How does an allergy to guinea pigs manifest? What to do if you are allergic to guinea pigs? Signs of an allergic reaction to pets

Often, pets are among the causes of sensitization, or increased sensitivity of our body to external irritating factors leading to allergic reactions. Sources usually include some cat and dog breeds, but adults and children are sometimes allergic to guinea pigs.

Causative agent of allergies

Allergy to guinea pigs, however, similar to other pets too, is nothing more than the reaction of the body of an adult or child to their fur. The cellular composition of animal hair fibers includes a type of fibrillar protein element called keratin. The set of irritating factors leading to allergic reaction on an ornamental rodent, may also include other accompanying stimuli of protein origin:

  • skin scales, often familiar to us under ordinary dandruff,
  • rodent saliva,
  • waste from animal life processes, or excrement.

It is to the protein component, which is one of the components of all the above-mentioned substances, that the human body reacts, thereby opposing immunity to a foreign antigen.

According to its principle of action, an allergic reaction to a protein element is similar to the reaction immune system for an infection or virus that has entered the body. This is usually manifested by an increase in temperature.

Biological process of allergy

The manifestation of an allergic reaction to an animal occurs in stages.

  1. Initially, our protective response to a substance ingested from the animal’s life is expressed in the form of an increase in the produced antibodies - immunoglobulins. Antibodies are produced in cellular composition, throughout the body as a whole, including subcutaneous layers, mucous membranes, spleen tissue, in direct contact with lymph nodes and blood vessels.
  2. At the next stage, the allergen begins to bind immunoglobulin molecules, destroying the cell membrane, releasing histamine. As a result active action histamine, the primary symptoms of an allergy to guinea pigs begin.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

The symptoms of a guinea pig allergy vary from person to person. In some patients, the reaction is accompanied by changes in the skin, many experience sudden swelling, there are cases when an allergic reaction leads to redness of the eye cornea, and the onset of a cough is also recorded.

Among the generally recognized symptoms of an allergic reaction to a rodent, however, as signs characteristic of reactions to other pets:

  • the appearance of “nasality associated with a stuffy nose in the absence of signs of a cold,
  • nasal itching and sneezing attacks,
  • allergic rhinitis,
  • reddened mucous membrane of the ocular cornea, swelling, irritation of the eyelids, lacrimation, which is recorded in the diagnosis as conjunctivitis of allergic origin,
  • frequent rashes on the skin, accompanied by intense itching and associated with scratching, which is diagnosed as atopic dermatitis or urticaria,
  • cough of dry origin, in some cases accompanied by wheezing with characteristic whistles during breathing, attacks of shortness of breath, up to states of suffocation, difficulty working respiratory system, as a result of which bronchial asthma is diagnosed.

Identifying allergies to mumps

Once initial symptoms are present, there are several ways to diagnose whether a person is allergic to guinea pigs.

Laboratory sample

The first method involves conducting a study of an allergological laboratory sample taken from the skin, during the study of which the irritant that led to the allergic reaction is revealed.

The result of the allergen diagnosis becomes known after 25 minutes.

The starting material for the sample is taken from adults in the forearm area, from children - in the upper back area by means of small scratches with the application of a certain amount of diagnostic allergen. On top it is coated with histamine and glycerin. A reddened area with a scratch and swelling show a positive result.


The second diagnostic method can be done by general analysis blood for the presence of specific antibodies in it. It uses an allergy test, which examines blood serum for the presence of animal and epidermal proteins contained in the epithelium of a rodent.

Taking therapeutic and preventive measures

When a guinea pig allergy is diagnosed, a therapeutic treatment and subsequent prevention of unavoidable exposure to rodents.

According to experts, people often call them and ask: do guinea pigs cause allergies? In fact, an allergic person can be allergic to anything - to the guinea pigs themselves, to the dust from the sawdust used to keep them, to hay, their fur, and even to the feed that the domestic rodent eats.

Before you get a guinea pig, you should first ask your doctor if you are allergic to any of the above. If there are people in your family who are susceptible to allergies, believe me, you shouldn’t get even such a small animal as a guinea pig, hoping... that nothing will happen. As a rule, such manipulations end with the pig being given to other owners. Don't stress yourself or your pet.

