Types of ostriches. Where does the ostrich live and what does it eat? Ostrich egg. Weight and height of ostriches

There is hardly a child in the world who would not ask a question after seeing this amazing creature: ostrich - bird or animal? From a scientific point of view, the ostrich is an animal, like any multicellular creature living on the planet. In everyday life, we are accustomed to consider only vertebrates and mammals as animals, to which the ostrich does not belong.

  • Often ostriches graze with zebras and antelopes, but do not find understanding with other birds.
  • They have very good eyesight, which is not typical for birds, with the exception of eagles and hawks.
  • They cannot fly, their wings are more like underdeveloped paws, as they end in two fingers with claws
  • They run fast. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 100 km/h.
  • Can be used for horse riding.
  • Eat bladder.

The largest bird on earth. The ostrich is the true Gulliver of the bird world. Due to long legs and neck - growth adult can reach more than 2.5m. Weight varies from 50 to 70 kg, but males weigh more than 100 kg. These birds have a large body, evenly feathered, a very long and almost bare neck. The head, compared to the size of the body, is small and flat, the eyes are quite large with thick eyelashes, which is also not typical of birds.

The beak is medium-length and flat, with a tooth. Long and muscular legs, with two toes, one of the toes ending in a claw. Wings, quite large, but underdeveloped and unsuitable for flight, because they end in two spurs. The tail consists of soft feathers. The pectoral muscles are undeveloped and the sternal carina is absent. Like other flightless birds, the ostrich's feathers are arranged evenly, and not along special lines - pterilia. It does not have a goiter, but the neck stretches well and thanks to this it can swallow its prey whole. The head is covered with fluff and the auditory openings, shaped like ears, are clearly visible.


The habitat of these amazing creatures is Africa. They love spacious plains where nothing restricts their movement. They often graze together with artiodactyls. Stay in small groups 5-6 individuals each. Very timid, thanks to their height and vigilance, they instantly notice dangers. They are fleeing for their lives; the ostrich chicks have been running at speeds close to 50 km/h since they were a month old. Adults reach speeds of 70 km/h or more over short distances. One step of an ostrich can reach 4 meters in length. They have a phenomenal ability to suddenly change the direction of running without slowing down, which often baffles their pursuers.

Nutrition and reproduction

Feathered giants feed on plant foods, but they can also be called omnivores. They swallow food whole and, together with grass and fruits, can swallow insects, lizards, and birds. Stones are often swallowed to aid digestion. Up to a kilogram of such pebbles can accumulate in the stomach of ostriches. They can live without water for a long time; they only get enough moisture from eating plants. But if there is water, they take water baths with pleasure.

During the breeding season, the male, in order to attract the attention of females, makes a roar, pushing air through his throat. Seeing a female, she begins to dance, spreads her wings (the span reaches two meters) and begins to squat, bowing her head first to one side, then to the other. The ostrich chooses more than one female, but several. Then it makes a nest, digging out a hole with its feet in which the females lay eggs. Up to five dozen eggs can accumulate in a nest. The male incubates and protects the future chicks. Females, having laid eggs, lose interest in them and this is where their concern ends.

Defending the nest, the head of the family turns into an aggressive bird. It instantly rushes at any moving object, trying to scare the enemy with flapping wings or trampling it with its feet. An adult ostrich is capable of breaking the skull of a predator with a kick, and therefore there are no animals that would try to engage in open combat with it.

This large bird, with a small head, is not distinguished by its intelligence, which is used by hyenas and jackals who want to feast on ostrich eggs. They attack the ostrich's nest with different sides and while the male is chasing some, others are destroying the nest at this time. Ostrich eggs They reach two kilograms in weight, are almost spherical in shape and have a thick shell. An ostrich egg can support the weight of a person. The hardness of the shell bothers the chicks; they have to hammer it for hours and, having made a small hole, squeeze it out with the back of their heads. The chicks feed mainly on insects and grow very quickly.

In the Middle Ages, these giants of the bird world were hunted for their beautiful feathers. Ostrich feathers, unlike other birds without a formed fan, sway very beautifully in the wind. They were used to decorate women's hats and warriors' plumes. Some subspecies were completely exterminated. Nowadays ostriches are bred on farms. Much appreciated ostrich leather, it has an interesting texture after tanning and belongs to the elite grades of leather. The meat resembles beef and contains little cholesterol.

