Signs and symptoms of lung disease. Signs, classification and prevention of major lung diseases. What are the types of lung diseases and symptoms?

They are part of a complex organ system. They deliver oxygen and release carbon dioxide as they expand and relax thousands of times a day. Lung disease may be the result of problems in some other part of this organ system.

Lung diseases affecting the airways

The trachea branches into tubes called bronchi, which in turn gradually branch into smaller tubes throughout the lungs. Diseases affecting the respiratory tract include:

  • Asthma: The airways are constantly inflamed. Sometimes there may be spasm of the airways, causing wheezing and shortness of breath. Allergies, infections, or pollution can trigger asthma symptoms.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a lung disease characterized by an inability to breathe out normally, which results in difficulty breathing.
  • Chronic bronchitis: a form of COPD characterized by a chronic cough.
  • Emphysema: In this form of COPD, damage to the lungs allows air to remain trapped in the lungs. Heavily exhaled air is distinctive feature of this disease.
  • Acute bronchitis: unexpected infection of the airways, often by a virus.
  • Cystic fibrosis: genetic disease defiant slight highlight sputum (mucus) from the bronchi. Mucus buildup can lead to recurring lung infections.

Lung diseases affecting the air sacs (Alveoli)

The airways eventually branch into small tubes (bronchioles) that end in air sacs called alveoli. These air sacs make up most of lung tissue. Lung diseases affecting the air sacs include:

  • Pneumonia: infection of the alveoli, usually by bacteria.
  • Tuberculosis: A slowly progressive pneumonia caused by the tuberculosis bacterium.
  • Emphysema results from damage to the fragile connections between the alveoli. The usual cause is smoking. Emphysema also restricts air circulation, also affecting the airways.
  • Pulmonary edema: Fluid leaks through the small blood vessels of the lungs into the air sacs and surrounding area. One form of this disease is caused by heart failure and high blood pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs. Another form, direct injury to the lungs causes edema.
  • Lung cancer comes in many forms and can develop in any part of the lungs. It most often occurs in the main part of the lungs, in or near the air sacs. The type, location and spread of lung cancer determines treatment options.
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome: severe, sudden lung injury caused by serious illness. Mechanical ventilation is usually necessary to maintain life until the lungs heal.
  • Pneumoconiosis: a category of diseases caused by the inhalation of substances that damage the lungs. For example, pneumoconiosis as a result of systematic inhalation of coal dust and asbestosis resulting from inhalation of asbestos dust when working with asbestos.

Lung diseases affecting the interstitium

The interstitium is the microscopic thin tissue between the air sacs of the lungs (alveoli). Thin blood vessels pass through the interstitium and allow gas to be exchanged between the alveoli and the blood. Various lung diseases affect the interstitium:

  • Interstitial lung disease: a broad collection of lung diseases affecting the interstitium. Among the numerous types of ILD, diseases such as sarcoidosis, idiopathic pneumosclerosis and autoimmune diseases can be distinguished.
  • Pneumonia and pulmonary edema can also affect the interstitium.

Diseases affecting blood vessels

The right side of the heart receives low-oxygen blood through the veins. It pumps blood to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries. These blood vessels can also become susceptible to disease.

  • Pulmonary embolism: blood clot(usually in the deep veins of the legs, deep vein thrombosis) breaks off and travels towards the heart and into the lungs. The blood clot becomes lodged in the pulmonary artery, often causing difficulty breathing and low level oxygen in the blood.
  • Pulmonary hypertension: various diseases may lead to increased blood pressure V pulmonary arteries. This may cause shortness of breath and chest pain. If the cause is not determined, the disease is called idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Lung diseases affecting the pleura

The pleura is a thin membrane that surrounds the lung and lines the inside of the chest wall. A thin layer of fluid allows the pleura to slide along the surface of the lungs along the chest wall with each breath. Pulmonary diseases of the pleura include:

  • Pleural effusion: Fluid usually accumulates in a small area of ​​the pleura, between the lung and the chest wall. This usually occurs after pneumonia or heart failure. If a large pleural effusion makes breathing difficult, it must be removed.
  • Pneumothorax: Air can enter the area between the chest wall and the lung, causing the lung to collapse. A tube is usually inserted through the chest wall to remove air.
  • Mesothelioma: a rare form of cancer that forms in the pleura. Mesothelioma typically occurs several decades after asbestos exposure.

