The desire to eat, what lies behind this? How to get rid of the constant desire to chew something When the desire to eat is hunger

Every person in his life has felt the desire to eat. What is it? It turns out that this is a feeling that appears in the mind or is physically felt in a person’s stomach. And depending on the form of manifestation, they separate appetite and hunger.

When does the desire to eat mean hunger?

Hunger is a physiological sensation, a bodily signal that indicates a lack of nutrients for the normal functioning of the body. The feeling of hunger is felt by an empty stomach and can sometimes cause headaches and dizziness.

When the desire to eat appears, it can be either hunger or appetite. If a person does not care how to satisfy the lack of food, then it is hunger.

You are hungry if:

  • the desire to eat increases gradually;
  • discomfort appears in the stomach;
  • the body “demands” high-calorie food;
  • a feeling of relief occurs after eating a small amount of food;
  • When you feel full, stop eating.

Appetite comes with eating

Appetite is a psychological dependence when a person “experiences” some situation with the help of food.

An emerging desire to eat is an appetite if:

  • the desire to eat appears instantly;
  • the desire to eat something appears in the head, while there is no feeling of emptiness in the stomach;
  • I don’t just want to eat, but something unusual and tasty;
  • less than an hour has passed since the last meal;
  • after the main meal you can’t deny yourself dessert;
  • When you see a dish you want to try it.

The desire to eat is, in a word, the satisfaction of a person’s psychological dependence.

Appetite in children

Children may not pay enough attention to food intake, so parents should pay attention to what, how much and when the child eats in order to avoid later health problems.

Appetite is determined by the degree of hunger. However, there may be hunger, but there is no appetite, and Lack of appetite can be imaginary and true.

With an apparent lack of appetite, the child is within the normal weight range for his age, but it seems to the parents that he is not eating enough. Therefore, parents strive to feed their child more food and eat food more often.

Parents should be reasonable about their child's nutrition and not force him to overeat. If his body develops normally and does not experience hunger, there is no need to increase the portion size so that overeating does not disrupt the body’s metabolism.

A true lack of appetite may indicate the presence of a disease. When a child is really hungry and does not want to eat food, this is a signal to consult a doctor for advice.

Increased appetite in children

In schoolchildren, changes in appetite may be associated with changes in school life. may mean the presence of a disease, or maybe the student just decided to lose weight, “get in shape.” Then parents should pay attention to this so that refusing to eat does not lead the body to exhaustion. Together with a nutritionist, develop a menu for the child.

If a schoolchild does not have the desire to eat, this may be due to a violation of the diet, so it is necessary to analyze the child’s school day and adjust meal times.

If at school the child receives a full breakfast, then do not give money for snacks: buns, cakes. To improve appetite, the child should spend more time outdoors. Reluctance to eat may also be due to changes in taste preferences.

Parents should monitor the student’s diet and, if necessary, add and change it.

Causes of appetite

The desire to eat is, in a word, a need that can manifest itself in different ways. This is either a desire to really satisfy your hunger or try something new, or “experiencing” problems.

Since appetite is a psychological addiction, we need to figure out what causes it.

Appetite can be triggered by:

  • desire to try a new taste;
  • internal experiences: problems at work, at home;
  • various psychological states: loneliness, irritability, resentment, anger;
  • a habit, for example, when a person sits at a computer, he definitely needs to eat something.

Therefore, when the desire to eat arises, it can be a deceptive feeling. We need to figure out what exactly caused it. Try to mentally go back and remember under what actions and thoughts it appeared. Understand the situation, survive it, then the desire to eat may recede or cease to be so strong.

When a person is hungry, he can eat any food, but the stomach still does not feel the taste. It only feels full when it is full. Taste is revealed by the receptors of the tongue, and this affects the presence of appetite. To satisfy your appetite and not overeat, you need to keep small pieces of food on your tongue for as long as possible so that the receptors fully reveal the taste of the product.

How to get rid of hunger

If a person wants to normalize his body, he goes on a diet. And here it is very important to properly deal with your feeling of hunger.

How to fight the urge to eat:

  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • then the feeling of hunger will be suppressed;
  • include them in the diet; with their help, you can achieve satiety by consuming a small amount of food;
  • drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • eat slowly, chewing food slowly;
  • remove sweets so that they are out of sight: cookies, cakes, chocolate, candies.

In order for signals about food intake to reach the brain on time and at the same time a person does not overeat, one must not eat:

  • on the run;
  • in front of the TV, computer;
  • Avoid or minimize your intake of spices as they increase your appetite.

How to deceive the desire to eat? This can be done using the following psychological techniques:

  • prepare dishes with the same number of calories, but larger in volume;
  • make the sandwich taller with additional lettuce leaves;
  • eating from smaller plates, which will be completely filled, is better than a large half-empty plate.


Do not forget that overeating is bad for human health, so you need to control your appetite. To maintain good athletic shape and normal functioning of the body, it is enough just to satisfy hunger, and an analysis of a person’s psychological state will help get rid of increased appetite.

