Is it possible to do douching with chamomile for thrush? Why medicinal chamomile is useful for thrush How to treat thrush with chamomile in women

Chamomile for thrush is a powerful, non-drug remedy. The flower is used not only to treat candidiasis, but also other fungal diseases. Alas, a medicinal plant alone is not capable of completely destroying the fungal flora, but it is quite capable of stopping the pathological growth of mycosis.

A little about thrush

Let's briefly understand what thrush is or, in medical terms, candidiasis.

Thrush is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. They are found everywhere in nature and even live inside us. But, as soon as the clear rhythm of the immune system goes astray, you get diabetes or receive negative influence from the outside, candida begins to conquer free territories.

Candidiasis spreads literally everywhere where it is “tasty”, warm and damp. Basically, their colonies appear on the mucous membranes and adjacent skin.

Fungal infection affects people of any age, having all kinds of localization: eyes, nose, ears, mouth, intestines, genitals, skin throughout the body, nail plates on the hands and feet, internal organs, blood, and so on.

Of course, it is not possible to cure with chamomile alone. Depending on the severity of the lesion and its location in the body, it is necessary to take special antifungal drugs, which are prescribed by a qualified doctor (dermatologist, infectious disease specialist, gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, dentist). But, it is chamomile that will give impetus to a rapid recovery for thrush thanks to its miraculous properties.

Benefits of chamomile

The first information about chamomile (another name is medicinal or peeled) as a medicinal plant appeared during the times of ancient Rome. A plant with a strong, bitter smell and taste, distributed almost throughout the world, was accessible to any mortal.

Herbalists have long noticed that herbs collected at a certain time concentrate substances that are invaluable for maintaining human health. The optimal time for collecting medicinal raw materials is considered to be mid-July, when chamomile blooms in full force.

Flowers that had a significant range of healing qualities deserved special attention from healers. They contained valuable substances such as:

  • Organic acids. Improves food absorption processes.
  • Essential chamomile oil. Its main active ingredient is chamazulene, which has a sedative (calming the central nervous system), anti-inflammatory and analgesic (in a certain place) effect.
  • Tannins. They help get rid of pathogenic microflora, relieve inflammation, swelling, and stop bleeding.
  • Bitterness. They adjust metabolic processes, promote the removal of fluid from the body, and remove purulent infections.
  • Polysaccharides. They belong to complex carbohydrates (fiber, inulin, pectin, etc.). They take a long time to digest, but are considered the main suppliers of energy. In addition, they improve memory and mental activity, and normalize intestinal microflora.
  • Flavonoids. Causes the active work of enzymes, improves vision; rutin and ascorutin are needed for the perfect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; Antioxidants prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Carotene. It is also vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, skin elasticity, and wound healing.
  • B vitamins. Have a beneficial effect on the immune, nervous, excretory and other systems.
  • Minerals are able to have a healing effect on the entire body as a whole (calcium, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, silicon salts).

Thanks to this composition, chamomile was widely used in folk medicine, and today it has become the main medicinal raw material in the pharmacological industry for the production of a huge number of drugs, including those for thrush.

Medicines using chamomile raw materials are used to treat nervous disorders, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs and muscle tone disorders.

Homemade chamomile remedies can provide effective help for thrush:

  • soften the first unpleasant sensations at the onset of the disease: burning, itching and swelling;
  • neutralize mucous membranes or skin before using antimycotic aerosols, creams, ointments and solutions;
  • help in eliminating the characteristic cheesy plaque formations;
  • stop the reproduction of Candida;
  • remove unpleasant sour smell;
  • get rid of pustules and irritation;
  • make therapeutic procedures several times more effective.

How to prepare chamomile correctly

You can easily prepare the plant yourself (or buy ready-made dried raw materials at a pharmacy kiosk).

Both the flower and the stem are used for drying, which is steamed, however, only for baths. The plant is cut off at the lower leaves. The grass, cleared of soil, is laid out on an old cotton tablecloth or a piece of fabric (or a piece of paper or newspaper). The place for drying is a well-ventilated room (veranda, attic, woodshed). An important condition here is the inaccessibility of direct sunlight. To prevent flies from landing on dry land and dust from getting in, cover the chamomile with gauze. After 7-10 days, having sorted and separated the flowers from the stems, the raw materials can be transferred to cardboard boxes, paper or fabric bags. Keep at home.

