What are the dangers of high hemoglobin in a child? Increased hemoglobin in children. Increased hemoglobin - what does it mean? Normal values ​​for children

What is the normal hemoglobin level for a child? The level of this indicator changes with the age of the baby; this is a physiologically based process. But in certain situations, deviations from the norm of hemoglobin in the blood of children may indicate hidden disease. Is there a connection between the seemingly banal lack of appetite in your little one and reduced hemoglobin? Which dangerous disease hidden behind this?

Hb: what is this?

Hemoglobin by chemical structure refers to a complex protein, the main task of which is to transport oxygen molecules to every cell of the little baby’s body.

The process of binding heme with oxygen occurs in the most small vessels lung tissue under conditions of high partial pressure. It has been proven that small amounts of carbon dioxide (which is a waste product) are transported in the opposite direction.

The hemoglobin level in newborns reaches its maximum levels. This happens because the baby’s blood contains fetal Hb, which is actively dividing. It performs the same functions only in the antenatal period.

Further, the level of hemoglobin in children decreases, and from 6 months, on the contrary, it increases. Upon reaching 18 years of age, the indicators stabilize within the following limits: adolescents (male) 130-160 g/l, girls 120-140 g/l.

As we see, Hemoglobin standards in children vary by age. The quantitative and qualitative composition of red blood cells is also important.

If red blood cells are produced in insufficient quantities, the supply of oxygen to the tissues is disrupted, and hemoglobin decreases accordingly.

Anemia in premature babies

The causes of anemia in premature babies can be both infections and a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements

What is the normal hemoglobin level in premature babies? Parents whose children were born earlier often want to hear the answer to this question.

The indicators differ significantly. Although they write that the hemoglobin norm is one month old baby, born prematurely, is only 15 units less than the baby born at 40 weeks.

But in reality in premature babies, Hb level is often = 70 g/l. The fight against anemia accompanies children long time. And this occurs due to both morphological and functional immaturity of the bone marrow at the time of birth.

Reasons for fluctuations in blood counts

Let's consider what etiological factors lead to an increase in Hb.

  1. Polycythemia is a disease in which the number of not only red blood cells, but also all formed elements increases.
  2. Leukemia – malignant disease. The level of leukocytes increases and at the same time a false increase in red blood cells is observed.
  3. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system. There is a compensatory increase in the number of red blood cells, Hb.
  4. Intestinal infection. Diarrhea leads to dehydration, which causes Hb levels to falsely rise.

The hemoglobin level in a child may decrease for the following reasons:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases are accompanied by impaired iron absorption.
  3. Bleeding of various origins.
  4. Hereditary pathologies: thalassemia, sickle cell anemia.
  5. Unbalanced and baby.
  6. Physical inactivity, rare walks fresh air.

What should the Hb norm be for up to one year?

Parents often ask: “What kind of hemoglobin should a child have?” So, let's look at hemoglobin standards in children under one year old.

Indicators for children 0-3 months

Starting from birth, the cycle of formation of red blood cells is inhibited, the latter are destroyed, and Hb drops accordingly. Moreover the hemoglobin norm in a three-month-old baby may have deviations in indicators.

From the moment the baby is born, the level of this indicator gradually decreases.

The hemoglobin norm for a 3-month-old child is 110-140 g/l.

Often, during a mandatory medical examination, low numbers are diagnosed, and when communicating with the mother, it is possible to reveal that during pregnancy she herself suffered from anemia.

Refusal from breastfeeding has a great influence on deviations from the norm of hemoglobin in children 3 months old.

Indicators for children 4-7 months

What is the norm of hemoglobin in children from 4-7 months? As already written above, this indicator decreases to 6 months, then the level begins to resume. At 4 months, the child’s hemoglobin norm is 103 -140 g/l, and fetal Hb< 1%.

Indicators for children 8-12 months

From 8-12 months the norm of hemoglobin in a child is 110-135 g/l. There is no need to sound the alarm if the boundaries are slightly lowered. You need to pay more attention to the general condition of the little one. Is he active, well or eating?

The diet must include foods that are sources of iron.. Because the hemoglobin norm is one year old child may be reduced due to lack of adequate nutrition.

Hemoglobin standards in children under 1 year of age depend on the age, general condition of the baby, nutritional status, and a history of anemia in the mother.

Norms for children over one year old

Let's look at how Hb levels change in children of different age groups.

  • At 1 year of age, the blood test should show numbers of 110-140 g/l.
  • In children 2 years old, the hemoglobin norm is the same as in a year. If your toddler poor appetite(not gaining weight), he is lethargic, gets tired quickly, get a blood test. These symptoms may also signal development.
  • Up to 5 years of age, the child’s hemoglobin level does not change and remains at the level of 110-140 g/l.
  • From the age of five to 6 years, the norm for hemoglobin in children is considered to be 110 (115)-140 (145) g/l. The lower and upper limits are increased by 5 units.
  • The norm of hemoglobin in children 7 years old is 115-145 g/l. The same numbers will appear in the blood test transcript. healthy baby up to 9 years old. Then again there is a combined rise in the lower and upper boundaries by 5 units. This happens by age 12.

Table of hemoglobin norms in children by age

In addition to the average hemoglobin norm in children, the table also contains the permissible limits of fluctuations in the indicator. This is important to take into account when deciphering a blood test and determining further medical tactics.

Babies195 170 220
1 month from birth140 100 180
From 1 to 3 months125 110 140
From 3 months to six months125 110 140
From 6 months to a year122 110 135
Up to 3 years125 110 140
From 3-5 years125 110 140
From 5 years to 9 years130 115 145
From 9 years old - 12 years old135 120 150
From 12 years old - 15 years old
  • 132 (girls)
  • 142 (boys)
  • 115 (girls)
  • 120 (boys)
  • 152 (girls)
  • 165 (boys)
From 15-18 years old140 120
  • 160 (boys)
  • 155 (girls)

Famous TV presenter, pediatrician, doctor highest category E.O. Komarovsky in simple language explains what hemoglobin is, its function in the body, norms in children and the causes of deviations.

