Nail fungus causes and treatment. An unpleasant “gift” - foot and nail fungus Mycoses of the feet nail fungus skin of the foot

There is a desire to have beautiful toenails, but not everyone knows how to get rid of fungus on toenails. Of course, it is better to go to a dermatologist, because only a doctor can quickly begin treatment for nail fungus.

Cause of fungal nail infection

Nail fungus occurs only in humans, so the first thing you need to remember is prevention. It's always better to prevent than to cure. This is especially true for so-called mycoses of the feet, when the fungus is transmitted from person to person if basic hygiene rules are not followed.

excessive sweating legs with the occurrence of skin maceration;

- use of tight and narrow shoes;

- everyday wearing of rubber shoes;

- diseases of the legs with changes in blood flow in the area of ​​the feet (varicose veins, changes in blood circulation in the small vessels of the toes with Raynaud's syndrome);

- endocrine diseases such as diabetes;

- flat feet;

- use for treatment hormonal drugs;

- any immunodeficiency conditions.

Fungus symptoms

The first signs of nail fungus infection include the following:

1. Changes in the skin near the nails

It all starts with the skin drying out. This is especially true for the interdigital spaces. Where dry skin occurs, small cracks appear. A person notices increased peeling of the skin in this area. Subsequently, dry skin spreads to other areas (sole, dorsum of the foot).

2. Nail changes

Various manifestations appear on the surface of the nails in the form of stripes and spots, which are initially white, and then begin to turn yellow and fade. In these places, the nail begins to change in thickness, and the edges of the nail plates begin to deform.

3. Inflammation

Often, inflammatory processes begin in the area of ​​the skin between the fingers when the infection gets into the cracks, and pimples and inflammatory blisters appear. In this case, there will definitely be an itching sensation and unpleasant pain.

The sooner a sick person notices changes in the nails, even if they are minor, the better and faster treatment measures can be carried out.

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How to treat the disease

The doctor knows very well how to get rid of fungus on the toenails, by contacting whom each person can perform a set of actions to remove fungal infections of the feet. This complex treatment includes the following actions:

Shoe processing

Even before the start therapeutic measures All shoes must be treated to remove fungal spores. If this is not done, then any treatment will be meaningless. To treat shoes, you need to use a 25% formaldehyde solution or a 40% vinegar solution. All actions are performed with rubber gloves. After moistening a swab or piece of rag with the solution, you need to thoroughly wipe the inside of each pair of shoes. Leave the tampon inside and put the shoes in a plastic bag for two days. Then you need to ventilate for three days.

Processing socks

All socks should be boiled in a solution of washing powder for about 20 minutes. Repeat this once a week if necessary.

Taking pills

A prerequisite for cure will be long-term oral use of antifungal tablets, which will be prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes the treatment regimen lasts 3-6 months.

Local treatment of nail fungus

The most difficult and responsible thing is nail treatment. You will need to perform the following procedures every day for a long time:

- use a hot bath to steam your feet and nails;

- using scissors and a file, you need to gradually clean, file and cut off diseased nails day after day;

- after each treatment, you need to lubricate the nail plates and the skin around them with iodine solution;

- you can apply a special product in the form of nail polish to the nail plates, which will be prescribed by the doctor;

— the skin of the feet, soles and back must be lubricated twice with antifungal ointment.

In no case should you neglect preventive measures aimed at preventing infection with a fungal infection (nail fungus):

- shoes should always be individual;

— don’t try on someone else’s shoes, especially without protecting your feet with socks or heel pads;

- you should use only comfortable shoes that do not rub calluses and do not make your feet sweat;

- you need to dry your shoes;

— no need to wear shoes in the cold season without socks;

- if someone in the family has nail fungus, then in addition to treating this person, disinfection measures must be carried out in the house;

– treatment of vascular diseases is a prerequisite lower limbs;

— it is necessary to use all methods that contribute to increasing;

- with frequent visits public places(saunas, steam baths, fitness clubs) you must maintain personal hygiene, be sure to use flip-flops and periodically use antifungal ointments for preventive purposes.

Fungal infections of the nails (nail fungus) greatly affect life, especially in summer time years when you want to wear sandals. Timely treatment nail fungus, and subsequently strict adherence preventive measures, will always allow you to have beautiful and well-groomed toenails.