Lung diseases affecting the chest wall

The chest wall also plays an important role in breathing. The muscles connect to the ribs, helping the rib cage expand. With every breath, the diaphragm, the editorial team of the health portal "To your health!" . All rights reserved.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Lung pain– this is a fairly broad concept. Underneath this symptom more than two dozen may be hiding various diseases, both of pulmonary origin, or as a result of problems with the respiratory system, and conditions completely unrelated to the respiratory system, such as digestive diseases, neurological pathologies, and even bone problems.

Pain in the lung area

From the point of view of anatomy and physiology, in themselves lungs they cannot get sick, there are no sensory nerves in their structure that perceive pain impulses, so there is no pain inside the lungs themselves, the usual manifestations of problems with the lungs are coughing and breathing problems. But what then does a person perceive as pain in the lung area?

Giving painful sensations in the lung area there may be pleura (a film that covers the outside of the lung and prevents it from being injured by friction against chest), or the area of ​​the trachea and large bronchi. They contain pain receptors, which cause pain when breathing or coughing.

Pain in the lungs - sharp or mild

In terms of diagnosing and determining the cause of the pain, the doctor needs to find out how intense it is, what its nature is, whether there is pain when coughing or when deep breathing whether shortness of breath appears, whether painkillers help.

Sharp, intense pain will indicate acute illness. Usually the pain is localized in the pleura, intensifies with breathing and may be accompanied by shortness of breath. Intense retrosternal pain usually occurs with acute tracheitis, especially if it intensifies with coughing. It will be important whether the intensity of pain changes with body position and whether the patient’s physical activity affects it. Usually such pain is caused not by problems with the lungs, but by nerves, problems spinal column, sciatica or muscle pain.

If pain in the lungs on one or both sides occurs when coughing, intensifies when inhaling and exhaling, turning the body to the side, subsides if you lie on the side of the pain, is combined with pain in the intercostal spaces when palpating them, sputum does not come out with a cough or comes out thick, sticky sputum (sometimes streaked with blood), you should contact Pulmonologist (make an appointment) or therapist (make an appointment), since such a symptom complex indicates pleurisy, tracheitis, bronchitis or infectious lesions of the pleura (for example, pleurisy due to measles).

When pain in the lungs is combined with elevated body temperature, cough with or without sputum, wheezing, symptoms of intoxication ( headache, general weakness etc.), follows in as soon as possible consult a general practitioner, since such a symptom complex indicates an acute infectious and inflammatory process in the organs respiratory system(for example, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy).

If pain in the lungs is constantly present, intensifies when inhaling, and its intensification is similar to a lumbago or a prick with a sharp object, and is not combined with other symptoms of diseases of the respiratory system and heart (cough, fever, chills, night sweats, etc.), then you should contact neurologist (make an appointment), since such symptoms indicate intercostal neuralgia.

If the pain in the lungs is of a burning nature, localized between the ribs and inside the chest, combined with an increase in body temperature and headaches, and a few days after the onset of pain, small blistering red rashes appear on the skin of the chest, then you should contact infectious disease doctor (make an appointment) or a therapist, since such symptoms indicate herpes zoster.

If pain in the lungs becomes weaker or stronger when changing posture, increasing or weakening motor activity (transition from a calm state to active physical actions, for example, active walking, etc.), increases with coughing, laughing, sneezing, is localized not only inside the chest, but also along the ribs, and is not combined with other symptoms of lung or heart diseases (coughing, sweating, etc.) then you should consult a neurologist, since such a symptom complex indicates a disease of the nerves (neuritis, neuralgia, pinching, radiculitis, etc.).

If pain in the lungs increases and decreases with physical activity, is combined with headaches, pain in the thoracic spine, increased or decreased sensitivity in the hands, then this indicates diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis), and therefore in this case it is necessary to contact Vertebrologist (make an appointment), and in his absence you can go to an appointment with a neurologist, neurologist (make an appointment), traumatologist (make an appointment), chiropractor(sign up) or osteopath (sign up).

If pain in the lungs intensifies when breathing and appears after any injuries or blows to the chest, then you should consult a traumatologist or surgeon (make an appointment), since such a condition indicates a fracture or cracks in the ribs.

If pain in the lungs inside the chest is combined with a clearly felt focus of pain at a certain point on the rib, and in some cases with low-grade fever or high temperature body and severe intoxication (headaches, weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc.), then you must consult a surgeon, oncologist (make an appointment) And venereologist (make an appointment) at the same time, since the symptom complex may indicate osteomyelitis, cysts, tumors or bone syphilis.

