What does the biological clock tell us? Internal biological clock of the human body My biological clock for me

If you are over thirty, then you have probably been told more than once about the biological clock, which by its ticking reduces the chances of pregnancy and childbirth - and these reminders, which become more and more indelicate over time, include everyone around you, from close relatives and colleagues to doctors, who intimidate with the 35-year threshold, beyond which new life impossible. Melanie Berline, a producer and essayist from New York, reflects on this social pressure.

“Get that thing out of you now!” my boyfriend’s sister exclaimed when I told her about intrauterine device. And she asked when I would “finally” want to have a child. I understand, of course, that she said this out of respect for our relationship with her brother and a sincere desire for us to experience joy family life. So I received another reminder that my biological clock is ticking. Literally. Each one. Give me a sec.

I am 34 years old, and I am approaching that sad age threshold at which generally accepted pregnancy statistics hit. Fear-peddling professionals, fertility specialists, advertisers, and respected family members like to point out that at 35, a woman's eggs suddenly become less viable. And if you are lucky enough to become pregnant at this advanced age, the risk of miscarriage or having a child with congenital pathologies suddenly jumps to the skies.

Women in their thirties are constantly bombarded with horror stories about infertility - story after story about what happened to friends of friends, those who waited too long before being cursed by Mother Nature. We are shamed for the fact that our eggs will soon turn into nothing, and are persuaded to decide to freeze them - to carry out a procedure that on average costs an insane $10 thousand - “just in case.”

I know this because I'm 34 years old and I can't escape this disgusting feeling that if I don't get pregnant in the next year, I'll miss this train forever. Before this, I found myself looking at prenatal vitamins at the pharmacy and seriously considering buying them, despite the fact that the IUD was still inside me. Over the past few months, I've been googling "How fast do women's eggs really deplete?" more times than I'd like to admit? And in the process of testing my reproductive health in online fertility calculators, I reassured myself that teenage years mine came four years later than the other girls, so I still have plenty of first-class gametes.

And now my 35th birthday is on the horizon, poisoning me with missed opportunities and a lifetime of regrets if I don't spread my legs and invite some cum inside me. However, more and more studies say that popular beliefs about women's fertility are complete nonsense. In the book “A Pregnancy Guide for Impatient Women,” Prof. State University San Diego Jean Twenge states: The popular belief that one in three women over 35 cannot get pregnant after a year of trying is based on an analysis of French metrics from 1670 to 1830. Fortunately, medicine has made giant leaps since the 18th century! In fact, according to calculations by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, today about 80% of women aged 35-39 become pregnant naturally, their fertility index is only slightly inferior to women 27-34 years old. In a study published in 2014 by Boston University School of Medicine, researchers even found that women who gave birth to their last child at age 33 or later lived longer than those who gave birth at age 27. Of course, “after this does not mean as a result of this,” but the data is remarkable, you will agree.

I'm tired of the pregnancy stories we feed women. We warn young girls that if they delay in bearing children, they will certainly face dire consequences. We tell them that their bodies are designed to bear children, and the sooner the better. We say there's "never a right time" to have a baby - as if women have to give up everything and get pregnant, no matter how ready they really are, financially, emotionally, etc.

And if " right time“will never come, is it too crazy to assume that a woman may not give up life for the sake of motherhood? What value could there be in pushing a woman to make such a huge, life-changing decision as motherhood? On the other hand, the negative aspects of forcing someone into a role for which they are not psychologically prepared are quite obvious, especially considering possible risk for life while carrying a child for nine long months. Will anything good come from unwanted motherhood? Maybe. But I would argue that there is a lot of bad stuff too. The truth is that if we all agreed to stop the pressure and not put pressure on women of any age, the world would be a much better place.

The biological clock is an internal system of the human body that determines its rhythm of life.

Many processes: nutrition, growth, reproduction - are associated with certain external events, for example, dark or light time of day, the same seasons.

Do you always dream of getting enough sleep and feeling good? Then try to stick to this daily routine! Your biological clock will tell you for this - THANK YOU SO MUCH!

