If the blood is thick, treatment. What to do if you have thick blood. What does increased blood density lead to?

Often patients with various vascular problems They say “I have thick blood” , realizing that behind this lie the causes of their ailments.

It is the viscosity of the blood that determines the period normal operation heart and blood vessels.
When blood viscosity increases, blood flow through the vessels becomes difficult, which can lead to disruption cerebral circulation(stroke) in patients with arterial hypertension, and in people with coronary disease heart disease (CHD) can cause myocardial infarction.
Therefore, it is important to know what blood viscosity is made up of and is it possible to influence it?

For normal blood circulation, blood viscosity is great importance, since the thicker the blood, the more resistance the heart has to overcome when working.
Therefore, in this post you will learn about what affects the viscosity and “fluidity” of blood.

What determines the “fluidity” (rheological properties) of blood?

1. Hematocrit. This is the ratio of the liquid part of the blood (plasma) and the number of blood cells.
The more blood cells and the less liquid part (plasma), the thicker the blood, the higher the hematocrit.
An increase in blood viscosity is observed with an increase in the number of blood cells relative to plasma volume.
This leads to difficulty in the basic transport function of blood, disruption of redox processes in all organs and tissues - the brain, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys.

Blood thickening appears

  • fatigue
  • drowsiness during the day
  • memory impairment
  • feeling of lack of energy
  • and other signs of oxygen starvation

What causes blood to thicken (increases hematocrit)?

  • decrease in body temperature (cooling)
  • certain conditions leading to loss of water (dehydration):
  • low fluid intake
  • drinking alcohol
  • use of diuretics
  • use of diaphoretics and antipyretics
  • rare meals (1–2 times a day)
  • long hard work.

What makes blood thinner (decreases hematocrit)?

  • drinking water
  • increase in body temperature
  • hot baths

2. Blood can not only be thick, but also have increased viscosity.
This happens when there is excess protein in the blood. These can be various proteins that are not normally present in the blood,
for example, not broken down intermediate metabolic products for example when

  • indigestion
  • overeating in one meal
  • single consumption of a significant amount of starchy (vegetables, cereals, pasta and bakery products) or protein (meat, fish) products
  • immune proteins (immunoglobulins)
  • proteins of inflammatory origin
  • if you are allergic to food products(more often in children)
  • for dysbacteriosis
  • intoxication
  • liver diseases
Platelet aggregation, coarse fibrin threads, hemoscanning

3. Increased blood clotting.
Blood has an important property - clotting, which protects our body from blood loss.
This indicator should be normal. Both increased and decreased coagulability are dangerous for the body.
With increased clotting, there is a risk of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.
That's why for people at risk vascular diseases It is important to monitor blood clotting parameters such as:
- clotting time

– vitamin B12 in the blood, etc.

When they are deficient, the level of a dangerous protein, homocysteine, increases in the body, which is associated with a tendency to thrombosis and heart attacks.
And such shortages are not uncommon. People who have had gastric surgery, have low or no acidity, vegetarians and especially vegans, have increased risk development of vitamin B12 deficiency.

For that, so that oxidized cholesterol is not deposited on the vascular wall also needed are:

  • resveratrol and other antioxidants
  • L-carnitine
  • macro- and microelements: potassium. magnesium, selenium, zinc, germanium
  • amino acids: lysine, methionine, proline, taurine

All this can additionally be obtained from good vitamin supplements. mineral complexes (Ultimate, Cardiophyte).

Medicines that require additional dose Coenzyme Q10:

  • All beta blockers(used when high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances: metoprolol, concor, nebilet, betalol, etc.
  • blockers calcium channels(used for high blood pressure): nifedipine, cyclohexyladenosine, etc.
  • some antitumor antibiotics(adriamycin, doxorubicin) affect the heart muscle due to the activation of peroxide processes;
  • statins(cholesterol-lowering drugs): atoris, ator, atorvastatin, zakor, etc.

All of these drugs automatically suppress the synthesis coenzyme Q 10(!), which ultimately leads to increased cholesterol again

What can be done to reduce the side effects of these medications? In this case, the following remedies are necessary:

By consuming alkaline in a timely manner structured water You can avoid these serious complications and even save your life.

Today there are many ways to alkalize and structure water. The simplest of them is adding alkaline mineral compositions to water.

Elasticity of blood vessels. This indicator directly depends on blood viscosity.

