Exercises for the cervical spine. Exercises for the cervical spine with photos

Gymnastics for cervical region spine is one of the sections of physical therapy (physical therapy). This is a set of exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the neck muscles, improve metabolism in the vertebral discs and reduce pain.

Spinal pathology leads to numerous complaints. Various symptoms constant pain, the widespread prevalence of spinal diseases is a reason for serious diagnosis, proper treatment and mandatory further prevention. The best method included in the complex preventive measures and treatment is gymnastics for the cervical spine. She plays a major role in complex therapy.

Osteochondrosis is the cause of pain in the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis develops in the cervical region more often than in others. This is due to its anatomy: high mobility of the vertebrae and insignificant thickness intervertebral discs make him vulnerable.

Large neurovascular bundles, passing through it, nourish the brain and are responsible for the innervation of all organs. The basis of osteochondrosis is degenerative changes in intervertebral discs. They become even thinner and their shock-absorbing properties are lost. Sharp turns or other movements lead to pinching of nerves and blood vessels.

At the same time, certain clinical symptoms:

Sharp pain with any movement in this area, accompanied by a crunching sound;

Constant noise in the head and ears;

Dizziness and pain different intensity V different parts heads;

Deterioration of vision;

Promotion blood pressure:

Numb hands.

Test for osteochondrosis

There is a simple test for osteochondrosis:

1. In a standing position with your arms down, lower your head, touching your chin chest.

2. Throw your head back.

3. Tilt your head in one direction, then in the opposite direction, until your ear touches your shoulder.

4. Maximum turns of the head to the right, left. The chin should remain straight.

5. Smooth rotation of the head in both directions alternately.

If problems arise when performing exercises (pain, stiffness of movement), this is a sign of existing osteochondrosis.

Gymnastics for the cervical spine: rules of conduct

Designed to improve muscle functionality special exercises. They are based on increasing and relaxing the tone of the neck muscles. Getting started gymnastic exercises, you need to follow a few rules:

To restore muscle tone and function, it is necessary to make them elastic. To do this, you need to perform the elements smoothly and rhythmically. You cannot make jerks or quick movements - they injure the muscles, straining them.

For gymnastics you need a flat surface.

Each movement is performed three times

You need to exercise daily with increasing load.

Duration: starts at 7 minutes, goes up to half an hour. From 1 to 3 complexes are allowed per day.

It is necessary to monitor your posture - this will increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

If discomfort or pain occurs, it is necessary to reduce the load.

Rotate your head and throw it back with caution - this can cause severe pain. The exercise is performed after consultation with the doctor.


It is necessary to perform gymnastics for the cervical spine in the inactive phase of the disease, when there is no acute pain or limitation of movements.

All these symptoms are contraindicated for exercise: complications may develop and aggravation may intensify.

Contraindications are also oncological diseases, bleeding and thrombosis, circulatory disorders in the cervical spine caused by vertebral instability.

The ultimate goals of gymnastics for the cervical spine

The developed complexes are designed to perform the following tasks and purposes:

Increased vertebral mobility;

Muscle strengthening, providing correct position vertebrae;

Preventing compression of vascular and nerve trunks;

Optimization of metabolism to improve nutrition of intervertebral discs;

Release of endorphins, which increase the overall tone of the body and improve mood.

Neck exercises are recommended to be performed during the period of remission of the disease and to be used not only with therapeutic purpose, but with prophylactic. They are especially indicated for sedentary lifestyles or sedentary work. They are performed in the most gentle manner possible. Can't be allowed heavy loads And reappearance pain.

Set of exercises

Gymnastics is done for the cervical spine while sitting. In this position, maximum relaxation of the back muscles occurs. The execution time of the complex is gradually increased to 20 minutes.

1. Head rotation. Rotate your head alternately and smoothly in one direction, then in the other. At the same time, keep your head level: the movement of the chin occurs in a straight path, parallel to the floor, without lowering it down.

2. Head tilts. It is necessary to smoothly tilt and raise your head up and down. The downward tilt is done smoothly until the chin touches the jugular fossa on the chest. In this case, it is necessary to relax the neck muscles as much as possible. In the lowest position of the head, try to lower it lower with gentle movements.

3. Keeping your head straight, pull your neck back. In this case, the chin should be pulled in.

4. Use your palm to press on your forehead, tilting your head forward and at the same time creating counteraction with your hand.

