How many valerian tablets can you take at a time to calm down and sleep well? Valerian overdose

Most of us live in a constant state of stress, and we have to somehow deal with it. One of the most popular means for calming is an infusion of valerian. This is perhaps the most harmless sedative medicinal product, which is extremely popular, especially among people who, for certain reasons, cannot take other medications.

Despite this, valerian infusion (valerian) is, first of all, a medicine; accordingly, if taken incorrectly, overdoses can occur, which can even be dangerous.

Valerian root: beneficial properties

Valerian infusion is a medicine that is in almost every first aid kit, along with bandages, iodine and brilliant green. The tincture is made from the root of the plant and alcohol. On pharmacy shelves there are various shapes drug, it can be dry herbs, tablets or vials with tincture. Each of these forms will have different effects.

Valerian can relieve spasms and convulsions by relaxing muscles, reduce excitability, regulate heart function and restore coronary circulation. But the most important effect of the drug is to calm the nervous system.

Valerian drops: instructions for use

According to the nomenclature, valerian rhizome (pharmacological name) belongs to the class of herbal sedatives, that is, sedatives. In addition to its sedative effect, valerian has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of organs digestive tract and urinary system.

In addition, taking valerian facilitates the onset of natural sleep. With long-term and systematic use of the drug, a hypotensive effect is observed, choleretic effect and etc.

The main indications for use of the drug is the need to take sedatives, for example, with increased nervous excitability, insomnia. Valerian is also prescribed as part of combination therapy for the treatment of migraines, hysterical conditions, renal and hepatic colic, etc.

Like any medicine, valerian has a number of contraindications. First of all this increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, childhood age up to one year or 12 years (depending on the form of release), pregnancy (first trimester) and breastfeeding.

How should I take the drug?

  • The dose of the drug is calculated individually, depending on the desired result and general condition patient. Typically, the drug is taken 3-4 times a day, in the form of a decoction, 30 minutes after meals. Adult dosage: 2 - 3 tbsp.
  • The tincture is taken 20 - 30 drops, also 3 - 4 times a day - adult dosage, for children over 12 years old, the tincture can be taken 1 drop per year of life, that is, starting from 12 and so on.
  • During the period of taking the drug, special care must be taken when driving vehicles and doing activities that require increased concentration attention, speed of psychomotor reaction.

What happens if you drink a lot of valerian: signs of overdose

Based on the fact that valerian is a sedative, calming drug, the first sign of an overdose will be excessive lethargy and complete indifference to others. The drug has a cumulative effect, that is, in order to get rid of stress and get the effect, you need to take it for several weeks. If drowsiness and calmness come literally immediately, this is an obvious overdose.

Symptoms of overdose may also include disorders gastrointestinal tract, which will be caused by a relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles. As side effects There may be loose stools and even diarrhea; vomiting spasms are less frequently recorded.

It is worth remembering that in large doses, valerian extract can have the opposite effect - hyperexcitation. This condition will be accompanied by an increase blood pressure, temperature and excessive excitability.

Restless behavior of a child, crying of a baby, whims - this always makes parents worry. And sometimes, after prolonged crying, they begin to think about more serious measures than persuasion or affection. As a rule, when choosing sedatives for a child, parents give their preference to herbal preparations- valerian or motherwort. But is it possible to give such medicines to children?

One of the most available forms The drug is an infusion of the root (alcohol), and according to the instructions for use, age restrictions are clearly stated - no earlier than 12 years! The second, no less common form of release is tablets. According to the recommendations, they can be given to a baby only after one year, and only after consultation with a specialist.

It is noteworthy that the instructions for use do not indicate dosage data depending on the age or weight of the child. But doctors recommend taking ¼ tablet for children under 6 years of age, and after this age half a tablet. This can be explained by the fact that 6 year old child, the nervous system is not yet perfect, has not become stronger, and the effect of taking sedatives can be completely unpredictable. At an older age, the child’s body begins to respond to sedatives more adequately.

Is there an alternative to valerian for children?

Many pediatricians and neurologists are simply confident that in most cases it is possible to avoid regular use of sedatives. If the child behaved calmly throughout the day, but became hysterical in the evening, this does not indicate a weakness of the nervous system. To avoid such situations, you just need to change the baby’s daily routine and adhere to the correct regime.