If, after the next blood test, it turns out that something is wrong with the child’s hemoglobin level, you should not immediately get upset and sound the alarm. The reasons can be very diverse, even the most banal.

In order not to panic, you first need to find out what hemoglobin is, why its level in the blood is important factor, and what the reduced and increased content hemoglobin.

So, first things first...

What is hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is one of the complex iron-containing proteins that can reversibly bind to oxygen, thereby ensuring its transfer to every cell of the body. It is found in red blood cells and, due to this, gives them their red color.

The main function of hemoglobin is to carry vital oxygen to all living cells of the body.

The whole process is as follows: hemoglobin takes oxygen from the alveoli of the lungs and carries it with the blood throughout the body. In those cells where oxygen is needed, hemoglobin adds it, and in those where there is an excess of carbon dioxide, it takes away the excess and removes it from the body. This is why hemoglobin is considered one of the the most important indicators, characterizing the state of not only the blood, but also the body as a whole.

The main indicator of hemoglobin is its level in human blood. In children, the level of hemoglobin directly depends on age and can fluctuate significantly, deviating from the norm. But when normal development child, by the age of 18 the hemoglobin level is normalized.

The norm of hemoglobin in a child’s blood depending on age

If a child’s hemoglobin deviates significantly in one direction or another from the norm indicated in the table, we are already talking about its decreased or increased level.

Reduced blood hemoglobin in a child

A reduced level of hemoglobin, or in other words – anemia, entails many subsequent symptoms: frequent shortness of breath, loss of appetite, muscle weakness throughout the body, increased irritability, decreased immunity due to a general weakening of the body.

All of the above is already a consequence, but reasons, which may indicate a low hemoglobin level in children, are:

  • lack of iron in the blood (most main reason);
  • malnutrition, which lacks either vitamin B12 or folic acid, copper;
  • too active growth of the child.

In most cases, the reason for the decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood is precisely the lack of iron in the child’s body. In this case, you should pay special attention to the painful state of your baby. If he is often bothered by attacks of headaches, he quickly and unreasonably gets tired, and frustration appears. digestive system(constipation, diarrhea), the skin begins to dry and peel, the nail plates weaken, the inflammatory process caused by stomatitis appears - immediately go to the doctor.

Method and duration treatment will be determined for you depending on the specific hemoglobin level, severity of the disease, age of the child, etc. The most common means to increase hemoglobin levels in children are drugs and vitamins containing iron, as well as special diet. Now your child’s diet must include eggs, buckwheat, meat, tongue, various greens, beets, dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries (raspberries, apricots, currants, persimmons, strawberries), walnuts, almonds. Also, the doctor will most likely advise you to limit your child’s consumption of cereals and black tea, as they impair the absorption of iron by the body. The course of treatment is usually prescribed for 2 weeks, after which control tests are done.

Increased blood hemoglobin in a child

Increased hemoglobin levels in children or in some cases erythrocytosis. One of the main symptoms there is development mental functions, which are caused by cerebrovascular accidents. This disease most likely indicates that there is much more blood in the body and the vessels can no longer fully cope with it. This occurs due to a sharp increase in the number of red blood cells and, as a result, vascular obstruction. In this regard, the viscosity of the blood increases, which impedes the overall blood flow in the body.

Reasons There can be a lot of increase in hemoglobin (especially in adults), but in a child simple dehydration can also cause this.

If there is a high level of hemoglobin in the child’s blood, appropriate measures must be taken urgently treatment. First of all, in this situation, you should immediately go through medical examination on cancer or a blood disorder in a child. If it turns out that the disease is not serious, there is nothing to worry about, then you need to start taking special vitamins and diet.

Eliminate meat, liver, red berries, fruits from your baby’s diet and replace them with seafood (fish, shrimp, squid). Also try to reduce your child's intake of foods with high levels of cholesterol (as it accumulates on the walls of blood vessels and further impedes blood circulation). You need to eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals, salads, cottage cheese, beans.

In addition to the above remedies, doctors also prescribe procedures using leeches. They help act on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them and preventing blockages.

And finally... Dear parents, in order for your baby to be healthy, do not neglect regular checks of hemoglobin levels, because if any deviation from the norm is detected, early stage, then treating it will be much faster, easier and with minimal harm for your child's health.

Hemoglobin is a special iron-containing protein that forms the basis of red blood cells (erythrocytes). It is this protein that is capable of attaching oxygen and carbon dioxide to its molecule, due to which these gases are transported in the blood and gas exchange occurs.

In the alveoli of the lungs, oxygen joins the protein and is transferred to the tissues of the whole body, and carbon dioxide is transported from the tissues. This is the main function of hemoglobin. For several reasons, a child's hemoglobin may be low. Let's talk about how to increase the content of this substance in your baby's blood.

Hemoglobin norm

The normal level of hemoglobin is the range of its quantitative content sufficient to perform the main function. The normal hemoglobin level differs depending on the age of the child. Determine the hemoglobin level using clinical trial peripheral blood(blood sampling for analysis is done from a finger).

Hemoglobin norms in children (in g/l):

At birth – 180-240;

first 3 days of life – 145-225;

2 weeks of age – 125-205;

1 month – 100-180;

2 months – 90-140;

3-6 months – 95-135;

6-12 months – 100-140;

1-2 mg. – 105-145;

3-6 l. – 110-150;

7-12 l. – 115-150;

13-15 l. – 115-155;

16-18 l. – 120-160.

A decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells is characteristic of (popularly this disease is called “anemia”). But the amount of blood during anemia does not decrease (unless there is acute blood loss as a result of bleeding). Only the supply of tissues with oxygen is disrupted and oxygen starvation in organs.

Reasons for decreased hemoglobin levels

Reasons low rate hemoglobin levels in children may be:

  • insufficient synthesis due to iron deficiency ();
  • acute blood loss (for example, due to injury) or chronic (frequent or heavy periods in girls) - posthemorrhagic anemia;
  • increased destruction of red blood cells () due to exposure to toxic substances or due to disease.

Children most often develop iron deficiency anemia.

Iron deficiency can occur for several reasons.

During intrauterine development The child’s body accumulates a supply of iron (from the mother’s body), which is used for the synthesis of hemoglobin after the birth of the baby, and these reserves are sufficient for about six months.

If a pregnant woman had anemia, then the child’s iron supply will be insufficient, and the baby will develop anemia in the first six months of life. Poor nutrition, infectious diseases, bad habits.

In the second half of the year, the normal hemoglobin level in an infant depends entirely on the ongoing breastfeeding and proper maternal diet. Despite the fact that the iron content in breast milk is low, the protein ferritin contained in it promotes good absorption (50%) of iron.

Insufficient food intake is one of the reasons for the development of anemia. Since about 5% of iron is excreted from the body daily in feces, it must be replenished through diet. Intensive weight gain in a baby during the first year of life increases the body’s needs for red blood cells (and, therefore, iron), but these needs are not met.

Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, enteritis) and a lack of vitamin B 12 can negatively affect the absorption of iron supplied with food.

When artificial feeding, the use of cow's and goat's milk and semolina instead of an adapted milk formula leads to the fact that iron ceases to be absorbed due to its transformation into an insoluble complex. Moreover, the cause of anemia lies not only in the low iron content in cow's milk and its insufficient absorption, but also in intestinal bleeding caused by the consumption of unadapted dairy products (due to microscopic leakage of blood from the vessels).

The exact cause of these bleedings is not clear. It is believed that the intolerance of the child's body to cow's milk protein is important. As the baby grows, these manifestations decrease, and after 2 years they are not observed.

Early introduction of complementary foods and violation of the rules also contribute to the development of anemia.


A child with anemia becomes lethargic, pale, and has poor appetite.

The manifestation of anemia in a child may include the following nonspecific signs:

  • decreased appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • lethargy, decreased activity;
  • increased fragility of nails and hair;
  • thinning, dull hair;
  • drowsiness;
  • painful cracks in the corners of the lips.

On examination, pallor is detected skin(with a jaundiced tint in some cases) and mucous membranes, dryness and flaking of the skin, dark circles around the eyes, rapid heartbeat.

Against the background of anemia, there is a decrease in immunity, the child often gets sick. Moreover, the disease can be severe, with complications. If left untreated, the child will lag behind in both physical and mental development.


If the hemoglobin level in a child’s blood is low, then the situation should be corrected immediately. It is necessary to contact your pediatrician to determine the cause of anemia and receive recommendations. When iron deficiency anemia Nutritional correction alone is not enough; treatment with iron supplements is necessary as prescribed by the pediatrician.

Drug therapy

The goal of treatment for iron deficiency anemia is not only to eliminate iron deficiency, but also to restore the reserves of this trace element in the liver. Therefore, even if hemoglobin is completely normalized, treatment should not be interrupted: the course of therapy with iron supplements should be 3 months so that a reserve of iron is created in the child’s body and anemia does not develop again.

Iron supplement

In the treatment of children with iron-containing drugs, internal administration should be a priority. When used internally, the effect is observed 3-4 days later than with injection. But when taking medications orally, severe side effects rarely develop.

There are strict indications for prescribing iron supplements by injection:

  • extensive removal of the small intestine;
  • impaired absorption in the small intestine;
  • chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines.

Injectable drugs can be prescribed every other day, and the first 3 times at half the dose.

Iron preparations used to treat children have the following qualities:

  • sufficient bioavailability;
  • safety for children;
  • pleasant taste properties;
  • good tolerance of the drug;
  • convenient release forms for children of any age.

For kids in early age Medicines are usually used in the form of drops or syrup: Maltofer (syrup, drops), Actiferrin (syrup, drops), Hemofer (drops), Ferrum Lek (syrup).

Teenagers are mainly prescribed Ferrum Lek (chewable tablets), Ferrogradument and Tardiferon, which have long-term, uniform absorption in the intestine and are well tolerated by children.

Preparations with ferrous iron (salt) should be taken 1 hour before meals, as food can impair the absorption of the drug. Taking medications containing ferric iron does not depend on food intake.

The results of using these drugs will appear only after a month, which will be confirmed by the hemoglobin level in a general blood test. The lack of effect from a course of drugs may be due to an inadequate dosage of the drug or if the diagnosis is incorrect and the child’s anemia is not iron deficiency.

Side effects from internal administration of iron-containing drugs are often associated with an overestimated dosage and manifest themselves in the form of dyspepsia: a violation of stool consistency and color, nausea and vomiting, and decreased appetite. May also develop allergic manifestations, dermatitis.

Many parents consider the use of hematogen sufficient to raise the child’s hemoglobin level. It is made from bovine blood, which is processed for safety. different ways. Currently, hematogen is produced both without iron and enriched with iron.

Attention! Hematogen is not medicine to treat anemia: it's just a delicious nutritional supplement!

Transfusion of blood products to children with anemia is carried out only for health reasons.

Nutrition correction

Iron is absorbed from foods in 2 forms - non-heme (found in plant foods: cereals, fruits and vegetables) and heme (found in food products animal origin: liver, fish, meat).

