What are the benefits of dew - recipes. The healing properties of dew (dew water)

For several decades now, there has been debate about the benefits of walking barefoot, but many doctors agree that this kind of therapy still has a beneficial effect on health.

Where can you walk barefoot and is it useful ^

For a long time now, everyone has known about the presence of biologically active points on the surface of the feet, which are used when walking barefoot on various surfaces, be it snow, grass, sand or the most common home carpet.

For a long time, people have been arguing about whether it is beneficial to walk barefoot without shoes: some argue that this can significantly improve your well-being and get rid of some health problems, while others say that such a practice does not affect the human body in any way.

However, it was not without reason that our ancestors occasionally abandoned boots and shoes in favor of walking barefoot, and even now some people prefer to walk barefoot on the beach or snow.

Walking barefoot: benefit or harm

When talking about the benefits of walking barefoot, you should take into account the changes that occur in the body because of this:

  • The protective properties of the immune system are increased;
  • Feels a surge of energy;
  • Insomnia, apathy and stress disappear;
  • The nervous system is strengthened;
  • Normalized blood pressure, work improves of cardio-vascular system;
  • Due to the strengthening of the immune system, inflammatory processes go away, skin rashes decrease;
  • Visual acuity increases, eye strain is relieved;
  • Legs and muscles are strengthened.

Is it good to walk barefoot at home?

According to doctors, it is best to take walks in natural areas, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Firstly, it is its relief that has a beneficial effect on the body,
  • Secondly, walking on a flat, hard surface can lead to the development of flat feet.

How does barefoot walking affect the body and who is it recommended for?

Walking barefoot in the snow

According to the doctor medical sciences Aparina, barefoot walks in the snow help:

  • Normalize the thermoregulation mechanism,
  • Strengthen immunity,
  • Reduce the likelihood of contracting influenza and ARVI,
  • Strengthen tendons and ligaments,
  • Improve clinical picture with flat feet.

How the training is carried out:

  • At first, you need to walk barefoot on the floor in your home, and only after a month move to the yard;
  • It is advisable to carry out such preparation in the autumn, because in winter it is not recommended to go outside without shoes out of habit;
  • Before going out into the snow, you need to warm up with physical exercise in a warm room;
  • The first time you are allowed to walk in the snow is no more than one minute. Over time, the duration of therapy can be increased;
  • After a walk, it is advisable to do gymnastics and foot massage - this will improve microcirculation and help you warm up faster.

Walking barefoot on the ground

Check your body fat %, BMI and other important parameters

In the process of walking on an earthen surface, the feet are massaged, as a result of which the blood vessels are toned and strengthened, biological processes are improved, and the appearance of cholesterol plaques, metabolism is stimulated.

  • You should do this kind of walking for at least 40 minutes: according to Eastern experts, only after this time the body begins to give off negative energy;
  • The environment should be as clean as possible: it is best to walk in familiar areas to avoid wounds and cuts due to glass or other objects that injure the skin. It is also advisable to avoid areas where cars are frequently driven and there is a possibility of gasoline or oil spills: they are quickly absorbed into the skin and negatively affect human health, and can also cause skin diseases.

Walking barefoot on the grass

  • The influence of the grass has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, but you need to start not with morning walks, but with afternoon walks, in order to avoid hypothermia.
  • In the future, you should walk in the dew for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of such pastime to one hour.

Walking barefoot on the floor

If it is not possible to walk barefoot on the street, you can walk at home, but the floor should be covered with carpet and not be cold, otherwise you can catch a cold.

Walking on water barefoot

Water is the most best source energy and peace, so during relaxation you can walk near the seashore or river, but being careful not to cut your feet.

Walking barefoot on the sand

Sand has a positive effect on nervous system and helps relieve stress. You can walk on either beach sand or regular sand - its properties do not change.

Walking barefoot with flat feet: doctors' opinion ^

Of course, flat feet cannot be completely cured by walking on sand or earth alone, but the condition of the feet and muscle function will improve significantly. To completely get rid of this problem, it is recommended to take comprehensive measures:

  • Do a foot massage;
  • Fulfill physical exercise: for this you can purchase special simulators;
  • Use folk remedies;
  • Wear orthopedic shoes.

Walking barefoot on a natural surface (sand, earth, grass or water) has a beneficial effect on the entire body, so walking without shoes is recommended for those who always want to stay healthy.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog “Be Healthy!” Did you know that morning dew- the most ancient medicine for many diseases? Since ancient Vedic times, people have known about the healing properties of dew. Many peoples endowed it magical properties. Treatment with dew gives people health and youth. And for good reason! The health benefits of a wonderful drop of water - this simple creation of nature - are multifaceted.

How dew is formed

Who among you at least once in your life in the early morning has not admired the drops of dew that rising sun sparkle like diamonds? If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend visiting in July – the month where the grass grows. You will see an amazing, harmonious and divine world in every reflection of a dewdrop!

Each drop of dew concentrates the pure energy of the earth and the sun. Thanks to the powerful therapeutic properties contained in a drop of water, you can be cured of many diseases. Our ancestors knew about this effect of dew and they skillfully used it for treatment.

Dew is the name given to small drops of water that settle on plants when the evening or morning coolness sets in.

The air always has a certain percentage of humidity. As the air cools in the evening and overnight, water vapor condenses on objects closer to the ground. Cooling of the air occurs faster in clear weather and when the surface is covered, such as grass. The most abundant dew occurs where there is high air humidity, in the tropical zone. If this happens in winter, then with this mechanism frost forms.

Dew can only form on a clean surface. If there is a layer of dust on the grass, then microdroplets of dew roll down along with the dust to the ground. On a clean surface, water is retained due to the rough surface of the plant.

Morning dew - beneficial properties

Dew is the result natural phenomenon sublimation (distillation). Remember the water cycle in nature? Saturated vapors when changing ambient temperature air are distilled into microdroplets of water, which we see.

