Psychological support. Stroking ladder. What is psychological counseling - stages, types and techniques of referral

Psychological help

Psychological help- area of ​​practical application of psychology, focused on increasing the socio-psychological competence of people and providing psychological assistance, How to an individual, and a group or organization. This is direct work with people aimed at solving various types of problems. psychological problems associated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, as well as deep personal problems.

Types of psychological assistance

  • Psychoprophylaxis (prevention).
  • Psychological education (in counseling, in psychoprophylaxis - lectures, seminars).
  • Psychodiagnostics (identification of problems and other psychological indicators).
  • Psychological counseling (psychological assistance to people who are within the psychological norm in adaptation, development and expansion of personal potential).
  • Psychotherapy (aimed at solving deep-seated personal problems and profound transformation of personality), can be clinical and non-clinical.
  • Psychiatry ( medical type help, the use of medications, or humanistic psychiatry, which views a person not as a patient, but as a person with a different worldview, uses medications to a limited extent, and therefore follows the psychotherapeutic path).
  • Psychocorrection (restoration of the norm, both from the point of view emotional state, and in terms of personality traits).

The types of psychological assistance cannot be strictly separated. There are areas of overlap. The criterion is who provides assistance (difference in education), with whom the specialist works with a client or patient (the norm criterion is adaptation), what helps (use medicines, psychotherapeutic, counseling techniques)

Specifics of the object of psychological assistance

Voluntary consent, uniqueness, variability. Requirements for a psychologist providing psychological assistance are empathy, congruence, and communication.

Principles of psychological assistance (ethical)

As in many professions, in the work of a psychologist, when providing psychological assistance, there are some principles and requirements, the implementation of which is mandatory. The existence of various ethical codes for the activities of professional psychologists in various countries and psychological communities is due to the fact that there are no clear and simple answers to ethical and moral problems arising in psychological practice. These principles are necessary to ensure that the provision of psychological assistance is not only more effective and meaningful, but also socially acceptable. Numerous works on this topic discuss various difficult situations, in particular - how a consultant should behave if during a consultation he learns that his client is planning or has committed an antisocial act, if he sees signs of beatings or other violence on the child’s body, if parents want to find out something about their secretive child -teenager, as well as many others. In some countries, such as the USA, non-compliance professional principles and requirements, can lead to deprivation of a psychologist’s diploma, rights to practice and offer his professional services, etc.

Among the most important ethical principles of psychological assistance (according to Yu. Aleshina), the following are traditionally distinguished:


  • Aleshina Yu. E. Individual and family psychological counseling. - 2nd ed. - M.: Independent company "Class", 2000. - 208 p. - (Library of psychology and psychotherapy).
  • Abramova G. S. Practical psychology.Tutorial for high school. - Moscow: Academic project, 2005.

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Psychodermatology
  • Psychological typologies

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    psychological help- see psychological help. Brief psychological dictionary. Rostov-on-Don: “PHOENIX”. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 ... Great psychological encyclopedia

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  • Psychological help. Practical guide, Korablina E.P.. Practical guide is devoted to approaches to providing psychological assistance. It examines the types and forms of psychological assistance, the principles of psychological counseling, and presents…