The condition of the blood affects the functioning of all systems of the body, since it is not only a connecting link between them, but also ensures the viability of each. The flow rate depends on its viscosity. If it is elevated, the organs do not receive the necessary elements for normal functioning. Thick blood, causes and treatment in women during pregnancy is of particular importance, as it can harm the health of both mother and baby.

Why does the blood become thick?

Plasma containing microelements, ions, proteins, hormones and others active substances and blood cells that perform various biological functions- these are the two components that make up the main biological fluid of the body. The ratio of cell mass and plasma normally ensures the free flow of blood through the vessels. In analyzes it is estimated as a hematocrit number. An upward change indicates an increase in viscosity.

It thickens due to an increase in the blood

  • red blood cell count;
  • hematocrit;
  • hemoglobin.

Viscosity is also affected by the concentration of proteins - fibrinogen and prothrombin. The increase causes red blood cells to stick together, which has dangerous consequences in the form of thrombosis.

A decrease in the volume of the liquid part of the blood can occur due to:

  1. General dehydration of the body due to factors: reduced volume of fluid drunk; elevated temperature bodies due to infection or in hot climates; increased vomiting, diarrhea; diabetes; kidney dysfunction.
  2. Regular use of medications: diuretics, NSAIDs, oral contraceptives, for the treatment of impotence, for the treatment of diseases of the adrenal cortex.
  3. Pathologies of metabolic processes. At the same time, the blood is saturated with under-oxidized products, which provokes the transfer of part of the water from the plasma into the surrounding tissues.
  4. Respiratory pathologies. A decrease in the supply of oxygen to the blood leads to a deterioration in the condition of blood cells.
  5. Lipid balance disorders. The entry of excess cholesterol and other lipids into the blood makes the blood viscous.
  6. Inflammatory processes. Causes the appearance of a large number of immune cells in the blood.
  7. Chronic stress. They lead to an increase in the content of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, which worsens its condition.
  8. Thermal burns, diseases of the liver, pancreas, blood (erythremia, leukemia, myeloma), blood vessels ( varicose veins), poor nutrition, obesity, smoking, exposure to polluted atmosphere, alcohol abuse.

Increased blood viscosity may be genetically determined.

Thick blood: symptoms in women

There are no specific symptoms of blood thickening; the symptoms of the disease that caused this condition are most clearly manifested. But we can identify a number of signs caused by difficulty in blood circulation:

  • a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, and a tendency to depression are associated with a decrease in blood flow in the microvessels of the brain;
  • coldness of the skin of the extremities, numbness, goosebumps and tingling are explained by deterioration of blood circulation in the skin capillaries;
  • headache appears in response to a compensatory increase blood pressure V small vessels brain;
  • dry mucous membranes, poor urination are signs of dehydration;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart - signs of angina pectoris, heart failure, hypertension, rhythm disturbances are caused by both overload during pumping of high-viscosity blood and impaired blood circulation in small vessels of the myocardium.


During a survey and examination, it is impossible to clearly determine the pathology, since its symptoms are similar to those of other diseases. That's why accurate diagnosis only gives laboratory test. If you suspect that a patient has thick blood, what tests show abnormalities:

  • general analysis reveals an increase in the number of red blood cells and other cells, high hemoglobin;
  • hematocrit - determines the shift in the ratio of the amount of plasma and cell mass;
  • the coagulogram reflects the state of the coagulation system;
  • determining the APTT indicator allows you to assess how prone the blood is to rapid clot formation
  • biochemical analysis, sugar tests, urine analysis are carried out to clarify the cause of blood thickening.

Dangerous consequences

First of all, the load on the heart increases, since viscous blood must be pushed through the vessels with greater strength. The heart muscle first hypertrophies and then, when exhausted, compensatory mechanisms, becomes thinner and loses the ability to adequately contract. Heart failure develops.

Slow blood flow leads to red blood cells sticking together, causing oxygen starvation tissues, lack of nutrition. The walls of blood vessels are damaged, which facilitates the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and large blood clots. As a result, deadly complications arise -

  • heart attacks;
  • strokes;
  • thromboembolism.


Eliminating problems associated with increased blood viscosity must begin with identification and treatment primary cause such a state. In addition, it must be comprehensive, regular and adequate. It should only be carried out under medical supervision with periodic checks. laboratory parameters.

Chronic causes require constant correction of metabolic disorders, and acute conditions can be stopped by influencing the underlying mechanism that caused blood clotting.