5. The palm is applied to the temple and pressed, simultaneously creating counteraction with the head. The exercise is done by alternating hands in turns.

6. These exercises can be completed up to 10 times. When they are mastered, they are supplemented with new, more complex ones.

7. In a sitting position, one arm is placed behind the back, the second is thrown on top of the head. Use your hand to tilt your head to the side, holding it in the most extreme position. The same is repeated in the other direction.

8. With the fingers of your right hand resting on your right temple, turn your head in the same direction, trying to see your fingers. Resist turning with your hand. The exercise is alternated in both directions. In the extreme position, pause for 3 seconds and perform at least 10 times.

9. Standing with your arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible and fix them in this position for about 10 seconds. Relax your shoulders while doing deep breath to a pulling sensation in the hands.

10. Perform while lying on the bed with your head hanging down. Alternately done on the back, on the stomach, on the side. The head is held suspended for 10 seconds with the neck muscles tense, then they are relaxed. Number of exercises – 5 times.

11. Lying on your back with your knees bent and your arms hanging along your body, raise your head and hold it as much as possible possible time, then relaxing the muscles.

Dynamic exercises

A course of dynamic exercises has been developed that are effective when performed daily.

In a standing position, raise your arms, stretch your whole body behind them and look at your palms. Exhale – starting position. The next inhalation coincides with moving the right arm to the side and turning the torso.

Inhale - move your elbows to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible, exhale - place your elbows straight.

While inhaling, in a standing position, tilt your torso to the right, head to the left, and while exhaling, raise your arm up. Perform 5 times alternately in both directions.

Stand on your toes, bending your body, while simultaneously raising your arms up. Then, squatting, lower your arms, and as you exhale, touch your forehead to your knees.

All exercises included in the gymnastics complex for the cervical spine, despite the apparent simplicity of their implementation, are therapeutic measures, which can be harmful and cause aggravation if there are any contraindications.

Therefore, before starting exercise therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe an examination and identify pathology that prevents this type of therapy.

Pathological changes in cervical vertebrae develop slowly, gaining strength over the years. Its development can be signaled headache or pain in the shoulder, forearm, hands, numbness, burning, tingling in the hands.

Want to help yourself? On the third or fourth day of illness, when it subsides pain syndrome, get busy special gymnastics, which will help relieve exacerbation and prevent recurrence of attacks.

And the rehabilitation doctor of the multidisciplinary medical consultative and diagnostic center “Izmailovsky” of the Federal State Budgetary Institution NMHC named after. N.I. Pirogova Ministry of Health of Russia Maxim Khokhlov.

Exercise one

Starting position - standing, legs together, arms along the body.

Raise your shoulders up and down. Executes 20 times.

Photo: AiF/ Alexander Izotov

Exercise two

Starting position - standing, legs together, arms along the body. Make circular movements with your shoulders (forward, backward), connecting your shoulder blades. Executes 20 times.

Photo: AiF/ Alexander Izotov

Exercise three

Starting position - standing, legs together, arms spread to the sides, thumb aimed at the ceiling. Grasp your shoulders with your arms on both sides. Your palms should rest on your shoulders and return to their starting position. Executes 20 times.

Photo: AiF/ Alexander Izotov

Exercise four

Starting position - standing leaning forward (bend your lower back), feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down, relaxed. Raise your arms to the sides, bending them and bringing your shoulder blades together. Executes 20 times.

Photo: AiF/ Alexander Izotov

Exercise five

Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arm forward and bend it at the elbow, using your palm to reach the opposite shoulder blade. Place the palm of your other hand on your elbow and make springy movements back and forth. Swap your hands and repeat the same thing. Performed 20 times.

Photo: AiF/ Alexander Izotov

Five steps from osteochondrosis

  1. Properly equip your work and car seat by adjusting it to your height, use bolsters that support your back, and a circular pillow to relax your neck.
  2. Don't talk on the phone with your head pressed against your shoulder while writing something down.
  3. When working for a long time in a sitting position, take a break every hour - get up from the table and walk around the room.
  4. When carrying heavy objects weighing more than 5 kilograms, distribute the load evenly between both hands.
  5. Take chondroprotectors containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which can provide significant support to your spine by stimulating the regeneration of articular cartilage and slowing the progression of the disease.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis occupy a central place in the treatment of the disease.