If the pain in the lungs is sharp, stabbing, encircling, intensifying or appearing during inhalation, exhalation and coughing, localized at a certain point in the chest, radiating to the arm, stomach, neck or spine, existing for a long time and not going away within 1 - 2 weeks , then you should contact an oncologist, since similar symptoms may indicate the presence malignant tumor in the lungs.

If pain in the lungs appears at a time of stress or strong emotional experience, passes without a trace after a while, does not cause sharp deterioration general well-being(pallor, drop in blood pressure, severe weakness, etc.) so much that a person cannot go home or to the rest room, then you should contact psychologist (sign up) or psychiatrist (make an appointment), since such phenomena indicate neurosis.

If a person has pulling or stabbing pain in the lungs, they are combined with high fever, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, headache, sweating, etc.), a moderate decrease in pressure and rapid heartbeat, then you should contact Cardiologist (make an appointment) or rheumatologist (make an appointment), since such symptoms may indicate rheumatism.

Sharp shooting pain in the lungs with right side, combined with digestive disorders, requires treatment Gastroenterologist (make an appointment), since it may indicate a pathology of the gallbladder or gastric ulcer.

What tests can doctors order for pain in the lungs?

Pain in the lungs is a symptom of various diseases and conditions, for the diagnosis of which different examination methods and tests are used. The choice of examinations and analyzes in each case depends on accompanying symptoms, thanks to which the doctor can guess what kind of disease a person has and, accordingly, prescribe the studies necessary to confirm the final diagnosis. Thus, below we will indicate lists of tests and examinations that a doctor may prescribe for pain in the lungs, depending on the combination with other symptoms.

When a person is bothered stabbing pains in the lungs, felt throughout the chest or only at a certain point, aggravated by inhalation, combined with weakness, chills, sweating at night, long-lasting cough with or without sputum, the doctor suspects tuberculosis, and to confirm or refute it prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Microscopy of expectorated sputum;
  • Mantoux test (sign up);
  • Diaskintest (sign up);
  • Quantiferon test (sign up);
  • Analysis of blood, sputum, bronchial washings, lavage fluid or urine for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using PCR;
  • Study of washing water from the bronchi;
  • General blood test;
  • General urine test;
  • Chest X-ray (make an appointment);
  • Chest fluorography (sign up);
  • Computed tomography;
  • Bronchoscopy (sign up) with lavage collection;
  • Thoracoscopy (make an appointment);
  • Lung biopsy (sign up) or pleura.
The doctor does not prescribe all the tests from the list given at once, since this is not necessary, since in most cases a much smaller list of studies is sufficient for diagnosis. That is, first of all, the simplest, least traumatic and unpleasant tests for the patient are prescribed, which are highly informative and allow identifying tuberculosis in most cases. And only if such simple and non-traumatic tests do not reveal the disease, the doctor additionally prescribes other, more complex, expensive and unpleasant tests for the patient.

So, first of all, a general blood and urine test is prescribed, as well as microscopy of coughed up sputum. Also prescribed is either a chest x-ray, fluorography, or computed tomography. Moreover, only one diagnostic method is used, which is selected depending on the level of technical equipment medical institution and the patient’s ability to undergo testing for on a paid basis. The most commonly used are x-rays and fluorography. In addition, first of all, in addition to sputum microscopy and instrumental research chest organs, the doctor prescribes any of next tests for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body: Mantoux test, diaskintest, quantiferon test or test of blood, sputum, bronchial swabs, lavage fluid or urine for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR method. The best results are obtained by blood or sputum tests using the PCR method and the quantiferon test, but they are used relatively rarely due to their high cost. Diaskintest is a modern and more accurate alternative to the Mantoux test, and it is this test that is currently prescribed most often.

Further, if it was not possible to establish the presence or absence of tuberculosis based on the results of tests for the presence of mycobacteria, instrumental examination chest and sputum microscopy, the doctor prescribes an additional study of lavage water from the bronchi, as well as bronchoscopy or thoracoscopy. If these studies also turn out to be uninformative, the doctor prescribes a biopsy of the lungs and pleura in order to examine pieces of organ tissue under a microscope and determine with absolute certainty whether the person has tuberculosis.

