How to sleep 6 hours. How to get enough sleep in a short time? How it works

Unfortunately, the conditions modern life are such that people most day and night we are forced to be active, especially for the lifestyle in cities, both large and small. At the same time, we are not talking about some show figures or cool businessmen; on the contrary, this primarily concerns ordinary citizens with average incomes.

Every morning they wake up, send their children to school or take them to kindergarten, go to work, and it’s good if the working day is eight hours, reality usually means twelve-hour work, for example, for salespeople in stores, managers and many others. After that, you need to go to the store, pick up the children from kindergarten or check on their homework, cook dinner, have dinner, perhaps watch a movie before bed - and this is all three or four hours.

On average, an ordinary average person living in a city, having a child and forced to get to work by transport, is busy eighteen hours a day.

Accordingly, there are only six hours left for sleep. This is provided that you can fall asleep immediately, only after meeting the pillow. But people are not robots; it also takes time to fall asleep. It is not surprising that for the majority of the population in our country, Saturday is not spent enjoying exciting walks, hikes or visiting theaters - it is a “sleep” day. And on Sunday there are things to do around the house that you “didn’t get around to” on weekdays. This is with a fixed five-day workday, but the majority work on completely different schedules.

In order to break the resulting vicious circle, inside of which fatigue and lack of sleep only constantly accumulate, becoming chronic, and time is spent only on duties, while life really passes by, in order to stop all this, you need to learn to fully rest in the hours that remain for this rest. That is, find the answer to the question of how to get enough sleep in 6 hours.

How much time should a person allocate to sleep?

How much sleep does a person need? The official medical point of view is clear - at least eight hours. But after a categorical definition, nuances begin; the required duration of rest depends on:

  • age;
  • physical and intellectual stress;
  • lifestyle;
  • individual characteristics.

For example, babies sleep about 85% of the time in a day, older children - about 10 hours and another hour in daytime, teenagers around 8-9 o'clock. As people age, they again need more sleep, including rest during the day.

With prolonged lack of sleep, that is, sleep that is fragmentary and lasts less than five hours, which is a critical level for the duration of rest, the following symptoms appear:

  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy and inadequacy of thinking;
  • yawn;
  • external “aging”;
  • changes in voice timbre, hoarse vocal cords;
  • the appearance of an uneven “duck” gait;
  • coordination problems;
  • disorientation in the situation, inability to make a decision based on the circumstances.

We have already found out how much sleep a person needs, but it is also worth taking into account the quality of stay in the kingdom of Morpheus. If a person sleeps daily for 10 hours in a dusty or smoky room, without a pillow, at an uncomfortable temperature, with devices running and making sounds, then there will be no benefit from this; in such conditions the body does not rest.

Conditions for good sleep

Comfortable sleeping conditions are not only a comfortable bed and a ventilated bedroom, but also internal conditions, without which even in the most wonderful bed, sleep, especially full sleep, will not come:

  • Warm relaxing water treatment.

It’s not so important whether it’s a bath or a shower, it makes sense of this action is to “wash away fatigue” and relax the muscles.

  • No caffeine.

In the afternoon, it is better not to drink strong coffee, however, just like tea. These drinks excite and stimulate, “invigorate” the body as a whole and provoke brain activity. The most useful thing before bed is a glass of kefir; if dairy products are unpleasant, then simple mineral water.

  • No smoking.

It's not about not smoking at all, but about not taking smoking breaks before bed. The reasoning for this is very simple - nicotine is a strong stimulant of metabolism, and before going to bed you need to reduce activity. Therefore, you need to smoke no later than an hour before bedtime.

  • Lack of physical activity.

If visiting gym, cleaning or any other activity that requires physical activity, occur in the evening, then you need to finish them 3-4 hours before rest. This is explained simply - exercise accelerates blood circulation, and accordingly, like nicotine, makes metabolism more intense.

  • Turn off the computer and TV.

Monitors and screens strain not only the eyes, but also the brain, which leads to increased pressure inside the skull. Therefore, for a full, healthy sleep, you need to turn them off at least half an hour before going to bed.

  • Lack of long day rest.

