Causes of sharp pain between the shoulder blades in the back. Pain between the shoulder blades. Hypothermia of the spinal muscles and overexertion

Most people, when experiencing back pain between the shoulder blades, associate its appearance with various disorders spinal column, nerve roots, ligaments, intervertebral discs or the disks themselves. But it should be remembered that such painful sensations may be associated with other organ diseases chest- stomach, heart, respiratory system, mediastinal organs.

Such pain can be either acute, which rapidly increases and either passes quickly or increases significantly over time, or chronic, which long time worries the patient and requires an accurate diagnosis, since it can be a symptom of a serious pathology of any chest organs. Sometimes pain between the shoulder blades can occur only after sudden physical exertion or after being in a certain uncomfortable position for a long time.

It should be remembered that pain in the interscapular region is not a disease, but a symptom, and before using any or, the real cause of their occurrence should be established. When visiting a doctor, it is very important to describe all the slightest associated symptoms that accompany painful sensations, the time of their occurrence, the provoking factors of its intensification, since the doctor needs to help determine the direction of the examination and sometimes it is very difficult to establish the correct diagnosis without accurate data on the nature of the pain.

Very often late detection the real reason pain between the shoulder blades, force a person to undergo a lot of expensive and time-consuming examinations, use various options treatments that are sometimes prescribed inappropriately and therefore do not bring the desired result. Therefore, it is very important that the patient himself knows about the possible list of diseases that are characterized by this pain syndrome.

Pain caused by pathologies of the spinal column

We will not dwell on such obvious causes as bruises, injuries, dislocations and fractures of the vertebrae, but will consider other possible causes of such back pain.

Intervertebral hernia

You should know that this is a very rare occurrence, since this part of the spine does not bear such an increased load as the cervical and lumbar parts. To diagnose or exclude this pathology, a neurologist or osteopath refers the patient to an MRI or CT scan. Changes in intervertebral hernia are due to the fact that the fibrous ring is the outer part intervertebral disc from the tear it begins to protrude, while the distance between the vertebrae decreases and the nerve roots are pinched. That is, the fibrous ring cracks and the nucleus pulposus (the shock absorber in the center of the disc) begins to protrude into it.

If such a hernia is detected, doctors prescribe NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory drugs), physical therapy, physical therapy, reflexology, in severe cases shown surgery. The difference between such pain in intervertebral hernia thoracic spine from other pathologies is its localization in only one place, and the pain can also radiate to the chest, which may resemble symptoms of impaired pulmonary or heart function. If a herniated disc is left untreated for a long time, curvature of the spine, paraparesis of the lower extremities, and dysfunction may occur. pelvic organs, chronic pain syndrome.

Overexertion in combination with hypothermia of the back muscles

Overstrain of the back muscles can also cause pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades; this is not considered a disease, but with frequent excessive loads, heavy lifting, or prolonged exposure to sitting position, in a monotonous position - the risk of developing osteochondrosis, scoliosis, and intervertebral hernias increases. Very often, such pain affects people whose work requires them to be in the same position for several hours a day - these are seamstresses, drivers, office workers, surgeons.

Sometimes, when combining such a profession and air conditioning, hypothermia, a so-called lumbago may occur, when the pain becomes more intense and requires the prescription of NSAIDs (), the use of warming, distracting ointments, massage, etc. To prevent such complications, you should try to avoid drafts and be as active as possible. lifestyle, do yoga, Bodyflex, therapeutic exercises, take a course of professional massage every six months.

Spinal tuberculosis

Today, many doctors seem to “forget” about this disease and anti-tuberculosis services in the country for some reason are falling into decline, but almost 90% of the population has been infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis since childhood. If a person has received an injury, especially to the back or joint, or is simply very cold, with a very weakened immune system, a tuberculous focus quite often appears at the site of the injury, which even on an X-ray cannot always be recognized in time by specific signs.

Often in such cases, the diagnosis is made only when the person is already exhausted from terrible pain and has a number of complications. With this disease, a person may be bothered by very strong, burning pain between the shoulder blades; patients describe it as twisting or drilling at one point of the spine, as well as when the focus is localized in the thoracic spine, where a burning sensation, heat, and aching are felt.

Spinal tuberculosis is a very insidious disease, and when it occurs in the spine, the patient does not always have lesions in the lungs; it can be an independent focus of tuberculosis infection in any part of the spine. People are accustomed to the opinion that tuberculosis is a disease that affects only low social strata of the population and is localized, as a rule, only in the lungs. This is a huge misconception!

When the body's defenses are weakened, Koch's bacillus, which is present in almost every person's body, is activated in the most weakened organs and a slow inflammatory process begins, this can be the kidneys, The lymph nodes, female fallopian tubes, prostate or testicles in men, and individual vertebrae in the spine or joints in the limbs.


According to statistics, almost 50% of the population has varying degrees of development of scoliosis - curvature, twisting of the spinal column, and most often it is the thoracic spine in combination with the cervical or lumbar spine. And since the ribs are connected to the thoracic regions, the shape of the chest also changes. There are quite a few reasons for its development - these are congenital pathologies of ligaments, bones, as well as acquired ones - intense physical overload, sedentary office work or, for schoolchildren, sitting at a desk.

With a lateral and direct chest x-ray, a surgeon, neurologist, orthopedist or osteopath can make a similar diagnosis. Therapy for such a pathology must be very intensive and long-term - this includes massage, wearing a special corset, and therapeutic exercises. With scoliosis, back pain between the shoulder blades is the leading symptom, and it also has the following symptoms:

  • On early stage Visually, the curvature may be subtle, but as scoliosis progresses when examining the patient from behind, the curvature becomes noticeable.
  • With scoliosis, there is increased fatigue of the back muscles
  • Shoulders and arm position may be at different heights
  • The pain that bothers the patient in the chest is often localized on one side
  • The pain between the shoulder blades can be intermittent from severe overexertion or prolonged standing or sitting, or it can also be constant.


Since the primary stages of osteochondrosis are now found even in ten-year-old children, this pathology can rightfully be called the scourge of a modern city dweller. Until recently, this disease was considered a disease of older people, but modern life, incorrect, sedentary lifestyle leads to early development dystrophic changes in the joints and spine. The cause of back pain is the inflammatory process that develops in the surrounding tissues around damaged vertebrae, as well as due to pinched nerve roots. The following symptoms are characteristic of osteochondrosis:

  • Constant, aching back pain, aggravated by sneezing, coughing, sudden changes in body position, and physical activity
  • When straightening your shoulders, you can hear a crunch between the shoulder blades
  • Chest pain can be described as feeling like there's a stake
  • Reduced mobility of the ribs leads to difficulty breathing, and the person begins to breathe with his stomach.
  • Movement in the hands is limited, weakness, tingling or numbness is felt in the hands.

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia usually bothers a person with pain in one side of the chest, but in rare cases it can also be in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. This occurs in situations where compression of the nerve roots in the thoracic region occurs due to excessive stress, hypothermia, injury, infectious diseases or osteochondrosis of the thoracic region.

When the pain intensifies when pressing on the chest, when coughing, it can bother the patient both day and night. Since pain due to osteochondrosis, scoliosis and intercostal neuralgia is very difficult to differentiate, to clarify the diagnosis, you should contact qualified orthopedists, neurologists, osteopaths, and surgeons.


This disease is very similar to osteochondrosis, in terms of the nature of the pain, the factors that intensify it with load, and changes in body position. It is also chronic in nature, with periods of exacerbations and remissions. It is possible to distinguish spondyloarthrosis from osteochondrosis only with the help of X-rays, MRI or CT. With this disease, cartilage is destroyed and replaced by bone tissue, so bony protrusions can be found on the vertebrae.

Back muscle myositis

After any hypothermia, muscle strain, back injury may occur. Like any disease, it can be acute or chronic. The pain can be in any part of the spine; it is aching in nature and also intensifies with palpation, movement, and physical activity. This is not a dangerous condition and use usually helps.