When a person is bothered by pain in the lungs on one or both sides, which occurs or intensifies when coughing, inhaling, exhaling, turning the body to the sides, subsides when lying on the affected side, is combined with pain and bulging of the intercostal spaces, cough without sputum or with a thick viscous sputum streaked with blood, the doctor suspects pleurisy, tracheitis or bronchitis, and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Auscultation of the chest (listening to the lungs and bronchi using a stethoscope);
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Computed tomography of the chest;
  • Ultrasound pleural cavity(sign up);
  • General blood test;
  • Pleural puncture (sign up) with the selection of pleural fluid for biochemical analysis (determining the concentration of glucose, protein, number of leukocytes, amylase and lactate dehydrogenase activity).
Usually, a complete blood count, chest auscultation and chest x-ray are ordered first, as these simple tests can make a diagnosis in most cases. However, if after the examinations there are still doubts about the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe either a computed tomography scan or an ultrasound scan of the pleural cavity in combination with a biochemical analysis of the pleural fluid.

If pain in the lungs is combined with elevated body temperature, cough with or without sputum, wheezing and symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness, lack of appetite, etc.), the doctor suspects an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • General sputum analysis;
  • Sputum microscopy;
  • Biochemical blood test (C-reactive protein, total protein etc.);
  • Auscultation of the chest (listening to the respiratory organs using a stethoscope);
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Blood test for HIV (sign up);
  • Analysis of stool for worm eggs;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG) (sign up);
  • Computed tomography;
  • Determination of antibodies in the blood to Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Respiratory syncyt. vir., and herpes virus type 6 by ELISA;
  • Determination of the presence of streptococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, and Candida fungi in blood, saliva, sputum, lavages and bronchial washings using the PCR method.
The doctor first prescribes a general blood test, biochemical analysis blood, microscopy and general sputum analysis, chest auscultation, x-ray, blood test for HIV, ECG and stool test for worm eggs, since these studies in most cases allow us to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment. And only if, based on the results of the studies, it was not possible to determine the diagnosis, a computed tomography scan and determination in the blood, sputum, lavages and washings of the presence of antibodies or DNA of pathogenic microbes that can be pathogens can be additionally prescribed inflammatory diseases organs of the respiratory system. Moreover, the determination of antibodies or DNA of pathogens in biological fluids is usually used if the disease does not respond to standard therapy, in order to change the treatment regimen taking into account the sensitivity of the microbe to antibiotics.

When pain in the lungs is not combined with other symptoms of respiratory tract diseases (cough, shortness of breath, fever, night sweats, chills, etc.), is constantly present, can intensify when coughing, laughing, sneezing, sometimes felt in the form of lumbago, localized also along the ribs, may be combined with blistering red rashes on the skin of the chest, then the doctor suspects a nerve disease (neuralgia, pinching, neuritis, radiculitis, shingles, etc.) and may prescribe the following tests and examinations:

  • Chest X-ray (to assess the size of organs and the theoretical possibility of their pressure on the nerves);
  • Computer or Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up)(allows you to assess the likelihood of pressure on the nerves from organs and tissues);
  • Electroneurography (allows you to evaluate the speed of signal propagation along the nerve);
  • General blood test.
In general, these tests are rarely prescribed, since usually a survey and general examination person.

When pain in the lungs intensifies or subsides with movements, is combined with headaches, pain in the thoracic region spine, increased or weakened sensitivity in the hands, the doctor suspects a spinal disease and may prescribe the following tests:

  • Survey X-ray of the spine (make an appointment). It can be used to identify osteochondrosis, curvature of the spinal column, etc.
  • Myelography (sign up). With its help, spinal hernias are detected.
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging. With their help, you can identify diseases of the spine that can lead to pain in the lungs.
Most often, a regular survey X-ray is prescribed, and if technically possible, it can be replaced with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Myelography is rarely prescribed, since the method is complex and dangerous, since it is associated with the need to introduce contrast agent into the spinal canal.

When pain in the lungs appears as a result of any injury, the doctor will prescribe a chest x-ray to identify existing cracks, fractures and other bone damage. X-rays can be replaced by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, if technically possible.

When pain in the lungs is combined with a clear focus of pain at any point on the rib, sometimes with low-grade or high body temperature and severe intoxication (weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, etc.), intensifies or appears during inhalations, exhalations and coughing radiates to the arm, neck or spine, the doctor may order the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test;
  • Blood test for syphilis (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of the pleural cavity;
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Fluorography of the chest;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Bronchoscopy;
  • Thoracoscopy;
  • Puncture of the pleural cavity or chest bones;
  • Biopsy of the lungs, bronchi, and chest bones.
As a rule, the doctor prescribes almost all the examinations from the list, but first of all, general and biochemical blood tests, a blood test for syphilis, ultrasound of the pleural cavity, X-ray and chest fluorography are performed. If technically possible, x-rays and fluorography can be replaced by tomography. Bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, puncture and biopsy of chest tissue are prescribed only after receiving the results of previous examinations if they indicate the presence of a malignant tumor or cyst.