Drug effects

To thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots, anticoagulants are used:

  • Heparin,
  • Warfarin,
  • Fraxiparine,
  • Fenilin.

Another group of drugs are antiplatelet agents:

  • Magnecard,
  • Aspirin,
  • Cardiomagnyl,
  • Chime,
  • Cardiopyrin.

Drugs from these groups cannot be combined in treatment.


It is of great importance for blood composition. In order to eliminate increased viscosity, it is recommended to reduce or exclude from the usual diet

  • milk and its products, cream,
  • meat products, especially canned ones,
  • fatty, spicy, salty,
  • egg yolk,
  • yeast bread,
  • chocolate,
  • coffee,
  • lentils,
  • grape,
  • bananas,
  • buckwheat,
  • sugar and sweets.

Foods rich in taurine help make blood thinner. ascorbic acid and omega-3 fatty acids:

  • sea ​​fish, shrimp, mussels, other seafood;
  • seaweed;
  • citrus fruits, apples, pomegranates;
  • plums, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries;
  • beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, ginger, nuts, seeds;
  • cocoa;
  • linseed, olive oil.

The drinking regime should also be adjusted. You should drink an average of about 2 liters of water during the day. Tea, coffee and sweet drinks are not taken into account.

Physical activity

Inactivity contributes to an increase in blood density, so it is worth establishing a moderate regime physical activity. It is better to exercise in the evening, since in the morning a person’s blood is more viscous.

Herbal medicine

Traditional medicine recommends wormwood, sweet clover, chicory, meadowsweet, lungwort, lemon balm, peony, hawthorn, red clover, acacia, ginkgo biloba, willow bark, Caucasian dioscorea, mulberry, aloe juice and kalanchoe to thin the blood. horse chestnut(peel, flower decoction), nettle. You can learn more about herbal treatment.


Leech treatment is effective and natural way combating blood thickening.

To prevent complications and exclude side effects, treatment by any method should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Thick blood: causes and treatment in women during pregnancy

The pregnancy period requires female body tension of all forces. An increase in blood viscosity in expectant mothers is a physiological phenomenon. This is how nature protects a woman from possible large blood loss during childbirth. This becomes a problem when laboratory parameters significantly deviate from the norm.

Pathological thickening of blood during pregnancy may be due to

  • insufficient intake of water from food;
  • deficiency of vitamins, microelements, minerals, since the formation of the fetus requires them in large quantities;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • increased work of the spleen;
  • taking iron supplements;
  • excess protein and carbohydrates in the diet.

In addition, pathology of the liver, kidneys, intestines, blood loss, increased coagulability, severe pain also contribute to blood thickening and can lead to miscarriages.

Lack of attention to excessively viscous blood during pregnancy is dangerous

  • the formation of thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes, varicose veins mother's veins;
  • fading of pregnancy, its premature termination, delayed fetal development, hypoxia.

Healthy blood is the key to the healthy functioning of the entire body, so it is extremely important to maintain its condition within normal limits. In case of any deviation, you should definitely consult a doctor and carry out the necessary treatment.

Blood- one of the main biological fluids in the human body, human health depends on its composition, viscosity and consistency. Today you can increasingly hear that the blood is too thick, that is, its viscosity is increased, which is evidenced by an increased indicator called D-dimer. Blood viscosity is determined in relation to the viscosity of water and corresponds to 4.5–5.0. Why is it dangerous? increased viscosity blood and is it possible to normalize it?

Blood can have increased viscosity for several reasons. This is a dysfunction of the liver, leading to increased plasma viscosity, and a change in blood cell membranes (erythrocytes, platelets), which causes “gluing” of cells.
Thick blood moves much worse through the vessels, creating additional stress on the heart, increasing the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels. blood vessels. Often the body responds to blood density with increased production of hemoglobin, so a combination of increased hemoglobin and increased rate D-dimer.

Thick blood - what to do?
Very often the question: “What to do if the blood is thick?” you may hear the answer: “Thin”, but there is no term “blood thinning”, and a decrease in viscosity will have a bad effect on blood clotting. The most correct answer is “to normalize blood viscosity,” that is, to bring it into physiological norm, so that the viscosity becomes less and blood clotting is not affected.

To return your blood to its normal consistency, you must first of all balance your diet and adhere to an optimal drinking regimen. You should drink at least 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. If you drink compotes, tea, or juice instead of plain water, then the volume of liquid you drink should be increased.

