Hepa Merz vitamins instructions for use. Hepa-merz (powder, ampoules): reviews, instructions for use. Special instructions and precautions

Hepa-merz is an original German medicine that accelerates the elimination of toxins. It normalizes high level ammonia in the patient’s body, which is observed in liver pathologies. The drug belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors. It is produced by Merz, Germany.

Dosage form

You can find Hepa-Mertz on sale dosage forms in the form of bags with granules for making a solution and a concentrate from which to prepare a solution for infusion administration.

Description and composition

The concentrate is a transparent light yellow liquid.

The sachet contains orange and white granules for preparing an oral solution.

The active component of the drug is L-ornithine L-aspartate. In addition to this, the granules contain the following formative substances:

  • E 330;
  • lemon and orange flavor;
  • levulose;
  • saccharin;
  • E 952;
  • E 110;
  • povidone.

Contains concentrate additional component is water for injection.

Pharmacological group

The action of the drug is associated with its participation in the Krebs-Henseleit cycle, as a result of which urea is formed in the body from nitrogen-containing substances. It starts the cycle by normalizing the function of liver cell enzymes - ornithine carbamoyl transferase and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase.

The drug promotes the production of insulin and somatotropin, improves protein metabolism in pathologies that require intravenous nutrition.

Taking it reduces pain, asthenia, dyspepsia, and also normalizes weight in patients with steatosis and steatohepatitis.

L-ornithine-L-aspartate quickly breaks down in the body into ornithine and aspartate and begins to act within 15-25 minutes, having a short half-life. It is excreted in urine through the Krebs-Henseleit cycle.

Indications for use

for adults

The drug in the form of granules and concentrate is prescribed for the following disorders:

  • spicy and chronic pathologies liver, which is accompanied by an increase in the level of free ammonium ions;
  • asymptomatic or severe hepatic encephalopathy, including if it is accompanied by impaired consciousness.

In addition, granules for preparing a solution for oral use are prescribed for steatosis and steatohepatitis of various etiologies.

The drug, in the form of a concentrate, is used as a corrective additive to medications for parenteral nutrition in patients with protein deficiency.

for children

Hepa-Merz is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age, as there is not enough experience in treating this group of patients.

During pregnancy, the drug should be used with caution. The medication is contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding.


Hepa-Merz should not be prescribed to patients if they have:

  • intolerance to active and additional components;
  • severe renal impairment, in which serum creatinine is > 3 mg/1 dl.

Applications and dosages

for adults

Hepa-Merz is taken orally, 1-2 sachets 3 times a day after meals. The granules must be dissolved in 200 ml of liquid before use.

The duration of therapy by the doctor is determined in each specific case individually depending on the severity of the pathology.

The drug is administered intravenously up to 40 ml (4 ampoules) per day, first you need to dissolve the concentrate in 500 ml infusion solution.

For hepatic encephalopathy (depending on the severity of the pathology), up to 80 ml (8 ampoules) per day is administered intravenously.

The duration of infusion, the interval between them and the course of therapy are determined individually. You can administer no more than 5 g/hour.

A maximum of 60 ml (6 ampoules) of concentrate is dissolved in 0.5 l of infusion solution.

for children

Hepa-Merz is not used in pediatrics.

for pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy, Hepa-Merz is prescribed as usual according to strict indications.

Side effects

On the background parenteral administration Nausea and allergies may occur.

Reception medicine in granules can provoke such unpleasant phenomena as:

  • nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • an allergy that occurs due to the “Orange Yellow” dye included in the medication.

Interaction with other drugs

The compatibility of Hepa-Merz with other medications has not been studied.

special instructions

If a patient is diagnosed with hepatic encephalopathy, due to the underlying pathology he needs to be careful when driving a car and engaging in other potentially dangerous activities. dangerous species activities that require increased concentration attention.


Cases of overdose during infusion administration of the drug have not been registered.

Storage conditions

The drug Hepa-merz should be stored in a place inaccessible to children, at a temperature environment 25 degrees. The shelf life of the drug in the form of granules is 5 years, in the form of a concentrate - 3 years. Granules can be purchased without a doctor's prescription; concentrate in ampoules can be purchased with a prescription.