When pain in the lungs is caused by neuroses, the doctor may prescribe widest spectrum tests and examinations, trying to identify a non-existent pathology. In such cases, diagnosis begins with general blood and urine tests, chest X-ray, tomography, sputum analysis, and then the doctor prescribes more and more new examinations, trying to identify the disease. But when the results of all studies show the absence of pathology that can cause pain in the lungs, the patient will be diagnosed with “neurosis” and consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist is recommended. Some experienced doctors “identify” neurotics without examinations, and try to immediately refer such patients to a specialist of the appropriate profile without conducting tests, tests, etc., since he simply does not need them.

When the pain in the lungs is of a pulling or stabbing nature, combined with elevated body temperature, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, headache, sweating, etc.), a moderate decrease in pressure and rapid heartbeat, the doctor suspects rheumatism and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein and protein fractions, C-reactive protein, rheumatic factor, activity of AST, ALT, lactate dehydrogenase, etc.);
  • Blood test for ASL-O titer (sign up);
  • Auscultation of heart sounds (sign up).
All of the listed tests and examinations are usually prescribed, as they are necessary to identify rheumatic heart disease.

If the pain in the lungs is sharp, shooting, combined with digestive disorders, the doctor suspects a pathology of the gallbladder or stomach and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test;
  • Biochemical blood test (bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT, lactate dehydrogenase, amylase, elastase, lipase, etc.);
  • Revealing Helicobacter pylori in the material collected during FGDS (sign up);
  • The presence of antibodies to Helicobacter Pylori (IgM, IgG) in the blood;
  • Level of pepsinogens and gastrin in blood serum;
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EFGDS);
  • Computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Retrograde cholangiopancreatography;
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity(sign up).
As a rule, first of all a general and biochemical blood test is prescribed, test for the presence of Helicobacter Pylori (sign up), EGD and ultrasound of the abdominal organs, since these examinations and tests make it possible in the vast majority of cases to diagnose peptic ulcer stomach and bile duct pathology. And only if these studies turn out to be uninformative, tomography, cholangiopancreatography, determination of the level of pepsinogens and gastrin in the blood, etc. can be prescribed. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The lungs are the main organ of the human respiratory system and consist of the pleura, bronchi and alveoli united into acini. In this organ, gas exchange of the body takes place: carbon dioxide, unsuitable for its vital functions, passes from the blood into the air, and oxygen received from the outside is carried through the bloodstream throughout all systems of the body. The basic function of the lungs may be impaired due to the development of any disease of the respiratory system or as a result of their damage (wound, accident, etc.). Lung diseases include: pneumonia, abscess, emphysema,.


Bronchitis is a lung disease associated with inflammation of the bronchi, the constituent elements of the lungs. bronchial tree. Most often, the cause of the development of such inflammation is the penetration of a viral or bacterial infection into the body, lack of proper attention to throat diseases, and the ingestion of large amounts of dust and smoke into the lungs. For most people, bronchitis does not pose a serious danger; complications of the disease usually develop in smokers (even passive smokers), people with weakened immune systems, chronic heart and lung diseases, the elderly and young children.

Clinical picture of the beginning acute bronchitis coincides with the regular clinic colds. First of all, a cough appears, then a cough occurs, first dry, then with sputum discharge. An increase in temperature may also occur. If left untreated, the inflammation can spread to the entire lung and cause pneumonia. Treatment of acute bronchitis is carried out with the use of anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs, expectorants, and drinking plenty of fluids. If the cause of the disease is bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. Chronic bronchitis does not develop against the background of incompletely cured acute form, as is the case with many diseases. Its cause may be prolonged irritation of the bronchi by smoke, chemicals. This pathology occurs in smokers or people working in hazardous industries. Main symptom chronic form bronchitis - cough with sputum discharge. Elimination of the disease is facilitated by changing lifestyle, quitting smoking, and ventilating the work area. To relieve symptoms, bronchodilators are prescribed - special drugs, promoting the expansion of the respiratory tract and facilitating breathing, inhalation. During exacerbation, treatment with antibiotics or corticosteroids is recommended.


