Boric acid for cosmetic purposes. How is boric acid used for the face? The use of boric acid for acne

The antiseptic properties of boric acid were known many decades ago. It was actively used in medicine and household.

It is good because it has no smell, color, and therefore does not leave any marks on the body or clothes. Thanks to the weak acid action, boric acid was used as an antiseptic, not being afraid to aggravate the wound.

Today, the properties of boric acid have been studied in detail - all positive and negative qualities. Therefore, we will dwell on all its characteristics and talk about all the possibilities of this substance.

Boric acid presented on the pharmacology market in several versions - powder, liquid (water and alcohol solution), ointment.

It must be used with extreme caution, since studies have shown that this acid is a strong toxic substance. It easily penetrates skin into the body and accumulates in the liver and kidneys.

With prolonged use and considerable dosages, this substance has a bad effect on brain function. Be sure to follow the instructions. Boric acid is strictly contraindicated for children and pregnant women..

Boron is harmful, but correct use has enough benefits for the body. This acid has an anti-pediculosis effect. In the old days, it was even prescribed to small children for the treatment of prickly heat.

Besides, boric acid is good for ear inflammation. A cotton swab was immersed in this liquid, then placed in the ear.

acid like disinfectant, widely used in various purposes- medical and economic. After studies that confirmed the toxicity of boron, such widespread use was limited.

Boric acid solutions

Today, boron-based solutions are actively used - water and alcohol. They are less toxic, but very useful.

1) Two percent aqueous solution rub their eyes in their various diseases.

2) Skin problems will be solved by lotions of three percent boron solution.

3) alcohol solution low concentration is suitable for the treatment of ear diseases.

4) Boric ointment is used for.

5) women's issues intimate character will help to solve the boric solution in tandem with glycerin.

Boric acid is used to treat the eyes. In a meager percentage, it is present in many specialized drops.

Only buy such drugs is only on the recommendation of the attending physician. It is forbidden to make such drops on your own or make any compresses.

Boric acid to fight fungus

Both a solution and a powder, and a boron-based ointment will help to cope with a fungus or skin problems. For example, from boron powder are quite effective in the treatment of foot fungus warm baths.

The fungus can affect not only the skin, but also the nails. Dry powder or ointment will help to cope with the fungus of the nail plate.

First you need to do a good pedicure - remove the dead layers of nails. Boron powder is poured onto the cleaned areas of the nail plate or boron ointment is rubbed.

Boric acid has found wide use in cosmetology. Thanks to its disinfecting and drying abilities.

Many creams and ointments are made on the basis of this substance. Because the boric acid helps to eliminate acne, rashes, shine. This is a great helper for people with oily skin.

With a weak aqueous solution based on boron, problematic oily areas of the skin are wiped. Alcohol infusion effective for acne. Q-tip moisten in it and cauterize the problem area.

A tonic from an aqueous boric solution and henna will help whiten the skin and eliminate freckles.

Boric acid in everyday life and household

In the household, boric acid is also useful. In garden and garden plots, it will help drive away harmful insects. Ants and insects that eat plants will scatter in an instant.

A bag of boric acid will help in the house. It is connected with boiled yolk and roll into small balls. After eating such a treat, cockroaches die.

In addition to killing insects, boric acid helps agriculture . It acts as an organic fertilizer and top dressing.

Seeds will germinate faster if they are treated with this substance, and on fruit trees there will be more connections. The crop efficiency will also increase significantly. In addition, treatment with boric acid will protect plants from diseases.

Vegetables, fruits and berries also need to be fed with this acid. It treats seeds, soil before planting, tree leaves.

Precautionary measures

Boric acid has negative characteristics. It is contraindicated in high doses and long-term use. Since it easily penetrates the body, it can accumulate in organs and tissues, as well as destroy them.

Oversaturation with boron causes intoxication, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, indigestion, dizziness, headache, skin rash and peeling.

Under a categorical ban, boric acid is for children, pregnant and lactating women. With great care, you need to use this acid on large open areas of the skin and inflamed areas.

People with kidney problems should protect themselves from this remedy. It is also possible individual intolerance to boric acid.

Try using boric acid to your advantage if necessary. Be it medical or domestic purpose. Most importantly, do not forget to strictly adhere to the conditions of use.

In the right and reasonable quantities, this acid will only benefit you. Remember that boric acid is a poison to some extent. Don't neglect safety precautions.

For some people, acne appears and disappears not only during adolescence, but throughout life. There are people who have this phenomenon is already chronic. Eruptions, like dark spots, lower a person's self-esteem, his self-confidence and cause a feeling of discomfort.

There are no unsolvable problems!

Suddenly appearing defects on the face can ruin your plans for those meetings where it is extremely important to have an impeccable appearance. Therefore, today pharmacies offer a large number of means to deal with such problems. But very often you will not see the effect of these funds immediately, but after a few days, or maybe not at all.

