94 49-56 (60%) 77-89 311-350
14-17 years old (boys) 2800-3000 98-113 59-68 (60%) 93-107 378-420
14-17 years old (girls) 2400-2600 84-98 50-59 (60%) 80-92 339-384

In mode junior school student 5 meals a day must be maintained. High school students can switch to 4 meals a day. It is important that the child does not refuse the mandatory hot breakfast at school, which should be served after the 2nd or 3rd lesson.

An approximate menu for a junior schoolchild might look something like this:

1st breakfast: porridge (vegetable dish); coffee (tea, milk).

2nd breakfast: egg (curd) dish; coffee (tea, milk).

Dinner: salad; first course; meat dish (poultry, fish); garnish; drink.

As a first course for a schoolchild, you can prepare broths (chicken, meat, fish); soups made from these broths, seasoned with vegetables, cereals, dumplings, dumplings; vegetarian soups; milk and fruit soups. The second course can be cutlets, meatballs, various vegetable stew with meat, fish, poultry, all kinds of casseroles, baked fish, poultry, stew, azu, goulash, beef stroganoff .

Afternoon snack: kefir (milk); cookies or bread made from whole grains; fresh fruits.

Dinner: vegetable (curd) dish or porridge; milk (kefir).

When building a children's diet, it is necessary to monitor the correct distribution of foods throughout the day. Protein-rich foods, especially when combined with fat, stay in the stomach longer and require significantly more digestive juices to digest. In addition, meat products are rich in extractive nitrogenous substances that stimulate the central nervous system and such a dinner can lead to a child’s restless sleep, or even insomnia. Therefore, dishes made from meat, fish, and eggs should be used in the first half of the day, and dairy and vegetable dishes, which are much easier to digest, should be used for dinner, since at night during sleep the digestive processes slow down.

Particular attention in a schoolchild's nutrition should be paid to the protein component of the diet, and the share of animal proteins should account for at least 60%. The needs of a growing child's body most consistent milk protein, in connection with which milk and dairy products are considered as a mandatory product that cannot be replaced baby food. For school-age children, the daily allowance of milk (kefir, etc.) is 500 ml. It should be taken into account that 100 g of milk corresponds to 12 g of dry milk or 25 g of condensed milk. Give preference to better fortified dairy products - with the addition of vitamins, iodized protein, lactulose, bifidobacteria. By the way, boiling milk reduces its biological value (amino acids are destroyed); it is better to drink pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk. Schoolchildren are recommended dairy products with reduced fat content: they contain the same amount of calcium and protein as fatty products, and their absorption rate is better.

The most important growth amino acids are lysine, tryptophan and histidine, so it is important that the student’s diet includes their sources - meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, squid, legumes.

It is rational to eat meat (poultry) 2-3 times a week, alternating it with fish. In this case, it is better to prepare dishes from beef fillet, veal, lean pork, boiled and baked. Schoolchildren, especially younger age, you should limit fried, smoked, and sausages (the latter are rich in salt, “hidden” fats and contain sodium nitrite). Before cooking, it is best to trim off visible fat and remove the skin from poultry. And, if you sometimes fry meat for a child, it is better to do it in a frying pan with a wire rack so that the fat flows into the frying pan, or after frying, place the product on a clean napkin to absorb excess fat. Refrigerate soups and stews before skimming off any hardened fat on the surface. An important advantage of meat is a large number of it contains easily digestible iron (unlike the iron of vegetables and fruits), which is especially necessary for high school girls, otherwise the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. Another mandatory protein product in a schoolchild’s diet is fish. Fish proteins are broken down by digestive enzymes faster and easier than beef proteins, because... do not contain connective tissue proteins (elastin). Fish is rich in high-value omega 3s fatty acids, vitamins D, A, group B, minerals K, S, P, J, Zn, Fe, Cu, etc. Fish contains a lot of methionine, which improves the proper absorption (and not accumulation) of fats. Schoolchildren should limit their diet to salted, canned, dried, smoked fish, because it is rich in salts uric acid and sodium, which can contribute to joint disease and the development hypertension The child has. Preference should be given to sea fish and seafood (if the child does not have allergies), as they are a source of iodine, which is necessary for improving intellectual development schoolchildren and goiter prevention. By the way, as an additional source of iodine, try grinding dry seaweed in a coffee grinder and adding it instead of salt to dishes. When cooking fish, to destroy the specific smell (which many children do not like) of flounder, cod, halibut and others sea ​​fish When cooking, add cucumber brine to the broth, in addition to roots and onions (½ - 1 cup per 1 liter of water). And to eliminate the smell when frying fish, you need to put several slices of peeled raw potatoes in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