Exercise #2: the position on the chair is the same. The back is straight. Nod your head forward, try to touch your chest with your chin. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. Such exercises for the neck for osteochondrosis will relax the back cervical muscles and improve your well-being.

Exercise #3: remain sitting on the chair, keeping your back straight. Move your chin forward and backward in a horizontal line without straightening your neck. Do the exercise 12-15 times. These movements perfectly relieve muscle tension if you work in one position for a long time, for example at a computer.

Exercise #4: sit down at the table. Keep your back and neck straight. Place the elbow of one hand on the table. Place the palm of the same hand on your temple. Tilt your head towards the supporting hand and hold for 7-8 seconds, trying to counteract this movement of your palms. Do 10-12 reps. This exercise will perfectly strengthen the lateral muscles of the neck.

Exercise #5: body position is the same. Place your head on the palm of your hand, with your elbow resting on the table. Press your forehead onto your palm, holding for 7-8 seconds, trying to counteract this movement. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. Such gymnastics for the neck will not only strengthen the anterior muscles of the neck, but will form correct posture.

Exercise #6: continue to sit at the table with your back straight. Stretch your arms along your body. Raise your shoulders as high as possible for 10 seconds, do not move your arms away from your body. Do 10-12 reps. With this exercise you can stretch and relax the lateral neck muscles.

Exercise #7: while sitting on a chair, do self-massage to your neck muscles. Gently knead them with your fingers for 4-5 minutes. This self-massage will improve blood flow to the brain and help get rid of headaches.

Exercise #8: In the same position, perform self-massage above the shoulder blades and, if possible, between them for 5-6 minutes. Rub and stretch your muscles, this will relax them, improve blood circulation and relieve headaches.

Exercise #9: While sitting on a chair or lying on a bed, massage your temples with your fingertips for a few minutes. This will help eliminate dizziness and headaches.

Exercise #10: lying on the floor in a position on your stomach, raise your head, then your shoulders, then put your hands on the floor and hold for 1-1.5 minutes.

Exercise #11: lying on the floor in a prone position with your arms along your body. Slowly turn your head one way and the other, trying to touch your ears to the floor. Repeat 10 times to the right and left.

Exercise #12: stand on your feet. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms in front of you in elbow joints. As you inhale, move your elbows back, and as you exhale, move them forward. Do this exercise 5-6 times.

Exercise #13: in the same position, perform circular swings to the side - 10 times forward and 10 times back.

There are many more various exercises for the prevention and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, which a physical therapy specialist can introduce you to.

Gymnastics for the neck for osteochondrosis is an integral part of the treatment of this disease.

Simple and at the same time effective exercises will improve your blood circulation, strengthen the muscle corset and improve the mobility of the spine, increase the range of motion in the neck and upper limbs, and will also help restore nerves and reduce pain.

As a result of evolution, man, as one of the versions, stood on two legs in order to free his hands for work and faster movement. But precisely because of this, he acquired a lot of diseases and health problems. The most common are diseases of the spine. Let's consider how it helps to improve the patient's condition in case of osteochondrosis.

A few words about osteochondrosis

It is upright posture that causes osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage. The most common place for pathologies to appear is intervertebral discs. Depending on where osteochondrosis is located, it is divided into:

There are several factors that can influence the development of osteochondrosis.

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Development infectious process, intoxication of the body.
  3. Impaired metabolism.
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Obesity.
  6. Significant physical exercise or lack of physical activity.
  7. Flat feet, wearing high heels, uncomfortable shoes.
  8. Stress.
  9. Spinal injuries.
  10. Abrupt interruption of training for athletes.
  11. Not very comfortable positions at the computer, table or on the sofa watching TV.

With this large quantities provoking factors can rarely be avoided.

Directions of therapy

When diagnosing of this disease The doctor will prescribe treatment, which may consist of:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Therapeutic physical training complex.
  3. Drug blockades.
  4. Physiotherapeutic techniques.
  5. Massage.
  6. Manual therapy.
  7. Reflexology.

Physical therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is very popular as one of the treatment methods. In combination with other methods, it gives fairly good results. Let's take a closer look at it.


Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of a special set of exercises is widespread. The exercises are aimed at relieving stress on the nerve roots, strengthening muscles, developing flexibility and, of course, preventing complications. For exercises, special simulators are used.

Complexes have been developed for problem areas spinal column. However, not everyone is indicated for physical therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Let's look at who can do it.

The benefits of the cervical spine cannot be disputed. The exercises are suitable for almost everyone, you just need to take into account contraindications. It is also useful to do the following exercises:

  • For the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • To relax and relieve stress from the spine.
  • To improve posture.
  • To improve blood circulation in the affected part of the spine for faster recovery.

It is worth paying attention to who should not engage in physical therapy.

Contraindications for exercise therapy

There are several reasons why it is not recommended to perform exercise therapy complex with cervical osteochondrosis:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Increased eye pressure, severe myopia.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Bad feeling.
  • After surgical intervention on the spine.
  • Diseases nervous system with impaired coordination.

It is also necessary to stop classes if sharp pain, discomfort, nausea or dizziness.

Where does exercise therapy begin?

In order to start practicing physical therapy, you need to prepare:

You can eat 2 hours before class. Do not perform exercises immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. You need to start practicing for 15 minutes, one approach for each exercise. If you feel good, you can gradually increase the number of approaches and duration of classes, but not more than 45 minutes a day.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should be started only after warming up. It will warm up the muscles and prepare the body for If osteochondrosis is diagnosed, then starting to do exercises without warming up is prohibited, as it can provoke an exacerbation.

The following exercises are used in the warm-up:

  1. Walking.
  2. Smooth turns of the body.
  3. Show of hands.
  4. Rotation of the shoulders and shoulder blades at a slow pace and without sudden movements.
  5. Slow turns of the head without sudden throwing or turning.

If there is a feeling of warmth in the muscles, then the warm-up was effective and you can move on to the main set of exercises.

Exercises while sitting

Exercise therapy includes exercises that can be performed in different positions. Let's start with the complex from a sitting position.

If you have cervical osteochondrosis, it is forbidden to rotate your head, as there is a danger that the disease will worsen.

Exercises while lying down

The best way to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle is in a lying position. Such exercises will definitely be included in the complex if you are recommended physical therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The photo below clearly demonstrates one of these exercises.

Lie down on a gymnastics mat, arms along your body.

  1. Raise your head from the floor and hold it for a few seconds.
  2. Raise your arms up and slowly, without bending, lower them behind your head. At the same time, stretch without lifting your shoulders from the floor. Repeat 5 times.
  3. From the starting position, raise your right hand up and pull it into left side, while straining the muscles of the neck and shoulder. Hold for a few seconds. We do the same with the other hand. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Bend your knees and pull them towards your chest, while reaching your forehead towards them. Repeat 10 times.

When performing exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, pain in the shoulder may appear when performing certain exercises. This is possible due to sudden movements or poor warming up of the muscles. If the exercises are performed correctly and slowly, you can feel how the muscles stretch, relax, and the pain goes away.

Stretching the spine

Physical therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine must necessarily include exercises to stretch the spine. This will improve the condition of the back muscles and activate blood circulation in the lumbar region.

Exercise therapy results

It is worth noting that physical education for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine should be agreed with the doctor. It is he who will tell you which exercises are best suited. Regular exercises and constant adjustment of exercises to increase efficiency will give positive result. If you feel worse, you should cancel classes and consult a doctor.

What can you achieve by doing it regularly? physical exercise with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine?

  • The muscles of the cervical spine will be strengthened and their flexibility will increase.
  • Blood circulation in the cervical region will significantly improve, and this will speed up recovery processes.
  • Gradually the pain will go away and motor function will be restored.
  • Your posture will improve.

Physical therapy is excellent remedy prevention of diseases of various parts of the spine, while improving general state health, your mood improves, your muscles become stronger and you can get a good boost of energy.

Therapeutic gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is main way stopping this disease. Any doctor will confirm this. If you are diagnosed with Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, video gymnastics will normalize joint mobility and tone of muscle fibers, strengthen the neck muscles, and also increase elasticity blood vessels and blood supply to the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs.

Gymnastics of the cervical spine for osteochondrosis in combination with rhythmic breathing will restore normal cerebral circulation. This will lead to improvement mental performance– will prevent memory loss and help better process memorization.

