Vaxigrip complications. What is the best flu vaccine? Types of vaccines by manufacturers (French, Dutch) and characteristics (live and inactivated). Reviews of the Vaxigrip, Influvac and Influenza vaccines and the need for their use in adults and children

Influenza infection is one of the viral diseases that annually cause epidemics in one region or another of our country. Most people tolerate the disease without consequences, but there are cases when the influenza virus behaves very aggressively and provokes the development of complications.

An infectious disease can cause viral damage to the lungs, heart and brain tissue. Often such pathological processes progress rapidly, causing death in patients. This is why epidemiologists strongly recommend that people get vaccinated against the flu in order to protect themselves from possible danger.

Children, older patients and people with weakened immune systems are most vulnerable to influenza infection. These categories of the population should be vaccinated first.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers several options for influenza vaccines, among which the inactivated trivalent split vaccine Vaxigrip is respected and popular.

This prophylactic agent is a highly purified immune preparation for the prevention of disease in children from 6 months of age.

Vaxigrip promotes the formation of humoral and cellular immunity, which is retained in the body for a whole year.

What strains are included?

Each dose of Vaxigrip vaccine for adults or children contains three strains of influenza virus in an inactivated state. This solution is a colorless immune liquid without inclusions or mechanical particles.

The strain composition of the drug is reviewed annually by the World Health Organization, which offers its vision for the northern regions.

Vaxigrip vaccine

As a rule, the antigenic composition of the Vaxigrip vaccine includes the two most dangerous strains of influenza virus type A and one strain of influenza virus type B.

In the preparation they are presented as A(HnNn), A(HnNn) and B, where n is a type of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, relevant and recommended by WHO in a particular season.

When should you get a flu shot?

The main indication for the use of the influenza vaccine is the prevention of influenza in children and adults, allowing a person to avoid contracting an infectious disease or to suffer it in a mild form and without any complications.

Immunologists allow Vaxigrip to be used on people of all ages. According to the instructions, the vaccine can be immunized in children starting from six months.

  • elderly people over 60 years of age;
  • preschool children and students of secondary schools, lyceums, technical schools, etc.;
  • service workers and medical personnel who come into contact with large numbers of other people every day;
  • people with reduced immunity, often suffering from colds or chronic pathologies of internal organs;
  • patients suffering from cardiovascular pathologies;
  • people with respiratory diseases, especially bronchial asthma;
  • patients with chronic renal failure;
  • diabetics or people with other metabolic disorders;
  • patients receiving chemotherapy or cytostatics that suppress the immune system.

If there are pathological processes in the body, experts recommend that a person protect himself from the flu and do so using the drug Vaxigrip.

As you know, the influenza virus, during its life, releases a dangerous toxin that can impair the functioning of internal organs. In people suffering from concomitant pathologies, this harmful substance potentiates the exacerbation of chronic conditions and causes the development of complications in the affected tissues.

Instructions for use of the Vaxigrip vaccine

The annotation that comes with the vaccine indicates the main dosages of the drug:

  • children from 6 months to three years are administered 0.25 ml of solution;
  • for children over three years of age and adults who have not previously been vaccinated, the vaccine is administered in a dose of 0.5 ml twice with an interval of one month;
  • Children from three years of age and adult patients who have the vaccine are given a dose of 0.5 ml once.

It is forbidden to use the drug if it takes the form of a cloudy liquid or has any inclusions, foreign particles, or sediment. The vaccine solution is administered intramuscularly or deep under the skin. You should avoid getting the immune drug into the vascular bed, that is, do not administer the solution intravenously.

The vaccine is contained in a disposable syringe that holds 0.5 ml of solution. When vaccinating a child at a dose of 0.25 ml, half the contents of the syringe must be released using a piston and only then the solution must be injected into the baby’s body.

If you take the drug from an ampoule, you need to take it in the required quantity and dispose of the remaining liquid. Immediately before use, the vaccine should be warmed to room temperature and shaken well until a homogeneous composition is obtained.

After administration of the vaccine, the patient develops reliable humoral and cellular immunity lasting 1 year.

In our country, it is recommended to give a Vaxigrip injection at the beginning of autumn, which will avoid possible infection.