Methods of application

Chamomile is very useful as an addition to antifungal drugs, especially when suppuration occurs in an advanced form of mycosis. Treatment and prevention tactics are selected depending on the location of the fungal outbreak.

The convenience of chamomile remedies is that they are easy to prepare at home, without having a medical education. You just need to follow the recipe.

Important! All procedures with herbal medicines must be agreed with the attending physician. In case of existing individual intolerance or increased acidity of gastric juice, chamomile is contraindicated.

Chamomile for thrush is good in the form of teas, baths, decoctions and infusions.

Tea for use (per os) with fungal intestinal problems. To prepare it, you need a ceramic mug with a lid or a cup with a capacity of 200-300 milliliters, on which we place a saucer on top.

Take 1 teaspoon of dried flowers and brew like regular tea. We drink it warm in small sips. If you have a fungus, you should not add sugar, honey or lemon to your tea, as they provoke allergies and the growth of the fungus. It’s even easier to buy ready-made chamomile tea at the pharmacy. This tea is prescribed 2/3 cup 2-3 times a day during the entire treatment period.

Infusion and decoction. Used for rinsing, washing, douching, rinsing, washing and bathing for candidal conjunctivitis, otitis, vulvovaginitis, stomatitis, as well as onychomycosis, skin lesions of the feet and hands.

We would like to make a reservation that there is a fundamental difference between a decoction and an infusion.

How to make chamomile infusion

Prepare at the rate of 5 grams of flowers (1 tablespoon) per 200 ml of water.

Hot way:

  • put the crushed dry food into the pan;
  • fill it with water at room temperature;
  • heat in a water bath for about 15 minutes;
  • wrap the container with a towel for half an hour, an hour;
  • filter, squeeze and add boiled water to the required volume.

Cold way:

  • pour finely grated flowers into a jar and pour boiling water over them;
  • close the jar with a tight-fitting lid, cover and leave to infuse for 30-60 minutes;
  • strain and use warm for its intended purpose.

How to prepare chamomile decoction

The decoction contains the largest amount of extract from the plant than the infusion. Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that for oral administration we will use 1 part of the raw material to 10 or 20 parts of water, for external use 1 to 5 is sufficient.

Here, stems and leaves (i.e., the harder parts) are used. Fill them with water and boil in a water bath for 30-45 minutes. Then cool for about twenty minutes to room temperature, filter and dilute with cold boiling water. We use it mainly for baths and irrigation. The liquid can be stored for no more than two hours in the refrigerator.

Chamomile is a well-known medicine that alleviates gynecological inflammatory diseases. Chamomile decoctions and infusions are used as an additional remedy in traditional treatment methods.

Thrush has quite clear symptoms and is familiar to many women due to the following signs:

  • Itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • Swelling, swelling of the mucous membranes of the vagina;
  • Copious white discharge with a thick consistency;
  • Sour odor of discharge;
  • Painful sensations when urinating.

The disease develops due to the proliferation of fungi of the Candida family. If left untreated, thrush goes into a chronic phase and is quite difficult to treat; relapses occur more often and last longer.

Causes of the disease

Thrush develops mainly in women of childbearing age, although it also occurs during menopause and in young girls. The main reasons for the development of thrush are:

  • Long course of antibiotics;
  • Taking hormonal medications and contraceptives;
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier of the fungus;
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Hormonal changes that accompany women during puberty, pregnancy and menopause.

In a healthy female body, the microflora is supported by the immune system and has neutral acidity. With thrush, acidity drops to pH 3-5, which corresponds to an acidic environment.

Therefore, to treat thrush, antibiotics, a low-carbohydrate diet, topical medications and douching with solutions with a weak alkaline environment and anti-inflammatory properties are used.