Long walks may be an alternative to sedatives. proper nutrition, with special attention in the evening. In most cases, parents need sedatives in order to calmly react to the child’s age-related behavior and calmly pass through age-related crises.

An overdose of valerian tablets can occur when a person drinks too much of them at once, expecting to get a sedative or hypnotic effect, but not feeling any improvement, takes the drug again. As a result, valerian still does not work, since it is effective only with long-term use, and due to an overdose, the state of health worsens.

Despite the fact that such yellow tablets with valerian are considered very safe, if the rules for their use are violated, they can cause undesirable consequences

An overdose can also occur when valerian is taken at the recommended dose for a long time. In this case, to normalize well-being, stopping the medication may be sufficient, whereas in case of an overdose caused by taking a large number of tablets at one time, urgent measures are necessary.

Valerian is a low-toxic drug, but a large dose can cause poisoning, intoxication of the body and dysfunction internal organs. Overdose is most dangerous for young children and pregnant women.

In what cases does an overdose of valerian occur?

The maximum daily dose of the drug for an adult is 200 mg of valerian extract. Take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. It should be taken into account that the amount of active ingredients in one tablet different drugs Valerian can vary greatly. Some contain only 20 mg, others - 40 mg, and still others - all 200 mg. Therefore, if one drug is prescribed 2 tablets 3 times a day, then if another drug is taken in such quantities, an overdose may occur. To prevent this, be sure to read the instructions before starting treatment.

Some valerian preparations are prohibited for children

The most common valerian preparations are produced in the following dosages:

  • 1 tablet of Valerian Extract produced by Arterium contains 20 mg active substance. They drink 1-2 pieces 3-4 times a day;
  • Valerian tablet produced by Sopharma contains 30 mg active ingredients. The recommended dose is 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day;
  • Valerian Forte (Arterium) tablet contains 40 mg of active ingredients. They are taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day;
  • Belmed Valerian tablet contains 200 mg of powdered roots and rhizomes of the plant. This drug is prescribed 1 tablet one to three times a day, but it is not recommended to take the medicine without a doctor’s prescription.

In rare cases, a doctor may prescribe valerian to a patient in a dosage of up to 3 grams per day. However, you cannot take such large doses on your own. When consuming how much of the drug an overdose occurs depends on the individual sensitivity of the person.

Valerian is a low-toxic drug, and its lethal dose has not been established, that is, it is not known whether a person can die from drinking valerian tablets. To date, there are no documented cases of death caused by an overdose of valerian tablets. However, its consequences may be serious violations in the functioning of internal organs, in which the patient will need hospitalization and qualified medical care.

On a note

There is a known case of overdose when a young man at the age of 18 deliberately took 50 tablets of valerian. They corresponded to 23 grams of active substance. Half an hour after taking the medicine, the teenager developed severe weakness, tremors in the arms and legs, nausea and chest pain. After the rendered medical care The patient's condition returned to normal, and after 24 hours all symptoms disappeared. The diagnostic results showed that the drug overdose did not provoke serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.

An overdose of valerian is also possible with long-term use at the recommended dose. In most cases, the course of treatment lasts from 10 days to a month. It is undesirable to take the drug for longer, since side effects may occur when a large amount of active substances accumulates in the body. If you need to drink valerian for longer, after a month of taking it, take a week’s break, and then continue treatment.

Since valerian enhances the effect of sedatives, hypnotics and antispasmodics, you cannot take it with them. In these cases, there is also a risk of overdose.

What may be the symptoms of an overdose?

In case of an overdose of valerian, its main effects may be enhanced, and side or opposite effects may appear.

The most common symptoms are:

If any of these symptoms appear, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Why is an overdose of valerian dangerous?

Taking too many valerian tablets at one time may cause severe poisoning and intoxication of the body. In difficult cases, the victim may fall asleep soundly, while his blood pressure and pulse may drop significantly, and his breathing may become shallow and weak. This condition is life-threatening, so the patient requires urgent hospitalization.

With less severe intoxication, the drug can also provoke a decrease in blood pressure to critical values. This is especially dangerous for people with hypotension. In some cases, the effect of valerian may be the opposite, and the pressure, on the contrary, will increase. In addition, there is a risk of heart rhythm disturbances.