Diseases of internal organs

As we have already said, pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades on the back is not always a sign of diseases of the spine; almost all diseases of the mediastinal organs, heart, stomach, pancreas and gall bladder can contribute to the appearance of pain in the back. In our time of oncological tension, when cancer spares neither children nor adults, the development of tumors of the mediastinal organs, stomach, and lungs can also manifest as pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris are diseases that can also cause such pain. For angina pectoris. for example, the pain never lasts more than 5 minutes and when taking nitroglycerin it mostly goes away immediately. However, during an acute attack, if severe pain lasts more than 5 minutes, blood pressure decreases, and cold sweat, pallor of the skin, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis are three diseases that can also be responsible for the occurrence of pain in the thoracic region both in front and behind. Also development oncological diseases the stomach and pancreas can cause such sensations.

Respiratory system diseases

If the patient, in addition to back pain, is bothered by a cough, an increase in body temperature, even a slight one, the cause may be lung pathologies. Typically, diseases such as pneumonia or pleurisy are preceded by hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza. IN Lately cases of development have become more frequent atypical forms pneumonia, when pneumonia is caused by pathogens such as mycoplasma or chlamydia, they are not accompanied by a very high temperature, but can occur against the background of low-grade fever, and back pain may appear on the right, left, when inhaling, especially intensifying with a deep breath. The main criterion for distinguishing lung pathology from other causes is the presence of fever, even not high, and cough.

Other diseases

  • Osteoporosis with fractures of the vertebral bodies, say against the background long-term use steroid hormones or a drop in estrogen in postmenopausal women.
  • Metastasis to the vertebrae of stomach cancer, for example, can also cause pain
  • Spontaneous fractures due to irrational loads.
  • Ankylochial spondylitis () systemic disease. It affects more often men, in which, against the background of inflammation, the vertebrae are affected and ossification of the ligaments occurs. As a result, the spine becomes inflexible and is described radiographically as being like a bamboo stick.

When there is pain between the shoulder blades, patients often attribute the unpleasant symptoms to tired back muscles and poor sleeping or sitting posture. But there are many reasons why there may be pain in this area: kyphosis, disc protrusion, thoracic injuries, radiculitis, flat feet. Pathologies are often the cause internal organs(heart, lungs, liver or kidneys).

The nature of the pain and its clinical picture are also different. She can wear different shapes: be periodic, aching, bursting, sometimes numbness of the limbs or tingling between the shoulder blades occurs.

Expert opinion

Astafiev Igor Valentinovich

Neurologist - Pokrovsk City Hospital. Education: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd. Kabardino-Balkarian State University them. HM. Berbekova, Nalchik.

Therefore, you should not make a “diagnosis” for yourself, but rather undergo an examination by a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.


Pain between the shoulder blades may have many reasons:

  • Household prerequisites. The patient's work often involves a sedentary lifestyle. He sleeps uncomfortably or remains in static positions for long periods of time.
  • Injuries. Dislocations, bruises, fractures.
  • Physical stress on the back. Lack of gymnastics and sports exercises leads in the long term to pain between the shoulder blades and discomfort. Too much huge pressure also negatively affects the condition of the spine.
  • Pathologies of the thoracic spine (kyphosis, thoracic spine)
  • Diseases of internal organs (heart, lungs, etc.)
  • Diseases associated with infection.

Kyphosis of the thoracic spine

Description of the disease
This congenital or acquired pathology, which is characterized by curvature of the spine. Visually manifested in a hump or stoop, and the physiological curvature of the spine is greater than normal. It is often a consequence of birth trauma or appears due to spinal pathologies.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Begin with childhood, develops less frequently between 25 and 30 days of age.

Nature of pain
The pain is of a burning, aching nature, radiating into the lower back and cervical region. Painful sensations are caused increased tone muscles and compression of organs inside the chest. At the same time, the discs between the vertebrae are destroyed. Movement restrictions arise.

If compression of the nerves occurs, the pain becomes shooting in nature. In addition to severe pain, numbness of the affected area is added.
Localization of pain
The pain is localized between the shoulder blades, with the development of kyphosis in the cervical or lumbar region discomfort may shift to the affected area.

A person quickly gets tired even from minimal exertion.

Doctor's intervention
An orthopedic surgeon diagnoses and treats the disease.

The impact on the disease must be complex. It includes:

  • Treatment with medications to maintain the condition of internal organs. For severe pain this non-steroidal drugs or analgesics (Analgin, Diclofenac). If the pathology negatively affects the intervertebral discs, then doctors prescribe chondroprotectors (,). It is also recommended to take vitamins to replenish micro- and macroelements.
  • Orthopedic therapy. To do this, the patient should wear a corset or posture corrector. The corrector is worn at the initial stage of the pathology, which is characterized by stooping and muscle weakness. The corset is used in conjunction with therapeutic exercises or surgery. It brings the vertebrae to a physiological state. This therapy is prescribed only by a doctor.
  • Manual therapy and therapeutic exercises. To relieve pain and overcome stoop, doctors recommend massage, acupuncture and a complex. Massage increases blood flow in the affected area of ​​the back, improves tissue nutrition, and relieves spasms. Stimulate muscle tissue Acupuncture will help in cases where the patient cannot perform gymnastics. Therapeutic gymnastics increases muscle tone, normalizes the functioning of the spine, and improves breathing.
  • Operation. Surgical intervention is carried out when other treatment does not help, if curvature of the spine quickly develops, compression of the nerves and spinal cord increases.


Description of the disease
This negative degenerative changes in the discs between the vertebrae, other fabrics. The spine undergoes compression, destroying the discs. They, in turn, become less elastic. The discs pinch the nerves, causing pain and swelling in the affected area. Often the disease leads to immobilization and disability. Osteophytes often grow with osteochondrosis. These are growths on the bones or articular processes that develop along with chondrosis or after a thoracic injury.

Even if osteophytes are removed surgically, then they begin to grow again.

  1. The goal of treatment is to eliminate deformation of the spine. The patient is recommended to wear corsets and corrective belts.
  2. Massage course
  3. Manual therapy course
  4. At stage 4, the disease can only be treated surgically.
  5. Swimming helps temporarily stop the progression of the disease.

Description of the disease
A bone disease in which they prone to fractures due to a lack of calcium in their composition. The patient is constantly haunted by cracks in the bone tissue and fractures. Reason: disrupted metabolic processes in the body. It develops in women during menopause, menopause, when hormonal levels become disrupted.

Women over forty are more susceptible to this pathology.

Nature of pain
Painful sensations may be in the form of chronic manifestations and acute attacks.

Attacks with acute pain. Most often this is a sign of a microfracture; it is often confused with a “lumbago”. Peak pain occurs 14–21 days after injury. It can radiate from one part of the spine to another. With each such fracture, the spine becomes more and more deformed, which can affect the patient’s growth.

Chronic pain begins due to the lack of treatment for microfractures. The patient experiences a change in the location of fragments of the spinal column.

In this case, the pain can be different: burning pain, pulling, drilling, pressing, etc.

Localization of pain
Painful sensations manifest themselves in the thoracic region, neck, back, lower back and tailbone.

In the neck, the pain becomes stronger with sudden movements, and when the patient lies down, the unpleasant symptoms subside.

In the thoracic region, these are usually “lumbagoes” between the shoulder blades or under them. Occurs after compression, symptoms are similar to radiculitis.

In the lumbar region the pain is strong but dull. It seems to spread in waves into the patient’s sternum and pelvis. It intensifies when sitting in a static position, if the patient is obese, or if there is a lack of vitamin D, calcium and magnesium in the diet.
Doctor's intervention
The patient will be helped by a traumatologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, and orthopedist.

  • with an increased amount of calcium in the composition. Vitamins are added to it for better absorption of the mineral.
  • to reduce the likelihood of fractures.
  • A course of hormonal therapy aimed at increasing estrogen in the body.
  • Walking, aerobics (as prescribed by a doctor). Prohibition of active exercises and sports.
  • Diet with increased amounts of calcium.

Humeral-scapular periarthrosis

Description of the disease
This is a disease in which wear and destruction of joint cartilage. With it, the head of the humerus bone and the shoulder blade rub and gradually wear out. The pathology is equally common in both men and women. The disease can be secondary or primary.

The primary develops in the shoulder as a person ages, and the secondary is a consequence of another disease and can develop at any time.

Nature of pain
The pain is dull and intermittent. In the morning, the patient feels stiffness and pain in the shoulder, but this often goes away. Unpleasant sensations intensify in frost or rain. The joint crunches, pain may appear when moving, but then it sharply recedes.
Localization of pain
The neck, head, shoulder blades, between the shoulder blades, and in the joints of the shoulders and forearms hurt.

