Sternal puncture indications. Results of sternal puncture. in stationary conditions

Purpose: diagnostic.

Indications: diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs. Contraindications: determined by the doctor.

Equipment: sterile gloves, Kassirsky needle, iodine, 0.5% novocaine solution, sterile syringes and needles, 70% alcohol solution, dressing, adhesive plaster or cleol, containers with disinfectant solution, ammonia, sterile diapers, referral forms.

Stages Rationale Providing
I. Preparation for the procedure: 1. Collect information about the patient before meeting him. Introduce yourself kindly and respectfully to him. Find out how to contact him. Explain the essence and course of the upcoming procedure if he is unfamiliar with it. Obtain consent for the procedure (if the patient is conscious). Charge nurse
2. Wash your hands ( hygienic way). Wear gloves. Procedural nurse
3. Set the sterile table and prepare the necessary equipment.
4. Help the doctor prepare for the procedure: cleaning hands, putting on sterile clothing. Ensuring infection safety.
II. Performing the procedure: 5. Carry out premedication as prescribed by the doctor. Charge nurse
6. Deliver the patient to treatment room on a gurney.
7. Place the patient on the couch (operating table) on his back without a pillow. Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively.
8. Assist the doctor during puncture (processing surgical field, anesthesia, supply of instruments). Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively. Procedural nurse
9. Monitor the patient’s condition during the procedure. All participants
10. Apply a sterile bandage after the procedure. Ensuring infection safety. Procedural nurse
11. Make a smear bone marrow on the glass as quickly as possible. Ensuring reliable results.
12. Transport the patient to the ward on a gurney. 13. Monitor the patient’s condition for 2-3 hours after the puncture. Prevention of complications. Charge nurse
III. Completion of the procedure: 14. Disinfect used instruments with subsequent disposal of disposable medical supplies. 15. Wash your hands (hygienic level). Ensuring infection safety. Procedural nurse
16. Deliver the smears with a direction to the laboratory. Charge nurse
17. Make a record of the procedure and the patient’s response in the medical record.


Purpose: therapeutic and diagnostic.

Indications: ascites.

Contraindications: determined by the doctor.

Equipment: sterile gloves, iodine, 0.5% novocaine solution, 70% alcohol solution, sterile syringes and needles, scissors, tweezers, scalpel, 2 clamps, trocar, rubber catheter, needle holder, rail needle, silk, dressing material, adhesive plaster or cleol, 1-2 test tubes, oilcloth apron, towel or sheet, container for collecting ascites O1 fluid, containers with disinfectant solution, ammonia, referral forms.

Note: as a rule, procedure and ward nurses participate in the manipulation.

Stages Rationale Providing
I. Preparation for the procedure (on the day before the procedure): 1. Collect information about the patient before meeting him. Introduce yourself kindly and respectfully to him. Find out how to contact him. Explain the essence and course of the upcoming procedure if he is unfamiliar with it. Obtain consent for the procedure (if the patient is conscious). Psychological preparation of the patient for the procedure. Patient motivation to cooperate. Respect for the patient's right to information. Charge nurse
2. In the evening, give the patient a cleansing enema. Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively.
Preparation for the procedure (on the day of manipulation): 3. Wash your hands (hygienic method). Wear gloves. Ensuring infection safety. Procedural nurse
Stages Rationale Providing
4. Set the sterile table and prepare the necessary equipment. Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively.
5. Help the doctor prepare for the procedure: cleaning hands, putting on sterile clothing. Ensuring infection safety.
6. Ensure that the bladder is emptied before the procedure. Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively.
II. Performing the procedure: 7. Carry out premedication as prescribed by the doctor. Ensuring psychological safety.
8. Deliver the patient to the treatment room on a gurney. Ensuring the physical safety of the patient. Ward
9. Help the patient sit on a chair so that his back is pressed tightly against the wall of the chair (if the patient cannot sit, the puncture is performed in a lying position on the right side). Place a container between the patient's legs to collect ascitic fluid. Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively. nurse
10. Cover the patient’s legs with an oilcloth apron, the end of which is lowered into the basin. Ensuring infection safety.
11. Assist the doctor during puncture (processing the surgical field, administering anesthesia, puncture abdominal cavity, collection of material for research, suturing and aseptic dressing). Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively. Procedural nurse
12. Monitor the patient’s condition during the procedure. Ensuring the physical and mental safety of the patient. All participants
13. After the fluid begins to be removed, place a folded sheet (large towel) on the patient’s stomach above the puncture site and tie it behind the patient’s back. As the fluid is removed, gradually tighten the sheet around the patient's abdomen. Prevention of the development of a collaptoid state. Charge nurse
14. Apply a sterile bandage after the procedure. Ensuring infection safety. Procedural nurse
15. Transport the patient to the room on a gurney in a supine position with a fixed sheet or towel. 16. Ensure that the patient adheres to strict bed rest during the day. Monitor the condition of the bandage. Prevention of complications. Charge nurse
III. Completion of the procedure: 17. Disinfect used instruments with subsequent disposal of disposable medical supplies. 18. Wash your hands (hygienic level). Ensuring infection safety. Procedural nurse
19. Deliver the test tube with the material and directions to the laboratory. Conditions for obtaining a reliable result. Ward
20. Make a record of the procedure and the patient’s response in the medical record. Ensuring continuity of nursing care. nurse