Iron is better absorbed in the heme form, the bioavailability of which is about 30%. In turn, products with the heme form of iron contribute to better absorption iron from plant products, provided they are consumed simultaneously. Ascorbic acid also helps increase the absorption of non-heme iron.

The total amount of (heme and non-heme) iron supplied from food should be 10-12 mg per day. But only 1/10 of it is absorbed.

Iron-rich animal foods:

  • liver;
  • beef tongue;
  • kidneys;
  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey;
  • white chicken meat;
  • heart;
  • beef;
  • fish of all varieties, but especially carp, mackerel, burbot, black caviar;
  • yolk of chicken eggs.

These products can be consumed boiled, baked, or prepared into pates and casseroles.

Plant products also have a significant iron content:

  • mushrooms (especially dried);
  • seaweed;
  • rose hip;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rolled oats;
  • fruits and berries: peaches, apples, plums, pears, pomegranates, apricots and dried apricots, bananas, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries, cherries, persimmons, quince, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries;
  • vegetables: cauliflower, beets, carrots, potatoes (especially boiled in their jackets and baked), tomatoes, onions, pumpkin, greens (dill, parsley, spinach, watercress);
  • legumes: beans, lentils, peas.

You can make jelly, fruit juice, compote (from fresh fruits and dried fruits) from berries and fruits, or you can give them fresh to your child (depending on age).

Cause a decrease in the absorption of non-heme iron: soy protein, dietary fiber (from cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables), calcium, polyphenols (from legumes, nuts, tea, coffee).

In addition, some substances (phytins, tannins, phosphates) contained in plant products come into contact with iron and form insoluble compounds with it, which are not absorbed, but are excreted from the intestines with feces. That's why plant products nutrition to meet needs child's body impossible in hardware.

From breast milk(containing 0.2-0.4 mg/l), 50% of iron is absorbed, which is enough to meet (together with reserves) the needs of the child’s body. By the age of six months, when the baby’s body weight doubles, the accumulated iron reserves are also consumed, and the products of introduced complementary feeding (vegetable and fruit purees, juices, cereals) must cover the increased needs.

When introducing complementary foods to a baby with low hemoglobin levels, you should start with vegetables rich in iron. This could be, for example, Brussels sprouts. The first porridge can be buckwheat, and the first meat supplement can be made from beef (turkey or chicken). It is advisable to offer such a child compote of dried fruits and rosehip decoction.

Pomegranate juice for children should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with boiled water to prevent dyspeptic symptoms.

When artificially feeding, children are prescribed formulas with a high iron content: up to 6 months. – from 3 to 8 mg/l, and after 6 months. – 10-14 mg/l. The pediatrician selects the required mixture. For children at risk for iron deficiency anemia (born from twins or triplets, with a large increase in body weight), this mixture is prescribed from 5 or even 3 months, and for premature babies - from 2 months. age.

We should not forget about correct mode day. Walks in the fresh air should be daily and take at least 5-6 hours. Before going to bed, do not forget to ventilate the room well.

These alternative tips can be used in children after 2 years of age if they do not have allergies.

Most popular recipes:

  1. Take 1 cup of buckwheat and walnuts, grind everything in a blender (or meat grinder) and add 1 glass of May honey, mix. You need to keep the mixture in the refrigerator and give the child 1 tsp. 2 times a day.
  2. Take equal parts of dried apricots, prunes, walnuts (peeled), raisins and 1 lemon (with peel), chop thoroughly, mix with a glass of honey, keep in the refrigerator. The child should take 1 tsp. twice a day.
  3. 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water into a thermos, let it brew for 3 hours, strain. Add 1 tsp. honey, a slice of lemon and let the child drink the infusion 2 times (morning and evening).
  4. Mix 100 ml apple, 50 ml carrot and 50 ml beet juice. Give the child 1 tbsp. sour cream, and then 1 glass of juice mixture 1 r. per day (you can divide the volume into 2 doses).


Prevention of anemia in children includes:

  1. Antenatal prevention: expectant mothers in the 2nd half of pregnancy should preferably for preventive purposes take ferrotherapy supplements or multivitamins enriched with iron orally.
  1. Postnatal prevention:
  • breastfeed your baby for as long as possible;
  • introduce complementary foods in a timely and correct manner;
  • provide the nursing mother with a balanced diet;
  • Children receiving artificial feeding should be given (only as prescribed by a pediatrician) adapted formulas enriched with iron from the age of 2 months;
  • from the 2nd half of the year for babies breastfeeding and children with artificial feeding Those who do not receive iron-fortified formulas should take a prophylactic dose of iron supplements for up to 1.5 years.
  • For children at risk, which includes babies from multiple pregnancies, premature babies, children with intense weight gain, preventive intake of iron supplements begins at 3 months.

Summary for parents

Often parents are faced with the problem of low hemoglobin or anemia in their child already in infancy. Before taking measures to increase hemoglobin, you should consult with your pediatrician and clarify the type and degree of anemia.

Hemoglobin is a complex iron-containing protein. Its main function is to transport oxygen directly to tissue cells. Both low and high hemoglobin in a child is often one of the signs of a fairly serious disease. Therefore, it is necessary to take a blood test and monitor your hemoglobin level at least once a year.

The amount of iron-containing protein in the blood serum of children of different ages differs significantly. Taking into account the hemoglobin level, the pediatrician can judge general condition baby's health.

Indicators of normal hemoglobin in children

Every mother who has received the results of her child’s blood test strives to decipher it before coming to the doctor. But not everyone takes into account that the indicators directly depend on the age of the baby. Therefore, the same data in a certain period can be considered normal, but in another period it can be regarded as low or high hemoglobin in a child.