The face can be perfectly cleansed a simple means, like boric acid, in another way it is called boric alcohol.

You can also find this drug in powder form. Acid can be bought at absolutely any pharmacy, and its price will please you very much.

Boric acid helps in the fight against rashes of any degree, acne, increased fat on the face and other skin problems.

The action of the drug is based on deep cleansing of the upper layer of the dermis, and the beneficial effect persists for long time. You can also disinfect pores clogged with sebaceous secretions. positive moment also lies in the fact that the product has an antiseptic effect, to which the skin does not get used, this is what provides a long-term result.

The use of boric acid for acne

To get rid of acne and age spots on the face, you need to wipe problem areas of the skin with boric acid applied to a cotton pad. For achievement maximum effect use acid at night. If it is extremely important for you to get rid of rashes as soon as possible, you can wipe your face in the morning.

People with dry skin should use the drug with caution, because. frequent use of boric alcohol leads to the drying of the dermis, this is especially undesirable in the cold season. Often, people using this method of dealing with rashes and age spots see positive effect already in the first week of use. However, you must repeat the procedures over and over again until the pimples are gone.

Don't be alarmed if the breakouts get bigger once you start using boric alcohol. This is because a previously hidden infection is removed into the upper layers of the skin. Do not stop treatment, the situation will improve in a few days, then acne will become less noticeable, and then completely disappear.

This method has proven to be effective in adolescence. Do not forget about this tool, having achieved perfectly smooth skin. The rash may return, so for prevention, continue to wipe your face with boric alcohol at least once or twice a week.

The drug has one significant disadvantage - it does not accelerate the healing process of the rash. Boric acid helps eliminate the cause of acne and pimples, but not the rashes themselves. That's why this method it will not work for you if the pimple needs to be eliminated today or tomorrow.

But, after completing the course of treatment, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result. It will exceed all your expectations, and you will understand that the efforts were not in vain.

Side effects and contraindications

In general, the tool is considered quite safe, but it has its contraindications.

Do not use boric acid in these situations:

  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • If you have kidney problems;
  • if you are allergic to this remedy;
  • Children, if you need to treat a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with the product.

In all other cases, the drug can be used.

But this tool, like almost all pharmacies, can have adverse effects. side effects:

  1. The occurrence of a toxic reaction, which is manifested by headache, nausea, weakness and bad condition dermis;
  2. Excessive drying of the skin, accompanied by irritation and severe peeling.

If you notice one of these symptoms in yourself, you need to stop using boric alcohol.

Observe the condition of the skin for several days, if anxiety symptoms will not go away or decrease, we advise you to contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Is boric alcohol effective for acne?

In order for the drug to give a positive result, you first need to identify the cause of the rash.

Consider what the tool will give you ideally smooth skin only in such cases:

  • Job disruption sebaceous glands;
  • The presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Other diseases of an external nature.

If acne on the face is caused by improper functioning internal organs, it makes no sense to be treated with boric alcohol.

Features of the tool:

  • It has proven itself in the fight against acne, blackheads and other types of rashes;
  • Deeply cleanses the dermis;
  • Removes acne;
  • Clears clogged pores from sebaceous secretions;
  • Has an antiseptic effect;
  • Penetrating into the pores, the acid kills microorganisms, therefore, promotes the healing of redness;
  • Not addictive.

The drug is quite easy to use, for use you just need to moisten a cotton pad with acid and wipe the area affected by the rash or age spots.

Remember to cleanse your skin before each wipe.

As we have already said, the procedure can be carried out at night, or both in the morning and in the evening, depending on how quickly you want to achieve results and on what type of skin you have. If you are afraid that you will dry out your face, use a moisturizer.

Stick to these simple rules and you can get rid of acne.

If the drug does not bring the desired effect, then the cause of the rash is hidden inside, not outside. Consult a dermatologist, he will be able to identify the cause and give good advice. Basically, the cause of rashes is malnutrition. Your doctor will advise you to exclude or, conversely, add certain foods to your diet.

Moisturizing face masks

We have repeatedly warned that boric alcohol can dry out the face, so the dermis will need to be regularly moisturized.

For this, not only creams, but also masks are suitable.