We have already thrown off the boots that have become boring over the winter and happily put on low shoes, shoes and sneakers. Soon, very soon, the time for sandals and flip-flops will come, and then... What happened, why the skin of the foot constantly becomes keratinized and peels, on the heels and thumbs Painful cracks appear on your legs, and your nails have changed color in some places or seem to have become thicker? Not only is it unsightly and unpleasant: all of the listed signs may be characteristic of fungal infections of the skin of the feet and nails. And it’s not at all necessary that we were inattentive, messed something up or made an annoying mistake this winter: fungal diseases leg pain often “subsides” during the cold season, but worsens with the arrival of warmer weather.

According to various sources, from 10 to 30% of the planet's population suffers from fungal diseases of the skin and toenails. The general name for fungal skin lesions is ringworm, nails – onychomycosis. Many of these diseases are highly contagious: you can get this “bonus” when visiting swimming pool, sauna, hotel shower, if the staff is not very concerned about disinfection issues, or when doing pedicure in case of poor disinfection of instruments in the salon. You can become infected through "guest" slippers, having bought a pair shoes in a second-hand store or even trying on shoes in a store after a sick person. Fungal infections are easily transmitted through bath accessories ( washcloths, sponges, pumice stones, towels), and also through mats and another sports equipment(there is even a definition "athlete's foot" ). And this is not only a cosmetic problem: in the process of life, toxins are released, which are carried throughout the body by blood and lymph flow. These substances can negatively affect all organs and systems and significantly reduce immunity.

Factors that contribute to fungal infection are considered to be:

- general state body (presence of chronic infectious or somatic diseases);
- stress and neurological diseases;
- alcohol abuse, smoking;
- long-term use of antibiotics;
- decreased immunity due to the above or other reasons;
- age;
- excessive sweating foot skin;
- disturbance of peripheral circulation;
- congenital foot deformity.

Children have thinner skin, their defense mechanisms are not yet fully developed - therefore, they are more likely to contract fungal infections, but in practice, dermatomycosis is more common in adults, especially in men. A decrease in immunity can lead not only to infection with fungi from the outside, but also to the activation of opportunistic fungal microorganisms, which are normally present on the skin of any person. Warmth and humidity are ideal conditions for fungi to bloom in full bloom, so constantly wet feet in shoes are ideal. nutrient medium. Uncomfortable shoes injure the skin of the feet, opening the entrance “gate” for infection.

Doctors distinguish three types of tinea pedis depending on the causative agent of the disease:

- athlete's foot(causative agent - Epidermophyton floccosum) , causes damage to the skin of the feet and nails;

- trichophytosis (rubromycosis, pathogens - Trichophyton interdigitale, Trichophyton rubrum ) also affects the skin of the feet and nails;

- candidiasis (or candidomycosis, pathogen - Candida albicans ); This well-known opportunistic fungus, under proper conditions, can affect many organs and systems, including causing mycosis of the skin of the feet and nails.

First two ringworm have similar Clinical signs and are treated, as a rule, with the same drugs, so they are often combined under the common name "mycoses of the feet".

According to the form of the disease, the following classification is accepted:

- squamous form, sometimes also called scaly. Many patients with this form of mycosis of the feet do not initially experience any discomfort, do not suspect that they are sick and, accordingly, do not consult a doctor. However, such a patient is contagious and poses a danger to others. There is a reddened area on the skin of one foot, then it begins to peel off, but there may be no itching at all. Gradually, the entire skin of the foot becomes extremely dry, quickly becomes keratinized, and cracks appear on the heel or outer lateral surface thumb. Over time, the disease spreads to the other foot and can develop into dyshidrotic form;

- dyshidrotic form. On the lateral surfaces of the foot and its arch there are vesicular rashes with a diameter of individual vesicles of 2-8 mm, which subsequently merge and burst to form erosive ulcers, the patient complains of their pain and itching; after the ulcers heal, the skin begins to peel off and the dyshidrotic form turns back into the squamous form; this process of transition from one form to another can occur repeatedly, however, at any moment, dyshidrotic fungal infection can be complicated by bacterial infection - then the liquid in the blisters becomes cloudy, over time the discharge becomes purulent, which is accompanied by edema, severe pain, increased body temperature;

- intertriginous form. Of all the forms, it is the most common; as a rule, cracks appear between the 4th and 5th toes (rarely between the 3rd and 4th), bordered by a convex rim of dead epidermis, the skin between the toes becomes wet, the patient complains of burning and itching; later the cracks are replaced by painful areas of erosion; this form is chronic, with partial winter remission and exacerbation in the warm season; gradually the skin on the affected areas becomes loose, its protective functions are already sharply reduced, and these are excellent conditions for infection with streptococci - purulent inflammation skin with erythema, pain, swelling and general increase temperature.