The vast majority of people consult a doctor when they have neck pain that can no longer be tolerated. If they are not caused by other reasons, for example, myositis or a fracture, then when clarifying the diagnosis using an X-ray or MRI image, as a rule, a polysegmental type of disease will be detected - the presence of at least one intervertebral hernia“surrounded” by protrusions of neighboring discs.

Physical therapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis in acute period and during an exacerbation they solve the same problems:

  • assistance in pain relief;
  • eliminating muscle hypertonicity, promoting muscle relaxation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • increased blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;
  • promoting scarring of ruptures of the disc fibrous ring.

Tasks Exercise therapy osteochondrosis cervical spine in the second period of treatment and during remission:

  • preventing the development of discomfort or pain;
  • improvement of tissue nutrition of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs;
  • increasing the tone and strength of the muscle fibers of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • prevention of the formation of adhesions and osteophytes (inert growths);
  • restoration and maintenance of the natural, physiological curve of the cervical spine.

It is necessary to do an individual exercise therapy complex for cervical osteochondrosis daily and several times. Only regular loads will help you achieve your goal.

Attention. The price of non-treatment or occasional exercise is the progress of pathology, which will definitely end surgery, or the development of cervical myelopathy (destruction spinal cord), ending in paralysis and disability.


In this article, we present a selection of exercises that can be performed in almost everything, without seeking approval from a physical therapy specialist. However, this simple complex also has its contraindications.

This complex of Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (video) is prohibited from being performed if you have the following diseases or conditions:

  • acute pain in any part of the spine;
  • arterial hypertension or high blood pressure before the start of exercise;
  • increased intracranial or intraocular pressure;
  • acute period of any disease, accompanied by a body temperature above 38 ° C;
  • “fresh” traumatic brain injuries and concussions, the acute period after craniocerebral operations and interventions on the cervical vertebrae.

For your information. Breathing exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is mandatory, and there are no restrictions for it. Breathing exercises in a lying position, accompanied by hand movements, are indicated even after serious abdominal or neurosurgical operations.

Forms of exercise therapy

The forms of prescribed exercise therapy depend on the period of the disease:

  1. In the acute period or during exacerbation, treatment includes:
  • isometric exercises for the neck muscles with overcoming resistance;
  • combinations of static positions that help relax the biceps, trapezius and deltoid muscles (see photo above);
  • passive abduction of the arm, smooth swinging movements in shoulder joints in an accessible amplitude;
  • if necessary, a course of a special Kogan-Malevik post-isometric relaxation complex - tensing the shoulder muscles, followed by passive movements of the arm;
  • breathing exercises.
  1. In the second period and during remission, exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine video consists of:
  • static (isometric) exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • pendulum-like swings and swinging movements of the arms (ballistic stretching);
  • exercises for the shoulder girdle with gradually increasing weights;
  • slow and smooth dynamic movements in the cervical region;
  • swimming.

On a note. In the acute period, do not forget to include in the complex physical therapy exercises with cervical osteochondrosis, chest and abdominal breathing. It will help return to normal the reduced excursion of the chest formed due to the unnatural position of the spine, which alleviated the pain syndrome.

Execution Rules

Instructions for performing a selection of exercises Gymnastics for the cervical spine with osteochondrosis:

  1. If necessary, the exercises can be performed while sitting.
  2. If the cervical vertebrae are unstable and you are wearing a Shants splint, perform the exercises as much as possible without removing the corset.
  3. All dynamic movements should be slow and smooth, without jerking or jerking, and their amplitude should be maximum, but not cause pain.
  4. You can eat food 30 minutes after the end of the lesson, and the start of the complex should be only an hour after the main meal.

On a note. Before performing this complex of Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the video shows self-massage of the neck muscles, rubbing in an ointment or gel prescribed by a doctor or, for example, Dolobene-gel, Troxevasin-gel or Decontractile cream.

A selection of exercises and positions for the treatment of neck osteochondrosis

After a few minutes of self-massage, you should perform warm-up exercises. They are familiar to everyone and do not require video placement in this article.


  • Perform movements in the cervical spine several times in different projections:
    1. bending forward and backward;
    2. turns left and right;
    3. tilts left and right;
    4. moving the chin forward and backward (in the photo above - right-bottom);
    5. combined turns with tilt;
    6. circular rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Do any exercises to warm up your fingers.
  • Warm up the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle:
    1. synchronous and asynchronous lifting and lowering of the shoulders;
    2. simultaneous rotational circular movements in the shoulders.