Chamomile has a number of qualities that have a beneficial effect on the body and accelerate the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Douching with chamomile for thrush has the following effects:

  • Washing away white accumulations of fungus from the vagina;
  • Reduced itching;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect, relieving swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • Antiseptic effect, reducing itching and burning;
  • A healing effect, since with thrush the epithelial cells of the vaginal mucous membranes are also damaged, which heal quite painfully.

Chamomile for thrush exhibits this effect due to the mitricin and chamazulene it contains. These compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, and chamazulene, in addition, has an anti-allergic effect.

Chamomile for thrush is used in several forms. These can be simple washings, lying and sitz baths, as well as douching.


It can be difficult to see a doctor on the first day when thrush is detected, so to relieve the symptoms of the disease, you can douche with chamomile at home. It is important to indicate to the doctor at the appointment that douching was performed, and also not to carry out the procedure twelve hours before the examination by the gynecologist.

For the procedure you will need:

  • Sterile pharmaceutical syringe;
  • Dry chamomile collection, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy;
  • Hot water;
  • Enameled vessel with a liter capacity.

For douching, you need to prepare a decoction. It is not recommended to store the prepared broth in the refrigerator until next time; it is advisable to prepare it immediately before the procedure.

The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • A tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers is placed in an enamel bowl;
  • Bring the water to a boil, remove from the heat and pour it over the chamomile. A liter of water is needed;
  • After pouring and mixing the contents, place the vessel on the fire and bring to a boil;
  • When the broth has boiled for five minutes, it must be removed from the heat, covered with a tight lid and cooled to room temperature;
  • After cooling, the solution is filtered and the syringe is filled with it so that it is two-thirds full.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening and no more than three times a day.

Carrying out the procedure

You can douche while lying in the bathtub or sitting, standing over it. The supine position is preferable, as it relaxes the muscles and the uterus. To do this, you need to lie on your back in the bath and put your feet on the sides.

The sharp end of the syringe is inserted into the vagina no more than 3-4 cm. By gently pressing the bulb of the syringe, the broth is passed inside. You cannot press sharply, as the pressure of the syringe will be painful for the inflamed mucous membranes.

After introducing the entire solution, you need to tense the vaginal muscles so that it lingers inside. You need to hold this for about five minutes, then relax - the solution will come out on its own.

You should not lie in the water of such a bath; it is better to get up immediately, dry yourself with a clean towel and put on dry, clean underwear made of natural fabric. Before using chamomile as a remedy, you should consult a gynecologist.

Use during pregnancy

Treatment of thrush with chamomile is also indicated during pregnancy, but douching is strictly prohibited. Pregnant women often suffer from thrush due to weakened immunity and qualitative changes in the microflora.

However, most suppositories and oral medications for thrush are prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Douching is prohibited for the reason that if air gets inside the vagina, it can harm the fetus, placenta, and destroy the plug.

Pregnant women are allowed to treat thrush with chamomile in the following ways:

  • Wash with chamomile decoction once a day before bedtime;
  • Taking sitz baths with a weak chamomile decoction twice a day, no longer than three minutes each procedure;
  • Taking a bath with chamomile infusion, but no longer than five minutes and no more than once a day.

Baths for pregnant women should not be too hot, as hot water causes an increase in blood pressure and dilation of blood vessels, which in critical cases can even lead to miscarriage. Before using chamomile decoctions, a recommendation from a gynecologist is required.

When discussing chamomile treatment with a gynecologist, you can suggest adding the following components to the decoction:

  • Essential oil of Siberian pine;
  • Lavender essential oil.

You need to add calendula in a 1:1 ratio with chamomile, and essential oils only drop by drop and after an allergy test. The test is carried out by applying a drop of oil to the wrist and observing the reaction for twelve hours. If swelling, itching or redness is detected, the oil should not be used.

Many women and even little girls have a disease called thrush (candidiasis). This disease is very difficult to treat and takes a long time. In folk medicine, chamomile is often used for thrush. This plant has a huge amount of useful substances.

A little about the disease

Candidiasis is a fairly common infectious disease. After testing, yeast-like fungi such as Candida are present in large quantities in the patient’s urine. The disease itself is accompanied by noticeable discomfort and even pain. If a person does not seek help from a doctor for a long time, then thrush takes much longer to treat. Most doctors prescribe medications to the patient, but they also advise taking a closer look at traditional medicine.

