Schizophrenia is transmitted through the male line. Schizophrenia is a dysfunctional inheritance. Heredity as a cause of the disease

Schizophrenia is a mental disease that is accompanied by affective behavior, impaired perception, thinking problems and unstable reactions of the nervous system. It is extremely important to understand that schizophrenia is not dementia, but a mental disorder, a gap in the stability and integrity of consciousness, which leads to impaired thinking. People with schizophrenia are often unable to fully social life, have problems with adaptation and when communicating with people around them. One of the reasons why the disease progresses and develops is heredity.


Neurobiology is developing more and more every year, and it is this science that can answer the question that interests many: is schizophrenia inherited or not?

Scientists have delved deeper into the problem of finding a connection between relatives and a child with schizophrenia, but the reliability of the results is quite low due to taking into account other genetic factors, as well as environmental influences. There are no unequivocal statements that the transmission of schizophrenia by inheritance has every reason. Just as it is unreliable to say that all people suffering from this disease acquired the disease solely due to brain injuries.

The chief physician of the clinic answers the question

Is schizophrenia inherited from the father?

If a girl becomes pregnant from a man who suffers from schizophrenia, then the following scenario is possible: the father will pass on the abnormal chromosome to all daughters who will be carriers. The father will pass on all healthy chromosomes to his sons, who will be absolutely healthy and will not pass the gene on to their offspring. Pregnancy can have four development options if the mother is a carrier: a girl without the disease, a healthy boy, a carrier girl or a schizophrenic boy will be born. Accordingly, the risk is 25% and the disease can be transmitted to every fourth child. Girls can inherit the disease extremely rarely: if the mother is a carrier and the father has schizophrenia. Without these conditions, the chance that the disease will be transmitted is very small.

Heredity alone cannot influence the development of the disease, since this is influenced by a whole range of factors: from a psychological point of view, biological, stress in environment and genetics. For example, if a person inherited schizophrenia from his father, this does not mean that the probability of manifestation is 100%, since other factors play a decisive role. A direct connection has not been proven by scientists, but there are documented studies that show that twins whose mother or father has schizophrenia have a higher predisposition to developing mental illness. But the disease of the parents will manifest itself in the offspring only with the simultaneous influence of factors that adversely affect the child, but are favorable for the progression of the disease.

Is schizophrenia inherited from the mother?

Researchers tend to believe that disposition can be transmitted not only in the form of schizophrenia, but also other mental disorders, which can give impetus to the progress of schizophrenia. Gene studies have shown that schizophrenia is inherited from the mother or father due to mutations, which are mostly random.

The mother of a child can pass on a tendency to the disease during pregnancy. The embryo in the womb is sensitive to infectious diseases colds mother. The fetus is highly likely to develop schizophrenia if it survives such an illness. Presumably, the time of year can also affect the disease: most often, schizophrenia is confirmed when diagnosed in children born in the spring and winter, when the mother’s body is most weakened and influenza is more common.

Is there a risk of heredity

  • There is a 46% chance that a child will get sick if the grandparents had schizophrenia, or one of the parents.
  • 48% provided that one of the fraternal twins is sick.
  • 6% if one close relative is sick.
  • only 2% - uncle and aunt, as well as cousins, are sick.

Signs of schizophrenia

Research can identify potentially mutating genes, or the lack thereof. It is these genes that are the first reason that can increase the chance of the disease. There are approximately three types of symptoms by which psychiatrists can determine whether a person is sick:

  • Disorders of attention, thinking, and perception are cognitive.
  • Manifestations in the form of hallucinations, delusional thoughts that are presented as genius.
  • Apathy, complete absence desire to do anything, lack of motivation and will.

Schizophrenics do not have a clear organization and coherence of speech and thinking; the patient may think that he hears voices that are not in reality. Difficulties arise in social life and communication with other people. The illness is accompanied by a loss of all interest in life and events, and sometimes severe agitation may appear, or the schizophrenic may freeze for a long time in an unusual and unnatural position. Signs can be so ambiguous that they must be observed for at least a month.


If the disease has already manifested itself, then you need to know the measures that are recommended to be taken so that the situation does not worsen and the disease does not progress very quickly. While there is no specific one medicine that can cure schizophrenia once and for all, the symptoms can be reduced, thereby making life easier for the patient and his relatives. There are several methods:

Medicines. The patient is prescribed drugs - antipsychotics, which can change biological processes for a while. At the same time, medications are used to stabilize mood, and the patient’s behavior is corrected. It is worth remembering that no matter how effective the drugs are, the greater the risk of complications.

Psychotherapy. Often, the psychotherapist’s methods can muffle usually inappropriate behavior; during sessions, the patient learns a life routine so that the person understands how society works and it is easier for him to adapt and socialize.

Therapy. There are enough methods for treating schizophrenia with therapy. This treatment requires the approach of only experienced psychiatrists.


So, Is schizophrenia inherited?? Having understood, you can understand that only a tendency to disease is inherited, and if you or your loved one is sick and worried about your offspring, then there is a very high chance that the child will be born healthy and will not have problems with this disease throughout his life . It is important to know your family's medical history and see a specialist if you want to have a baby.

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Psychiatrist appointment Sign up 3,500 rub.
Appointment with a psychotherapist Sign up 3,500 rub.
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Treatment in hospital Sign up RUB 5,900

Schizophrenia is a very serious illness, so many experts are studying in depth the question of whether schizophrenia is inherited. It represents a pronounced mental change that gradually causes complete degradation of a person’s personality. The disease is accompanied by a whole set of signs and symptoms, from which a doctor can make a diagnosis.

The likelihood of inheriting schizophrenia is very high. Many people are confident that it is close to one hundred percent. Both women and men suffer from the disease. Moreover, pathology does not always clearly affect immediate relatives. Sometimes its expanded form is found in grandchildren, nephews or cousins.

Risk factors

It is very important to know exactly how schizophrenia is transmitted from generation to generation. In fact, the genetic factor plays a fairly large role in the transmission of this disease.

Such danger is distributed with a certain frequency.

  • If the disorder manifests itself in one baby of twins, then there is about a fifty percent chance that the second child will also suffer from it.
  • A slightly lower risk is the circumstance if the disease is diagnosed in a grandfather, grandmother, only in the mother, or only in the father.
  • Only one in eighteen people suffers from the disease if the pathology manifests itself in a distant relative.
  • One person in fifty is likely to inherit it if patients psychiatric hospital became an uncle or aunt, as well as cousins, great-uncles or grandmothers.

We can say with complete confidence that the person who has been diagnosed with the pathology, both through his parents and the older generation of relatives, will suffer from this type of mental illness.