Sleeping during the day is generally very beneficial, but such sleep should not exceed 40-60 minutes. Otherwise, a person will toss and turn at night, have difficulty falling asleep, and night sleep will be intermittent. As a direct consequence, a person does not get enough sleep and sleeps longer during the day, that is, at night everything starts again, and the result is a vicious circle.

  • It must be dark.

This is not just an “invention” of psychologists. Melatonin, the so-called “sleep hormone,” is produced only in the dark. It is responsible for protection against stress and lack of premature aging, one of those that form immune processes and “protect” from the development cancers. Therefore, the bedroom needs thick curtains and darkness.

By following all these rules, the question of how to get enough sleep in 6 hours will no longer bother you.

In addition to this, of course, you need to maintain comfortable conditions in the room itself:

  • the temperature should be slightly cool;
  • the room is ventilated;
  • the bed is comfortable.

When talking about bed comfort, the first thing you should pay attention to is the pillow.

Choosing pillows

The pillow is the most important condition For good night, and not just an accessory in bed. An unsuitable pillow will cause problems such as:

  • difficult, “forced” falling asleep and even chronic insomnia;
  • neck and back pain during the day;
  • snore;
  • lack of sleep, and, as a result, constant lack of sleep.

There are a lot of pillows now, both simple and orthopedic. As for the latter, you need to select an orthopedic device only with the help of a specialist, otherwise, instead of the desired benefit, you can get a completely opposite result.

When choosing sleeping pillows for yourself, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the filling of the pillow itself;
  • shoulder width;
  • preferred sleeping position;
  • mattress hardness.

Regarding the stiffness parameter, everything is simple - the pillow should be softer than the mattress. As for the favorite position that the body itself takes for rest, for those who like to rest on their stomach, they need a soft pillow, for those who sleep on their back - medium hard, but for those who prefer to rest on their side - the harder the better.

The filling of the sleeping pillow is, of course, also important. There is no such thing as “right/wrong”; it is a matter of individual convenience and preference. There is also no ideal filling for pillows; they all have their pros and cons.

Today you can buy the following pillows:

  • Filled with down and/or feathers.

Classical usual option. This filling perfectly allows air to pass through, regulates the heat exchange process and is hygroscopic. Disadvantages include the need for drying and chemical cleaning (or washing), limited service life (on average 5 years), high cost and difficulties encountered for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

  • Filled with wool.

Very good pillows that have an extremely beneficial effect on nervous system generally. The obvious disadvantages include the fact that when using low-quality cheap wool, lumps quickly form, that is, the pillow becomes unsuitable. Also, such pillows cannot be washed and when purchasing, you need to take into account the possibility of allergies.

  • Filled with silk.

Hypoallergenic and versatile, and also eternal. They were extremely popular in the 19th century. And the most interesting thing is that the preserved pillows are completely suitable for use today. There is only one minus - very high price.

  • Vegetable fillers.

Buckwheat husks and hay are mainly used. Such pillows are not for everyone; if a person is pacified by the smell of cut grass or the quiet rustling with every movement, the pillow will be “ideal”; if not, it will provide insomnia. The disadvantages include short term service: on average, such pillows are good for 2-2.5 years.

  • Latex and bamboo filling.

Materials little known to a wide range of consumers. However, such pillows serve their owners for more than 20 years, do not require cleaning, do not lose their shape and are completely non-allergenic. There is one minus - the very high cost, comparable to natural silk.

  • Synthetic filling.

This, of course, is padding polyester and other similar materials. Such pillows are extremely cheap, light and at first glance - very cozy and comfortable. IN practical application it's a lottery. Some wash well, dry well and last a long time. And some become unusable in almost a month.

The most important thing when choosing a pillow, according to the advice of psychologists, is that you should like it and like it. It is quite possible that this is so, because when preparing to fall asleep on a “favorite” thing, a person is already initially in a positive mood, and the “clicking” pillow itself will help you find the most comfortable sleeping position.

Sleeping position

How to learn to get enough sleep in 6 hours? Sleeping position is also very important here. Doctors and orthopedists constantly argue about what position is “correct to sleep.” There is no clear answer to this question. It is logical to assume that it is correct to sleep in a way that is comfortable. With the exception of any situations that require forced correction of posture, for example, with snoring or a tendency to nosebleeds, you should not sleep on your back, during pregnancy or surgical interventions V abdominal cavity- You can’t sleep on your stomach.