The African ostrich is considered largest representative species, as its height reaches 2.7 m. It lives in Africa, from which its name originated. It is very similar to, as it has quite lush plumage. The main difference is the rich black feathers of the males throughout the year.

African ostriches are the most big birds in the world. They avoid tropical rainforests, preferring grassy areas and deserts, where they feel safe. They often live in joint herds with other representatives of the continent: zebras or antelopes. They warn their neighbors in time about the impending danger.

Possess excellent vision and hearing, so they detect the enemy in advance and hide in time. Capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 km/h.

It's amazing that they don't slow down even when turning. The step length is 4 m.

The biological name translated means “camel sparrow”. This is due to weak wings like sparrows, chest callus and weight like camels. Body weight is 60-70 kg.


  • Large eyes, near which the lines of the mouth end;
  • The upper eyelid is completely covered with thick long eyelashes;
  • Small head;
  • Smooth, flat and wide beak with a soft growth of horny cells at the end;
  • Poorly developed breasts;
  • The presence of a chest callus for a convenient location on the ground;
  • Long muscular legs, each with 2 toes. Only one completely keratinized one, resembling a hoof, serves as a support during running;
  • The head, neck and legs are covered with soft short fluff;
  • Curly, but loose and uniform plumage.

The male black African ostrich is completely black. Only the tail and wings are colored White color. The plumage of females is gray-brown with off-white tail and wings. They also stand out for their longer neck.

They live 60-70 years. Females are productive for 30 years, males for 40 years. They live in small polygamous groups consisting of 1 male and 7-10 females. Birds are smart, inquisitive and obedient. They easily adapt to new conditions and make contact with humans. When angry or anticipating trouble, they become very aggressive and dangerous.

A blow from a strong paw can kill a lion.

They are able to run several kilometers without stopping. They sleep very little, waking up often. One bird always guards the flock and wakes it up in case of danger. They love to take sand baths.

It is believed that there are three varieties of ostriches in Africa: blue-necked, pink-necked and black-necked. The last variety is the most common.


During the breeding season, the male seizes a territory of 15 km around and behaves aggressively. Attracts the female loud screams and hissing, like a growl, and dancing. During it, he kneels down, straightens his feathers and rubs the back of his head.

After mating, the male makes a nest 60 cm deep in the sand, into which all females lay eggs once every 2 days. The dominant female does the incubation.

Interestingly, she always puts her eggs in the middle so that they are as warm as possible.

The shell is light yellow. It can be smooth and glossy or matte and porous.

At home, the chick is sexually mature when it reaches two years, in wildlife– 4 years. IN natural environment females give 5-18 eggs, domesticated birds - 50-110 eggs. The weight of one is approximately 1500-1900 g. Incubation period When breeding, it lasts 43-45 days depending on size.

The female incubates her offspring during the day, as she merges with environment because of its plumage. The male occupies the nest at night. During the day, parents often leave the eggs unattended, making them prey for predators. She is hunted by hyenas, scavengers and jackals.

Chicks are born by making several holes in the shell, which they pierce with the back of their heads. Because of this, babies appear with quickly healing hematomas. From birth they have good vision and hearing, and can move. Already on the second day of life they go hunting with the head of the family.

Non-viable ostrich eggs are broken by them, and many flies flock to them, which the newborns feed on.

During the first weeks of life, the body of the chicks is covered with black and yellow bristles with longitudinal stripes. They acquire adult coloration only in the second year of life. It’s interesting that from childhood they make friends with kids from different packs.

Once they become friends, the chicks bond for life, which is why flocks of different ages often meet.

Adult offspring often become prey for hyenas, leopards, cheetahs and lions.

An angry ostrich runs very fast and attacks zealously. Even large animals are afraid of him. If necessary, the bird pretends to be wounded to divert attention from the chicks, and then runs away.

If the chicks get wet, they are dried, otherwise they may get sick and die.

If the offspring are raised separately from their parents, they need regular walking. From 3 days of age, he is taken for short walks so that babies strengthen their legs and joints. Food is placed at different ends of the room so that they move more. They are kept in groups of 40 individuals. From 6 months, one bird should have at least 10 m2 of space.