The probability of developing the disease is close to fifty percent if the mother or father, or both parents, suffered from it. That is, transmission of the disease occurs autosomally.

If only one family member was schizophrenic, all the same, the risk factor for inheriting the gene remains quite high. It’s hard to even guess what percentage it will be. However, in order to judge this circumstance with confidence, it is necessary to undergo a chromosome analysis.

Influence of the male line

It is important to understand whether schizophrenia is most often inherited from the father, since men are often susceptible to this disease.

This happens because:

  • representatives of the stronger sex become ill with mental pathology already in childhood or adolescence;
  • their disease progresses rapidly;
  • it affects their family relationships;
  • the impetus for its development may be a not very significant and even acquired factor;
  • representatives of the stronger sex more often experience neuropsychic overload, etc.

However, experienced psychiatrists have clearly established that inheriting mental illness from the father is much less common. There is a prejudice about male schizophrenia due to the fact that in the stronger sex the disease occurs in a more severe form.

The main symptoms in men are more developed and vivid. They hallucinate, hear voices, see missing people. Schizophrenics are often very mannered, prone to reasoning, or subject to certain manic ideas.

Some of the patients completely lose contact with the outside world, stop taking care of themselves, and often suffer from depressive symptoms. Sometimes suicidal tendencies reach the point where a person seeks to commit suicide. If he fails, then most often he immediately becomes a patient in a psychiatric ward.

Men are very often aggressive, constantly drink alcohol, take drugs, and exhibit antisocial behavior.

Male schizophrenics are simply conspicuous, unlike sick women, whose illness is often noticeable only to members of their families.

In addition, representatives of the stronger sex tolerate severe nervous and mental stress much worse, do not seek medical or psychiatric help, and often subsequently end up in prison.

Influence of mother and grandmother line

It is equally important to definitely identify the exact probability of transmission of schizophrenia through heredity through the female line.

It is in this case that the risk of disease increases many times. The likelihood of a son or daughter getting the disease from a mother increases at least fivefold. This figure far exceeds the risk level in cases where the pathology is diagnosed in the father of the children.

It is quite difficult to make any definite forecasts with complete confidence, since general mechanism The development of schizophrenia has not yet been fully studied. However, scientists are inclined to believe that a chromosomal abnormality plays a huge role in the occurrence of the disease.

Not only this pathology, but also many others can pass from mother to children. mental illness. It is even possible that the woman herself did not suffer from them, but is a carrier chromosomal mutation, which caused the development of the disease in children.

A difficult pregnancy, aggravated by toxicosis, can also become a risk factor.

Infectious or respiratory diseases that affect the fetus during gestation also give rise to various diseases.

It is precisely such influences that are responsible for the fact that people who were subsequently diagnosed with this severe mental pathology celebrate their birthday at the very peak of spring or winter infection with viral infections.

The hereditary development of schizophrenia in children is aggravated by:

  • very heavy mental conditions early development daughter or son affected by illness;
  • lack of full care for the child;
  • pronounced changes in the baby’s metabolism;
  • organic brain damage;
  • biochemical pathology, etc.

Therefore, it becomes clear that in order for the disease to be transmitted in an expanded form, a combination of the most diverse important factors, and not just one hereditary one.

Whether the parents suffered from the disease on the male or female side has a very great importance, but not decisive.

Very often a woman is affected, which goes unnoticed by either her family members or medical workers, nor a psychiatrist.

Often, a special mutated gene that she happened to inherit from relatives is recessive, without having much of a chance to express itself in its entirety.

The likelihood of developing a disease associated with a chromosomal factor

There is no clear answer to the question of the transmission of schizophrenia from relative to relative.

A genetic disorder or hereditary predisposition are pronounced risk factors, but not a death sentence. Therefore, people who experience this problem should be observed by a psychologist or psychiatrist from early childhood, and should also avoid provoking factors in the development of the disease.

Even when both parents of a child are affected by schizophrenia, the possibility of him developing such a pathology still usually does not exceed a fifty percent probability.

Therefore, until evidence is fully supported by practical and experimental data, one can only speculate about whether schizophrenia is a hereditary disease or not.

Even though there are fairly accurate statistical data that the disease is transmitted along a chromosomal line, it is still very difficult to calculate the degree of its probability.

Many prominent scientists in this field have been engaged in relevant research, but there is no definitive data yet. This is explained by the fact that it is not possible to fully study the mental state and signs of schizophrenia in all relatives of the patient, his absent great-grandparents, or to identify the conditions for the formation and development of a teenager affected by the pathology.

Sometimes the disease can be transmitted from parents to children, but in such a mild form that it can be very difficult to say that a person has schizophrenia.

In cases where parents or children are in a very prosperous environment and do not suffer from any concomitant diseases, sometimes the disease manifests itself in the form of some strange behavior or even almost hidden carriage.

Circumstances of manifestation of pathology in expanded form

In order for schizophrenia to express itself in a generalized form, a combination of factors such as:

  • biochemical;
  • social;
  • nervous;
  • psychological;
  • chromosomal mutation;
  • presence of a dominant gene;
  • constitutional characteristics of the patient, etc.

Therefore, making a final conclusion about the likelihood of inheriting schizophrenia should only be done with great caution. Nevertheless, it is, of course, unacceptable to discount such a factor.

The real reasons have not yet been identified. Science knows many theories about the factors influencing the occurrence of this disease, trigger mechanisms and predispositions. But scientific world has not yet confirmed these theories with 100% probability.

So, the most common theories of the origin of schizophrenia are:

  • Genetic theory. The essence of the theory is that it is inherited. As evidence for this theory, facts are used that in families where parents suffer from schizophrenia, the disease appears more often than in others. A purely genetic theory is refuted by the fact of the disease in people in whose families there were no cases of schizophrenia.
  • Dopamine theory. It is known that mental activity human is dependent on the interaction and production of serotonin, dopamine, melatonin. It is scientifically known that in schizophrenia there is an increase in stimulation of dopamine receptors. In contrast to this theory, the fact is stated that an increase in dopamine can cause delirium and, but this does not in any way affect the will and emotions, and therefore cannot cause schizophrenia.
  • Constitutional theory. She argues that the emergence and development of schizophrenia is influenced by the psychophysiological characteristics of a person.
  • Infection theory. Currently, this theory actually has no evidence base and is viewed more from a historical point of view than from a practical one.
  • Neurogenetic theory. Science determines the situation of mismatch between the activities of the legal and left hemispheres, due to a defect corpus callosum, which leads to the onset of the disease schizophrenia.
  • Psychoanalytic theory. Psychoanalysis allows us to identify the peculiarities of upbringing in families of patients with schizophrenia. As a rule, in such families there is a lack of warm emotional relationships or an extreme contrast in the reactions of adults to the same actions of children.
  • Ecological theory. It is possible that the idea that poor ecology and lack of nutrition of the pregnant mother has a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus, causing a tendency to a number of diseases, and in particular, schizophrenia.
  • Evolutionary theory. High human intelligence has long been considered the norm, and not something outstanding, which is determined by the development of society as a whole. As intelligence increases, the characteristics of the brain change, and the likelihood of schizophrenia increases.