1. Types of psychological assistance: psychotherapy, psychological correction, counseling.

2. Preventive psychological assistance.

Question 1. Psychotherapy and psychocorrection as types of psychological intervention in cases of problem behavior are based on the use of the same methods and techniques, so their distinction is conditional. It is associated with the competitive division of the spheres of influence of psychiatry and psychology, with different understanding mechanisms and leading causes of mental and behavioral disorders in these sciences, as well as with for various purposes application of psychological methods of influencing personality. Both psychotherapy and psychocorrection represent a targeted psychological impact on individual mental functions or components personality structure in the process of interaction between at least two people: a doctor and a patient, a psychologist and a client. Etymologically, the term “therapy” is associated with alleviating the condition of a suffering person or ridding him of something that brings him suffering. Historically, the use of this word was assigned to medicine. The basic meaning of the term "correction" is the correction, elimination or neutralization of what appears to be undesirable or harmful to a person. An undesirable component may not always bring suffering to its owner: undesirability may be associated with a discrepancy between a personality possessing some psychological quality or property and the “ideal model” of a person. And in this sense, correction turns out to be closely related to the concept of “education.” Psychocorrection is part educational process, since the psychologist influences indicators of mental (memory, attention, thinking, emotions, will) and personal (motives, attitudes, value orientations) development that go beyond the established norm, leading it to the “optimal level” of functioning in society. In psychocorrectional influence, the psychologist adheres to the following scheme: what is, what should be and what needs to be done so that it should be.

Thus, psychotherapy and psychocorrection differ only in goals and object psychological impact. The goal of psychotherapy is to help change or eliminate painful symptoms or patterns of behavior that prevent you from living with a sense of satisfaction and happiness. The goal of psychocorrection is to bring mental indicators to a certain norm, to an optimal level of functioning in society, when deviations have not yet acquired painful forms.

Psychocorrection is identified as an independent type of psychological assistance only in Soviet and post-Soviet science and practice. Two reasons: ideological (raising a “new” person capable of living in a “new” society) and methodological (separation of spheres of application - in medicine or in non-medicine). medical practice).

In general, there are two points of view on the relationship between the concepts of “psychocorrection” and “psychotherapy”.

A) Recognition of the complete coincidence of the two concepts. Reasons: identical requirements for the personality of a specialist, for his level vocational training, the same procedures and working methods. However, psychotherapy does not always involve correction and is not limited to it. This is a broader concept that includes psychocorrectional measures as separate methods of providing psychological assistance. Psychocorrection how special case psychotherapy.

B) Psychocorrection – work with healthy people. Psychotherapy is working with sick people. However, in many cases it is impossible to separate behavioral disorders caused by pathological processes, and disorders due only to psychosocial causes. Besides, in modern psychiatry is becoming increasingly widespread A complex approach, taking into account etiopathogenesis mental disorders not only biological, but also psychological and social factors, each of which needs therapeutic or corrective effects corresponding to its nature. If the psychological factor is etiological in the occurrence of the disorder, then its correction largely coincides with the content of medical psychotherapy. Define general scheme The relationship between psychotherapy and psychocorrection outside a specific case is almost impossible.

In the domestic literature one can also find a position according to which psychocorrection differs from psychotherapy by focusing on the present and future, while psychotherapy can also use in-depth methods of analyzing clients’ past. However, it should be noted here that in the English-language literature there is a completely opposite position, according to which psychotherapy refers to methods of providing assistance that do not use the techniques of psychoanalysis.

Counseling is a type of psychological assistance for the purpose of training and mentoring. Unlike therapy and psychocorrection, it consists of providing advice and exchanging information. This is the application of psychological knowledge to achieve any pragmatic results and train people as performers who achieve these results. Consulting is based on collecting accurate information about the problem and the people involved in it, which is necessary to assess the situation and provide ready-made solutions (alternatives) to correct the situation based on any theoretical models. Counseling also involves developing the client's skills independent decision emerging current (local) problems, helps to develop a reflective position of oneself in the problem and supply the client with the necessary skills and knowledge. In essence, counseling initially acted as directive psychological assistance. In the 40s, counseling began to develop within the framework of the psychotherapeutic paradigm. Counseling here is psychological assistance in various aspects of a person’s life with the aim of adapting to constantly changing social conditions. The focus of counseling has shifted to individual problems. The goal is to help the client self-determinate in solving emerging problems before they become painful problems. So, counseling is focused on the goals of educational, professional or personal adaptation of people. Consulting includes methods: interviewing (gathering information), improving relationships (correction), training communication skills, providing information and advice of interest. Types of consultation: on education, career, leisure, development, health, dismissal, hiring, etc. Assistance in choosing suitable leisure activities, work, education by increasing the competence of clients, motivation for certain types of activities.