If your child prefers egg dishes, then in order not to overload his body with cholesterol (by the way, the recommended number of eggs is no more than 4-5 eggs per week), when preparing egg dishes, you can use 2 instead of 1 whole egg. egg whites(and the yolks can be frozen and used in baking).

An important addition to the protein part of a schoolchild's diet are legumes and nuts. A schoolchild can always have a bag of nuts and dried fruits in his briefcase for an “express snack.”

The fat content in a schoolchild's diet should be optimal (see table). A lack of fat can lead to decreased immunity, and an excess can lead to metabolic disorders, poor protein absorption, and indigestion.
Best sources carbohydrates in the diet of schoolchildren are fruits, vegetables and cereals. Every day on the table there should be fruits and vegetables of green, yellow (orange), red (burgundy) color, then almost everything will enter the child’s body necessary for the body vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances(indoles, polyphenols, lycopene, chlorophyll, etc., which give this or that color to the plant and at the same time perform important functions in organism). In general, a schoolchild should consume at least 400 g of vegetables and fruits per day. With meat and fish dishes as a side dish, it is better to give the child juicy vegetables: lettuce, spinach, chard (chard), all types of cabbage, asparagus, zucchini, pumpkin, onions, radishes, cucumbers. By the way, everyone’s favorite salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes is not the standard for the optimal combination for the reason that ascorbic acid, which tomatoes are rich in, is easily destroyed by the enzyme ascorbate oxidase, which comes out of sliced ​​cucumbers. IN as a last resort, this salad should be prepared for one meal and eaten immediately.

It is imperative to monitor your child’s consumption of confectionery products and buns (children often buy them during breaks and on the way from school): excessive content of them in the diet can contribute to the development of metabolic disorders, which leads to allergies, diabetes mellitus and obesity.

In order for a student to have a stress-free digestive process, some factors need to be taken into account. Thus, the slowing effect of fat on gastric secretion (especially lamb fat and margarine) has been proven. At the same time, protein digestion slows down for 2 hours or more. The retarding effect of fat on gastric secretion can be eliminated by consuming plenty of green vegetables, preferably raw ones. Particularly effective in this regard raw cabbage. For this reason, green vegetables go well with cheese, meat and nuts. The child’s habit of washing down the dish with water also reduces the intensity of food digestion - this dilutes the digestive juice and reduces the concentration of digestive enzymes, which also lengthens and complicates digestion.

Inna Izotova, especially for


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In order for a child to want to eat well in the future, this habit must be developed in him from childhood.

After all, we have all met children who lined up for chips after school. And there are some kids who also manage to buy themselves croutons with various flavors, chips, and snacks during breaks.

What should be the proper nutrition for a schoolchild?

Basic principles of schoolchild nutrition

Junior schoolchildren should eat 4-5 times a day, with breakfast and dinner making up approximately 25% of each meal. daily norm calorie content. And children aged 7-11 years need 2300 kcal per day.

In addition, if a child studies in a specialized school, with increased mental or physical activity, then parents should increase the calorie level by 10%.

Great importance has regular meals. If the little one eats at the same time every day, this will prevent the development of gastritis and ulcers and establish the correct interaction between the secretions of the stomach and the food centers of the brain.

The most beneficial protein for children is the one present in large quantities in milk, fish, rabbit meat, beef, and turkey.

Fats that are healthy for children are found in butter, vegetable oil, sour cream.

Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals, bread, dried fruits, and honey.