It is generally accepted that schizophrenia, like many other mental illnesses, is caused by a combination of hereditary factors and circumstances external environment- human life. And yet, everyone is tormented by the question of whether schizophrenia can be inherited.

The figure of 1% very eloquently characterizes schizophrenia. It affects 1 person out of 100. Absolutely every person has a risk of developing schizophrenia.

However, according to statistics, if your first-degree relatives had cases of schizophrenia, then the risk of this disease for you personally increases to 10%. If one of the second-degree relatives (nephews, uncles, grandmothers, etc.) has schizophrenia, then the risk of the disease is determined from 2 to 6%. Most high risk schizophrenia, if the disease is diagnosed in an identical twin. Scientists estimate it to be up to 40%.

And yet, in the statistics given, we are not talking about the hereditary transmission of the disease, but about the risk. A special structure of metabolic brain processes is inherited. It is the metabolic processes in the brain during certain conditions, cause splitting, defined as schizophrenia.

The schizophrenia gene is periodically “found” different groups research scientists, but repeated and subsequent studies do not confirm these theories. Human genes are found on 23 pairs of chromosomes. By inheritance, a person receives 2 copies of each chromosome: from mom and from dad. Several genes are associated with risk for the disease, but none directly causes schizophrenia. Therefore, based on genetic analysis It is impossible to predict the likelihood of a person developing schizophrenia.

This means that the schizophrenia gene does not exist or has not been found at present. However, it cannot be said that schizophrenia is not associated with heredity. With a combination of components such as heredity and unfavorable environmental factors, the risk of schizophrenia increases several times.

Unfavorable factors are: viral diseases, trauma during childbirth, maternal malnutrition during pregnancy, traumatic factors.

For the appearance of schizophrenia, in addition to the initial characteristics, so-called triggering mechanisms are needed.

Such mechanisms could be:

Schizophrenia can appear at any age, depending on the conditions for the appearance of the triggering mechanism, but most often occurs during periods of crisis: senior preschool, junior school, adolescence, youth, midlife crisis, retirement. As we can see, the listed age periods associated with critical characteristics.

To predict the likelihood of a person having the disease, you need to pay attention to the age at which schizophrenia appeared in relatives. It is possible that the same periods of disease development are observed.

Is schizophrenia transmitted through the male line?

Everything described above, including the triggering mechanisms and genetics of the disease, applies equally to both men and women, without prioritizing any of the sexes.

However, there is an opinion that schizophrenia is transmitted through the male line. What is this theory based on?

  1. Genetic predisposition to the disease is transmitted equally through both the male and female lines. However, the manifestation of schizophrenia in men is usually brighter and more noticeable than in women. Therefore, men with schizophrenia are more visible to their relatives than women. Therefore, the risk of the disease is associated specifically with the male line.
  2. The triggering mechanisms are a number of factors, including alcohol and drugs. Statistics show that alcoholism is still considered largely a male problem, although the percentage of male alcoholics and drug addicts is slightly higher compared to women. It is this reason that shows more cases of schizophrenia among the male population.
  3. Stress and mental complications during periods of age-related crises are experienced more deeply and strongly by men. Provided that the risk of schizophrenia is genetically determined, the initiation of these mechanisms is most likely in men.
  4. Raising boys is often tougher than raising girls. Parents do not allow the manifestation of gentleness, which has an impact emotional development child.

It is no secret that the health of the population, and especially men, is getting worse. Medical statistics indicate an increase in schizophrenia and its rejuvenation.

Schizophrenia is hereditary disease leading to personality disintegration, disruption thought processes, changes in emotional-volitional and mental state. Despite this, do not even think about labeling yourself. Often, schizophrenia occurs in a simple form that develops rather slowly. Sometimes people live to a ripe old age without knowing that they were sick with it. The smoothness of symptoms in some cases can be interpreted by doctors as other psychotic conditions, and treatment similar to that for schizophrenia contributes to blurring clinical picture. Do not forget that relatives of the sick are only predisposed to this pathology. The probability of its occurrence in a particular individual, if the father or mother is sick in the family, is 45 percent. Fraternal twins get sick in 15% of cases, and in 13% of cases if grandparents have pathology. And, despite the fact that many scientists are still arguing about how schizophrenia is transmitted, the majority still lean towards genetic predisposition.

Acquired schizophrenia is a dubious diagnosis until there is precise evidence of its existence.

In schizophrenia, there is a whole spectrum of disorders, which are called negative and productive symptoms.

Negative symptoms include:

  • Autism. Represents isolation, stiffness. A person feels comfortable only when alone or with a small number of close people. Social contacts are reduced to zero over time, the desire to communicate with someone disappears;
  • . Duality of judgments. A person experiences ambivalent feelings towards many people and things. They can evoke both delight and disgust in him. This leads to an internal split of personality; a person does not know what he thinks is true;
  • Associative disorder. Simple associations are replaced by more elaborate and abstract ones. A person can compare incomparables, find connections where there are none;
  • Affect. " ". A person stops expressing his emotions properly, his actions are slow, and his reaction to everything is cold.

The productive picture includes:

  • Neurosis-like conditions. Sometimes schizophrenia has atypical course and emotional instability, phobias, manic states come first;
  • Rave. Delusions of jealousy and persecution are common;
  • Hallucinations. Can be both visual and auditory. The most common are auditory – voices in the head;
  • Mental automatism. The patient believes that all his actions were done according to someone else’s will, and that other people put thoughts into his head. Often - the feeling that his thoughts are being read.

Negative and productive symptoms are antagonists. If productive symptoms predominate, then negative ones decrease, and vice versa.