You need to be attentive to your internal signals and eat when it is really necessary. You should not give in to the deceptive desire to snack if your body does not require “additional recharging.”

Often we want to eat something not because of a real desire to fuel the body with food. Psychologists say that the feeling of hunger in many people arises from the habit of constantly chewing something. How to overcome this feeling?

The desire to dull hunger can be reinforced either by the dream of losing weight or by the goal of establishing a diet. Whatever your motivation, it is important to understand that it is quite possible to deceive the body. How to deal with overeating and how to help your body get into a harmonious state in which you eat as much as you need? These 15 useful tips will help you cope with the problem.

Top 15 tips on how to get rid of hunger:

1. If you are overtaken by the desire to eat something urgently in the breaks between lunch and dinner, then you need to change the type of activity. For example, take a walk, read a book, watch a funny video. In general, make the brain forget that it was asking for food.

2. An excellent life hack for those who feel hungry at home - take a bath with aromatic herbs and oils.

3. You should also give up seasonings that only fuel the desire to eat as much as possible. Pepper and mustard may speed up metabolism, but they also stimulate appetite. Therefore, it is worth switching to lean, barely seasoned dishes.

4. Do not buy various attractive but unhealthy snacks such as candy, bars and buns. Buy nuts, fruits and vegetables and then even if you suddenly want to “kill a worm”, you will at least make it a healthy product.


5. One of the most difficult but effective tips is to avoid giving free treats to work colleagues or girlfriends who unexpectedly dropped by for tea and cake. Any unexpected food disrupts your regime and will definitely be deposited on your sides.

6. Even if you are on a strict diet, you should not give up your favorite sweets. But! It should be a small piece. It is best if you give yourself such encouragement in the morning.

7. Main meals should be in silence. That is, without radio, telephone, laptop and TV. Mindful eating allows you to feel full faster. A properly set table (this is important!) and a small portion of your favorite dish is the secret to staying slim!

8. This advice is only suitable for people with willpower. As soon as you feel hungry, you need to start doing at least basic exercise. Whether it’s a yoga asana or stretching, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to occupy the body with something else. And in this case it’s also useful!

9. Often, simple thirst is mistaken for hunger. So, if you feel like you want a snack, perhaps you just need to drink a glass of water or herbal tea.

10. Make sure that the kitchen utensils and tablecloths in your kitchen are in non-garish colors. Still lifes with orange vegetables and fruits, bright plates and other things that excite the appetite should be replaced. For example, it has been shown that blue dishes suppress appetite.

11. This tricky advice from nutritionists will definitely surprise you. In order to control food intake, you need to purchase miniature children's dishes, in which you cannot put a large portion of food.

12. Another useful life hack is to use the right aromas in the fight against unexpected hunger. The fact is that a person’s centers of hunger and smell are nearby, so even a lit aroma lamp can help in dulling hunger. Floral and citrus aromas work best to block the feeling of hunger.

14. Chew mint gum and brush your teeth with mint toothpaste several times a day. The extract of this plant kills appetite for a long time.

15. Another tricky physiological technique is self-massage by pressing the pad of your middle finger on the point between the upper lip and nose.

There are also magic points on your hands, by massaging which you dull the feeling of hunger and as soon as you want to eat, you find it and massage it... . It’s easy to search - on the outside, in the middle from the shoulder to the elbow and in the middle from the biceps to the triceps (at the intersection) there is a hole when you press on it you feel a little pain... With the opposite hand you find the hole and rotate it with your middle finger with pressure for 1-2 minutes, then on the other river

Remember also not to eat foods that make us eat more.


We often go on diets, limiting ourselves to an extra piece of bread or avoiding dairy products. We eat a small bowl of soup, we eat a green apple, but the feeling of fullness does not come; on the contrary, we want to eat even more.
This happens because we choose products incorrectly.
There are many foods that greatly increase appetite, which is the cause of excess weight. Having a good appetite, we do not control ourselves and eat more than normal at lunch, and after eating we go looking for snacks.

Foods that cause a strong appetite are largely to blame. For example, it used to be believed that if you eat a plate of soup or rich borscht, you will be full and we will eat less for the second meal. In reality, everything happens differently. Soups, broths, borscht and other liquid dishes contribute to the production of large amounts of gastric juice, as a result of which the appetite increases and after the first course we eat a large amount of the next dish and a lot of dessert. As a result, we are improving greatly.

Next on the list of foods that increase appetite are marinades: sauerkraut, tomatoes and cucumbers, which are extremely tasty and low in calories. But the danger is that they can cause a strong appetite, since they contain acetic acid, which enhances the production of gastric juice.
Marinades also contain a large amount of salt, which causes thirst; we begin to drink a lot of liquid, which is retained in the body and causes excess weight.

Apples also greatly increase appetite, causing the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is useful to eat apples in the morning if you cannot force yourself to have a good breakfast at this time. Drinking a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice or eating a green apple will quickly make you feel hungry.