Standard hemoglobin values ​​according to childhood:

  • From 1 to 3 days – 145-225 g/l;
  • 1 week – 135-215 g/l;
  • 2 weeks – 125-205 g/l;
  • 1 month – 100-180 g/l;
  • 2 months – 90-140 g/l;
  • From 3 to 6 months – 95-135 g/l;
  • From 6 to 12 months – 100-140 g/l;
  • From 1 to 3 years – 105-145 g/l;
  • From 3 to 6 years – 110-150 g/l;
  • From 7 to 12 years – 115-150 g/l;
  • From 12 to 15 years – 118-155 g/l.

If a child's hemoglobin is higher than normal, this indicates an excess of red blood cells. As a result, normal blood circulation is disrupted, which can cause serious illness. Too high - warning sign health disorders. In order to diagnose the disease, the child must be comprehensively examined.

Having determined the provoking factor for the increase in iron-containing protein in the blood, the doctor prescribes treatment according to the underlying disease.

Causes of high hemoglobin in a child

Hemoglobin is part of red blood cells, its excess leads to impaired circulation in circulatory system, which primarily affects blood clotting. In addition, high hemoglobin in a child is a sign of quite serious diseases, such as:

  • Congenital heart diseases;
  • Cardiopulmonary failure;
  • Pulmonary fibrosis;
  • Polycythemia vera ( tumor process circulatory system);
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Disorders associated with excess kidney hormone – erythropoietin.

If the human body suffers from a disease, then everyone mobilizes to fight it internal resources. Thus, red blood cells are designed to improve the functioning of a diseased organ by increasing its supply of oxygen. For example, with a severe burn, a sharp temporary increase in hemoglobin is observed. Oxygen delivered by blood helps restore damaged tissue.

Increased levels of hemoglobin in the child’s blood are observed with increased physical activity; Exceeding the standard values ​​is also possible if the baby lives in a mountainous area. But then this fact is not considered anomalous.

As you can see, there are many reasons for high hemoglobin in a child, and not all of them are symptoms of a serious illness. Therefore, you should not panic right away. To adequately assess the situation, you should contact a specialist and, if necessary, carry out full examination baby.

Signs of high hemoglobin in a child

Any deviation in health has external manifestations. So, if a child has high hemoglobin, the following signs are observed:

  • Drowsiness;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Redness of the skin.

Presence of the baby similar symptoms does not mean that iron-containing protein has increased in his blood. However, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist through examination can determine the cause of the child’s illness.
If you receive a test result in which the hemoglobin level is too high, then you need to do a repeat test. It should be carried out early in the morning, in a calm state, because, as a rule, after outdoor games the level of protein in the blood increases.

How to reduce hemoglobin in a child

If a child has high hemoglobin, then first of all it is necessary to establish proper nutrition. This is a prerequisite for recovery. Foods containing iron should be excluded from the child's diet. These products include:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Liver;
  • Grenades,
  • Berries, fruits and red vegetables, etc.

The daily menu should include fish, various seafood, cereals and plant foods that do not contain iron. Legumes, soybeans and chicken meat with such a diet can make up for protein deficiency. 4.6 out of 5 (34 votes)

A blood test is one of the main examinations important for assessing the health of a child. Among its parameters that help identify diseases, there is also the level hemoglobin is the name of a protein involved in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the child's blood.

This complex protein, which contains iron, is found in erythrocytes - red blood cells. A decrease in hemoglobin levels is known to most parents as dangerous symptom, often occurring with anemia. But can hemoglobin be elevated, why can it be elevated in a child’s blood, and what to do if a higher level is detected?

The hemoglobin level is determined by a general blood test of the child. Which hemoglobin is considered elevated?

To know whether a child has low, normal or high hemoglobin, you should focus on the norms, which will be different for each age. For example, an indicator for a 3-month-old child may be within the normal range, but the same hemoglobin content in the blood of a 2-year-old or 12-year-old child will already be significantly higher normal level.

Most high level hemoglobin is observed immediately after birth, but during the first year of life it gradually decreases.

The upper limit of normal hemoglobin is the following indicators:

A slight excess of this indicator usually does not alarm the doctor, but if the hemoglobin level exceeds the normal limit by 20-30 g/l, this situation requires a more detailed examination of the child.

By the second year of a baby’s life, hemoglobin should not exceed 130 g/l Reasons

A higher amount of hemoglobin in the blood is often associated with an excess of red blood cells or insufficient plasma volume. Quite often, an increase in hemoglobin indicates a loss of fluid in the child’s body, which leads to blood thickening.

This is precisely the reason for higher hemoglobin levels that the famous pediatrician Komarovsky calls the most common in children. It is provoked by intense sweating, nervous overstrain, insufficient drinking, prolonged stay in a room with dry and warm air, drinking diuretic tea, fever.

A harmless cause of increased hemoglobin is living in a mountainous area or in a metropolis, as well as increased physical activity. Pathological causes of higher hemoglobin than a child should normally have are:

  • Blood diseases.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Kidney diseases in which erythropoietin is produced in excess.
  • Congenital heart disease, pulmonary fibrosis and the formation of cor pulmonale. With such pathologies, the formation of red blood cells increases to compensate for the lack of oxygen.
  • Serious burns. With extensive blood lesions in a child, the production of red blood cells temporarily increases and the hemoglobin in the blood becomes higher. It helps deliver nutrients and oxygen to damaged tissues for faster healing.
  • Vaquez-Osler disease, also called erythremia or polycythemia. With such a pathology in bone marrow an excess number of blood cells is formed, most of which are erythrocytes. The disease is more often diagnosed in adults, but it also occurs in childhood, while its course in children is more severe. The exact cause of this disease has not yet been established. The disease is manifested by a red tint of the skin and mucous membranes, dilation and swelling of veins, skin itching, pain in the fingers, fatigue, bleeding gums and other symptoms.
  • Other oncopathologies.