Nutrition for thick blood
As for nutrition, it should be as balanced as possible in all respects (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.). Blood becomes thicker with a lack of proteins and amino acids, so the diet must include meat ( low-fat varieties, turkey or chicken), fish (sea), dairy products and eggs. Taurine is the most valuable of all amino acids, so it is important to consume those foods that contain taurine in large quantities (seafood, dietary supplements or vitamin complexes with taurine).

No less important component nutrition - fat. Fatty acids are an important component of the lipid membrane of blood cells. Normalizing the membranes of red blood cells and platelets will prevent cell “sticking together”. One of the most important substances- omega-3, it is included in some varieties sea ​​fish, and is also found in olive and linseed oil.

Also try to eat foods that contain blood thinners. These include: ginger, onion, garlic, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, aloe juice, beets, chocolate (bitter). It is also important to maintain a vitamin balance: it has been proven that an excess of vitamin C and K contributes to blood thickening. A lack of vitamin E also contributes to this.

To normalize blood consistency, you need to exclude from your diet foods that can contribute to blood thickening: bananas, buckwheat porridge, chokeberry(chokeberry), nettle, white cabbage.

There are also physiologically determined conditions when the D-dimer becomes elevated. For example, from the very early dates pregnancy, D-dimer constantly increases and by the end of pregnancy can exceed baseline 3-4 times. If the pregnancy has complications (preeclampsia, preeclampsia), the rate may be even higher. In any case, you should consult a specialist and not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Blood thinning with folk remedies

Excessive blood viscosity is the cause of many diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and others. Thick sticky blood significantly impairs the functioning of the kidneys and liver, disrupts sleep, increases blood pressure and cholesterol levels. If the blood is thick, frequent headaches and a feeling of constant fatigue.

There is a traditional medical product to thin thick blood - regular aspirin, but this drug has a lot of unwanted side effects. IN Lately Traditional methods and blood thinners are widely used; the most effective ones are presented below.

1. Ginkgo biloba. Dry leaves of this plant are used, 50 grams of which are infused in 500 grams of vodka, infused for 13-15 days in a dark place, shaking constantly. Accept ready-made tincture three times a day, take a spoon before meals. The entire course lasts 30-35 days, repeat after a week break. After three courses, take a break of six months, then repeat the course three times.

2. Complex: ginger, green tea, cinnamon. Enough effective remedy to help thin the blood. Prepare like this: fresh root ginger - 4-5 cm, green tea - 1 teaspoon, cinnamon - a pinch. The entire mixture is poured with 500-600 grams of boiling water and left for 1-.5 hours. After infusion, the mixture is filtered and the juice of half a lemon and natural honey are added to the resulting tea to taste. Drink tea throughout the day.

3. Mulberry (mulberry) roots. For cooking healing drink take 200 grams of fresh plant roots, rinse well and chop as little as possible. Place in a container and add 3 liters of chilled water. After an hour, put the mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and cool. Store the resulting infusion in the refrigerator. Take 200-220 grams for 5-6 days, then take a break for 2-4 days. Repeat 2-3 times.

4. Orange juice. Excellent folk remedy, making the blood more fluid. The effect lies in the content of a large amount of vitamin C. For treatment, it is enough to consume 100-150 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice daily.

5. Sprouted wheat. Just one tablespoon of sprouted wheat per day for a month can thin the blood and normalize activity of cardio-vascular system. It’s good to add a teaspoon of wheat germ to a spoon linseed oil.

It is important to follow the technology for germinating wheat seeds: to begin with, the grains are washed several times (select only those grains that, when poured with water, sink and do not float on the surface of the water. When draining the water for the last time, leave it in the container in such an amount that the grain is covered. The container with the contents is placed in a warm place, covered with a cloth or napkin. Remember that when treating sprouted wheat, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of wheat bread and bakery products. Store sprouted grains in the refrigerator for 2-3 days

6. Sweet clover. To reduce blood viscosity, you can take a third of a glass of sweet clover infusion daily for one month. Prepare the infusion in the classic way: take 1 teaspoon of dried sweet clover and pour a glass of boiled hot water, leave for about 2-3 hours.

7. Porcini mushrooms. Recipe for making the tincture: finely chop fresh porcini mushrooms (the caps are better for thinning the blood), add vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain. Take the resulting tincture as follows: 1 teaspoon is diluted in 50 grams of boiled water and taken 2 times a day before each meal.