Condensation formed on the surface of grass or other objects is distilled water without any impurities. Plant cells contain various organic matter, pollen and minerals. A leaf soaked in moisture and a drop of dew form a single water space. According to the law of physics about osmotic pressure, plant extracts, as well as mineral salts, pass into the liquid that is on the surface of the plant.

And we know how useful our plants are, what healing properties they have, and what diseases they help people with. From here it becomes clear why dew becomes beneficial for health.

Is there a difference between evening and morning dew

It is believed that morning and evening dew have different effects on human health.

Evening dew, collected at midnight, has the following properties:

  • sedative - with nervous diseases, including insomnia,
  • wound healing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • boosting immunity.

Evening dew was used to treat diseases whose cause was associated with psychological or emotional trauma or stress. Some of these diseases include angina pectoris, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, sexual disorders, neuroses and phobias.

Morning dew , collected after sunrise, has positive energy. The sun's rays hitting a dew drop activate some of the chemical components of the dew drop. Morning dew is used to treat inflammatory diseases and prolong remission in chronic diseases.

Treatment with dewWalking barefoot in the dew

Now almost everyone knows that various internal organs person. Walking barefoot is nothing more than a massage for active biological points, the result of which is stimulation of the work of specific organs.

Walking barefoot has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, joints, on the central nervous system, blood circulation increases in all organs. Also, walking barefoot trains the arches of the soles and ligamentous apparatus, which is the prevention of flat feet, and also hardening occurs.

Walking on dew for people suffering from fungal diseases of the skin of the feet and heel spurs is very useful.

Contraindications for walking on dew are inflammatory joint diseases, gout, chronic inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

In order to get results from walking in dew with maximum benefit For health, you need to walk for at least 40 minutes. This time will be enough to release the accumulated static electricity to the earth, and in return receive positive energy. Even instruments have established that it is after 40 minutes that the negative energy of the body decreases.

Cloth wrap

The Slavs had a way to treat many diseases by wrapping them in cloth soaked in dew. This method is still good today, but not everyone uses it.

Use a natural, preferably linen, thin cloth to cover the grass with dew. The fabric is soaked in dew, then the body is wrapped with this fabric. Of course, it is better to wash yourself the day before, preferably in a Russian bath. The fabric soaked in dew is cold and in contact with the body, the cold increases blood circulation, and the beneficial substances contained in the dew are perfectly absorbed into the skin and enter the blood faster.

With this wrap you can treat rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the genitourinary system, cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, headaches, impotence.

But there is a caveat. Such wraps should be carried out with caution by those who are allergic to pollen of some plants. IN in this case It is necessary to consult with an allergist or herbalist.

Bathing in the morning dew

On the night of Ivan Kupala (July 6-7), dew is considered the most healing. At the height of summer, herbs are richest in biologically active substances. Girls and women, wanting to become more beautiful and attractive, swam naked in the Kupala dew. Women who wanted to avoid aging longer went into the thickets of fireweed and tried to get wet through in the dew.

You can swim not only on this night. Just a few procedures, and the skin will remain velvety and healthy longer. Bathing in dew calms the nervous system. To strengthen your nervous system, it is best to swim in chamomile fields on a new moon.

In itself, bathing in dew strengthens the immune system and hardens the body, which is a good prevention of colds.

Dew for the treatment of eye diseases

Healing properties dew helps well with eye diseases. If you apply compresses made of cloth soaked in morning dew for 10 minutes every day for 2 weeks, you can improve your vision without medications, cure conjunctivitis, and slow down the development of cataracts. You can simply wash your eyes with morning dew.

Our weather is not constant, sometimes it rains, sometimes it’s cold, and dew may not appear every day. Therefore, if you see that dew has appeared on the grass, prolong your youth and health by walking in the morning or evening dew. You will feel how wonderful it is! With the help of dew, you can most likely do without doctors.

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With wishes of good health, Taisiya Filippova

Nature plays a big role in human life. She gives him food, strength and harmony. Early awakening energizes him especially strongly. But benefits can be obtained not only from sunrises. Not many people know that morning dew has healing properties. The recommendations of our article will be pleasant surprise for those who have problems with the skin on the feet, digestion and vision.

How nice it is to go outside in the morning and walk barefoot on the soft and cool grass. Dew on the grass looks very beautiful, shimmering and bewitching almost everyone. It is not for nothing that many peoples considered it sacred and composed many legends and epics about it. There were those who believed that it had magical properties.

Even in Rus' they knew about the benefits of morning dew

Even in Rus', the Slavs used dew to treat many ailments. As a rule, they collected it using natural fabric (for example, linen), and then wrapped it around the body or applied it to problem areas. This method is very good and effective to this day. Dew will help you cope with various diseases.

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • hardens the body,
  • normalizes digestion,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system,
  • eliminates rheumatoid arthritis,
  • helps with VSD,
  • eliminates eye diseases,
  • treats skin diseases,
  • improves the condition of skin and hair,
  • has a rejuvenating effect,
  • eliminates headaches,
  • increases potency,
  • calms the nervous system,
  • energizes,
  • leads to inner harmony.

It is very useful to bathe naked in the morning dew. This is especially recommended to do where chamomile, Ivan tea and other useful herbs grow.

Walking through dew in the morning

As you know, on the human feet there is a large number of biologically active points that project the internal organs of the body. Therefore, walking barefoot is extremely beneficial and important for health: a natural massage occurs and the work of various systems is activated, blood circulation improves and the activity of the nervous system is normalized.

And walking barefoot in the dew increases healing effect. The fact is that morning dew collected after sunrise has positive energy. The sun's rays, falling on each droplet, begin to awaken various chemical components of the miracle water. Thanks to this, dew has unique healing qualities. A person walking barefoot on the grass with dew gives off static electricity to the earth, and in return receives positive energy. To get this result, you need to walk on grass with dew for at least 40 minutes. According to some sources, special devices It has been established that it is precisely after such a period of time that a person’s negative energy leaves.

