Complete list of free medications for children. Free medicines for children What medicines are provided

Not all parents know that our country has a program to provide free medicines to children under 3 years of age. Of course, in this way you can only get limited quantity drugs, and yet participation in the project helps to save significantly, especially if the child is often sick or suffers from severe chronic pathology.


By law, free medicines are provided to children under 3 years of age through the compulsory insurance program. Any illness in a child is always a problem for family budget Therefore, the Ministry of Health issued a law to regulate this area. To take advantage of the benefits, you need to know who and under what conditions, how and when can count on help from the power. There is a list of tools that you can get for free. No one will just give you medications that are not included in it, even if the child is very sick.

The Ministry of Health announced that children under 3 years of age can receive free medicines through a government decree issued in 1994. The document was published under number 890 and is dedicated to state support and development of the medical industry, as well as providing for people various drugs and medical products. The resolution mentions that not only children under three years of age can receive free funds, but also children under six years of age if they live in a large family. In some cases, you can count on free drugs until you reach adulthood - such cases are specified separately by law.

Features of the question

In each individual region, the list of free medicines for children under 3 years of age differs from those introduced in other parts of the state. In the period from 2014 to 2017, such lists in many areas were significantly reduced due to financial problems at the regional level.

The Ministry of Health mentioned the right of a region to form its own register in order No. 665, issued in 2006. The document is devoted to what regional budgets for drug provision.

How to exercise the right?

If a child falling into a preferential category falls ill, the parents must come to the local public clinic to which the patient is attached, along with him. The doctor will examine the patient and write a prescription for the drug. If your child is prescribed a medicine that is prescribed free of charge for children under 3 years of age, you must ask the doctor to issue a prescription for it. special form, which records the fact of free dispensing from the pharmacy. The prescription is filled out in triplicate, one of which is left in the patient’s personal card, two are given to the pharmaceutical company. A prescription is considered valid if it bears the personal seal of the doctor who prescribed the drug and the institution where the patient was admitted.

After receiving the prescription, parents need to come to the social pharmacy, where the pharmacist can dispense the drugs. True, this is not always possible: the medicine may not be available. An employee of the institution will ask clients to order the product and wait for it to arrive. In this case, the receipt of free medications for children under 3 years of age extends for a period of days to an unpredictable number of weeks.

Features and Security

If it was not possible to get the necessary medicine at a social pharmacy, and the disease is developing rapidly, the medicine is urgently needed, you can go to any other point to purchase the medicine at own funds. To reimburse the amount spent, you can subsequently contact the insurance company with which a compulsory insurance agreement has been concluded. This is feasible if receipts and recipes are saved.

The laws currently in force in our country do not provide for the possibility of refusing to issue a drug under such a program. If there is a dispute or conflict situation, you must contact the clinic where the prescription was issued and file a complaint addressed to the head of the institution. You can ask for help from the prosecutor's office or go to the local office of the Ministry of Health. Almost always the situation is resolved in favor of the person in need.

Everything is official

Although a doctor, if you ask him whether medicines are free for children under 3 years of age, will say that some drugs can indeed be obtained free of charge, and they immediately clarify that this is only available if the parents are responsible about the issue of formalizing the process. The necessary documentation is stated in the 94th government decree mentioned above. It follows from it that doctors working in municipal medical institutions do not have the right to prescribe drugs that are issued free of charge in the normal case of a parent.

To receive funds for your sick child free of charge and out of turn, you must first go to the clinic to which the child is attached and sign up in a special register where all persons entitled to benefits are recorded. You must have with you originals and copies of your birth certificate, social insurance certificate, medical insurance policy and a document confirming registration at your place of residence. The clinic employee checks the documentation and records the name of the person in need in the log. After this, the doctor receives the right to prescribe medications to the patient under a preferential program.

When there are a lot of kids

Although in general case free medicines are provided to children under 3 years of age; if there are three or more children in a family, then similar rules apply to age period up to six years inclusive. Any child from a large family has the right to receive free medicines up to the age of six if the parents follow the procedures and rules. The laws define the primary priority for children from large families to receive medications.

To gain access to the program, parents must bring documentation to the clinic in accordance with the previously listed list. Additionally, official documents are attached, from which the fact of having many children is visible. No other certificates are needed. In particular, there is no need to report family income.