Alveolitis is an inflammation of lung tissue with its subsequent degeneration into connective tissue. This disease should not be confused with alveolitis, which occurs after poor-quality tooth extraction. The main cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the lungs can be: allergies, infections, inhalation of toxic substances. The disease can be recognized by such signs as: headache and muscle pain, fever, aching bones, chills, shortness of breath, cough. Lack of treatment for pulmonary alveolitis leads to the development of respiratory failure. Measures to eliminate the main signs of the disease depend on the cause of its occurrence. In case of allergic alveolitis, the patient’s interaction with the allergen should be excluded and an antiallergic drug should be taken. At elevated temperature It is recommended to take antipyretic drugs, in case of severe cough - antitussives, expectorants. Quitting cigarettes promotes rapid recovery.


Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that occurs independently or as a complication of certain diseases of the respiratory system. Some types of pneumonia do not pose a danger to humans, while other types can be fatal. Lung infection is the most dangerous for newborns due to their still fragile immunity. The main symptoms of the disease are: high fever, chills, chest pain, aggravated by deep breath, dry cough, blue lips, headaches, excessive sweating. The most common complications of pneumonia include: inflammation of the lining of the lungs (pleurisy), abscess, difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema. Diagnosis of the disease is based on the results of a chest x-ray and blood test. Treatment can be prescribed only after its causative agent has been identified. Depending on what caused the pneumonia (fungus or virus), antifungal or antibacterial drugs are prescribed medicines. In case of extreme heat, it is recommended to take antipyretic drugs (no more than three days in a row). Developing as a result of an infectious lesion of the lungs respiratory failure requires oxygen therapy.

Lung abscess

An abscess is an inflammation of a separate area of ​​the lung with the accumulation of a certain amount of pus in it. The accumulation of pus in the lung in most cases is observed against the background of the development of pneumonia. Predisposing factors may be: smoking, alcohol abuse, taking certain medical supplies, tuberculosis, drug addiction. Signs of the development of the disease are: severe cough, chills, nausea, fever, sputum with minor blood. The fever that occurs with a lung abscess usually cannot be relieved with conventional antipyretics. The disease requires treatment with large doses of antibiotics, since the drug must penetrate not just into the body, but also into the very source of inflammation and destroy its main pathogen. In some cases, drainage of the abscess is required, that is, removal of pus from it using a special syringe needle inserted into the lung through the chest. If all measures to eliminate the disease have not brought the desired result, the abscess is removed surgically.


Pulmonary emphysema is called chronic disease associated with impairment of basic lung function. The reason for the development of this pathology is chronic bronchitis, as a result of which the processes of breathing and gas exchange in human lungs are disrupted. The main symptoms of the disease: difficulty breathing or complete inability to breathe, turning blue skin, shortness of breath, widening of the intercostal spaces and supraclavicular region. Emphysema develops slowly, and at first its symptoms are almost invisible. Dyspnea usually occurs only when there is excessive physical activity, as the disease progresses, this symptom is observed more and more often, then it begins to bother the patient, even when he is in a state of complete rest. The result of the development of emphysema is disability. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment at the initial stage of the disease. In most cases, patients are prescribed antibiotics, drugs that dilate the bronchi and have an expectorant effect, breathing exercises, and oxygen therapy. Full recovery This is only possible if you follow all doctor’s instructions and stop smoking.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a disease caused by a specific microorganism - Koch's bacillus, which enters the lungs along with the air containing it. Infection occurs through direct contact with a carrier of the disease. There are open and closed forms of tuberculosis. The second occurs most often. Open form tuberculosis means that the carrier of the disease is able to excrete its pathogen along with sputum and transmit it to other people. With closed tuberculosis, a person is a carrier of the infection, but is not able to transmit it to others. The signs of this form of tuberculosis are usually very vague. In the first months from the onset of infection, the infection does not manifest itself in any way; much later, general weakness of the body, fever, and weight loss may appear. Treatment for tuberculosis should be started as early as possible. This is the key to saving a person’s life. To achieve optimal results, treatment is carried out using several anti-tuberculosis drugs at once. His goal is in this case is the complete destruction of the Koch bacillus present in the patient’s body. Most often these are prescribed medicines, such as ethambutol, isoniazid, rifampicin. Throughout the entire treatment period, the patient is in inpatient conditions specialized department of a medical clinic.

Lungs - important element respiratory system. Any lung disease makes the bronchi and trachea vulnerable, causing pathological, irreversible phenomena.

Therefore, even minor symptoms associated with lung problems should be a reason to seek medical help from specialists. Diseases may develop life threatening sick.


Lung diseases are united into a large group of various pathologies of the respiratory tract, which have their own characteristics and manifestations. But the signs of respiratory tract diseases in the initial stages are practically no different from each other. They can only have a different duration of flow and intensity.