In addition to the drug Hepa-merz, there are many of its full and partial analogues on sale:

  1. Ornithine. This is a Russian drug that is available in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. It is a complete analogue of the drug Hepa-Merz and has the same indications, contraindications and adverse reactions.
  2. Ornithine Canon. Another complete analogue of the drug Hepa-merz Russian production. It is available only in the form of granules for the preparation of an oral solution.
  3. Ornilatex. The drug is produced by PharmFirma Sotex JSC (Russia) in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion. It is a complete analogue of the drug Hepa-merz.
  4. Infezol 100. The drug is available in the form of a solution for infusion and contains a complex of amino acids and electrolytes. It is used in children over 2 years of age as a means of parenteral nutrition.

A substitute can be used instead of Hepa-Merz only after consultation with a specialist. It is the doctor who must make the decision to change the medication.


The cost of Hepa-merz is on average 1006 rubles. Prices range from 2 to 3730 rubles.

Hepa-Merz- original German drug- detoxicant-hepatoprotector.
The effect of hepatoprotection (liver protection) is ensured by a decrease in the toxic load on the liver, as well as metabolic support of liver cells by two amino acids - ornithine and aspartate, which are part of the drug. Hepa-Merz also has many other positive properties, including the effect of reducing insulin resistance. This allows Hepa-Merz to be used in many cases where liver support is needed: for hepatitis of various origins, with alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease, with diabetes mellitus Types I and II, during detoxification in case of food, alcohol and drug poisoning; to protect the liver during acute and chronic diseases liver of various origins.
In vivo, the action of L-ornithine-L-aspartate is mediated by the amino acids, ornithine and aspartate, through two key methods of ammonia detoxification: urea synthesis and glutamine synthesis.
Urea synthesis occurs in periportal hepatocytes, where ornithine acts as an activator of two enzymes: ornithine carbamoyl transferase and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, as well as a substrate for urea synthesis.
Glutamine synthesis occurs in perivenous hepatocytes. Especially under pathological conditions, aspartate and dicarboxylate, including products of ornithine metabolism, are absorbed into cells and used there to bind ammonia in the form of glutamine.
Glutamate is an amino acid that binds ammonia under both physiological and pathological conditions. The resulting amino acid glutamine is not only a non-toxic form for ammonia excretion, but also activates the important urea cycle ( intracellular metabolism glutamine).
Under physiological conditions, ornithine and aspartate do not limit urea synthesis.
Experimental studies in animals have shown that the ammonia-lowering properties of L-ornithine-L-aspartate are caused by accelerated glutamine synthesis. In some clinical studies This improvement was found for branched chain amino acids/aromatic amino acids.
Pharmacokinetics. T½ of both ornithine and aspartate is short - 0.3-0.4 hours. A small part of aspartate is excreted unchanged in the urine.

Indications for use:
A drug Hepa-Merz used for treatment concomitant diseases and complications caused by impaired detoxification function of the liver (for example, with cirrhosis of the liver) with symptoms of latent or severe hepatic encephalopathy, especially disturbances of consciousness (precoma, coma).

Mode of application:
Hepa-Merz granulate take orally: the contents of 1-2 packets of Hepa-Merz granulate are dissolved in large quantities liquid (for example, in a glass of water or juice) and taken orally up to 3 times a day during or after meals. The duration of treatment is determined individually.
Concentrate d/p inf. IV solution Hepa-Merz: usually administered up to 20 g (4 ampoules - 40 ml) per day, dissolving the contents of the ampoules in 500 ml infusion solution.
For patients with impaired consciousness (precoma or coma) - up to 8 ampoules (80 ml) over 24 hours, depending on the severity of the condition.
It is recommended to dissolve no more than 6 ampoules per 500 ml of infusion solution. Hepa-Merz is mixed with regular infusion solutions (5% glucose solution, Ringer's solution).
The drug is administered by drip, maximum speed infusion - 5 g/h (which corresponds to 1 ampoule). The duration of infusion, frequency and duration of treatment are determined individually, depending on clinical condition sick.
If liver function is significantly reduced, the rate of administration should be adjusted according to the patient's condition to prevent nausea and vomiting.
There is no data on the use of the concentrate for the preparation of infusion solution for the treatment of children.