Thanks to two directions, you can cope with the disease much faster. Particular preference is given to medicinal plants. For example, many people use chamomile against thrush. The plant contains substances that contribute to the rapid recovery of women.

Treatment of candidiasis with chamomile is carried out using decoctions for washing, douching and baths. However, many do not know how to douche with chamomile for thrush. Therefore, it is necessary to read the article in detail.

Main causes and symptoms of the disease

The very cause of the disease, that is, the fungus, is always present in the human body. It is worth noting that this pathogen also has useful functions. However, if there are certain problems, the fungus begins to multiply and cause great discomfort to the person. This happens if a person has:

  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • critical days;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the genital organs.

You can get candidiasis through sexual contact. But it does not apply to sexually transmitted diseases. Chamomile for thrush will only help if the diagnosis is clarified. Therefore, it is necessary to know all the symptoms:

  • severe burning sensation;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • white and curdled vaginal discharge;
  • redness and swelling of the genital area.

Chemical composition of chamomile

The enormous benefit of the medicinal plant lies in its rich composition. Chamomile contains the following substances:

  • vitamins - C, B4 and carotene;
  • essential oil;
  • active elements - chamazulene, flavonoids, matrixin, apigenin, phytosterol and coumarin;
  • polyene mixtures;
  • gum;
  • tanning compounds;
  • organic acids;
  • macro-, microelements;
  • bitterness and mucus;
  • polysaccharides.

Thanks to the above chemical composition, baths and douches for thrush will be quite productive.

Useful properties of the plant

Due to its rich composition, chamomile has beneficial properties. In addition, many herbalists recommend this plant as the safest. In addition to gynecological problems, chamomile helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the genitourinary system.

Since the medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectant effects, it is often used for cosmetic purposes. Chamomile also helps strengthen the immune system and stabilize the nervous system. Remedies prepared with chamomile have a beneficial effect on women during menopause.

In addition, the medicinal plant helps relieve painful menstruation. It is also effective for diseases of the uterus and postpartum hemorrhage. Chamomile also has a beneficial effect on pregnant women. It fights excessive gas formation in expectant mothers, and also ensures normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since the plant has a sedative effect, it has a positive effect on the nervous system of pregnant women.

Thanks to its healing composition, chamomile is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to various creams, tonics and lotions. These products help whiten and rejuvenate the skin, rid the face of a large number of freckles, acne and age spots.

But the main way chamomile can help is to relieve cold symptoms as soon as possible. In this case, it warms, relieves inflammation and fever. The plant is no less useful for the function of the kidneys, liver and endocrine system. Chamomile is recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. But only a doctor should prescribe the correct dosage.

The healing plant is often used for bathing children. It perfectly eliminates inflammation and irritation on the baby's skin. Also, healthy baths help your baby sleep well. But many pediatricians do not recommend bathing your child daily with the addition of chamomile. Decoctions prepared with chamomile are often used for problems with the mucous membranes or inflammation of the eyes. They can also be used as lotions for skin problems: ulcers, burns and rashes.

Folk recipes

Many women often ask their doctor how to douche with chamomile for thrush. To answer this, you need to familiarize yourself with effective methods of treating candidiasis.

Chamomile has been used in folk medicine for several thousand years. During this time, many effective recipes against thrush have accumulated. It is used as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. To treat thrush with chamomile, the following options are used:

  • douching;
  • washing;
  • baths.

Douching with chamomile for thrush at home

Before starting the treatment procedure, it is necessary to prepare a decoction. It is prepared from chamomile flowers.

  1. First of all, you need to take an enamel bowl and pour a liter of water into it.
  2. Then place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Then you need to add two tablespoons of chamomile flowers.
  4. The resulting broth is brought to a boil again.
  5. Next, it is cooled to room temperature and filtered through thick gauze.
  6. The finished medicine is administered directly into the vagina using a syringe.