MONIKI, Moscow, 1997

For microbiological research all types of clinical material it is necessary:

· collect the material in sterile containers with stoppers obtained in the laboratory;

· have an alcohol lamp in the clinical department;

· follow the rules of asepsis when taking samples;

· take material for sowing before starting a specific antibacterial therapy, or, by at least, 6-12 hours after the last administration of the antibiotic;

· deliver the material to the laboratory no later than two hours from the moment the sample is taken;

· V in case of emergency If it is impossible to deliver the material immediately to the laboratory (evenings, weekends), samples of clinical material (except for cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples) are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 8-10 ° C, then transferred to the laboratory.

Errors in the rules for obtaining material for microbiological research lead to errors in diagnosing the pathogen and determining its antibiotic sensitivity.

It is also supplemented by puncture of the bone marrow itself.

Technique(according to Heilmeyer). After cleansing and disinfecting the skin in the area of ​​the body of the sternum with iodine, the skin and especially the periosteum are numbed with several milliliters of anesthetic liquid. After the onset of anesthesia, a special needle for puncturing the bone marrow with an inserted mandrel is used to puncture the sternum along the midline approximately at the height of the II - III costal cartilage.

The safety shield (arrest) is installed at a level of 4 - 5 mm and then the cortical layer is pierced. In this case, the passage of the needle is felt quite clearly. With a thick and dense bone layer, this requires the use of quite significant force. If there is doubt whether the needle has penetrated the bone marrow, they resort to testing with aspiration test. About 0.5 - 1 ml of bone marrow is sucked in with a record syringe mounted on a needle so that air does not penetrate into it, which causes pronounced pain reaction, which, however, soon subsides.

If it is not possible to obtain bone contents, then inject a little saline solution table salt and perform aspiration again. If necessary, you can penetrate the needle a little deeper. With careful and correct technique this intervention is safe.

Erythropoiesis is found to be increased in most anemias. In the bone marrow with pernicious anemia, they are found sharply pronounced violations maturation of cells according to the type of megaloblastic hematopoiesis. In contrast, with a decrease in erythropoietic function, the number of cells is significantly reduced, puncture reveals “empty” bone marrow: aplastic anemia is evident.

Leukopoiesis always occurs simultaneously with erythropoiesis. A significant increase in the leukopoietic function of the bone marrow occurs in myeloid leukemia, and complete depletion occurs in agranulocytosis.

Thrombocytopoiesis has its source in giant bone marrow cells - megakaryocytes, about a third of which, as it is found, form plates (functioning forms), while 2/3 are at rest.

Complete extinction of all hematopoietic functions leads to a severe, almost always fatal disease - panmyelophthisis (pancytopenia).

In this regard, when studying bone marrow smears, it is necessary to distinguish between:

Hypoplasia due to the most various lesions hematopoietic organs and

Hyperplasias arising due to increased demands from the periphery, impaired maturation or leaching of cells and as a result of neoplastic processes.