Contraindications for use

The main restrictions on the use of Vaxigrip are:

  • increased human sensitivity to vaccine components, neomycin, egg white;
  • availability of information about previous vaccination episodes;
  • children up to six months;
  • acute diseases that are accompanied by fever and catarrhal symptoms;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • epilepsy.

The vaccine is administered during pregnancy only after the permission of the attending physician. Despite the fact that in medical practice there is no information about the toxic effect of the drug on the fetus, experts prohibit its use in the first trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, women can be administered Vaxigrip, but only after a detailed examination of the patient by a doctor.

Overdose and side effects

Sometimes the use of a vaccine can provoke the development of adverse reactions, which in the vast majority of clinical cases disappear without a trace after 1-2 days and do not require drug correction.

Among the local reactions to the vaccine drug Vaxigrip, the following should be highlighted:

  • redness at the injection site;
  • swelling of the soft tissues around the injection mark;
  • swelling and moderate pain after vaccination;
  • formation of an infiltrate at the injection site with tissue compaction.

It is extremely rare for doctors to diagnose common side effects of vaccination, namely:

  • increase in general body temperature to subfebrile values;
  • chills;
  • development of malaise and general weakness;
  • lethargy and decreased performance;
  • the occurrence of catarrhal manifestations in the form of a runny nose, coughing, soreness in the throat;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • pain in the muscles and aches in the joints;
  • convulsions – extremely rare;
  • neurological disorders.

In order not to encounter undesirable effects of vaccination, before the procedure it is necessary to take a blood test to determine hidden symptoms of inflammation and undergo a full examination by a doctor.

An overdose of the drug is practically impossible, since the entire procedure is carried out and supervised by specialists with special education and skills.

Price in pharmacies and vaccine analogues

The cost of the drug can hardly be called budget. One dose of Vaxigrip can be purchased in pharmacies at a cost that varies between 1200-1400 rubles. The price of the vaccine depends on the region of its distribution and the pricing policy of the pharmacy.

  • Agrippalus– trivalent subunit inactivated influenza vaccine made in Switzerland;
  • Grippol Neo and Grippol Plus– inactivated adjuvant trivalent suspensions of domestic origin, highly effective and free of adverse reactions;
  • Influvac is a popular inactivated influenza vaccine that is administered to children after six months and to adults.

For the prevention of influenza, inactivated (split) (influenza vaccine (split virion), inactivated)

Composition and release form of the drug

Suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration slightly whitish, slightly opalescent.

Excipients: buffer solution (potassium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, potassium dihydrophosphate, water for injection) - up to 0.25 ml.

Does not contain adjuvants or preservatives.
Industrial impurities (content in 1 dose): formaldehyde - no more than 15 mcg, octoxynol-9 - no more than 100 mcg, - no more than 10 pkg, ovalbumin - no more than 0.025 mcg.

0.25 ml - syringes (1) - closed cell packaging (1) - cardboard packs.

The strain composition of the vaccine complies with WHO recommendations for the Northern Hemisphere and the EU decision on the composition of vaccines for the current epidemic influenza season.

pharmachologic effect

Inactivated purified split influenza vaccine. Prevents diseases caused by influenza virus types A and B.

Induces the formation of humoral antibodies to hemagglutinins, neutralizing influenza viruses. Seroprotective antibody levels are usually achieved within 7-10 days after vaccine administration. The duration of post-vaccination immunity to homologous or related strains varies from 6 to 12 months.


Flu prevention.


Acute infectious diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, hypersensitivity to active or auxiliary components of the vaccine; hypersensitivity to sulfate, formaldehyde, merthiolate, sodium deoxycholate, egg and chicken whites used in the technological process.


For different age categories, appropriate vaccine preparations should be used, taking into account contraindications.

Vaccination should be carried out before the start of the epidemic influenza season or taking into account the epidemic situation.

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly or deeply subcutaneously. In patients with thrombocytopenia and other diseases of the coagulation system, the vaccine should be administered subcutaneously. Under no circumstances should the vaccine be administered intravenously.

Side effects

Systemic reactions: possibly - a slight short-term increase in body temperature, fever, general malaise (these phenomena resolve on their own within 1-2 days); extremely rarely - neuralgia, paresthesia, convulsions, transient thrombocytopenia, neurological disorders, vasculitis.