Provide significant negative impact Valerian can affect internal organs only with constant use in extremely high doses. Numerous studies have proven the low toxicity of the drug. During tests conducted on animals, it was found that regular intake of valerian at a dose of 4 grams per 1 kilogram of weight leads to toxic damage to liver cells and the development of diseases. Also in this case damage occurs bone marrow. IN medicinal purposes Such doses of the drug are not used.

How to help a victim at home

If overdose symptoms appear during long-term use of valerian, it is recommended to stop treatment. In this case, you should consult a doctor who, if necessary, will replace the drug with another one.

In case of overdose caused by a single dose large quantity tablets (more than 200 mg of active ingredients) in the first half hour it makes sense to induce vomiting. This is relevant only when the drug was taken no more than 10-15 minutes ago and has not yet had time to be absorbed. Children under 5 years of age, pregnant women and people with cardiovascular diseases should not intentionally induce vomiting.

In case of a slight overdose, when there is no bright severe symptoms, it is recommended to drink a lot of water to cleanse the body. Also sometimes taken Activated carbon or other sorbent preparations. You should not drink milk or carbonated drinks.

Mild poisoning usually causes a feeling of nausea. It’s good to go outside and breathe fresh air and drink a few glasses of water.

When taking tablets whose amount of active ingredient significantly exceeds the recommended amount daily dose, you need to call immediately ambulance. This is especially important if a child or pregnant woman drank valerian.

What do they do in the hospital in case of intoxication?

In the clinic, a patient with intoxication can undergo gastric and intestinal lavage, and in difficult cases, hemodialysis or hemofiltration. If necessary, carry out resuscitation measures and others healing procedures to stabilize the patient's condition.

When the victim’s life is not in danger, he is prescribed droppers or special drugs in drinking form to restore the water and electrolyte balance in the body. The patient also undergoes laboratory and instrumental studies, based on the results of which the need for further treatment is determined.

Useful video: what to do at the first signs of poisoning

Happens in life different situations: we are nervous, worried, frustrated. How to avoid sleep problems and ensure feeling normal without loss of performance? Of course, we resort to the help of sedatives. In this article you will learn:

  • what impact does it have?
  • indications for its use and contraindications;
  • possible side effects and much more.

To begin with, it is important to note that this medicine Available in two forms (tablets and tincture). Today we will talk about valerian tablets. Instructions, reviews, price and other issues will be covered in the article.


The drug contains the following components:

  • valerian extract;
  • magnesium carbonate;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • gelatin.

The active ingredient is valerian extract. The remaining components are auxiliary. Please note that this drug enhances the effects of:

  • sedative tablets;
  • sleeping pills;
  • antispasmodics.

Be sure to tell your doctor what else you are taking.

Release form

Before we answer the question of how many valerian tablets you can take at a time, you need to get acquainted with the release form. Buy tablets only from specialized stores(pharmacies), avoid counterfeits.

You can buy valerian extract in packs of ten or fifty tablets; they are yellow or brown in color.

pharmachologic effect

How to take valerian tablets? Let's start with the fact that valerian extract is made from medicinal plant. You can see it in the photo below. Another name for this plant is “cat grass”, it is obtained due to its specific effect on the behavior of these domestic animals.

Valerian tablets are made from raw materials plant origin. The drug has a mild calming effect on the body. This is due to the fact that it contains essential oil, valerine and hotenin. As a result, a prolonged sedative effect is observed.

Under the influence of the drug the following processes occur:

  • slowing down reactions in the cerebral cortex;
  • increased synthesis and secretion of GABA.

This effect is achieved as a result of the combined action of the substances that make up Valerian.

Consequences of taking:

  • facilitating the onset of natural sleep;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • choleretic effect;
  • activation of secretory activity of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • slow heart rate;
  • dilatation of coronary vessels.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Currently, there is very little information on the pharmacokinetics of the drug. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to identify the onset of action of valerian. When answering the question of how long it takes for valerian tablets to act, one can only rely on observations of the concentration of valeric acid in human blood. Studies have shown that after oral administration 600 mg of dry valerian extract, the highest concentration of acid is observed after an hour, maximum two.

