Legal technology in the Soviet period is its peculiarity. Legislative technology. Effect of regulatory legal acts in space

It is important to understand that notification to an employee is a mandatory document when making adjustments to wages. Thus, only when the organizational foundations of the enterprise’s activities change or technological process The labor manager has the right to adjust the employee’s salary downwards. To do this, you must first provide your subordinate with a notice of changes in wages (a sample for 2019 will be later in the article).

Such a document is drawn up in free form. It aims to achieve agreement on both sides. Size wages- This is an indispensable condition of the employment contract, which is approved by mutual consent of management and employee.

Sample form of notification of changes in teaching load (prepared by company experts - Garant -)

Sample form of notification of change study load(prepared by experts from the Garant company)

This form has been developed in accordance with the provisions of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Notification of changes in teaching load

Director [name educational institution] [signature, initials, surname]

I am familiar with the new working conditions, I agree/disagree to work with a lesser teaching load [position, signature, full name of the employee] [day, month, year]

Sample form of notification of changes in teaching load

Developed by: Garant Company, August 2012

The current version of the document you are interested in is available only in the commercial version of the GARANT system. You can purchase a document for 54 rubles or receive full access to the GARANT system free of charge for 3 days.

If you are a user of the Internet version of the GARANT system, you can open this document right now or request by Hotline in system.


The GARANT system has been produced since 1990. The Garant company and its partners are participants Russian Association legal information GARANT.


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Starting from September 1, 2013, the teacher’s workload has been reduced due to the fact that there will be no 10th grade at the school. How to properly issue a notification?

Dear __________________________________________________________

In accordance with the order for LLP "___" dated _________ 200_ No. ____, as well as in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 48 Labor Code The Republic of Kazakhstan warns you about this.

that from _____ 200_ working conditions at LLP “__” will be changed, namely:

In case of refusal to continue working in new conditions, with transfer to another job, your individual employment contract No. ___ dated ____ will be terminated, on the basis of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Reducing study load

We will answer your question as soon as possible.

Love, what can we do?! What if we want to accept one more person? Irina, . 7. Temporary or permanent change (increase or decrease) in the teaching load of teaching staff compared to the teaching load specified in employment contract, is allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, concluded in writing, with the exception of changing the volume of the teaching load of teaching staff in the direction of reducing it, provided for in paragraphs 1.5 and 1.6 of this Procedure. Love, It’s not indicated in the original TD, the load is indicated in the add.

It is important to understand that notification to an employee is a mandatory document when making adjustments to wages.

Thus, only when the organizational basis of the enterprise’s activities or the technological process of labor changes, the manager has the right to adjust the employee’s salary downwards.

To do this, you must first provide your subordinate with a notice of changes in wages (a sample for 2019 will be later in the article).

Such a document is drawn up in free form. It aims to achieve agreement on both sides.

The amount of wages is an indispensable condition of the employment contract, which is approved by mutual consent of management and employee.

The teacher was hired for 18 hours a week. the employment contract was drawn up for 18 hours a week. From March 1, the teacher’s workload will increase and will be 24 hours (but this is only possible for this academic year). How to format this correctly? Opinions vary. We do additional agreement to the employment contract or are there other options?


Answer to the question:

To increase the workload, you need to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract. If this change is made by agreement of the parties and for a certain period, then this must be reflected in the text of the agreement. In this case, the employee does not need to be notified 2 months in advance.

“Add clause _____ of the Employment Agreement dated ______ No. ________ with parts 2 and 3 as follows: For the period from 03/01/2016 to 08/31/2016, the employee was given an additional teaching load of 6 hours per week, due to the inclusion of ______ hours _ to _________________ in the individual curriculum. For pedagogical work or educational (teaching) work performed by a teaching worker with his written consent in excess of the established norm of hours for the wage rate, payment is made from the established wage rate in proportion to the actually determined volume pedagogical work or educational (teaching) work

From September 1, 2016, the Employee’s workload is set to 18 hours

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Situation:How to set a teaching load for teaching staff

The volume of teaching workload of teaching staff is determined annually at the beginning of the school year and is established by local act educational organization. Such local acts, as well as amendments to them, are adopted by the trade union or other representative body of employees.

The volume of the teaching load of a specific teaching worker should be included in his employment contract. Temporary or permanent changes in the teaching load specified in the employment contract of a teaching employee are permissible only by agreement of the parties. This applies to both increasing and decreasing the teaching load.

An educational organization cannot, on its own initiative, change in the current academic year the amount of teaching load that was established at the beginning of the academic year. Also, the organization cannot unilaterally change the workload established in the current academic year for the next academic year. However, in some cases such a change on the part of the employer is permissible. For example, if it is necessary to reduce the teaching load of teachers educational organizations due to a decrease in the number of hours curriculum and schedules, reducing the number of students, groups or classes.

The employer must notify the teaching staff in writing of all cases of changes in the teaching load and their reasons at least two months in advance. Such notification is not required when the teaching load changes by mutual agreement of the parties.

Alexander Zavgorodniy,

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of Labor

Law Faculty of St. Petersburg State University

Material from the Personnel System
Ready-made solutions for personnel services at
Copy date: 02/25/2016

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Tatyana Kozlova,

HR System expert

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