So, the human clock is built in this way:

from 6 am to 7 am - the human biological clock has a very useful “window”. What does it mean? And this means that it is at this time that a person works best long term memory , all the information that you read or view is absorbed very easily and firmly.
Note for students: study the most difficult exam tickets at this time, your memory will not let you down and your watch will not fail you either

from 8 am to 9 am - biological human hours include logical thinking - exactly this favorable time for any activity that is both related to analytics and memorization.

from 9 am to 10 am - exactly this optimal time when the biological clock is active with statistics and information.

from 11 am to 12 pm - man watch sharply reduce intellectual functions, It’s hard to work at this time, I want to get a little distracted! Therefore, switch things up: listen to music, talk with your colleague over a cup of tea, give your body a rest.

from 12 noon to 2 pm - exactly this the right time for a complete lunch! At this biological clock, the peak of the “digestive fire” comes, in the East, when the ingested food is absorbed and digested in the best possible way.

from 12.00 noon to 19.00 - perfect time for active work . Remember: when you work at later hours, you force your brain to work harder. Then overexertion appears, which leads to difficulty falling asleep.

from 20.00 to 23.00 - at that time your mind rests and the nervous system! Don't bother them, please!

from 23.00 to 1 am - at this time you should be asleep already! It is in this period of time that it goes the most active restoration of your subtle energy. IN Chinese medicine, it is also called “qi”, and Indian yogis call it “prana”; modern science calls it the restoration of nervous and muscle strength! So, pleasant dreams, recover!

from 1 to 3 am - happens full recovery emotional energy of a person.

I suggest you watch a short video about the human biological clock, in it you will find many vital factors for yourself

Knowing well the behavior algorithm of your own body, you can calmly regulate your behavior during the working day!

Our biological clock

Every hour of the day has its own impact on people physically and mentally. For example, no one feels as energetic in the evening as in the morning. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a morning person or a night owl.

Let's start with four in the morning. Our body receives a portion of the stress hormone - cortisone, as if during sleep it “emptied its batteries”, and this portion is necessary for us to become efficient when we wake up. However, this “injection” of activity is fraught with certain diseases. The risk of a heart attack is especially high in the early morning hours. Patients with asthma also feel it - at this hour the bronchi are dangerously narrowed.

5 o'clock. The concentration of cortisone produced by the adrenal cortex is six times higher than the daily level. Medicines act differently at certain times, so doctors, taking into account the chronobiology of the body and the natural secretions of hormones, prescribe taking them at early hours daily large doses of medicine. The standard “three times a day” formula is already outdated.

6 hours. Cortisone acts as an internal alarm clock. General exchange substances come into motion. The level of sugar and amino acids in the blood increases. In this way, the energy necessary for the working day is prepared.

7 hours. After waking up and taking a morning shower, breakfast follows. The forgotten rule “have a big breakfast” is back in fashion. Nutrition experts note that a person should consume at least 2,000 calories at breakfast to lose weight. And the same portion in the evening leads to obesity. The answer to this phenomenon lies in the chronology of the work of the digestive organs, when before lunch they convert carbohydrates into energy, and in the evening into fats.

8 ocloc'k. Glands produce a large number of hormones. Most people are on their way to work. But they have not yet plunged completely into everyday worries. An interesting fact from a medical point of view is that those suffering from rheumatism especially feel aching in their bones, because the sensation of pain in the morning is aggravated to the limit. Bad news for smokers: a morning cigarette narrows blood vessels to a greater extent.

9 o'clock. For those who are prescribed injections, it is best to go to treatment room to avoid fever and swelling. The body is very resistant to x-ray radiation. Experiments on rats showed that animals exposed to high doses of radiation at this time lived for more than 120 days. Those who received the same dose, but at nine o'clock in the evening, died within 13 hours.

