Ultrasound of the vessels of the genital organs. Why and how is an ultrasound of the penis done? When will the test results be ready?

Doppler ultrasound (USDG) examination of the vessels of the penis and scrotum is one of the informative and safe diagnostic methods that allows you to study the structure, capacity of the vascular walls and blood flow in them.

Doppler ultrasound is usually performed after a conventional ultrasound, i.e., it is performed using sound waves in two modes:

  • ordinary, helping to examine the structure of soft tissues (muscles, mucous membranes, etc.);
  • Doppler, which evaluates the state of tissues in motion (in this case, such a liquid medium of the body as blood).

To conduct this study, special ultrasound machines operating in the required modes are used.

Sometimes ultrasound scanning can become an alternative research method and is used when it is impossible to perform a diagnostic procedure such as angiography of the vessels of the penis and scrotum with the introduction of a contrast agent. In some cases, such an ultrasound scan is even more informative than an angiographic study with contrast.

In this article we will introduce you to the essence, indications, studied parameters, methodology, and procedure for performing Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the penis. You will also learn about the principles of decoding the results obtained, the disadvantages and contraindications of this type of ultrasound scanning.

The essence of the technique

This diagnostic method is based on the Doppler effect.

The mode used to perform ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the penis and scrotum makes it possible to make a more accurate diagnosis and, in some clinical cases, relieves the patient of the need for other more unsafe or invasive methods of examination. The principle of its implementation is based on the Doppler effect:

  • ultrasonic waves are emitted by the sensor;
  • fall on red blood cells moving through an artery or vein;
  • give a reflected signal of different frequencies from each section of the bloodstream of the penis.

The frequency of the received signal changes in direct proportion to the speed of blood movement. This signal is recorded by a computer program, subjected to certain mathematical processing, and the specialist receives the information necessary to make a diagnosis.


Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the penis and scrotum can be prescribed to patients with the following pathologies:

  • insufficient blood supply to the corpora cavernosa of the penis, leading to;
  • Peyronie's disease, accompanied by the formation of dense fibrous plaques;
  • penis tumors;
  • injuries of the penis - open with soft tissue damage, bruises, dislocations or fractures;
  • impaired blood supply to the corpora cavernosa of the genital organ during the formation of scars, hematomas or fibrous plaques;
  • disruptions in the outflow of urine from the urethra due to stricture changes in it;
  • Availability ;
  • the need for additional or differential diagnostics for;

In addition, Doppler scanning is often included in the diagnostic plan in preparation for genital surgery.

Parameters studied

After conversion, the Doppler ultrasound signal allows one to obtain the following data about the condition of the vessels of the patient’s penis and scrotum:

  • anatomical structure of blood vessels and the possible presence of deformations in the areas under study;
  • blood flow speed;
  • the condition of the vascular walls, their diameter and thickness;
  • characteristics of blood flow (laminar or turbulent);
  • the presence or absence of plaques or blood clots in the vascular lumen;
  • degree of vessel patency;
  • elasticity of the tunica albuginea;
  • echogenicity of the tissues of the cavernous bodies to identify foci of inflammatory or fibrous nature;
  • process of tumor formation.

If necessary, Doppler examination is complemented by duplex scanning, which allows you to study the condition of the vessels, surrounding tissues and blood flow speed online.

Preparation rules and procedure

A few days before the ultrasound examination, the patient should stop drinking alcohol.

When prescribing an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the penis and scrotum, the doctor explains to the patient the essence and necessity of the study. After this, the specialist introduces him to simple rules for preparing for the scanning procedure:

  1. 1-2 days before the test, stop drinking alcohol.
  2. The day before the procedure, thoroughly wash the area being examined.
  3. Do not urinate 1-2 hours (in extreme cases, half an hour) before the ultrasound scan.

During the first conversation with the patient, the doctor must be able to establish a trusting relationship with the patient, since the procedure for ultrasound examination of the penis is performed with exposure and erection of the genital organ and involves the endocavernosal administration of drugs that ensure the onset of an erection necessary for a more accurate diagnosis.

The patient should also be aware of the fact that after the scan is completed, he will need to achieve ejaculation through self-stimulation in order to eliminate the drug-induced erection.

On the day of the examination, the patient comes to the ultrasound diagnostic room; to create the most comfortable conditions for performing the procedure, about 1 hour is allocated. Diagnosis is carried out on a couch in a supine position.