Until adulthood

Sometimes a sick child can receive free medications for children under 3 years of age as they grow older, regardless of how many children are born in the family. Patients with certain diseases, usually chronic and quite severe, have the right to receive it. Thus, medication provision is provided to asthmatics, diabetics, and persons with diagnosed diseases. visual system, skin. The reason for prescribing medicinal support until adulthood will be immunodeficiency states, rheumatoid diseases, tuberculosis, blood diseases and malignant formations, cerebral palsy, mental disorders, multiple sclerosis. Persons suffering from diseases of the metabolic system and Parkinson's syndrome are entitled to receive free medications.

Free medications are provided to children under 3 years of age and older ones if the child needs medications due to heart surgery, organ or tissue transplantation.

Opportunities and means

In total, the list of drugs that are provided free of charge to those in need who are classified as beneficiaries is about five hundred items. The list varies somewhat from region to region. You can get tablets, solutions for infections, powders and suspensions, as well as dressings and some specialized products.

On the website of the Ministry of Health common list, which records which medications are provided free of charge to children under 3 years of age, is regularly updated, so it is necessary to look at the most current version in the original source.

Types and means

The list of free medications for children under 3 years of age includes antiviral drugs and analgesics, drugs effective against seizures and used in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. There are antipyretics, anti-infective compounds, probiotics and allergy medications. The list includes drugs effective for anemia, as well as drop solutions used in the treatment of eye and nose diseases.

Most often, the doctor chooses an antiviral or antibiotic, allergy medicine. The general list of these classes includes the drugs “Amoxicillin”, “Suprastin”, “Anaferon”. Often the doctor prescribes “Iron hydroxide” or “Bifidumbacterin”. If you fill out a prescription according to the established procedure, these medications can be obtained at the pharmacy for free.

Know about everything

The pediatrician is obliged to inform parents about the possibility of receiving free medications for children under 3 years of age as soon as a child appears in the family - this is the responsibility of the doctor responsible for the district. Also, it is the pediatrician who is responsible for providing parents with information about the rules for joining the benefit program and the specifics of receiving medications. The law stipulates that the doctor does not have the right to refuse to fill a prescription if the patient belongs to a preferential class and this fact is officially documented.

If you pay attention to the current laws, you will not be able to find restrictions on the price of the product or the quantity of the product sold. There is no time frame for issuing drugs under the preferential program. For example, if a child catches a cold twice in one month, both times the parents can receive the medications for free if the doctor issues a special prescription. However, you won’t be able to get absolutely any medicine for your first aid kit this way. The doctor’s task is to take responsibility for filling out prescriptions, and in the event of an unjustified issuance of official paper, he may be accused of exceeding his powers.

I want and I can

In fact, in our country, from year to year, quite a lot of money is spent on maintaining medicine, while many people still do not know their capabilities. About a third of all budget spending on health care is financed by the purchase of medicines provided to needy beneficiaries. Not long ago, a survey was conducted in several regions, and as a result it became clear that more than half of parents have no idea that they can get medicine for their children for free. About half of the entire audience admitted that they had never received a prescription for the free drug. The problem is largely due to small regional budgets allocated for the purchase of medicines.

The list of free medicines for children under 3 years of age being compiled in the region includes the most relevant and popular drugs in a particular region. You can find out what the list is in a particular case if you ask for it at the clinic. The list must be published by the Department of Health.

Most popular

Most often, a free prescription is issued if a child needs B vitamins (first, sixth, 12th). Parents often receive Cyanocobalamin and Pyridoxine in this way. Quite often, doctors prescribe drugs available for free: Co-trimoxazole, Amoxiclav in the form of a suspension, indicated for children, and Azithromycin. Among the popular antiviral drugs available for free, it is worth mentioning “Viferon” in the form of suppositories, “Interferon”.

If a child suffers from allergies, the doctor can give a prescription for a free supply of Claritin or Loratadine. If the need for enzymes for the functioning of the pancreas is identified, Creon and Pancreatin may be prescribed. The drugs “Bifiform” for children, “Linex” and “Hilak-Forte” are available for free dispensing.

Names and conditions

In the list of available for free receipt medications includes:

  • "Ambrogescal."
  • "Nazol."
  • "Ambroxal".
  • "Nazivin."

The doctor can issue a prescription, according to which the parents will receive tetracycline or chloramphenicol at the pharmacy free of charge for ophthalmic use. They can issue such a prescription for Actovegin. The program for free provision of drugs to children includes medicines “Pantogam”, “Cerebrolysin”, “Pantocalcin”.