An adult requires 10 m2. The fence should be at least 2 m high, otherwise the birds will easily jump over it.

Dark red ostrich meat, which tastes like veal, is healthy due to its minimal cholesterol content. It is quickly prepared and appreciated for its high content phosphorus, iron, manganese, nicotinic acid and B vitamins.


At home, newborn chicks are not fed for the first week so that their body completely absorbs the yolk and muscle moisture. For the first month, food is scattered on the floor, and only then feeders are used.

They are prone to obesity, so you need to strictly control the amount of food you eat.

In the wild, ostrich chicks feed on parental dung. This encourages recycling vegetable fiber in the intestines and the immune system.

Adults are omnivores. They consume shrubs, tree shoots, small reptiles and insects. They have no teeth, food grinds in the stomach, which is why birds often swallow gravel, pebbles or sand.

They love water very much, but are able to live for a long time without it, receiving moisture from plants.

The best food for the African ostrich in summer is crushed alfalfa containing a large number of squirrel. In winter, birds are given hay and feed at the rate of 1.5 kg of mixture per individual.

For intensive weight gain, birds are given vitamin and mineral complexes.

Contrary to the established stereotype, the African black ostrich does not hide its head in the sand when in danger. IN stressful situations he either attacks or runs away. The erroneous opinion arose due to the fact that birds bend their heads low to swallow sand, which is necessary for normal digestion.

It's interesting that:

  • Feathers are used to make jewelry, fans and fans;
  • If active farming had not begun in the 19th century, the population would have died out;
  • Bird feathers are not plucked, but carefully cut off at the root twice a year;
  • The African ostrich is the only bird with a bladder;
  • The shell is so durable that souvenirs and vases are made from it.

The African ostrich is an unpretentious and sociable creature that easily makes contact with humans. It happily trusts the one who constantly feeds and waters it. The bird is not aggressive towards other animals and its relatives, but always protects its flock to the last. Growing on farms does not require special knowledge or effort. The main thing is to provide freedom of movement and comprehensive food.

Ostrich is familiar to everyone. Most often children, but sometimes adults too, wonder where the ostrich lives.

The first thing that comes to mind is Africa. Yes, indeed they are found only on this continent. Today and which for a long time also considered ostriches, classified as a separate species, and recognized as the largest bird in the world and capable of running at speeds of up to 70 km per hour.

It is important for a bird to have good review, because without flying, escape from your own natural enemies, such as cheetahs, lions, hyenas and leopards, he can only by noticing them in time and running away. Due to extensive domestication and farm breeding for eggs, meat, feathers and skin, giants have spread throughout the world, but in the wild they live only in Africa.

Ostrich habitat

The bird is found on the flat areas of the African continent. Previously, ostriches also lived in other territories, in particular in the Middle East, India, Iran, Arabia and Central Asia. As a result of very active hunting activity in most places, the giants were completely exterminated, including even the Middle Eastern species, which was considered numerous. As a result, the habitat was reduced to Africa.

Experts today divide the species into several types. So, birds living in various places Africans have certain differences in appearance.

  1. Living in eastern regions continent - their distinctive feature is the red color of the neck and paws.
  2. Living in Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Kenya - these birds distinctive feature is a bluish tint to the neck and paws.
  3. Living in the southwestern regions of Africa, they have gray paws and neck.

Such differences are usually not noticed by most people, and to them all giants are perceived as the same; unless, of course, you put their photographs in a row, in which species features will be immediately clearly visible.

Birds are found almost everywhere in Africa. The main habitats of ostriches are nature reserves, where the birds feel especially comfortable due to the lack of hunters. These, the largest birds in the world, do not live only in the north of the continent and in the Sahara Desert, in which they simply cannot physically exist without food and water.

The habitat in which the ostrich feels especially comfortable is savannas and desert areas where water and food can be found.

Having learned the general information about where the ostrich lives, you should take a closer look at its specific habitats.


The structural features of the bird and the lack of the ability to fly, which is compensated by very fast running, force ostriches to choose for living flat areas covered with grass (savannas) and, much less often, open forests, which, as a rule, border on savannas.