Believe it or not. Test it for yourself and you will definitely feel internal changes. 😉

Contraindications and harms of walking in dew

Dew does not cause any harm, but you should avoid walking on it if:

  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • inflammatory diseases of the joints,
  • gout

Those who are allergic to pollen should also be careful.

The healing power of dew

Benefits for feet

If you are avoiding the appearance of calluses or spurs on your feet, then such a simple procedure as morning walks barefoot on the grass will help a lot, and at the same time will strengthen the body. Therefore, if you live in a rural area or in a country house, or there is a park or square near your city apartment, you have the opportunity to walk on the grass, accustom yourself to this simple procedure. You can use a towel and collect the dew, and then apply it to your feet, and after a while you will notice how the spurs will go away on their own. This, of course, will not happen immediately, but over time, but rest assured that you will not make things worse for yourself.

For digestion

Paradoxically, dew can help those who suffer from ulcers. In this case, it is enough to drink 1/4 cup of ordinary dew before going to bed (necessarily on an empty stomach) for 3 weeks. This will be enough for the inflammation to subside. It may seem like legends, but even scientists talk about the healing properties of dew.

For eyes

If you have vision problems, or your eyes are simply very tired, all you need to do is make cold dew compresses every day, applying the dew to your eyes for 10 minutes a day for 2 weeks. Most often, this recipe is used by people who sit at the computer for a long time and expose their eyes to strong impact light radiation and other harmful factors. According to reviews, such prevention improves vision and relieves painful sensations after hours of work at the monitor.

I will collect clean dew in my palms

There are many ways to collect morning dew, many of them have come to us from older generations. One of the most common is to use a piece of ordinary fabric. A clean cloth is spread on the grass, strewn with dew, and wait until it is absorbed. Under no circumstances should you press it against the grass, as this will prevent you from collecting anything. It is enough to wait no more than half an hour, and then squeeze the fabric into a glass or wooden bowl, but not into an iron one. When you enter the house, you should pour everything that has been collected into a glass container and close it tightly.

But before you start collecting miracle water, you need to understand that dew is allowed to be collected only in those places that are remote from roads and hazardous industries, landfills and burial grounds. Otherwise, you will not collect medicinal water, but only liquid from a huge amount chemicals and poisons. Take a close look at what surrounds the place where you are collecting dew, and a lot will become clearer if you are attentive.

Dew should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.

Of course, city dwellers do not have the opportunity to enjoy all the wonderful properties of dew. But at the end of spring and during the summer, it becomes possible to get out into nature more often, for example, to the country house. Water is life. It heals, tones and rejuvenates. Each drop of dew concentrates the pure energy of the earth and the sun.

Video: healing dew

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Morning dew, it turns out, is a very useful natural phenomenon. It accumulates the energy of stars, the Moon, the Sun, the Earth, water, plants, air and is a natural concentrate of many biologically active substances.
Our great-grandfathers considered dew the nectar of immortality, and skillfully used its healing properties in their lives. In particular, they ran naked in the dewy grass, washed themselves with dew, collected it in a wooden bowl and used it as a cure for many diseases. The healing “amrita” filled them with strength, health, prolonging youth and beauty.

Bathing in dew - cleaning at all levels

Our great-grandmothers loved to bathe in the dewy grass at dawn. The Kupala dew that fell on Ivan Kupala was considered the most beneficial. The women entered the dewy thickets of fireweed and tried to get wet there. And the bravest climbed into these herbs naked, shook healing drops from the pink-purple flowers and washed the body.
However, May and other summer dews are no less valuable.
Of course, now it is difficult to imagine a girl or woman rolling naked on the dewy grass early in the morning. Although if there is such an opportunity, when no one sees you, you can quite afford to be a dewy mermaid. After several such procedures, the skin becomes noticeably younger and acquires a delicate velvety appearance. By the way, it is believed that in this way you can get rid of diseases, as well as remove the evil eye and some types of damage, as well as cleanse yourself of sins. However, you need to know that before plunging into the dewy font, you definitely need to get rid of bad thoughts.

Dew wrap activates blood circulation

Wrapping with cloth soaked in dew is an ancient Slavic method of treatment. It allows you to most effectively take advantage of all the healing properties of such a natural elixir of health as dew. At the same time, the cold activates blood circulation, and beneficial substances from the dew enter the blood faster.
In particular, ethnoscience Recommends that for rheumatoid problems and diseases of the genitourinary system, wrap your legs with a cloth soaked in dew. And in case of arthritis and problems with the cardiovascular system, such wraps should be done on the hands.
For migraines, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hair loss, low libido will be helped by wrapping your head. However, it is good to do a dew wrap for the whole body.
Another interesting thing. If you want to get rid of a specific disease, then know that the most healing will be dew collected from herbs that are used to treat your disease.
The dew can be collected using a linen or cotton cloth early in the morning before sunrise or around 12 midnight. To do this, you need to lay the cloth out on the meadow and blot the grass with it. Immediately after this, the entire body or some part of it should be wrapped in a wet cloth. This procedure should last 5-10 minutes.
It is important that the skin is clean before wrapping. Therefore, it is necessary to wash yourself the day before, or even better, go to a bathhouse with a steam room, using an oak or birch broom.

To prevent your feet from hurting, walk in the dew

Constant walking or running barefoot in the morning dew brings enormous benefits to your feet. As a result, calluses, spurs, and bones disappear, swelling and inflammation are eliminated. Walking on dew is a gift for the whole body. After the procedure, there is no need to wipe your feet - let them dry on their own.
Walking on dew is useful both in the evening before bed and early in the morning. By the way, if you start doing this in the summer, then by autumn the body will be hardened and no colds you will not be defeated.
A person, walking barefoot on the earth, connects with the Universe. In addition to the fact that illnesses pass, the person himself changes: he becomes calmer, more confident, and begins to feel harmony and connection with everything around him.
In addition, it is very useful to move the palms of your hands over the grass, thus stimulating sensitive points on them.