10 hours. Body temperature reached its maximum, as did the associated performance. Functions especially well short term memory(while long-term memory is stimulated by the afternoon hours). A text read at about 9 o'clock, for example, is better remembered than one read at 15 o'clock. However, it is quickly erased from memory after a week, which cannot be said about a text read in the afternoon. Chinese scientists believe that at this time our right limbs are charged with a lot of energy. A handshake before lunch looks more energetic than a later one.

11 hours. Before lunch we are exceptionally efficient, especially in counting. For schoolchildren, math looks easy between 9am and 12am and 4.30pm and 6pm. The heart is also in excellent shape, and if research is done at this time, some heart diseases will go undetected. At the same time, it becomes so sensitive that stressful situations before lunch heartbeat becomes more frequent than in the evening.

12 hours. There is a continuous increase in acid content in the stomach. After morning activity, the need for rest appears. Anyone who does not adhere to this rule is in danger. According to statistics, those who can afford an afternoon nap are 30% less likely to have a heart attack compared to those who continue to work. The need for sleep is caused by weakened blood supply to the brain. Blood is needed by the stomach to support the digestion of food.

13 hours. Performance is reduced by 20% compared to the daily average. The liver produces a lot of bile.

14 hours. Blood pressure and hormonal levels decrease. Fatigue is especially noticeable. A ten-minute rest is quite enough to overcome the fatigue phase. Drivers are advised to take a nap for a few minutes instead of drinking strong tea or coffee. For painful medical procedures local anesthesia They last longer and are easier to tolerate. New knowledge refutes the opinion that proceeding with surgery better in the morning. The same applies to dental procedures: at 14 o'clock our teeth are insensitive to pain. Medical anesthesia lasts half an hour. In the evening its effect decreases to 19 minutes, and before lunch it lasts only 12 minutes. The same study showed that medications have the weakest effect on toothache at night.

15 hours. The desire to work arises from new strength regardless of whether you are rested or not. The second peak of performance begins.

16 hours. Blood pressure and circulation increase. At this time the runners reach excellent results. The training effect is especially great, while in the morning it is less. Medicines that increase acidity are effective.

17 o'clock. You feel an increase in vitality, you can breathe, as they say, full breasts. The kidneys are working at full speed and bladder. Between 4 and 6 p.m., hair and nails grow fastest.

18 hours. The pancreas is active. The liver is tolerant of alcohol.

7 p.m. Blood pressure and pulse drop to such an extent that doctors warn about the dangers of taking blood-lowering drugs. blood pressure funds. And drugs that act on the central nervous system have an increased effect.

20 o'clock. The fat content in the liver decreases, the blood in the veins pulsates more quickly. Even the lowest doses of antibiotics have a strengthening effect on the body (up to 4 am). The most optimal time to take antibiotics is 20 hours 32 minutes!

21 o'clock You should not stuff your stomach with food, especially fatty foods. It will remain undigested until the next morning.

22 hours. Efficiency drops sharply. The number of leukocytes in the blood increases - more than 12 thousand white blood cells per 1 mm, while in the morning their number is about 5 thousand. You should not use medications to avoid side effects. From now on, not a single cigarette should be smoked until the morning! It is very difficult for the body to cleanse itself of nicotine poisons at night.

11 p.m. Metabolism is reduced to a minimum. And along with it, blood pressure, pulse rate and body temperature decrease. Cortisone production stops. For this reason, twice as many children are born at night than during the day.

24 hours. The skin recovers faster at night because cells divide faster than during the day.

1 one o'clock in the morning. A person falls into deep sleep (we spend six years in hibernation during our lives).

2 hours. Drivers behind the wheel react slowly to optical stimuli. The number of accidents is rising sharply. Most people start to feel feverish. The body is extremely sensitive to cold.

3 hours. The state of mind reaches its lowest point. It is supported by the hormone melatonin, which makes people sleepy and lethargic. ( Daylight inhibits the production of melatonin, so during the day we are active, in good mood.) At this hour, the suicide curve increases: depressed people often wake up at this time, their mood deteriorates sharply, under the influence of dark thoughts. The liver decomposes alcohol taken in the evening.