Before the scan begins, the doctor injects endocavernosally (i.e. into the penis) one of the drugs that quickly causes an erection. Solutions can be used for this:

  • Papaverina;
  • Prostaglandin E1;
  • its analogues (Alprostadil, Caverject).

This measure is taken to obtain more informative ultrasound data, since measurements taken in a relaxed state of the penis can only be speculative or distorted.

Unfortunately, this method of artificially inducing the erection necessary for scanning can lead to a number of undesirable side reactions:

  • pain at the injection site;
  • excessively strong erection with painful sensations;
  • formation of a hematoma at the site of injection of the medicinal solution.

To prevent these negative consequences, another safer method can be used to ensure sufficient blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the penis - taking a pill:

  • Levitra;
  • Viagra;
  • Sildenafil.

If it is necessary to perform such a test, the doctor prescribing an ultrasound scan will definitely instruct the patient about the rules for using the prescribed drug and indicate the time of its administration. Typically, a Viagra tablet should be taken 40-60 minutes before the procedure, and to induce an erection in the ultrasound room, visual and self-manual erotic stimulation is performed to promote blood flow to the tissues of the penis.

Approximately 20-25 minutes after the injection of the drug or the onset of action of the tablet, the corpora cavernosa are filled with blood and the doctor begins scanning using a special ultrasound sensor. He places it on the penis and scrotum in a certain sequence every 5 minutes (i.e., depending on the erection phase) for 25 minutes.

After completion of the ultrasound examination, the erection may persist for some time. To get rid of it, the patient is asked to perform self-stimulation in a separate room. If the erection of the penis does not go away within 4 hours, then the patient can be helped by a urologist who urgently prescribes the necessary measures.

The results of ultrasound examination of the vessels of the penis can be obtained in person 30-40 minutes after completion of the procedure or sent to the doctor. Some clinics provide research data to the doctor and/or patient’s email address. The general state of health does not change in any way after the scan.

Principles for deciphering results

Remember! Only the patient’s attending physician can correctly decipher the data obtained during ultrasound examination of the vessels of the penis. All indicators presented in this article are for informational purposes only.

The results of Doppler ultrasound of the penis reflect the following parameters:

  • peak systolic blood flow velocity (normally at least 30 cm/sec);
  • end-diastolic velocity (about 0 or not more than 5 cm/sec);
  • average maximum blood velocity;
  • average blood flow speed;
  • pulsator index (more than 4);
  • resistant index (not lower than 0.85).

In addition to these indicators, the final result indicates parameters that are recorded when performing a regular ultrasound of the penis (size of anatomical structures, their echogenicity, etc.). The totality of all data allows us to obtain a more complete clinical picture of the pathology and draw up the most effective treatment plan.

When assessing the results, the doctor pays special attention to the speed of systolic blood flow in the vessels of the penis. This is explained by the fact that it is this value that indicates the presence of stenoses, often observed in vascular walls.

Other indicators of the results of ultrasound examination of the vessels of the penis also have diagnostic value and are used to calculate the pulsatory and resistance indices, the value of which may indicate the presence of other diseases:

  • With an increase in the resistance index, the patient may exhibit wall thrombi, atherosclerotic plaques, and , indicating hypertension.
  • An increase in this indicator is caused by a decrease in the elasticity of the vascular walls.

When studying the results of ultrasound examination of the vessels of the penis, the specialist pays attention to the assessment of the following qualitative indicators:

  • diameter of the vascular lumen in cross section;
  • straightness of the arteries and the presence of deformations (excessive tortuosity, protrusions);
  • condition of the muscle and inner layer (endothelium) of blood vessels;
  • echogenicity of the structures of the cavernous bodies, which makes it possible to identify foci of inflammatory, dysplastic or tumor processes in the penis or scrotum.

The results obtained allow us to draw conclusions about the presence of arterial stenosis. If during the scanning process it is possible to determine the presence of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots, then the doctor can determine their location, structure, surface condition and echogenicity of the formation tissues.

When studying venous vessels, a specialist can identify signs of varicose veins, assess the degree of elasticity of the vascular wall and the condition of the valves of the penile veins. To do this, during the scan, the doctor performs a Valsalva maneuver, which allows one to exclude or confirm the presence of such a pathological sign as retrograde blood flow.