"Zhivitsa" from the sky

Dew collected from morning onions has long been considered pure and healing - they drank it and prepared various folk medicines based on it. Especially miraculous properties is still attributed to dew that fell on the first day of August (according to the old style) on Mokry Spas, as well as May dew. In addition, morning dew is best collected on the Waning Moon. The collection time is quite short - only half an hour from the moment the first ray of sunlight hits the ground. The dew drops collected at this time carry ethereal (cosmic) energy and have the greatest power.
Collecting useful “amrita” can be done expedited way, which slightly reduces healing power dew, but the loss of quality is compensated by its quantity. To do this, you need to take a white new sheet and air it in the sun for one day. Before dawn, the sheet is laid on the grass and after it has absorbed moisture, it is twisted into a basin (in as a last resort A few white linen towels or pieces of gauze will also work).
However, a more thorough but high-quality method of collecting morning dew is with a pipette. It requires more time and physical effort. If you are lucky, then in the meadow you can see plants with depressions in which the dew content is maximum, but even in this case the collection process remains troublesome.
It is advisable to collect the dew in a wooden or clay container and store it there too. In glass containers - not recommended, and under no circumstances should you use metal containers for this. Dew collected in reserve retains its power for 42 days.

Morning and night dew - what's the difference?

It is believed that in the morning and night dew various properties, which depend on the energy of light affecting them. In particular, morning dew is exposed to the sun, so it contains a lot of positively charged ions that can effectively fight inflammation. In addition to the fact that morning dew rejuvenates the skin very well, it also, if taken orally, enhances the metabolic processes and protective functions of the body. It is better to collect it, as noted above, on the Waning Moon and from clover.
Night dew, which is collected after midnight, is saturated by the Moon with negatively charged electrons that fight free radicals in the body, helping to restore internal balance and cope with stress and nervous disorders. In addition, it is good to use sheet wraps soaked in night dew to prevent heart disease, sexual dysfunction, and stomach ulcers.
Night dew is collected during the New Moon and the waxing Moon. It is very good to collect such dew from dandelions or daisies and use it to treat nervous and mental illness and insomnia. Collection time is from 1 to 3 am.
Night dew is cold, and therefore relieves any inflammation well and heals wounds. Compresses and lotions made from it help with burns without leaving scars on the affected areas. Apply night dew only externally. Although healers previously treated cancer patients with it: they gave them something to drink and made compresses at night. At the same time, the pain decreased, the tumor stopped growing, and then generally began to shrink.
Of course, when collecting dew, it is not necessary to strictly observe the phases of the moon and choose certain plants for this. You can simply collect it from herbs, although this significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment. But the collection time and storage rules must be observed.
Attention! You should not collect dew on collective farm fields, which are often sprayed with chemicals, or near highways.

Living water therapy

With urolithiasis and cholelithiasis It is good to make compresses from morning dew on the area of ​​the liver and kidneys and at the same time take the dew orally: 30-60 ml 30-40 minutes before meals. Course: 7-10 sessions every other day.
To improve vision, eye washes with dew and dew compresses are used in the morning and before bed, which are applied for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, not only vision improves, but also cataracts and cataracts are cured. Course 12-15 days daily.
Massaging your head with dew makes your hair thick, voluminous and improves its growth. To do this, wet your head with dew and massage your scalp with your fingertips until it warms up. Then re-moisten, tie a towel around your head and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with chamomile infusion. Course: 5-7 procedures every other day.
Mastopathy, fibromas, fibroids and other benign neoplasms are treated with compresses, douching and ingestion of dew (30-50 ml 3-5 times a day). Course: 5-7 days daily.
Skin diseases, finger bones, spurs, calluses and fungal diseases can be eliminated if dewy compresses are applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.
For bones and spurs, compresses are applied at night. Course - until disappearance.
For gastric ulcers and duodenum, and also in case of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to drink 50-100 ml of dew on an empty stomach and before bedtime, while observing vegetable diet. For hemorrhoids, you should also add evening dew enemas. Course - 21 days.
May morning dew helps normalize metabolism, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and also eliminates joint pain. To do this, you need to drink 1 glass of dew a day at any time convenient for you.
For diseases of the joints of the legs, it is recommended to walk barefoot on dewy grass every day before sunrise - it is better to do this in May, when dew has the most healing properties.

Prepared by Alla GRISHILO.

In ancient times, in pre-Christian times, when Vedic knowledge was available to everyone, people knew how to heal even with dew...

Dew is an interesting substance, strong. What people compare dew with is the tears of God and the blood of the earth.

Healers say about it that dew remembers the very dawn of the world and gives this memory to us in the form of its strength. “Its power is amazing, and it is not given to man to comprehend it - except perhaps to God. But few people want to hear from God.” People have not yet fully understood its properties, but they have learned to use it. And now there are people who keep treasured recipes.