According to its forms, congenital schizophrenia is divided into:

  • . With it, delusional ideas of persecution, conspiracy, jealousy, etc. arise. There are also hallucinations that can be of a different nature (auditory, visual, gustatory);
  • . Main clinical manifestations is inappropriate behavior, disruption of speech and thinking. Onset occurs at 20-25 years of age;
  • . Vivid negative symptoms with outbursts of anger, “waxy” flexibility, and freezing in one position come to the fore;
  • Undifferentiated. Symptoms of schizophrenia are erased, there is no clear predominance of productive or negative symptoms. Often confused with neurotic conditions;
  • Post-schizophrenic depression. After the onset of the disease, a painful deterioration in mood is observed, which is combined with delusions and hallucinations;
  • Simple. Represents the classic course of schizophrenia. The onset occurs in adolescence and has a slow course. Apathy, fatigue, worsening mood, emotional lability, and illogical thinking gradually increase. This form may remain unnoticed for a long time, as it is often attributed to “youthful maximalism”;

Bad heredity

Is schizophrenia inherited? Definitely yes. Most often, the source of pathological genetic material is the maternal egg, since it contains more genetic information than sperm. Accordingly, the risk of mental illness increases if the mother has schizophrenia.

The psychogenetics of schizophrenia is interesting because a predisposition to it does not always cause the disease. Sometimes for many years it does not make itself felt, and only a strong traumatic event triggers a pathological cascade chemical reactions in organism.

Theories of origin

Modern sources indicate that schizophrenia is inherited, but there are a number of other theories that have less evidence:

  • Dopamine. In schizophrenia, there is a large amount of dopamine, but it does not contribute to the occurrence of negative symptoms (apathy, decreased emotions and will);
  • Constitutional. According to psychologist E. Kretschmer, overweight people are prone to this disease;
  • Infectious. A long-term decrease in immunity affects the occurrence of mental illness;
  • Neurogenetic. Disruption of nerve conduction between frontal lobes and the cerebellum leads to productive symptoms. Again, as with the dopamine theory, negative symptoms do not occur;
  • Psychoanalytic. Poor relationships with parents, lack of affection and love have a traumatic effect on the fragile psyche of the child;
  • Ecological. Bad conditions residence, exposure to various mutagens;
  • Hormonal. Considering that the first onset of schizophrenia, for the most part, occurs at the age of 14-16, there is a hormonal surge that has a strong impact on the psycho-emotional state of the teenager.

Individually, these theories have no clinical significance, since it is possible that the schizophrenia gene causes the manifestations of this disease. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, in the absence of such in close relatives, it is worth studying your pedigree more carefully.

Schizophrenia is not a death sentence

A predisposition to schizophrenia certainly leaves its mark on a person. He begins to be afraid, hide from problems, and avoids talking about his health. This is fundamentally wrong, because any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. You shouldn’t be ashamed of this, because the earlier it was identified, the faster they will be prescribed medications, which can significantly improve the quality of human life. Many people are afraid of taking tranquilizers and antipsychotics, citing the large number of side effects. However, when simple forms the dosage is small, and the drugs themselves are selected by a psychiatrist for each patient individually.

To improve the effect of treatment, it is necessary to provide the sick person with complete peace, surround him with care and love. It is necessary to have a conversation not only with him, but also with his relatives, in order to tell all the nuances about the disease and teach him to live on, defeating the disease every day.

Mental pathology

Schizophrenia is considered as a severe mental disorder of personality, related to psychoses of an endogenous nature.

In other words, the development of this disease is associated not so much with exposure to any external factors, how many with functional changes in the body. Positive and negative signs pathologies arise on their own and are not a primary reaction to external stimuli. Progressive personality changes lead to a loss of connection between patients and the real world. The disease lasts a long time, moving from mild to more severe stages development.

Schizophrenia - chronic illness, which upsets the functions of thinking and perception. At the same time, pathology cannot be considered dementia, since the intelligence of sick people can remain at a fairly high level, like that of completely healthy representatives of humanity. During the course of this disease, memory, sensory organs and brain activity are not impaired. Schizophrenics see, hear and feel everything the same as those around them. But the incoming information is incorrectly processed by the cerebral cortex, that is, by consciousness.

Why does this personality disorder occur and what factors are involved in the etiology of the disease? Is schizophrenia inherited? main question, which will be discussed in this article.

Considering that today 1.5% of the population suffers from schizophrenia, for many hot topic the heredity of the disease remains. Young couples with family members with a similar diagnosis fear for the health of their future heirs and often hesitate to have children. The opinion that schizophrenia is necessarily transmitted along a family line is somewhat erroneous. There is a high probability that even in a family where one of the parents is sick, the child can be born completely healthy.

In addition, mental personality disorder often occurs in healthy people who do not have a genetic predisposition to pathology. In such cases, there are non-hereditary etiological factors, and reasons such as:

  • birth and postpartum brain injuries;
  • emotional trauma received at an early age;
  • environmental factors;
  • severe stress and shock;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • abnormal intrauterine development;
  • social isolation.
  • Despite the fact that to date no conclusive evidence has been found of the genetic origin of schizophrenia, numerous studies have partially confirmed this hypothesis. The following data were obtained on the degree of risk (probability) of developing mental pathology in children:

    • 49% – schizophrenia was detected in one of the identical twins;
    • 47% – one of the parents and both representatives of the older generation (grandparents) suffer from the disease;
    • 17% – one of the fraternal twins is affected by the pathology;
    • 12% – schizophrenia was identified in one of the parents and at the same time in one of the older family members (grandparents);
    • 9% – schizophrenic older brother or sister;
    • 6% – only one of the parents, half-brothers or sisters is sick;
    • 4% – schizophrenia was diagnosed in nephews or nieces;
    • 2% – mentally ill aunt, uncle, cousins or sisters.
    • As we see, it is impossible to say unequivocally that children will definitely inherit the disease from close and distant relatives. The probability of birth is absolutely healthy baby is very high and you shouldn’t immediately panic and give up the opportunity to become parents. A consultation with a geneticist will help dispel doubts when planning a pregnancy.

      Quite often there are situations when parents find out about the presence of schizophrenics in their family after the birth of the child. This fact forces mother and father to look closely at their child every day, looking for symptoms of mental disorders. The behavior of the son or daughter begins to seem strange, and any non-standard reaction of the child causes panic and fear in the parents. This attitude can cause mental disorders even in absolutely healthy children, so in no case should you overwhelm yourself ahead of time. It is better to contact a specialist and conduct the necessary examination.

      Most people are interested in the question of how one can determine in advance whether schizophrenia is inherited? Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately determine the degree of risk of developing the disease in future children. Let us consider in more detail what determines the complexity of diagnosing mental pathology.

      When a disease is associated with the influence of one specific gene, then identifying its presence is not difficult, as is establishing the likelihood of transmission along the hereditary line when conceiving a child. In such situations, already during the period intrauterine development it is possible to carry out diagnostics and determine whether the defective gene is passed on to the fetus or not.

      In the case of schizophrenia, everything is much more complicated, since the transmission of pathology is carried out not by one, but by several different genes at once. That is, the disease is not transmitted from parents to baby, like eye color or hair color. The problem is that each schizophrenic has a different number of defective mutation genes and their type.