It is important to note here that the pharmacokinetics do not change with repeated administration of the drug.


In this section we will note the indications for the use of valerian. These include:

  • strong nervous excitement;
  • insomnia;
  • problems falling asleep;
  • migraine;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • gastrointestinal spasms.

Please note that in the last two cases, taking valerian alone will not help. This drug is used in complex treatment. How many valerian tablets can you take at a time? It is recommended to take one or two tablets. The number of doses per day should not exceed three. Before using the drug, you should consult with your doctor, who will inform you about all the features of administration and dosage.

What else is worth paying attention to? "Valerian" is a fairly common sedative for people with normal pressure just take a couple of tablets before bed (for falling asleep quickly) and a couple of tablets in the morning for wellness. People suffering from low blood pressure should take the pills with extreme caution.


In this section we will get acquainted with contraindications to the use of this drug. Many women are interested in the question: can pregnant women drink valerian tablets? After all, anxiety, stress, bad dream are frequent companions in the lives of pregnant women. So, you should avoid taking it in the first trimester of pregnancy. What other contraindications are there? These include:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • children's age (up to three years);
  • fructose intolerance;
  • deficiency of lactose, sucrose, isomaltase.

As for the second and third trimester of pregnancy, before taking it, you need to consult a doctor who is managing the pregnancy.

Side effects

We mentioned earlier how many valerian tablets you can take at a time, focusing on indications and contraindications. Now we need to focus on possible side effects. Since this drug is made from natural ingredients, it is usually well tolerated. After application the following changes are noticeable:

  • headaches and heart pain go away;
  • the person calms down;
  • general well-being improves;
  • sleep returns to normal.

You should not expect an immediate effect; it will become noticeable only after completing the course of treatment. But you should not take the drug for a long time and in large quantities, because this increases the chances of side effects or an overdose. The first include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance;
  • in some cases, constipation is possible.

An overdose of valerian tablets can lead to serious health problems. This issue will be discussed in detail a little later.

Directions for use and dosage

In this section you can learn how to take valerian tablets. In the instructions for this drug It is indicated that the medicine should be taken no more than three times a day. How many valerian tablets can you take at a time? It is recommended to take no more than two tablets at a time. You should drink them strictly after meals.

If necessary, the doctor can adjust the dosage, but this should not be done if the patient suffers from impaired liver and kidney function. The duration of treatment should not exceed four weeks to avoid overdose. The course of treatment with this drug can be repeated after a short interval of time.

Please note that there are other types of valerian, for example, Bulgarian or brown. The dosage should be determined by the attending physician. The attending physician should also tell you how and in what quantities this drug should be used for certain diseases and suggest a regimen.


This section will be entirely devoted to the issue of overdose of valerian tablets. What symptoms can a person experience:

  • drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • other dysfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • bradycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • dilated pupils;
  • tremors in the hands;
  • dizziness.

Please note that such serious disorders as bradycardia and arrhythmia can only be observed with serious overdoses (20 times the norm prescribed in the instructions for use). Lethal dose is not indicated in the instructions, since it completely depends on the general health of the person.

If these symptoms appear, you need to do the following actions: completely stop taking the drug, do a gastric lavage within three hours (drink a liter clean water and induce vomiting), take a drug with a sorbing effect. The latter include Smecta and Polysorb. Please note that the stomach should not be rinsed for people who took the drug more than three hours ago. If a child under three years of age has been poisoned, this manipulation is contraindicated.

Among sedatives, valerian extract occupies a leading position as the most harmless remedy without side effects. It is made from plant materials and is produced in the form of tablets, dragees, and solutions.

Valerian tincture contains not only the components of the plant root, but also alcohol. Any client can purchase the drug at the pharmacy without a prescription. Half an hour after taking the pill or pill, calm sets in and the person relaxes. Valerian can regulate the functioning of the heart muscle, relieve spasms and convulsions, and normalize coronary circulation.

The drug is prescribed within two hundred milligrams per day.

But as with any medicine, an overdose of valerian is dangerous to human life.

Therefore, it is so important to know how much extract you need to take so as not to harm your health, and what consequences an overdose causes.