  1. Working with dew water has always occupied an honorable place in Russian medicine. But not every healer knew how to fully use this unique material. Nowadays, dew treatment methods are considered almost lost, although not a single substance can compare with dew water in terms of effectiveness, scope of possibilities and ease of use. The collection and use of dew water in Russian witchcraft was often accompanied by complex ritual actions, the reading of hymns, appeals to native Gods and spells, and strict adherence to the time of collecting the herbs from which the dew was collected.
  2. Of course, you need to collect dew before sunrise. When the air seemed to freeze and only in the layer of fog spreading over the grass, some kind of movement was noticeable - as if something was moving inside, flowing from place to place. At this time, as they say, the air is alive, like everything around... Collecting dew is simple - let the fabric (clean, natural) be soaked in it, and then you need to squeeze the dew into a wooden or birch bark bowl (natural). You can simply place a handkerchief on the grass with dew, and then immediately wipe your body and face with it.
  3. Ancient healers believed that dew was “holy water into which each blade of grass put its blood.” It turns out there are different dews too: morning, evening and night. Night dew brings coldness, morning dew brings warmth, and evening dew brings peace...
    Night dew has great power: “The moon filled it with its strength and cooled it with its light, so it heals any wounds.” And when the dew is illuminated by the morning sun, it is even more healing: the cold dew burns the skin, runs through the whole body like a current, but then such lightness sets in that it seems like you are about to fly...
  4. Speaking more scientific language At night, the grasses fill the water droplets settling on them with the gas of life - carbon dioxide. And in the morning, the first ray of sunlight transforms the carbon dioxide in the drop into ethereal force. It is this force that enters through the skin human body, charging it with energy and health. But if you wait until the dew dries (or at least begins to dry), then the grass will drink up all the ethereal power of the water.
  5. Morning dew is best collected from clover when the Moon is in its waning phase. The collection time is quite short, so it is advisable not to miss it. This is only half an hour from the moment the first ray of sun illuminates the dewdrops. The dew drops collected at this time carry ethereal (cosmic) energy and have the greatest power in healing. Morning dew is good to use to treat the most various diseases associated with processes of stagnation in the body. It remarkably rejuvenates the skin, and if taken orally, it enhances metabolic processes and the body’s protective functions. Therefore, dew is an excellent remedy for older people.
    If you run barefoot through the morning dew, then “calluses and spurs will disappear and the bones will dissolve. Wash your hair - your hair will grow thick and healthy. For old people, morning dew gives strength and rejuvenates the skin, and can even restore vision.”
  6. Evening dew is interesting for its powerful calming effect. It is better to collect it on a new moon from a chamomile field. Chamomile is a soft, gentle plant, is friends with all herbs, and does not quarrel with anyone. Dew taken from it helps well against mental illness, “calms the violent, returns sleep.” Evening dew water is taken orally and used for compresses. An excellent effect is achieved in the treatment of schizophrenia, epilepsy, reactive psychoses, and the consequences of fright in children. Evening dew is also good for some eye diseases - for example, glaucoma.
  7. Night dew is best collected from dandelions when the Moon is in its waxing phase. Collection time is from one to three. This dew is used to treat severe inflammatory processes: “Night dew is cold, it heals wounds well, relieves any inflammation. If we make compresses from night dew, then burns and wounds will heal quickly and will not leave a scar.” Taking night dew orally is acceptable when oncological diseases- such dew, according to legend, stops the growth of tumors. Healers say that cancer really does not like night dew.
  8. In order to cope with cancer with the help of night dew, you need to “make compresses from it at night and drink it little by little - then the tumor will stop growing, then it will subside, and the pain will go away.” In this case, the dew is taken orally in the morning on an empty stomach, 30-50 g, in the afternoon - before and after meals, and also in the evening - before bed. Wet compresses are applied to the skin at the affected areas. In some cases this in a simple way manages to cope with the disease or at least stop its development.
  9. Of course, when collecting dew, it is not necessary to observe the phases of the moon and strictly choose the plants from which to remove droplets. You can simply collect dew from forbs, although this significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment. But the collection time and storage rules should be taken into account. Dew cannot be collected and stored in glass and especially in metal containers - only wooden utensils are used for this! Do not collect dew water from fields sprayed with chemicals or near highways. Don’t be too lazy to move away - and the little dewdrops will do everything they can for you. And they are capable of much!
  10. Dew water can be stored for quite a long time (up to a week), but again, only if it is kept in a wooden or birch bark container in a cool, dark place.
    Healers often use dew in mixtures with other substances, for example, with bread crumb. Infusions of herbs are made with dew water, but not decoctions - the dew does not like fire: “it carries it within itself, the morning dew is heavenly, the night dew is earthly, and the evening dew is living. It is necessary to free that fire and force it to serve man.”
  11. Massaging your head with dew water makes your hair thick and voluminous, improves its growth and, in some cases, even allows you to restore hair on a bald spot. To do this, wet your head with dewy water and massage with your fingertips until it warms up. Re-moisten, tie a towel around your head and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with chamomile infusion and let dry.
    Daily washing of the eyes with dew and dew compresses in the morning and before bedtime (applied for 10-15 minutes) improves vision, treats cataracts and eyesores. The course of treatment is 12-15 days.
  12. And in case of nervous disorders, before going to bed, wrap your head tightly with a towel moistened with dew water. In the morning, wipe your entire body with a cloth damp from dew and drink 50-100 g of dew water 3-5 times throughout the day.
    Having known these folk secrets, which are actually simple and understandable, it becomes clear that our ancestors, when they rode naked in the dew on summer nights, were not fools - by doing so they simply strengthened their health. Do this little thing for your body too... Moreover, now is the time - the most healing dews...

We've collected dew, what next?
And then you need to configure it - charge it.
You move your right hand over the dew; look at the dew, these words of the lodge:
"Rosa, Rosa, I am a red maiden (the red fellow is a daredevil)
I collected the dew for you, wiped Mother’s tears from the earth.
I collected all the little tears, and poured all the little dewdrops into a spell.
I conceived fortune telling.
I cast a spell on beauty, beautiful beauty, I bring that beauty into a white body.
The body is white, the eyes are clear, the legs are agile.
And in the dew I lay down a strong word, a strong word, a strong word - a commandment.
May you be dew, like water is alive.
How alive is water - modular, how alive is water - protective.
In the morning the sun shines in you, the clear dawn washes over you.
Reveal the beauty of the sun in me, envelop me in a clear dawn, a clear and beautiful dawn. I will weave the rays of the sun into the dew, I will add the beauty of the fields into the dew, I will add the songs of birds into the dew.
The dew will become a bath for me, an enchanted bath, enchanted - bewitched, endowed with secret power.
Enchanted by the power of light."

The dew was poured and corked. You can add drops to water for washing, baths, and drinking.