In some cases, there is a special type of counseling called psychosocial. This term is most often found in medical practice, primarily when describing preventive and palliative psychological care for HIV infection.

The term “psychosocial” is widely used in modern Western science to denote such states of the human psyche that are caused by social influences and determined by factors public life. This term arose in a certain paradigm in which social and mental for a long time were considered as separate, independent spheres of an individual’s existence. It is precisely the experience of one’s position in society, the representation of the social sphere of life in the main mental processes(emotions, thinking, will) belong to the area of ​​psychosocial.

Another meaning of this term is determined by the fact that with psychological factors not only the behavior of an individual in certain social conditions is associated, but also social organization, functioning of society. Changing the psychology of members of society, according to such ideas, can change society itself. First of all, his reactions, methods of interaction of large social groups, approaches to solving pressing social problems.

In order to successfully influence the psychosocial factors of society, the practice of a special kind of counseling arose in the mid-50s of the twentieth century. Its emergence is primarily associated with the development of so-called “social psychiatry” - an attempt to achieve social change with the help of psychotherapeutic influences in the process of mass psychosocial consultations of the population in order to increase its adaptive capabilities and correct deviant behavior. Thus, the initial goal of psychosocial counseling was to increase people’s readiness to change behavior through changing social images, ideas, and attitudes of individuals in connection with a particular social problem.

Behavioral changes are still the only means of primary prevention of HIV infection. Therefore, the practice of psychosocial counseling has been applied in Western countries to the problem of the AIDS epidemic, the mass spread of which primarily depends on both the behavior of the affected population and the adequacy of the response of representatives of various social institutions to the problem.

For example, the goal of psychosocial counseling during HIV testing is to focus patients' attention on the fact real threat infection and personal risk factors in their behavior (even if they do not belong to groups increased risk HIV infection). The person being examined, with the help of a consultant, must realize personal responsibility for his behavior, which can, under certain circumstances, lead to AIDS. The consultant’s task is to help a person think about the need to change his lifestyle, behavioral patterns, and help in planning and implementing these changes. Therefore, psychosocial counseling involves both informational and educational aspects. The examinee should be provided with information about the prevalence of this disease, development dynamics epidemic process, features of the stages of HIV infection and diagnosis, ways to prevent infection and the possibility of following the rules safe sex and safe administration of drugs in specific life situations, etc.

An important part of advisory work is also the formation of a non-hostile attitude towards HIV-infected people and representatives of groups at increased risk of infection. After all, existing public opinion can significantly influence the development of such a phenomenon as “AIDS terrorism,” which is a defensive psychological reaction of individuals rejected by society.

Psychosocial counseling has its own characteristics in comparison with other counseling practices in psychology and medicine. If in ordinary psychological counseling the emphasis is on changing some of the client’s personal characteristics, then in psychosocial counseling on HIV infection, the consultant (psychologist, doctor) is not tasked with changing the personality of the client, even if there are direct indications for this. The specialist’s task in this case is to use the personal and individual characteristics of the subject to change components in his behavior that are risky from the point of view of the epidemiology of HIV infection.

Question 2. Sometimes a special one is singled out as an independent one, intermediate view psychological assistance – preventive. This assistance is ahead of an active request from the outside potential client, expanding his field of consciousness based on natural interest in himself, in the quality of his interpersonal relationships. This assistance is especially relevant in conditions of psychological illiteracy of the population about the possibility of professional solutions to emerging problems.

Preventive psychological care often includes a special type of psychological services - psychoprophylaxis.