A relative contraindication to performing an ultrasound scan of the penile vessels is inflammation of the penile tissue. In addition, in some cases, the study cannot be performed in the presence of diseases for which the use of erection-stimulating drugs is not recommended due to the high risk of complications:

  • recent ;
  • and etc.

Disadvantages of the technique

The disadvantage of ultrasound examination of the vessels of the penis is the need to take a drug that stimulates erection.

The only drawback of this method of studying the vessels and blood flow of the penis and scrotum is the need to artificially induce an erection, accompanied by injection or oral administration of the drug. This diagnostic stage may be accompanied by psychological discomfort and the patient’s fear of the upcoming injection or the appearance of pain at the injection site.

During an ultrasound of the penis, specialists can also examine blood flow, arteries and the intensity of venous outflow. Almost always, the study is carried out in conjunction with Doppler ultrasound. The advantage of the procedure is that it is absolutely painless. During the scan, the patient does not feel any discomfort. In addition, there is no need to prepare for the examination. You can go through it at any time convenient for a man.

The examination allows you to identify diseases at an early stage of development. Therefore, doctors recommend that some men undergo regular ultrasound examinations for preventive purposes. Information obtained from the study helps doctors create an effective treatment program. Ultrasound scanning is also prescribed for patients before penile surgery. In this case, the method helps to correctly plan the course of the surgical intervention.

Price for ultrasound of penile vessels

The cost of research in Moscow varies greatly. The reason for this is that each institution sets its own price for ultrasound. At the same time, they take into account the prestige of the clinic, the training of specialists, the quality and modernity of the equipment used. But if you want to undergo an ultrasound of the vessels of the penis quickly and at a reasonable cost, then just sign up for diagnostics at the Open Clinic.

Examination in Moscow

Ultrasound of the penis in the capital is carried out in specialized diagnostic centers. But you can undergo the examination quickly and without queues at the Open Clinic. The procedure takes on average no more than 20 minutes. The examination is carried out in our institution using modern, new generation devices. We guarantee that with us you will receive high service, medical care from the best doctors in the capital and an individual approach.

Using this procedure, the properties of blood flow in the penis and scrotum are determined. Dopplerography of the vessels of the penis uses ultrasound to determine whether the patient has vascular erectile dysfunction (impotence).

This method is in addition to the ultrasound procedure and has its advantages:

  • absolute safety;
  • the diagnosis is established with 100% accuracy.

The principle of operation is based on the Doppler effect - the length of a sound wave changes as the medium in which it is located moves. Next, the computer determines the frequency of the signal and carries out the necessary mathematical processing.

With the help of Doppler, it is possible to: assess the condition of the blood vessels, whether there are any pathologies of the penis and scrotum, and also determine the capacity of the vessels.

Often, for a complete analysis, blood flow is measured during an erection, it is induced using an injection or films and magazines with erotic content. This addition to conventional ultrasound is called pharmacodopplerography.

Indications for the study:

The procedure is also indicated for examining the scrotum. Indications:

USPDG will help in determining:

  • vascular tone in the genitals;
  • reasons for the rapid release of seminal fluid during intercourse;
  • is the blood flow rate impaired?
  • violations of the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • malignant tumor.

The study is prescribed and conducted by a urologist. Special preparation for Doppler sonography is not required, but several rules must be followed:

How does the research process work?

The patient is in a supine position. The doctor must induce an erection in the subject by injecting prostaglandin or papaverine E1, then 10 minutes later, an examination is performed using a high-frequency linear sensor, the cavernous arteries are shown on the computer screen and the device calculates the speed of blood flow through them. In addition, the scrotum is examined. A non-erect penis will provide little information, only a control measurement.

Feedback from our reader - Alina Mezentseva

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After the procedure, an erection may not occur, then the patient will need to perform self-stimulation of the penis until seminal fluid is released, at which time the diagnostician will leave the office. If the agitation does not subside after 5 hours, it is necessary to consult a urologist.

The results are deciphered as follows:

Evaluated characteristics:

  • an indicator of the thickness of the tunica albuginea of ​​the penis, as well as the level of its elasticity;
  • reflection of ultrasound in the cavernous bodies. This is used to determine: the exact location of inflammation, the presence of pathologies, the development of fibrous plaques inside the penis and scrotum;
  • dimensions (thickness and length) of the walls of the arteries in the penis;
  • the speed of blood flow in the veins and vessels indicates the state of the circulatory system of the penis.

If, at the moment of full erection, the patient under examination experiences an outflow of venous blood, this indicates erectile problems.