Allergic reactions: in patients with known sensitivity to individual components of the vaccine - skin itching, urticaria, rash; extremely rare - severe allergic reactions such as.

Local reactions: soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site.

Drug interactions

The effectiveness of immunization may be reduced due to concomitant immunosuppressive therapy, as well as in the presence of immunodeficiency.

special instructions

This vaccine prevents illness caused by the influenza virus and does not prevent upper respiratory tract infections caused by other pathogens.

For mild ARVI and acute intestinal diseases, vaccination is carried out immediately after the temperature has normalized.

When using a vaccine, it is necessary to always have on hand supplies that may be needed in the event of rare anaphylactic reactions occurring after administration. For this reason, the vaccinee must be under medical supervision for 30 minutes after immunization.

Following influenza vaccination, false-positive results from serological ELISA tests to detect antibodies against HIV 1, and particularly human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV 1), have been reported, which may be due to an immune response (IgM production) to vaccination.

Pregnancy and lactation

Currently, there is insufficient data on the embryotoxicity and teratogenicity of this vaccine.

The doctor decides on an individual basis whether to use the vaccine during lactation.

Vaxigrip: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Vaxigrip

ATX code: J07BB01

Active substance: inactivated split gravedo virus

Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur S.A. (France)

Updating the description and photo: 16.08.2019

Vaxigrip is a vaccine for the prevention of influenza, which forms the development of specific immunity (lasting from 6 to 12 months) to epidemically relevant strains of influenza A and B viruses.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Vaxigrip is a suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, a slightly whitish, slightly opalescent liquid. Available according to:

  • 0.5 ml of vaccine in a syringe, 1 syringe in a closed cell package, 1 package in a cardboard box;
  • 0.5 ml of vaccine in an ampoule, 10 ampoules in a blister pack, 2 packs in a cardboard box (20 ampoules);
  • 1 dose of vaccine (0.25 ml) in a syringe, 1 syringe in a closed cell package, 1 package in a cardboard box;
  • 5 ml bottle (bottle), 1 pc. in a cardboard pack.

1 dose (0.5/0.25 ml) contains active substances - hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of the following viral strains:

  • A (H1 N1) – 15/7.5 µg GA;
  • A (H3 N2) – 15/7.5 µg GA;
  • B – 15/7.5 µg GA.

Excipients: buffer solution (sodium chloride, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, potassium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, water for injection) – up to 0.5 ml.

Pharmacological properties

Vaxigrip promotes the formation of high specific tissue and humoral immunity against influenza (strengthening the body's defenses when faced with epidemically relevant strains of influenza virus types A and B included in this vaccine) in 80–95% of patients.

Antiviral antibodies, as a rule, are produced 10–15 days after vaccination, and immunity lasts for 6–12 months.


The pharmacodynamics of the drug have not been sufficiently studied.


Detailed studies of the pharmacokinetic characteristics of Vaxigrip have not been conducted.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Vaxigrip is used to prevent influenza in adults and children over 6 months of age. Vaccination is allowed for the following diseases/conditions:

  • Diabetes;
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs;
  • Immunodeficiency (including HIV infection);
  • Malignant blood diseases;
  • Concomitant therapy with cytostatics, immunosuppressants, high doses of glucocorticosteroids;
  • Radiation therapy.

Vaxigrip can be used by older people (over 65 years of age) and pregnant women if they are at high risk of influenza infection.


  • Acute febrile condition or exacerbation of chronic diseases (vaccination can be carried out after remission or recovery);
  • Allergic reactions to previous use of the drug;
  • Non-severe ARVI (vaccination can be carried out after normalization of body temperature);
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, incl. to aminoglycosides and chicken protein.

The decision to vaccinate pregnant women should be made by a doctor individually, taking into account the risk of the disease and possible complications of influenza infection. It is safest to vaccinate in the II-III trimesters of pregnancy.

The use of Vaxigrip during breastfeeding is possible, since the drug does not have a toxic or teratogenic effect on the fetus.

Instructions for use of Vaxigrip: method and dosage

Vaxigrip vaccine can be administered:

  • Subcutaneously deep into the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder;
  • Intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle;
  • In the anterolateral surface of the thigh - in young children.