In adolescence, an increase in hemoglobin levels can be provoked by smoking, frequent stress, as well as the use of anabolic steroids if the teenager plays sports.


Many children with elevated hemoglobin do not have any symptoms of disease, especially if the cause is not dangerous, for example, a violation of the drinking regime. If higher hemoglobin is caused by dehydration due to an intestinal infection, the child will have nausea, diarrhea and other manifestations of intoxication and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Some babies have high hemoglobin increased fatigue, impaired appetite, lethargy, drowsiness, increased blood pressure, headaches, frequent bruising. If elevated hemoglobin causes disruption of blood flow and the formation of blood clots, this may be manifested by cyanosis of the lips and fingertips, numbness of body parts, temporary loss of vision or hearing, and more serious symptoms.

To maintain normal hemoglobin levels, it is important to maintain a drinking regime. What is the danger of increased hemoglobin?

If such an indicator is a sign of blood thickening, this leads to difficulty in its flow through the vessels, which threatens the appearance of blood clots that block small and larger vessels. In particular severe cases Such clots can cause a heart attack or stroke.

What to do

Since high hemoglobin is not a disease, but only one of the symptoms, when an excess of this indicator is detected, it is important to find its cause. First of all, a competent doctor will refer the child to retake a blood test to exclude possible error laboratory assistant If elevated hemoglobin is confirmed, the child will undergo additional research, and when the results are received, the specialist will determine treatment tactics based on them.

The doctor will help you find out the reason for the increase in hemoglobin in your baby and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

If hemoglobin levels are elevated, parents will definitely be advised to pay attention to the child’s diet. First of all, It is important to ensure that your baby gets enough fluids. It could be tea pure water, juice, compote, jelly and other drinks. If we are talking about a baby receiving mother's milk, the baby should be supplemented with water.

Excluded from the diet of a child with high hemoglobin rich in iron food, as well as fatty foods. It is recommended to temporarily avoid liver and other offal, buckwheat, pomegranates, red fruits and berries, beef and other red meat. If you give your child an apple, you should not cut it and leave it until it darkens (this way, iron is more actively absorbed from its pulp).

The menu of children with increased hemoglobin is replenished with seafood, fish dishes, chicken (white meat), legumes, soy. These products will prevent protein deficiency and strengthen vascular walls. Most preferred heat treatment They consider boiling, since with it fats and some of the iron will be destroyed and go into the broth.

Remember that iron is absorbed with the help of vitamins C and group B, so if a child has elevated hemoglobin, you should not give the child multivitamin complexes that contain them. If a child with high hemoglobin is breastfed, all these recommendations apply to the diet of the nursing mother.

The basis of the diet of babies with high hemoglobin are foods low in iron. Air humidification

The room in which a child with high hemoglobin lives should be quite humid, so the best solution would be to use a humidifier. In addition, the room should be regularly ventilated. It is also important to often walk with your child in the fresh air.

Drug therapy

Sometimes used in treatment medications, preventing increased blood clotting (to thin the blood). However independent use Such drugs are unacceptable. They should only be prescribed to a child by a doctor if indicated.

Dear readers, today we will talk about this condition when hemoglobin is elevated, what does this mean in a child. You will find out why this phenomenon occurs, why it is dangerous, what clinical picture. You will become aware of ways to normalize this indicator.

Increased hemoglobin

For a 4-year-old child, hemoglobin will be elevated, exceeding 140 g/l

The following indicators, depending on the child’s age, indicate that your little one’s hemoglobin is higher than the norm:

  • in babies up to two weeks - over 200 g/l;
  • in a baby from two weeks to a month - over 180 g/l;
  • in a child from one to two months - over 130 g/l;
  • from two months to five years - more than 140 g/l;
  • from five to twelve years – more than 145 g/l;
  • from twelve to eighteen years, girls - more than 152 g/l, boys - more than 160 g/l.

Possible reasons

Increased hemoglobin may occur with severe burns

Increased hemoglobin in a child is usually associated with a large number of red blood cells or a lack of plasma. This condition may also indicate dehydration:

  • due to nervous tension;
  • long exposure to sunlight;
  • intense sweating;
  • lack of fluid intake;
  • high temperature;
  • when consuming diuretic drinks.

An increase in hemoglobin can be observed in children living in a metropolis or in mountainous areas, and during intense physical activity.

There are a number of pathological processes in the body that provoke deviations from normal indicators:

  • kidney diseases accompanied by excessive production of erythropoietin;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • severe burns;
  • pathological processes in the blood;
  • oncology;
  • erythremia.

In adolescence, stimulating factors may include:

  • frequent stress;
  • smoking;
  • use of anabolic steroids (athletes).

Characteristic signs

Increased sleepiness may indicate high hemoglobin levels

If the baby continues for a long time increased level hemoglobin, the following symptoms will become noticeable:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • possible fainting;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision;
  • increased weakness, fatigue;
  • tachycardia, possible arrhythmia;
  • bruising at the slightest pressure;
  • blueness of fingertips and lips;
  • numbness of certain parts of the body of a temporary nature;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • hyperemia or paleness of the skin;
  • after acceptance water procedures- feeling of severe itching;
  • problems with the functioning of the urinary system;
  • significant reduction in body weight.


To confirm the presence of elevated hemoglobin in a child, doctors will refer you to a general blood test. It is important to conduct this study in the morning, on an empty stomach and when the baby is completely calm.

If hemoglobin is higher than normal, the specialist will refer you for additional examination to find out what exactly is the cause of this condition.

Remember that a high level of hemoglobin may indicate the presence of serious diseases in the baby’s body. If you have the slightest suspicion of deviations in this indicator, get tested immediately.

