In the fresh air starting from. How much time should you walk outdoors? Real experience and small tips. Why are we walking less and less?

Hello dear readers and guests of my blog!

In today's article I will tell you about one of the very important factors affecting our health and active longevity - walks in the fresh air. Yes, it would seem so simple thing, but what a huge benefit! Now we will find out what the benefits of walking in the fresh air are!

So let's get started, in this article you will learn:

First of all, walking is moderate physical activity, that is, exactly what our body needs for health and longevity.

In general, physical inactivity (low physical activity) is the main cause of most diseases. modern man, due to lack of movement, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, disturbances of digestion, breathing and blood circulation occur.

How much should you walk in a day?

Have you ever wondered how many steps you walk in a day? Now there are many opportunities to find out this using various applications and devices, such as pedometers and fitness bracelets. The measurement results for the average city resident will be very sad; on average, this is 5000 steps. As they say, it won’t be enough!

Numerous studies worldwide, including studies national institute US health authorities (National Institutes of Health), found that to promote health and prevent diseases associated with low physical activity, a person needs to walk about 10,000 steps a day, which is about 7 kilometers (depending on the length of the step).

In his book " Blue Zones"Dan Buettner, a researcher from National Geographic who has traveled the globe in search of the secrets of long-livers, writes that it is regular and moderate physical activity in the form of walking (due to their lifestyle) that are key factors in the long life of the inhabitants of the island of Sardinia, where it was revealed the largest concentration of centenarian men.

The benefits of walking for the human body

Walking is a preventive measure for heart disease vascular diseases. While we are walking, the heart rate evens out and the blood pressure, blood flow and blood supply to all organs improves, the heart muscle strengthens.

Prevention varicose veins leg veins, because peripheral outflow improves venous blood from the legs. Walking improves blood circulation and blood, moving through the vessels, enriches all organs with a large amount of oxygen.

Walking prolongs life; scientists have proven that older people who take daily walks for at least two hours a day reduce the risk of their death in the next ten years by as much as 40%!

While walking, bones and joints are strengthened, and the risk of osteoporosis is significantly reduced.

The joints themselves have practically no access to blood; their nutrition with useful substances occurs mainly due to the interarticular (synovial) fluid, which is their natural lubricant. A deficiency or, conversely, an excess of this fluid is harmful to normal operation joints. This fluid is produced by the joints themselves in their cartilaginous shell, its full production and outflow occurs during monotonous muscle work, this can be: running, swimming, cycling and of course walking! Yes, by the way, it’s also good for knee joints.

When walking, the muscles of the abs, legs and great amount stabilizer muscles that support the body in an upright position and relieve stress on the joints and spine.

Walking improves performance respiratory system. IN Everyday life we breathe shallowly, using mainly upper lobes lungs, with intense walking we begin to breathe " deep breathing"by including the diaphragm in the work, this improves ventilation of the lungs and saturates the body with oxygen, improves gas exchange in the lungs and tissues and therefore improves general health body. And with regular walks there is an increase vital capacity lungs (VC). More about breathing and benefits breathing exercises you can read in this article:

Thanks to walking, the body's metabolic processes improve, the body's defenses increase, and immunity improves.

The benefits of walking to improve your emotional state

Many studies have confirmed the dependence of mood on the number of steps taken, that is, the more steps taken per day, the more better mood! This is due to the fact that when walking, the body begins to produce hormones: endorphin, which gives us an elevated mood and relieves anxiety and stress, and serotonin, which is also responsible for good mood and a feeling of inner comfort, it also stimulates our physical activity.

Walking improves your sleep! During studies conducted mainly on older people, another dependence was identified. The quality of sleep depends on the distance traveled per day! Those test subjects who walked 5 kilometers a day or more were 40% more likely to get rid of chronic insomnia.

Regular walks help relieve the syndrome chronic fatigue, withdrawal occurs emotional stress, due to increased circulation of fresh air in the lungs, healing occurs nervous system and brain.

These are the great benefits of regular walking! It might seem like a small thing, but thanks to such a simple and pleasant event as walking in the fresh air, there is a surge of energy and vitality!

Here's the last thing: I came across interesting video, about how the leg muscles work when walking:

That's all for today, in the next article I will tell you a recipe for delicious and healthy ones that you can easily take with you on a walk!

Thank you all for your attention, I will be glad to see you again!

When the blues and fatigue overcome, it is irreplaceable and in an accessible way Walking will bring you to your senses. Why and how to walk correctly, we will tell you below.