Children from 6 months to 3 years are administered a single dose of 0.25 ml of the drug; those who have not been vaccinated and have not previously had the flu, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 4 weeks.

For adults and children over 3 years of age, Vaxigrip is administered once, 0.5 ml.

For patients with immunodeficiency, the drug can be administered twice, 0.25 ml with an interval of 4 weeks.

Side effects

  • Often - sweating, fatigue, headache, malaise, hyperthermia, trembling, pain in joints and muscles, neuralgia (transient, disappear after 1-2 days);
  • Rarely - paresthesia, thrombocytopenia, neuritis, encephalomyelitis, convulsions, Guillain-Barre syndrome (a clear connection with vaccination has not been established);
  • Very rarely - allergic reactions up to shock, vasculitis with transient renal dysfunction.

The most likely local reactions are: hyperemia, induration, pain and swelling at the injection site, ecchymosis.


Information about overdose of Vaxigrip is not provided by the manufacturer.

special instructions

Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. It can be carried out at the beginning of an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

Intravenous administration of Vaxigrip is not allowed.

For mild ARVI and acute intestinal diseases, vaccination can be carried out after body temperature has normalized.

On the day of vaccination, patients must be examined by a doctor (paramedic). Vaccination is not carried out at body temperatures above 37 °C.

After using Vaxigrip, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays may result in false-positive results of serological tests, which is due to the production of IgM.

Vaccination rooms should contain anti-shock medications (epinephrine, glucocorticosteroids, etc.).

Vaxigrip vaccine may contain trace amounts of gentamicin.

Vaccination does not affect the speed of psychomotor reaction and the ability to concentrate.

After immunization, the patient should be under the supervision of a healthcare professional for half an hour.

The vaccination procedure and opening of ampoules are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of antiseptics and asepsis. The drug cannot be stored in an opened ampoule.

A drug with damaged labeling or integrity of ampoules, stored in violation of the requirements, with altered physical properties (transparency, color) and with an expired expiration date is not suitable for use.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The results of studies of the use of the vaccine in pregnant women confirm the absence of negative effects of vaccination on the fetus and the body of the expectant mother. The presence of embryotoxic and teratogenic effects has not been proven. The decision to vaccinate a pregnant woman is made on an individual basis exclusively by a specialist who takes into account the risk of contracting influenza and the possible complications of this infectious disease. It is preferable to administer Vaxigrip in the second to third trimesters of pregnancy. If a pregnant woman is at increased risk of developing serious post-influenza complications, use of the vaccine is recommended at any stage of pregnancy.

Vaccination during lactation is allowed.

Drug interactions

Vaxigrip can be used simultaneously with other inactivated vaccines, but contraindications for each of them must be taken into account (the drugs should be administered with different syringes to different parts of the body).

Immunosuppressants and glucocorticosteroids reduce the immune response to the drug.


Analogs of Vaxigrip are: Agrippal S1, Begrivak, Inactivated influenza vaccine, eluate-centrifuge, Pandeflu.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2-8 °C. Do not freeze.

Shelf life – 12 months.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

It is used only in medical institutions.


STRAINS 2008/2009





2009/20010 STRAINS

Registration certificate No. 014493/01-2002

Suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.


0.5 ml of suspension contains:

Active ingredient: inactivated, cultured on chicken embryos

split influenza viruses, represented by strains equivalent to

as follows:

A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like strain*. . . . . . . . . . . 15 mcg hemagglutinin;

A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like strain** . . . . . . . . . . 15 mcg hemagglutinin;

B/Brisbane/60/2008-like strain*** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 mcg hemagglutinin.

* A/Brisbane/59/2007/H1N1/IVR-148

** A/Uruguay/716/2007/H3N2/NYMC X-175 C


Auxiliary components: buffer solution (sodium chloride, potassium chloride,

sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, water for injection) - up to

0.5 ml.

The strain composition of the vaccine complies with WHO recommendations for the Northern

hemisphere and the EU decision on the composition of influenza vaccines for the 2009/2010 season.

Vaxigrip may contain no more than 0.05 mcg of ovalbumin per dose.


Slightly opalescent, slightly whitish liquid.