Horseradish, green onions, fresh garlic and hot pepper greatly increase appetite and stimulate blood circulation. As a result, your appetite may work in earnest. If you can't resist your appetite, replace these foods with fresh parsley, dill, oregano and basil.

Naturally, we must not forget about chocolate - the favorite treat of many of us. It’s not for nothing that we were told in childhood: “Don’t eat chocolate before meals, you’ll kill your appetite!” “By the way, cocoa and coffee drinks increase appetite, so these drinks should not be abused, as this will cause a significant increase in weight.

Nutritionists say that if a person is overwhelmed by the desire to eat, and wants something specific, then he needs to start reviewing his diet. But the fact is that this is not a problem with just one product, but with the entire menu, which lacks some vitamins and microelements. Therefore, even if you eat the desired product, this will not solve the issue of their deficiency.

If you have a craving for sweets

Very often a person wants something sweet. To satisfy the desire, chocolates, sweets, and cakes are used. However, this is not what the body needs at all. The need for sweets indicates that nerves have begun to fail, and therefore it is necessary to reduce workloads so as not to provoke stress.

This is explained simply. Glucose takes an active part in the production of the stress hormone. It is quickly consumed, and the body needs to replenish it. This is where the desire for sweets grows. It is quite natural that the body needs to be supported and given a pill, but not as a big piece of cake, since it contains a lot of heavy carbohydrates.

You shouldn’t go heavy on chocolate either. It contains a large amount of fat. Therefore, excess chocolate poses a danger to blood vessels. You should also take into account that if there is a desire specifically for chocolate, then the body does not have enough magnesium. And to replenish it, you can limit yourself to a handful of seeds or nuts.

But an inexhaustible love for ice cream indicates a carbohydrate metabolism disorder. Diabetic patients also feel the urge to eat this delicious product. To cover the lack of carbohydrates, you can eat vegetables and cereals. Dried fruits, honey and nuts are suitable as dessert.

Are you constantly craving tea or coffee? Apparently the body is experiencing a lack of sulfur. It is found in abundance in cranberries, horseradish, white cabbage, and broccoli. But if you have an unbearable desire to drink a glass of lemonade or other soda, then this indicates a lack of calcium. It is found in milk, cheese, broccoli, legumes, sesame seeds, and legumes. They will faithfully supply the body with calcium without any harm to health.

If you crave salty and sour

Do you want something sour, like sauerkraut or kefir? Here we can talk about a deficiency of vitamin C and magnesium. To fill your body with these components, eat legumes, husk seeds and crack nuts.

There is also a chance that your diet is too bland and neutral, consisting of milk, fish, potatoes, and boiled meat. If the acidity is low, then such food always provokes you to eat something spicy or sour.

A persistent desire to eat sour foods indicates problems with the liver or gall bladder. As for the liver, it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist.

There is a strong opinion that if a woman is drawn to salty food, then this is a sign of a new addition to the family. However, the need to eat herring or pickled cucumber can also cause dehydration.

This may also indicate a chloride deficiency. And they are found in fish, seafood, goat milk, and sea salt. It is also possible that the body has a focus of infection in the genitourinary area. Here we can name cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of the appendages.

The desire for spicy or bitter foods occurs due to intoxication, disruption of the secretory and evacuation functions of the stomach. But after overeating fatty foods, there is a need to add garlic or pepper to stimulate digestion. Here you just need to arrange a couple of fasting days.

If you crave exotic foods

What if you want, for example, chalk? We are surprised, but the nutritionists are not so surprised. In this case, the body experiences an acute lack of potassium. Therefore, eat cheese, feta cheese, drink milk, eat chicken eggs. But there is no need to use chalk. This won't lead to anything good.

Do you want to chew some ice? You need iron. Therefore, eat a portion of meat, fish, poultry, eat it all with seaweed, herbs, and at the end don’t forget about cherries.

A craving for something overcooked and always with a crispy crust indicates a lack of carbon. Therefore, you need to eat as much fresh fruit as possible. But the desire to take a drag from a cigarette indicates a deficiency of silicon or the amino acid tyrosine. Silicon is replenished by nuts and seeds, and tyrosine is found in fruits and vegetables.

You really wanted to drink. Don't be afraid, you are not an alcoholic. The body simply signals a lack of protein. Therefore, enrich your menu with cabbage, red peppers, tomatoes, nuts, beans, pumpkin, carrots, and onions. These foods are rich in protein. But drinking alcohol is not at all necessary.

Lost your appetite? Lack of vitamin B1 or B2. Eat buckwheat, oatmeal, and whole grain rye flour products. But an insatiable appetite indicates a silicon deficiency. Nuts and seeds will help here. Maybe it's a lack of amino acids. These are tryptophan and tyrosine. They are found in vegetables and fruits.

So, the desire to eat signals possible problems with some components of the body. Listen carefully to yourself and eat what will bring you benefit and health.