The most universal sleeping position is the “fetal position” on the right side. Whatever position a person prefers, it is important to observe a temporary regime, otherwise even the most correct and comfortable position will not help you relax.

Time for dreams

It is quite a common opinion that the most optimal time For sleep, each human body can choose independently.

According to all studies conducted in the field of sleep culture, the ideal time period for rest is between 22 hours and 7 hours. Moreover, if we talk about biorhythms, it is best to fall asleep no later than 4-5 hours after sunset, the closer to sunset, the better.

Biorhythms, sunsets and sunrises, as well as phases of the moon - this, of course, is also worth taking into account, but all these points are very shifted in urban conditions, and they do not answer the main question of everyone who has difficulty sleeping: when to go to bed? bed to get a good night's sleep?

What time do you go to bed?

What time should you go to bed to get enough sleep? On average, a person needs from 15 minutes to half an hour to fall asleep. Provided that all recommendations regarding preparation for a night's rest are followed, that is, equipment is turned off, no smoking and caffeine, a relaxed state, a ventilated room and everything else.

The most optimal time to fall asleep is before the change of day, that is, before midnight. This is a statistical observation that has no logical basis. scientific explanation, therefore it is perceived by the same specialists as an axiom.

Accordingly, in order for you to have a good sleep and get enough sleep in 6 hours, you need to go to bed no later than 23 hours. This only at first glance seems difficult, in fact you just need to leave all the chores that you didn’t have time to do, say, until the morning, or the next day.

The most interesting thing is that this practice very quickly leads to the fact that there are no unfinished tasks left; by getting enough sleep, a person becomes much more efficient and active: all tasks, including household chores, begin, as they said in the old days, to “argue.”

Sleep phases

How to determine sleep stages? Human sleep is heterogeneous, and in order for the body to get quality and complete rest, alternating sleep cycles is important. A cycle is a combination and alternation REM sleep with slow. During REM sleep, a person dreams, his brain actively works, analyzing the information received during the day. REM sleep has no phases and natural awakening of the body is possible only during REM sleep.

NREM sleep, unlike fast sleep, is characterized by slow activity throughout the body, and it has four main phases:

  • Inertial, dormant phase.

This is the moment of falling asleep, when a person is already half asleep, but the brain still remains awake, slowly, as if by inertia, reducing activity to zero.

  • Second phase, initial.

The person’s consciousness has already switched off, but muscle activity is still present, just as sensitivity to mechanical influences remains.

  • The third phase, transitional.

Many experts combine it with the third. The difference between them is really very insignificant and is expressed in a greater decrease in sensitivity.

  • The fourth phase, deep.

Some experts believe that in this phase a person also sees dreams, but simply does not remember them. It is during this phase that manifestations of sleepwalking or talking in a state of sleep occur.

Overnight, for complete quality rest, sleep cycles should be repeated 4 to 6 times. The ratio of fast and slow sleep is very important, because fast sleep is responsible for processing and “sorting” by the brain all the information received during the day, and slow sleep is responsible for recovery, physical and emotional rest of a person. One of the fundamental conditions for going through all stages of sleep is the room temperature.

Comfortable temperature in the bedroom

For correct phase alternation and cyclicity, a comfortable temperature for sleeping should be no lower than 13 degrees and no higher than 18.

When the room is heated above twenty degrees, the phases suffer slow sleep, and the duration of the fast one, on the contrary, increases. A direct consequence of this:

  • physical fatigue;
  • lack of sleep;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • dull “gray” skin color;
  • migraine;
  • pressure surges;
  • external and internal aging.

If you have trouble falling asleep because it's cold, it's better to take another blanket that you can throw away when you're warm, rather than heating the room itself. Cold, on the contrary, reduces REM sleep. This is precisely why people who fall asleep in snowdrifts freeze to death without waking up.

REM sleep technique

With the increasing pace of life, when there is a catastrophic lack of time for anything at all, people sometimes do not have even six hours left to sleep.