Normal Heilmeyer myelogram

Per 100 leukocytes:








23,9 (15,3-29,6)










23,4 (17,8-30,2)









Lymphoid reticular cells 5.0 (0.6-12.2) according to Rohr

Plasma reticular cells

2.0 (1-3.6) according to Rohr

Moreover, each individual myelogram characterizes the constantly changing structure of the bone marrow on this moment, and repeated studies provide a kind of movie that, more clearly than any other test, allows us to judge functional state bone marrow.

Quite similarly, with the help of a puncture, extramedullary foci of hematopoiesis in the spleen and lymph glands can also become available for research, however, the evaluation of the resulting preparations requires a lot of special experience in this area.

Indications– blood diseases, tumor processes.


– gloves, alcohol, balls, syringes and needles for anesthesia, novocaine 0.5%, Kassirsky needle (Fig. 5) with a syringe for punctate, aseptic dressing material.

Rice. 5. Kassirsky needle attached to the syringe: 1 – needle; 2 – safety shield; 3 – coupling; 4 – screw thread; 5 – cannula; 6 – syringe.


· after disinfection of the body in the sternum area, the skin and periosteum are anesthetized;

· upon the onset of anesthesia, a Kassirsky needle is used to puncture the sternum along the midline approximately at the level of the III-IV rib. The safety shield of the needle limiter is pre-installed according to the guidelines (see table).

· punctate in an amount of up to 0.5 ml is obtained using a syringe placed on a needle so that air does not penetrate into it. After taking the bone marrow, the needle, without disconnecting from the syringe, is removed from the sternum, and the puncture site is covered with a sterile sticker. Smears are prepared from the resulting punctate, which are fixed and stained in the same way as smears. peripheral blood;

· In young children, the puncture of the sternum should be done carefully due to its lower density. Therefore, in newborns and infants it is preferable to puncture the upper third tibia(on inside proximal epiphysis), calcaneus, ilium (1-2 cm posterior to the anterior superior crest spine).


Indications - diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system(meningitis, encephalitis, tumors, traumatic brain injuries, etc.). Removal cerebrospinal fluid with communicating hydrocephalus.


3 sterile test tubes, sterile diapers, gauze, gloves, alcohol, iodine solution, aseptic dressing. The needle for puncture is selected depending on the age of the child (special needles with a short cut and with a mandrel). For puncture of newborns, a 22-gauge needle 2.5 cm long is used.


· An assistant holds the child in a sitting position or lying on his side. When lying on your side, your head and legs should be bent (knee-thoracic position). Palpate the iliac crest and slide your fingers down to the spine (usually at the L 4 -L 5 level). The puncture is usually performed between the L 2 -L 3 or L 3 -L 4 lumbar vertebrae. In newborns and children early age the puncture is carried out between L 4 -L 5;

· put on gloves, open the sterile containers, pour the antiseptic solution into the container included in the kit lumbar puncture;

· wipe the puncture site with an antiseptic solution, starting from the selected intervertebral space and then along an ever-widening circle to the iliac crest;

· cover the puncture area with sterile diapers: place one under the child, the second cover everything except the intervertebral space selected for puncture;

· Palpate the selected intervertebral space again;

· insert the needle strictly along the midline in the direction: for newborns - to the umbilical ring; in young children - perpendicular to the line of the spine; in children over 10-12 years old - with a slight tilt towards the head, i.e. from bottom to top, slowly advance the needle, first overcoming the skin, then the intervertebral ligaments and hard meninges until a feeling of “failure” arises. Then remove the mandrin and check whether cerebrospinal fluid appears in the needle;

· draw about 1 ml of cerebrospinal fluid into each of the three test tubes as it flows out in drops from the needle;

· reinsert the mandrin into the needle and remove it. The puncture site is pressed with a sterile swab and sealed with an adhesive plaster. Strict bed rest the patient must observe for at least 24 hours (Fig. 6);

When examining cerebrospinal fluid, the following tests are performed:

Tube 1: Gram stain, culture, and antibiotic sensitivity testing.

Test tube 2: determination of sugar and protein levels.

Tube 3: cell counting and differentiation.