Often the pain is accompanied by numbness of the limbs and limited mobility of the joints and shoulders.

Doctor's intervention
This disease is treated by an orthopedist-traumatologist and rheumatologist.


Description of the disease
Injuries to bones and ribs characterized by a violation of the integrity of bone tissue. This happens due to a blow, falls, compression of the body, etc. If the fracture is in one bone, then it heals easily, and injuries to two ribs or bones with displacement can cause death or serious violations health.
Nature of pain
The pain is acute, intensifies with movement, coughing, breathing, sneezing.

Accompanied by pain, swelling, difficulty breathing, hematoma in the affected area.

Localization of pain
The pain is strongest at the site of the fracture, but can radiate to the area of ​​the shoulder blades, lower back, and sternum.
Doctor's intervention
An appointment with a traumatologist is necessary.

  • Treatment with drugs that relieve pain, blockade
  • Prescribing medications according to doctors' indications (NSAIDs, analgesics)
  • Using a corset
  • Physiotherapy
  • If necessary, a puncture of the lungs is performed, followed by drainage of the pleural area.

Radiculitis of the cervical or

Description of the disease

This inflammation of nerve fibers spinal cord. The patient complains about sharp pains between the shoulder blades, in the thoracic region. Unpleasant symptoms can irrigate into the abdominal cavity. Usually typical for middle-aged men.
Nature of pain
The pain is highly intense and intensifies when turning the body, as well as when coughing and sneezing. When choosing a comfortable body position with muscle relaxation, discomfort becomes less.

Sometimes there may be a burning sensation between the shoulder blades, a cutting pain or aching pain that becomes stronger in the evening and at night.

Sometimes they radiate to the heart area, the patient complains of shortness of breath, coughing, and discomfort reminiscent of heartburn.

The patient's stool is disturbed.

Localization of pain
Pain sensations mainly begin between the shoulder blades, but can radiate to the heart area, into the peritoneum, or in their symptoms resemble intercostal neuralgia.
Doctor's intervention
For treatment, a visit to a neurologist is necessary.
Required A complex approach for the treatment of this disease, including:

  • A course of medication (Ibuprofen, injections or Neurorubin). Maybe local treatment patches with Olfen or (for example, Fastum gel).
  • Physiotherapy course (electrophoresis, acupuncture, exercise therapy complex, course of UHF therapy).
  • Physiotherapy
  • Nutrition according to a diet developed by a specialist.
  • If conservative methods do not help, then doctors recommend surgery.
  • Treatment folk recipes(compresses with honey or burdock leaves).

Myofascial pain

Description of the disease
These are pain sensations that arise as a result of muscle pain at one point in the area between the shoulder blades, above the shoulder, under the shoulder blade. Such points (triggers) are located in the chest area, rhomboid muscle, etc. During palpation, the doctor feels inflammation of the muscle and its shortening. The pain is sharp and often begins after exposure to cold or wind, or after heavy strain on the muscles.
Nature of pain
Painful sensations are fully manifested when the affected muscle moves, the nature of the pain is dull.

Localization of pain

Most often, the pain is localized in the affected muscle, it hurts under the shoulder blade, between them, near the shoulder.

But it can radiate to the hip or lumbar region.

Doctor's intervention
This condition is treated by a neurologist, osteopath, or chiropractor.

  1. Acupuncture course. It relieves muscle tension and spasms.
  2. Osteopathy aimed at stretching the diseased muscle.
  3. Wearing orthopedic corsets.
  4. Treatment with hirudotherapy
  5. Well drug treatment(drugs to improve blood flow, B vitamins)
  6. Massage.

or thoracic spine

Description of the disease

A disease where part of the disc between the vertebrae protrudes into the canal where the spinal cord is located. Characterized by impaired blood flow in the nerves and spinal cord. If it develops in the cervical region, then the functioning of vital organs is impaired. First, the patient feels numbness and weakness in the fingers, lack of coordination of movement, and feels dizzy.
Nature of pain
The pain is intense, intensifying with movement. The patient complains of headaches, fingers go numb, and movement of the head and neck is limited.

Problems with sleep and memory begin. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the disease. The most terrible consequence untimely treatment- ischemic stroke.

Impaired blood flow in the affected area leads to the gradual death of brain tissue.

Localization of pain
Pain sensations are localized in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, neck, and shoulders.
Doctor's intervention
Treatment requires the intervention of a neurologist, orthopedist, or surgeon.
Restoring a cervical intervertebral disc is a difficult process, because the head constantly puts pressure on it. Treatment is aimed at immobilizing the affected area, enhancing its nutrition, and relieving pain and inflammation.

You can treat as conservative methods, and with the help of surgery.

Conservative treatment consists in prescribing bed rest to a person, lasting for a week. In this case, the cervical spine is fixed.
Treatment with medications
The patient is prescribed medications that reduce inflammation, for example, Celecoxib. Doctors recommend medications that relax muscles that are tense in the affected area.

Chondroprotector therapy is also used, which eliminates the destruction of the fibrous ring. At severe discomfort To relieve pain, doctors use lidocaine or.
Physiotherapy course
These methods are best used in complex treatment together with medication treatment. These are effects using current, magnetic therapy, paraffin applications, electrophoresis.
Exercise therapy begins while in bed; the exercises are based on a course of diaphragmatic breathing.

A week after the end of bed rest, the doctor allows the patient to do exercises for flexion and movement of the wrists, exercises with expanders. However, doctors do not recommend turning your neck.

Doctors also recommend using hirudotherapy and cauterization of points using wormwood cigarettes as treatment methods.
This is a last resort if there is severe disruption of blood flow, if other treatment methods do not bring results within 6 months.

  • Removing part of the disc and filling the voids with bone mass
  • Replacing the affected disc with a prosthesis
  • Hernia repair through a small incision

Flat feet

Description of the disease

This foot deformity, characterized by a lowering of its arches. Due to illness, the foot ceases to adequately absorb impacts when walking and other leg movements. The muscles and ligaments of the legs weaken, the foot sag and takes on a flat shape. The load is placed on the knee, hip and ankle joints, and spine.

The patient feels pain in the lower back, hips, and knees.

The developing disease leads to arthrosis, scoliosis, and varicose veins.

Nature of pain
The pain periodically occurs after intense walking and subsides with rest. There is swelling of the ankles. If flat feet are not treated, arthrosis and scoliosis develop.
Localization of pain
Pain may appear in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, between them, in the legs and lumbar region.
Doctor's intervention
The disease is treated by an orthopedist.

  • Treatment with medications. Nimesulide is used to relieve pain. Doctors usually recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes pain-relieving ointments and creams are used, for example, Fastum gel,.
  • Physiotherapy. For complex therapy They use mud treatment, paraffin baths, electric current treatment, electrophoresis, and magnetic therapy.
  • Physiotherapy. Daily practice helps to cope with the progression of the disease and restore the anatomical shape of the legs. These are exercises on a chair, with balls, walking on toes and uneven surfaces, jumping on your feet.
  • Massage. It helps relieve swelling, relieve pain, and relieve muscle fatigue. Massaging the feet with hands, rollers with a spiked surface, balls, rugs and other objects is used.
  • Traditional medicine recipes. These are wormwood lotions, compresses based on iodine, lemon and aspirin, baths with sea ​​salt, cold and hot shower.

Cardiac ischemia

Description of the disease

Disease characterized by vascular damage, which supply the heart with blood. Vessels become clogged due to cholesterol deposits on their walls. This affects one or two heart valves.

IN acute form a heart attack occurs, and chronic course angina attacks are possible, which occur from time to time.

In the patient the heart may stop, if urgent medical care is not provided, coronary disease leads to death.

Nature of pain
The pain is sharp, attack-like, pressing or squeezing. Often the patient notes interruptions in heart function and shortness of breath. He does not have enough air to take a full breath, blood tests show elevated cholesterol, and measurements reveal high blood pressure.
Localization of pain
The pain is localized in the left region of the sternum, irrigates to the area of ​​the shoulder blades, less often the neck.
Doctor's intervention
The treatment is carried out by a cardiologist.
Regulation of physical activity

It is important to limit the patient's movements. The more it moves and the load on the heart muscle increases, the more oxygen starvation. Physical activity can cause sudden cardiac arrest.