This is how the human body works at certain times of the day. Knowing the behavior algorithm of your body, you can regulate your behavior. But if you do get sick, do not rush to go to the doctor. Perhaps color will help you.

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What you need to know about the human biological clock?

Hello! Today we, the Valitov brothers, greeting our visitors to our blog, will tell you on this page about the human biological clock.

Since they were originally laid down in us by nature itself even before our birth. These watches determine the algorithm of behavior, lifestyle and general condition person.

Their course depends on the time of year, external natural factors, the change of day or night, directly determining people’s ability to survive in this world.

What is a biological clock? What life rhythms subordinate the strict patterns of the schedule of these hours, and how do they force the human body to subconsciously obey them every day?

What organs in our body are responsible for regulating these cyclical processes, and how correctly people need to set their biological clocks in order to live in harmony with the world around them. You can find out about this by reading our article.

Stay with us!

Features of the internal clock

The biological clock is a special internal system biorhythms human body.

It determines its life activity by directly connecting external natural factors with the processes:

  • Food;
  • Growth;
  • Reproduction;
  • Recuperation;
  • Active physical or mental activity.

Typically, this system is not associated with the traditional earthly day, but operates on a cyclical principle with various time repetitions from seconds, months or seasons to years.

Their totality determines the rhythm of all human life processes, causing normal functioning all their systems with the work of internal organs.

Here, each organism maintains its own individual time schedule, which can be influenced by both natural factors such as exposure to the sun, moon, wind, or rain, and social factors, due to the daily routine.

Moreover, depending on the daily chronotype, all people are divided into:

  1. “Larks” with the main working capacity in the morning or first half of the day.
  2. “Owls”, which are characterized by an evening peak of wakefulness or physical activity.
  3. "Pigeons" with mixed daytime activity.

The work of our biorhythms is regulated by the brain, which produces certain hormones for this purpose, such as:

  • Melatonin, which provides people with “nighttime” unconscious life support;
  • Creatine, responsible for mental and physical performance;
  • Serotonin, which increases people's feelings of joy, happiness, and psycho-emotional positive component.

How does the internal clock work?

As numerous studies of the human body show, all processes occurring in it are determined by the state of rhythmicity of daily changes in its biological structure.

These rhythms obey the strict laws of nature, determining the daily routine of people and their health. Therefore, we will consider the schedule and characteristics of their main stages.

From 22 to 5 am

Initially, in this period of the biological schedule, the human body is in a state physical exhaustion, gradually recovering for the next day until 5 am.


  • The body rests, allowing the liver to calmly process everything useful material, removing poisons or toxins from the body;
  • Functionality is restored at the cellular level.
  • The brain sums up the day, rejecting unnecessary things, allowing people to sleep fully, going through all the cyclical phases of sleep;
  • During the peak period of this stage, people’s blood pressure drops, their heart rate and pulse decrease, their breathing and blood circulation slow down.

It is here that we will pause our narrative by inserting a small remark for people engaged in main work at night.

Are you a long-distance driver? Clearly, this happens very often. Therefore, you, like no one else, should be very careful on the highway from midnight to three o'clock.

Because at this time, no matter how much you want, your body becomes sluggish due to the night hormone melatonin, the body becomes sensitive to cold, and the brain slows down the speed of reaction to optical stimuli.

So take our advice! During this peak time, try to park your car in the nearest parking lot, stop and rest a little. This will be beneficial and will protect you from an emergency on the highway.

From 5 to 8

This time from the biological schedule is characterized by a period of awakening.

After alternating phases of lung and deep sleep, a person begins to:

  • Sharpen your hearing;
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure;
  • Increase immune defense.

By 8 am, his body was completely rested, having regained its strength.

From 9 to 14

This period in the biological schedule is due to an increase in performance and the level of mental activity.

Here the heart works rhythmically, the pain sensitivity threshold decreases, and physical or mental stress is practically not felt.

Until 12 noon is the time of greatest efficiency. After it, people experience a feeling of fatigue and the first decline in activity, which is necessary for rest, followed by a lunch break from 13 to 14.