Necessary conditions for douching

Before starting the procedure, you must follow a number of mandatory recommendations:

  1. Rinse the syringe with boiling water.
  2. Treat the tip of the medical device with alcohol.
  3. Before the procedure, lie on your back.
  4. To avoid burns, you need to check the temperature of the broth.
  5. Therapeutic measures should be carried out over a large pelvis or in the bathroom.
  6. Relax, slowly insert the syringe and release the decoction.
  7. The remaining mixture should pour out.
  8. Remain in a horizontal position for about ten minutes.
  9. The syringe must be kept in a bag.

Healing baths

To carry out the procedure, you need to fill the bathtub with hot water fifteen centimeters. Then you need to add one hundred grams of chamomile flowers. When the water has cooled a little and acquired a characteristic color, you can immerse yourself in the bath. The procedure must be performed daily for twenty minutes.

The decoction for the bath is prepared in the same way as for douching. After the procedure, it is not advisable to rinse the genitals with running water or dry them with a towel. It is enough to blot the skin with a napkin.


Many doctors tell their patients that it is possible. However, this method is not as effective as douching and baths. This is because the procedure affects only the lower parts of the genital organs. Despite this, washing helps get rid of severe itching and burning.

To properly prepare the decoction, you need to take two large spoons of chopped chamomile and mix with one liter of water. The decoction should steep for an hour. Then the resulting mixture is filtered through a fine strainer. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once or twice a day.

Chamomile during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to approach any kind of treatment with extreme caution. The most important thing is to choose medications that are not absorbed through the blood and do not harm the fetus. Chamomile for thrush during pregnancy meets all these requirements.

However, it is important to remember that pregnant women should not douche. It can provoke premature birth. Also, you should not take hot baths throughout your pregnancy. The most appropriate procedure during this period is washing, which can be done twice a day.

Chamomile for thrush: reviews

Many women note the great benefits of chamomile for candidiasis. They claim that after procedures based on a beneficial plant, the condition improves significantly.

However, they say that douching and washing are necessary along with drug treatment. The plant can briefly remove signs of the disease. But later the thrush comes back again. Therefore, gynecologists recommend using chamomile as an addition to the main treatment.


Despite the enormous benefits of the medicinal plant, it can cause side effects. The use of chamomile is not recommended if you have the following problems:

  • advanced form of candidiasis;
  • menstruation;
  • postpartum period;
  • menopause;
  • allergic reactions.

It is worth noting that in women over 40, the vaginal mucosa is very thin and vulnerable. Therefore, douching or washing with a medicinal plant can lead to unwanted discomfort and dryness. In addition, there is a possibility of bleeding. It is also not advisable to carry out procedures using chamomile before visiting a gynecologist.

During treatment with chamomile for thrush, it is necessary to maintain intimate hygiene. You need to wash yourself twice a day, have an individual towel and syringe, and also change your underwear often. During this period, many gynecologists do not recommend using disposable pads. They are able to create a favorable environment for fungal growth.

In addition, during therapy you need to abstain from sexual activity. To boost the body's defenses, you can drink five or six cups of chamomile tea per day. However, pregnant women need two cups a day.

Chamomile-based remedies are considered an excellent addition to drug treatment. But before using them, it is advisable to visit your gynecologist. It is the specialist who will help determine the degree of the disease and advise the correct use of chamomile for thrush.

Benefits of washing with chamomile for candidiasis:

  • microflora and acidity in the vagina are normalized;
  • manifestations of thrush are quickly and effectively eliminated;
  • White or creamy discharge disappears.

Chamomile is simply irreplaceable for thrush, because it relieves itching and burning. Washing the plant with a decoction in the morning and evening will help you heal quickly.

In order to treat thrush with chamomile, you should prepare the right decoction. First, the plant is poured with boiling water and brought to a boil over low heat. Then the broth is cooled to a temperature of +37…+39°C. Now you can douche with chamomile.

The manipulations are carried out as follows:

  • you need to squat down;
  • the infusion is introduced into the vagina with a small enema (syringe);
  • when the solution is completely introduced, you should try to hold it inside with the help of the vaginal muscles;
  • After the douching procedure, it is important to treat the tip of the bulb with alcohol.