List of main features:

  • Patients experience coughing, which is accompanied by attacks of suffocation. This pulmonary cough is easy to distinguish from that observed during a cold;
  • A person coughs up phlegm. There may be an admixture of pus;
  • Patients have decreased appetite;
  • Spasms are felt in the sternum;
  • The disease is accompanied by high temperature, fever and chills;
  • Possible dizziness;
  • The patient feels a loss of strength;
  • Increased sweat production is observed;
  • Performance is greatly reduced;
  • Rare or rapid breathing may occur;
  • When listening, wheezing and whistling are observed;
  • There is shortness of breath;
  • Chest pain.

These are the main syndromes for respiratory diseases.

Only a qualified specialist performs diagnostics and selects treatment regimens. He selects a list from a person various symptoms, which confirm respiratory disease. And only taking into account all the indicators of examining patients and their symptoms, having established the cause of the lung disease, is adequate treatment prescribed.


A pulmonologist deals with diseases of the respiratory tract. He studies all the signs, finds out what other symptoms the patient has, and finds out whether there were problems with the lungs before. Conducts diagnostics to determine the factors that provoked the disease.

TO common reasons include:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Living in unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • Functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • Chronic diseases associated with the bronchi.


Any disease associated with a disorder of the respiratory system is classified quite difficult. The problem is that the disease can cause pathologies not only in the lungs, but also in the bronchi and other organs. Infectious lesions often provoke pulmonary diseases.

The general classification of diseases is as follows:

Diseases affecting the alveoli

  1. Pneumonia. This is a pulmonary infection that causes inflammation. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting, since the lung disease progresses rapidly and requires constant monitoring of the patient.
  2. Tuberculosis. Lung damage is observed. If you do not consult a doctor promptly, it causes death in 90% of cases.
  3. Pulmonary edema. This is a pulmonary disease in which fluid is pumped into the lungs, causing serious inflammation. She has severe consequences and causes swelling.
  4. Cancer. This is a fatal form of the disease. Therefore it is very important when the slightest symptoms begin treatment under the supervision of a specialist. One of the main signs is a cough containing blood.
  5. Silicosis. This is a disease associated with professional activity. She is developing long time and is characterized by heavy breathing with a constant cough.
  6. Acute respiratory syndrome. The disease is quite rare and incurable.

Diseases that negatively affect the pleura and chest:

Hereditary diseases

This name is due to the fact that this type diseases are inherited from parents to children or congenital pathologies are observed.

Description of types:

  1. Bronchial asthma
  2. Primary dyskinzia
  3. Fibrosis
  4. Hemosidirosis
Pulmonary hemosiderosis

All these diseases are most often provoked by infection. Prevention is important for this category of people pulmonary diseases With early years life.

Suppurative diseases

Patients are interested in the question of why diseases are called this way. This is due to the fact that all types of pathologies are characterized by purulent inflammation that damage organs.

Suppurative diseases are divided into 3 types:

The names of the diseases indicate that they occurred in the womb pathological changes organs.

This group includes:

  1. Aplasia is a pathology in which part of an organ is missing.
  2. Agenesis - with complete absence respiratory organ.
  3. Hypoplasia, in which complete underdevelopment of the respiratory system is diagnosed.
  4. Tracheobronchohemalia, in which there is a violation of the distance between the bronchi and the trachea.
  5. The azygos vein, which divides the right lung.
  6. The accessory lobe, where there is excess lung tissue.
  7. Stenosis, where the bronchi and trachea are narrowed.
  8. Sequestration, in which the lung tissue has its own blood circulation.

This category of disease is diagnosed by performing an ultrasound of the fetus. It is important for parents to know what the diagnosis is called so that effective therapy can be carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist.


It is the diagnosis that will allow you to choose adequate treatment.

If there is any suspicion of lung disease, the patient should undergo the following procedures:


Rules preventive measures are simple:

  • It's important to lead healthy image life.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Temper the body.
  • Visit a pulmonologist 1-2 times a year.
  • If possible, relax on the sea coast.


Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that studies diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Not long ago it was called pneumology.

Pulmonology is a broad field of medicine consisting of various sections. Main directions:

  • study is not specific diseases(inflammatory, allergic, obstructive, etc.);
  • study of specific diseases (for example, pulmonary tuberculosis);
  • studying occupational diseases;
  • study of tumor processes.

Pulmonology works closely with other specialties, especially resuscitation and intensive care, since after surgical intervention and in severe cases many patients require artificial ventilation lungs (connection to the device artificial respiration).

Diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs are significantly common throughout the world. Our lifestyle, environment and genetic factors have caused an increase in the incidence of reported diseases.

Bronchopulmonary system consists of the following structural formations: the respiratory tract, through which air enters, and the lungs. The respiratory tract is divided into upper (nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx) and lower (trachea, bronchi and bronchioles). They are responsible for performing the following functions:

  • conducting air from the atmosphere to the lungs;
  • purification of air from pollutants;
  • protection of the lungs (microorganisms, dust, foreign particles, etc. settle on the bronchial mucosa and are removed);
  • warming and humidification of incoming air.

The nose is the main defender of the respiratory system. It humidifies and warms the air, traps microorganisms and harmful substances, and he is also able to sense various odors and is responsible for the sense of smell.

Sinuses are confined spaces filled with air.

The pharynx is the organ in which the large number lymph nodes, the largest of which are the tonsils. Lymphatic tissue protects the body from various microorganisms.

The larynx follows immediately after the pharynx. It contains the glottis and ligaments.

The lower respiratory tract is a hollow elastic tube of varying diameters, the largest of which is the trachea. They smoothly pass into the lungs.

The lungs are formations consisting of many interconnected sacs (alveoli) filled with air. They resemble bunches of grapes. The main function is gas exchange, namely the supply of oxygen into the bloodstream and the release of waste gases, especially carbon dioxide.

Causes of diseases

Only a qualified specialist can tell you the name of the lung disease in your case and determine the cause of its occurrence. Most often, these are microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi). Allergic reactions, genetic abnormalities, hypothermia can also cause lung diseases.

The names of lung diseases are often compiled based on the reason for their occurrence (for example, the ending “-itis” indicates inflammatory processes, "oz-" - about degenerative, etc.).

Risk factors:

  • poor environment;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease;
  • chronic infections;
  • stress.


Pulmonologists know everything about what lung diseases are. Nowadays there is no single generally accepted classification. The list of lung diseases is quite wide. It is compiled based on several characteristics and parameters. According to the signs manifested in the patient, there are the following types lung diseases:

  • obstructive (difficulty in exhaling air);
  • restrictive (difficulty breathing).

According to the location of the damage, the following list of lung diseases is compiled:

  • respiratory tract diseases. This pathology is caused by compression or blockage of the airways. These include asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis;
  • lung tissue diseases. This group of diseases damages lung tissue, preventing it from fully functioning and expanding, making it difficult for patients to breathe in and out. These include fibrosis and sarcoidosis;
  • diseases of the pulmonary circulatory system. This is defeat blood vessels. It affects gas exchange.

Many diseases are a combination of these types (for example, asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cancer, pneumonia, pneumothorax, etc.).

You can make a list of lung diseases based on the degree of prevalence of the pathology - local and diffuse lesions. Infectious diseases lungs, as a rule, cause local changes. Diffuse are associated with other external and internal reasons.

The list of lung diseases can be compiled according to the nature of their course - acute or chronic processes. But it is quite difficult to classify lung diseases according to this principle, since some acute processes can quickly cause a tragic outcome, and sometimes they are asymptomatic and immediately turn into chronic pathology.


Exists huge amount diseases of the respiratory system. So what are the most common symptoms of lung disease?

Diagnosis and treatment

After watching a video of lung disease, everyone should understand the seriousness of the pathology, because without proper breathing there is no life. Many upon appearance characteristic symptoms start browsing websites and looking for what types of lung diseases there are. As a result, they prescribe their own treatment.

Remember: self-medication can only bring temporary benefits. It causes severe harm to the entire body, since only a doctor can carry out a full diagnosis.

In addition to collecting complaints and external examination, the doctor uses additional diagnostic methods: X-ray, CT, bronchography, fluorography. After receiving the examination results, the pulmonologist makes a final diagnosis and draws up a treatment plan.

All treatment should be comprehensive, individual and step-by-step. Don’t let the complicated names of lung diseases scare you, because if you follow all the doctor’s instructions, your chances of recovery are maximum.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the cause of the disease, symptoms, severity of the condition and the presence of complications. After analyzing the data obtained, the pulmonologist prescribes certain medications that help reduce pain, act on the cause of its appearance, restore the functionality of the lungs, remove clinical manifestations(cough, shortness of breath, etc.).

After subsiding acute period(decrease in temperature, absence of weakness, etc.) physiotherapy, a certain diet, daily routine are prescribed, spa treatment.

In the absence positive results from conservative therapy resort to surgical methods of treatment.