Also, if you are planning a new addition to your family, it is advisable to postpone the purchase of a guinea pig. Since allergies very often appear during pregnancy in those women who were not prone to allergies at all.

Quite often it happens that people who have it are not allergic to guinea pigs, and vice versa. But in order to know for sure whether you can have a small rodent at home, it is better to take a test.

Allergy sufferers should remember that a guinea pig can not only amuse its owner, but also become the cause of a dangerous serious disease, which in the future will be cured for a long time and persistently by an allergist.

Causes of the disease

There is a misconception that an allergy to guinea pigs is expressed by a person’s reaction directly to the fur of these animals, but in reality, this is far from the case. The main allergen is found in the dead “husk” on the skin of this animal, and also, to a lesser extent, in its urine and saliva - these are the main ones for the guinea pig. The husk comes into direct contact with the patient’s skin and enters his respiratory tract during the process of inhaling air, as a result of which all the symptoms of the disease soon appear on the face.

Manifestation of the disease

It is fair to note that in greater numbers clinical cases on a guinea pig occurs quite quickly - in the first days of direct contact with the rodent or coexistence with it. However, for almost all allergy sufferers, such exacerbations begin in different ways. Some experience severe discomfort, since allergies manifest themselves in the form skin itching(most often a rash appears on the face) and significant swelling in the eye area. Many allergy sufferers experience dry skin followed by cracks. problem areas. There were also cases when the patient could not cope on his own with systematic attacks of severe suffocating cough.

Symptoms of this allergy

  • dry ;
  • sneezing and excessive tearing;
  • sudden;
  • dyspnea;
  • redness and itching of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • , redness of the skin, urticaria.

If the above symptoms appear in guinea pigs upon contact with a domestic guinea pig or objects that it has ever touched (sawdust in a cage, bedding, etc.), a blood test should also be taken.


A person in whose life an allergy to guinea pigs has been officially identified at least once must clearly understand that such a phenomenon can periodically recur and therefore should, at all costs, get rid of this allergen. Still, health is more important.

Allergy treatment

Naturally, the guinea pig needs to be examined in a timely manner. And the sooner this pathology is identified, the greater the likelihood of it being cured completely. After eliminating this pathogenic allergen, the allergist determines an alternative treatment regimen, which includes a list of external and internal use. This treatment, basically, is carried out in a complex and is selected based on the characteristics of each organism, but it necessarily includes a vitamin and mineral complex. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Allergy medications

  • “ ” (“Chloropyramine”);
  • "" ("Clemastine");
  • "" (Promethazine).

Sometimes, even such a cute-looking “little animal” can lead to a serious anomaly human body, which is very difficult to cure, which is why you should be careful when choosing pets, so as not to think later about where they can be placed.

The individual heightened (and in most cases inadequate) protective reaction of the immune system to a substance that is almost absolutely safe for humans is known to many. This is an allergy or sensitization, that is, “increasing the body’s sensitivity to irritants, causing an allergic reaction.” These irritants (allergens) also include pets: cats and dogs, rabbits and hamsters. And even horses! And to the question that interests many, “Do guinea pigs cause allergies?” Allergists give a unequivocally positive answer.

In itself, the “Guinea pig”, “pork mouse”, “Indian pig”, that is, the well-known rodent of the pig family - the guinea pig - is not to blame for anything. They are so sweet, funny, trusting... Since 500 BC. e. They were domesticated by the Indians who lived in the Andes; these rodents get along well with humans. But, unfortunately, allergies to guinea pigs are quite a large number lovers of these animals do not allow them to be kept as pets.

Causes of guinea pig allergies

An allergic reaction to animals, including an allergy to guinea pigs, is commonly considered a reaction of the human body to hairline their skin - that is, onto their fur. Of course, there is some truth in this, because wool contains a type of fibrillar protein called keratin. But in addition to fur, other “accompanying” irritants of protein origin are also to blame for allergies to domestic four-legged animals - skin flakes (dandruff), saliva, waste products (excrement). So the causes of allergies to guinea pigs are the whole combination of these substances.