8. Horse chestnut tincture. To prepare the tincture, only the peel of the chestnut fruit is used: take 50 grams of the peel, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 1.5-3 weeks. Use as follows: drink 30-35 drops with a quarter glass of slightly sweet water 3 times a day. Take the product for 20-25 days, then take an 8-10 day break and repeat. For the purposes of treatment and prevention, carry out 2 courses of treatment annually, and regular blood tests must be done. There are contraindications: it is not recommended to drink the tincture for gastritis, disorders menstrual cycle, thrombocytopenia, completely exclude in case of hypotension.

9. Raspberry. If you consume 5-7 spoons daily raspberry jam within six months, the blood will not only become more fluid, but also strengthen coronary arteries 2.5-3 times. High content in raspberries salicylic acid, which can normalize blood clotting, makes it possible to make raspberries a complete, absolutely safe for health, replacement for aspirin.

10. Plant collection. Take 2 tablespoons of fresh rosehip petals, 2 tablespoons of black tea, 3 tablespoons of meadowsweet (flowers). Stir the mixture and pour 2 glasses of hot water, leave for 12-17 minutes and strain. Drink a whole glass in the middle of each day for 2-3 weeks.

* * *
In addition to these recipes, you can eat foods that help remove high blood viscosity: flaxseed and olive oil, onion and garlic, Apple vinegar, beets, lemons, fish, tomato juice And fresh tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, oatmeal porridge, oatmeal, fish fat, Bell pepper, dark chocolate and others. But they thicken the blood following products: bananas, cabbage, viburnum, sausages and others.

We warn you! Do not overdo it with folk remedies: there is a danger of internal hemorrhages and female bleeding, therefore, in any case, consult a doctor and monitor your blood tests.

What you need to know about hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin- respiratory pigment of blood. It consists of two components: the non-protein part, which includes iron, is called heme, the protein component is globin. In the human body, all hemoglobin is found in erythrocytes - red blood cells.
Hemoglobin norm for men it is 130-170 g/l, for women - 120-150 g/l. In children, the norm depends on age and is subject to significant fluctuations.
Hemoglobin in the human body performs extremely important metabolic functions:
  • carries oxygen from pulmonary alveoli to tissues;
  • transports carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs;
  • participates in maintaining the buffer acid-base balance of the blood.

Reduced hemoglobin. Reasons and normalization.

A decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood leads to the development of anemia. This process is associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells per unit of blood. The main reason for low hemoglobin levels is iron deficiency. The causes of iron deficiency, in turn, can be:
  • insufficient intake of it from food;
  • iron absorption disorder;
  • blood loss.
Insufficient iron content in the diet is usually associated with a predominance of plant foods. Thus, it is often observed among vegetarians, due to a deficiency of vitamin B12 contained in animal products.
Products plant origin contain non-heme iron, which is poorly absorbed in the intestine - approximately 8-10%. For comparison, heme iron from meat is absorbed by an average of 25%.
Meanwhile, the main source of iron for the human body is still plant foods (about 85% of this element).

The most valuable sources of heme iron are pork and beef liver, egg yolk, all types of meat. And among products of plant origin: buckwheat, oatmeal, peas, parsley.

Increased hemoglobin. Treatment with folk remedies.

The blood condition is bad not only in the case of reduced level hemoglobin, but also with an increased level, since there is a danger of even more serious illnesses. At increased hemoglobin the person does not feel very well, sleeps poorly, and complains of increased blood pressure. In certain cases, even fainting is observed.

To bring hemoglobin back to normal, there is no need to start taking medications. You can lower your hemoglobin level with traditional methods, and often such treatment turns out to be even more effective than medication.

1. Special diet

To normalize hemoglobin, first of all, you should follow a diet that limits the intake of foods that help increase its level in the body, and include foods that lower it in your diet.

Eliminate meat and offal from the diet, especially liver. You can ensure your body gets protein of animal origin through seafood and fish.
. Red fruits and berries increase hemoglobin, so they should definitely be excluded from the menu.

Products that help reduce hemoglobin - raw vegetables and fruits. Pay attention also to porridge. Eat as many salads as possible from fresh herbs: snotweed, fireweed, woodlice.
. Additionally, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice daily, and also include dairy products in the menu.
. If you take multivitamin complexes, stop taking them for a while. Especially it concerns folic acid, vitamins B2, B6, B12, C.

2. Folk remedies

Doctors advise when elevated level hemoglobin, lead a more active lifestyle, give preference to swimming and various hardening procedures. Take measures to normalize functioning bone marrow, since it is he who is responsible for the production of this enzyme.