In such situations, various REM sleep techniques come to the rescue, allowing the body to fully recover in 3-4 hours. There is nothing fantastic or complicated in such practices; they are based on the characteristics of the human psyche. For example, after very difficult, exhausting or stressful hours, the body literally “knocks out” for a couple of hours, after which the person feels completely rested and able to work. This is, at its core, nature’s natural “technique” for quick rest.

For ordinary life, there is no need at all to artificially drive yourself into conditions that require super-tension. It is enough to comply simple rules, underlying such rest:

  • do not eat at night, the stomach should be empty;
  • “turn off” the mind, that is, do not run plans, events, etc. in your thoughts, do not think at all;
  • use natural, preferably “rough” bed linen, ideally made from linen;
  • a warm shower or bath an hour and a half before bedtime to relax the body and mind;
  • falling asleep before midnight, there is no need to finish anything, it is better to wake up a couple of hours earlier;
  • a good, cozy, not “hot” blanket;
  • comfortable position of the head and legs, small-height pillows are often used to slightly raise the legs, this is especially important for those who work standing;
  • fresh air, but not draft.

Strictly speaking, these are all the necessary “tricks”, if you listen to them, you will not have the question of how to get enough sleep in 6 hours. However, you need to remember that you cannot practice such short sleep too often, even if the body has time to rest.

Bottom line

How to get enough sleep in 6 hours? Summarizing all of the above, we can say that this is quite possible. You just need to want to do this, follow all the recommendations, turn off the TV or computer and go to sleep, after taking a bath, not eating too much at dinner, and, of course, ventilating the room.

The most important thing to understand is that sleep is not a period in which you simply lie unconscious. During sleep, the following occurs: restoration, cleansing and healing of the body. In other words, you can compare the state of sleep to a rejuvenating chamber in which your body recuperates and heals.

But, in order for sleep to turn into such a rejuvenating chamber, it is necessary to create certain conditions, otherwise, the body will not recover well, and during the next day, you will feel overwhelmed and depressed.

If bad dream repeated frequently, the body ages faster

How to quickly fall asleep at night and get enough sleep in 6 hours

Before we begin, let's define what good sleep is!

Key indicators characterizing good sleep:

  1. You fall asleep on your own within 10 minutes (without using sleeping pills or sedatives).
  2. You only wake up in the morning. Rare awakenings at night do not bother you, because you fall asleep again very quickly.
  3. You wake up on your own without resorting to an alarm clock.
  4. You fall asleep and wake up at the same time (approximately).
  5. By spending less time sleeping, you remain alert and rested.

In this article, we will tell you how to achieve good sleep and get enough sleep in 6 hours. To do this you will need to pay attention to:

  • The room - first of all, it should be dark. Light bulbs, dim lights, and a computer monitor on will irritate your brain during sleep, which will lead to restless sleep and prevent you from getting enough sleep. Hang blackout curtains and remove all light sources.
  • Sounds - eliminate all kinds of sounds that might disturb you. If it is not possible to achieve complete darkness and silence in the room, you should resort to assistants (eye mask and earplugs)
  • Time. Make it a habit to go to bed closer to 10 p.m. and get up at 6 a.m. Why this advice? Yes because every hour until midnight, gives 2 times greater effect in terms of relaxation. In other words, if you go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 4 am, you can get 6 hours of sleep!
  • An hour before bedtime, stop watching various films that develop feelings of fear and anxiety, and work. It is best to fill this time (an hour before bedtime) with pleasant pastime, such as talking or playing with your child, reading him a story or listening to music.
  • If you can't sleep at night, you should give up a hearty dinner a couple of hours before bed. Otherwise, your body will try to digest food rather than cleanse and repair.

What not to eat before bed: products containing caffeine (coffee, green tea), sweets, fatty and spicy foods, meat, legumes, as well as various cereals that will be useful in the morning, but not before bed! Pay attention to fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products(kefir).