Side effects:
Hepa-Merz granulate:
Gastrointestinal disorders: rare (>1/10,000<1/1000) - тошнота, рвота, боль в желудке, метеоризм, диарея.
Reactions from the musculoskeletal system: very rare (<1/10 000) - боль в суставах.
Concentrate d/p inf. solution Hepa-Merz:
From the gastrointestinal tract:
Very rarely (<1/10000): тошнота.
Rarely (>1/10000<1/1000): рвота.
These adverse reactions are usually short-lived and do not require stopping the drug. Possible allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Hepa-Merz are: hypersensitivity to L-ornithine-L-aspartate or any component of the drug; severe renal failure (plasma creatinine level >3 mg/100 ml is considered as a guide value).

Data regarding the use of the drug Hepa-Merz absent during pregnancy. Animal studies using L-ornithine-L-aspartate to study its toxic effects on reproductive function have not been conducted. Therefore, the use of Hepa-Merz during pregnancy should be avoided.
However, if treatment with Hepa-Merz during pregnancy is considered necessary for health reasons, the doctor should carefully weigh the ratio of “possible risk to the fetus/child - expected benefit to the mother.”
It is unknown whether L-ornithine-L-aspartate passes into breast milk. Therefore, the use of Hepa-Merz should be avoided during breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs:
No interaction studies have been conducted. However, it is not recommended to introduce conc. d/p inf. solution Hepa-Merz in one infusion solution together with penicillin, vitamin K, rifampicin, meprobamate, diazepam, clomethiazole, sodium thiopental, vincamine.

To date, no signs of intoxication as a result of an overdose of L-ornithine-L-aspartate have been observed. Possible increased side effects.
In case of drug overdose Hepa-Merz Symptomatic treatment is recommended.

Storage conditions:
A drug Hepa-Merz should be stored at temperatures up to 25°C out of the reach of children.

Release form:
Hepa-Merz - granulate with citrus flavor 3 g/5 g, 5 g granulate per bag, 30, 50, 100 bags in a cardboard box.
Hepa-Merz - concentrate for the preparation of infusion solution 5 g amp. 10 ml, 10 amp. in a cardboard box.

1 package Hepa-Merz contains 3 g of L-ornithine-L-aspartate.
10 ml concentrate Hepa-Merz contain L-ornithine-L-aspartate 5 g
Excipient: water for injection.

Since no compatibility studies have been conducted, Hepa-Merz should not be mixed with other drugs. Hepa-Merz can be mixed with regular infusion solutions. However, you should not dissolve more than 6 ampoules in 500 ml of solution for infusion.
When administering Hepa-Merz concentrate for the preparation of an infusion solution in high doses, the level of urea in the blood plasma and urine should be monitored. In case of severe impairment of liver function, in accordance with the patient’s condition, it is necessary to reduce the rate of administration of the infusion solution in order to prevent nausea or vomiting.
Hepa-Merz concentrate d/p solution should not be injected into the artery.
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms: the disease itself affects the ability to drive vehicles and work with complex mechanisms, so this ability may be impaired in patients receiving Hepa-Merz, therefore, this type of activity should be avoided activities during treatment.
Children: experience with children is limited, so the drug should not be used in pediatric practice.

Latin name: Hepa-Merz ®
ATX code: A05BA
Active substance: aspartate, ornithine
Manufacturer: MerzPharma (Germany)
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

Liver damage is primarily associated with poor diet and alcohol abuse. In addition, pathologies can develop while taking antibiotics and other drugs that negatively affect organs. To protect liver cells from destruction, pharmaceuticals have developed a number of effective hepatoprotectors, which include the drug Hepa-Merz from a German manufacturer. It is available in two forms: powder and solution for intravenous use. But it is not produced in the form of capsules and tablets.


The hepatoprotective drug Hepa-Merz is prescribed for the treatment of the liver with the following pathologies:

  • For hepatitis
  • For intoxication caused by alcohol
  • Encephalopathy in coma stage
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Binge eating
  • For protein deficiency
  • To reduce the concentration of ammonium in the blood
  • In case of violation of amino acid metabolism
  • Fatty liver degeneration
  • Steatosis of various origins
  • Increased physical activity.


The medicine Hepa-Merz in the form of a solution contains two main active substances: diaminovaleric (ornithine) and aspartic (aspartate) amino acids in a total amount of 5 mg and water for injection - 10 ml.

Hepa-Merz granules contain 3 mg of active elements and additional components:

  • Yellow-orange dye
  • Citrus flavor
  • Sodium cyclamate – sweetener
  • Sucrose
  • Ketohexose fruit
  • Crospovidone is an enterosorbent.