Because high hemoglobin causes the blood to become more viscous, bloodletting or treatment with leeches is often recommended to normalize its levels. Leeches have long been considered assistants in the fight against numerous diseases. They are the ones who can not only normalize the content of this substance, but also regulate the composition of the blood in general. Another option is to become a donor by donating blood. In this case, your problem will disappear as new blood will begin to be produced.

Also effective means traditional medicine is considered mumiyo. It dissolves easily in liquid and has a number of useful properties, including a decrease in hemoglobin levels. You should take one tablet of mummy before bed for ten days. After this, a break is taken for five days and the course is repeated. During the period of taking mumiyo, it is strictly forbidden to use sedatives and sleeping pills, you also need to forget about alcohol for a while.

A good blood thinner is to take aspirin in small doses: one-fourth of the tablet daily.

The easiest way to thin the blood is to drink plenty of filtered water. Drink up to three liters of water daily lemon juice. Experts also recommend drinking a variety of herbal infusions based on nettle and birch leaves.

Remember that any folk remedy should be discussed with your doctor before use!

Thickening is considered a pathology caused by an imbalance of plasma, liquid components, and blood cells directly. Medical practice This condition is called hematocrit. should contain 360 to 460 million red blood cells per liter. Thick blood is much more common in women than in men. This is due to physiological and gender differences.

Violation of blood viscosity is caused by dysfunction of coagulation and anticoagulant properties. This condition is caused by an imbalance between white and red blood cells. This imbalance changes the properties of the blood to increase or decrease clotting.


Modern pharmacology offers attending physicians a choice of drugs to quickly bring to. Medical scientists continue to study the mechanisms of this condition in order to protect women from blood thickening.

Causes of thick blood in women

For proper treatment thick blood in women, the reasons for it must be explained to the doctor so that he can prescribe an appropriate examination.

Today, the reasons for changes in blood properties are considered to be:

  • dehydration; loss of fluid in the body occurs when food poisoning, high temperature in room, high content protein foods and salt in the diet;
  • decrease in blood volume in the vessels; because of this, hypoxia begins, which the body itself corrects by the synthesis of blood cells in the blood-forming organs; with a limited volume of fluid, a condition develops when there are many blood cells and little plasma;

  • chronic diseases – glomerulonephritis, arthritis, bronchitis; with such and similar diseases, the vascular bed is overfilled with blood cells produced as a result of the protective reaction of the immune system, and this causes thickening of the blood; this symptom often occurs in pregnant women due to the fact that blood volume increases, for which the body produces a lot of blood cells to compensate;

  • oncological pathologies; malignant diseases cause blood to thicken; in addition, neoplasms on the skin and in other organs cause pathological immune protection, which usually changes the properties of the blood.

Such serious reasons cause usual symptoms– fatigue, painful blush, cold hands and feet, pale skin, hard breath.

Hematocrit in women increases for the following reasons:

  • individual physiological characteristics;
  • drinking little water;
  • insufficient content of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • lack of enzymes;
  • taking iron tablets prescribed for low hemoglobin;
  • great content in the diet of foods containing proteins and carbohydrates;
  • hyperactivity of the spleen.

With each specific patient, doctors identify new causes for the development of blood pathology, which gives interesting material for new studies by researchers.

Specific signs of hematocrit

Scientists do not single out separate groups. They continue their research, but the signs are still described as general, from which pathology may or may not develop.

These are the signs:

  • very thirsty;
  • mucous membranes dry out;

  • skin dries out;
  • it becomes difficult to breathe;
  • loads are difficult to bear;
  • muscle weakness appears;

  • causeless tachycardia appears.

Unpleasant sensations are localized in the area chest, the head is often heavy, the hands and feet often freeze even in a warm room.

Treatment of thick blood in women

They are always interconnected. The doctor listens to the patient’s complaints and, on this basis, prescribes blood tests in the laboratory.

Revealed this pathology carrying out:

  • general ;

  • coagulogram, mandatory for pregnant women with suspected pathology;
  • biochemical analysis blood;
  • a test for the body’s ability to adequately absorb glucose;
  • urine analysis.

During research Special attention focuses on the content of elements and their deviation from the norm. Diagnostics are carried out several times over 2 weeks. Repeated tests reliably determine the indicators of the constituent components of the blood, eliminating one-time changes associated with anxiety and poor nutrition.