It is to the proteins that make up these substances that the immune system reacts as if it were a foreign antigen, just as it does when pathogenic bacteria or viruses enter our body. A protective reaction is triggered, which is expressed in an increase in the production of specific antibodies of the IgE class - immunoglobulins of class E, which is found in mast cells. Mast cells are immune and are distributed throughout the body - in subcutaneous tissue, in mucous membranes, in bone marrow, spleen, next to lymph nodes and blood vessels.

Next, the allergen causes the binding of IgE molecules, and this, in turn, destroys the cell membrane mast cells and gives complete freedom to the histamine contained in them - a biogenic amine, a mediator of allergic reactions immediate type. Free histamine is very active, and all signs of guinea pig allergy are due to its active “activity” in the body.

Symptoms of Guinea Pig Allergy

As a rule, each person’s body reacts to an antigen in one way. In some people, an allergy to guinea pigs manifests itself on the skin, in others - in the form of swelling and redness of the eyes, in others, a cough begins.

Generally accepted following symptoms allergies to guinea pigs:

  • nasal congestion, itchy nose and sneezing attacks, runny nose (allergic rhinitis);
  • redness of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) of the eyes, swelling in the eye area, itching of the eyelids, lacrimation (allergic conjunctivitis);
  • erythematous skin rashes causing severe itching and leading to scratching (atopic dermatitis or urticaria);
  • dry cough, wheezing in the chest when breathing, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, asthma attacks (bronchial asthma).

Diagnosis of guinea pig allergies

The main method for diagnosing allergies remains allergy testing. These are the so-called skin prick tests, with the help of which allergists identify the specific irritant that led to the allergic reaction.

The skin at the site of the test (in adults - on the forearm, in children - on the upper back) is disinfected, small scratches are made and a small amount of a special diagnostic allergen is applied to them, and on top - two more substances (histamine and glycerin), which should confirm truthfulness of the reaction. If after a quarter of an hour the skin on a scratch turns red and swollen, it means the person has an allergy.

Another method for diagnosing guinea pig allergies is a blood test for the presence of specific IgE antibodies. A diagnostic allergy test for identifying IgE antibodies in the patient’s blood serum allows one to study the body’s reaction to epidermal and animal proteins, including guinea pig epithelium. This allergen is classified in the Phadiatop test system as e6 - inhalant allergen (home all year round).

Treating Guinea Pig Allergy

Therapeutic measures for IgE-related allergies are mainly aimed at getting rid of its manifestations. It is almost impossible to cure the allergy itself, as experts admit.

True, there is allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), which fights the cause of this disease. However, it is not universal and cannot be applied in all cases without exception. In addition, such treatment is very long and expensive.

Therefore, doctors still prescribe to their patients, including those who are allergic to guinea pigs, antihistamines.

From an extensive list medicines used to relieve symptoms of allergy to guinea pigs, doctors most often recommend taking third-generation antihistamines during exacerbations, which do not have side effects its predecessors, in particular, sedative. The therapeutic effect of antihistamines is based on their ability to block the body's H1-histamine receptors and the entry of histamine into the blood. That is why the use of these medications can not only reduce the intensity of allergic reactions, but also prevent them.

To treat allergies to guinea pigs, the drug Zyrtec (cetirizine) is used, which is very effective for skin manifestations of allergies - atopic dermatitis, as well as allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis. Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet (10 mg) once a day (at night). Dose for children aged 6-12 years – 0.5 tablets twice a day. At severe violations kidney function, the dose should be reduced by 2 times. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than 7 days. Among side effects Zyrtec reported occasional drowsiness, headache and dry mouth. And among the contraindications are: increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation, as well as childhood up to two years.

Telfast (fexofenadine) is recognized as one of the most effective and safe antihistamines. Dosage of this medicine as follows: adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet (120 or 180 mg) once a day (regardless of meals, wash down sufficient quantity water). At long-term use Telfast must be kept at intervals between two doses of 24 hours. Children 6-11 years old should take 30 mg of the drug twice a day. Telfast is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age.