Vaxigrip forms the development of specific immunity to epidemic

current strains of influenza virus types A and B contained in this vaccine.

Immunity develops between the 2nd and 3rd weeks after vaccination and

lasts from 6 to 12 months.


Prevention of influenza in adults and children from 6 months of age. Vaccination

especially indicated for individuals at increased risk of developing

post-flu complications.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the vaccine, as well as components

chicken meat or chicken eggs, neomycin, formaldehyde and octoxynol-9.

For diseases accompanied by increased body temperature, as well as

in case of acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease, vaccination should be

postpone until recovery.


Available data on the use of the vaccine in pregnant women do not indicate

the possibility of negative effects of vaccination on the fetus and the body

women. Vaccination with this drug can be carried out starting from

second trimester of pregnancy. For medical reasons, if available

increased risk of developing post-influenza complications, use

The vaccine can be used during breastfeeding.


The vaccine is administered intramuscularly or deep subcutaneously. Do not enter

intravenously! The vaccine should be kept at room temperature before use.

temperature and shake.

Dosage: for children over 36 months and adults - 0.5 ml once; For

children aged 6 months to 35 months inclusive - 0.25 ml once.

Children under 9 years of age receiving the first influenza vaccine should

two-time administration of Vaxigrip with an interval of 4 weeks.

When using a syringe containing 0.5 ml of vaccine for immunization

children for whom administration of a dose of 0.25 ml is indicated, half should be removed

contents by pressing the piston to the special mark. Enter the patient

remaining amount of vaccine.

When using an ampoule containing 0.5 ml of vaccine for immunization of children,

for whom the administration of a dose of 0.25 ml is indicated, it is necessary to take it from

using a syringe that has appropriate graduations. Remainder

The vaccine in the ampoule must be destroyed immediately.


During clinical trials, it was usually observed (with a frequency ranging from

1/100 to 1/10):

General reactions: fever, malaise, chills, sensation

fatigue, headache, sweating, muscle pain (myalgia), pain in

joints (arthralgia).

Local reactions: redness, swelling, pain, bruising

(ecchymosis), compaction at the injection site.

These reactions usually resolve within 1-2 days and do not require special treatment.

With the mass use of Vaxigrip, in very rare cases there were

the following adverse reactions:

From the circulatory and lymphatic systems: transient thrombocytopenia,

lymphadenopathy, vasculitis with possible short-term involvement of the kidneys (in

isolated cases)

From the nervous system: paresthesia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, neuritis, neuralgia,

convulsions, encephalomyelitis;

Allergic reactions: urticaria, itching, skin rashes; dyspnea,

angioedema, shock.


Due to the fact that the incidence of influenza is seasonal,

the risk of influenza is greatest.

The vaccine leads to the development of immunity against only 3 strains of the virus

influenza contained in the drug or against strains similar to those indicated.

Vaxigrip does not provide immunity against influenza when

vaccinations during the incubation period of the disease, as well as against influenza,

caused by other strains of the virus . Vaxigrip does not shape development

immunity against diseases similar in symptoms to influenza, but

caused by other pathogens. Influenza vaccination given in

time of the previous epidemic season, cannot provide reliable

protection for the next season, because each epidemic season is characterized by

their most common strains of influenza virus.

The doctor must be informed that the patient has an immunodeficiency,

allergies or unusual reactions to a previous vaccination, or any

treatment that coincided with vaccination or preceded


The vaccine should not be used if the color of the suspension is uncharacteristic or

presence of foreign particles in it.

The use of this vaccine does not affect the ability to drive a car.

or other equipment.

The doctor should be informed about all cases of adverse reactions, not

limited to those listed in these instructions.

Cases may occur within a few days after vaccination

false positive results when determining antibodies to HIV-1, virus

hepatitis C and especially human T-lymphotropic virus type 1

enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) method. In these cases, the assessment of the result,

obtained by ELISA is performed using Western blotting.

When carrying out vaccination, it is necessary to have available medications,

necessary to provide emergency assistance in case of anaphylactic



Vaxigrip can be used simultaneously (on the same day) with other vaccines.

In this case, drugs must be administered to different parts of the body using

different syringes. The vaccine cannot be mixed with any other

medicine in one syringe.

In patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy (corticosteroids,

cytotoxic or radioactive drugs), immune response after vaccination

may not be sufficient.


0.5 ml of vaccine in a syringe, 1 syringe in a closed cell package,

1 closed cell packaging with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

0.5 ml of vaccine per ampoule, 10 ampoules per blister pack, per

2 blister packs (20 ampoules) with instructions for use in

cardboard pack.


12 months. The expiration date is considered to be the last day of the month.

indicated on the packaging.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.


Store in the refrigerator (2 to 8°C), away from light. Not


Keep out of the reach of children.


Syringes: According to a doctor's prescription.

Ampoules: For medical institutions.

Please report any cases of unusual vaccination reactions to the National

control body for medical immunobiological preparations - Federal State Budgetary Institution

“State Research Institute of Standardization and Control

medical biological preparations named after. L.A. Tarasevich" Rospotrebnadzor

(119002, Moscow, Sivtsev-Vrazhek lane, 41, tel. 241-39-22) and Representative Office

Sanofi Pasteur in the CIS countries (115035, Moscow, Sadovnicheskaya st., 82, bldg.

2, tel. 935-86-90).


Sanofi Pasteur S.A., 2, Avenue Pont Pasteur 69007, Lyon, France__


It should be especially noted that, unlike some other imported vaccines registered in Russia (for example, Influvac), this dosing regimen completely coincides with international recommendations. In particular, a completely identical vaccination regimen is recommended in the USA.

Half dose of Vaxigrip vaccine(0.25 ml, half adult dose, special release form) is used in children up to 36 months of age. Full dose(0.5 ml) is used in children over 36 months and adults.

Why do children under 8 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated need two doses of the vaccine 1 month apart?

Like any other vaccination with an inactivated vaccine in children, the Vaxigrip vaccination requires repeated administrations, since the strength of the immune response to one vaccination is not enough. This is explained by the so-called booster phenomenon boost- strengthening), which lies in the fact that repeated administration of antigens causes a faster and stronger immune response than their initial administration. In turn, the booster phenomenon is based on the appearance after the first vaccination of special immune memory cells that remember the structure of the antigen and, if it reappears in the body, help the immune system produce antibodies faster and in greater quantities. Thus, the flu vaccine consists of a primary vaccination and revaccination, similar to the DPT and ADS vaccinations. In the case where the child was vaccinated in previous years, the previous vaccination serves as the primary vaccination, and the current vaccination is the revaccination.

In Russia, special studies were conducted on this issue - what is the benefit of repeated vaccination in children under 8 years of age who have not been vaccinated and who have not been ill? The results of this study showed that in these children, a single vaccination is not sufficient to protect against influenza. The morbidity rate practically does not decrease compared to unvaccinated people. At the same time, it was demonstrated that in this group of children, double vaccination can reduce the incidence by 4 times.

Why is the dose of 0.5 ml used in children over 3 years of age and not 0.25 ml?

As comparative studies of two different dosages have shown, a half dose causes the development of immunity in 70-80% of vaccinated children, while a full dose (0.5 ml) forms immunity in 90-99% of children.

Why do adults only need one Vaxigrip vaccination?

There is no need for re-vaccination due to the guaranteed presence of adult memory cells in the body as a result of previous influenza illnesses (it is believed that by the age of 9 a person has had the flu at least once). The immune response after a single vaccination is completely sufficient for effective prevention of influenza. At the same time, studies conducted abroad have shown that repeated vaccination in adults does not provide any benefit compared to a single vaccination.


Like any other vaccination, Vaxigrip has a number of contraindications. Among them are nonspecific, that is, applicable to all vaccines, and one specific contraindication. Among the contraindications there are relative ones, that is, those that can be temporary or in which vaccination is possible, and one absolute one.


  • Acute disease and exacerbation of chronic disease;
  • allergy to chicken egg whites;
  • allergic reactions to any components of the vaccine.