The course of treatment is one and a half weeks. You need to wash yourself with fresh infusion no more than twice a day. It is also advisable for the sexual partner to undergo prophylaxis. This will prevent re-infection. You should not have sex immediately during treatment.

Chamomile helps to cure thrush faster when combined with taking antifungal medications. For example, after the douching is completed, you can insert a suppository into the vaginal area, which contains nystatin or levorin - effective remedies for candidiasis.

What other chamomile infusions can be prepared for douching?

You can prepare another infusion, which, in addition to chamomile, will contain another useful ingredient - oak bark. So, 10 g of bark is mixed with 30 g of chamomile flowers and the same amount of nettle. 50 g of knotweed herb is added to the collection, after which everything is mixed with boiling water and sent to low heat. You need to cook for 5 minutes.

Also 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers can be mixed with 2 tbsp. l. calendula. The herbs are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused in a thermos overnight. In the morning, the resulting infusion must first be filtered, only then can it be used for washing.

It is worth highlighting another effective method: mix chamomile, calendula and white acacia, pour boiling water over everything, leave, and then strain. It is recommended to use this solution 1-2 times a day until candidiasis is completely cured.

Beneficial effects of chamomile

Does chamomile help against thrush? Of course yes. The complex substances included in its composition have an anti-inflammatory effect and help enhance regenerative processes. In addition, chamomile is also useful because it has an antiallergic effect.

Is it possible to douche with hot infusion? Of course not, only cooled down, but not cold. Thrush should be treated with chamomile only after your doctor approves this method. If you douche without appropriate indications, it is possible to cause a disturbance in the vaginal microflora.

The role of herbal medicine in eliminating diseases is great. This also applies to chamomile, with which it is possible to cure many diseases.

Douching is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in the first weeks after childbirth or abortion;
  • in the presence of acute inflammation;
  • during menstruation;
  • a couple of days before visiting the gynecologist.

You should not douche with chamomile without consulting your doctor, otherwise you may reduce local immunity in the vagina. In addition, depending on existing diseases, the risk of developing infectious diseases increases. It is important to treat thrush correctly, so consultation with a specialist and additional examinations are necessary in any case.

Action of chamomile:

  • chamazulene and mitricin, which are part of chamomile, extinguish inflammatory processes;
  • with the help of antibacterial components it is possible to restore damaged tissue;
  • wounds heal quickly, irritation goes away;
  • allergic reactions are prevented;
  • relieves inflammation, soothes;
  • disinfects mucous membranes;
  • An excellent remedy for itching and redness.

Chamomile infusions and decoctions are simply irreplaceable for the treatment of thrush. Douching, washing, and bathing with this plant will help relieve the most unpleasant symptoms of the disease and restore health. The products are easy to prepare at home, they are absolutely safe, and have a lasting therapeutic effect.

Video about douching with chamomile


Douching is the most effective way to treat candidiasis. Just a few procedures, and a noticeable improvement occurs, the symptoms of the disease decrease. If you properly and thoroughly wash the inner vaginal mucosa affected by the fungus with chamomile, then recovery will not take long. When washing, you should not immediately release the liquid - you need to hold it inside for a while.

Of course, not all people believe that traditional medicine can really cure. And in vain, because chamomile is a real panacea for many diseases. It acts very gently, without causing harm to the body. With its help you can quickly cope with the disease.

Using popular recipes for preparing infusions, every woman can easily make a solution for washing at home. As soon as the presence of thrush becomes known, treatment should begin as quickly as possible. A timely fight against this disease is the key to victory. You should not start the course of the pathology, then complications will be avoided.

Chamomile has been used for thrush for several centuries. It is effective in the treatment of candidiasis in both men and women. Despite the huge range of antifungal drugs, the use of chamomile remains relevant. Thrush is a pathology of the vaginal mucosa caused by Candida albicans fungi. Chamomile allows you to cleanse the mucous membranes of yeast fungi. In this article we will discuss whether chamomile will help with thrush and how to wash and douche.