      Only one thing can be said for sure - the more defective genes, the higher the risk of schizophrenia.

      However, it is important to take into account the fact that the defective chromosome has an impact on the brain and its development in particular. For example, when chromosome 16 is defective, the probability of developing a disease increases 8 times, and when the defective gene is on chromosome 3, the risk of disease increases 16 times.

      Therefore, you should not believe information that schizophrenia is inherited through generations or only through the female (male) line. No one knows this for certain, since the set of chromosomes in each person cannot be predicted before his birth. And even scientists do not know exactly which gene should be looked for to determine the presence of schizophrenia.

      Hereditary schizophrenia is difficult to diagnose due to the fact that it has mild symptoms compared to a disease that is not genetically determined. As a rule, patients can be accurately diagnosed only several years after the first signs of a personality disorder appear.

      When making a diagnosis, the leading role is given to assessment psychological state patients and study the pathological manifestations present.

      It is believed that hereditary schizophrenia is the result of the interaction of a group of genes folded in a certain way and causing a predisposition to the disease.

      However, even if there is large quantity defective chromosomes, endogenous psychosis may not develop. The occurrence of the disease depends to some extent on the quality of life of a person and the characteristics of the environment.

      From all that has been said above, we can conclude that hereditary schizophrenia is simply an innate predisposition to the development mental disorders, which may subsequently arise due to the influence of physiological, biological and mental factors!

      Is psychosis or schizophrenia inherited?

      I had psychosis, had relapses twice, was in a mental hospital 5 years ago. I feel good, but I need to take a small dose of an antidepressant for life, which does not affect my behavior in any way. I thought about children. Is this inherited? I don’t want to condemn the child to suffering from the very beginning. Put an end to childbearing? I’m 30 years old, my financial situation is stable. Tell me your examples, stories. Thank you.

      It doesn’t matter what, if there is simply no depression, but chozophrenia is 50 to 50%, so it’s not a fact, yes!

      Unfortunately, there is no escape from genetics. No one will give you direct, and most importantly reliable and useful advice for you. It’s one thing to be responsible for yourself, and another thing to be responsible for those who are small and dependent on you. Other people's examples cannot give anyone anything. Moreover, no one (and you too) lives under the moon forever. Now difficult time. And it requires excellent health and considerable vitality. Manifestations of any weakness (including psychophysical) do not evoke sympathy from others. And you shouldn’t count on them for help. Draw appropriate conclusions.

      It was recently proven that schizophrenia, like there was a program on TV, is being transmitted virally Google it.

      Consult a geneticist, make a genealogical family history. At least you will know what the probability of transmission is.

      Go see a geneticist! We need to figure it out. If someone in your family has already suffered from this, it may continue to be passed on.

      Of course it is inherited, don’t give birth, don’t doom your children to your fate

      Schizophrenia, if both parents are sick, is transmitted 70%, if one - much less, but there is still a risk. Although such issues must be resolved with the help of a good geneticist and psychiatrist.

      Are there only doctors here? They heard it somewhere sometime and started trying to be clever. Author, such questions are not asked here. People go to experienced doctors with such questions. By the way, my whole family is sick, I’m also in doubt about whether to give birth or not.

      passed down, I have a lot of schizophrenics in my family. not just like that.

      Definitely - it is transmitted, I can give several examples from the lives of friends and neighbors. Firstly; childbirth will provoke an exacerbation of your illness, secondly; and the child will manifest it in the future.

      for shiza, antipsychotics such as Rispolept are taken. What do antidepressants have to do with it?

      There was already such a topic.

      The author, unfortunately, is very likely to be transmitted. I have been dealing with data on psychiatry for some time (I am not a doctor, but I work in a related field) - no matter the medical history, the parents certainly had problems. It almost never happens that a person is sick, but his parents were healthy. At the same time, the disease may not develop for a long time, but due to some critical moments it will definitely manifest itself (which is very unpleasant especially for women who are susceptible to this during pregnancy, menopause, and in general there is enough stress in life)

      It is transmitted, and very cunningly. For example, from a woman with schizophrenia to her grandnephew. I know such an example. Her sister is normal, her children are normal, but her sister’s grandson is, alas.

      I read a psychotherapist who said that you shouldn’t connect your life with those who have been treated for mental illnesses at least once... they still aren’t completely cured... and it’s impossible to recover

      Schizophrenia is 100% transmitted (along the lateral lines too). Psychosis is less likely to be inherited, but childbirth is a huge stress for the body and nervous system, after which you can generally slide into the abyss. Who will take care of the child if you are in a mental hospital? By the way, your child will never get a job in a bank, certain government agencies, or reputable large companies. All these structures always request information about relatives (not just immediate ones!) through the security service. If someone was registered, let alone someone like you who was in a mental hospital for 5 years, the child will never get a good, well-paid job.

      Mental illnesses are very likely to be inherited. Therefore, doctors recommend that people suffering from mental illness not have children. This almost certainly condemns you to a problematic, incomplete life.

      My dad is a psychiatrist, and I’ve been involved in all this since childhood. Now even alcoholics with delirium tremens are taken to a psychiatric hospital at will. If it's a completely proven case. And the fact that you were in a mental hospital 5 years ago means everything is more than serious. Don't fool people! You may simply be dangerous to others (not just the child). Schizophrenia is a serious personality disorder; due to stress, you can actually turn into an animal peeing and pooping under yourself. + Schizophrenics are not like healthy people, they think differently. For example, many suffer from obsessions. A schizophrenic woman wanted to fry her child’s hand for lunch, and she fried it. He just doesn’t understand that the child will die from this, that it will hurt him, it will be bad without an arm. And it’s not funny, my dad has examples like this in his clinic. You need to be sterilized.

      I'd like to cut your tongue. IN in this case fingers.

      if she is forced to be on antidepressants all her life, then she is NOT healthy... and by the way, antidepressants are prohibited during pregnancy! what should she do then?

      How old are you, girl?

      You can't say such things.

      I'm 32 years old, aunty. I am a doctor. And I've seen enough of these. I don't want to be silent. Moreover, they write nonsense. They don't just put you in a stupid place. You can’t even imagine how many broken lives people have after marrying such inferior people. Any stress for them is fraught with crazy actions, murders, and bullying of loved ones. They are dragged through the courts, tried, and only during the trials do they find out that these people are sick and should have been sent to a mental hospital a long time ago. And all because parents hide their children’s illnesses, especially serious ones, and the fact that others die because of them is, in your opinion, nonsense. Lives crippled due to lack of information. So let's release everyone from the foolishness, dangerous maniacs from prison - let everyone get married and give birth. There will be personal happiness for them, and for others. During pregnancy psychotropic substances greatly affects the fetus.