1. Vaxigrip vaccination is not carried out ifacute illness and exacerbation of chronic illness I. This contraindication is common to all vaccines and is relative. The general meaning of this contraindication is that the vaccine cannot aggravate (even theoretically) the course of an acute disease. For example, vaccination during an acute respiratory infection accompanied by an increase in temperature can lead to a further increase in temperature. Any deterioration in well-being, even if not related to the vaccination, in this case will be attributed by the patient and the attending physician specifically to the vaccination. It is also believed that vaccination during illness can “overload the immune system.” Although this is not true, since the human immune system is multitasking and cannot be overloaded, vaccinations are generally not recommended during acute illness.

An exception may be cases when the patient is at increased risk of illness and mortality due to influenza, but at the time when it is necessary to get vaccinated, he was sick and there is no time left for vaccination. In this case, the doctor (and only the doctor) must decide whether to vaccinate if there is a relative contraindication or not.

2. Allergy to chicken egg whites is an absolute contraindication. In practice, such an allergy includes immediate swelling of the lower lip and throat when trying to eat a chicken egg in any form (boiled egg, scrambled egg, salad). If there are no such reactions and a person eats chicken eggs calmly and without consequences, then there is no allergy to chicken egg whites.

3. The Vaxigrip vaccine is a highly purified drug . However, in extremely rare cases there may be allergic reactions to any components of the vaccine. If a person had a severe allergy after a previous Vaxigrip vaccination, this is also an absolute contraindication to the vaccine.

Vaccination and pregnancy

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to vaccination. However, vaccinations during the first trimester of pregnancy are generally not recommended. This is due to the fact that during the first three months the risk of miscarriage is already quite high and therefore a situation may arise when the vaccination coincides with the miscarriage, and the woman and the doctor may get the impression that it was the vaccination that caused the termination of pregnancy. In fact, no vaccine contains substances that can cause miscarriage. Moreover, flu vaccinations in pregnant women are a fairly common practice in developed countries of the world and are even recommended for use in those women whose pregnancy will be in the 2-3 trimester during a flu epidemic.

Vaxigrip forms the development of specific immunity to epidemically relevant strains of influenza virus types A and B contained in this vaccine. Immunity lasts from 6 to 12 months. The high effectiveness of the vaccine is ensured by the presence of both surface and internal antigens. Prevention of influenza from 6 months of age. Vaccination is especially indicated for individuals at increased risk of developing post-influenza complications. Vaxigrip forms the development of specific immunity to epidemically relevant strains of influenza virus types A and B contained in this vaccine. Immunity lasts from 6 to 12 months. The high effectiveness of the vaccine is ensured by the presence of both surface and internal antigens. Prevention of influenza from 6 months of age . Vaccination is especially indicated for individuals at increased risk of developing post-influenza complications. Vaxigrip forms the development of specific immunity to epidemically relevant strains of influenza virus types A and B contained in this vaccine. Immunity lasts from 6 to 12 months. The high effectiveness of the vaccine is ensured by the presence of both surface and internal antigens. Prevention of influenza from 6 months of age. Vaccination is especially indicated for individuals at increased risk of developing post-influenza complications. Vaxigrip forms the development of specific immunity to epidemically relevant strains of influenza virus types A and B contained in this vaccine. Immunity lasts from 6 to 12 months. The high effectiveness of the vaccine is ensured by the presence of both surface and internal antigens. Prevention of influenza from 6 months of age. Vaccination is especially indicated for individuals at increased risk of developing post-influenza complications.

Photo of the drug

Latin name: Vaksigrip

ATX code: no data

Active substance: inactivated split influenza viruses cultured on chicken embryos

Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur S.A., France

Description is valid on: 17.11.17

Vaxigrip is a vaccine to prevent influenza.

Active substance

Inactivated split influenza viruses cultured on chicken embryos.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in 0.5 ml ampoules and syringes.

The strain composition of the vaccine complies with WHO recommendations for the Northern Hemisphere and the EU decision on the composition of influenza vaccines for the 2014/2015 season. May contain no more than 0.05 mcg of ovalbumin per dose. The strain composition of the vaccine complies with WHO recommendations for the Northern Hemisphere and the EU decision on the composition of influenza vaccines for the 2014/2015 season. May contain no more than 0.05 mcg of ovalbumin per dose.

Indications for use

Used to prevent influenza. Individuals who are at increased risk of developing post-influenza complications should be vaccinated first.

Prescribed to children from six months. Women during pregnancy can be vaccinated from the second trimester.