  • Lead an active lifestyle during the day. Otherwise, the body will not have time to waste all the energy, and it will be more difficult for you to fall asleep, which means you will not be able to get enough sleep. If your job does not involve physical activity, then find time for physical exercise.
  • Bed - the surface should be flat and hard. By choosing a soft down surface, you are making a choice in favor of comfort, but not in favor of recovery.
  • Room temperature. A comfortable temperature is considered to be within 20 degrees. A constant flow of fresh air will have a beneficial effect on your relaxation, just don’t overdo it.
  • A minimum of clothing, or its complete absence, because even the most comfortable clothing slows down blood circulation, thereby slowing down the recovery process.

Also, in order to fall asleep quickly, the following recommendations may be useful to you:

  1. Pay attention to your breathing. And to be more precise, a special technique, following which your body relaxes and your thoughts clear. Take a calm breath through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Focus on your breathing and then you will be able to feel relaxation.
  2. Warm bath. Warm water will help cool your body temperature and help you fall asleep.
  3. Avoid bright light sources 15 minutes before bed.
  4. The smell of lavender oil has a beneficial effect on the quality of our sleep.
  5. Avoid smoking before bed, and quit this bad habit altogether.

For most people, it takes 7-9 hours to replenish wasted energy. good sleep. However, you can get a good night's sleep in just 6 hours and feel rested and rested in the morning.

Preparation for sleep

An hour and a half before bedtime, it is advisable to walk down the street fresh air. Watching action-packed films or news broadcasts can disrupt the body’s calm, and, consequently, its ability to sleep soundly. It is better to refrain from this. Before going to bed, you should take a bath or shower to relax your muscles.

Another proven way to calm down since childhood is a glass of warm milk with honey, which is much more effective than any pills. Infusions and decoctions soothing herbs They will also relax not only the body, but also the mind before bed.

Place and time to relax

Very important for healthy and good sleep are the room and the bed. It is much better to sleep in a cool, ventilated room than in a stuffy room. IN summer time year, the window can be open throughout the night; in winter, you can ventilate the room just before going to bed. It is better to warm up fresh, humid air later than to sleep in a warm and stuffy room.

The bed and mattress should be comfortable, preferably orthopedic. This also applies to the pillow. While for a long time in an uncomfortable position, the body does not rest. And when you wake up in the morning, you can feel even more tired than the day before.

Bed linen should be clean and smell nice - this is the key have a nice rest for skin. In addition, it is very important that the bed linen fabric is natural and breathable.

The optimal time for sleep is between 22.00 and 6.00. Of course, for “night owls” and “larks” different hours for rest and wakefulness are preferable, but during the specified period of time the body recovers most quickly and accumulates energy.

Another wish for bedtime is consistency of habit - that is, it is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time, both on weekdays and on non-working days. Over time, the body will get used to this regime and will wake up on its own. right time. And most importantly, you will wake up cheerful and filled with energy.

A modern person should be as active as possible. But for this you need to spend as much time as possible on activity and as little time as possible on sleep and rest. However, living in this mode long time, you can significantly worsen your health. That is why in this article I would like to talk about how to get enough sleep in 6 hours.

About the value of sleep

Initially, it should be noted that sleep is health. This statement You can often hear this from doctors. And that's true. After all, its activity the next day depends on how long it is at night. The fact that lack of sleep significantly weakens the immune system, negatively affects the nervous, cardiovascular system and provokes neurological problems, doctors have been saying for a long time. It is important to remember that for normal rest you need to go through all phases of sleep.

About sleep phases

Before telling you about 6 hours, it should be noted: scientists say that sleep can be divided into fast and slow sleep. In the first case, the brain remains as active as possible, the eyes are characterized by mobility, and all systems work faster. During this phase of sleep, a person's limbs may twitch. And that's completely normal. It should be noted that it is in this phase that you can see the most vivid and memorable dreams. The duration of REM sleep is 10-20 minutes. Then comes slow sleep, the duration of which is slightly longer. Throughout the night, the phases can change each other approximately 4-5 times.

  1. Phase one. This is the initial stage, the so-called light sleep, when the brain is actively working. A person can enter this phase in transport, while watching television.
  2. Phase two. Sleep occurs. In this case, the person can be easily woken up. Spikes are observed brain activity, all systems begin to work slower.
  3. Phase three, transitional. In this case, sleep is extremely deep.
  4. Phase four. That deep sleep that is so important for human body. It is at this time that a person’s strength is restored, all organs and systems rest, working in minimal activity mode. The phase lasts approximately 25-30 minutes. Although here it is possible to watch dreams. It should also be noted that it is at this time that people experience attacks of sleepwalking.