But at the same time, increasing the load on the heart muscle is necessary during rehabilitation, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Treatment with medications

  1. Therapy against atherosclerosis: antiplatelet agents (Aspirin, Clopidogrel), β-blockers (Biprol, Niperten, Coriol, Betalok, Egilok, etc.; drugs that lower blood cholesterol (Atorvastin, Rosuvastin, Simvastatin).
  2. Maintenance therapy. Nitrates are used for treatment. After these medications, the patient's blood vessels. For treatment, Nitroglycerin and Isosorbide mononitrate are prescribed. They also use anticoagulants that prevent blood clots from forming (Heparin). Diuretic medications help remove excess fluid from tissues (Furomesid, Hypothiazide, Indapamide). Doctors prescribe antiarrhythmic drugs that control the heart rate (Aymalin). And also sedative medications are used in treatment, for example, Persen, Tenoten.
  • During treatment it is necessary special diet, which helps reduce the load on the heart muscle. It is characterized by a reduction in calorie content of food by 10–15%, a decrease in the amount of fat, proteins and carbohydrates in the patient’s diet. Along with them, the amount of salt decreases. This is followed by giving up spicy, salty foods and high-calorie foods.
  • Taking vitamins. Doctors recommend vitamin-mineral complexes with vitamin C, E, B3, B11, etc.
  • Operation. Surgical intervention is divided into several techniques: coronary bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty, stenting.

Angina pectoris

Description of the disease
When the patient is ill feels heavy, discomfort or pain in the thoracic region. It's like his chest is constricting

Angina pain usually lasts no more than 2-10 minutes. It goes away after rest or taking nitroglycerin.
Nature of pain
The pain is dull, aching in nature, occasionally radiating to the jaw, shoulders, abdominal area, between the shoulder blades. The patient complains of shortness of breath; it usually occurs during physical activity (lifting something heavy, running). The pain is not constant, but short-term, lasting from 5 to 60 minutes.

Pain varies depending on the degree of the disease; in the initial stages it appears only after exercise, and in late stages pain is observed even at rest.

As soon as the patient takes Nitroglycerin, the pain immediately subsides.

Localization of pain
The patient feels discomfort and pain in the shoulder girdle, arms, cervical region, back and shoulder blades.
Doctor's intervention
The disease is treated by a therapist and cardiologist.

  • The disease is treated with nitroglycerin in the form of a spray or capsules. This way you can quickly relieve an attack of angina. For long-term treatment, Aspirin and Warfarin are used. These medications can cause bleeding, so they are taken only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Beta blockers and blockers will help stop the development of pathology calcium channels; medications that lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Doctors often recommend taking angiotensin receptor blockers. They reduce blood pressure and reduce stress on the heart muscle.
  • As the disease progresses, surgery is required (coronary artery bypass surgery, coronary angioplasty).

Severe diseases of the lungs and pulmonary pleura

Description of the disease
The lungs themselves do not hurt, since they have no nerve endings, but with lung diseases Possible cough and breathing problems. Pain between the shoulder blades is most often a symptom of damage to the bronchi and pleura. There are many pain receptors that let the patient know that there are problems with respiratory system.

The cause of pain can be pneumonia, lung abscess, pleurisy, etc.

Nature of pain
The nature of the pain is directly related to the disease.

If pain occurs when inhaling, the cause is most often dry pleurisy. The patient becomes weaker and the skin begins to sweat. Stitching pain due to shortening of ligaments.

If the pain intensifies when you sigh, then often the cause of such pain is tuberculosis or influenza.

Severe pain when inhaled, may be a symptom of lung or pleural cancer.
Localization of pain
With pleurisy, the affected area of ​​the lung hurts. This pain becomes stronger when inhaling air, turning the body, moving, and coughing.
Doctor's intervention
Lung pathologies are treated by a phthisiatrician.
Lung diseases can be treated only on the basis of a clear diagnosis. Treatment depends on the disease and is based on eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Most often this is treated with antibiotics and medications.

Liver diseases

This is soreness localized in the peritoneum, the liver itself does not hurt due to the absence of pain receptors in it. All pain symptoms are fixed in the connective tissues of the liver. Painful sensations occur due to enlargement of the liver or from tension of the walls or if an inflammatory process occurs in bile ducts or gallbladder.

Most often these are hepatitis, yellow fever, cirrhosis, steatosis, abscesses, etc.

Nature of pain
The pain can be of a different nature, it depends on the disease. It can be a tugging sensation, becoming stronger with movement, after a heavy meal. Sometimes it occurs periodically, and sometimes it is constant.

  • Diffuse pain is caused by overstretching of the liver capsule and enlargement of the liver. The patient complains of bursting pain, heaviness, bursting discomfort in the right hypochondrium.
  • Severe pain under the right rib indicates a strong inflammatory process, possibly purulent or the presence of stones in the gall bladder.
  • Point pain usually appears with diseases of the gallbladder and ducts.
  • Asymptomatic course of the pathology. Unfortunately, often the patient already notices the disease at the stage of liver cirrhosis or acute failure.

In addition to pain, the patient notes itchy skin, belching, and smelling like eggs. The person’s skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow, migraines occur, and muscle weakness begins. The patient feels nauseous and becomes depressed.

Depending on the stress on the body and nutrition, the symptoms of the disease may vary.

Localization of pain
The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium and radiates to the back, the area between the shoulder blades, and the cervical region.
Doctor's intervention
To treat liver pathologies, the patient will need the intervention of a hepatologist or gastroenterologist.
For conservative treatment of the liver, patients take choleretic drugs(Allohol, Nikodin), cholespasmolytics (Tifen, Holagol), chonotherapy drugs (chenodiol, Urzofalk).

It is necessary to follow a diet in which it is recommended to avoid bad habits, coffee and tea, grape and tomato juice. The consumption of tomatoes, fatty meat, fried foods, broths, corn, millet cereals, pasta with fatty sauce, and smoked products is prohibited.

All seasonings and spices are excluded from the diet.


Description of the disease

This pathology characterized by an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. It is infectious in nature, provokes a change in the composition of bile and disrupts its normal outflow.
Nature of pain
Pain can be provoked by prolonged fasting or, conversely, by spicy foods, fried foods, and smoked meats. The pain occurs in paroxysms, the patient may experience a stabbing sensation in the right hypochondrium. The pain is intense, severe, the patient's temperature rises, he vomits, feels sick, and his skin turns yellow.

Vomit leaves a bitter taste in a person’s mouth and contains bile impurities.

The pain goes away after taking antispasmodics.

Localization of pain
Pain begins in the right hypochondrium, but can radiate to the area right scapula and in the hand. The pain is diffuse and radiates to the area between the shoulder blades, because the nerves of the gallbladder are connected to the nerves of the chest.
Doctor's intervention
In chronic cases, the disease is treated by a gastroenterologist, and in particularly difficult cases, surgical intervention is necessary.
Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive and combine a course of medication, diet, and folk remedies.

  • Tubage or washing of the gallbladder from congestion. Course of treatment: once every 7 days for two to three months. Can be done using a probe or in a blind manner (the person drinks the medicine or herbal infusion, lies on one side, the bile begins to flow away on its own).
  • A course of medications. To eliminate the inflammatory process, doctors recommend Diclofenac, Meperidine; In some cases, antispasmodics are taken, for example, Papaverine, Odeston. To improve the formation of bile, Allohol, Decholin, Holagol are recommended. Antibiotics can be used in treatment (Tavanic, Tsiprolet, Azitral, Vibramycin, Rulid, Ketocef). If there is no response to antibiotics, Metronidazole should be taken.
  • Treatment with herbal medicine is possible, for example, using decoctions peppermint, tansy, barberry, rose hips, dill seeds, chicory root and other herbs.
  • If you have cholecystitis, you must follow a diet that will reduce the production of bile. The patient should exclude canned food, soda, alcoholic drinks, chocolate, smoked and fried foods from his menu. Average daily calorie intake: 2,500 calories.
  • Operation. If the disease is caused by cholelithiasis, then the patient is recommended to undergo surgery. It is also done for purulent lesions, problems with the gallbladder and its canals.
  • Spa treatment. This is a visit to the resorts of Borjomi, Essentuki, Karlovy Vary, etc.
  • Traditional methods treatment. This is treatment with juices of carrots, beets, aloe, horseradish; decoctions of plantain, parsley, chamomile and other herbs.