Pharmacological properties

The mechanism of action of Hepa-Merz is based on the activity and combination of two amino acids, which provide reliable protection of the liver from damage. Aspartic or aminosuccinic acid is one of the 20 proteinogenic aliphatic elements of the body, necessary for the functioning of all systems, including the liver. It is part of protein compounds and functions as a neurotransmitter in the nervous system. Takes part in the metabolism of nitrogenous substances and is necessary for the production of pyrimidines and carbonic acid diamide.

Synthetic aspartate is synthesized by threonine isomerization, which is based on the fact that its calcium and barium salts are insoluble. Aminobutanedioic acid is an important element for the growth and reproduction of leukemia cells. This endogen plays an important role for the normal functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems. The synthesis of growth hormone, testosterone, and progesterone depends on it. Its highest concentrations are found in the brain.

The substance exists in two isomeric forms. Aspartate-L is included in the Hepa-Merz granules and solution. It helps remove toxins from the body, eliminates alcohol poisoning, and helps with hangovers. Together with B vitamins, it is responsible for the production of glucose and processes carbohydrate compounds into energy, which is used to nourish cells. The main functions of aspartic acid in the Gepamerz solution and granulate are as follows:

  • Formation and properties of other amino acids
  • Eliminate the feeling of chronic fatigue
  • Production of antibodies and strengthening immunity
  • Removing all toxins from the body, especially ammonia compounds
  • Elimination of alcohol poisoning
  • Converting carbohydrates into energy and creating resources
  • Fighting depression.

The second active element is diaminovaleric acid, which is not part of protein compounds, is considered replaceable and is a derivative of another amino acid: arginine. Moreover, ornithine is both synthesized and converted back into this substance. Interestingly, it was first isolated from the liver of a shark. The element is responsible for the production of somatotropic hormone, the action of which is aimed at the growth and development of the body, which is especially important for children. This occurs when lipid compounds are converted into protein compounds, and excess fat is redirected to muscle tissue.

Ornithine promotes the production of insulin and prevents the destruction of proteins. For the liver, Hepa-Merz, which contains a substance, acts as a cleanser, ridding the body of ammonia formed as a result of the exchange of nitrogenous compounds. In addition, diaminovaleric acid is necessary for the production of spermine and puterscine - important parts of the cell structure responsible for the interaction of deoxyribonuclein and ribonuclein.

The substance is responsible for the synthesis of proline, glutamine and niacin, the action of which is aimed at improving the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation. During sports, a person consumes a large amount of protein foods, which leads to the formation of increased concentrations of metabolites that poison the body. Ornithine removes these elements, protecting the liver from negative effects, and the higher the load, the more amino acids are required. Therefore, an athlete taking the medicine does not have to worry about deterioration in health. It also interacts well with vitamins and has a regenerating, immunocorrective and general strengthening effect, which explains the advisability of using Hepa-Merz for prevention. As a result, the functions of diaminovaleric acid are as follows:

  • Preventing liver pathologies
  • Reduction of infiltrates and restoration of hepatocytes
  • Prevention of protein deficiency
  • General detoxification
  • Prevention of the development of malignant tumors
  • Normalization of blood viscosity
  • Activation of immune mechanisms
  • Reducing hyperexcitability
  • Help in the treatment of mental illness
  • Epidermal regeneration
  • Strengthening tendons and ligaments
  • Therapy for people who abuse alcohol.

The peculiarity of the drug also lies in the fact that the usual excipients in its composition play a special role. For example, crospovidone is not just an enterosorbent that is used in all solid dosage forms. This substance acts as a powerful diuretic, which normalizes glomerular filtration and increases the detoxification properties of the drug. The hepatoprotector in ampoules and powder is equally well absorbed into the stomach, then penetrates the intestines, distributed throughout tissues and liquids, and the residues are eliminated through urine.

Release forms

The manufacturer offers the product in two forms:


Cost: gran. No. 30 – 1800-2000 rub.

The first is Hepa-Merz in bags, which are white and bright orange granules, packaged in sachets of 5 g each. One pack includes 30 of these mini-packages and an annotation describing the drug. The taste of the composition is sweet, gives off citrus, and the smell is fruity.