Consequences of abuse of valerian root extract

Having a cumulative effect, the drug after long-term use causes the patient constant drowsiness, combined with indifference to the environment. In some cases, the effect may be the opposite - excessive excitability, increased blood pressure and even body temperature. By relaxing the smooth muscles of the intestines, the drug causes disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, weakening of stools, and diarrhea.

An overdose of valerian tincture in drops or tablets causes headaches, discomfort in the heart area, the patient sleeps poorly, and is bothered by unreasonable fears. Some of the signs of poisoning are dilated pupils and trembling hands. Mixing sedatives with alcohol is especially dangerous to health. But we must not forget that the components of the medicine affect each person differently. Therefore, if for someone ten sedative tablets are considered an overdose, for others it is the norm.

When is an overdose of valerian possible?

Intoxication with valerian is possible under the following conditions:

  • Enthusiasm sedative gradually inhibits the cerebral cortex. Some patients are impressed by this relaxed state and continue to take the medicine, which slowly poisons the body;
  • The risk of valerian poisoning increases for people with chronic alcoholism, drug addiction. This is especially true for the use of alcoholic infusion of valerian root. Available medicine causes their heart rate to slow down, cardiac dysfunction;
  • Patients with mental disorders can use valerian as a means to help one die;
  • Older people are especially addicted to mindless dosing sedative, drinking a lot of medicine even with minor anxiety;
  • Children may accidentally drink a lot of pills if the medicine is in plain sight.

Only following the instructions for use of the drug and the recommendations of the attending physician will help to avoid negative consequences sedative overdose.

What to do if an overdose of valerian is detected

First aid for patients with a drug overdose consists of gastric lavage to induce vomiting. To do this, you will need to drink two to three liters of water with the addition of potassium permanganate or soda. Further therapy should be aimed at relieving negative symptoms.

Medical elimination of signs of poisoning with valerian tincture or tablets is the main goal of therapy:

Which folk remedies will help with valerian poisoning:

  • Mild symptoms of valerian overdose can be relieved by a dill decoction with the addition of honey. To do this, add a tablespoon of fresh dill herb or half a teaspoon of seeds to a glass of honey drink. Boil for five minutes. Take a tablespoon three to four times a day;
  • Ten crushed peeled licorice roots are poured into three glasses of water and boiled over low heat until the solution is reduced to a glass. Take a tablespoon before meals;
  • A good antidote for any poisoning is milk, which will help induce vomiting and cleanse the body of excess toxins.

How to prevent a subsequent sedative overdose

  1. When taking any medication, it is important to consult a specialist about correct dosage. Only a doctor can tell you how much to take a sedative to relieve anxiety and restore cardiac activity. You should not exceed the norm, otherwise the body’s actions will be completely opposite to those desired.
  2. Proper storage of medicine plays a big role in the prevention of poisoning in children and elderly people with mental disorders. Tincture and valerian root in tablets should be kept in a first aid kit, out of reach of others.
  3. People suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction should be monitored so that alcohol infusion the plants did not fall into their hands and did not cause undesirable consequences.

Caring for yourself and your loved ones will help you avoid an overdose of even such a seemingly harmless drug as valerian root extract.

An overdose of valerian is possible if such a drug is used incorrectly. The medicine is used as a sedative; if the dosage is exceeded, it can provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and dysfunction of internal organs. What to do in case of overdose?


Valerian is a medicine based on an extract of the valerian herb. It is found in the form of an alcohol solution (taken in drops) or tablets. It is also possible to purchase the herb in dried form in pharmacies and use it to prepare a medicinal decoction.

Valerian is available without a prescription or prescription, has a low cost, and is therefore popular with many people.

What effect does the drug have on the human body? Correct Application gives only a positive effect.


  • Has a depressing effect on nervous system, helps to calm and relax a person, causes a desire to sleep.
  • Vasodilation occurs heartbeat is getting slower
  • There is a relaxation of the muscle tissue in the abdomen, urinary system,
  • Blood pressure decreases,
  • Spasmodic manifestations in the digestive tract are relieved,
  • The secretion of gastric juice increases.

Thus, the use of valerian helps to calm and relax a person.

In what cases is medication prescribed? Experts identify situations when it is necessary to use valerian.