Candidiasis on the skin of the feet it surprisingly resembles in appearance intertriginous form of mycosis: the same erosions between the 4th and 5th or 3rd and 4th toes with a whitish rim, itching and burning are also possible, but the difference is in the nearby small pustular rashes.

All of the above forms of mycosis of the feet And candidiasis may further complicate onychomycosis, damage to the toenails. Onychomycosis happens hypertrophic When the nail plate thickens and crumbles, under the affected nail there is also thickened skin with signs of peeling. Ingrown nails and the formation of cavities with tiny contents along its edges are possible. It also occurs atrophic onychomycosis when the nail plate becomes thin and can peel off completely, and in its place there is keratinized skin.

Onychomycosis is also known when the nail plate is affected. mold fungi , however, most often this is a secondary infection from other fungal nail infections. At the same time, the nail changes color from yellow-green to brown-black, it is possible paronychia– purulent inflammatory process in the nail bed.

Treatment for both candidiasis and mycoses of the feet is long and tedious, with possible relapses of the disease. This is explained primarily by the fact that the very development of fungal infections occurs against the background, they also additionally “nail” the immune system. As for onychomycosis, let's be realistic, no matter what the manufacturers of medicinal varnishes, films, drops, sprays and creams promise, final recovery will not occur until the affected nail plate is completely removed. According to the doctor's indications, this is done either surgically, or independently, using agents that destroy the nail and further filing it down.

For the treatment of mycoses of the feet, drugs based on terbinafine(also effective against candidiasis), itraconazole(can also be used for all types of fungal infections), natamycin(all fungal diseases), econazole(foot mycoses and molds), naftifine hydrochloride(in addition to a wide spectrum of action, it also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Unfortunately, clotrimazole Today it is ineffective, since it can only be used topically. For successful treatment Doctors recommend using potent drugs in loading doses in short courses, with long breaks between them, and a mandatory combination of systemic antifungal drugs with local ones.

From funds traditional medicine, after consulting a doctor and in the absence of an allergy to iodine, you can use salt baths followed by treatment of feet and nails iodine. This is done like this: add 2 tbsp per liter of hot (70 C) water. l. salt and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and steam your feet in the resulting solution for 30 minutes. Then the feet are thoroughly cleaned with a pumice stone or an abrasive grater, the nails are trimmed and filed down as much as possible, all procedures are best done with gloves. After the bath, your feet should be washed with soap, dried and iodine applied to the entire surface of the foot, between the toes, on the filed nail and under the nail folds. After drying, iodine is applied to the affected areas three times, and also to filed nails. In between treatments during the day, be sure to use a softening foot cream. This treatment is continued daily for a month.

And of course, when treating fungal infections of the feet and nails, one cannot do without disinfecting shoes 1% chlorhexidine solution, 25% formalin solution or 40% solution acetic acid . It is recommended to boil the patient’s socks and iron them thoroughly. To reduce the risk of infecting family members, the patient’s linen is washed separately, he must wear closed slippers, use his own washcloth and towels, and thoroughly wash and disinfect the bathroom after himself.

Fungal diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, follow simple preventive measures: wear only your own shoes, take a change of shoes (including slippers) with you, do not walk barefoot in the sauna or pool, do a pedicure with your own set of tools, do not use other people’s towels and washcloths.

Good health to everyone!

With a fungal infection, the skin affected by the fungus begins to peel off, dies and eventually separates from the main skin. The fallen scales are already infected with fungal spores and end up on all surfaces.

Most often, you can catch an infection in public areas such as: saunas, swimming pools, showers in factories, trying on someone else's shoes, etc.

If one of the family brought this infection into the house, it is difficult to avoid infection by other members. Dead scales end up on all hygiene items (washcloths, shoes, towels) and on the surfaces of furniture (sofas, armchairs, chairs, as well as bed linen).

A disease such as foot, hand or nail fungus occurs in almost 30% of the entire population, and the age category of those infected is very different; this fact can only be confirmed by the ease of transmission of the infection.