  1. Carrot mask - not only moisturizes, but also refreshes the face. Take one medium-sized carrot, grate it on a fine grater, add the yolk and mix until smooth. Apply the mixture on the overdried area, wash off after half an hour. Repeat the procedure up to three times a week;
  2. Tomato mask. You will need 1 medium-sized tomato, remove the skin and chop into a pulp. Add 5 grams of starch to thicken the mixture and make it more comfortable to apply on the face. Then add a couple of drops of olive oil. The mask should be kept on the skin for about 20 minutes, repeat once a week;
  3. Herbal mask - buy chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, yarrow and hop cones at the pharmacy. Grind all the ingredients and pour boiling water. Drive two yolks into the cooled broth, add 5 grams of honey and 5 ml of lemon juice. Use the mixture once a week, do not leave it on your face for more than half an hour;
  4. Cucumber mask - has a moisturizing and whitening effect. Grate one medium sized cucumber and squeeze the juice out of this mixture. You can use gauze for this purpose. Mix the squeezed mixture with cream in equal proportions and add 20 ml of rose water;
  5. Creative mask. To prepare the mixture, you need to purchase fatty homemade cottage cheese. Mix it in equal proportions with carrot juice, milk and olive oil. Do not stir the mixture, but rub gently. Apply to the dermis several times a week for no longer than twenty minutes. After the mask, wipe the skin with an ice cube;
  6. A simple mask can be made even from a melon. To do this, cut a juicy melon into pieces and leave them on your face for 20 minutes.

You can make not only masks, but also rolls on the face, they will also perfectly moisturize and cleanse the skin. They are used to remove the upper stratum corneum of the dermis. After the mask, wait an hour or two, and then you can already apply cosmetics.

Acne is one of the most unpleasant consequences skin infections. Do you want to get rid of acne quickly and cost-effectively? Boric acid for acne is your ideal remedy.

Boric acid - effective antiseptic, not addictive and helping to make your skin clear and smooth. In addition, boric acid is highly soluble, so it acts not only on acne, but also on incipient inflammation.

Description of dosage forms

Available in three types:

  • powdered substance- this is directly a powder for external use, available in sachets of 2 g, 10 g or 20 g;
  • Solution- alcohol solution 100 ml, boric acid 3 g. Sold in bottles of 10 ml, 25 ml and 40 ml;
  • Ointment 5%- sold in jars and tubes of 25 g, the content of boric acid in the ointment is 50 mg.

For the treatment of pimples, acne, acne, black dots and others dermatological diseases provoked by transitional age, diseases gastrointestinal tract, hereditary factors, stressful conditions and other reasons, many of our readers have successfully used this method. After reviewing and carefully studying this method, we decided to offer it to you!

Indications for use

Boric acid has the following indications:

  • Acne;
  • at different stages;
  • Increased fat content of the epidermis;
  • Neurodermatitis.

I do not recommend to my patients to do cosmetic facial cleansing, because the effect of these procedures is temporary. To make it easier for them to completely get rid of various kinds of rashes, including acne and comedones, I advise you to purchase a spot cream for the face.

This product instantly penetrates the skin. It helps to deal directly with the causes of comedones, and not only with their outward manifestation. The cream has maximum efficiency!

Effects on the skin

This acid is an excellent antiseptic, it retards the growth and development of bacteria, effectively destroys pathogenic microorganisms. It has a disinfectant property, so it cleans the pores well.

In addition, it does not cause addiction to the skin, which is undoubtedly important, since it can be used for quite a long time.

In the first days of use, new inflammations may appear, but do not be afraid. Since boric acid penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, the initial infection comes to the surface, with which the drug fights.

Do not stop using the drug.

Is it possible to cauterize acne with Boric acid?

Yes, you can, but only with a solution. Despite the fact that boric acid rarely causes irritation on the skin, it must be used with caution, as it penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis, but thanks to this, it literally “burns out” acne.

Can be used to prevent the appearance of acne - periodically wipe the skin with a remedy.

Popular among users of boric acid is the treatment of acne with a solution of camphor alcohol.

You will need:

  • streptocide (10 tablets);
  • Levomycetin (4 tablets);
  • boric acid (2 tablespoons);
  • camphor alcohol (5 tablespoons).

We mix the components and apply pointwise to the affected skin areas. This solution cauterizes acne, acne wounds, accelerating cell repair.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about skin diseases

Work in private clinic I have been providing skin consultations for many years. You have no idea how much different types dermatological diseases of the skin, they turn to me, as a rule, these are all kinds of rashes, redness and suppuration on various parts body.

Is boric acid effective for acne?

The beginning of treatment with any drugs is accompanied by a consultation with a doctor about the cause of the rash.

Boric acid will be useful in such cases:

  • excessive oiliness of the skin;
  • infection with harmful microbes;
  • other diseases of an external nature.

If the rash is caused by diseases of the internal organs, then boric acid treatment will not help you.

Stories from our readers!
“Recently, on the strong advice of a friend, I bought myself an acne spot cream. I noticed that the composition of the drug is completely made from natural ingredients, has no contraindications, therefore it is absolutely safe.

I liked the result, quickly relieves inflammation on the face, acne disappears instantly, a real salvation for me! Would recommend to anyone with the same problem!

How to use boric acid for acne?

As already mentioned, you first need to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the rash. It is important that the rash is not caused by pathologies of internal organs, but by external factors.