Description of the disease

This liver pathology can occur in two forms: chronic and acute. In the acute form, the liver is affected diffusely, it is provoked by viruses that are transmitted through water, blood or sexual contact. The disease also occurs after prolonged use of medications.
Nature of pain
The pain is dull in nature, the patient feels constant fatigue and weakness. He feels nauseous, vomits, and the patient refuses to eat. Symptoms may be flu-like (fever, joint and muscle pain).

The liver increases in size.

Localization of pain
The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium and can radiate to the peritoneum, back, or shoulder blades.
Doctor's intervention
An infectious disease specialist, a therapist, a hepatologist, and a gastroenterologist treat the affected liver.
Treatment occurs according to two schemes:

Radical. The patient needs rest; he does not need medication or diet. It is enough to take herbal decoctions and bed rest. Symptoms go away on their own

Acute hepatitis are treated inpatiently.


Description of the disease
With this pathology, hydrochloric acid corrodes the mucous membranes of the stomach, forming erosion.
Nature of pain
The pain is acute, intense, and begins after a person has eaten or if there is a long period of time between meals. It can also hurt at night. In addition to pain, the patient experiences belching, heartburn attacks, and nausea. It becomes easier only after vomiting and when a warm heating pad is applied to the back or after taking medications that reduce acidity.
Localization of pain
There is pain in the pit of the stomach, behind the chest, and on the right side of the chest.

Sometimes the pain radiates to the area between the shoulder blades, to the left or right shoulder blade.

Doctor's intervention
The ulcer is treated by a gastroenterologist.

  1. It is important not only to treat the ulcer, but also to eat properly so as not to “disturb” the gastric mucosa. You should not eat large portions, take too hot or cold foods, or consume more than 10 grams of salt per day. You should eat more fermented milk products, soups, eggs, low-fat meats and fish, vegetables, berries, fruits. You should avoid broths and avoid eating foods containing animal fat. Eating sausages, canned foods, and chocolate is not recommended.
  2. Well . This is taking macrolides (Erythromycin), penicillins (Amoxicillin), nitroimidazoles (for example, Metronidazole).
  3. If the cause of the ulcer is not bacteria, but increased amount hydrochloric acid in the composition gastric juice, then doctors recommend treatment with H2 inhibitors (for example, Ranitidine), Omeprazole, Maalox, Almagel, etc.
  4. Injections may be prescribed during the acute phase of the disease. Minimum course: 14 days.
  5. Folk remedies. These are recipes that include potato peels, pork fat, honey mixtures, butter and walnut kernels.

"Occupational diseases"

Description of the disease

Often the cause of pain and burning between the shoulder blades is sedentary work. It is caused by sitting for a long time at the workplace, due to DC voltage muscles of the back and lower back.

It affects managers, engineers, drivers, accountants, and workers in other professions who have to sit for a long time.

Nature of pain
“Occupational” diseases are characterized by periodic nagging and burning pains, which intensify after prolonged sitting.
Localization of pain
Tension occurs in the back muscles, lumbar region, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and between them
Doctor's intervention
A neurologist, osteopath, chiropractor, or massage therapist will help cure unpleasant sensations.

  1. Warm up and change your position periodically to prevent muscle soreness. You can make several movements by moving and spreading your shoulder blades to improve blood circulation.
  2. Massage. It easily relieves pain, while you can massage your back muscles yourself.
  3. You can roll a tennis ball over your back. To do this, the patient lies on the floor and rolls on it with his back, so that he touches the vertebrae and spinal column.
  4. Performance special gymnastics to relieve tension in the back muscles.
  5. Treatment with drugs. To eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to take, etc. The course of treatment is usually three to four days. Possible local application local drugs(Fastum gel, Diclakgel). After muscle inflammation stops, topical treatment can be continued. irritants, for example, Nicoflex.
  6. Additionally, medications are used to help eliminate inflammation, for example, Nimika, etc.
  7. Doctors recommend a course of physiotherapy, for example, electrophoresis, laser treatment.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Description of the disease
With this disease there are dystrophic changes in cartilage, nearby bones of the affected area. The disease is chronic; as a result, the cartilage becomes thinner and begins to bone formations. As the disease progresses, the joint loses its mobility and the functioning of the limb is impaired.
Nature of pain
The pain is intense and intensifies when moving the arm back or forward. If you palpate the collarbone or scapula, the patient feels pain. A person's joint swells, the soft tissues in the affected area swell, his temperature rises, and the joint begins to crack.

There is limited mobility in the affected joint.

Localization of pain
The pain is localized in the shoulder, sometimes radiating to the elbow, between the shoulder blades, and into the arms.
Doctor's intervention
To treat the disease, treatment is required from a therapist, physiotherapist, orthopedist, rheumatologist, traumatologist, surgeon.
Treatment with medications
Doctors recommend treatment the following drugs:

  • Non-steroidal drugs (,). The course of treatment varies from 14 to 21 days.
  • Glucocorticosteroids (injections and ointments containing dexamethasone, prednisolone, hydrocortisone). The maximum ointment can be used for no more than 10 days, so that the skin and soft tissues do not atrophy.
  • Medicines that relieve pain (Codeine, Oxycodone, Morphine, Promedol).
  • , which not only prevent cartilage from deteriorating, but also restore it. These are sulfate, Wobenzym, etc.

Exercises and gymnastics
Required before exercise need to stretch muscles, preheating them. The patient should run, walk, or use jumping rope.

The patient needs to perform gymnastic exercises on the shoulder joints (for example, rotating the shoulders in a circle, pressing the arms to the chest, etc.).

Surgical intervention
If the head of the humerus is already completely destroyed, then doctors recommend replacing the destroyed tissue with a prosthesis made of titanium or polymers.

Shoulder arthritis

Description of the disease

This inflammation of the shoulder joint, as a result of which degenerative-dystrophic changes begin in cartilage tissue. As the disease progresses, the joint ceases to function normally.

The disease most often affects older people over 50–55 years of age.

May be a consequence of hypothermia, injury, stress shoulder girdle, infectious joint lesions, decreased body defenses, allergies due to hereditary factors.
Nature of pain
The nature of pain directly depends on the stage of the disease.

  1. In the first stage, the pain becomes stronger with physical exertion on the shoulder or arm. The pain becomes weaker at rest, and can intensify in the evening and at night, with a sudden change in weather. If a person works with his hands, he quickly gets tired.
  2. The pain appears more often and does not get better when changing body position. In this case, there is a decrease in mobility in the affected joint, and the moving limb crunches, its movement is accompanied by clicks.
  3. In the last stage of the disease, the joint is destroyed, swollen and swollen. The shoulder becomes deformed and it practically stops moving. It sometimes sticks in one position, and in some cases, on the contrary, you can twist it by hand in all directions.

Sometimes it's possible temperature increase In some cases, the joint itself becomes hot. The patient becomes weaker and gets tired quickly.
Localization of pain
Pain begins in the shoulder, and as the disease develops, it radiates to the shoulder blades, between them, and to the lumbar region.
Doctor's intervention
An arthrologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, and therapist will help you overcome the disease.
This pathology can only be cured comprehensively. For this use:

  • A course of physiotherapy (treatment with laser; electrophoresis; paraffin-based applications).
  • Treatment with medications that eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain. This is Nimid; ointments local application– , Fastum gel, etc.
  • Exercises recommended by your doctor
  • Folk remedies based on natural products and herbs.
  • Surgical intervention. Used if other treatments do not help.


Description of the disease
Most often it hurts between the shoulder blades or near them when a malignant tumor occurs. It develops due to the rapid proliferation of cells that have transformed into cancerous ones.

In this case, pain develops between the shoulder blades and in the shoulder blades themselves, the joint loses motor activity, becomes deformed, and swells.

Often a malignant tumor of the scapula is secondary, that is, transmitted from another organ affected by cancer.

Nature of pain
At the initial stage, the pain is periodically aching in nature, it either disappears or begins again.