Damage to the skin of the hands, feet and nails is caused by opportunistic and pathogenic species of fungi.

  1. Opportunistic species include fungi that are present in the human body from birth, but can manifest themselves in diseases only after a provoking factor.
  2. Varieties of pathogenic fungi always become active and develop disease.

The most common types of fungi:

  • Candida is a yeast-like fungus
  • Aspergillum - fungi from the genus molds
  • Trichophyton Mentagrophytes – contributes to the occurrence of athlete's foot
  • TrichophytonRubrum – leads to rubrophytosis of the foot
  • Trichophyton interdigitale - begins to affect the skin between the toes and only subsequently, due to lack of treatment, spreads to the entire foot

Often cases began to occur where the disease was caused by several varieties of mold fungi at the same time.

The favorite habitat and reproduction of fungi are places with high humidity and temperature conditions, therefore, the infection is often observed in military personnel, athletes, miners (in people who, for certain reasons, must wear closed, tight shoes, in which their feet sweat a lot).

Symptoms of fungus on the legs: feet and toes

The first symptom of a fungus on the skin of the feet (feet, toes, between the toes) is the appearance of small scales on the feet. Although the variety of fungal pathogens is large, however, the signs and sequence in the development of the disease are the same:

  1. The first signs are damage to the folds of skin between the fingers (the area near the third and fourth fingers is often affected)
  2. At the next stage, problem areas are already visible on the lateral sides of the foot, gradually spreading throughout the entire foot up to the ankle
  3. The skin begins to thicken, shine and crack
  4. The inflamed areas of the skin begin to turn red and itch very much
  5. Without medical care appears strong burning sensation and foot pain
  6. In advanced cases of skin damage, you can observe the formation of bubbles, when opened, the skin gets wet

Dermatologists identify a disease such as mycosis in several forms of its development.

  1. Squamous. With this form of the disease, peeling may appear only on the sides of the foot, heel or between the toes, but there is no pain.
  2. Hyperkeratotic stage. The skin pattern acquires clearer contours, and the skin itself begins to thicken. Cracked areas appear skin which bring pain (especially when walking), as well as discomfort, which manifests itself in dry skin
  3. Intertriginous stage, at which the disease progresses. The skin turns pink in larger areas, cracks and begins to peel off.
  4. In the dyshiprotic form, all the above signs are also accompanied by blisters, the opening of which leads to erosion on the skin. At this stage there may also be elevated temperature body

Strong the immune system, the human body, faced with a fungus, can perfectly overcome the infection, but health problems such as poor circulation and chronic diseases will only provoke its rapid reproduction.

Symptoms of fungal infection on the nail plates

Symptoms of fungus on the toenails and fingernails also have many forms of manifestation and each of them has its own characteristics:

  • Normotrophic onychomycosis is manifested only by a change in the color of the nail plate itself. Spots or stripes that are white or yellowish in color only increase as the disease progresses, while the shine and thickness remain the same. With this form of the disease, the nail may not grow in and at any time, if it gets caught, it will simply fall off
  • Hypertrophic onychomycosis not only changes the color of the nail plate, but also its thickness. Compaction occurs due to scales that develop under the nail. The area damaged by the fungus loses its shine, thickens, becomes deformed and begins to crumble.
  • Atrophic onychomycosis leads to all of the above changes, due to the looseness of the nail, to its complete removal, exposing the area underneath
  • Subungual (lateral and distal) onychomycosis. The affected nail plate changes color from pale yellow to black, and transverse grooves appear. In advanced cases, the nail gradually falls off, and instead there remains an inflamed area covered with scales. If such onychomycosis is added to bacterial infection, then suppuration of the affected areas cannot be avoided

The fungus is treated with: antifungal ointments, mash, special creams, antiseptic ointments, medicinal baths and varnishes. At severe manifestations diseases can be attributed to oral medications, and shoes and clothing must be regularly disinfected.


Proper prevention of fungal diseases is a guarantee of healthy nails and skin. Skeptics may object: “If the disease has begun, then it is too late to engage in prevention.” However, this statement can be argued. A sick person must think about how not to infect others, and first of all, his family members. Because, having infected loved one and after completing the full course of treatment, he may become infected again.