The light is on until the light is on, it’s clear he’s doing his job

As soon as they don’t call it: the tears of mother earth, the sweat of the earth.
dew is collected from July 3 to July 16, but the most better days The days considered are 5 to 9 July. The dews and rituals performed with them are varied.
Firstly, there are many ways to collect dew.
1- take a white piece of cloth - canvas, and run with it across the field, it becomes wet from the dew, they wring out the canvas - they collect the dew in jars.
2 - walk among tall plants and shake drops of dew into clay jars.
3 - collect dew drops from bushes.
4 - collect dew from stones and boulders.
5 - knock dew off tall plants with their bodies. They run naked among plants such as whitecap and sweet clover.
They roll on the dew, that is, they lie naked on the grass and roll on the grass. First the body is cold, then it burns with fire!!! After dew, the body is not wiped; we dry it in the wind.
“Roll through the fields, wash yourself with the dew, dry yourself with the wind, embrace the world!”
Canvases soaked in dew are used in healing rituals. They wrap frightened, suppressed children and adults in them. Then they are covered with a fur coat or warmer, or perhaps a warm knitted shawl, and placed near the fire. (What happens there - the Wind described).
ON the waning moon you can collect dew for beauty - just lay down a curse that you will drive away sickness and old age, you will drive away obesity!
In addition, on the waning moon they say dew to drive away sores.
In the dead of night, dew is collected and spoken of for the melancholy, for the cold, for the bodies to be flexible and stately, for the hardness of the bones.
On the waxing moon - for youth, beauty, thick hair, for an addition to the family.
On the full moon - for clarity of mind, brightness of oneself, for success and prosperity, for prosperity.

Treatment of elephantiasis with dew.
Sore swollen feet are treated with dew July 12. Stand with sore feet on the morning grass with dew. Cross your feet and read a prayer - Just as the Mother of the raw earth is strong and strong and eternal and everlasting, so to me, my sore feet, strength is strong, strength is eternal. Amen. I, daughter of God (name), will go into a dewy field, I will find the apostles Peter and Paul in the field. I will bow to them from the waist down, I will ask them with the cross, fasting, and all human suffering: “Like a baby’s legs do not hurt, bones do not ache, joints do not creak , so if I, D, God’s (name), my legs didn’t hurt, my bones didn’t ache, my joints didn’t creak, my legs wouldn’t have thickness, blueness, sick veins, a heavy elephant’s step. Remove the disease from me, lock me up with 33 locks and do not give the key to the wind, nor the sun, nor the month, nor a friend, nor an enemy, nor a life, nor a mother, nor grandchildren, nor great-grandchildren. So that the daughter (name) does not have this disease in her family.” Amen.

Son and daughter of God reading (slave, slave) will not help)

Massaging your head with dew water makes your hair thick and voluminous, improves its growth and, in some cases, even allows you to restore hair on a bald head.

Wet your head with dewy water and massage with your fingertips until warm. Re-moisten, tie a towel around your head and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with chamomile infusion and let dry.

The course of treatment is 5–7 procedures every other day.

12 dawns go in the morning to rocks and stones and collect dew from them. When they collect they say:
“On the ocean sea, on the island of Buyan. On Belgoryuch Mountain, dew fell. I (the name of the rivers) and Mother collected it. Mother collects dew with me, speaks to it with my words, puts her breath in the dew. We will wash away all ailments with this dew, all sorrows , sorrows, illnesses, we will drive away. Melancholy, sad, fiery, cross, half-night, daytime, infantile. FROM the white body, from the yellow bones, from the red blood, from the violent head, all the misfortunes and passions of the earth will be removed. Fears, sorrows, fevers will fall away, new life it will get better."
This dew is added to the drink of the sick, children are washed with water (but 12 drops of dew are dripped into the water)

Using dew to grow money.
After full moon get up before dawn, take a green cup, go into the garden, shake off dew into the cup and say: Whoever drinks the dew, money goes to him. (your own lock)

We often hear that it is beneficial to walk barefoot in the morning dew. Is this really true? The question is quite controversial...

How is dew useful?

Walking in the morning dew became popular in civilized society thanks to the German priest Sebastian Kneipp, who lived in the mid-19th century. Kneipp adhered to the principles of the so-called natural philosophy, which promoted the closeness of man to nature. He himself practiced morning walks on the dewy grass and claimed that in this way he was able to cure tuberculosis.

The healing properties of this method are actively promoted by oriental medicine. It is claimed that morning dew, which absorbs enzymes and pollen from plants that contain many biologically active substances, fills the body with energy, improves immunity, relieves stress, and heals nervous disorders. Eastern healers explain this by the interaction of the human root chakra with the energy of the Earth through soil and grass.

Largest quantity useful substances plants release in the morning. Therefore, morning moisture has an analgesic, restorative and immunostimulating effect. As for the evening one, it has soothing, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

In Rus', this method of healing has also been practiced for a long time. The Slavs specially collected dew, using it to treat many ailments, and even bathed in it naked, rolling on the grass. It is believed that our ancestors (at least those who lived in rural areas and had peasant origins) were stronger and healthier than most of our contemporaries. But in ancient times, peasants walked barefoot in the warm season.

Experts' opinions

Famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov, they say, himself practiced walking on dew. Some modern doctors confirm that it does have a certain positive effect on the body. So, the morning coolness promotes tone. Dew cools the feet and helps restore thermal balance. Proponents of this technique believe that it cures almost all diseases, including ulcers, varicose veins, kidney stones and gallbladder, gynecological problems... Also, walking in itself is an exercise that improves blood circulation and the condition of the cardiovascular system. On the sole of the foot there are many nerve receptors through which impulses are transmitted to the internal organs. It is also useful to simply look at the grass. Green color has a calming effect on vision, and since the nerves located in the eyeball are connected to the back of the foot, the process of walking barefoot on dewy grass stimulates the restoration of nerve endings and, accordingly, an increase in visual acuity.