How to carry out the procedure:

The effect is already noticeable within a week. It is necessary to lubricate the face until the inflammation disappears completely. When the inflammation has disappeared, it is recommended to stop using boric acid.

Who said getting rid of acne is hard?

Have you ever tried to get rid of acne? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And, of course, you know firsthand what it is: to sadly look at yourself in the mirror; the need to "mask" with foundation; constant experiments with scrubs, peels, cauterization with iodine. Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can acne be tolerated? Therefore, we decided to publish an interview that tells how to get rid of acne, blackheads and acne.

How to use Boric acid for acne spots?

Many are faced with the fact that after acne, dark pigment spots remain on the skin. The problem is that these spots are no easier to deal with than acne. Boric acid will also help here. This product perfectly evens out skin tone.

In cases with age spots, acid can be used in combination with other means, for example, with.

For this you need:

Tired of dermatitis?

Peeling of the skin, rash, itching, ulcers and blisters, cracks - that's all unpleasant symptoms dermatitis.

Without treatment, the disease progresses, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin affected by the rash increases.

It has the following properties:

  • Relieves itching after the first application
  • Restores, softens and moisturizes the skin
  • Eliminates rash and peeling of the skin in 3-5 days
  • After 19-21 days completely eliminates plaques and traces of them
  • Prevents the appearance of new plaques and an increase in their area

How to use Boric acid in case of excessive work of the sebaceous glands?

As you know, this remedy dries the skin, so it is indispensable for those who suffer from oily skin.

Excessive oiliness of the skin creates sebaceous plugs in the pores, which does not allow the skin to "breathe". This drug will help you eliminate excessive oiliness of the epidermis.

The use of Boric acid in case of excessive work of the sebaceous glands:

The procedure is done once a day (preferably in the evening). You can see the result within 1-2 weeks. Your skin will become more matte, and the increased work of the sebaceous glands will not bother you.

Benefits of Boric Acid

When choosing skin care products, you need to look at the benefits of the products.

Benefits of Boric Acid:

  • First, it is one of the cheapest. Imagine, you can not buy expensive creams and medicines, but simply buy this “miracle acid” and see the effect in the first weeks of use. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • Secondly, this drug is easy to use. All you need is to lubricate a cotton swab with the product and wipe the inflamed areas of the skin. There is no need to make complex masks, wait for half an hour and then use a thousand more funds from above;
  • Thirdly, boric acid is very effective remedy . She kills harmful microbes that infect the skin. Creates a protective layer on the skin to reduce the risk of further infections. Renders a result that will persist for a long time.

Effective recipes based on Boric acid

Since boric acid can really dry out the skin, you can prepare face masks based on this agent to reduce the risk of overdrying and get more effect due to additional ingredients.

Boric acid and chloramphenicol for acne

Levomycetin is often a component of acne medications. Therefore, in the composition with boric acid gives a double effect.

You will need:

  • Boric acid 3% (50 ml);
  • Levomycetin (5 g);
  • Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml).

Mode of application:

  • cleanse the skin of impurities;
  • moisten a cotton swab in the resulting suspension;
  • wipe problem areas of the skin;
  • it is recommended to do the procedure no more than once a day (preferably in the evening);
  • Apply moisturizer immediately after.

This product is suitable for oily and combination skin. The main thing is to use no more than once a day, as there is a risk of overdrying the skin. Not recommended for dry skin.

Boric Acid with Erythromycin and Zinc

- acne remedy antibacterial effect. Zinc is an important trace mineral that supports healthy skin, nails and hair.

To prepare a mixture with erythromycin and zinc, you will need:

  • Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml);
  • Boric acid 2% (50 ml);
  • Erythromycin (5 g);
  • Zinc oxide (4 g).

Mode of application:

  • all components are mixed;
  • then thoroughly shaken;
  • carefully treat only the affected areas of the skin;
  • wash off warm water;
  • treat the skin with a moisturizer.

This mask is suitable for those who have inflammation appear very often. Erythromycin will help your skin protect itself from new inflammations, as it has an antibacterial function. It is important to avoid contact with mucous areas.

Boric and salicylic acids for acne

These two acids are well suited for the treatment of acne and ulcers. They are used together mainly as masks and face lotions, including in combination with other means.

For example, lotion with metronidazole. The advantage of metronidazole is that it does not eliminate the rash, but the cause of its appearance, relieves inflammation and smoothes the skin, and prevents the appearance of scar formations.


  • Salicylic acid (20 ml);
  • Boric acid (5 ml);
  • Levomycetin (5 g);
  • Metronidazole (5 tablets).

Mode of application:

  • cleanse the skin of the face;
  • mix ingredients;
  • shake before use;
  • Apply to affected skin once a day.