If there is an admixture of blood in the first test tube, monitor the purification of the cerebrospinal fluid in the second and third test tubes:

a) if the blood admixture has disappeared, this means that the puncture was performed traumatically;

b) if the blood admixture does not disappear, but clots form, the vessel is apparently punctured;

c) if the blood does not disappear and a clot does not form, the newborn obviously has intraventricular hemorrhage.


Indications- gastric lavage is used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in case of poisoning.

Contraindications - for gastric lavage are organic narrowings of the esophagus, acute esophageal and stomach bleeding, heavy chemical burns mucous membrane of the larynx, esophagus and stomach with strong acids and alkalis (several hours after poisoning), cerebrovascular accidents.

Remember! - gastric lavage for an unconscious patient in the absence of cough and laryngeal reflexes to prevent aspiration of fluid is carried out only after preliminary intubation of the trachea.

If, when the probe is inserted, the patient begins to cough, choke, or his face becomes cyanotic, the probe should be removed immediately - it has entered the larynx or trachea, and not the esophagus.


- sterile gastric tubes with two holes on the side walls; funnel; towel; napkins; sterile container for rinsing water; container with water room temperature(10 l); mug; container for draining wash water; gloves; 2 waterproof aprons; glycerol; putty knife; bandage.


· The position of children during washing depends on their age. Young (infant) children are most often placed on their side with their face slightly turned down. child preschool age nurse picks him up, wraps him in a sheet (diaper), clamps the child's legs tightly between his legs, presses his head to his shoulder. Older children are seated on a chair, their chest is covered with an oilcloth apron;

· put on a waterproof apron. Wash your hands and put on gloves. Lubricate the blind end of the probe with glycerin;

· To hold the patient's mouth open, use a spatula or mouth retractor. A gastric tube is inserted behind the root of the tongue and advanced to the established mark. An older child is asked to make several swallowing movements. Confirmation that the tube is in the stomach is the cessation of gagging;

· attach a funnel to the probe and lower it to the level of the stomach. Holding the funnel slightly inclined at the level of the stomach, pour water into it (see table);

Sternum + lat. punctio prick)

one of the methods of intravital bone marrow examination; is a bone marrow puncture performed through the anterior wall of the sternum. Proposed by M.I. Arinkin.

Bone marrow examination is necessary for the diagnosis of anemia, leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, tumor metastases, etc.

Sternal puncture can be performed in outpatient setting.

The puncture site is treated ethyl alcohol And alcohol solution Yoda. For anesthesia, a 2% novocaine solution is usually used; You can do a puncture without pain relief. The sternum is pierced with a Kassirsky needle at the level of attachment of the III-IV rib in the midline or the manubrium of the sternum is punctured. The needle is inserted with a quick rotational movement. When it passes through the layer of cortical (compact) substance of the anterior surface of the sternum and enters the spongy (marrow space), a failure is noted. Indirect sign a successful puncture is short-term. After removing the mandrin, attach it to the needle (with a capacity of 10 or 20 ml), with the help of which bone marrow aspiration is performed. Gradually, creating a vacuum in the syringe, pump in no more than 0.2-0.3 ml bone marrow suspension. The needle is then removed from the sternum. A sterile sticker is applied to the puncture site. The contents of the needle and syringe are squeezed out and smears are prepared. It should be remembered that in children a through sternum is possible due to its great elasticity, individual differences in thickness and due to involuntary movements of the child. Caution must be exercised in patients long time receiving, because they may have .

Quantitative bone marrow puncture is performed according to the rules of blood testing (see Hemogram). The absolute number of nucleated bone marrow cells - myelokaryocytes - is determined. To assess the state of bone marrow hematopoiesis, count myelograms (see Bone Marrow). To study bone marrow punctate, cytochemical and immunological reactions can be used. The diagnostic capabilities of S. p. are expanded when conducting a histological examination of bone marrow particles (crumbs) contained in the aspirated material, which makes it possible to obtain a clearer picture of the relationship between fat and active myeloid cells, the state of the stroma and blood vessels bone marrow.