In the final stages this the pain is intense, cannot be stopped by anything other than medications containing narcotics. Other internal organs may be involved in the process, which causes coughing, possible hemoptysis, and difficulty breathing. When large vessels are affected, the hands become numb, swell and lose sensitivity. Bone fragility increases in the affected area, leading to fractures.
Localization of pain
Depending on the affected area, it may hurt under the shoulder blade, between them, or below. Occasionally, the tumor affects nearby organs.
Doctor's intervention
The disease is treated by an oncologist.
The patient is usually advised to undergo surgery, in which part of the bone and all nearby tissue are removed to stop the spread of the malignant tumor. Typically, patients present too late, when metastases have spread to other organs, so treatment of the tumor does not end with surgery.

The next stage is treatment with chemotherapy. It helps overcome relapse of the disease. Medicines are administered through injections or IVs.

Radiation is possible in the final stages of cancer, when surgery is no longer effective.

It is important to restore immunity after chemotherapy or surgery.


scripture of illness

This infectious disease caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria. Characterized by extensive lesions of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain. Meningitis often ends in the death of the patient if it is not treated promptly.
Nature of pain
Severe pain begins with meningitis, in addition, stiffness of the neck muscles is noted. The patient complains of migraines, the temperature rises to forty degrees, the person is shivering.

He has sensitivity to lighting, sunlight, and feels dizzy. Loss of consciousness and even coma are possible. The patient refuses to eat, feels nauseous, vomits, and has bowel movements.

Conjunctivitis affects the eyes, and the lymph nodes become inflamed.

Localization of pain
The pain is localized in the head, neck, spreading to the back and shoulder blades.
Doctor's intervention
The disease is treated by a therapist, an infectious disease specialist and a neurologist.

  1. Bed rest. The sick person is protected from light and noise. It is treated only in a hospital setting.
  2. Treatment with medications. Antibacterial drugs are used for therapy (for example, Ampicillin, Meropenem, Ceftriaxone, Rifampicin). The course of treatment ranges from 12 to 17 days. Doctors also recommend taking medications for viruses, B vitamins, interferon, and glucocorticosteroids. Appointment required antifungal drugs, for example, Amphotericin, Fluconazole.
  3. The next stage: removing toxins from the body. To do this, the patient should drink tea with raspberries, fruit drinks, Atoxil, etc.
  4. Elimination of other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, high fever. Medicines are prescribed depending on the doctor’s recommendations and the symptoms of meningitis.


Description of the disease
Infection, bacterial in nature. In most cases it affects the respiratory tract and lungs, but sometimes affects bone tissue, joints, eyes and lymph nodes.

Diagnosed based on sputum examination.

It is difficult to treat; in particularly difficult cases, surgery is possible.

Nature of pain
The pain is not pronounced, but it is constant. The patient quickly loses weight, is constantly tired and unwell, and may have a frequent cough.
Localization of pain
The pain is localized in the lungs, but can radiate to the back, between the shoulder blades, and spread throughout the chest.
Doctor's intervention
A phthisiatrician will help in treating this disease.
The average treatment period for the disease varies from 6 to 24 months.

  1. Placing the patient in a hospital. After a number of procedures have been carried out and the person becomes harmless to others, he is treated on an outpatient basis.
  2. Treatment with medications. Pyrazinamide, Streptomycin, Ethambutol, etc. are used for it. They can be administered both in the form of inhalation and injection. Drugs can be combined or replaced. If it is not possible to eliminate the tuberculosis bacillus with conventional medications, then doctors use treatment with Ethionamide, Cycloserine, and Pask.
  3. Operations are performed in rare cases because this method is ineffective.
  4. Spa treatment
  5. A balanced diet with sufficient protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Classification according to the nature of pain

Pain and burning, burning pain
The burning sensation usually begins for ischemic disease and at different stages osteochondrosis. In case of illness of cardio-vascular system Nitroglycerin helps to quickly relieve discomfort and pain. If it hurts from pinched roots, then only relaxing the body and taking a painkiller helps.
The patient may complain of acute attacks of pain due to cholecystitis. Usually begins after a person has eaten. It can also hurt like this if the patient suffers from cervical osteochondrosis or a stomach ulcer. With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and chondrosis, the pain becomes more severe when a person moves.
Sharp pain
Such pain is typical for pinched nerve fibers and endings if severe inflammation has begun. Often such symptoms occur with colic in the gallbladder.
Dull pain
Such discomfort is directly related to diseases of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Often this is a sign of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If muscles hurt, the patient will feel an increase in discomfort after exercising or putting excessive stress on them.

Constant pain
The cause may be severe overstrain of the back muscles associated with the profession (for example, seamstress, accountant, manager). In addition, constant pain is caused by curvature of the spine, for example, because it loads the muscles around the spine. Another prerequisite for such pain is arthritis and arthrosis, inflammatory processes due to metabolic disorders.
Stitching pain
It can begin with damage to the respiratory system, pleurisy, cholelithiasis. It is often a symptom of the onset of ulcer perforation. In addition, a person may experience nausea and vomiting. A similar nature of pain occurs with pyelonephritis and VSD.
Pain and cough
These are faithful companions of tuberculosis or.

When is it time to see a doctor immediately?

Emergency help You need a doctor if:

  1. The man injured his back, blood is flowing, there are signs of a fracture.
  2. In case of pain, deformation of the shoulder blades is observed, accompanied by swelling, the skin turns red
  3. In the patient palpitations, he has difficulty breathing, shortness of breath has appeared
  4. The person suddenly becomes dizzy and becomes confused.

Be sure to watch the next video

First aid: how to relieve pain?

  • If the cause is muscle spasm, then simply warm up, change position, stretch your shoulder blades as much as possible, and breathe deeply. This method will quickly help you cope with unpleasant sensations.
  • .

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that pain in the shoulder blades can occur due to infectious diseases, oncology, diseases of the internal organs and spine, and injuries. Therefore, it is so important to consult a specialist in time to correctly diagnose the disease. After all, only a correct diagnosis will help you quickly decide on treatment that will eliminate inflammation and eliminate pain.

The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to entrust your health to specialists.


  1. Causes of pain between the shoulder blades: thoracic injuries, pathologies of internal organs and thoracic spine, lifestyle, exercise stress on the back, infections.
  2. Diagnostics: clinical examination, medical history, CT, MRI, X-ray.
  3. Treatment methods: medications (non-steroidal drugs, glucocorticosteroids, diuretics, chondroprotectors, antibiotics), orthopedic and manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, surgery, diet, hirudotherapy.
  4. Required emergency appointment see a specialist in case of: injuries, deformation of the shoulder blades, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, confusion.
  5. First aid: warm-up, massage, use of pain-relieving ointment (Ortofen, Fastum gel), NSAIDs (Nise, Diclofenac, Ketorol, Ketanov).

Almost everyone has experienced spinal pain. It can occur in different segments. Most often it is the lower back, less often - the cervical region. Pain between the shoulder blades may also occur, which can be caused by completely different reasons.

Many people do not pay attention to the pain and relieve it with painkillers. But behind this symptom there may be very serious pathologies that require quick, qualified treatment. You cannot ignore pain, even if it is not significant. You need to contact specialists and get examined.

Causes of pain

Why does the spine hurt between the shoulder blades? Pain syndrome is most often caused by diseases of the vertebral structures:

  • ( , );
  • spinal injuries.

Spinal problems can be caused by:

  • sedentary work;
  • lack of physical education;
  • heavy loads for which the body is not prepared.

The cause of pain may lie in more than one spine. It can occur due to damage to internal organs. These may be heart problems such as angina pectoris or coronary artery disease.

Go to the address and read the information about the execution rules therapeutic exercises when the sciatic nerve is pinched.


If the pain is associated with spinal problems, taking NSAIDs may be indicated:

  • NSAIDs (Movalis, Dicloberl). Muscle spasm is relieved with the help of (Baralgin,). If the problem is related to diseases of internal organs, appropriate groups of drugs are selected for their treatment (antibiotics, hepatoprotectors, diuretics, and others).

    The following physiotherapy procedures may be prescribed along with medications:

    • laser therapy;
    • acupuncture;
    • electrophoresis with lidase and novocaine;
    • massage;
    • magnetotherapy.

    A course of exercise therapy is prescribed individually, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the nature of the pain, and the general condition of the patient.

    Since pain is more often caused by pathologies of the spine, to maintain its health it is necessary:

    • avoid staying in one position for a long time;
    • engage in moderate physical activity;
    • do not overcool;
    • distribute the load evenly;
    • do not overwork your muscles;
    • eat rationally.