This lotion is suitable for those who want to quickly deal with acne, as metronidazole will eliminate the causes of acne. And boric and salicylic acid will dry the skin and eliminate unwanted rashes.

Mask from black dots with Boric acid

- a consequence of the pathology of the sebaceous glands. Consequently, our pores become clogged and acne appears. In the fight against this, a black dot mask based on boric acid will help us.


  • Boric acid (5 ml);
  • (1/2 tsp);
  • Hercules flakes (2 tablespoons);
  • Kefir (1/3 cup).

Mode of application:

  • oatmeal flakes can be ground for convenience;
  • mix all the ingredients;
  • apply this mass to the skin;
  • waiting for complete drying;
  • then rinse with warm water;
  • repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

The main plus of the mask is that you can not be afraid to dry out the skin, and it is also suitable for any skin type.

Whitening mask

Since age spots appear on the skin as a consequence of acne, it is necessary to deal with them. In this case, a whitening mask based on boric alcohol is simply indispensable for us.


  • Grated fresh cucumber;
  • Boric acid (0.5 tsp).

Mode of application:

  • mix the components;
  • apply the resulting mass to a cleansed face;
  • waiting 15 minutes;
  • rinse thoroughly.

This mask is suitable for those who suffer from excessive pigmentation and frequent irritation on the face. The mask removes inflammation, reduces pigmentation and reduces the amount of acne.

Boric acid with antibiotic

Destroy pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their further reproduction. Since antibiotics great amount, you need to consult with your doctor which ones you can take.

For example, you can make a talker with an antibiotic streptocide based on boric alcohol.

You will need:

  • Streptocide (7 tab.);
  • Boric acid (50 ml);
  • Salicylic acid (50 ml);
  • Sulfur (7 g).

Mode of application:

  • mix all components;
  • place in a glass container (for example, a bottle);
  • shake well before use;
  • apply pointwise to inflammation;
  • then treat the skin with a cream, but without washing off the solution from the skin.

This one is good for dealing with subcutaneous acne and pustules. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using it for you.

Acne lotion based on Boric acid

Lotions are as effective as using pure acid and masks based on it.

Lotion with propolis and calendula

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
  • 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture;
  • 1 tablespoon of propolis tincture.

Mode of application:

  • combine all the ingredients;
  • diluted in water;
  • lotion wipe the inflamed areas of the dermis 1-2 times a day.

Lotion with chamomile decoction

No less effective lotion with a decoction of chamomile.


  • 1 tablespoon of boric acid;
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile tea.

Mode of application:

Chamomile can be replaced with St. John's wort without reducing the effectiveness of the lotion. You can store this lotion for no more than 3 days.

Facial peeling based on Boric acid

Facial peeling helps to eliminate some skin problems:

  • wrinkles;
  • Dull complexion;
  • Enlarged pores.


  • Boric acid (powder) 10 g;
  • Camphor alcohol 30 ml;
  • Ammonia 10 ml;
  • Hydroperit 2 tablets;
  • Glycerin 30 ml;
  • cosmetic soap;
  • Calcium chloride 1 ampoule.

Mode of application:

  • mix the ingredients in any convenient container, except for calcium chloride and soap;
  • apply the resulting mass on the face and neck;
  • wait for drying;
  • then gently rub calcium chloride into the skin;
  • lather your face with your hands;
  • roll the coils;
  • after the procedure, cleanse the skin with warm water;
  • apply moisturizer.

Peeling is not suitable for inflammation and purulent acne.

special instructions

When using Boric acid, you should follow a few rules:

  • Boric acid is a chemical, therefore, contact with mucous membranes should not be allowed, so as not to “burn” the mucous membrane;
  • Do not use the substance on large areas of the skin. This can lead to signs of intoxication:
  • The drug provokes the occurrence of dryness of the epidermis with prolonged use. To prevent this, the skin must be constantly moisturized with face masks.

Consider the most effective moisturizing masks.


  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • Chamomile;
  • 2 yolks;
  • Half a teaspoon of honey;
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice.

Mode of application:

  • we carefully grind herbs;
  • leave in boiling water;
  • waiting for the broth to cool down;
  • add 2 egg yolks and lemon juice with honey;
  • such a mask can be applied every 7 days for half an hour.


  • Carrot;
  • Egg yolk.

Mode of application:

  • rub carrots;
  • mix with egg yolk;
  • apply the mask on dry areas of the dermis;
  • wash off after half an hour;
  • This mask is great for moisturizing and refreshing your face.


  • Cucumber;
  • Cream;
  • Rose water 20 ml.

Mode of application:

  • rub the cucumber on a grater;
  • we use only the juice that remains from the cucumber mixture;
  • mix juice with cream and rose water;
  • apply to dry areas of the skin for half an hour;
  • This mask will moisturize and soothe the inflamed epidermis.


  • Tomato;
  • Olive oil;
  • Starch 5 g.