What is the danger of the condition

Parents should understand that with a high hemoglobin level, severe blood thickening can occur. If this happens, the blood circulation process becomes difficult due to the difficulty of passing through the vessels. The risk of blood clots, which can clog the vessel, increases significantly. This can lead to the development of a heart attack or stroke.

How to reduce the rate

  1. Increased hemoglobin in infant can be treated by frequent drinking, especially breast milk. Only here you need to remember the need to exclude from the mother’s diet foods that affect the growth of hemoglobin and add to her diet the food that will help normalize it.
  2. For an older child, the doctor will advise you to change the way you eat. It will be recommended to exclude foods high in iron:
  • liver;
  • apples;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • fatty foods;
  • grenades.
  • seafood;
  • chicken meat, especially white;
  • low-fat fish.
  1. May be prescribed drug therapy, for this purpose, medications are prescribed that affect blood thinning.
  2. The child should be provided with plenty of fluids.
  3. Make sure there is normal humidity in the room.
  4. Make sure your child gets minimal physical activity.
  5. If the increase in hemoglobin was provoked by some serious pathology, the return of this indicator to normal will directly depend on the treatment of the underlying disease.
  6. If there is some reason for high hemoglobin pathological process, therapy should be directed at him. Then hemoglobin will return to normal.

Traditional methods

If hemoglobin in a child’s blood is elevated, you can use traditional medicine, but only after consulting your doctor. Parents should understand that some of the options offered on the Internet may be contraindicated for their baby, or will have the opposite effect, thereby further aggravating the situation.

  1. With increased hemoglobin, it is recommended to drink more liquid: herbal decoctions, different drinks. In your case, woodlice, chickweed or willowherb are suitable.
  2. Green plants, such as lettuce or herbs, have a positive effect.
  3. Milk (necessarily natural) will also have a beneficial effect.

Now you know how to lower a child’s hemoglobin. Do not forget that self-medication is unacceptable, despite the fact that the basis of treatment is proper diet. Remember that an increase in hemoglobin can be caused by the presence of serious diseases, so it is so important to consult a doctor on time, follow all his recommendations and, if necessary, undergo additional diagnostics to identify the root cause of this condition and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Health can be compared to a wall that is made up of many bricks - individual aspects physical condition. Every “brick” of a child’s health is the foundation of future for long years happy and carefree life. One of these “building blocks” is the level of hemoglobin in the child’s blood.

Why is the hemoglobin level in children not the same as in adults?

Every cell human body Oxygen is required for life. Hemoglobin, a complex protein that is part of red blood cells, plays a key role in enriching the body with oxygen. Its main function is the delivery of oxygen from the human lungs to all tissues, as well as the transport of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.

As a person grows, hemoglobin levels change. The level of hemoglobin is very high at birth, and then it decreases, and significantly. Low hemoglobin in a child under one year of age is quite normal. Also, the hemoglobin content is influenced by the genetic disposition and duration of gestation (whether the child was born full-term). After a year, the “swing” of hemoglobin levels rushes up again, this happens until entering into adolescence. For older children, factors may vary: lifestyle, change of season, and even area of ​​residence. Yes, more high content hemoglobin levels were observed in those living in high mountains. By the age of eighteen, the norm of hemoglobin in a child’s blood approaches the “adult” value.

Hemoglobin levels, depending on the gender of the child, begin to differ only after puberty (12–15 years). Typically, boys have slightly higher hemoglobin levels than girls.

How is the level of hemoglobin in the blood determined?

The most common way is general analysis blood. It can be taken both at a municipal clinic and at a private laboratory. To find out specialized indicators, for example, the level of glycated hemoglobin, you need to donate blood for a biochemical study.

By the way
You can quickly measure your hemoglobin level without leaving your home - using a compact analyzer. After analyzing a drop of blood, the device will tell you about the content of hemoglobin, glucose and cholesterol in your body. The convenience of such portable analyzers is undeniable, but they are still quite expensive, and the measurement results with their help are not very accurate.

In order for the results of the study to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to adhere to several simple rules for preparing for the analysis:

  • You need to donate blood in the morning;
  • after last appointment food should pass at least 8–10 hours;
  • You should not eat fatty or sweet foods a couple of days before the test;
  • You should avoid physical activity on the eve of the test.

The turnaround time for results usually varies within one to two days. The doctor makes an appointment within a few days after the tests. However, you can first independently assess the child’s hemoglobin levels. It is enough to find the designation HGB or Hb in the analysis form.

Normal hemoglobin content in the blood of children

The level of hemoglobin in a child’s blood is one of the indicators of his health. It is worth remembering that hemoglobin standards in children are at different ages differ, and almost always they are higher than the values ​​​​typical of an adult. As we noted earlier, the highest level of hemoglobin is observed in newborns, it ranges from 145 to 220 g/l. The fact is that during pregnancy future mom itself creates the iron supply necessary for the child. A month after birth, reserves are gradually depleted, and hemoglobin decreases. Now the hemoglobin level will depend largely on proper nutrition. The main source of replenishment of iron reserves, as well as other useful elements is mother's milk. If possible, you should not stop breastfeeding until one year. Mother's milk promotes the absorption of essential substances, and, as a result, supports required level hemoglobin in an infant.

The table below shows the norms for hemoglobin content in the blood of children of different ages.

What can elevated hemoglobin mean in a child?

Quite often, elevated hemoglobin in children is not accompanied by any external manifestations. In rare cases, a high level of hemoglobin in a child’s blood makes itself felt by excessive fatigue, loss of appetite, general drowsiness, increased blood pressure, and headaches. A sign of pathology is a tendency to bruises - they form even from a light touch.

The most common cause of increased hemoglobin is dehydration. A child can lose a large amount of fluid for various reasons, for example, in case of insufficient drinking, intense sweating, nervous tension, fever.