Vitamins are also very important in the diet. Thus, vitamin A, which is responsible for vision, is found in carrots, green onions, sea buckthorn fruits, rose hips, and red pepper. Vitamin C ( excellent remedy to improve immunity) is present in lemons, oranges, fresh parsley, dill, currants, sauerkraut. Vitamin E (an antioxidant that helps blood clot) and iron are found in beef liver, buckwheat, quail eggs.

What should a schoolchild's menu be like?

We bring to your attention the dishes that should be included in.

First breakfast should include porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) or vegetable dishes, eggs, cheese, butter and dairy products (tea), fruit.

On lunch It is best to give your baby sources of protein (cheese, eggs, meat, dairy products) and sources of energy (bread, cereals), as well as vegetables and fruits.

On dinner Prepare your baby a vitamin salad, first course, side dish, meat dish (fish, poultry), drink.

As a first course, broth (meat, chicken, fish) and soup cooked in this broth are suitable. You can also use dairy and vegetarian soups. The second course can be cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, stewed vegetables with poultry, meat, fish, casserole, goulash, stew, poultry, beef stroganoff, baked fish.

40 minutes after eating, give the child something to drink. Compote, jelly, juice will do. It is recommended to give the baby a plate of vegetable salad before the first course.

For afternoon tea Fresh fruits, dairy products, and whole grain breads are suitable.

How to cook healthy dinner for a schoolboy? Remember, dinner should be filling, but easily digestible. And it is recommended to eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Vegetable, dairy dishes, porridges are suitable.

What should be excluded from a schoolchild's diet?

1. Fast food
2. Sausages.
3. Products containing nutritional supplements(dyes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives).
4. Flavored crackers, chips, snacks.
5. Semi-finished products.
6. Lollipops and chewing gum.
7. Carbonated drinks.
8. Mushrooms.
9. Dishes with mayonnaise and margarine.
10. Ketchup and other sauces.
11. Store juices in packages.

Also remember that White bread and sugar should be limited to overweight children.

Schoolchild's diet

If the child studies in the first shift, then he:
Should have breakfast at home around 7-8 o'clock.
Next, a snack at school at 10-11 o'clock.
Lunch (at home or at school) at 13-14 hours.
Dinner at home at approximately 19:00.

If a child studies in the second shift, then he:
He has breakfast at home at 8-9 o'clock.
He has lunch at home before going to school at 12-1pm.
He has a snack at school at 16-17 hours.
Dinner at about 20 o'clock.

Sample menu for a schoolchild for a week


Breakfast: cheesecakes with sour cream, tea, sandwich.

Lunch: cabbage and carrot salad, borscht, mashed potatoes, rabbit cutlet, dried fruit compote, bread.
Afternoon snack: cookies, kefir, orange.
Dinner: omelet, bread, rosehip infusion.


Breakfast: rice milk porridge with raisins, sandwich, cocoa.
Second breakfast: cheese sandwich, apple.
Lunch: beet salad, chicken broth, boiled egg, beef meatballs, stewed cabbage or zucchini, bread, apple juice.
Afternoon snack: bun with cottage cheese, milk.
Dinner: potato zrazy with meat, bread, tea with honey.


Breakfast: omelet, fish cutlet, sandwich, tea.

Lunch: eggplant (squash) caviar, soup, stewed liver, corn porridge, bread, fruit jelly.
Afternoon snack: oat cookies, kefir, baked apple.
Dinner: pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins, milk.


Breakfast: milk buckwheat, sandwich.
Second breakfast: cheese sandwich, banana.
Lunch: egg and radish salad, pickle, chicken cutlet, boiled cauliflower, bread, pomegranate juice.
Afternoon snack: apple pie, milk.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, tea.


Breakfast: cheesecakes, sandwich, tea with milk.
Second breakfast: soft-boiled egg, bread, orange.
Lunch: carrot and apple salad, broth with noodles, beef stroganoff with stewed vegetables, bread, compote.
Afternoon snack: biscuit, fruit jelly, curdled milk.
Dinner: rice pudding with raisins and dried apricots, kefir.


Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, sandwich, cocoa.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese with raisins and dried apricots.
Dinner: vegetable salad, beetroot soup, baked fish, boiled potatoes, bread, juice.
Afternoon snack: raisin bun, jelly, tea.
Dinner: omelet, milk, bread.


Breakfast: millet porridge with pumpkin and carrots, sandwich, tea with honey.
Second breakfast: cheese sandwich, banana.
Lunch: vegetable salad, soup, meatballs, pasta, bread, tomato juice.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese cookies, kefir, some fruit.
Dinner: potato rhinestones, sour cream, milk.

Goal: to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the section “Hygienic requirements for schoolchildren’s nutrition” and acquire practical skills in drawing up a daily school menu. Objectives: - master age-specific standards for nutrients and products for schoolchildren according to the tables and text; - determine the balance of the diet in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates; - determine the optimality of the diet in accordance with the school shift and the student’s motor regime; - determine the compliance of the student’s menu with the basic principles of healthy eating. Required: tables of average daily energy consumption of schoolchildren of different age groups, tables of food calorie content recommended for schoolchildren, calculator. Procedure for completing the task: using the given tables with standard values ​​of the most important nutrients, create a daily menu for a schoolchild of a certain age group (junior, middle) senior school age) taking into account the characteristics of the student’s motor mode (whether he plays sports or not). Theoretical justification of the topic. Recommended intakes of energy and essential nutrients are presented in table. 11. The need for animal protein should be covered by 65% ​​of the daily requirement for 6-year-old children and 60% for children over 7 years of age. The combination of animal and vegetable fats in the daily menu should be 80% and 20%, respectively. Complex carbohydrates should be 4 times more than simple ones. The ratio of proteins: fats: carbohydrates is 1:1:4 (for primary schoolchildren - 1:1:6). At the same time, simple carbohydrates predominate in the diet of the population of the Tula region, including children, which predisposes to pancreatic dysfunction and metabolic disorders (obesity).

Baby food is often overloaded with carbohydrates due to an excess of confectionery, sugar, pasta, flour products, and bread. Excess carbohydrates turn into fat, creating excess weight; Sugar creates a risk of caries development. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in healing the body through nutrition. They, as a rule, are not reproduced in the body and must be supplied with food products(Tables 12, 13). In modern schoolchildren, vitamin deficiency occurs only in a group of homeless children, but hypovitaminosis (vitamin deficiency in the diet and in the body) is also possible in prosperous families, especially in the winter-spring period, when the content of vitamins in foods decreases due to natural losses. At the same time, a deficiency of B vitamins creates the basis for a decrease in the functional well-being of the nervous system and contributes to the occurrence of neuroses. Therefore, during problematic periods of the year, artificial fortification of food is necessary (for example, adding vitamins to third courses based on the daily intake) in school canteens or additional intake of multivitamin preparations in age-appropriate dosages at home. Not all food taken is digested; some of it is thrown out of the intestines in the form of waste. The digestibility of animal food is on average 95%, plant food - 80%, mixed - 82-90%. In practice, calculations are based on 90% of food absorption. Therefore, when calculating, the calorie content of food should be 10-15% higher than the energy consumption regulated by age.

The completeness of the mineral, including microelement, composition of food is very important for optimizing the water-salt metabolism of the body (musculoskeletal tissue, teeth), and the functions of the endocrine system. Lack of iodine creates dysfunction of the thyroid gland (which is typical for the population of the Tula region); lack of zinc leads to delayed growth and puberty in children; lack of iron leads to anemia. Fluoride deficiency contributes to the development of caries. The water requirement for children 6-7 years old is 60 ml per 1 kg of body weight, for schoolchildren - 50 ml. But one should also take into account the operating conditions, climatic conditions, etc. Excess and lack of water are equally harmful for the body, since either overload of the circulatory system and excretion occurs, or dehydration of the body, which creates dysfunction of water metabolism. In order for a schoolchild’s diet to provide the nutrients necessary for a healthy body, one should adhere to the recommended amounts of food consumption in daily nutrition, which are presented in the table. 14. It should only be taken into account that these products are presented in their raw, unprocessed form. During processing, losses (waste) are inevitable. So, when cooked, meat loses 40% of its original weight. At the same time, cereals, legumes and pasta, when cooked, give a “cook” (increase in mass).