  1. Pain in the head, migraine symptoms,
  2. Panic attacks,
  3. Stress, depression,
  4. Intense excitement,
  5. Disruptions in the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac system,
  6. Sleep problems caused by pathologies of the nervous system.

How much to drink to overdose?

How much medication do you need to take for an overdose of valerian tablets to occur? The norm for adults is to take no more than 200 mg. This amount implies taking up to two tablets three times every twenty-four hours.

An alcohol solution of valerian is consumed thirty drops up to four times a day.

Is it possible to die from a drug overdose? The risk of death is present in the presence of intolerance to the components, which may result in the occurrence of anaphylactic shock. Not recommended for use alcohol solution drivers of vehicles to avoid accidents.

Why is an overdose possible? There are several reasons that can provoke the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.


  1. Use of a one-time increased volume of medication. Wanting to get the desired effect, a person increases the number of tablets or drops.
  2. The use of valerian as a means for suicide.
  3. Accidental ingestion of the drug in children who find the drug left in an accessible place.
  4. Simultaneous intake of valerian with alcoholic beverages.

Availability similar reasons can lead to a drug overdose.

Valerian overdose: signs

The first symptoms of poisoning are diagnosed thirty to sixty minutes after taking an increased dosage of the medication. What do you need to pay attention to to determine the presence of valerian intoxication? An overdose is characterized by the presence of specific symptoms.


  • Weakness, lethargy,
  • Head spinning
  • Nausea, vomiting,
  • intestinal disorder,
  • Increased gas formation,
  • Intense headaches that cannot be relieved with medications
  • Slow breathing and heartbeat,
  • Increased pressure,
  • Poor attention, concentration,
  • Lack of consciousness, in severe cases falling into a coma.

In the presence of allergic reactions in case of overdose on top layer The appearance of irritation, itching, and swelling is noted in the epidermis. In severe cases, the development of anaphylactic shock.

At long-term use possible increased excitability and emotionality, sleep disturbance. Alcohol tincture Can be addictive due to the presence of alcohol in it.

First aid and treatment

If signs of overdose are detected, a team of doctors must be called. Before their arrival, the victim is provided with first aid.


  1. Rinse the stomach with large volumes of water, cause vomiting reflex to quickly empty the stomach of toxin.
  2. After cleaning, the victim is given - the medication will help quickly free the stomach and intestines from poison.
  3. In case of an overdose, it is recommended that the patient drink warm tea with sugar; if possible, it can be replaced with a glucose-saline solution.
  4. It is acceptable to use cleansing enemas to accelerate the release of toxic substances.
  5. If the patient is unconscious, it is recommended to give him a cotton swab soaked in ammonia to sniff and try to bring him to his senses.
  6. The overdose victim is given rest, placed on his side, and his condition is monitored until the ambulance arrives.

When is medical help needed?

For any degree of valerian poisoning, treatment is carried out in medical institution. Special attention It is recommended that attention be given to patients whose condition worsens despite measures taken. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are necessarily sent to the hospital.

The medical team will provide first aid to the overdose victim and take him to the toxicology department. A thorough diagnosis is carried out and the most suitable one is selected suitable method therapy.


  • Additional stomach cleansing
  • with medicinal solutions,
  • Prescribing medications to normalize blood pressure and cardiac activity,
  • Taking vitamin complexes.

All actions are aimed at quickly removing the toxin from the body. Duration recovery period depends on the condition of the victim and the severity of the overdose.

Consequences and prevention

In most cases, an overdose of valerian does not lead to serious consequences, but it is possible to develop deviations in the functionality of the systems. Often there is lethargy, impaired concentration and memory. Alcohol tincture with long-term use can lead to the development of dependence on alcohol - pharmacy alcoholism.

Upon provision of timely and the right help valerian will not provoke the development of serious complications. To avoid an overdose, it is recommended to follow the rules of prevention.


  • Do not leave valerian in an accessible place,
  • Monitor the dosage
  • Do not self-medicate.

An overdose of valerian can lead to unpleasant sensations, but at proper treatment will not provoke severe consequences. If signs of intoxication appear, it is recommended to contact a medical facility.

Video: what will happen if you drink a lot of valerian