But osteopathic doctor Boris Protasov has an ambivalent attitude towards this “miraculous method”.

“The most beneficial thing about walking barefoot is modern man– prevention and treatment of flat feet,” says the expert. — On an uneven surface, the muscular arch of the foot is trained. On the contrary, it doesn’t work on a completely flat surface.”

Protasov does not deny the hardening effect. As for other “miracles,” he has a skeptical attitude towards them. “There is an opinion that walking barefoot is useful for the prevention of disc herniation in the lumbosacral spine,” says the doctor. — Doctors consider it a delusion: “barefoot procedures” have a beneficial effect on general condition spine, but no more."

When is it contraindicated to walk in dew?

Firstly, do not forget that when walking barefoot, you always run the risk of injury, for example, running into glass or a sharp stone lying in the grass, or some insect might bite you on the foot... Secondly, this activity can turn out to be far from hygienic, especially in urban conditions: who can guarantee that there is no garbage in the dewy grass, that it is not contaminated with gasoline and other toxic substances?

Thirdly, there are also health contraindications. “For allergy sufferers, this liquid can cause allergic reactions or exacerbation of “hay fever,” comments doctor O.A. Solovyova. - In persons with diabetes mellitus Before walking through dew, you must check your skin for microtraumas so as not to cause inflammatory reaction. Walking in dew is contraindicated for persons suffering from inflammatory diseases urinary tract" According to the specialist, before using such “treatment”, you should definitely consult a doctor.

We often hear that it is beneficial to walk barefoot in the morning dew. Is this really true? The question is quite controversial...

How is dew useful?
Walking in the morning dew became popular in civilized society thanks to the German priest Sebastian Kneipp, who lived in the mid-19th century. Kneipp adhered to the principles of the so-called natural philosophy, which promoted the closeness of man to nature. He himself practiced morning walks on the dewy grass and claimed that in this way he was able to cure tuberculosis.

The healing properties of this method are actively promoted by oriental medicine. It is claimed that morning dew, which absorbs enzymes and plant pollen, which contain many biologically active substances, fills the body with energy, improves immunity, relieves stress, and treats nervous disorders. Eastern healers explain this by the interaction of the human root chakra with the energy of the Earth through soil and grass.

Plants release the greatest amount of nutrients in the morning. Therefore, morning moisture has an analgesic, restorative and immunostimulating effect. As for the evening one, it has soothing, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

In Rus', this method of healing has also been practiced for a long time. The Slavs specially collected dew, using it to treat many ailments, and even bathed in it naked, rolling on the grass. It is believed that our ancestors (at least those who lived in rural areas and had peasant origins) were stronger and healthier than most of our contemporaries. But in ancient times, peasants walked barefoot in the warm season.

Experts' opinions
Famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov, they say, himself practiced walking on dew. Some modern doctors confirm that it does have a certain positive effect on the body. So, the morning coolness promotes tone. Dew cools the feet and helps restore thermal balance. Proponents of this technique believe that it cures almost all diseases, including ulcers, varicose veins, kidney and gallstones, gynecological problems... Also, walking itself is an exercise that improves blood circulation and the condition of the cardiovascular system. On the sole of the foot there are many nerve receptors through which impulses are transmitted to the internal organs. It is also useful to simply look at the grass. The color green has a calming effect on vision, and since the nerves located in the eyeball are connected to the back of the foot, the process of walking barefoot on dewy grass stimulates the restoration of nerve endings and, accordingly, an increase in visual acuity.

But osteopathic doctor Boris Protasov has an ambivalent attitude towards this “miraculous method”.

“The most useful thing about walking barefoot for a modern person is the prevention and treatment of flat feet,” the expert believes. - On an uneven surface, the muscular arch of the foot is trained. On the contrary, it doesn’t work on a completely flat surface.”

Protasov does not deny the hardening effect. As for other “miracles,” he has a skeptical attitude towards them. “There is an opinion that walking barefoot is useful for the prevention of disc herniation in the lumbosacral spine,” says the doctor. “Doctors consider it a delusion: “barefoot procedures” have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the spine, but nothing more.”

When is it contraindicated to walk in dew?
Firstly, do not forget that when walking barefoot, you always run the risk of injury, for example, running into glass or a sharp stone lying in the grass, or some insect might bite you on the foot... Secondly, this activity can turn out to be far from hygienic, especially in urban conditions: who can guarantee that there is no garbage in the dewy grass, that it is not contaminated with gasoline and other toxic substances?

Thirdly, there are also health contraindications. “For allergy sufferers, this liquid can cause allergic reactions or exacerbation of hay fever,” comments doctor O.A. Solovyova. - In people with diabetes, before walking on dew, it is necessary to check the skin for the presence of microtraumas, so as not to cause an inflammatory reaction. Walking through dew is contraindicated for persons suffering from inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.” According to the specialist, before using such “treatment”, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Dew- a type of precipitation formed on the surface of the earth, plants, objects, roofs of buildings, cars and other objects.

As the air cools, water vapor condenses on objects near the ground and turns into water droplets. This usually happens at night. In desert regions, dew is important source moisture for vegetation. Quite strong cooling of the lower layers of air occurs when, after sunset, the earth's surface quickly cools through thermal radiation. Favorable conditions for this are a clear sky and a surface covering that easily gives off heat, such as grass. Particularly strong dew formation occurs in tropical regions, where the air in the ground layer contains a lot of water vapor and, due to the intense nighttime thermal radiation of the earth, is significantly cooled. At negative temperatures, frost forms.

The air temperature below which dew falls is called the dew point.

It has been known for a long time that dew relieves many diseases and has a powerful tonic and hardening effect.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, dew that collects on plants in the morning, evening and night periods is used.

The most healing is the morning dew of meadows, forest edges, and forest clearings. It is there that water absorbs useful substances contained in flower pollen and absorbs the energy of the Sun. Plants release the largest amount of healing substances in the morning; water dissolves them and remains in the form of small pearl droplets on the leaves and flowers of plants. It is this vitamin-energy cocktail that dew nourishes the human body, filling it with strength and health.

