Where can people with alcohol addiction get treatment in Yekaterinburg? The lesser of evils: the chief narcologist of the Sverdlovsk region - on how to quit smoking using a vape

Anna Zholnerchuk

Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 is located in the historical district of the Sverdlovsk region, not far from the Uralmash plant. The plant was built during the period of industrialization, and medical institution, where the human soul is treated, was erected in 1968. It serves two districts of the city of Yekaterinburg - Ordzhonikidze and Zheleznodorozhny, as well as the cities of Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sredneuralsk. Total population is about 400,000.

The hospital is headed by a well-known person - Oleg Zabrodin, chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region for children and adolescent drug addiction.

Entering Sverdlovsk State medical school, Oleg Zabrodin did not intend to be a psychiatrist. “I made the decision in my fifth year,” says Oleg Valentinovich, “at first I wanted to be a neurosurgeon and even visited the neurosurgical society founded by the famous neurologist David Sheffer in the Urals, but when I saw a neurosurgical instrument, I realized that this was a little different. I didn’t want to operate on the brain, but to deal with a person’s mental problems - something that doesn’t require surgical intervention" By profession, he began working as a psychiatrist in 1987. For many years he held leadership positions in various medical structures, at one time he worked as the chief physician in a private hospital. Since 2002 he began working with young people.

“I am interested in such a seemingly non-medical problem as raising children,” Zabrodin shares his thoughts. — Since I attended lectures on therapeutic pedagogy by Professor Anatoly Martynenko, I have become a free time advise families on various problems. And when I was offered a freelance position, I accepted. Of course, the topic of child and adolescent drug addiction is very complex, but I think I’m ready for this kind of work.

Of course, the battle has to be fought unequally - we do not have as many forces and means as our “competitors.” Offer alcoholic drinks and drugs are many times higher than the demand, therefore, as throughout the world, as in Russia as a whole, in the Sverdlovsk region, drug addiction and alcoholism among young people and teenagers take place. But in order to defeat this evil, we do everything that depends on us.

— Oleg Valentinovich, tell us what your medical institution is like.

— Our hospital, which will be 40 years old in 2008, has everything that is necessary within the framework of psychiatry and narcology to support in good condition population, provide specialized assistance in the required quantity and proper quality. There are enough funds to purchase the necessary medicines and carry out the necessary diagnostic studies. There are all sorts of departments in psychiatry - these are four general psychiatric departments, neurosis departments, a day hospital with medical workshops for the rehabilitation of patients, a drug treatment department with an intensive care ward.

As for equipment, not much is required for psychiatric diagnostics. On computed tomography we refer our patients to a nearby diagnostic center— Our expensive equipment simply won’t pay for itself. Our psychological service is more important than equipment. We need psychologists - this is a very important component in the psychiatric service. And here I can note with satisfaction that with my arrival at the hospital, we completed the staff of psychologists, and now there is such a specialist in every department.

The fact is that we have a multidisciplinary principle of work, that is, not just a psychiatrist, but also a psychologist works with one patient. After all, any mentally ill person, even with very severe form, there are both social and psychological problems, he, like healthy person, there is a character, a personal core, so it is best for a psychologist to correct any deviations.

As I already said, the main thing for us is not technology, not equipment, but specialists who can provide psychological support. And this is the main thing the hospital has - we have excellent staff. All department heads have HIGHER category, and indeed all the staff - both young people and veterans - have good PREPARATION. I would especially like to highlight my deputy Inna Klimova and the head of the 5th department Ekaterina Malkova, a representative of the Uspensky dynasty of famous psychiatrists. By the way, representatives of several famous dynasties work in our hospital. Besides Malkova, this is Sergei Smagin, who continues the work of his father, once the chief physician psychiatric hospital No. 12, and Svetlana Zhilyakova. Married couples also work for us: the Trishilovs’ spouses, Mikhail Alexandrovich, former chief physician, and Ekaterina Nikolaevna, who headed one of the departments and is now a resident doctor.