Another antihistamine, Erius (desloratadine), is prescribed for allergic rhinitis, itching in the eyes and nose, conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation and cough, as well as allergic rashes on the skin. Erius in the form of tablets is taken by adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 tablet once a day at the same time (regardless of meals, take with enough water). The drug Erius in syrup form is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age, 10 ml once a day. Children 6-11 months - 2 ml, children from 1 year to 5 years - 2.5 ml, from 6 to 11 years - 5 ml once a day (regardless of food intake).

Preventing guinea pig allergies

Today various types Allergies affect an average of 15% of the population different countries peace. And no one has calculated how many of this number itch, sneeze and cough from their cats, dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs.

Is there a way to prevent guinea pig allergies? Despite the fact that it is not difficult to keep these nice little animals and even children as young as 7-8 years old can take care of them, the only way to guarantee the absence of an allergy to a guinea pig is the absence of this animal in the house...

You can find offers to buy a guinea pig without hair (out of almost two hundred breeds of guinea pigs, there are also “hairless” ones, for example, Baldwin and Skinny). But now you understand that it's not just about the animal's fur.

In addition, the main food for guinea pigs (up to 60% of the diet) is hay, and hay (that is, cereal meadow grasses) is also a strong pollen allergen.

It is important to know!

Damage to the small and large intestines can be an independent and only manifestation or one of the components of a general allergic reaction of the body. Most often entero- and colopathies occur due to food and drug allergies, less often - with serum sickness, polyposis and other forms of general allergosis.

Guinea pigs belong to the class Mammals and the order Rodents. They are characterized by white, brown or multi-colored colors, and the wool can be fluffy and long or short, hard and thick. The name of the breed, at first glance, may be considered strange: the animal is afraid of water and is not even remotely related to a pig.

However, in fact, the first part comes from the shortened word “overseas”, which means “brought from afar” - the historical homeland of rodents is not Europe at all, but South America. The second is explained even more simply: when demanding food or attention from the owner, the animal makes sounds reminiscent of grunting. Due to its small size, unpretentiousness in conditions of detention and touching appearance many people choose it as pet. However, both children and adults can develop an allergy to guinea pigs - it is manifested by respiratory disorders, adverse changes in the skin and mucous membranes.


People predisposed to individual sensitivity reactions are forced to give up keeping many pets - someone sneezes next to dogs, someone finds it difficult to breathe after cleaning the parrot's cage. And you can also be allergic to guinea pigs - if the immune system of the person in contact with it perceives it as a potential threat:

  1. Skin flakes, wool.
  2. Saliva.
  3. Urine, feces.

All these media contain proteins (proteins), to which specific sensitivity (sensitization) is formed; in response to their entry into the body, even in small quantities, protective complexes are released that are involved in the development of an allergic reaction - antibodies.

In addition, people may experience intolerance to:

  • feed components;
  • toilet filler;
  • bedding;
  • hair care products.

The cause of sensitivity is dust - it settles in the cage, on surfaces in the house, on clothes and shoes, and even on the animal itself if not properly cared for. As it rises into the air, it contains tiny particles of hair, saliva and secretions that enter the human respiratory tract.

Do allergies depend on breed?

There are many varieties of guinea pigs - each person can choose the animal that suits him best:

Of course, it is difficult to deny that it is easier to notice fleas on an animal without fluffy fur, and it is easier to care for it, including bathing it; there is no need for constant brushing. However, if the sensitivity is caused by saliva or other secretions, even hairless pets are dangerous to health, and you should not have them at home. Allergic potential, that is, the ability to provoke intolerance reactions, is present in any guinea pig - and susceptibility to it depends not on the breed, but on the characteristics of the immune system of a particular person.


The guinea pig is an animal that is often handled. At the same time, a person, unbeknownst to himself, inhales allergens, and also transfers them from the pet’s fur to his own skin and mucous membranes. Signs of a reaction can be divided into several main groups:

  1. Skin.
  2. Catarrhal.
  3. Quincke's edema.
  4. Bronchospasm.

They are observed not only separately, but also in combination, the severity of the course varies - sometimes the symptoms are mild and quickly disappear after stopping contact with the animal, in other cases they can pose a serious threat to the health and even the life of the patient.