Mode of application:

  • chop the tomato, after peeling it;
  • in order for the mask to thicken, add starch and a few drops of oil;
  • mix everything and apply to the skin;
  • wash off after 15 - 20 minutes;
  • this mask can be repeated once every 7 days.

Boric acid contraindications

The pharmacological agent is relatively safe, but there are contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • The period of breastfeeding;
  • kidney pathology;
  • Do not use for children (under 15 years old);
  • Do not apply on large areas of the epidermis.

Side effects

Medicines have side effects. Boric acid is no exception.

The drug may cause:

  • Toxic reaction:
    • nausea;
    • weakness;
    • headache;
  • With excessive dryness of the dermis causes:
    • peeling;
    • irritation;
    • chemical burns;
  • Allergy to the components of the drug: ;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Anemia;
  • convulsions;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • Jaundice.

In case of overdose, contact your doctor immediately.

The use of the drug inside is prohibited, it is very toxic.

Interaction with other drugs

For external use, the drug can be used in combination with other pharmacological means. negative consequences was not observed.

Boric alcohol is a component of such preparations:

  • Boron-zinc-naftalan paste;
  • Rivanol;
  • Formalin ointment.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 25C, keep out of the reach of children.


The price of this tool is available to everyone. Boric acid cost varies from 15 to 50 rubles depending on the pharmacy and manufacturer. Boric alcohol based ointment will cost a little more from 85 to 125 rubles .

Sometimes very affordable, time-tested remedies that cost mere pennies help with acne. So, it should be noted boric acid and alcohol, which can help improve skin condition. But at the same time it is very important to use them correctly, taking into account the peculiarities of the action and possible contraindications.

Many are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to use boric alcohol to wipe the face. The answer is yes, but all this must be done carefully. Can be used weak solution. In addition, you need to apply it pointwise to areas of inflammation, and not to the entire face. So they will dry out, become smaller, and then completely disappear.

Boric acid is produced in the form of an alcohol solution and powder. If a powder is used, then for the preparation of cosmetics it must be diluted with water. The alcohol solution is added to cosmetics in the amount of not more than five drops.

Boric acid is useful for the skin because it controls the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates inflammation, oily secretions. Therefore, the drug is indicated for, but if the skin is dry, it should be used very carefully and moderately. The benefits of boric acid for the skin are as follows:

  • Helps lighten pigmentation by normalizing melanin production.
  • Normalizes fatty secretions, eliminates pimples, post-acne, acne, foci of inflammation.
  • Cleans and tightens enlarged pores, fights peeling.

Boric acid has good antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties. Masks with it allow you to see noticeable results after 5-6 procedures.

What is the difference between boric acid and alcohol?

Boric acid is a crystalline substance that is odorless and colorless. Its acid properties are very weak. Boric alcohol is understood as a solution of this acid in ethyl alcohol. It is an effective antiseptic.

The term "boric alcohol", which is used by the people, is not very correct. Scientifically, this substance is called "alcoholic boric acid solution". It may contain 0.5, 1, 2.3% directly boric acid and 70% alcohol. The tool has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, drying effect, which allows it to be used to cleanse the skin.

Does it help with acne?

Boric acid is really good for getting rid of acne. The merit of this is its ability to deeply cleanse the skin. Removed even very deep acne clogged pores are cleared of excess sebum.

Another positive feature of boric acid in antiseptic properties. Getting deep into the pores, it eliminates inflammation and fights harmful microorganisms that provoke them. Boric acid differs from many other antiseptics in that it is not addictive. That is why it is often chosen for the treatment of acne.

Application methods

Can you just rub it on your face?

This mask will help burn and dry pimples, get rid of inflammation and prevent acne in the future. Moisten a cotton pad in an alcohol solution of boric acid, spread it on problem areas and leave it overnight, wash your face in the morning.

Chatterbox for problem skin

This version of the talker is very strong, and it dries the skin, so you can only use it if it is oily. You can use the tool only pointwise. It is necessary to mix boric acid, salicylic acid and levomycetin in the same amount. Shake well before use.

Chatterbox with erythromycin

For this recipe, you need to mix 50 ml of 2% boric acid and salicylic acid, 4 g of erythrocymin and the same amount of zinc oxide. You should get a homogeneous mass, which needs to be processed rashes. Erythromycin is a strong antibacterial drug.

Do not use such a talker for too long, as it can disrupt the natural protection of the skin. Over time, the cells will begin to react to the drug less strongly, and the effect subsides. Concerning duration of a course of treatment it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Whitening mask

If you constantly suffer from pigmentation and your skin is prone to irritation, try this recipe. Grate a fresh cucumber, add half a teaspoon of boric acid to the mass. Apply the paste on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove.