If anemia is detected, they may prescribe solutions available for free: “Actiferrin”, “Ferrum-lek”, “Hemofer”.

Calmness and responsibility

When the doctor has made a diagnosis at the appointment and determined exactly what medications are needed to cure the child, it makes sense to ask for a prescription, according to which the parents can receive what is prescribed for free. True, in practice it happens that the doctor refuses, saying that he was not provided with forms for completing the documentation. Parents should contact the administration medical institution. If they refuse here too, you can call the hotline to the local structures responsible for health care.

Every year, billions of rubles are allocated in our country for the development and support of healthcare. About a third of this budget comes from free medicines for preferential categories citizens, which, for example, include people with disabilities. But few people know that the youngest members of the family also have the right to free medicines - these are children under 3 years old, and in large families children under 6 years old.

According to a survey conducted in different regions of the country by the ONF Center for independent monitoring of the implementation of presidential decrees, 53% of parents were not informed about the possibility of receiving discounted medications. Almost half of those surveyed said that doctors had never given free prescriptions to their children.

Unfortunately, the regional budget often includes only a small amount for this benefit. Therefore, in clinics, pediatricians often remain silent about the right of children to a preferential prescription.

What law regulates the right of children to free medicines?

At the legislative level, since 1994 there has been Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 “On state support development of the medical industry and improvement of the provision of medicines and products to the population and healthcare institutions medical purposes" Appendix No. 1 of this resolution lists diseases and population groups that are eligible to receive preferential medications.

What medications for children can be obtained with free prescriptions?

Exactly which medications your child can receive for free are recorded in regulatory document- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 665 of September 18, 2006

However, the exact list of drugs is regulated at the regional level. This means that in each area the list is formed depending on local budget. And the task local authorities health care, as well as local doctors, is to inform parents about this right. Regions state in this list the most frequently used groups pharmacological drugs, most of which are domestically produced. Before going to the clinic, you can check this list on the website of the health department of your region. This information can also be given out at the children's registry at the clinic.

List of the most commonly prescribed free drugs for children

Vitamins: B1, B6 and B12 (injection solution), Cyanocobalamin, Dz Bon (Oral solution), Pyridoxine g/chl

Antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Cotrimoxazole, Bactrim, Azithromycin, Amoxiclav (suspension)

Antiviral drugs: Interferon, Viferon (suppositories), Arbidol

Antihistamines: Suprastin, Loratadine, Claritin (tablet, suspension)

Pancreatic enzymes: Pancreatin, Mezim-forte, Creon

Lactobacilli: Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Lactobacterin, Bifiform-baby (powder, tablet), Hilak - forte

Expectorants: Erespal (suspension) Ambrogescal, Ambroxal (syrup)

Nasal drops: Nazivin (drops), Nazol (spray, drops)

Eye remedies: Levomycetin drops, Tetracycline eye ointment

Neuroprotectors: Actovegin, Pantogam, Pantocalcin (table) Cerebrolysin

Antianemic drugs: Aktiferrin (solution), Hemofer (solution), Ferrum-lek (solution)

What documents are required to receive free medicines?

As discussed above, the duty of a pediatrician state clinic, where your child is registered, report such a benefit. The pediatrician must write a prescription for the medicine in triplicate. The doctor will paste one of the prescriptions into medical card child, and the other two will be given to the parents for delivery to the pharmacy.

In Russia, are all children under three years old entitled to free medicines, regardless of the financial situation of the family? And children from large families - up to six years old.

The right to issue free medicines is guaranteed by the laws of the Russian Federation, and this is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1994 No. 890 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the supply of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions.”

Parents should know that:

*Basic medications are provided free of charge to children under 3 years of age, regardless of whether they have a disability*
Medicines are prescribed on prescribed forms: 148-1/uO4(l)
* The prescription is certified by the personal seal of the doctor and the seal of the person who issued it medical institution
* Prescriptions are issued regardless of the financial situation of the family * You can get free medicines at any state pharmacy that provides free medicines to the population

In order to exercise the right to provide free medicines, several conditions must be met:

* The child must be registered at the place of residence
* The child must have insurance medical insurance
*The child must have a birth certificate
* The child must have an identification certificate (SNILS), which is issued by the Pension Fund.

If a child is sick and needs medication, the doctor must write a prescription in the prescribed form in triplicate:

one is pasted into the child’s medical record, and two are given to parents to present at the pharmacy.