Ostriches breed on the savanna plains, where there is always enough food for parents and chicks. A healthy bird in such conditions is practically inaccessible to predators, since, noticing them from afar, ostriches very quickly move to safe place, leaving no chance for the pursuer to catch up with them.

In the savannah, the ostrich lives in flocks of up to 50 individuals.

Most often, ostriches graze near herds of antelopes and zebras, as this provides them with additional protection. In such a situation, sneaking predators are noticed more quickly, and they will also quickly prefer an antelope to a bird, which is almost impossible to catch.

It is quite comfortable for a person to live where ostriches live, and therefore it is not uncommon for local tribes, in addition to ungulates, to hunt birds, which provide a large amount of high-quality meat. Because of their attractive feathers, ostriches in nature were exterminated by humans for a long time. Today in Africa, feathered giants are not considered an endangered species.


The desert is not the most suitable place for life for feathered giants. They are not found at all in the Sahara. However, birds enter the territory of semi-deserts in order to hatch eggs, and also after rains, when enough fresh greenery and insects, as well as various lizards, appear in the area. The soil of semi-deserts is quite hard, and the bird can move well on it, gaining very high speed.

Ostriches are amazing birds of our planet. According to zoological taxonomy, they are classified as running birds, also called flat-chested or ratite. They have a small head on a long neck, but their wings are underdeveloped and have no flight feathers. The article discusses their habitats, and also provides information about how much an ostrich weighs, how tall it is, and what speed it develops when running.

Although the ostrich is considered a bird, it cannot fly. There are different species of these birds, but they all live in warm climates such as Australia and Africa. These birds prefer savannas or semi-desert areas.


The largest birds on Earth are African ostriches. They are widespread throughout Africa. They live mainly in dry open areas with sandy, sometimes rocky soil. In order to grind food in the stomach, they swallow small pebbles that are found on the ground.

Ostriches are among the best runners. When running, their speed can reach 50 kilometers per hour. The stride length due to height is approximately 3 meters. Their wings are undeveloped, as they are flightless birds. They have 2 toes on their feet, which they can use as weapons. They lead a herd lifestyle, the number of individuals in a herd can be from 10 to 50. Males are 3 meters tall and weigh about 150 kilograms.

Emu (Australian)

Australian emus are the second largest birds living in the world after African ostriches. Their homeland is the shrubby and grassy areas of Northern and Southwestern Australia. The number of emus in Australia decreased sharply when people from Europe arrived in the country. This is due to shooting and hunting them. Therefore, since 1865, measures have been taken to conserve Emu.

Emus eat a variety of foods, most often depending on the time of year. In summer, birds eat grass, leaves, fruits, and in winter, various insects. Sometimes, out of curiosity, Emu can swallow keys, coins, and jar lids. They happily eat grain crops, so in some areas of Australia the state allows them to be shot.

The weight of an Emu can reach 150 kg, and its height is 150 cm. It has 3 toes on its feet. The feathers have matte brown shades. The head is located in the center of the back and neck, it may be a little darker, and the lower body, on the contrary, is lighter. Outwardly, it is impossible to distinguish a female from a male. To determine sex, you need to raise the tail, press down the cloaca and see if the genital organ appears. Females don't have this. Emus can run at speeds of up to 51 km/h. In addition, birds are excellent swimmers. The female lays up to 25 eggs in the nest, which are incubated by the male.

Gorayo (Somali)

Gorayo ostriches are native to Somalia. These birds are the largest subspecies of African ostriches. Some scientists distinguish Gorayo as separate species, since the study of these birds revealed reproductive isolation from other species of ostriches.

An adult Gorayo is 2.5 m tall. Its weight can be from 105 to 175 kg. Males are always smaller and thinner than females. Distinctive features of the family are long eyelashes, big eyes, bare ears, flat straight beak and well-defined mouth. There are spurs on the wings, and under the beak there is a horny claw.

The plumage of females and males is different: the color of the feathers of males is gray with shades blue color on the neck, and in females it is brown.

The traditional food for Gorayo is various plants, however, not only herbs, but also fruits, leaves, tree branches and shrubs. However, such nutrition does not prevent birds from sometimes eating various rodents, insects and small animals. Gorayo agrees to eat whatever he can eat whole. It happens that he wanders into deserted places where he is unable to find anything edible. In such conditions, he can easily do without water or food for a couple of days.