In the domestic psychological and pedagogical literature, prevention is usually considered in the context of the problem of deviant behavior or as a type of training and education process. First priority preventive tasks, aimed at preventing the development of defects, in comparison with the tasks of correcting already formed defects, was noted by L.S. Vygotsky. Psychoprophylaxis is a type of activity practical psychologist, which is aimed at preventing possible troubles in personal development, creating psychological conditions, most favorable for this development, to preserve, strengthen and develop psychological health. Psychoprophylaxis does not exclude other types of work. In the context of psycho preventive work they act like structural elements and means of psychoprophylaxis, which changes their focus:

Diagnostic and correctional work is aimed at providing information about the characteristics of personality development in a certain social environment. Based on such work, hypotheses are formulated about the causes of possible psychological problems; methods and specific content of developmental or correctional and preventive work are selected;

Counseling aims to discuss and clarify possible reasons the emergence of problematic behavior, personal difficulties of a certain person or group of people in order to timely prevent or overcome unfavorable tendencies, ensure psychological well-being in the development of their personality;

Education is aimed at the timely and targeted dissemination of information that makes it possible to prevent the emergence of typical difficulties in life, in professional activity, in interpersonal communication.

Preventive work can be carried out at three levels: a) universal prevention, b) selective prevention and c) prevention according to indications (in previous terms - primary, secondary and tertiary prevention). Psychoprophylaxis differs in the focus of influence: a) direct focus (on neutralizing or blocking factors that provoke problem behavior), c) indirect focus (formation of successful, positive life skills and increasing the effect of protective factors that prevent the development of problem behavior).

The level of preventive impact depends on the level of severity of problem behavior at the time of preventive work. Universal (primary) prevention is carried out with people who do not yet have signs of problem behavior in order to develop and strengthen their personal resource to cope with difficult life circumstances in adaptive ways. Wherein the target audience universal prevention is in relatively favorable conditions, and the psychological service is aimed at increasing their resistance to stress, developing socio-psychological skills so that they are ready to behave adequately in the event of deterioration social situation in their lives.

Selective (secondary) prevention is aimed at people with high risk the emergence of problematic behavior in difficult life circumstances. As a rule, this level of prevention is aimed at people who already have psychological difficulties (but can still cope with them on their own), are in stressful living conditions associated with poor personal or social functioning, and problematic relationships with others.

Prevention according to indications (tertiary) is aimed at those people who have already had isolated cases of problematic, maladaptive behavior, disorders of social or personal functioning, but they have not yet acquired a stable and total manifestation that requires psychocorrection or psychotherapy.

Control questions to the lecture.

1. What is the goal of psychotherapy?

2. What is the purpose of psychocorrection?

3. What is the purpose of psychological counseling?

4. What are the reasons for the separation of psychotherapy and psychocorrection in domestic psychological practice?

5. What points of view on the relationship between psychotherapy and psychocorrection do you know?

6. What is psychosocial counseling?

7. What are the specifics of preventive psychological care?

8. List the levels of preventive work of a psychologist. What is the purpose of prevention at each of these levels?

9. By what criterion should the level of preventive work be selected?


1. Abramova G.S. Practical psychology. – M.: Academic project, 2001.

2. Kociunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling. – M.: Academic project, 1999.

3. Romek E.A. Psychotherapy: theoretical basis And social formation. – Rostov n/d.: RSU, 2002.

4. Khukhlaeva O. V. Fundamentals of psychological counseling and psychological correction. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001.

According to the competent opinion of Lydia Berngardovna Schneider, psychological assistance can be classified according to different indicators (criteria):

1. By duration of action:

- urgent- necessary for complex mental conditions, the possibility of suicide, cases of violence, etc. This most often falls within the competence of the helpline, helpline, and emergency psychological assistance services;

- long lasting- useful when difficult situations arise life situations, psychological crises, conflicts (systemic psychological consultations);

2. By direction:

- straight- aimed directly at the client, at his request for help;

- responsive- response to the current situation and requests from people around the client;

- proactive- in response to a predicted unfavorable situation for a person. Often found in family psychological services.