The average cost of an examination in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be 1500-3000 thousand rubles. the price depends on the location, the quality of the equipment, and the professionalism of the diagnostician.

The disadvantage of Dopplerography of the vessels of the penis is the painful injection, which is administered to dilate the blood vessels, because of this, the subject may sometimes experience stress, and accordingly, an incomplete erection occurs or no erection at all. In this case, the patient can help himself with his hands or take Viagra.

If it is necessary to identify the causes of dysfunction of the male genital organ, ultrasound is used in modern medicine.

Ultrasound of the penis allows you to assess the condition of the structure of the organ, its membrane, as well as blood vessels.

Ultrasound of the penis can diagnose various pathologies leading to disorders, including sexual weakness:

    violation of the structure of the organ;

    the presence of changes in the urethra;

    blood clots and blocked arteries;

    the presence of tumors and other formations.

Ultrasound is usually supplemented by Doppler ultrasound of the penis. Doppler ultrasound evaluates the blood supply to the organ and records:

    movement of blood flow through the arteries;

    basic indicators of blood vessels;

    the speed of blood movement through the veins.

The MEDOC network of antenatal clinics provides its patients with high quality medical services. This applies primarily to diagnostic studies.

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No special preparation is required for the study.


    traumatic injuries;

    decreased erectile function;


    hereditary or acquired defects in organ formation;

    presence of tumors;

    preparation for surgery.

Ultrasound of the genital organ (member) is a modern, highly informative method for diagnosing the condition of the male genital organ in various diseases. This is an accessible, painless and safe study, to which sometimes there is no alternative, and it can be carried out repeatedly without causing harm to health. Ultrasound of the penis is rarely performed as an independent examination; most often it is performed in combination with Doppler ultrasound (USD).

The examination allows you to evaluate changes in the structure of the cavernous and spongy bodies, as well as the membranes of the organ and the vessels that feed it.

For what indications is an ultrasound of the penis performed?

An ultrasound of the penis should be done in the following cases:

    for injuries, fracture of the genital organ; with decreased erectile function; with curvature of the organ caused by Peyronie's disease (proliferation of fibrous plaque); with congenital or acquired developmental anomalies; when compactions and neoplasms are detected; if it is necessary to perform plastic surgery on an organ.

Dopplerography of the penis (USDG) is performed on a special ultrasound scanner, which has additional capabilities for color mapping. This study is based on the properties of an ultrasonic wave to form an image of a vessel, reflecting from blood cells moving through it.

In color mapping, blood flow through different vessels is indicated by different colors.

Dopplerography of the penis is carried out immediately after a conventional ultrasound examination using the same device.

Ultrasound scanning of the penis helps to assess the blood supply to the organ and determine parameters such as

    the speed of blood flow through the arteries supplying blood to the sexual organ; characteristics of arterial vessels; the speed of blood outflow through the veins; characteristics of veins.

What is the preparation for an ultrasound of the penis?

No special preparation is required for an ultrasound scan of the penis.

How is ultrasound diagnostics of the penis performed?

During the ultrasound procedure of the penis, the man is placed in a lying position on the couch. To improve skin contact with the sensor, a transparent gel is applied to the genital organ, then the specialist passes the sensor over the skin to visualize the image on the screen and record Doppler spectra of the arteries and veins.

For the accuracy of the study, it is possible to conduct a pharmacological erection to determine the degree of deformation of the penis, blood flow and assess the blood supply to the cavernous bodies.

For this purpose, an elastic tourniquet is applied to the base of the genital organ, after which a medical drug in a certain dosage is injected into one cavernous body. This drug spreads through anastomoses to another cavernous body, resulting in a pharmacological erection. Then an ultrasound with Doppler examination and mapping is performed again.

The results of ultrasound and Doppler sonography of the penis are ready immediately after diagnosis.

What can be revealed on an ultrasound of the penis?

An ultrasound of the penis can:

    determine the presence/absence of formations in the urethra; identify vascular thrombosis; assess the condition and changes in organ tissues; examine the structure of existing tumors.

What do the results of an ultrasound scan of the penis show?

1. Echogenicity.

Echogenicity, designated as “normal” in ultrasound results, indicates a healthy tissue condition.

An increase in echogenicity of the cavernous bodies indicates fibrosis, and a decrease indicates inflammatory processes.