Peeling mask

To get rid of acne, dead cells and pimples, you can use the following mask. In a glass of water, separate a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 5% boric acid. Dilute all this with a bag of badyagi. Lubricate the epidermis with the resulting composition, hold for 10 minutes, then wash your face.

Mask with Trichopolum

For this mask, you need to crush 2 tablets of Trichopol into powder, mix the resulting powder with a quarter teaspoon of boric acid powder, half a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide powder. You should get the consistency of thick sour cream.

The tool should be used for spot lubrication of problem areas. The skin may sting a little, but this is normal. Carefully remove the dried layer after 15 minutes. Do the procedure every two days in the evening. With its help, you can qualitatively get rid of inflammation and pimples.

Oatmeal mask

This mask exfoliates dead skin layers, kills bacteria that lead to acne and breakouts. You will need to grind a glass of oatmeal flakes and dilute them with the same amount of boric acid. Take a spoonful of this mixture and dilute it with water. Apply the paste to your skin in gentle circular motions. Hold for 10 minutes, then remove. You can store this composition in the refrigerator.

Mask with kefir and boric acid

If you have acne, breakouts, blackheads and dark spots, you can prepare this mixture. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal, a gram of boric acid and a pinch of soda, dilute everything with low-fat kefir. Apply all over the face and keep for 15 minutes.

Mask with glycerin

To cleanse the skin excess fat, and others characteristic problems, you can use this mask. 50 g of boric acid, 50 g of alcohol and 2 grams of glycerin are mixed. The solution should be shaken, moistened with a cotton swab and used daily to wipe the skin before going to bed. Wash in the morning.

Boric acid for facial cleansing

This composition has a deep cleansing effect. Dilute a teaspoon of 3% acid powder to make a porridge-like consistency. Treat the skin with a product, then massage it for five minutes and hold for another ten minutes. Use no more than once a week.

Home Peeling Mask

It can be used to restore skin cells, cleanse and even tighten wrinkles. Combine a tablespoon of salicylic acid, 50 ml of boric acid and 50 g medical alcohol. Treat the entire face. Wait about 5-7 minutes, then roll off the keratinized particles that have appeared, wash your face. After the procedure, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream.

Boric acid lotion

This lotion effectively fights acne and blackheads at home. You need to add half a teaspoon of boric acid, two tablespoons of vodka, a teaspoon of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide to half a glass of boiled water. Use on skin with a cotton pad twice a day. You don't need to rinse off the lotion.

Contraindications and possible harm

Please note that the use of boric alcohol may cause side effects. So, it can dry out the skin, provoke its peeling, redness, allergic reaction, nausea and dizziness. If these unpleasant phenomena occur, you need to stop using the remedy.

Products with boric acid in the composition should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. Among the contraindications are skin injuries, herpetic eruptions, too high sensitivity of the skin.

Since side effects can be very serious, it is worth consulting with a specialist before using boric acid. You should not use boric acid if your skin is very dry, as the product can dry it out even more.

In addition, when using boric alcohol, be sure to follow these rules:

  • Before carrying out the procedure, test for an allergic reaction and make sure that it is absent, remove cosmetics from your face.
  • Boric acid products should be used no more than twice a week.
  • To wash off the formulations, use cool water or water at room temperature.

A drug with a pronounced antiseptic effect called boric acid is available in the form of an alcohol solution or powder for external use. The ability of the acid to coagulate the protein of the pathogenic microbial cell and penetrate into the cell membrane allows the agent to be widely used in medicinal purposes. For various skin diseases, boric acid is also often used, the instructions for use of which explain the rules for use and the properties of the substance.

Indications for use

The acid solution has no color, the smell of ethyl alcohol is present.

The solution is used for the following skin problems:

  • acne and various pimples on the face;
  • oily skin type and high sebum production.

The benefits of acid from external use

Boric acid for acne is used in cosmetology and medicine. One of the most frequent applications acid in the form of an aqueous or alcoholic solution is the fight against acne on the face. The drug is used not only in dermatology, but also in ENT practice in acute and chronic otitis media. In dermatology, the ointment has a positive result in dermatitis, eczema, diaper rash, and pediculosis.

Facial effect

The product is suitable for deep cleansing of the skin, and the effect after the procedure remains for a long time. If there is dirt and excess oil in the pores, the preparation will help to quickly cleanse the face and remove oily sheen. Apply acid to the skin mainly due to its antiseptic and disinfectant action. There is no habituation effect, which allows you to achieve positive result for a long time. The tool is also used in preventive purposes, but you need to apply it with caution on dry and sensitive skin types, as indicated by the instructions for boric acid.


Boric acid has its contraindications:

  • individual sensitivity to acid;
  • chronic form of renal failure;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • kidney disease and violation of their functions;
  • skin diseases in the stage of inflammation;
  • can not be used for infants up to a year.

For the period of treatment, nursing mothers need to stop feeding.