The parents should also have a notebook (an ordinary student’s notebook is suitable), in which the doctor will make notes on the prescribed medications, and at the pharmacy in this notebook a note is made that the drug was dispensed. Children are provided free of charge with medicines necessary for common viral infections, and in the case if a child suffers from serious chronic diseases. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation does not establish price, quantitative or time restrictions on the provision of preferential medications to children.

If the child is sick colds twice within one month, he is required to write out prescriptions for free medications.

Most often, pediatricians prescribe the following medications for children:

Vascular (antipyretic) drugs:
Paracetamol in the form of syrup;
Ibuprofen in syrup or suppository form;
Cinnaresin. Antibacterial drugs:
Amoxicillin in the form of a suspension;
Amoxiclav in the form of a suspension;
Sumamed in the form of a suspension;
Flemoxin. Antiviral drugs:
Interferon alfa in suppository form;
Interferon in ampoules for injection and inhalation;
Viferon in the form of a suppository;
Arbidol (this drug appeared in Lately there are many complaints and references to its complete ineffectiveness, so doctors began to prescribe it less often).

Antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs:
Loratadine. Anticonvulsants:
Depakine in syrup or tablets;
Valproic acid. Sorbents:
Smecta; Deosmectid.

Biological products:
Hilak-forte. Expectorants:
Erespal in syrup form;
Clenbuterol in syrup;
Ambrohexal. Nasal drops:
Oxyletazoline Nazole;
Protorgol. Eye drops:
Tetracycline in ointment form;
Sulfacyl sodium. Antianemic drugs:
Iron hydroxide ferum-lek. Vitamins:
D3 (colecalciferol);
B1 (theamine bromide);
B6 (pyridoxine g/chl);
B12 (cyanocobalamin). Neuroprotectors:
Golanthenic acid;

How can I get medicine for a child under 3 years old for free if the pharmacy refuses?

By law, parents of children under three years of age have the right to receive all these medications free of charge. This also applies to expensive medicines necessary for children with serious chronic diseases. It should be borne in mind that in the prescription the doctor does not indicate tradename drug, and active substance and the form of the medicine. For example: “paracetamol for children in syrup” (known under the brand name “Efferalgan”) or “ibuprofen in suppositories” (Nurofen suppositories).

In 2017, the Decree on the free provision of medicines to children under three years of age remains in force. But, unfortunately, this law is “more dead than alive”: it is on paper, but in the vast majority of cases it does not work in practice. Today, the Resolution is practically impossible to implement - imagine what funds local budgets will need if it is strictly implemented.

You can, of course, try to fight for your rights: get a prescription, get on the waiting list to receive medications and... buy them, because the child needs to be treated now.

Another option: get on the waiting list to receive medications, buy them with your own money, save the receipts and then try to return the money spent by contacting the insurance company.

Perhaps not all young parents know that every child under 3 years of age has the right to receive free medicines. This is very good news, because children get sick a lot, and medicines are constantly becoming more expensive. Unfortunately, local doctors do not always tell parents about the possibility of receiving free medications. In most regions, the number of free prescriptions is limited, so doctors try to distribute them to particularly needy families or parents who have asked.

Let's try to figure out how you can get free medicine for your child.

Federal legislation

You can view the list of free medications for children under 3 years of age on the website of the department, the Ministry of Health of your region, or the website of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund.

For example, in 2015 in Vologda region Children under 3 years of age and children from large families under 6 years of age can qualify for free receipt of the following medications ():

azithromycin, ambroxol, amoxicillin, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, acetazolamide, acyclovir, benzylpenicillin, bifidobacterium bifidum, bromhexine, gamma-amino beta-phenyl butyric acid hydrochloride, hexetedine (as prescribed by a specialist), glycine, human chorionic gonadotropin (as prescribed by a specialist) , hopantenic acid, digoxin, dipyridamole, domperidone, drotaverine, interferon alpha-2a, interferon alpha-2b + taurine, iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate, iron (II), potassium, magnesium aspartate, carbocysteine, ketotifen, cromoglycic acid, lactobacterin, levocarnitine (as prescribed by a specialist doctor), levothyroxine, loratadine, mesalazine, methylprednisolone, metronidazole, mometasone, nandrolone, nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid, pancreatin, pyrantel, piracetam, prednisolone, spironolactone, sulfasalazine, famotidine, fenoterol + ipratropium bromide, fenspiride, fucorcin, furazidine, furosemide, hilak-forte, chloropyramine, cholecalciferol, cetirizine, cefuroxime, cinnarizine, ergocalciferol, essentiale ( children diagnosed with toxic hepatitis")

More detailed information see on the website of the TFOMS of the Vologda region. Also, if you have any questions, you can contact the Department of Health of the Vologda Region.