Birds live in flocks with 5 females and 1 male. They can live with other animals, such as zebras. The inhabitants of the steppes are often close to them in order to notify each other of the onset of danger.

Since ostriches have good eyesight, height and a long neck, they are the first to see the enemy and run away. Other animals, observing such a reaction, try to escape on their own or run after them.

Up to a dozen chicks can appear in an ostrich nest at one time. It takes 50 days for a chick to emerge from an egg. During this period, the female and male periodically change while incubating the eggs. What is the weight of the chick at birth? He is born weighing more than 1 kg, but after 4 months the weight increases to 20 kg and his height increases significantly. In the second month of life, young ostrich chicks develop plumage on their body and head. Features Gorayo: Black and brown feathers that are not visible until one year after birth.

Useful facts

By eating locusts, ostriches can gain a lot of weight, which reduces their running speed. Asphodyl roots, in the absence of water, can serve as a thirst quencher for them. Ostriches can drink not only fresh water, but also salty, but they prefer fresh water.

The ostrich is the largest bird on Earth, therefore it is well known to most people. Previously, other closely related bird species - rhea and emu - were also classified as ostriches, but modern taxonomists distinguish them into separate orders, therefore scientific point Currently, there is only one species of true ostrich - the African ostrich. Rhea and emu retained the old names of American and Australian ostriches, although they do not correspond to the modern systematic position of these species.

African ostrich.

Huge size is what first catches your eye when looking at an ostrich, because this bird is as tall as a large horse. The height of the ostrich from the tips of the paws to the top of the head is 1.8-2.7 m, the weight is on average 50-75 kg, but the heaviest males can weigh up to 131 kg! Certainly, most of the height of the bird falls on long legs and neck, but the ostrich’s head, on the contrary, is very small compared to the size of the body. Even smaller is the brain, which in ostriches does not exceed the size walnut. Such small size brain causes low level intelligence of these birds and indicates their primitiveness.

Female African ostrich.

In addition, in external and internal structure The ostrich also has other primitive characteristics. For example, the feathers of ostriches grow evenly throughout the body, while in most birds they are located along special lines - pterilia. This arrangement of feathers is also found in rheas, emus, cassowaries, kiwis and penguins. The feathers themselves do not have a structured fan; the secondary barbs of the feather do not align with each other, but look disjointed. Ostriches do not have a sternum keel because pectoral muscles They are relatively poorly developed, so ostriches are completely incapable of flight. But the ostrich's legs are perfectly adapted to running. Firstly, the long paws have powerful muscles, and secondly, the ostrich has only two fingers on its paws - one huge, similar to a whole foot and armed with a claw, and the second is smaller and without a claw. The second finger is not a support finger, but only helps to maintain balance and improves traction with the soil while running.

Ostriches are the only birds in the world with only two toes.

Another unique but little-known feature of ostriches is the separate excretion of feces and urine from the body. As is known, all birds excrete urine and feces simultaneously in the form of semi-liquid droppings. But in ostriches, both substances are excreted separately; these are the only birds in the world that have a bladder. Ostriches do not have a crop, but their necks are very extensible and they can swallow fairly large prey whole. The vision of these birds is well developed. The external auditory openings clearly appear on the weakly feathered head and even resemble small ears in their shape.

The most feathered parts of ostriches are the body, tail and wings, neck, head and top part The legs are covered with short down and may look almost hairless. The lower part of the legs is covered with large scales. African ostriches have clearly expressed sexual dimorphism: males are larger and black in color, the tips of the feathers on the wings and tail are white, females are gray-brown and smaller. In addition, different subspecies of the African ostrich may differ in the color of their beaks and paws; in some subspecies they are sandy-gray, in others they may have a bright pink edging or be completely red.

Males of the Somali subspecies of African ostrich have pink beaks and paws.

The ostrich's habitat covers almost all of Africa; this bird is not found only in North Africa and Sahara. In the old days, ostriches were found even in areas of Asia adjacent to the African continent - on the Arabian Peninsula and in Syria. Ostriches are inhabitants of open plains, they inhabit grassy savannas, dry woodlands and semi-deserts. They avoid dense thickets, swampy plains and deserts with quicksand, since they cannot develop high running speed there. Ostriches are sedentary, more often found in small groups, in exceptional cases can form flocks of up to 50 individuals, and often graze together with zebras and various types antelope The flock does not have a permanent composition, but a strict hierarchy reigns in it. Birds of the highest rank hold their tail and neck vertically, while weaker birds hold their tails and necks obliquely.