— What principles do you follow when hiring a person?

- There is only one principle. Physiognomic. Everything else is purchased. In addition to the formal requirements, there is one more thing - a desire to work with us. I see people who are not created to work with a person’s “sick soul” from afar, and such people, of course, will not work here. As for education, by and large, the depth and formal side of it do not interest me much. If a person who does not even have enough education has the desire to work, I will always help him. There are people who have two and three higher education And achievement list on 20 pages, and great amount methods, but no use. There are those who are just learning, and those who heal with their soul and warmth. The first minutes of communication with a person are enough to understand what he wants - to work and be useful, or just to engage in psychotherapy. A doctor must be open to self-education and must look for ways to better help the patient.

As for my position, I can say that my specialty helps me a lot as a chief physician. The most important thing here is to set the task correctly and think through options for its implementation. And, of course, track the results. Besides administrative work I do psychotherapy, work on alcohol pathology.

— Oleg Valentinovich, how would you like to see the future of the psychiatric hospital?

“I want all help to be provided exclusively voluntarily, so that people themselves apply for it. There should be many psychotherapists, and they should match each patient’s blood type. I want our patients to have a choice: if you don’t want this one, get treated by another doctor. I want cash to go out of use, I want to work with insurance companies, and accept people without money and at the same time provide sufficient assistance.

Expert advice: How to raise healthy child not prone to addictions
First, children need to be very desirable. On the part of future mothers and fathers, there must be a willingness to become parents - this is the most important thing. Secondly, parents must agree on the framework within which single family concept they will raise the baby. There is no need to pull the baby one way or the other. Thirdly, father and mother must love each other, because children immediately see cracks in the relationship between adults. Fourthly, give the child as much warmth as possible - and not just physical, not just pressing him to the chest more often - but also spiritual warmth, it makes it possible to feel like a full-fledged member of the family. Children should have the opportunity to participate in some family-wide processes and influence them, including by expressing their own opinions. And the sooner the better – after five years it’s difficult to level out the situation. It’s better not to educate at all than to educate incorrectly.

Alcohol in Russia is quite affordable: in order to buy a bottle of good wine for dinner, you just need to go to the nearest supermarket. But sometimes you can’t limit yourself to a glass - another “Chardonnay” or “Isabella” is not possible. Then the bottles line up in an even array on the floor; the neighbors, demanding silence, knock on the door, and the soul, in spite of everything, demands the continuation of the banquet. Let's figure it out: how to distinguish love for fun parties from alcohol addiction? And most importantly, where to turn for help if you can’t cope with alcoholism?

Oleg Valentinovich Zabrodin, chief narcologist of the Sverdlovsk region^

Alcohol addiction is a terrible thing and the worst thing is that a person, as a rule, does not want to believe that he is addicted. Quitting drinking on your own is quite difficult, so people often turn to professionals in specialized clinics.

It is difficult for a person to understand that he has developed an alcohol addiction. We, narcologists, have several factors in which we make this diagnosis. It is worth thinking about the presence of alcoholism in a person if:

1. He has a long history of drinking alcohol

2. The amount of alcohol consumed exceeds two drinks per week (1 drink = 30 milliliters)

3. A person loses control over himself and develops an irresistible craving for alcohol.

4. A hangover appears

5. Performance is impaired

Have you noticed these symptoms in yourself or your loved ones? This is, without a doubt, a reason to consult a doctor and, at a minimum, get advice about your health.


1. Medical clinic"Esperal"

Specialists at the Esperal Clinic will help you cope with alcohol addiction two main ways: psychotherapeutically and medication. First, a patient who understands that he needs help comes to a narcologist and he identifies the stage of addiction. Then the method of treatment is determined: in the clinic they can “encode” using the Dovzhenko method, using a “torpedo”, using hypnosis, laser or EHF therapy. The doctor will tell you in detail about each method, and the patient will be able to choose suitable way together with a specialist. If for some reason the patient does not have the full amount necessary to pay for treatment, the clinic may offer individual conditions.