Required documents to receive free medicines for a child under 3 years of age:

  • birth certificate;
  • SNILS - green pension certificate;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence for the child.

These documents are submitted to the local therapist. First, the child will be included in the register of beneficiaries, and then it will be possible to receive a free prescription. It is written out on a special form and certified by the signature and seal of the attending physician and the seal of the clinic. Check with your clinic for a list of pharmacies where you can get medications with a discounted prescription.

Citizens of Russia different ages legislation provides various privileges. Few people know about them, but they cannot always achieve implementation. legal norms. This is roughly the situation with the list of free medications for children under 3 years of age: it exists, but only a few people really know about the medications and receive them.

According to the law, children from absolutely all families, regardless of income, can receive free medicine. If a child gets sick, parents call a doctor, who conducts an examination and prescribes free medications on a special form.

The drugs are paid for from the local budget and can only be obtained from a state pharmacy. Due to the constant shortage of government funds, doctors are in no hurry to write prescriptions for such drugs, making routine appointments.

If the pediatrician refuses to issue a document for free drugs, contact the local health department.

There are no restrictions on the number of applications: a sick child receives as much medicine as he needs to recover. But there is age restrictions: free honey provided. medications for children under 3 years of age. After reaching this age, you can count on benefits large families until their children turn 6 years old and parents of disabled children.

Legal provisions

Free Sphere medical supplies is regulated by the law “On the Fundamentals of Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation” and the Government Decree, which provides a list of free medications for children.

The law gives the right to give prescriptions for drugs paid for from the budget to pediatricians, therapists and general practice. The document is issued on a special form and contains the seal and signature of the doctor and the medical institution. You can get the products on the list only in budget pharmacies and only on the day you receive the prescription. If there are no medications available at the time of application, the applicant is put on a waiting list and will be provided with the necessary medications within one month.

How to get

To obtain permission to receive drugs paid for from the budget, parents must contact a doctor: call him at home or come to him during office hours with a sick child who is under three years old.

Most likely, the doctor will not write out a prescription on his own initiative, but he should be reminded of this responsibility. The document is issued if there is a birth certificate, insurance policy, and SNILS of the child.

The recipe is prepared in triplicate. To record medications, a separate notebook is created, in which the doctor notes all cases and names of prescriptions, and the pharmacy makes a note about their dispensing.

Children under one year old

Free medications for children under one year of age are not allocated separately; the doctor himself decides which of the drugs included in the list can be prescribed to the baby. The list is quite extensive, it includes remedies for fever, allergic reactions, viruses, antibiotics, vitamins, cough suppressants, nasal and eye drops, and even nootropics. Full list consists of more than two hundred items.

The list of medicines is constantly changing: ineffective drugs are excluded from it and tablets that have proven their effectiveness are added. The Ministry of Health on the official website provides current list medications:

Large families

By general rule State assistance is available only for children under 3 years of age. But the law provided for a small exception. It includes families with three or more children. For them, the age limit has been increased to six years.

In addition to the standard documents that are requested medical workers To issue a call, you will need a certificate from a large family.

Medicines for the disabled

Disabled children can count on assistance until they reach adulthood. The doctor prescribes a free drug only to treat the underlying disease. During viral disease or otherwise such medications are not prescribed.

A child can receive a prescription if they have a certificate confirming their disability and a card from the clinic. They are attached to the birth certificate or passport, insurance policy and SNILS.

After receiving a prescription, you will have to wait six months and only then will the pharmacy dispense the necessary medications.


The number of children suffering from this disease is not decreasing. Realizing the risks, the state decided to provide free help such kids and provide them with necessary medications: inhalers, drops and powders and mixtures. The procedure for obtaining medications is general.

Knowing what medications the child is prescribed, parents will be able to demand that the doctor comply with the law. However, there is a high probability of being refused due to budget savings. The doctors themselves justify the negative answer by the fact that really sick and needy children may not have enough drugs. The statement is quite controversial, but parents can always complain to the health department and the prosecutor's office.