Methods of application

It is recommended to drink the product three times a day, after dissolving the contents of 1-2 sachets in 200 liters of water. Take after meals, half an hour later. The course of treatment depends on the patient’s condition and the nature of the disease, on average it lasts from 10 days to a month.


Cost: solution 10 ml No. 10 – 3000-3500 rubles.

The second form is a dark red liquid bottled in brown glass ampoules. It has a specific smell, but quite light. Containers are placed in transparent polypropylene strips of 5 units each. The white box with a stylized image of the liver contains two cells with medicine and instructions for using Hepa-Merz. The ampoules have markers for uncorking.

Methods of application

The product is intended for intravenous infusion. To prepare the solution, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 500 ml of sodium chloride or glucose. Typically, the attending physician prescribes 4 infusions per day, 10 ml each. For severe liver damage, the dosage is doubled. The course of treatment is 15-30 days.

Use during pregnancy

The medication is prescribed only if the need for therapy outweighs the danger to the fetus. The product must not be used during lactation.


The medicine should not be used if the patient suffers from severe kidney damage and has elevated creatine levels.

Combinations with other drugs

  • Diazepam
  • Thiopental
  • Antibiotics
  • Vitamin K

Adverse reactions

Negative effects after administration or infusions rarely develop. May be expressed in dyspeptic disorders: gag reflex, diarrhea, nausea. Sometimes patients complained of pain in the limbs and allergies in the form of rashes, itching and redness of the skin.


Storage rules

The drug is suitable for use for 5 years, regardless of the form of release. The opened ampoule should be used immediately. The packaging should be stored in a place inaccessible to light and moisture, and access to children should be limited.


There are many types of generics and substitutes that have identical or different compositions, but with the same mechanism of action on the body. This list includes the following medications:


Manufacturer: ProFarma (Ukraine)

Price: caps. No. 50 – 3700-4000 rub.

R-or No. 5 – 1500-1800 rub.

The medication contains carnitine, adenosine, and B vitamins. It is supplied to the pharmacy chain in two forms: pink powder for preparing an infusion solution and red-brown capsules in a gelatin shell. The box is white with a green pattern, contains 5 blisters of 10 units or 5 bottles. The composition is prescribed for alcohol intoxication, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and dystrophic changes in the liver.

It is recommended to take 2 capsules per day or infusion at a dosage of 8 mg/kg of the patient’s body weight once a day. Before use, the powder is dissolved in 500 ml of glucose. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 weeks to a month. Contraindicated for use in case of thromboembolism, allergies, or increased levels of erythrocyte elements. The composition is not prescribed to children under 7 years of age.


  • Supports the liver during intense physical activity
  • Quickly removes toxins.


  • High price
  • Cannot be combined with anti-tuberculosis drugs.


Manufacturer: Richard Bittner (Austria)

Price: solution 50 ml No. 5 – 1600-1900 rub.

A medicine based on phospholipids, which help maintain liver health and normalize metabolism. Available in the form of a pinkish-yellowish solution with a characteristic aroma. Normalizes the functioning of the biliary system, regulates the functions of cholestasis, activates detoxification abilities and prevents severe liver damage. If we judge which is better, Essentiale or Hepa-Merz, we can say that their principle of action is the same, the only difference is in the composition. In addition, the first drug is approved during pregnancy.

The dosage is 5-10 mg/day, for complex pathologies it is doubled. In addition, parenteral use is continued with oral administration of another type of medicine - Essentiale Forte in capsules. The total duration of therapy is up to six months.


  • Helps eliminate psoriasis
  • Can be taken by pregnant women.


  • Do not use electrolytes to prepare the solution
  • It contains alcohol, which is why it is not recommended for children under 7 years of age.

Granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration - 5 g:

  • active substance: L-ornithine-L-aspartate - 3 g
  • excipients: anhydrous citric acid - 0.55 g; lemon flavoring - 0.02 g; orange flavoring - 0.2 g; sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.0045 g; sodium cyclamate - 0.0405 g; dye “Sunset” yellow - 0.0005 g; polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone) - 0.05 g; fructose (levulose) - 1.1345 g

Granules for preparing a solution for oral administration, 3 g. 10 or 30 packs. (5 g) granules for the preparation of an oral solution containing 3 g of L-ornithine-L-aspartate are packaged in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form

Granules for oral solution: a mixture of orange and white granules.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - hepatoprotective.