Evening dew has a calming effect. It is best collected from daisies

Night dew has a healing effect and can be collected from various herbs. Night dew can be used internally for cancer.

Usually, to collect dew, you need to spread a towel, sheet or tablecloth in a clearing (meadow, forest edge), wait until it is saturated with dew, and then squeeze the material into a wooden or glass jar (but not iron), an enamel pan or basin. Pour the collected medicinal liquid into a glass bottle or jar.

Dew collected from medicinal herbs. Dew collected from yarrow has hemostatic properties and has a beneficial effect on the internal organs of digestion, dew from motherwort helps with heart diseases, from a string - with skin diseases, cornflowers have been considered an excellent remedy for eye diseases since ancient times, so it is useful to wash your face in the morning with dew collected from Vasilkov.

The Kupala dews that fell on the day of Jan Kupala (July 6 to 7) are considered the best. The Kupala holiday falls at the height of summer, when most herbs are already in bloom and their above-ground parts contain the greatest amount of useful substances. And if before the holiday there was also warm, dry weather with daily dew, then healing power Kupala dew increases many times over. If dew falls every morning for a week, it is gradually enriched with substances that were extracted from the plants in the past days. When the sun dries the dew, the substances it extracted in the evening and morning remain on the flowers and leaves. The next day, the new dew will be infused with the same herbs, but the extract remaining from the previous dews will also dissolve in it. They not only bathed in the dew, rolling on the grass, but also collected Kupala dew for future use, dragging linen across the meadow, which was periodically wrung out, and alcohol was added for preservation.

Very effective procedure is the one recommended by the famous healer Vanga.

For children: early in the morning, when the dew has fallen, you need to place a clean white cloth on top of the plants in the clearing. The canvas should be saturated with dew. Then they need to wrap the baby and put him to sleep. He should sleep tightly swaddled until the linen is dry. Perform the procedure several times.

Adults: early in the morning go out into the meadow, spread a clean sheet or linen on the grass, wait until they are soaked in dew. Wrap yourself in this linen and wait until it dries on your body. Perform the procedure several times. Of course, you should listen to your body; you should not experience discomfort. It is important at the moment of wrapping to think only about the good, the good. Microelements, bioactive substances and energy waves are absorbed through the skin through energy channels, which literally pumps the body with energy and valuable microactive substances.

The famous Russian healer Porfiry Ivanov, with a predisposition to frequent colds advised early in the morning to walk barefoot on stones wet with dew and on dewy grass. A person who takes this barefoot habit as a rule may no longer be afraid of catching a cold within a month.

Insomnia, hysteria, nervous breakdown. Wrap your head in a towel soaked in evening dew. In the morning, wipe your entire body with a towel soaked in the evening dew. You can take 1/2 cup of evening dew water orally. Treat until the disease disappears, but not more than 3 weeks.

Phlebeurysm. The patient should walk through the meadow wearing clean cotton socks. When the socks are well soaked in dew and the sun rises, they should not be removed - they should dry on your feet. Do this procedure every other day, while you can.

At eye diseases dew moistens the eyes. In case of decreased visual acuity, cataracts, or cataracts, rinse the eyes and apply cold compresses in the morning and before bed with dew collected in the morning. Apply compresses daily for 10 minutes for 2 weeks. Dew is best collected from clover and cornflowers.

Place an unglazed jug of water on the ground in the yard, in the morning collect the soil wet from moisture under the jug and place it on sore spot. Tie tightly with a bandage or napkin. Perform the procedure 3 times.

Early in the morning, go out into the meadow, spread a clean sheet or linen on the grass, wait until they are saturated with dew. Wrap yourself in this linen and wait until it dries on your body. Perform the procedure several times.

Cholelithiasis. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons of night dew 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7-10 sessions every other day. At the same time, make compresses with dew on the liver area.

Sparse hair, baldness. Wet your head with dew and massage with your fingertips until warm. Re-moisten, tie a towel around your head and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse your hair with chamomile infusion and let it dry. The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures every other day.

Joint diseases. According to ancient Russian traditions, a person suffering from aches and pains had to go to the meadow 6 times in the morning dawn and roll there naked with the dew on his back, saying: “Dawn, dewy dawn! Take it, take away the aches and cramps from me, take it to the skies from century to century.” If you have rheumatism, you should walk early in the morning barefoot in the dew.

Skin diseases. When an allergic rash appears on the body, traditional medicine recommends wiping yourself with dew in the morning.

To get rid of warts they are moistened with dew from the garden.

At fungal diseases of the feet walk in the dew in the morning. If this is not possible, then apply cold compresses with dew to the sore spots. Apply the compress at night and keep for 8 hours.

Calluses, heel spurs. Do the same as for fungal diseases of the feet (for heel spurs - walk on your heels). The best dew in these cases is considered to be the dew that fell on the clover.

Uterine fibroid. Douche and apply cold compresses to the night dew. You can take it orally at the same time. Douche and make compresses daily for 5-7 days.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hemorrhoids. Drink 0.25-0.5 glasses of dew water on an empty stomach and before bedtime. Follow a water diet.

For hemorrhoids, additionally do evening enemas with dew. The procedures are carried out within 3 weeks.

By folk beliefs dew collected early in the morning “washes away” damage and the evil eye. “I will stand, blessing myself, and cross myself, I will go out of the hut by the doors, and out of the yard by the gates. I’ll go to the eastern side, on the eastern side there is an ocean-sea, in this sea lies the Latyr-stone, near this stone stands a pike - not small, not large, a fathom thick; This pike has well-shaped cheeks, damask teeth, and beady eyes. She comes and takes away from the servant of God (name) damage, touches, lessons, for the cover of the month, for the passing of the month. In the name and ever and ever and ever.”

Vladimir Zhukov, Master of Traditional Medicine.