Every day everything listed in the table. 14 products cannot be used in food. Some products should be present every day (meat, milk, butter and vegetable oil, bread, vegetables, fruits, honey (sugar)), another part (cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, fish) can be included in the diet 2-3 times a week . Of great importance for a schoolchild is the diet, which regulates the number of meals, the interval between them, the number of calories per meal, the quality of food per meal, the distribution of the diet among meals during the day (Tables 15, 16).

5 meals a day are recommended for weakened children with chronic diseases, as well as for primary school and after-school students. In addition, it is advisable to organize such meals for schoolchildren during the summer (vacation) period, when their energy consumption is much higher than in the winter (Tables 17, 18).

Gradually growing up, Small child getting ready to go to school. In addition to the numerous concerns associated with this event, loving parents worries about the diet of the future schoolchild. After all, on a literate balanced diet builds the health of the child, who is exposed to quite serious stress at school. An approximate menu for a schoolchild for a week should include the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and other vital components.

It is well known that the active process of acquiring knowledge significantly increases the energy costs of the child’s body. Therefore, the child must eat meat, fish, cereals, and normal functioning gastrointestinal tract- vegetables and fruits. It is also important to observe the student’s drinking regime. By the way, carrot juice is a real storehouse of vitamins.

Sample weekly menu for a child spending most day at school may be as follows.

  • On Monday, for breakfast, the child is recommended to eat buckwheat porridge, bread and butter, cocoa, or coffee with cream. For lunch, a schoolchild will happily eat a light beet salad, vegetable soup, meat cutlets with potatoes, compote, bread. According to the generally accepted principle of fractional meals, an afternoon snack is a kind of snack. A child can drink kefir with cookies or eat an apple. Dinner should be light: cottage cheese casserole, grated carrots, milk, a slice of bread.
  • On Tuesday, your child can be offered oatmeal, omelette, coffee with milk, and bread and butter for breakfast. For lunch, the student is recommended to eat a vegetable salad, fresh cabbage soup in bone broth, potato casserole, jelly, and bread. At midday, your child will be delighted with a glass of milk and some muffins. For dinner, a child tired of the day will happily eat vinaigrette, jellied fish, kefir with sugar, and a slice of bread.
  • On Wednesday, the so-called middle of the school week, the student can be offered rice porridge, tea with milk, sandwich with butter and cheese. For lunch, the child will like vegetable salad, bean soup with meat broth, meatballs with mashed potatoes, tea with milk and sugar, and bread. On Wednesday afternoon it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir with sugar, eat cookies and an apple. For dinner, your child can prepare boiled meat with stewed vegetables, milk, and bread.
  • Thursday for breakfast Oatmeal will do porridge, coffee with milk, sandwich with cheese. For lunch, it is worth offering the student a vegetable salad, pearl barley soup with bone broth, boiled chicken with mashed potatoes, carrot or apple juice, bread. The diet for an afternoon snack may include milk, baked goods, and an egg. For dinner, it’s good to prepare meatballs with rice, seasoned with tomato-sour cream sauce, kefir and sugar.
  • On Friday, the day begins with the following breakfast: milk noodles with cheese, coffee with milk, bread and butter. Lunch: beet salad, borscht, Fried fish with mashed potatoes, compote, bread. At midday, the child can eat a salad of fresh vegetables. For dinner, he will have carrot and cottage cheese casserole, milk, and bread.
  • Saturday menu: breakfast - omelette, tea with milk, pearl barley porridge, bread and butter. At lunch, the student will be pleased with vegetable salad, pickle soup, boiled meat with stewed cabbage, compote, and bread. An afternoon snack is milk, baked goods. For dinner, it is recommended to prepare cottage cheese, boiled fish, kefir, and bread.
  • On Sunday for breakfast: millet porridge, coffee with milk, sandwich with cheese. For lunch: vegetable salad, potato soup, meat goulash, compote, bread. At midday, the child can drink kefir with sugar, eat cookies, and an apple. For dinner: cottage cheese, grated carrots, tea with sugar, bread.