3. By spatial organization:

- contact when the client’s conversation with the psychologist takes place face to face;

- distant, which is divided into telephone and Internet;

4. On performing the functions of a psychologist:

- diagnostic- making a psychological diagnosis, drawing up a psychological portrait of an individual;

- control room- departure to to the right specialist: specialized psychologist-consultant, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, etc.;

- informational- collecting information about the client, his family, surrounding people, social conditions;

- correctional is a system of measures aimed at correcting shortcomings in human psychology or behavior with the help of special means psychological impact;

- advisory- this is direct psychological work with people, aimed at solving various kinds of problems associated, in many respects, with difficulties in interpersonal relationships;

- therapeutic- for the purpose of treating behavioral disorders or painful conditions by psychological means, using techniques available to patients, with a very specific purpose and based on the theory of normal and abnormal behavior;

- psychiatric- assistance to mentally ill people - diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, work with family members where there are mentally ill people.

5. By the number of participants:

- individual- when, for personal, social or public reasons, the group form is not possible and is not acceptable, for example, with emotional and sensory problems of an intimate and personal nature;

- group- the emphasis is on a developmental, training program for skills and abilities; the group form is also used when social and psychological support of participants is necessary;

6. By intervention of a psychologist:

- directive- indicating, “giving advice” on how to live;

- non-directive- “following” the client, “indulging” his personality.

Scheme of consultant activities in general view looks like that:

problem identification → diagnosis → evidence analysis → intervention plan → counseling intervention → outcome assessment joint activities consultant and client.

The classification of psychological counseling can be approached based on different criteria. So, taking, first of all, age as a classification criterion, we must first consider the age periodization adopted in Russia :

– infancy (from birth to 1 year);

– pre-school or early childhood(1-3 years);

– preschool childhood (3-6 years);

- Jr school age(6-10 years);

– adolescence (10 - 15 years);

– youth: I period (high school age or early adolescence - 15 - 17 years), II period (late adolescence - 17 - 21 years);

– middle (mature) age : I period (21 - 35 years - early and late youth), II major period (35 - 60 years - maturity, late maturity);

elderly age(60 - 75 years old);

old age or old age (75 - 90 years);

– long-livers or decrepit age (90 years and above).

It should be noted that the age category used in counseling can indicate two different things. Firstly, may indicate the client's age, Secondly, the age of the person about whom the client contacted. Counseling a child under the age of 15 is almost pointless : he cannot yet be fully responsible for himself and be a socially and professionally productive person. Moreover, the personality itself is not yet fully systemically formed, and, therefore, not advisory, but psychotherapeutic or psychocorrectional assistance is applicable to children. In old age, counseling loses its effectiveness every year, as the needs corresponding to age and the personality itself change, a person can be less and less responsible for himself, his own productivity is lower and lower.

Age (in psychology) is a conceptual content category that serves to designate temporary characteristics individual development. Age(in the most general sense) - a period of time, starting from the birth of an individual and up to a given specific point in time (chronological age). The chronological framework and characteristics of each age are not static, but dynamic, since they are determined by the action of socio-historical factors, the needs of society, i.e. - so-called social order of society. Unlike chronological age, which expresses the duration of an individual’s existence from the moment of his birth, concept psychological age denotes a certain, qualitatively unique stage of ontogenetic development, determined by the laws of formation of the organism, living conditions, training and education, and having a cultural and historical origin. Age characterized by those specific tasks of mastering forms of culture that are solved developing person, as well as qualitatively new types of activity and corresponding psychological new formations that arise at a given stage of development and determine a person’s consciousness, his attitude towards himself and the world around him as a whole. Every age period is studied taking into account general trends development, taking into account the characteristics of the previous and subsequent ages. Every age has development reserves that can be mobilized in the process of a child’s specially organized adult activity, or activated by the individual himself (according to David Iosifovich Feldshtein).

In Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia, edited by B.D. Karvasarsky described the following types of psychological counseling:

1. Problem-oriented counseling. The semantic emphasis here is on behavior modification and analysis of the external causes of the problem. The goal of working with the client is to develop and strengthen the client’s ability to take action that is appropriate to the situation, mastering techniques to improve self-control. A lot of significant techniques, used within this area, are taken from behavior therapy.