The most important rule for preventing fungal diseases is maintaining personal hygiene. What you need to know:

  • When visiting public places such as a swimming pool, bathhouse/sauna, shower room, gym, skating rink, bowling alley, etc., wear special shoes (your own or disposable ones), and do not walk barefoot in public bathing areas, bathhouses, etc.
  • After water procedures Dry your feet carefully, paying special attention to the space between your toes.
  • To allow your feet to “breathe,” change your shoes and hosiery more often.
  • Use your own towel and wear only your own shoes at home and away.
  • Don't give your shoes to other people.
  • Check your skin and nails regularly. In order to prevent mycoses, treat the skin between the toes and feet with special solutions, for example, the drug Octenisept (contains octenidine) 2 times a day - morning and evening.


Skin fungus is characterized by:

  • dryness
  • peeling
  • inflammation
  • bubbles
  • cracks

When nails are damaged, the condition of the nail plate changes:

  • spots and white stripes
  • nails become dull
  • yellowness appears
  • thickening occurs
  • nails may become loose and crumble


Fungal diseases are very contagious and do not go away on their own, so at the first symptoms you should consult a dermatologist or mycologist. A dermatologist treats all skin diseases, therefore he is a specialist of a wider profile.

To diagnose the disease and determine the type of fungus, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate test - scraping. The whole procedure consists of cutting off a small piece of the nail plate and further analyzing it. It usually takes a day or a little more to get results.

Based on the results obtained, the characteristics of the patient’s body, age, chronic diseases etc. the doctor prescribes individual treatment(local and internal medications). You will be able to come to the appointment at certain intervals to receive further recommendations. This is especially important if side effects occur.

Fungal diseases: infections of the skin and skin folds; interdigital mycoses; fungal nail infections (onychomycosis); cutaneous candidiasis; pityriasis versicolor; ringworm.

Patients with fungal diseases of the skin and nails should not visit swimming pools and other public places, so as not to spread the fungal infection.
√ And, of course, to eliminate the risk of infecting your family members, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, start treatment and follow all safety measures!


Healthy skin serves as a kind of protective barrier against the penetration of fungal infections, but it is on the feet that, as a rule, the most “favorable” conditions arise for the spread of insidious fungi.

This happens in the following cases:

  • the skin of the feet is subject to frequent and severe sweating;
  • permanent microtraumas (scuffs and cracks) that appear while wearing uncomfortable shoes; nail injuries.

As you can see, a damp environment is the most common cause of the development and growth of fungal diseases. Therefore, an increase in the number of fungal infections occurs in the summer, when foot sweating increases.

This phenomenon, in addition, is facilitated by wearing hosiery made of synthetic fibers, uncomfortable and tight, as well as excessively warm (out of season) shoes. In people who wear tight, rough shoes made of synthetic materials (poorly ventilated), foot fungus is much more common. Therefore, one of the preventive measures is to wear strictly seasonal shoes, preferably lightweight ones.

According to statistics, women suffer from fungal diseases more often than men because they wear narrow shoes, which in most cases leads to trauma to the skin of the feet (in the area of ​​the 1st and 5th toes).

Old age (after 40 years) is another reason to be on guard.

With age, all metabolic processes in the body slow down, including the rate of nail growth.

At risk are people with problems with blood supply to the legs, overweight people, smokers; leading a sedentary lifestyle. This list also includes people with diabetes.

In addition, the risk of fungal infection increases with decreased immunity, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, thyroid gland and adrenal glands.


The period of activation of fungal infections can last a long time and usually does not appear immediately, so it is difficult for the sick person and others to notice it.

  • In the process of damage to the surface layer of the skin, focal lesions begin to progress over time. inflammatory reaction, and arise recognizable features- itching, burning, cracks.
  • Typically, the fungus affects the skin between the toes, after which it spreads to the soles, sides and backs of the feet. Then insidious disease takes up new positions, gradually moving onto the nails. They become dull, yellowish, thicken, crumble, and become deformed. Such an unaesthetic appearance can last a very long time. for a long time(months and years), without causing physical discomfort to the sick person. Therefore, there is a deceptive feeling that the disease does not pose any danger and does not create problems. Meanwhile, the fungus does not sleep and continues to spread, moving to new areas of the skin and affecting other nails.
  • In addition to the unsightly condition of their nails, sick people begin to experience shame and weight. psychological problems, which affects lifestyle. In addition, you should remember: fungal infections in the future can cause various allergic and inflammatory diseases not only the skin, but the entire body as a whole.
  • Therefore, it is very important to consider that fungal infection will never go away on its own unless it is destroyed. The pledge of fast and full recovery is early detection diseases and taking therapeutic measures.