In its natural environment, chamomile accumulates useful substances - pharmacozulene, coumarins, apigenin, nicotinic and salicylic acid, essential oils, vitamin C, carotene, gum and glucose. Among the microelements in the plant, the most are copper, zinc, selenium, and potassium. Farmazulene promotes tissue restoration, reduces inflammation, and eliminates allergy symptoms. It enhances the function of the immune system. Thanks to essential oils, tissues are disinfected and pain is eliminated. Apigenin has the ability to relieve spasm of smooth muscles.

“Chamomile contains hormone-like substances that normalize glandular secretion and menstrual function.”

Beneficial features

The plant is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and skin. It has a special place in gynecology. In everyday life it has long been called “mother grass”. Chamomile has the following effects on a woman’s body:

  • Antibacterial.
  • Analgesic.
  • Sedative.
  • Astringent.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Anti-allergic.
  • Reparative.
  • Hemostatic.

The plant has undeniable advantages over other folk methods (laundry soap, iodine). It can be used in childhood, has no negative effects, and rarely provokes allergies. Chamomile is effective for colpitis, cystitis and cervical erosion of fungal etiology.

Use for candidiasis

The huge range of beneficial substances in the plant makes its use relevant in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Using chamomile against thrush can eliminate the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • white discharge;
  • discomfort when sitting and walking;
  • sour smell.

There are ready-made preparations from chamomile. They are available in the form of solutions in bottles. They must be diluted with water in the ratio specified in the instructions. The use of ready-made medicines allows you to reduce the time for preparing infusions and decoctions, and also ensures sterility.

It is important to remember that chamomile only reduces the symptoms of the disease. It has no effect on yeast fungi. Candida albicans is found on the vaginal mucous membranes of almost every woman. If the immune system performs its functions well, the fungal population does not increase and thrush does not occur. When exposed to stress factors (hypothermia, taking antibiotics), candida suppresses other representatives of microflora (lacto- and bifidobacteria). The use of decoctions and infusions with chamomile can reduce the number of yeast fungi and restore the number of beneficial bacteria. Chamomile treatment is mild and harmless.

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Despite the benefits of medicinal chamomile, it cannot replace the full treatment of thrush. Chronic candidiasis, occurring in a latent form, leads to infertility, involvement of the bladder in the process, and candidal sepsis. Therefore, if signs of vaginal candidiasis appear, you need to do a smear and undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Folk recipes

Chamomile has been used in medicine for several thousand years. During this time, the simplest and most effective recipes for its preparation were found. They begin to be used immediately when symptoms of the disease appear. The following methods are used to treat thrush:

  • Washing.
  • Douching with chamomile.
  • Preparation of baths or trays.

A decoction for douching is prepared from the flowers of the plant. Take enamel dishes. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil and pour in 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Cook the resulting mixture for a few more minutes until it boils. The broth is cooled to body temperature (37-38 C⁰). It is important to strain it through cheesecloth to remove large particles. The prepared solution is injected into the vagina using a syringe. Rinsing with the decoction is repeated daily in the evening for 7-14 days. If you don't have a syringe, you can use an Esmarch mug.

The following conditions are required for douching:

  • Treat the syringe with boiling water.
  • Wipe the tip with alcohol.
  • Take a horizontal position.
  • Before administration, check the temperature of the decoction to prevent burns.
  • Carry out the procedure in the bathroom or over a large pelvis.
  • Completely relax your intimate muscles.
  • Inject the solution slowly with low pressure (7-10 minutes).
  • Immerse the tip to a depth of 4-5 cm into the vagina.
  • Make sure that the remaining broth pours out.
  • Remain in a lying position for another 15 minutes.
  • Store the syringe in a fabric case or bag in a dark place.

Liquid for douching for thrush can be prepared from Rekutan, Romazulan. Chamomile tea bags or essential oil are also used for this purpose. Chamomile tea is brewed in the same way as regular tea. Essential oil is dripped into a glass of boiled water (3-5 drops). A decoction prepared from a mixture of herbs has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Chamomile flowers, knotweed grass, oak bark and nettle are mixed in a glass bowl. Pour 1 liter of water over the herbs. Then pour into a saucepan and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. The solution is allowed to cool and filtered. Douching is carried out with a warm decoction.