2. Personality-oriented counseling. This kind of counseling is focused on the analysis of individual, personal causes of the problem, the process of developing destructive personality stereotypes, and preventing similar problems in the future. The consultant here fundamentally refrains from giving advice and organizational assistance, since this leads away from the internal, underlying causes of the problem. Many of the techniques used within this direction are taken from numerous psychoanalytic and post-psychoanalytic movements of Western psychotherapy. First of all, this should include the techniques of Gestalt therapy and humanistic psychotherapy.

3. Solution-oriented consulting. The content emphasis here is on activation own resources client to solve the problem. Representatives of this approach draw attention to the fact that analysis of the causes of the problem inevitably leads to increased feelings of guilt in the client, which is an obstacle to cooperation between the consulting psychologist and the client. Many of the techniques used in this approach are taken from short-term positive therapy.

In addition, types of psychological counseling can be distinguished according to the nature of the tasks being solved: age-psychological, career guidance (“professional”), psychological-pedagogical, family and other types of psychological counseling.


Properly organized psychological support contributes to increasing the effectiveness of activities in extreme conditions. It is understood as a given impact on a person in order to facilitate his activity, transfer the accompanying experiences from a negative to a positive aspect, as a result of which one should expect an increase in the effectiveness of activity. Psychological support should be continuous, starting during professional selection and preparation for the activity and continue during its implementation. In accordance with this, the stages of support, its tasks, content and forms of impact should be planned.

In the process of professional selection (hiring), psychological support is designed to reduce and mitigate possible negative experiences in the event of rejection of someone’s candidacy. this person. In this case, you should not only explain to him the reason for the deviation, but immediately, on the basis psychological analysis qualities and properties of his personality, indicate those specialties in which he can achieve good results.

At the training stage, psychological support consists of an individual approach to each person, to designing and clarifying the learning process depending on the specific psychological properties of each student.

However, psychological support is of greatest importance at the stage of direct performance of the activity. At the same time, to differentiate and organize the system of influences on a person, three aspects of psychological support are distinguished in accordance with the source of negative subjective experiences.

The first aspect is activity. The meaning of psychological measures within the framework of this aspect is primarily to increase the efficiency of activity and maintain it at the proper level. As the main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of support, it is advisable to use the ratio between indicators of the severity of the activity and subjective experiences of its ease. The greater the severity and the greater the subjective lightness while maintaining the same work efficiency, the more effective the impact of psychological support. To implement this aspect, you can use any means of optimizing activity, using an indication system about changes in activity conditions (i.e., using a hint).

Another aspect closely related to the first one is control and management of a person’s functional state, its correction. Under the influence of operating conditions and the results of their subjective reflection, a person may experience conditions that in an objective and subjective sense can be considered as negative, reducing the effectiveness of activity and worsening mental health. The impact of psychological support in these cases is aimed at neutralizing negative states in order to prevent undesirable consequences.

And finally the third aspect is social and personal. It includes questions related to the dynamics of motives, the level of a person’s aspirations, the specifics of interpersonal relationships in a team, a person’s social status, the level of his anxiety and propensity to fear and risk, psychological satisfaction with work, etc.

Despite the differences in these aspects of psychological support, it is possible to indicate a general point in which the influence of various factors on a person and his subjective experiences is reflected and can be assessed. This moment is stress and its varieties: eustress and distress. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight those situations in which psychological support is necessary and most effective. These include, for example, disruptions in activity and mental breakdowns, significant changes functional state, significant deviations in the parameters of the working environment, etc. The specificity of such situations lies, as a rule, in the lack of time to organize support. Therefore, the issue of predicting them and preparing possible measures to carry out impacts on humans is important. These activities should, if possible, be agreed upon in advance, and the person should be previously trained to organize activities and behavior in critical situations.