√ Almost everyone who gets a fungal infection has a ten-year medical history.


The full course of treatment for nail fungus lasts on average 6 months, depending on the severity and other nuances, such as the rate of growth of the nail plate. The degree of infection with a fungal infection also plays an important role: depth, area, as well as age and other individual characteristics of the person.

In order to avoid re-infection, it is necessary to continue treatment for 2 weeks (at least) after the growth of a completely healthy nail/nails.

Skin fungus heals much faster - two to four weeks. It is very important to pay attention not only to the disappearance of symptoms (they usually disappear after a few days), but to complete the full course of treatment.

To avoid re-infestation, it is important to treat all shoes. This can be done in several ways: by using special medications in the form of sprays or aerosols, or by resorting to more affordable home methods:

— To treat shoes you will need a 40% solution of acetic acid or a 1% solution of chlorhexidine. With a cotton swab soaked in the solution, treat the entire inner part shoes (insoles, sidewalls). Protect your hands with rubber gloves! Then the shoes are placed in an impenetrable plastic bag for two to three days, after which they can be ventilated and dried for 24 hours. Treatment is carried out at the beginning of treatment and at the end. If the course of therapy is long, then the shoes are treated every month.

Considering that the fungus is very tenacious: it tends to be active in the form of scales that sick people leave everywhere, it can pose a danger throughout the year. And shoes are one of the worst breeding grounds for fungus; wearing untreated shoes after a course of treatment remains a strong threat of new infection.


Antimycotic varnishes and solutions, as well as serums, containing active active ingredients, for example, amorolfine, ciclopirox, can be used if the infection has not gone too far. However, in any case, you will have to be patient and treat the nail surface as prescribed by the manufacturer.

To improve aesthetics, nails can be coated with decorative varnish.

There are special cream pastes allowing to loosen the surface of the affected nail. Such preparations contain urea, due to this component the nail can be removed in 2-3 applications. This method of treatment has both advantages (accelerates recovery) and disadvantages (absence of a nail).

Medications(tablets) are taken as prescribed by a doctor, in cases where the infection is complicated. Oral medications should be used strictly on the recommendation of a specialist, because There are such contraindications as: renal and liver failure, incompatibility with hormonal contraceptives, childhood.

When treating skin fungus, various creams, ointments, and sprays are used, which contain terbinafine, sertoconazole, cyclopiroxolamine, naftifine, bifonazole, ketoconazole, oxyconazole.

If the therapeutic course was carried out in full and the result was positive (a completely healthy nail grows), then after 2 weeks it is necessary to take a scraping and, upon receipt of confirmation, treatment can be stopped. But in the future, it is important to systematically check the condition of your nails.


This series of drugs was created for salon use, since very often the breeding ground for fungal infections is located in this environment. There are both professional lines and for home use.

It is worth noting nail care preparations with antifungal effect. For example, glue for creating nail designs (gluing tips, decorations, false nails, repairing natural nails, etc.). The glue contains ingredients that prevent the development of fungal bacteria.

Creams And foot care balms with warming properties. They relieve fatigue and pain, stimulate blood flow, thereby relieving cold. They prevent fungal diseases and itching between the fingers, normalize sweating, soften the skin, making it soft. The formula of such products usually contains: natural essential oils, red pepper extract, camphor and rosemary oil, which activate blood circulation and warm the feet.

Antifungal pencils effectively protect nails from fungal diseases. They take care of dry and brittle nails, fill them with moisture, and restore elasticity.

This product is very convenient compared to liquid forms, since it allows you to always have it on hand and takes up little space in your cosmetic bag. May contain known antimycotic properties jojoba oil, clotrimazole, panthenol, vitamin E, bisabolol.

Nail oil And skin recommended to everyone who is undergoing nail treatment for fungal infections as a therapeutic, preventative, strengthening and cosmetic treatment. Included: clotrimazole, wheat germ oil, panthenol. Products in this group effectively protect against fungal diseases, care for nails and the skin around the nails, preventing inflammation after manicure and pedicure.

These drugs can also be used in for preventive purposes, after visiting potential sites of infection. Buy professional products You can also buy it in pharmacies.