    Pain between the shoulder blades in the spine can be a sign of many diseases. These can be not only pathologies of the spine, but also diseases of the internal organs. It is impossible to independently diagnose the cause of pain. It is necessary to be examined promptly and begin treatment as soon as possible.

    The video is an excerpt from the TV show “Live Healthy!”, in which experts will talk about the reasons why pain between the shoulder blades may appear, and why this problem more often occurs in people with sedentary jobs and housewives carrying bags of groceries:

Back problems can interfere with all areas of our lives. It hurts to turn around, it’s uncomfortable to walk, sleep is interrupted all the time, and the person cannot fully rest. In this article we will learn what to do if you have pain in the spine between the shoulder blades.

Nature of pain

She has great amount manifestations and characteristics. So, it varies in sensations - the pain can be increasing, stabbing, radiating, aching. In addition, it differs in distribution zones. There is pain between the shoulder blades (we will discuss the reasons for its occurrence below), radiating:

  • into the sternum;
  • in the neck;
  • towards the back.

Pain can also appear at different times - after exercise, sleep, immobility or prolonged activity.

Causes of pain

Pain between the shoulder blades can have a variety of causes. Among them we can highlight the main ones:

  • The most important problem that leads to unpleasant sensations is sedentary life; work that forces you to stay in the same position for a long time will cause back pain;
  • a high probability of pain after all kinds of injuries;
  • lack of training, including at least basic exercise, can affect your well-being with both unpleasant sensations and illnesses;
  • Too heavy loads are also undesirable.

All this can manifest itself as pain. The reason may also lie in an already advanced disease of the spine (thoracic region), such as:

  • kyphosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • hernia, protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • humeroscapular periarthrosis.

Back pain can also be caused by infectious diseases, pathologies of the heart, mediastinal organs, and lungs.

Pain due to osteochondrosis of the chest

If you have pinching between your shoulder blades and in your sternum, it could be thoracic osteochondrosis. It lies in the fact that the cartilage tissue of the disc between the vertebrae is affected. As a result, its core can bulge, while pinching the vessels and nerves that are located in the spinal foramen.

The muscles require relaxation; they are very tense. Elementary gymnastics together with warming ointments will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.

Pain with radiculitis

This disease manifests itself as damage to the nerve roots. Due to this, innervation is disrupted and tissue swelling appears. The discs between the vertebrae lose their elasticity, the vertebrae become displaced, resulting in nerve pinching.

Appears It's a dull pain between the shoulder blades, which at times gives way to numbness. Radiculitis cannot be confused with another disease, since its development hinders a person’s movements.

Pain due to scoliosis

In this case sharp pain between the shoulder blades occurs due to twisting of the spine. Moreover, it is chronic in nature, especially worse in the morning.

The simplest thing that can cause the disease is an uncomfortable bed, forcing the body to take an unusual physiological position. Due to this, the muscles cannot relax at night.

Pain with additional discomfort

Some people often experience pain between the shoulder blades. What kind of disease this is, only a doctor can answer for sure. Moreover, very often such sensations are accompanied by a burning sensation. This happens in the following cases:

  • when a hernia of the spine occurs (pain increases when bending over, coughing and laughing);
  • with stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal (the burning sensation does not stop for a minute, no position can alleviate the patient’s condition);
  • when a muscle spasm occurs (it occurs due to heavy loads without activities accompanying relaxation).

Cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis, which affects the cervical discs of the spine, is much less common than the lumbar discs. But it is more dangerous because it is located near the brain centers.

It should be noted that cervical vertebrae for the volume of vessels and nerves that they pass through themselves are very small. Therefore, the smallest changes in their structure can cause dramatic changes in general condition sick person.

First of all, a person notices that he has pain between his shoulder blades. What kind of disease this is, he will not be able to determine on his own. At this moment his muscles suffer. They are tense all the time, resulting in pain and impaired blood flow.

Then a headache appears, which turns into numbness of the hands, attacks, a constant feeling of pain or a lump in the throat. This is due to disruption of the swallowing center. Dizziness is caused by a lack of blood flowing to the brain.

Pain between the shoulder blades: treatment

Any painful manifestation radically changes the patient’s life. You can endure unpleasant sensations for a long time, and in the case of your back, every movement causes pain. A person becomes unable to maintain his usual lifestyle. This leads to problems in relationships with family and at work, which later results in depression.

When the back pain between the shoulder blades becomes severe, you cannot hesitate. Need to do as much as possible faster treatment. You can get rid of it in three ways - at home with the help of medications, by presenting yourself to doctors in a hospital, and also with the help of regular exercise.

Pain relief at home

If there is back pain between the shoulder blades, the first stage of treatment will be to relieve symptoms. In fact, a person cannot yet perform physical exercises or withstand a massage. The fact is that the inflammatory process at this moment is at a stage when every irritation responds with pain.

To relieve inflammation, special non-steroidal drugs are used. They enter the affected area, where they relieve inflammation by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins. These cells activate the inflammatory process itself.

As soon as the patient feels better (after about a week), it is necessary to continue treatment with ointments that irritate the nerve endings. For example, “Efkamon” is an ointment that affects nerve endings and causes vasodilation. The latter occurs due to the thermal effect.

Relief from pain in hospital

Doctors select a comprehensive treatment for any back disease, which includes:

  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • anesthesia;
  • withdrawal muscle spasms with the help of medications;
  • physiotherapeutic measures;
  • muscle relaxation with massage;
  • physical therapy complex.

Moreover, each complex will be selected individually. The doctor draws it up based on the patient’s condition, taking into account all his diseases. Many drugs, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain in the spine between the shoulder blades, have an adverse effect on the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. In case of heart disease, it is also possible to prohibit various vasodilators etc.

This is main reason ban on self-treatment. It is likely that you will be able to improve the condition of your spine, but other problems may appear along with this.

It is worth noting that the following are used as physiotherapy:

  • laser exposure;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • exposure to ultrasound.

But often the use of such methods is unjustified. You need to understand that the reaction of each organism is individual.

Eliminating pain in the spine between the shoulder blades with the help of gymnastics

Physical exercises must be performed in the hospital and at home. With their help, the muscles become stronger, lactic acid does not accumulate in them, and the body comes into complete order.

Gymnastics must be performed while the pain subsides. The main rule is one thing - listen to your body. In this case, the movements are performed smoothly and slowly, while all attention is directed to the sensations. If unpleasant tingling, pain or tension occurs, you should avoid this exercise until “better times” come.

Let's move on to the workout, which contains three stages - warm-up, gymnastics itself, and stretching.


This stage is needed to warm up the muscles if you feel pain in the spine between the shoulder blades. If you miss it, you can get injured, since tense and unprepared muscles can become stretched if moved inaccurately.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stay in a relaxed position, while your legs should be a kind of “shock absorbers”, like springs. Do a couple of small squats. Remember this feeling and keep it throughout the entire workout.

Exercises while standing

Neck: Move your head up and down (10 times). Then tilt left and right (10 times), then turn right and left (10 times), then perform circular rotations with your head clockwise and counterclockwise (10 times). Be very careful. The neck is easier to pull than other parts of the body.

Chest: Bends are ideal for training these muscles. Start with the basics - stretch up, then lower your arms. Then raise your arms up, put your palms together and bend left and right. Finally, the hardest part - keep your palms together, while performing circular rotations with your whole body.

Exercises while lying down

To begin, choose a flat, hard surface. The floor is best. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended along your body.

You need to raise your head while keeping your chin straight. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then return to the original position.

Lie on your back, lift your head off the floor, first straight, then slightly tilting to the right and left.


After exercise, it is necessary to give the muscles the opportunity to exit the given activity mode.

Grab yourself by the shoulders, then pull them together with your arms. At this moment, you will feel muscle tension, as if after stretching in the morning.

Stretch your arms forward, turn your palms away from you and stretch. Then raise your arms and repeat the movement.

This article provides only a small list of exercises. The doctor, based on the main cause of pain, as well as the person’s physical fitness, creates a workout independently.

Acute or chronic pain between the shoulder blades is a very common complaint among people of various ages and professions. It can be a symptom of normal overwork of the back muscles, and also indicate some diseases of the spine and internal organs.