The longest phase deep sleep- first. At this time, the body rests as much as possible. Then the duration of the phases gradually decreases. The quality of sleep increases with the duration of the deep phase.

Rules for healthy sleep

People are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to get enough sleep in 6 hours. Of course you can. In this case, the quality of sleep itself plays a crucial role. And for this you need to know and remember the main rules of a healthy night's rest:

  • You need to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. On weekends, you can extend your sleep by a maximum of one hour. Only in this case will the body be able to feel adequately without being stressed.
  • One of the rules for getting enough sleep in 6 hours: throughout the day you need to give your body physical exercise. It can be even the simplest charge. But the body still has to work. It is important to remember that strong physical activity should be carried out no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Also important
  • To avoid stress while sleeping, you need to drink sufficient quantity water throughout the day. The norm is two liters of clean liquid.
  • You can easily get enough sleep in 6 hours of sleep at night if you give your body a rest during the day. So, adults, as well as children, benefit from naps during the day. To do this you need to sleep for at least 45-50 minutes.
  • The room in which a person sleeps should have a minimum of light. It is best to sleep in complete darkness. It is also important to ventilate the room before heading out for the night. The temperature in the room should be 19-22 degrees, no more.
  • You need to go to sleep lightly. That is why last appointment Doctors recommend eating no later than two hours before bedtime. At the same time, it is best to eat plant foods.

Other techniques

While figuring out how to sleep 6 hours and get enough sleep, you need to talk about various techniques which will also help the body for a short time quality rest:

  1. Relaxation technique. In this case, the body relaxes as much as possible, and the length of time required for quality rest is reduced. This is much better than falling asleep while “passing out.”
  2. Doctors say that an hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after. How to get enough sleep in 6 hours and have quality rest during this time? You just need the wrong day to wake up.
  3. You can use the Wayne system when you need to find those periods of time to sleep when you really, really want to sleep.

As a small conclusion, I would like to say that there are also modern ones that determine whether a person has had enough sleep or not. To do this, they simply read the sleep phases of the sleeper.

The classic idea of ​​“correct” sleep is to sleep a third of your life, that is, eight hours out of twenty-four available in a day.
However, the modern pace of life has accelerated significantly, and for some, sleeping for a long time is an unaffordable luxury. Numerous studies in this area have made it possible to develop techniques for productive sleep, when the body rests and recovers in a shorter time, say, 5-6 hours.

How it works?

The rest necessary for the central nervous system occurs only during a special phase of sleep called REM – “rapid eye movements”. This phase lasts about 20 minutes, then it changes slow sleep phase. In total, out of seven to eight hours of sleep at night, there are only a couple of hours of REM sleep, which gives a feeling of vigor, good rest and readiness to start a new day.

The sensation occurs when a person wakes up in the REM phase of sleep. If a sleeper is awakened in the slow-wave sleep phase, he will feel sluggish, exhausted and, of course, sleep-deprived.

This means that the main thing is not how much sleep, but at what moment to wake up. The principle of productive sleep is built on this. However, do not be mistaken about the main thing: you cannot shorten the total duration of sleep uncontrollably! If REM sleep restores the psyche and is necessary for brain development, then slow sleep is needed for our physical body, which also gets tired and needs rest and recovery.

What are they for? different phases sleep?

Sleep consists of cyclically repeating phases - rapid sleep ( 10-20 minutes) and slow. During the slow-wave sleep phase ( approximately 2 hours) there are several successive stages that plunge a person deeper into sleep. Passes overnight 4-5 cycles, and with each cycle the duration of the REM sleep phase increases.

During the slow-wave sleep phase, body cells are restored and regenerated. Our brain tests the state internal organs and corrects “downed settings”, preparing our body for a new day. NREM sleep is a time to produce antibodies and optimize your immune system. Anyone who does not get enough sleep regularly gets sick, for example, from the flu and colds, twice as often.