TO pathological reasons high hemoglobin in a child includes blood diseases, intestinal obstruction, kidney disease, congenital diseases heart disease, pulmonary fibrosis and the formation of cor pulmonale, cancer. Also, hemoglobin levels may rise with extensive burns. The child’s body begins to produce more red blood cells, and accordingly, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. There is nothing to worry about here - this is how nutrients and oxygen are delivered to damaged tissues.

In adolescents, an increase in hemoglobin can be triggered by smoking, stress and taking anabolic steroids. IN in this case It’s worth taking a closer look at the changes in the habits of your growing child.

However, elevated hemoglobin is rare.

Causes of low hemoglobin levels

A more common deviation from the norm is a low hemoglobin level in a child. This is a very common childhood problem.

Symptoms of decreased hemoglobin are easy to detect on your own: these may be dizziness, fainting, apathy, lethargy, headaches, constant fatigue and depression. The child’s skin becomes dry and pale, hair becomes thinner, nails peel, breathing problems appear, physical activity heart rate increases.

There are three stages of anemia in children. They are classified according to the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood.

  • For anemia mild degree The typical hemoglobin level is 90–110 g/l.
  • For anemia moderate severity the amount of hemoglobin drops to 70–90 g/l.
  • Severe anemia is diagnosed in a child when hemoglobin is less than 70 g/l.

Prevention of anemia in children

First of all, the prevention of anemia in children includes correct balanced diet. The more essential vitamins, minerals and microelements a child enters with food, the more active hematopoiesis occurs. A child’s diet must include a variety of foods: vegetables and fruits, cereals and, of course, meat in different forms. To prevent anemia, children are prescribed fish fat and a more palatable hematogen.

But not only nutrition ensures a normal level of hemoglobin in a child’s blood: an active lifestyle plays an important role. Sports, physical therapy, massage - all this will help maintain normal hemoglobin. A complex approach will help reduce the risk of abnormal hemoglobin levels in a child.

Reasons for increased or reduced level hemoglobin in a child's blood may be different. At the first sign of deviation from the norm, it is important to get your blood tested and consult a doctor. However best treatment- prevention.

A blood test can tell a lot about a child's health. One of the main indicators this study is the level of hemoglobin - a complex protein that is part of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and takes part in the transport of oxygen to all organs and tissues. Many parents are aware of the danger of reducing the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but sometimes there is an increase above normal. High hemoglobin in a child may indicate development serious illnesses Therefore, it is important to promptly diagnose this condition and begin treatment. So, why does a child have increased hemoglobin, and how dangerous is it?

Causes of high hemoglobin in children

It is normal for a child to have high hemoglobin in the first six months of life. Then it should gradually decrease.

If a child's hemoglobin is higher than normal, this indicates an excess of red blood cells in his blood (erythrocytosis). At the same time, the blood becomes thicker and more viscous, which makes it difficult for it to move normally through the vessels. This condition can lead to the formation of blood clots and blood clots, and as a result, to blockage of blood vessels, strokes and heart attacks.

An increase in hemoglobin levels in the blood usually occurs due to two mechanisms of action. The first is to increase the production of red blood cells if the blood is not able to transport oxygen in the amount required by tissues and organs. And the second is a decrease in blood plasma volume, which contributes to the occurrence large quantity red blood cells

The main causes of high hemoglobin in children can be identified:

  • blood diseases;
  • congenital heart pathologies;
  • pulmonary fibrosis and cor pulmonale;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • severe dehydration;
  • Vaquez-Osler disease (production bone tissue excess red blood cells).

Symptoms of high hemoglobin in a child

At the beginning of the development of this condition, there are practically no symptoms. Over time, if you don't start competent treatment, the development of some manifestations of high hemoglobin in a child is possible. Your baby may have blue skin on the fingertips and lips, called peripheral cyanosis. In addition, due to poor circulation in the cerebral area, a delay may occur. mental development, which is characterized by confusion, frequent dizziness and dysfunction of cognitive abilities.

High hemoglobin levels over a long period of time can lead to sickle cell anemia (a blood disease associated with a disorder of the hemoglobin protein) if there is a hereditary predisposition to it. Also, as a result of impaired blood circulation, the development of thromboembolism is possible - increased thrombus formation. Sometimes this results in periodic numbness of body parts, temporary loss of hearing and vision, and tumor processes.

Diagnosis and treatment of elevated hemoglobin in children

As a rule, increased hemoglobin is not an independent disease, but a symptom of some pathology. Only a doctor can determine why a child’s hemoglobin is elevated. After diagnosing the cause, he prescribes treatment for the underlying disease, and the level of hemoglobin in the blood normalizes on its own after it is cured.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor usually sends the child for a repeat blood test for hemoglobin. It is important to take it early in the morning, on an empty stomach and only in a calm state. Then the specialist prescribes additional tests for the child. And only after receiving all the results does he prescribe treatment.

If a child's hemoglobin is higher than normal, parents are advised to make a proper diet nutrition. First of all, the baby should drink a lot of fluids - clean water, tea, compotes, jelly, juices. A breastfed baby should be constantly supplemented with water.

It is necessary to pay attention to right choice food for the child. From his diet it is necessary to exclude foods that contain a lot of iron - liver, beef, buckwheat, pomegranates, berries and red fruits. You should also limit the amount of fatty foods in your baby’s menu, which lead to the formation of plaques in the blood vessels. It is good to introduce seafood into your child’s diet, which includes polyunsaturated acids. They thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. To avoid protein deficiency in the body, chicken, soy and legumes should be included in the menu.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room where the baby is. You can place a humidifier in the room. Do not forget about regular ventilation of the room and frequent walks in the fresh air.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe medications, thinning the blood and normalizing its clotting. However, you cannot use such medications on your own, without a doctor’s prescription. They have many side effects, including the development of severe bleeding.