Such an approximate menu for a schoolchild for a week will help maintain the child’s health for the entire period of study.

The food of school students should not only be tasty, but also healthy, so when creating a daily menu for the school canteen, a number of factors must be taken into account. So, energy value All dishes offered to children and adolescents should be in accordance with their physiological needs, while attention is paid to the balance of all basic nutrients in the diet of schoolchildren.

The best option for educational institution- this is the presence sample menu, designed for two weeks. It is developed taking into account the physiological needs of children and adolescents, and also meets all sanitary rules and regulations.

Sample lunch menu for schoolchildren

Rec. no.

Meal, name of dish

Portion weight

Nutrients (g)

Energy value (kcal)






Borsch with sour cream

Beef Goulash

Boiled pasta

Vitamin bread

Dishes on the menu must be alternated, and not repeated from day to day; the permissible rotation period is two to three days. As for products, then in daily diet Vegetables, meat, milk, bread, and butter are quite appropriate. Several times during the week, the menu may include dishes from fish, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.

The weight of servings of dishes is calculated based on the age of the schoolchildren. The main recommendations are given in the table:

Name of dish

Serving (weight in grams)

7-11 years

11 years and older

Drink (tea, juice, etc.)

First course (soup)

Meat dish (cutlet, etc.)

Side dish (pasta, etc.)

What's for breakfast and dinner?

The school breakfast menu includes salad, hot meat or a fish dish, and in addition to them tea or other hot drink. Vegetables and fruits are quite appropriate for breakfast.

Lunch is the main meal of the day. The lunch menu for schoolchildren traditionally includes a salad, a first course, that is, soup, a second course of fish, poultry or meat, as well as a sweet dish.

For an afternoon snack, schoolchildren can be offered confectionery, though exclusively without cream, or bakery products. The best drinks for this meal would be jelly and juices.

Dinner can consist of porridge, a second course and, of course, a drink. For the second dinner, for example, buns are suitable; fruit would also be a good addition.

One should also take into account such a factor as the energy value of each meal (from breakfast to dinner). Approximate indicators are given in the table:

Power type




Afternoon snack


Second dinner

Four meals a day

Five meals a day

Six meals a day

*In some cases, deviations from the above-described calorie standards are permissible within five percent, however, the weekly average must remain in accordance with all requirements.

Another indicator that must be taken into account when developing a menu designed for a school canteen is the ratio nutrients, namely proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The following ratio is considered optimal: proteins - 10-15%, fats - 30-32%, carbohydrates - 55-60%.

Dishes are prohibited

However, according to sanitary and epidemiological requirements, not all dishes can reach schoolchildren’s tables. So, what was banned?

  • Mushrooms

According to experts in school menu there is no room for dishes made from mushrooms.

The menu for schoolchildren cannot include meat from wild animals (venison, etc.), as well as waterfowl.

  • Concentrates

It is unacceptable to include in the menu both first and second courses prepared using instant concentrates.

  • Beverages

Schoolchildren are not supposed to quench their thirst natural coffee, kvass, carbonated drinks. About the ban on alcohol and energetic drinks, I think no explanation is needed.

  • Stale and “yesterday’s”

Of course, the menu cannot include dishes of poor quality, spoiled or expired products. You cannot serve dishes that were prepared the day before or even leftovers from a previous meal.

  • Sweets

Young sweet tooths are also deprived of the opportunity to enjoy cream cakes and pastries, as well as caramel, in the school canteen. Chewing gum is also strictly prohibited.

  • Doubtful

Meat and offal that have not passed veterinary control. By the way, only the heart, liver and tongue can be included in the school canteen menu. Contaminated cereals and flour, and along with them bomb canned food, are also prohibited.

  • Sauces and seasonings

Inappropriate in dishes intended for schoolchildren spicy seasonings, such as pepper, horseradish, etc. Among the prohibited sauces are mayonnaise, ketchup, and other hot sauces.

This list also includes raw smoked sausages, fries, and apricot kernels, which are quite exotic in general.