How boric acid can harm the skin

With the careless use of boric acid, allergic reactions of the body and poisoning are possible if the agent is applied to large areas of the body. Acid intolerance manifests itself on the skin as irritation, severe flaking and excessive dryness. In this case, you should immediately stop using the drug.

Application of the substance to the mucous membranes should be avoided, as irritation, itching, swelling and other manifestations often appear. allergic reaction. The simultaneous use of boric acid with other external agents can cause a negative reaction of the body.

The use of boric acid for acne

The benefits of acid are observed in the treatment skin rashes various types. To get rid of acne, a small amount of the product is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the affected area of ​​​​the skin. The procedure is performed before going to bed. Wipe pimples and morning time, but dryness, peeling may appear with frequent use of the drug. The first noticeable result will appear in a week, but at this stage it is important not to stop treatment. The course continues until all rashes disappear.

Before removing any pimples, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of impurities. With excessive dry skin, you can not do without a moisturizer. Teenage pimples and acne disappear with regular use of acid. For prevention, the skin continues to be treated with the drug once or twice a week so that the rashes do not reappear. Rubbing with boric acid also helps with facial pigmentation.

Instructions for use

The tool belongs to the group of antiseptic and disinfectant substances.

The composition of the drug includes boric acid.

The substance is slowly excreted from the body and may gradually accumulate in the internal organs.

The solution, which is available in bottles with a capacity of 10 to 40 ml, has a concentration of 3%, that is, 100 ml of the solution contains 3 g of the substance.

The powder is available in packs of 2, 10 and 20 grams, small colorless crystals dissolve in alcohol and water.

Shelf life is no more than three years in a dark and dry place.

Against acne, it is used mainly in the form of a solution.

Facial treatments

If there is acne on the face, you must first cleanse the skin, and then apply the solution pointwise to the rash with a piece of cotton wool or a disc. The product in the form of a powder is diluted with warm water. This will require 1 tsp. powder and one glass of liquid. Often, at first, the condition of the skin changes for the worse and even more rash appears on the face. This condition is due to the fact that the substance penetrates deeply and acts on the foci of inflammation, thereby pulling out all existing pollution.

Face masks

For a long-term result, masks with boric acid are prepared, which are very popular. The result is especially noticeable when dealing with teenage acne. If a inflammatory process located in the deep layers of the skin more time for its elimination. For a quick effect and removal of large inflamed formations, as well as pustular processes, it is better to consult a specialist and not self-medicate.

With cucumber for anti-oily sheen

For good hydration and bleaching to the fourth part of a teaspoon of acid, add a tablespoon of crushed fresh cucumber. The mixture is slightly heated and applied warm to a clean face for 10-15 minutes. Such a simple and affordable mask will relieve not only rashes, but also excess fat on the face.

With aloe against rashes

To cucumber juice add aloe pulp and a few drops of boric acid. In addition to intensive moisturizing, the procedure, with regular use, eliminates all rashes on the face.

Mask with kefir from black dots

You will need 1 tablespoon chopped oatmeal, up to 4 drops of boric acid, as well as a little kefir to make the mixture thick.

Combination of the drug

For the best result, the acid is combined with other useful elements. For example, as part of masks, the substance will not dry the skin and does not cause irritation, but it also effectively fights any rash.

What products contain acid

Boric acid is an excellent antiseptic, but a concentrated solution is only suitable for external use. Since the substance rarely causes irritation, it is added to various ointments, water or alcohol based solutions. Boric ointment is used as an antiseptic and drying agent, but you need to be careful with its use and avoid contact with mucous membranes.

The acid is also found in teymur paste, which is suitable for combating diaper rash. alcohol solution chemical includes acid and ethanol and is widely used for the treatment of ears with otitis media. Boric acid exhibits good antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. The ease of use and availability of the product allow it to be popular today among many modern cosmetic preparations to combat rashes.

Overdose and its consequences

If you do not follow the instructions and increase the dose of the drug, side effects often occur. Especially often the deterioration of the skin condition is observed in people with dry and sensitive skin. The substance is very quickly absorbed, and especially through the delicate baby skin. If a child smears a large area of ​​​​his body with an ointment or solution, the consequences can be very serious. In case of an overdose, the following conditions are possible:

  • toxic effect (nausea, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness);
  • severe dryness of the skin, irritation.

Boric acid successfully fights the cause of rashes, penetrating deep into the skin, and disinfects it, removes harmful microorganisms. The course of treatment will help get rid of acne, any pimples. Although the substance does not give an immediate effect, daily treatments based on boric acid will gently and thoroughly cleanse the skin. Instructions for use of the drug explains its positive effect on the skin. If you perform the procedure daily, taking into account the indications and contraindications of acid, you can get a healthy, beautiful skin and forget about rashes for a long time.