      If you were abandoned, that’s one thing, but if you react this way to completely ordinary things...

      Guest How old are you, girl.

      And definitely a lobotomy. I’m 32 years old, auntie. I am a doctor. And I've seen enough of these. I don't want to be silent. Moreover, they write nonsense. They don't just put you in a stupid place. You can’t even imagine how many broken lives people have after marrying such inferior people. Any stress for them is fraught with crazy actions, murders, and bullying of loved ones. They are dragged through the courts, tried, and only during the trials do they find out that these people are sick and should have been sent to a mental hospital a long time ago. And all because parents hide their children’s illnesses, especially serious ones, and the fact that others die because of them is, in your opinion, nonsense. Lives crippled due to lack of information. So let's release everyone from the foolishness, dangerous maniacs from prison - let everyone get married and give birth. There will be personal happiness for them, and for others. During pregnancy, taking psychotropic substances greatly affects the fetus.

      You choose your expressions anyway, here a living person is asking for advice. GOD FORbid you get to see such a doctor, it’s people like you who discredit and disgrace truly worthy doctors. And also, along the way, it’s time for you to get treatment yourself - your nerves are not in order, judging by the tone of the comments. Go to the mental hospital too and don’t touch people.

      Elena, 29, plus. This auntie outraged me with her lack of ethics. DOCTOR.

      Unfortunately, in most cases, schizophrenia is inherited or not directly - to children, then to grandchildren, nephews, etc. - obligatory. the disease may occur in a latent form. there was an incident at work - a healthy 19 year old guy - he never complained about his health, but when they started physical exercise and began to hear voices during sleepless nights, he himself turned to psychiatrists for help. about six months in the hospital and that’s it.. - home. deprivation driver's license, opportunities to work in a decent position, getting married normally. as it turned out, my uncle has schizophrenia and his parents (grandfather) and so on. In general, think carefully - is it worth ruining the life of an unborn little person?! best option- a man with a child. or surrogacy. By the way, pregnancy can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and the result is unknown.

      Psychosis or schizophrenia are two different diagnoses. If you do not have a diagnosis of SCHIZOPHRENIA officially certified by a doctor. Don't even worry about it. If the diagnosis is established, it is transmitted, but I won’t say to what extent. What antidepressants? If it’s like sulpride, but in the annotation they write that it’s for schizophrenia, etc. so in my hospital (HOSPITAL ¦ 81 CITY CLINICAL) in Therapy it is prescribed before the operation 1-2 days in advance so that there is no anxiety, it helps a lot. Our doctors sometimes take it themselves, so don’t stress yourself out unnecessarily

      There are many objections to the “hereditary theory”, in particular:

      1) So far, no combination of genes has been discovered that is present only in schizophrenics and absent in the rest of the population.

      2) The discovered suspicious combinations of genes are not found in all schizophrenics, or in most healthy people. Even among identical twins, half the time one develops schizophrenia and the other does not.

      3) Statistics saying that children of schizophrenics have a higher chance of developing schizophrenia do not take into account the factor of upbringing. For example, children of alcoholics are often alcoholics themselves, but no one considers this a hereditary disease

      4) There are studies showing that children adopted into normal families have an 86% lower risk of developing schizophrenia than children of schizophrenics raised in a family of schizophrenics. That is, schizophrenia also depends on upbringing much more than on heredity.

      5) As a rule, hereditary diseases are noticed in early childhood and need permanent treatment after a defect occurs. However, there are many schizophrenics who were healthy before the disease or recover from the disease and live for years without any symptoms without pills.

      6) When Hitler destroyed almost all schizophrenics, then after a couple of generations the percentage of schizophrenics among the country's population returned to normal levels.

      7) Many geniuses had schizophrenia or, according to the ICD criteria, they could have been diagnosed with it.

      8) Chemicals that enhance dopaminergic activity (such as amphetamines and cocaine) produce symptoms virtually indistinguishable from productive symptoms schizophrenia in healthy people

      9) Negative symptoms of schizophrenia such as parkinsonism and catalepsy can be artificially induced with large doses of dopamine blockers (haloperidol).

      10) When tortured by sleep deprivation, healthy prisoners began to develop symptoms of schizophrenia and often led to the unfortunate ones then going crazy.

      I had a sister (one mother, different fathers) who seemed to be an ordinary, beautiful sister, who studied well with B’s and A’s, sometimes even C’s. Then, at the age of 19, the disease manifested itself (now it is no longer there), she committed suicide that year, she was 23 years old (this is a hereditary disease on the paternal side (my uncle had schizophrenia, as for my father, it’s good clever man, but very cruel and the methods of education were also cruel towards me).

      I'll argue with you. Schizophrenia does not depend on upbringing. The disease can worsen, so to speak, if there is dyshormonia in the family. I speak from life experience

      My grandmother is sick, but how happy I am that she gave birth to my mother, and my mother gave birth to me, and everything is fine with us. and you are like animals. driven by instincts.

      guys, schizophrenia is transmitted, that's for sure!! I got married at the age of 20, absolutely not knowing all the “back and forth” of my husband. but as it turned out, his grandfather suffered from schizophrenia, then his uncle. and then my brother fell ill at the age of 19. By the way, the disease in all these people was provoked by stressful situations!! that's it!! My husband and I are raising a daughter, she is now 10 years old. smart, beautiful, studying in an advanced education class for 4 and 5. We couldn’t be happier!! But I live with fear, I constantly think that my daughter might suffer the same fate as my husband’s relatives. As practice shows, this disease progresses in youth. So now I live on a powder keg. They wanted a second child and turned to geneticists. bummer. it is forbidden. You can do ICSI, PGD + IVF. but no one can give an absolute guarantee that a “bad” embryo will be mistaken for a good one and that there will be no misfire. SO MY ADVICE TO YOU IS TO THINK THOUGHLY SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE GIVING BIRTH TO CHILDREN. God forbid you suffer for the rest of your life - WILL THIS DISEASE AFFECT YOUR CHILDREN OR WILL YOU BE LUCKY. After all, we are not talking about buying a puppy, but about a real person. health to you all. take care of your nerves.

      My father suffered from schizophrenia and ended his life badly. I am 25 and I began to show symptoms of this terrible disease, especially after severe stress. I have already changed three jobs, prestigious ones and with a decent salary. however, I cannot work in a team, and it is dangerous both for me and for those around me. Now it seems like I’m in remission, I’m going to see a psychiatrist, I need a very good specialist.