A flock of ostriches on a farm.

Ostriches are active mainly at dusk; they rest during the intense midday heat and at night. Night sleep ostrich consists of short periods deep sleep, when the bird lies on the ground with its neck extended, and long periods of half-asleep when it sits with its neck raised and eyes closed.

The ostrich is a rather stupid bird, but very careful. While feeding, ostriches often raise their heads and look around the surroundings with a keen eye. They can see a moving object on the surface of the plain a kilometer away. If danger is suspected, the ostrich tries to leave in advance, avoiding getting close to the predator. Therefore, the behavior of ostriches is often monitored by other herbivores that are not so vigilant and rely more on their sense of smell. If necessary, an ostrich can run at a speed of 70 km/h, that is, it can freely overtake a horse; in exceptional cases, an ostrich can accelerate to 80-90 km/h (over a short distance). While running, an ostrich can make sharp turns without slowing down, and also suddenly lie down on the ground. In ancient times, the ancient Greek scientist Pliny the Elder wrote that ostriches hide their heads in bushes, believing that they will not be noticed. There is no truth in this statement, but it stuck and over time transformed into the belief that ostriches bury their heads in the sand when in danger. In reality, ostriches do not demonstrate any reactions similar to this statement.

It should be noted that ostriches show caution only during the non-nesting period. While incubating eggs and caring for their offspring, they turn into very brave and aggressive birds. During this period of time there can be no question of hiding from danger. The ostrich reacts instantly to any moving object and moves across it. First, the bird opens its wings and tries to scare the enemy; if this does not help, then the ostrich rushes at the enemy and tramples him underfoot. With a blow from his paw, a male ostrich can break a lion’s skull, add to this the enormous speed that the bird develops as naturally as when escaping from an enemy. No African animal dares to engage in open combat with an ostrich, but some take advantage of the bird's shortsightedness. During a group attack, hyenas and jackals distract the ostrich's attention and, while it scares away some aggressors, their accomplices often manage to come from the rear and steal an egg from the nest.

Female ostrich in a threatening pose.

Ostriches feed mainly on plant foods, but they can rather be called omnivores. Along with grass, leaves and fruits, they can eat insects, small lizards, turtles and even birds and animals. Interestingly, these birds prefer to pick up food from the ground and rarely pluck branches. Ostriches swallow prey whole, including hard fruits. Also, these birds often swallow pebbles, which help grind food; in an adult bird, up to 1 kg of pebbles can accumulate in the stomach. For this reason, in captivity, ostriches love to taste everything and often swallow inedible objects, for example, buttons, coins, nails. Ostriches can go for a long time without water, but on occasion they willingly drink and bathe.

An ostrich was about to dine on a newborn turtle.

The breeding season for ostriches living in humid areas lasts from June to October. Ostriches living in the desert breed all year round. During this period, herds of ostriches break up, and the males occupy areas that are carefully guarded from competitors. Seeing an opponent, the ostrich rushes to cross him and tries to kick him; the ostrich accepts females favorably. To attract their attention, the ostrich can roar, forcing air through its throat. When the female approaches, the ostrich begins to display, for this it spreads its wings, the span of which can reach 2 m. The male sits on his paws, alternately flaps his wings and bows his head first to one shoulder, then to the other.

Leaking ostrich.

Look at various shapes mating behavior of ostriches:

Ostriches are polygamous birds, so each male strives to gather more chosen ones around him and mates with all the females. However, in an ostrich harem, one female always occupies a leading position and can linger near the male until the end of nesting, while the rest move away. The male digs a hole in the ground with his paws, into which the females alternately lay eggs. From the first moment to the end of incubation, all concerns about the offspring fall on the male. While he incubates the first eggs, the females literally lay eggs in front of him, which he carefully rolls under himself. Each female lays 7-9 eggs, and in total there are 15-25 eggs in the nest. In areas of mass ostrich hunting, there is a shortage of males (since their feathers are most valued), so up to 50 eggs can accumulate in nests. The probability of survival of such a clutch is negligible, since the male cannot cover all the eggs with his body and they remain unhatched.