Important to remember! Pain in the shoulder blade area should never be ignored. In most cases, this sign is associated with non-dangerous diseases of the spine, but sometimes it is the only symptom of a life-threatening illness, for example, myocardial infarction, dissection of a thoracic aortic aneurysm, or a perforated gastric ulcer. And if you do not provide immediate medical assistance to a person, everything can end in death.

A little anatomy

To understand what exactly can hurt in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, you need to understand the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of this part of the body.

The scapula belongs to the flat bones of our body. It performs a protective function, and also takes part in the formation of the skeleton of the hand and provides it with motor activity. There is a powerful muscular frame around the shoulder blade. A large number of shoulder and back muscles originate from or insert into the scapula.

In the space behind the scapula there are ribs and intercostal spaces in which neurovascular bundles pass, starting at the spine. The thoracic spine runs between the shoulder blades.

In the projection of the shoulder blades are the vital organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavity: heart, thoracic aorta, lungs and pleura, lymph nodes, thoracic lymphatic duct, superior vena cava, stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Pathologies of all these organs can manifest as pain between the shoulder blades.

Considering all of the above, back pain near the shoulder blade can be associated with 2 groups of reasons:

  1. Diseases and pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system: spine, back muscles, intercostal nerves and ligaments.
  2. Ailments of the internal organs of the abdominal and chest cavity(cardiological, gastroenterological and pulmonary diseases).

Causes associated with spinal pathology

If you are wondering why there is pain between the shoulder blades, first of all it is necessary to exclude diseases of the musculoskeletal system, since they occur in most cases.

Pathology of the thoracic spine

Pain syndrome (acute and chronic) in the back is manifested by the following diseases of the spinal column:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • spondyloarthrosis,
  • spondylosis,
  • spondylolisthesis,
  • intervertebral hernia,
  • scoliosis, thoracic pathological kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis,
  • vertebral injuries, such as compression fractures,
  • congenital defects of the thoracic vertebrae.

In these diseases, pain in the spine may be associated with pathological muscle tension, which occurs as a result of changes in the tissues of the spinal column or due to compression, irritation, or swelling of the spinal nerve roots.

Degenerative-dystrophic lesions thoracic spine often occurs with pain in the interscapular area

As a rule, vertebrogenic pain under the scapula has 2 options:

  1. Chronic and aching pain that occurs or intensifies when moving, bending to the painful side, or in an uncomfortable position.
  2. Sharp and sudden, very intense pain that can be described as an electric shock. The patient is in so much pain that he can neither breathe nor move. This pain lasts for several minutes, then becomes chronic and less intense.

This disease has another name - ankylosing spondylitis. By its nature it refers to autoimmune systemic inflammation connective tissue, but with predominant damage to the joints of the spinal column and its ligaments.

The pathology progresses slowly. Back pain is a constant concern and gets worse at night. Over time, deformities of the spine and restrictions on its mobility develop, which become the cause of human disability. On late stages V pathological process Internal organs are also involved.

Spinal deformity in ankylosing spondylitis

Humeroscapular periarthritis

As a rule, this disease develops in people whose activities involve increased stress on the shoulder joint. For reference: in construction shoulder joint The acromion process of the scapula is involved. It is to this that the head of the humerus is attached.

Humeral periarthritis develops over several months or even years and has 3 stages:

  1. Acute stage - patients complain of pain in the shoulder when moving. Pain often spreads to the scapula and interscapular space. The function of the hand is not impaired at this stage.
  2. Stage of imaginary well-being– characterized by subsiding of the pain syndrome, but gradually begins to develop restrictions motor activity in the shoulder.
  3. Final stage– there is no pain, but range of motion is within shoulder joint significantly limited and sometimes does not exceed 10-15º.

A symptom that will help to recognize the disease at an early stage is the inability to put your arm behind your head due to pain, as well as a crunching sound in the shoulder blade when trying to do this.

This condition can be congenital or acquired. In the second option, the winged scapula may be the result of damage to some muscles near it, the nerves that innervate them. This disease is not only a cosmetic problem, but is also accompanied by chronic pain aching character at the level of the thoracic segment of the spine.

Pathology is easy to detect. A simple inspection is sufficient for this. In some cases, to examine the pterygoid scapula, you need to ask the patient to lean against the wall with straightened arms.

Pterygoid blades are easy to recognize

Intercostal neuralgia

Most often, this disease is vertebrogenic in nature, that is, inflammation of the nerve along the intercostal space is caused by changes in the spinal column due to hernia, osteochondrosis, etc. But sometimes the pathology can also be infectious in nature, for example, damage by the herpes virus in shingles.

With intercostal neuralgia, patients complain of:

  • pain that occurs between the shoulder blades and spreads along the chest wall to its anterior surface, has an intense shooting character;
  • pain is localized, as a rule, only on one side, and intensifies when pressing on the affected area and tilting in the same direction;
  • with herpes zoster, redness and characteristic vesicular rashes appear along the inflamed nerve;
  • along the affected intercostal space, a disturbance in skin sensitivity and tingling can be observed.

Important! Left-sided intercostal neuralgia is very similar in clinical picture with angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Therefore, in order not to miss such a formidable disease, all patients undergo an ECG.


This is an inflammation of the muscles of an infectious or aseptic nature. Pain under the scapula often worries patients with myositis. The pain can be either acute (complicates the course of any acute respiratory viral infection) or chronic.

With myositis, patients complain of aching pain that intensifies with movement, palpation and stretching. sore muscles. As a rule, NSAID-based ointments, as well as local irritants, are very effective for myositis.

Causes associated with pathology of internal organs

As already mentioned, pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and between them can be associated with pathology of several internal organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavity. Let's look at the main ones.

Spread of pain due to angina or myocardial infarction

Cardiovascular diseases

Among the lesions of internal organs that can manifest themselves pain syndrome in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, diseases of the heart and large vessels are in first place in terms of prevalence and danger to life.

An attack of angina or myocardial infarction is often accompanied by pain under the left shoulder blade or between them. Distinguish between these dangerous conditions For other causes of pain, the following symptoms will help:

  • the attack develops suddenly and is often associated with physical or emotional stress;
  • the pain is not shooting, stabbing in nature, but pressing, squeezing, burning;
  • pain appears, as a rule, behind the sternum and radiates between the shoulder blades, but there may be options when it hurts only in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • the patient experiences shortness of breath, pale skin, cold sweat, fear of death;
  • the duration of the pain does not exceed 15-20 minutes; if it hurts longer, then a heart attack may have developed;
  • the pain of angina goes away under the influence of nitroglycerin.

Another cardiac pathology that requires emergency care, is a dissecting aortic aneurysm. If the patient is not operated on immediately, the aneurysm may rupture, causing fatal internal bleeding. The pain in this pathology is similar to an angina attack, it occurs abruptly, but differs in its characteristic migration: it begins in the chest and spreads to the interscapular space, then descends down to the lumbar area. You can also watch a sharp decline blood pressure.

Pulmonary diseases

Pain between the shoulder blades can occur with the following diseases of the bronchopulmonary system:

  • pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura);
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • abscess lung tissue;
  • malignant tumors;
  • bronchiectasis.

Symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, fever, and wheezing when breathing will help to suspect a pulmonary pathology. To confirm in mandatory An X-ray of the chest organs is performed.

With pleurisy, pain often occurs between the shoulder blades

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The following gastrointestinal ailments can manifest as pain between the shoulder blades and in their projection:

Additional symptoms (abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, etc.) will help you understand the diagnosis, as well as additional methods examinations (ultrasound, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, radiography of the abdominal organs, lab tests).

Other reasons

There are many more reasons that can lead to pain between the shoulder blades. Some of them should be listed:

  • osteoporosis and its consequences (kyphotic spinal deformity, compression fractures of the thoracic vertebrae);
  • malignant lesions of the spine and the scapula itself (multiple myeloma, hemangiosarcoma, lymphomas, sarcomas, metastases of other tumors);
  • osteomyelitis and tuberculosis of the scapula, spinal column;
  • traumatic injuries of the spleen.

Thus, there are many causes of pain between the shoulder blades. Most of them do not require urgent medical intervention and do not affect life expectancy, but only reduce its quality. But there are also those that require emergency medical intervention to save lives. Therefore, if you have any pain in the shoulder blade area, you should seek help from a doctor to find out an accurate diagnosis.