Doctors will also help bring a person out of binge drinking - this procedure can be carried out at home or in day hospital. Treatment is carried out anonymously.

Price: from 7,000 rubles

Where: Academician Schwartz, 8/1

Phone: 207-50-03

2. Clinic “Yasnaya”

The main pride of the clinic is the innovative program “Reasonable Sobriety”. It is designed specifically for those who do not want to suddenly give up alcohol. Here people are taught, first of all, to stop drinking alcohol in time. Simultaneously with psychotherapy sessions, patients receive the drug Naltrexone, which blocks receptors in the brain that are responsible for euphoria and pleasant emotions when drinking alcohol. So the patient naturally comes to sobriety.

However, there is more traditional methods fight against alcoholism: psychotherapy, drug and laser blocking of addiction, treatment according to the Dovzhenko method and others.

Price: from 6,000 rubles

Where: Stepana Razin, 54

Phone: 372-35-11

3. Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital

This hospital has two drug treatment departments that successfully combat moderate and severe intoxication, “ hangover syndrome”, alcoholic and intoxication psychoses. Also here they get rid of binge drinking, eliminate asthenoneurotic and affective disorders. The department conducts psychotherapeutic sessions that help form personal attitudes for achieving and maintaining sobriety.

In addition, there is outpatient department, in which addictions are treated not with medication, but with the help of hypnotherapy, music therapy and group psychotherapy. This department also uses methods of psychotherapeutic intervention, cognitive behavioral therapy, family psychotherapy and the SPT method according to Dovzhenko in combination with ASFS-P.

Issue price: depending on the required procedures

Where: Siberian Highway, 8th kilometer

Phone: 261-94-94

4. First family consultation

This clinic will help you cope with alcohol addiction with the help of a special proprietary development. In order to begin treatment, it is enough not to drink for just one day (despite the fact that to begin coding you need to abstain from alcohol for 7-21 days).

The craving for alcohol is relieved after the first session, but to consolidate the effect you need to complete the entire course. The method works without hypnosis and is aimed at restoring the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism and nervous system. Every Thursday from 09:00 to 11:00 the clinic offers free consultations.

Issue price: from 7,000 rubles.

Where: Pervomaiskaya, 11

Phone: 268-1-268

5. Regional drug treatment clinic

At the Regional Narcological Dispensary, residents of the Urals can undergo both outpatient and hospital treatment. There is even a branch where treatment takes place completely anonymously (the ability to remain incognito is available everywhere, but the office at Solnechnaya, 29 is completely specialized in this).

Special pride government agency: professional doctor with many years of practice and experience. They provide assistance with acute conditions, help cope with “hangover syndrome” and alcohol addiction. The clinic uses blocking and coding procedures, infusion treatment, psychotherapeutic assistance and much more. The most important thing is that you can get help even if you don’t have a penny - here you can get treatment both for free and for money.

Price: there is free treatment.

Where: Khalturina, 44 a (outpatient and inpatient care). Medical, 5 (hospital only). Kosmonavtov, 90 a (stationary and outpatient care). Solnechnaya, 29 (room for anonymous treatment).

“Every person needs flags beyond which he should not go in pursuit of his own freedom,” says the AiF-Ural guest Chief Narcologist of the Sverdlovsk Region Oleg Zabrodin.

Holy place...

Oleg Valentinovich, you once noticed that (I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the quote, but the meaning is the same) alcoholism in Russia is ineradicable. Frankly, I was perplexed...

- I remember I said about drunkenness, but... the context is important. What I meant was that in Russia the problems associated with alcohol are not as fatal as is commonly believed. In any case, Russian people have both at the genetic and physiological levels sufficient quantity enzymes and the ability to carry out internal auto-detox and remove alcohol. This is a kind of protection. This is a geographical feature. Mountain peoples, for example, have a different feature - there alcohol has a completely different effect on people, and the percentage of people suffering from alcoholism there is not so high. And there are peoples who completely lack the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, and these people become drunkards within six months. That's what I meant.