After the examination, when the diagnosis is confirmed, the therapist prescribes targeted treatment. Its goal is to make the blood less thick, bring hematocrit values ​​to normal, and eliminate the causes of this condition.

To achieve the goals, the following activities are carried out:

  • taking medications to restore metabolism;
  • complex therapy against;
  • treatment of somatic diseases.

Actively used are Cardiomagnyl, Dipyridamole, Tirofiban. Their goal is to make the blood more liquid, normalize the passage of blood through the vascular bed, and prevent the formation of blood clots, which subsequently turn into thrombi.

However, these drugs have contraindications. They are not used in treatment for:

  • peptic ulcers;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • liver dysfunctions;
  • hypertension;
  • allergies to medications;
  • pregnancy.

If these factors are present, the drugs are changed to Neodicoumarin, Warfarin, Heparin.


It is strictly prohibited to take drugs of groups 1 and 2 at the same time.

A special drug is Warfarin. This is an innovative product developed in last years domestic pharmacologists. Therapists and hematologists treat its prescription with caution and carefully dose it. Manufacturers warn that an overdose of the drug is dangerous due to the formation of the opposite effect. However, when the patient carefully follows all the recommendations of the attending physician and regularly undergoes the necessary control tests, the effect of Warfarin justifies its effectiveness.

Treatment is controlled by regular checking of blood coagulogram - hematocrit studies on a special device, where all indicators are calculated automatically. Drug therapy pathology necessarily includes drugs and measures aimed at eliminating the disease that causes dysfunction of the blood properties. This depends on the individual condition of each individual patient.

The effectiveness of treatment will be achieved quickly if the causes of dysfunction of blood properties are correctly identified. In addition to drug treatment, the patient is required to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, at least for the duration of treatment, and increase the amount of plain water drunk per day.


Review your diet - eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of fatty, fried foods, yeast-based sweet baked goods, and sugar.

If all the rules prescribed by doctors are followed, then with functional changes, the properties of the blood will be restored within a week, and the next control tests will give normal indicators blood composition.

When the patient’s condition does not improve in the first week, the doctor adds additional examinations to identify diseases:

  • digestive dysfunction;
  • presence of benign or malignant tumors;
  • pathologies of bones, muscles, joints.

These are the most frequent illnesses, causing changes in the quality of blood properties and its quantitative indicators.

Prevention with folk remedies

If a woman has a predisposition to blood thickening, doctors recommend supplementing drug treatment by means of herbalists, traditional healers. These same remedies are also applicable as prophylaxis, between the main courses of treatment.

  • Willow bark decoction. Method of preparation: take 1 tsp. crushed dry bark, pour 2 cups of boiling water. Then the mixture is simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. After the dishes are wrapped warmly, the broth is infused for 6 hours. Directions for use: drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day. The decoction is bitter, so it can be sweetened with 1 tsp. honey

  • Tea with ginger root. Method of preparation: a pinch of crushed dry root is added to any tea and infused like regular teas. Directions for use: drink tea no more than 3 times a day, only after meals.

  • Herbal decoction. Ingredients: dried black currant leaves, hawthorn berries and calendula flowers. Method of preparation: all ingredients are taken in equal quantities, poured into 2 cups of boiling water, and simmered for 20 minutes over low heat. Let it sit until it cools down. Directions for use: drink 30 ml after each meal.

Prevention of blood thickening includes dietary food, regular exercise, active lifestyle, complete failure from bad habits.

Why does the blood thicken, what does it mean and how to recognize and treat the disease at home using medications and folk remedies.

With an increased level of hemoglobin in the test results, a person often comes to the conclusion that he has thick blood. This is not entirely true; viscosity refers to different states. The norms depend on the patient’s age and his characteristics, so the thickness may change as he grows older, as well as with different pathological conditions body. When people talk about thick blood, they mean the following:

  • the number of red blood cells is increased;
  • increased hemoglobin level;
  • the ratio between red blood and plasma is disrupted.

Thick blood during pregnancy is quite common occurrence which almost every woman faces. If the indicators are too far from the norm, changes must be carefully monitored, as this can lead to miscarriage.

Treatment of this condition usually does not cause difficulties; the therapist will easily give recommendations on changes in diet and lifestyle, and, if necessary, prescribe medications for thinning. During pregnancy, a gynecologist or therapist will tell you what to do if the blood is thick, taking into account the woman’s position and her medical history. Most often, she is recommended to inject a special drug for thinning throughout the entire pregnancy. When viscosity appears, a person often feels the symptoms of such a pathology, but does not attach importance to them. Paying close attention to your body will allow you to normalize your indicators in time.