  • development of exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • pathologies accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

The drug is not prescribed:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components included in the composition,
  • in the presence of individual hypersensitivity to neomycin, octoxynol-9, components of chicken eggs and meat, formaldehyde.

Instructions for use Vaxigrip (method and dosage)

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly or deep subcutaneously. Intravenous administration is prohibited. Before use, the solution is kept at room temperature and shaken.

  • Children over 36 months and adults are administered 0.5 ml once.
  • Children from 6 to 35 months are administered 0.25 ml of the drug once.
  • For children under 9 years of age who are being vaccinated against influenza for the first time, Vaxigrip is administered twice with an interval of 4 weeks.
  • For children under 36 months, when administering a dose of 0.25 ml in a 0.5 ml syringe, it is necessary to remove half the contents of the syringe by pressing the plunger to the special mark and inject the remaining amount of the vaccine. When using an ampoule with 0.5 ml of vaccine, children who are indicated for 0.25 ml of vaccine must take out the required amount of the drug with a syringe having the appropriate dosage and destroy the remainder of the vaccine in the ampoule.

Side effects

May provoke the development of such side effects as:

  • chills,
  • malaise,
  • increased body temperature,
  • headache,
  • sweating,
  • feeling tired
  • joint pain,
  • redness,
  • swelling,
  • soreness,
  • bruises,
  • seals at the injection site.

In rare cases, the drug may cause the development of paresthesia, neuritis, neuralgia, encephalomyelitis, convulsions, Guillain-Barre syndrome, urticaria, itching, angioedema, skin rashes, shortness of breath, shock, lymphadenopathy, vasculitis with possible short-term involvement of the kidneys, as well as transient thrombocytopenia.

It should be borne in mind that each epidemic season has its own most common strains of the influenza virus.


Information is absent.


Analogs by ATX code: no.

Medicines with a similar mechanism of action (matching level 4 ATC code):

  • Influvac,
  • Ultrix,
  • Vaxigrip,
  • Fluarix,
  • Inflexal.

Do not decide to change the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

The drug promotes the development of specific immunity to influenza virus strains of types A and B, which are part of the vaccine. Immunity is usually developed 2-3 weeks after vaccination and lasts for an average of 6 months.

special instructions

  • Vaccination is recommended in the autumn-winter period, when the risk of influenza is highest.
  • The vaccine stimulates the development of immunity only against three strains of the influenza virus contained in the drug or similar to those indicated. The drug does not provide immunity during the incubation period against influenza caused by other strains. The drug does not form the development of immunity against diseases that have symptoms similar to the flu, but are caused by other pathogens.
  • The effect of the vaccine extends to one season; each epidemic period has its own most common strains of the virus.
  • The physician should be informed if the patient has an immunodeficiency, allergy, or unusual reaction to a previous vaccination, as well as any treatment that coincides with or precedes the vaccination. You should also inform your doctor about all adverse reactions, not just those listed in the instructions.
  • The vaccine should not be used if the suspension has an uncharacteristic color or the presence of foreign particles.
  • The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles.
  • Within a few days after vaccination, false-positive results are possible when determining antibodies to HIV-1, hepatitis C virus and human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. The result obtained by the ELISA method should be assessed using Western blotting. Vaccination should only be carried out if medications are available to provide emergency treatment in case of anaphylactic reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Vaccination with the drug can be prescribed from the second trimester of pregnancy. According to indications, if there is an increased risk of post-influenza complications, the vaccine can be used regardless of the stage of pregnancy.

It is acceptable to use the vaccine during lactation.

In childhood

Prescribed according to indications for children from 6 months.

In old age

Information is absent.

Drug interactions

Can be used on the same day with other vaccines. Injections are given in different areas of the body and using different syringes. Do not mix the vaccine with other medications in the same syringe.

During therapy with corticosteroids, cytotoxic or radioactive drugs, the immune response after vaccination may be insufficient.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed by prescription for medical institutions.

Storage conditions and periods

Store in a place protected from light, out of reach of children at a temperature of +2...+8 °C. Do not freeze. Shelf life – 12 months.

Price in pharmacies

Information is absent.


The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide for self-medication. Before using the medicine, you must consult a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