      Schizophrenia is a terrible and most likely hereditary disease. I don’t really want to pass on such genes to offspring.

      Good afternoon My husband’s mother had schizophrenia for 12 years, recently it all ended in suicide, I know that my grandmother’s mother also had something wrong, she suffered from memory loss and a mental disorder, and a distant relative also committed suicide. I am very afraid to give birth, because I think that everything will be passed on to the child, and I simply won’t survive it (((

      Good afternoon My husband’s mother had schizophrenia for 12 years, recently it all ended in suicide, I know that my grandmother’s mother also had something wrong, she suffered from memory loss and a mental disorder, and a distant relative also committed suicide. I'm very afraid to give birth, because I think that everything will be passed on to the child, and I just won't survive it((([

      Olga! Go to a geneticist urgently!! Hand over everything necessary tests! Under no circumstances should you risk getting pregnant without knowing “the whole story”! Be careful, this is the health and future of your children!!

      When I went to the doctor, they clearly gave me the whole plan - EXI + PGD + IVF. (in terms of money (Peter), it comes out to about 320 thousand).

      Don't take risks! The proverb “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” is ABSOLUTELY not suitable here!

      My personal story is posted just above, read it. a nightmare.

      Be happy, good luck to you.

      hello, my mother fell ill with this disease, after giving birth, when I was about 8 years old! and I already have a son, and when I was carrying him, she mocked me sooo much, tears and fear of the future oppressed me constantly - and the only thing It gave me strength to have a baby who needed me) there was a time of hunger, there was no bread (during pregnancy) threats from my mother’s drug addict friends, with whom I even had to fight, defending myself and the child, who knocked down the doors to my rented apartment and They periodically followed and harassed...attempts to put her in prison on the grounds that I was allegedly threatening her (and so on! I even went to another city - I worked until my tummy became very noticeable) but a foreign city, no acquaintances took over - and I had to come back! At first I rented an apartment in the Holy City, then I gave birth and after 2 months I saw that I couldn’t do this - when there is nothing, money flies with terrible force.. and I decided that I needed to win a place at home, and moved here with the baby, was changed the castle didn’t let me in.. but still, having managed to register the baby, I was able to return!! She still mocks me constantly, cold-bloodedly bringing me to tears and rejoicing that I feel bad! I’m still living with her out of despair, waiting until I can work! I’m holding up well - I’m trying for the sake of my son! Tell me, can this disease really affect us too? carry us through, despite the fact that since childhood I noticed aggressiveness and cruelty on the part of my mother’s father and brother (especially in raising children), I resisted from childhood and tried not to let myself be offended. I don’t communicate with them and don’t want to!! Tell me, is there really something they are afraid of even if it seems that everything is fine, I even noticed in myself after all the horror that I have become kinder to people and I love life, just for that I have a son, and that both are healthy!) I’m just worried from this disease(!tell it worth worrying about.

      Alina! You are a very “interesting” girl. All you are asking is whether it is worth worrying only about the illness. Have you ever thought about the fact that living in the same apartment with an abnormal mother, who has already been diagnosed, who mocks you and the like, IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS. Living with such people during a period when they have an “outbreak” of the disease is simply IMPOSSIBLE. This is dangerous for the life of both you and your baby!! My advice to you is that if your mother behaves in a way that threatens your lives, you need to act urgently!! You call an ambulance, tell the team of doctors everything, and welcome to the psychiatric hospital for treatment for your mother.

      Is it worth worrying about whether it will be passed on to your child? My story is a little higher. you can read it. I won't repeat myself. watch the baby. If in doubt, do not hesitate, go to the doctors.

      I can tell a story from personal practice: people with schizophrenia are simply not subject to their feelings and emotions. My friend's mother had this disease. and when she had an “attack,” she threw her granddaughter, my friend’s daughter, out of the window. because “some voices” whispered to her that this was not her granddaughter, but the devil in the flesh. this was 14 years ago. As a result, there is no child. My friend’s grief is simply inexhaustible to this day. the mother was forever locked in a mental hospital, where she died.

      and unfortunately this happens. UNDERSTAND THAT LIVING WITH A SCHIZOPHRENIC IN THE SAME TERRITORY DURING A DISEASE OUTBREAK IS VERY, VERY DANGEROUS. knock on all the doors - eventually contact the local police officer! Explain the situation that it is simply impossible to continue living like this, that you are afraid for the life of your child. and then it’s up to the district police officer. let her be forcibly shoved into a mental hospital and treated properly. don't be afraid to go against your mother. Think first of all about the safety of your child as well as your own.

      good luck and patience, Alina.

      As for “let them be locked up forever,” Elena, you are wrong. This disease can be cured, it’s true. expensive, but possible, and if you monitor the condition, there is remission. But in the madhouse they won’t treat you normally - they’ll lead you to death and that’s it. True, if a loved one is not at all dear, then this is an option.

      In general, in order to write such words, you need to know at least the simple truth - SCHIZOPHRENIA IS INCUREABLE! SHE IS JUST GETTING INTO REMISSION.

      All the best to you!

      Hello! my daughter got married, gave birth, and only after a while did she find out (found outpatient card patient) that her husband’s mother suffered from schizophrenia. Everyone on my side of the family is healthy. Now my daughter and I are going through this.

      My mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 45. But all her life she took psychotropic medications and was in a neurosis clinic. My sister and I are absolutely healthy, but from the age of 16 I had to take full care of my mother, the disease progressed.

      Dear “guest¦43. Firstly, I did not write the phrase “let them be forever in the dark”. You did not read my text carefully, so please do not misinterpret my words and do not distort their meaning! Secondly, remember - SCHIZOPHRENIA IS INCUREABLE DISEASE, I’m telling you this from the words of a geneticist. And besides, you yourself contradict your own words when you write that “it can be cured, but it’s very expensive. " and "there is remission." You understand that of course there is remission, but it cannot be cured! How familiar are you with this disease, I would like to know.

      And then, where did you get the data that (I quote your words) - “they won’t treat you normally in a madhouse - they’ll bring you to death and that’s it.” My husband's brother was treated in such a facility during the outbreak, and was discharged from there in good condition. This is the first time I’ve heard from you about cases where people will be “healed to death.”

      And yet, strangely, you concluded from my words that my DEAR PERSON IS NOT DEAR AT ALL (your words). I repeat once again that you did not read my text carefully. My idea was stated only that a sick person needs to undergo treatment, and if the patient himself does not understand this, then this is already potentially dangerous. (read my friend’s example described above).

      So I don’t see the point of your “attacking” my advice to Alina, since you understood my text the way you wanted, without thinking about the words at all.