Causes and symptoms

There is no diagnosis of “thick blood,” which means that the symptoms of this phenomenon may indicate other problems in the body. Despite this, there are some signs, when they appear, it is recommended to get tested. Symptoms of possible hypercoagulability (viscosity) are:

  • general weakness and constant desire sleep;
  • cold hands and feet, regardless of air temperature;
  • dizziness and headache.

These signs are characteristic of thousands of diseases, and if we are talking about a woman carrying a child, the presence of such symptoms does not mean that thick blood will be detected during pregnancy. Expectant mothers feel this malaise almost constantly.

In addition, there are additional signs that appear much less frequently:

  • change in skin condition - severe dryness, bluish tint, increased sensitivity to the cold;
  • from the outside nervous system– depression, irritability, nervousness, anxiety and absent-mindedness;
  • slow bleeding from cuts, and the inability to bear a child (constant miscarriages);
  • symptoms of varicose veins (bulging veins, heaviness in the legs).

Not everyone exhibits such symptoms, so if there is a suspicion of thick blood, the cause must be identified as early as possible, because treatment depends on it. Many factors can cause pathology, the main ones are:

In men, the blood itself is more viscous than in women, due to the presence male hormones– androgens. This suggests that their risk of developing pathology is slightly higher. In older people, viscosity is almost always increased; this is considered a variant of the norm, as it is associated with age-related changes. In the younger generation, this illness is caused by some reason, often the use of poor-quality water and insufficiently good ecology.

How to thin thick blood

Under no circumstances should a pathology such as increased blood viscosity be ignored. It is necessary to take action if there are symptoms and the analysis shows that the person has thick blood. The doctor will tell you exactly what to do in such a situation, since you should definitely find out the cause. Treatment may be prescribed medications or folk remedies that have a diluting effect. As a rule, doctors advise combining these methods, depending on the specific case.

The first thing to do if your blood is thick is to eat right. The success of the fight against the disease largely depends on this. Many products can normalize blood circulation and ensure the performance of all its functions. The most important thing during treatment is to drink enough fluids. If it is deficient, not a single medicine or folk remedy can cope with viscosity and normalize the condition of the body. In addition, you should include the following foods in your diet:

Regular consumption of these products will help avoid aggravation of the situation and keep blood density under control.

Before looking for ways to thin the blood, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. This is very important, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on this factor. The following rules must be adhered to:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • workout;
  • spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air;
  • rest both physically and mentally;
  • avoid stressful situations.

After following all the rules, you can begin specific actions aimed at normalizing blood viscosity.

Folk remedies

There are many folk recipes, with which you can get rid of the thickness of the blood. It should be remembered that their use must be agreed with a doctor, since in some cases it is impossible to do without medications completely. TO folk methods the following can be attributed:

  1. Fresh juices. The vitamins and microelements contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on the coagulation system, thinning the blood.
  2. Apple vinegar. Regular intake of the solution, the preparation of which requires 2 tsp. add vinegar to glass warm water, will allow you to quickly notice improvements. This remedy must be taken in the morning; contraindications are diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Linseed oil. Thanks to a large number polyunsaturated fatty acids, normalizes lipid metabolism, and blood viscosity decreases. The oil must be taken daily strictly on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. in a day.

These remedies will improve a person’s condition, but it will not always be possible to completely cope with the problem. If blood viscosity is caused by any disease, medications are necessary.


Taking medications to get rid of excessive blood thickness is especially important for women planning a baby. This pathology often leads to the fact that every pregnancy ends in miscarriage, so you should take the doctor’s recommendations very seriously. There are several types of drugs prescribed to combat the disease. All of them are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Anticoagulants. The action of these substances is aimed at reducing blood clotting, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. Some drugs begin to act immediately after administration and are necessary for emergency blood thinning, such as Heparin. Others are used for prevention and in cases where a gradual decrease in viscosity is necessary - Sinkumar, Warfarin and others.
  2. Antiplatelet agents. These medications are prescribed by your doctor to prevent platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots. These include Aspirin, Curantil, Trental and others.

Self-assign medications not recommended, since the dosage and duration of treatment depends on specific situation and diagnosis.

You can cope with thick blood, there is nothing difficult about it. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and remember that lack of treatment can lead to negative consequences for the whole body.