From 14 to 22

The afternoon schedule of biological time cycles is characterized by some instability with peaks and troughs of activity. First, after lunch, a person’s performance increases. Here he again enters his work uniform.

The time before 17 is the most productive for athletes with active physical activities in the fresh air.

By 6 p.m., people’s mental alertness gradually begins to decline. By 19, cerebral blood flow decreases, so a person can feel headache due to a slight decrease in biorhythm activity.

At the same time, the time from 20 to 21 is very productive for actors and students, when they memorize texts very well.

And at this time, drivers acquire excellent shape and speed of reaction to external stimuli.

By 10 p.m., the activity of our biological rhythms decreases, body temperature drops, and the body prepares for sleep.

How the biological clock is adjusted

The proper functioning of the biological clock is influenced not only by age indicators people, but also sharp fluctuations in weather conditions, such as:

  • Magnetic storms;
  • Atmospheric pressure surges;
  • Air humidity;
  • Wind or temperature.

At the same time, older people tolerate these factors much harder. Therefore, to reduce the influence of these external loads, they need to be dealt with:

  • Physical therapy;
  • Swimming;
  • Hardening your body;
  • Organization proper nutrition and night rest routine.

In addition, it is advisable for these people to include teas from “daytime” chronobiotics, such as green tea, eleutherococcus or coffee tree, in their morning diet. As “night” chronobiotics, it is advisable to use decoctions of:

  • Oregano;
  • Mint;
  • Hops;
  • Valerian.

For anyone who wants to know more about the human biological clock, we can make it easier for them to find material on this topic by offering a subscription to our updates.

Here, each of you will be able to constantly keep abreast of new products in order to discuss them in your comments, leaving reviews on our publications or sharing your practical advice with friends from social networks.

Good luck to everyone, goodbye and new meetings!

If you are over thirty, then you have probably been told more than once about the biological clock, which by its ticking reduces the chances of pregnancy and childbirth - and these reminders, which become more and more indelicate over time, include everyone around you, from close relatives and colleagues to doctors, who threaten people with a 35-year threshold, beyond which a new life is impossible. Melanie Berline, a producer and essayist from New York, reflects on this social pressure.

And now my 35th birthday is on the horizon, poisoning me with missed opportunities and a lifetime of regrets if I don't spread my legs and invite some cum inside me. However, a growing body of research suggests that popular beliefs about women's fertility are complete nonsense. In the book Pregnancy Guide for Impatient Women, San Diego State University professor Jean Twenge states that the popular belief that one in three women over 35 cannot conceive after a year of trying is based on an analysis of French metrics from 1670 to 1830. gg. Fortunately, medicine has made giant leaps since the 18th century! In fact, according to calculations by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, in our time, about 80% of women 35-39 years old become pregnant naturally, their fertility index is only slightly inferior to women 27-34 years old. In a study published in 2014 by Boston University School of Medicine, researchers even found that women who gave birth to their last child at age 33 or later lived longer than those who gave birth at age 27. Of course, “after this does not mean as a result of this,” but the data is remarkable, you will agree.

I'm tired of the pregnancy stories we feed women. We warn young girls that if they delay in bearing children, they will certainly face dire consequences. We tell them that their bodies are designed to bear children, and the sooner the better. We say there's "never a right time" to have a baby—as if women have to give up everything and get pregnant, no matter how ready they really are, financially, emotionally, etc.

And if the “right time” never comes, is it too crazy to assume that a woman might not give up life to become a mother? What value could there be in pushing a woman to make such a huge, life-changing decision as motherhood? On the other hand, the negative aspects of forcing someone into a role for which they are not psychologically prepared are quite obvious, especially considering the possible risk to life of carrying a child for nine long months. Will anything good come from unwanted motherhood? Maybe. But I would argue that there is a lot of bad stuff too. The truth is that if we all agreed to stop the pressure and not put pressure on women of any age, the world would be a much better place.