REM sleep is the time when bioelectrical activity brain is maximum. At this time, the process of analyzing the information accumulated by memory over the past day, sorting and systematizing it takes place. At this time, dreams occur. The most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the last cycle, in the morning, when the brain has already rested.

REM sleep is vital: in the experiment, the rat was deprived of the REM sleep phase, and after forty days the animal died. When deprived of the slow-wave sleep phase, she survived.

Productive sleep technique

Its essence is to use the REM sleep phase as efficiently as possible. To do this, you can use the following methods.

"Siesta". One little dream during the day and one big one at night. Allows you to reduce night sleep by almost 2 hours. Daytime sleep should not exceed 20 minutes, since the REM phase is within 20 minutes. To do this, set an alarm clock that will wake you up 20 minutes after falling asleep. If you don’t do this, you can get the opposite effect and wake up, say, an hour and a half later - sleepy and exhausted. When using the “Siesta” method, nighttime sleep is shortened by one cycle and allows you to wake up rested and well-rested not at 7-00 in the morning, but, say, at 5-00.

"Ladder". The essence of the method lies in the number of “steps” - daytime sleep sessions of 20 minutes, each of which reduces the duration of night sleep by an hour and a half. Two naps reduce night sleep to four and a half hours, three to three hours, four to one and a half hours.

"Superhuman" The method is to sleep 6 times during the day for 20 minutes, which is a total of 2 hours of REM sleep.

Of course, not all of these methods are convenient for people with a standard daily routine, working, for example, in the office for eight hours every day. The most advanced and progressive employers in some companies provide the possibility of rest with a 20-minute nap during the day for their employees, since the increase in labor efficiency in this case will cover the loss of working time.

However, if you are a creative person who does not have a strict daily plan, for example, a freelancer, then the “ladder” method will stimulate your creative ideas well and allow you to rationally distribute time for work.

The “superhuman” method requires strict self-discipline and time management, since missing one session of sleep will ruin your entire schedule and lead to the opposite result - feeling tired and sleep-deprived. We should also not forget that this method cannot be practiced constantly, since it does not allow for full recovery. physical strength and immunity, and the need for a strict routine brings a certain amount of stress into life. The "superhuman" method is good when working on short-term projects, requiring concentration and creativity, “brainstorming”.

Hi-tech way

This is a special “smart” alarm clock that will wake up its owner exactly at the time when awakening is most comfortable - at the end of the REM phase. There are many modifications of such alarm clocks (for example, aXbo, Sleeptracker), but the principle of operation is the same for all - special sensors located in a bracelet worn on the hand at night record all movements of a person during sleep. Thus, the sleep phases and their duration are determined.

The alarm clock sets a time after which you cannot get up, for example, 7.00. In the range of 30 minutes, that is, starting at 6.30, The smart alarm clock will select the most best time to wake up and will wake you up with a pleasant melody, for example, at 6.54, when your REM phase is close to completion.

Some models, in addition to the “wake up” function, have a useful function that helps you fall into a soft and comfortable sleep - thanks to a set of special melodies and sounds that bring the brain to a state of rest.

Prices for this miracle device start at $150, but it pays off thanks to good health and excellent performance.

Exist special programs for iPhone, iPad and Android OS, allowing iPhones and smartphones to work as smart alarm clocks. True, for this they need to be put in bed at night so that all noises and sounds are recorded. Based on their analysis, sleep phases and the optimal time for waking up are calculated.

Whatever sleep system you practice, remember:
The best time to fall asleep is from 22.00 to 23.00. An hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to two hours after midnight. The body as a whole and the central nervous system rest and recover much more effectively at this time.
Don't overeat at night. Otherwise, your brain will direct the work of your intestines, instead of analyzing and systematizing the information received during the day.
The room should be cool and the bed warm. A motionless body without a warm blanket can freeze, and this is a reason for him to wake up at the wrong time.
Watching movies and TV shows, computer games Before bedtime, they overstimulate the nervous system and make it difficult to fall asleep. It is better to read a book or listen to calm music.
Do not take a shower at night, especially a contrast shower; it is better to leave it for the morning. You should also not do any activities before going to bed. physical exercise. Unless there are special yoga asanas for those who practice them.