Walks make it possible to combine physical activity(especially if you walk at a brisk pace) with aesthetic pleasure. And the right companion makes walking a time for communication. After working in the office or in production, where there is often no sunlight, a person especially feels the benefit and pleasure of staying outdoors.

Walking is good for weight loss or to save normal weight. A half-hour brisk walk burns as many calories as an hour of exercise at a sports club.

This is especially true for those who are contraindicated for serious sports activities. For example, if you have heart problems, walking is a good health practice. Walking in the fresh air is also useful for preventing cardiovascular diseases.

The benefits of being outside are invaluable for hypertensive patients and for those who experience hypotensive crises. Slow walking allows you to get oxygen in sufficient quantity and provides sufficient physical activity.

Pregnant women will receive a special the benefits of walking, if there are no contraindications. Walking improves blood circulation and saturates the blood with oxygen, and also helps maintain physical fitness. And the baby in the womb benefits from a mother’s walk. And after childbirth, as the body recovers, you can quickly walk with a stroller.

The benefits of walking for children

Walks for kids useful starting from the first weeks of life. When discharged from the maternity hospital, they usually clarify when the child can go for a walk for about fifteen minutes. In the future, the duration of walks is gradually increased. Many children sleep well in strollers, but at least, in cool weather. But we must remember that in very coldy Do not go outside with children.

Older children explore the world outside the home with interest, and for schoolchildren walks in the open air- an indispensable way to warm up after sitting at desks and, alas, in front of screens.

Walking in the sun helps produce vitamin D and are the prevention of rickets and other diseases. But children should be especially carefully protected from direct sunlight, and infants - from strong winds and cold.

How to walk effectively

For a walk, you need to choose, if possible, environmentally friendly places away from roads and industrial zones. It is important that the surroundings are pleasant to the eye, this will help relieve stress. It is advisable to choose a comfortable time of day: avoid the heat of the day in summer, and walk in the middle of the day in winter. This is especially important for children and people with poor health. The duration of walking should be approximately two hours a day. One-time forced marches are not as useful as regular walks.

Clothes and shoes for walking should be comfortable for long walks. They must be suitable for the weather and protect either from the bright sun or from the piercing wind.

Knowing the benefits of a walk in the fresh air, you can gain determination and start walking!

How much time should you walk outdoors? I think the answer to the question will largely depend on “what kind of family you come from” and on the characteristics of your character. And indeed, some people can barely keep up with the “norm” of one hour, and for others, a couple of hours outside is no time at all...

Why did I write that staying on the street largely depends on the family? I have a simple example - my parents always spent a LOT of time outside. Forest, mountains, sanatoriums, natural attractions... Yes, we were never bored. Of course, I am somewhat lazier than my parents and do not mind staying at home whenever possible. But! As soon as I sit at home for at least a day and don’t go out, I start to “fade” - my head starts to hurt, my mood drops, I start to feel lethargic and there is a feeling that “something is missing.” So people like me simply need air. Do you want your children to get plenty of fresh air? Walk with them since childhood!

Moreover, my health directly depends on fresh air. And I know from myself that if hemoglobin drops, and this happens, then no drugs will help me. Fresh air is my only cure!

Where to walk, how to walk and when to walk?
Of course, it is most pleasant to walk where “the eye is pleased”, and not along dusty streets, where there is nothing to breathe and nothing to see. The first place that comes to mind is, of course, the forest. Walks here can be long and interesting.

Our family’s favorite path begins with a church like this, located almost in the forest. Around the church, the monks maintain a huge flowerbed of indescribable beauty!

Further from this church the road leads through the forest to the Volga River. It’s almost impossible to get down here by car, but as you can imagine, the air here is the cleanest! There is no gas pollution, and during the beach season there are minimal people here.

Of course, you also need to look at the weather - in the summer, walks are basically bliss, and you don’t have to go home for at least the whole day! However, nature, as they say in that very song, has no bad weather, so in winter you can have a great time in the forest with your family!

Speaking of the company. Personally, I can’t stand long walks alone, so an hour alone is enough for me! But if you have good company, the walk can last two hours or more! And not only in summer, but also in winter! IN as a last resort Music in headphones becomes my companion, and then the time spent in the fresh air also noticeably increases.

My husband and I also really love “night” walks. Of course, now you can’t really go out with the kids at night, but sometimes we still find time for some “evening” air. This photo was taken during such a walk...