      Schizophrenia is not congenital, and in this case it is not transmitted.

      hello, my mother fell ill with this disease, after giving birth, when I was about 8 years old! and I already have a son, and when I was carrying him, she mocked me sooo much, tears and fear of the future oppressed me constantly - and the only thing It gave me strength to have a baby who needed me) there was a time of hunger, there was no bread (during pregnancy) threats from my mother’s drug addict friends, with whom I even had to fight, defending myself and the child, who knocked down the doors to my rented apartment and They periodically followed and harassed...attempts to put her in prison on the grounds that I was allegedly threatening her (and so on! I even went to another city - I worked until my tummy became very noticeable) but a foreign city, no acquaintances took over - and I had to come back! At first I rented an apartment in the Holy City, then I gave birth and after 2 months I saw that I couldn’t do this - when there is nothing, money flies with terrible force.. and I decided that I needed to win a place at home, and moved here with the baby, was changed the castle didn’t let me in.. but still, having managed to register the baby, I was able to return!!

      My mother suffered from schizophrenia since she was 45 years old. My sister and I are healthy and we have absolutely healthy children - don’t worry.

      I'll start with a simple thing: Who told you that this is schizophrenia? If you have to use antidepressants, then the assumption immediately arises about bipolar (manic-depressive) psychosis. When the patients read sermons on the tram. (This is in a hypomanic state.) Or they swallowed packs of laxatives. (This is in acute depression.) And there is no need to confuse delusional disorders(when everything flies out of the windows), with classic schizophrenia. The schizophrenic is so immersed in his hallucinations that he lies down and just breathes! He is disconnected from reality! Now about heredity: No hereditary forms mental illness. The vulnerability of the psyche is transmitted. Increased emotionality. But this vulnerability can be turned into an advantage! Examples? The vast majority of theater actresses are hysterical. And no one hides this, the costs of the profession. The Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, especially the Department of Theology, 60% suffer from a sluggish form of schizophrenia. And nothing. They even defend dissertations. So without knowing accurate diagnosis, all statements on the topic of giving birth or not giving birth. They turn into wasted chatter. None of you have seen truly severely mentally ill people. And I've seen enough. And I brought many back to normal (of which I am frankly proud). You will forgive the old psychiatrist for his harshness, but there is no other way to express your opinion.

      Hello. My mother has been suffering from schizophrenia since the moment I was born, I, being a welder by profession, barely got a job, this moment I’m no longer working and I’m unlikely to be able to live like this normal person. Tell me what to do?

      Is schizophrenia inherited: along what line of kinship does it occur?

      Schizophrenia, as one of the forms mental disorder personality, characterized by fundamental disturbances in thinking, perception, and behavior. Schizophrenia can act as a polymorphic mental disorder or a group of illnesses, accompanied by hallucinations (usually auditory, but sometimes optical), paranoid delusions with fantastic overtones, disorganized speech, disturbances in thought processes, loss of performance, and so on.

      The disease occurs equally among both men and women, and most often progresses in adulthood.

      Schizophrenia has been studied for decades. Experts have not yet come to a consensus on how exactly this mental disorder should be understood: as an independent disease or a complex personality disorder. Were studied possible factors influences, one of which is heredity. Is schizophrenia inherited, along which line?

      Causes of mental disorder

      Schizophrenia has many manifestations. Sometimes the disease is indicated in plural. Before the advent of neurobiology, the mechanism of the disease was unknown. Subsequently, it turned out that the influencing factors could be:

    • schizoid heredity;
    • unfavorable living conditions in childhood;
    • socio-psychological factors;
    • disorders in the neurobiological apparatus.
    • Will schizophrenia be inherited from mother to daughter? Or maybe schizophrenia will be passed on from father to son? Doctors do not give an affirmative answer, but point out possible prerequisites. The disorder may appear across generations, affect only some family members, or affect all family members.

      Today, conscientious citizens take this issue very seriously. In the United States, a case was recorded when a young couple intentionally and voluntarily underwent sterilization, since both of them had schizophrenics in each generation. In Russia, this procedure can only be performed in cases of medical necessity, and also for persons over 35 years of age. Sometimes couples or one of the partners block fertility when they already have two children.

      ATTENTION! Feeling lonely? Losing hope of finding love? Do you want to improve your personal life? You will find your love if you use one thing that helps Marilyn Kerro, a finalist in three seasons of the Battle of Psychics.

      Let's return to our question: along what line is schizophrenia inherited? Any pathologies caused by heredity manifest themselves at the gene level. That is, at some stage of development a gene mutation occurs, which is subsequently “sealed” into the family line. And there can be many such mutating genes. It is difficult to say for sure whether the mutation will manifest itself in subsequent generations. In the case of schizophrenia, as many as seventy-four genes indicate the possibility of its manifestations. After numerous studies, it was found that the risk increases if there is a first relationship (mother, father) or one of them, both parents suffered from this mental illness.

      Roughly speaking, schizophrenia can be inherited from mother to daughter if:

    • the mother has a mental disorder;
    • her parents suffered from schizophrenia;
    • the girl was subjected to mental influence;
    • grew up in a family with an indifferent mother and an oppressive father;
    • unfavorable environmental conditions;
    • mother or father suffered from drug or alcohol addiction during the period of conception;
    • constitutional, neurogenetic, infectious, defomin negative factors were identified;
    • evolution.
    • Similarly, we can answer the question: is schizophrenia inherited from father to son? In fact, gender in this matter does not matter much. As does the likelihood of developing a mental disorder with age. But what doctors agree on is that hereditary mental illnesses are more difficult to treat than acquired ones.

      What is inherited from parents?

      Text: Evgenia Keda, consultant - Alexander Kim, doctor biological sciences, Honored Professor of Moscow State University

      One day, the famous English writer Bernard Shaw was approached with an unusual request - a fan convinced him... to make her a child. “Just imagine, the baby will be as beautiful as me and as smart as you!” - she dreamed. “Madam,” Shaw sighed, “what if it turns out the other way around?”

      Of course, this is a historical anecdote. But surely modern science can with high probability predict what exactly is inherited from the parents, what the son or daughter will inherit - the ability for mathematics or music.

      What is inherited: the role of chromosomes

      From school curriculum In biology, we definitely remember that the sex of a child is determined by a man. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm carrying the X chromosome, a girl is born, if the Y chromosome is fertilized, a boy is born.

      It has been proven that X chromosomes carry genes that are largely responsible for appearance: the shape of the eyebrows, the shape of the face, skin and hair color. Therefore, it is logical to assume that boys who have one such chromosome are more likely to inherit their mother’s appearance. But girls who received it from both parents may be equally similar to both their mother and their father.