Male and female African ostrich at the nest.

Incubation lasts 1.5 months, only the male incubates; the dominant female may be nearby, but does not take part in the incubation. It should be noted that the male sits on the nest mainly at night, and during the day he leaves the clutch to the will of the sun to feed. It is at this moment that the ostrich's nest is vulnerable to hyenas, jackals and vultures who hunt for eggs.

Ostrich eggs are both the largest and... the smallest in the world. In absolute size, ostrich eggs, weighing 1.5-2 kg, are the largest among all birds, but relative to the body size of an adult bird, they are the smallest. Ostrich eggs have an almost spherical shape (15 cm long, 13 cm wide) and a white glossy shell. The shell of eggs is very thick and durable and can support the weight of an adult. But this same shell is a serious test for ostrich chicks: in order to hatch, the chick hammers the shell for several hours, making a small hole, and then expands it, resting the back of its head against the arch of the egg.

African ostrich egg laying.

Incubation lasts 6 weeks; the ostrich chicks, hatched with such difficulty, from the first minutes of life can follow their father and look for food on their own. It is interesting that the ostrich often breaks the eggs remaining in the nest with his feet, the smell rotten eggs attracts flies, which are pecked by ostrich chicks. In general, ostrich chicks, unlike adult birds, feed only on animal food, mainly insects. Newborn ostrich chicks are covered with small bristle-like feathers and have a striped yellow-brown color; they grow quickly and can soon reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. Despite this, the chicks are vulnerable to predators, with only 15% of the chicks surviving to one year.

African ostrich chicks.

Male ostriches are exemplary parents; they guide the young, protect them from predators and protect them from the scorching sun, spreading their wings, in the shadow of which the chicks hide. Ostrich chicks are very friendly and follow each other in a dense flock; when two families meet, the ostrich chicks unite into one group and are no longer separated in the future. This leads to conflicts between the parents; each of the males considers the babies their own and a battle ensues between them for the right to perform parental responsibilities. The winner takes the whole group with him and does not divide the chicks into adopted ones and his own. Ostrich chicks put on adult attire at two years old, and reach sexual maturity by 3-4 years. Ostriches live on average 30-40 years, in captivity they can live up to 50.

In nature, ostriches have few enemies; the greatest losses in the population are observed during the incubation of eggs and the raising of young animals. In addition to hyenas, jackals and vultures hunting for eggs, lions, cheetahs and leopards can attack chicks. Adult ostriches fall into the clutches of predators only if they manage to ambush the bird and attack from behind.

Three cheetahs killed an ostrich.

Even in ancient times, ostriches were hunted for their feathers. Since ostrich feathers do not have a shaped fan, they are soft to the touch and sway beautifully in the wind, so they were used to make warriors’ plumes, fans, and, starting from the Middle Ages, to make fans and decorate women’s hats. The peak demand for feathers occurred in the 18th century, when ostriches were exterminated over large areas, and the numbers of the Arabian subspecies were so undermined that by 1966 it became completely extinct.

The widespread extermination of the African ostrich prompted people to start breeding these birds in captivity. The first ostrich farm appeared in the 19th century. South America, and then ostriches began to be bred in Africa, North America, Southern Europe. In captivity, these birds are very unpretentious and hardy. Some farmers even trained ostriches to carry a rider (this bird can easily support the weight of a person) and to walk in a harness, but these experiments were not widespread. Aggressive during the breeding season and difficult to train, the ostrich is not of interest as a draft force. On modern ostrich farms they find everything more use products obtained from these birds. Now ostrich meat and eggs are often supplied to exotic restaurants. Ostrich meat is lean and tougher than any other meat. poultry, it tastes like beef. Eggs have become a favorite material for crafts and artistic carvings; candlesticks and souvenirs are made from them. The demand for ostrich feathers is not so great these days, but durable ostrich leather is highly valued. After tanning, the resulting material has a unique texture, which is why ostrich leather is one of the elite types of raw materials. Thanks to captive breeding, the population of wild ostriches is not currently in danger.

At the Tampa Zoo (USA), 3-year-old giraffe Bia and 10-year-old ostrich Vilma became friends.