Walks in the open air. Doctors' opinion.

Of course, walking in the fresh air is also a kind of exercise, so if previously you were outside only for 15 minutes “from home to work,” then you shouldn’t rush into all seriousness and literally move to the street. No, your muscles will not start to ache out of habit, as happens after a workout. And even the lungs will not begin to “breathe faster” out of habit, no. You will simply burn out mentally and want to go back home to your native warmth.

Start gradually with half an hour and gradually increase the time to 2 hours or more. There is no specific norm here, but doctors advise walking for at least half an hour a day.

Active absorption of oxygen, that is, running in the fresh air or brisk walking for a short time, will also not be amiss. This will be a kind of prevention of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases. Again, you need to start active rest gradually - from 10 minutes and then progressively. Over time, you should engage in active rest at least twice a week.

Probably every person knows that fresh air has health benefits. But at the same time, most adults prefer to be indoors rather than outdoors. All their contact with fresh air is limited to ventilation and short runs from home to work and back. But this is a completely wrong approach, because walking is the most accessible and at the same time very effective method maintaining health and healing of the body. But many people wonder what time is best for and what is the best way to walk more or more often?

When is the best time to walk outdoors?

If you live in a busy city with a lot of cars and far from green areas, it is best to choose a time for walking either early in the morning - when most cars have not yet entered the streets, or late in the evening - when the intensity of traffic of both public and private transport has already decreased.

If you live in a small locality or there is a body of water near you, it can be anything. Go for a walk when it's convenient.

You need to make time for a short walk every day. You can completely refuse public transport and get to work and back on foot. You just need to move not near the road, but along courtyards and smaller roads.

A morning walk will help you cheer up, fill yourself with energy and get to work full of energy. Also, being in the fresh air will provide an opportunity to improve performance and creativity, as the brain will receive the amount of oxygen it needs. And movement will lead to the production of endorphins, which will certainly have a positive effect on your mood and well-being.

An evening walk after dinner can be excellent medicine for any sleep problems. Instead of looking at the monitor screen in the evening, it is better to go outside and get some fresh air. Just twenty to thirty minutes of a leisurely evening walk will help you get rid of the aggressive effects of chronic stress, stabilize blood pressure, and eliminate muscle tension.

What is the best way to walk: more often or longer?

Experts actually cannot say unambiguously which walking option will be optimal. But they all agree on one thing - you need to take a walk every day.

Start daily regular walks in the fresh air with half an hour, and over time increase their duration to the level that is optimal for you. In order to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as heart attacks, doctors advise ensuring the body not only stay in the fresh air, but also actively absorb oxygen. To do this, you can do brisk walking, light jogging, simple physical exercise on the street. The duration of active exercises should not exceed ten minutes at first, but over time they can be carried out longer.

Long walks outdoors will help you look and feel better.

If you have any illnesses, frequent walks in the fresh air are more acceptable than long ones. The same recommendation is relevant for young children, elderly people and pregnant women.

Scientists say that it is best for patients who want to go for a walk half an hour after a meal. The duration of the walk should be at least forty-five minutes. This exposure to fresh air will help reduce the likelihood of injury. diabetes mellitus second type.

Walking in the fresh air for various diseases

Many patients may find walking in the fresh air particularly beneficial. This kind physical therapy recommended for patients. Doctors say that walking moderately activates the cardiorespiratory system and benefits patients recovering from the most various ailments heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. This type of activity will be especially useful topics who suffer from neuroses and other similar disorders in the activity of the nervous system. Walking is used both in hospitals and in sanatorium-resort therapy. Doctors advise walking in the fresh air for those patients who are on home treatment. It is extremely important to consider that the load when walking and its duration are selected exclusively by the doctor on an individual basis. To increase the load, change the pace of movement, select a modified terrain, and increase the step length. In the conditions of sanatorium-resort institutions, dosed ascent is often practiced - along a path. In the latter case, the loads should be short-term – starting from ten minutes per approach.

Walks in the forest, park area and near the sea are especially beneficial. The air in these places is saturated with mass useful substances, which has an additional healing effect. For outdoor walks to be truly beneficial, do not overeat before them. Also take with you drinking water.

If you have any diseases, the duration of walks in the fresh air, their regularity and severity of the load are selected only by a doctor. The rest of the population needs to go for walks, depending on their condition and the availability of free time - more walks in the fresh air and for a longer time will definitely give more benefits.