Isometric neck muscle tension

Perform “tilts” of the head to the left, right, forward, backward, as well as “turns” to the right and left, overcoming the resistance of the hand and remaining motionless, as shown in the photo above; in addition, this exercise is an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Follow the following algorithm:

  1. Block: 3 seconds of tension (inhale through the nose) – 6 seconds of relaxation (exhale through pursed lips).
  2. Repeat each block 3 times, then make one head rotation clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Perform the first block with minimal, the second with medium, and the third with maximum muscle tension and pressure of the arm(s). Thus, during the first two blocks the red ones will train muscle fibers and the capillary network is strengthened, and when performing the third block, white muscle fibers will be activated, the tension of which will strengthen the strength of the muscles and slightly increase their volume.
  4. After a few days, increase the duration of tension to 4 seconds, and relaxation to 8. It is worth increasing the duration of one isotonic tension to 7 seconds, no more. In this case, exhaling and relaxing the muscles will take 14 seconds.

This exercise can be performed either standing or sitting in any position. Bend your arms and place your fingers on your shoulders, keeping your elbows straight to the sides as shown in the photo above.

Make a few movements with your elbows up and down, then 4-5 raises in front of you and maximum extensions back. After this, simultaneously draw circles “forward” and “backward” with your elbows.

Important. During the exercise, your back and neck should be straight, and the top of your head should reach toward the ceiling.

Strengthening the deltoid muscle

Join your arms above your head in a bear lock as shown in figure (1):

  1. Tighten all the muscles of your body trying to break the “lock”. Do isometric tension while holding your breath for 3 to 10 seconds (maximum). Then, as you exhale, relax your muscles and make one circular movement with clasped hands, once in each direction (2 in the picture). Repeat this alternation of statics and dynamics (1-2) two more times. Do not forget that the tension should be weak at first, then medium, and the third time - maximum.
  2. Place a bear lock in front of solar plexus, placing your elbows exactly to the sides, right hand"above". With slight tension in the neck and shoulder girdle, while “your arms are moving to break,” make 8-10 smooth movements with your elbows – one up, the other down (like a rocker arm). Then change the position of your hands in the lock and repeat the movements.

Bear lock behind your back

Perform this exercise by alternating the positions of your arms, spreading them apart. IN end point– in the lock, each time tense your muscles stronger, observing next algorithm by time: first 3 seconds, then 4 and so on until 7. Don’t forget that your back and neck should be straight.

Please note - the classic mudra (hand position) of yoga “bear lock” is performed with a hitch four fingers without the participation of the thumbs, but the fingers should be tightly clenched into fists.

If this exercise is not available, then start with a lightweight version with a towel, as shown in the photo below.

After a few weeks, the joints will develop and it will be possible to perform this exercise without a towel.

Grasshopper (Locust)

This pose will also help those who have digestive problems. genitourinary system and prostate gland.

In the classic version, this yoga asana is performed lying down. Do not bend your chest too much and throw your head back. Neck line and thoracic must be straight. Pay attention to your legs - your feet should not be spread wider than your shoulders, and your heels should “look” at the ceiling.

Time to hold the position: as long as you can, but no more than 3 minutes. However, to begin with, you can perform easier variations in a standing or sitting position.

Final exercise

This position is contraindicated for pregnant women, and people with pathologies knee joints and diarrhea should be performed with caution.

At the end, we recommend performing an asana that will help put all the joints of the spinal column in a natural anatomical position, and make trips to the chiropractor. Take a position as close as possible to the one shown in the photo above. By the way, the “lower” leg and bent arm can be straight.

With each exhalation, do a small “twist” in the lower back, chest and neck. Try not to allow excessive bending of the spine, but only perform twisting.

Time spent in asana: from 5-10 seconds to 3 minutes maximum. Don't forget to do the exercise in the other direction. After 6-8 weeks of daily practice, your position will be no worse than that of the instructor.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region will be effective only if performed regularly, preferably daily. Cost of refusal and continuation sedentary lifestyle life - the return of all discomfort and pain, as well as the progression of the disease, which threatens the occurrence of protrusions and herniations in the intervertebral discs.