- In that case, maybe you don’t need to do anything?

- Necessary! Russians still abuse it a lot, and systematic, stubborn use of alcohol ends in psychosis and a number of diseases. This is a problem that needs to be solved, which is what we are working on. Doctors treat, invent all sorts of new methods to stop a person, to protect him from drinking alcohol. Alcoholism is a disease. But it is closer and more understandable to Russian people than drug addiction. And then the alcohol problem is secondary, the primary is the soul. Once upon a time a situation arises when a person begins to take alcohol as medicine: calm down, endure the pain... I in no way condone alcohol and I want to repeat once again, its systematic use will still lead to illness.

But in order for people in the country to drink less, we need to think about employment. About creating jobs, about employment, about including people into a single, general process. Work is a natural human need.

- In other words, those who face social problems are at risk?

- Certainly. Here's a village. It has two main problems - natural migration (young people leave there) and alcohol. Where a person is not busy with anything - a holy place is never empty - the devil will definitely settle there.

Do you think the restrictive measures taken at the federal and regional levels are effective? Can we be persuaded to do something good by prohibitions?

- I am sure that a person develops more fully when you limit him. Democracy is, in general, a good thing. It’s another matter what we mean by it. Democracy is not permissiveness. A certain rigidity forms the basis for further development. I would like to call what is happening in our country democracy... but these are only the beginnings. For now, unfortunately, permissiveness is in the foreground.

Any person needs to be given a fairway or put flags beyond which he should not go in pursuit of his own freedom. And he must understand that if he goes after them, unfreedom will begin for other people. We, according to Zhvanetsky, are like on a ship. Everyone is free, but together they are not. There is no other way, this is the principle of living together.

- Oleg Valentinovich, do you share the concept of “drinking culture”?

- No. I share the concept of “food culture” and understand that there are cuisines where alcohol is an integral part of some dishes. And if you want to get drunk, this is closer to psychiatry and drug addiction.

Many people live and do not know that there is such a specialty as a psychiatrist-narcologist, that there is such a position as a local police inspector. And there are many more such people. And in vain someone there says: “Russia is becoming an alcoholic.” Oh my, no one gets drunk! We just began to see more, they began to show us more.

No one is safe

Today, the problem of drug addiction is on the agenda. It is clear that any sane parent is concerned with the question: how to protect their child from this misfortune?

- Place test strips wherever possible and not, and do not listen to those who consider this a violation of rights. This is not a violation of rights, this is already surgical method! And the surgeon hurts a person so that he lives. I would introduce testing everywhere: in clubs, in gyms... Also a kind of flags. We know how the drug market is developing, we know that it has a gigantic network of distributors. And while law enforcement agencies are dealing with them, we must, first, create a mechanical barrier to drug use (I mean testing) and, second, a psychological barrier. Namely: teach children (and teach parents to help themselves) the opportunity to refuse appropriate offers. And parents must understand that today no one is immune from such proposals. Our task is to save children!

A scandal recently erupted online over an incorrect questionnaire on drugs for schoolchildren compiled by the Ministry of Health. In your opinion, should the level of awareness have limits?

- Certainly! Otherwise, we can very easily move from people who do prevention to people who do advertising. Our task is to exclude one hundred percent ANY interest on the part of children in anything related to drugs. Avoid discussing these topics by any means.

Yes, they can reproach me: “What about testing?” That’s why we dream of getting into the medical examination program, so that there, in the general pile of other studies on somatic diseases, we would have the opportunity to see if “there is something there.” Without focusing on it. But here, as Bismarck said, any truth is first perceived with hostility, then actively ridiculed, and then perceived as a banality. So we wait. This is the third year we have been testing teenagers, everyone is already used to it. And this is good.

- So you have become a banality?

- It hasn’t become a banality yet; we are now being actively ridiculed. But as soon as we get to the medical examination, we will consider that we have achieved our goal. We will slowly, without violating anyone’s rights, scan our topic.