Additional Information

Many patients who are just starting to walk in the fresh air complain of fatigue, loss of strength and shortness of breath. Coping with this unpleasant symptoms possible with the help of means traditional medicine.

To saturate the body with energy, it is worth preparing a medicine based on oats. Pour two hundred grams of bran into a liter of boiling water. Boil for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Squeeze out the plant material. Take the resulting decoction half to one glass three or four times a day.

You can also rinse a glass of oat grains and brew them with one liter of boiling water. Boil this product over low heat until it reaches the consistency of liquid jelly. Strain the finished medicine and dilute it with fresh milk, maintaining an equal ratio. Dissolve five tablespoons of honey in it. Take the finished medicine, fifty milliliters three to four times a day. Continue therapy for two to three months.

In order to increase the overall tone of the body and strengthen physical, as well as mental performance, prepare a celery-based medicine. Pour two hundred grams of crushed roots with two hundred milliliters of cold, pre-boiled water. Infuse the medicine for two hours, then strain and take small portions throughout the day.

If you suffer from, prepare next medicine: Prepare ten heads of garlic, grind it to a paste. Also squeeze the juice from a dozen medium lemons. Mix these ingredients and pour a liter of honey over them. Mix well and leave for a week in a tightly covered jar. Take the prepared mixture four teaspoons once a day. Do not swallow the medicine immediately, but take it slowly. Don't miss a day. Take it every day until the mixture runs out.

You can also prepare ordinary turnips to treat shortness of breath. Grind a small root vegetable on a grater. Fill it with half a liter of water and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain the finished broth and squeeze out the plant material. Take a glass of the resulting drink immediately before your night's rest.

Getting ready to be active physical activity or at least walks in the fresh air, prepare an excellent restorative mixture. Thoroughly crush half a kilogram of nucleoli walnuts, mix them with one hundred grams of aloe juice, three hundred grams of honey and juice squeezed from three to four lemons. Take the resulting mixture one teaspoon three times a day, about half an hour before meals.

Taking medicine based on rose hips also has a wonderful restorative effect. Brew a couple of tablespoons of crushed fruits with a glass of just boiled water. Infuse this product in a thermos for 24 hours. Strain the finished infusion and take it one-third to half a glass two or three times a day shortly after meals.

Walking in the fresh air can bring great benefit many people, including those who suffer from various diseases. It would be a good idea to discuss the intensity of such activities with your doctor.

The benefits of walking in the fresh air.

Parents often try to limit the time their child spends walking, although pediatricians and child psychologists have long proven that children benefit from long walks in the fresh air.

To maximize the benefits of a walk, experts advise walking and breathing fresh air with your children. Such walks are very useful for children. Thanks to children, adults become more organized.

Walking is the simplest and surest way to harden a child.

It is necessary to walk with your child at any time of the year and in any weather, and the duration of the walk should be adjusted in accordance with weather conditions.

. Walk in the airis the best means of promoting health, increasing immunity, and therefore prevention colds in children and adults. Besides, walk helps increase the child's appetite. Metabolism improves nutrients are better absorbed. Thanks towalks in the fresh airNatural cleansing of the body occurs, the upper respiratory tract functions better.

IN summer time a child can be outdoors all day long.It’s good if it’s a holiday in the country, where there is an opportunity to hide from the rain and scorching sun.

Walk is an excellent remedy prevention of visual impairment in children. After all, on the street, where there is so much space, the child constantly has to move his gaze from nearby objects to objects distant from him.

Walk - This the best remedy prevention of rickets in children. The body is saturated with ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the production of vitamin D in the body.

While walking the baby appears a lot positive emotions and new impressions on which both his intellectual and social development depend.

A properly organized walk is the key to a good mood.

In order for a child to be active outdoors, you need to choose the right clothes. It should not restrict the child’s movements, prevent him from jumping and running. Do not put too many things on your baby, this can only cause harm, lead to overheating, and then to a cold. Touch the baby's neck from the back. If it is dry and warm, everything is fine; if it is wet and hot, the child is hot and sweaty, then you need to go home. If the neck is cool, the baby is freezing and should be insulated.

In order for the walk to be interesting and fun, parents must know how to entertain the child.

In the summer there can be games with a ball, a jump rope, word games, observations of the surrounding world (living and inanimate nature). In winter - with snow, sledding, solving riddles, ice skating.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Consultation for parents "The benefits of walking in the fresh air for children"

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