Increased echogenicity of the membrane is a sign of Peyronie's disease. The degree of echogenicity of the cavernous tissue of the penis makes it possible to determine the size of fibrous plaques (in Peyronie's disease) and to accurately identify calcifications in the plaque.

Increased echogenicity of the vascular walls is a sign of vascular damage.

2. Blood supply.

An increase in the lumen of the cavernous arteries indicates developmental anomalies, and a narrowing indicates atherosclerosis, autoimmune or diabetic pathology.

Ultrasound of the genital organ provides detailed information about the vascular factor if a man has erectile dysfunction or impotence.

The ultrasound method allows us to identify the degree of disturbance of arterial and venous blood flow.

After treatment, repeat examinations are usually prescribed, which make it possible to track the dynamics and determine the effectiveness of the treatment.

You should not hesitate to visit a urologist if you have warning signs and symptoms. Ultrasound of the penis is a painless, safe procedure that does not take much time (diagnosis takes about 30 minutes).

At the same time, identifying the cause of symptoms and timely treatment will relieve existing problems and preserve men's health for many years.

Ultrasound of the penis– a diagnostic procedure that visualizes the internal structures of the male genital organ: spongy and cavernous bodies, tunica albuginea, vessels. The results are informative for erectile dysfunction, Peyronie's disease, tumors, hematomas and organ inflammation. Ultrasound of the penis is performed independently and in combination with ultrasound of blood vessels, with or without provocation of an erection. The cost of the technique is determined by the imaging mode, the availability of a pharmacotest, and the type of drug.


Advance preparation for an ultrasound of the penis is not necessary. Before the procedure, it is necessary to perform daily hygienic care of the genitals.

What does it show

Basic ultrasound of the penis - two-dimensional gray scale echography (B-mode), displaying the structure of the cavernous and spongy bodies, the lining of the organ. Allows detection of fibrosis, tumors and injuries. Can be performed in combination with ultrasound, duplex and triplex scanning of blood vessels. Duplex study provides information about the size of veins and arteries, their capacity, and the direction of blood flow. Triplex scanning produces a color image that determines the speed of blood flow. A pharmacological test is used to obtain data on blood flow during an erection.

There are standard indicators for the structures of the penis and blood vessels: the echogenicity of the cavernous and spongy body is uniform, moderate, the diameter of the cavernous artery is 0.6-1.0 mm, the peak systolic velocity is 35 cm/sec, the end-diastolic velocity is 0-5 cm/sec . The following groups of pathologies are diagnosed using ultrasound:

  • Erectile disfunction . With arteriogenic impotence, blood flow through the cavernous arteries is assessed. The diagnosis can be confirmed by a decrease in speed characteristics - peak systolic velocity less than 25 cm/sec.
  • Vascular pathologies. Doppler ultrasound reveals abnormalities in vascular development, vein thrombosis, and atherosclerotic plaques. There is an expansion or narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels, changes in vascular architecture, uneven blood flow, and increased echogenicity of the vascular walls.
  • Acute cavernite. Inflammation of tissues - cavernitis - is provoked by local and general infections (urethritis, sepsis), damage to the urethra. The ultrasound image shows decreased echogenicity and increased blood flow.
  • Cavernous fibrosis. Pathological compaction of the cavernous bodies, or cavernous fibrosis, is formed due to chronic inflammatory processes, injuries, and priapism. Ultrasound signs of the disease are increased echogenicity, deformation of organ structures. With focal damage, heterogeneity of erectile tissue is determined.
  • Neoplasms. Benign and malignant tumors, metastases are diagnosed as foci of altered echogenic density.
  • Peyronie's disease. As Peyronie's disease progresses, the tunica albuginea thickens. Deformations of structures, plaques and compactions can be detected - areas of increased echogenicity.

Ultrasound of the genital organs is prescribed as part of a comprehensive diagnosis of andrological diseases. Scan results are not used in isolation to make a diagnosis, but are interpreted in conjunction with physical examination, clinical interview, and laboratory tests.


Examination of the male external genitalia using ultrasound is a safe diagnostic technique. The procedure is completely painless, has no effect on health, and can be used repeatedly without any risks. Penile ultrasound is affordable compared to other imaging tests, such as MRI. Carrying out an intracavernosal test as part of echography of the penile vessels increases the cost of the study - it can vary slightly depending on the drug used. The disadvantage is the low resolution of ultrasound images and the inability to differentiate certain types of tumors.