L-ornithine-L-aspartate quickly dissociates into ornithine and aspartate and begins to act within 15–25 minutes, having a short half-life. It is excreted in urine through the urea cycle.


It has a detoxifying effect, reducing elevated levels of ammonia in the body, particularly in liver diseases. The effect of the drug is associated with its participation in the ornithine Krebs urea cycle (activates the cycle, restoring the activity of liver cell enzymes: ornithine carbamoyltransferase and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase). Promotes the production of insulin and growth hormone.

Improves protein metabolism in diseases requiring parenteral nutrition.

Helps reduce asthenic, dyspeptic and pain syndromes, as well as normalize increased body weight (with steatosis and steatohepatitis).

Indications for use of Hepa-merz

  • acute and chronic liver diseases accompanied by hyperammonemia;
  • hepatic encephalopathy (latent and severe);
  • steatosis and steatohepatitis (of various origins).

Contraindications to the use of Hepa-merz

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • severe renal failure with a creatinine level of more than 3 mg/100 ml;
  • lactation period;
  • children's age (due to insufficient data).

With caution: pregnancy.

Pharmachologic effect:
It has detoxifying and hepatoprotective properties. IN composition of the drug Hepa-Merz contains two amino acids: aspartate (L-aspartate) and ornithine (L-ornithine), with the help of which ammonia is converted into urea and glutamine. Ornithine acts as a catalyst for the enzymes carbamoylphosphate synthetase and ornithine carbamoyltransferase, and is also the basis for the synthesis of urea. Besides, Hepa-Merz activates the ornithine cycle of urea formation, which also helps reduce ammonia levels.
Additional properties of the drug include optimization of protein metabolism and participation in the production of growth hormone and insulin.
In vivo Hepa-Merz forms two active metabolites: aspartate and ornithine, which have a half-life of 30-50 minutes and are excreted primarily by the kidneys.

Indications for use

- detoxification for cirrhosis, hepatitis (including toxic), other liver diseases, as well as for overeating and alcohol abuse;
- hepatic encephalopathy (at the stage of precoma and coma).

Mode of application

Hepa-Merz can be used both in the form of granules and parenterally, in the form of injections
For oral administration, you need to dissolve 1-2 sachets of the drug (3-6 g) in a sufficient amount of liquid (about 200 ml), take the resulting solution three times a day, after meals.
For intravenous drip infusions Hepa-Merz dissolved in 500 ml of solution for infusion, the average therapeutic dosage is 4 ampoules (20 g of the drug), in severe cases (coma, precoma) the dosage may be increased to 8 ampoules per day. When administering the drug intravenously, it is necessary to control the infusion rate; it should not exceed 5 g/h; the drug should be dissolved in saline. solution, Ringer's solution or 5% glucose solution. The duration of drug therapy is determined in each case individually, based on the pathology and severity of the patient's condition. In case of severe liver dysfunction, strict monitoring of the patient's condition and adjustment of the rate of drug administration is necessary to prevent the development of nausea and vomiting.

Side effects

Usually, the use of the drug does not cause side effects. In some cases, allergic reactions and dyspepsia (nausea and vomiting) may develop.


A contraindication to the use of the drug is intolerance to the active substance or any of the additional components, as well as end-stage renal failure.


During the use of the drug, no negative effect of the drug on the fetus was registered, however, during pregnancy, the drug can only be used under strict medical supervision.

Interaction with other drugs

Do not administer simultaneously with vitamin K, some antibiotics, diazepam, sodium thiopental, vincamine.


Cases of overdose have not been registered; symptoms of overdose may presumably include gastrointestinal disorders. In this case, therapy should be aimed at symptomatic treatment and accelerating the elimination of the drug from the body.

Release form

Granules 5 g 30 sachets per pack
Concentrate for the preparation of infusion solution 5 g, ampoules of 10 ml, 10 ampoules per package.

Storage conditions

When storing the drug, it is important to maintain the correct temperature; the room temperature should not exceed 23-27 degrees Celsius.


Active substance: ornithine 3g/5g.

Concentrate for preparing infusion solution:
Active substance: ornithine 0.5 g / 1 ml.


The use of the drug in women during lactation should be carried out according to strict indications.
Prescribe with caution to persons whose activities are associated with complex mechanisms, given that the disease for which the drug should be taken may affect the speed of psychophysiological reactions.

Main settings

ATX code: A05BA06 -