Bibliography: Kassirsky I.A. and Alekseev G.A. Clinical, p. 137. M., 1970; Guide to Hematology, ed. A.I. Vorobyova, vol. 2, p. 51, M., 1985.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what “Sternal puncture” is in other dictionaries:

    Puncture sternum in order to obtain bone marrow. Usually carried out in hematological studies. In microbiology, it is used for the diagnosis of trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and the isolation of L forms of bacteria. (Source: “Dictionary of Microbiology Terms”) ... Dictionary of microbiology

    I Puncture (lat. punclio prick, puncture) is a diagnostic or therapeutic manipulation in which tissue, pathological formation, vessel wall, hollow organ or body cavity is punctured with a needle or trocar. Diagnostic P. allows... ... Medical encyclopedia

    - (p. sternalis) bone marrow P., performed through the anterior wall of the sternum along its midline in the area of ​​the manubrium or at the level of the third or fourth intercostal space ... Big medical dictionary

    - (1876 1948), therapist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1945), lieutenant general medical service(1945). Developed (1927) a method for intravital examination of the bone marrow (sternal puncture), and studied the reticuloendothelial system. State... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    - (1876 1948) Russian therapist, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences (1945), lieutenant general of the medical service. Developed (1927) a method for intravital examination of the bone marrow (sternal puncture), and studied the reticuloendothelial system. State Prize... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Genus. 1876, d. 1948. General practitioner, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences (1945), lieutenant general of the medical service. In 1927 he developed a method for intravital bone marrow examination (sternal puncture) and studied the reticuloendothelial system. Laureate... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

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Sternal puncture– study of a human bone marrow sample. During the procedure, the sternum wall is pierced with a syringe. Bone marrow is the soft mass that fills the cavities in the bones. In some cases, its study is extremely important and necessary. Today we will look at what this procedure is and for what purpose it is carried out.

Main indications

The puncture is most often used in diagnostic purposes for diseases circulatory system. The main indications are as follows:



Myelodysplastic syndrome;

Christian-Schuller disease;

Gaucher disease;

Visceral leishmaniasis. With its help, you can accurately determine the state of the bone marrow, its functioning, and also study changes in hematopoiesis. Before performing a puncture, you need to prepare.

Preparation rules

Before sternal puncture no compliance required special diet, but 2 hours before it is better not to eat or drink. Bladder and intestines should be empty. Before the puncture, you should not take any medications, except those prescribed by the doctor performing the puncture. Before the procedure, the doctor will explain its purpose, tell you about the method of implementation, and complications. The patient must give written consent, only after which a sternal bone marrow puncture will be performed.

How is the puncture performed?

It can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The patient is placed face up on the couch. The sampling is made with a Kassirsky needle. This is a hollow, short needle with a nut that limits the depth of penetration. This prevents damage to the mediastinal organs. The doctor carefully selects the puncture site; it is treated with iodine solution and alcohol. After this, novocaine anesthesia is performed. Although the patient may feel a slight tingling and pain during the injection, it does not cause much discomfort and is more similar to the feeling of a regular vaccination. A quick rotational movement makes a puncture and removes the liquid. Only 0.3 ml of bone marrow is taken, this amount is quite enough for study.

Then the needle is slowly removed from the sternum, and a bandage is fixed at the puncture site with an adhesive plaster. The bone marrow sample is placed in a Petri dish, after which smears are prepared on a glass slide and carefully examined in the laboratory. Laboratory assistants count the number of bone marrow cells and study their morphology. When laboratory test will be completed, and based on its results, further procedures will be developed. But do not forget that after a bone marrow puncture, some complications are possible. Let's look at them.

Possible complications

TO negative consequences Sternal puncture may include a through puncture of the sternum, and bleeding from the puncture site is also possible. A through puncture is possible when the operation is performed on a child, because in children the sternum has high degree elasticity. This is also quite likely if the child moved during the puncture. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out extremely carefully. Osteoporosis is possible in patients taking corticosteroids. In most cases, complications occur if the procedure is performed by an inexperienced doctor. Therefore, we recommend that it be carried out in our center. We employ only experienced and highly qualified specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently.

Rehabilitation period

After the puncture, the patient must remain in the clinic under the supervision of doctors. Typically, such control does not last more than an hour, unless complications arise. After the procedure no special recovery period, it is important to follow all doctor’s recommendations.