Skin manifestations

This various signs dermatitis that occurs immediately upon contact with allergens or some time after it (a few hours later):

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • the presence of a rash (blisters, blisters, spots);
  • peeling;
  • feeling of dryness, tightness.

Hives are likely - in this case, blisters form on the surface of the reddened and swollen skin. They are very itchy and can cover the entire body, but more often they affect certain areas. Appear and disappear suddenly, with no scars or secondary elements of the rash. At the same time, there is an increase in body temperature, weakness, and headache. This type of dermatitis is an example of an immediate allergic reaction.

In the delayed version of the course, dryness, the appearance of itchy spots and blisters, swelling and redness are more typical. These signs persist for several days, regress gradually, and can cause significant discomfort to the patient.

Catarrhal manifestations

A group of signs characterized by changes in the mucous membranes:

  • nose (rhinitis);
  • pharynx (pharyngitis);
  • eye (conjunctivitis)

The following symptoms of guinea pig allergy are observed:

  1. Runny nose with the presence of liquid transparent discharge.
  2. Sneezing, coughing, sore throat.
  3. Redness of the eyes, itching and swelling of the eyelids, copious discharge tear fluid.

The syndromes of rhinitis, pharyngitis and conjunctivitis are often combined with each other, their signs appear within a few minutes after contact with the animal; they can also be joined skin manifestations. Sometimes the reaction is so pronounced that the patient completely loses the ability to breathe through his nose or experiences swelling of the eyelids, which does not allow him to open his eyes.

Quincke's edema

This is a type of immediate allergic reaction in which swelling develops:

The swelling has a dense consistency and can be asymmetrical. Symptoms are varied: from a burning sensation and swelling of the affected areas to abdominal pain and respiratory failure. The most dangerous location is considered to be in the larynx: this area has a narrow lumen, and the resulting swelling interferes with the passage of air, creating the preconditions for the development of asphyxia - suffocation. Objectively the process is characterized by:

  1. Hoarseness of voice.
  2. "Barking" cough.
  3. Increasing shortness of breath.
  4. Dizziness, weakness, panic.

The patient breathes noisily, pushing air into the lungs with difficulty; his face first becomes bluish (cyanotic), then pale, and there is a serious risk to life. Even after relief (cessation) of the symptoms of Quincke's edema with the help medicines hoarseness persists for some time, discomfort in the throat.


With this variant of the course of the allergic reaction, a narrowing of the lumen of the lower respiratory tract occurs - it develops respiratory failure. Main symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • feeling of lack of air, suffocation;
  • chest congestion;
  • dry paroxysmal cough without sputum or with a small amount of it;
  • noisy breathing, audible even at a distance from the patient;
  • wheezing in the lungs.

Dyspnea during bronchospasm differs in that during its development it is mainly difficult to exhale.

To make movements easier chest, the patient can rest his hands on a stable surface. Body temperature remains normal, skin cyanotic or pale.


To determine if a person is allergic to guinea pigs, you can use different ways- it is more convenient to describe them in the table:

Study title The essence of the method Features of interpretation of results
History taking Clarification of data regarding the time of onset and duration of persistence of symptoms, intolerance to animals in close relatives, etc. Allows you to compare an episode of deterioration in health and the presence of circumstances that explain the connection with contact with a guinea pig
Skin tests Involves applying special solutions containing potential rodent allergens to the forearm or back If redness, swelling, itching, or a blister appear, the test confirms the diagnosis of sensitivity
Clinical blood test A general study of greatest interest is leukocyte formula An increase in the content of eosinophils (up to 5% or more) is indirect sign presence of an immune reaction
Antibody determination One of the most accurate tests, which searches for specific protective immune complexes The detection of antibodies allows us to talk about accurate diagnosis allergies

You need to understand that the results of tests, both laboratory and skin, can be influenced by various factors:

Therefore, one must prepare for research by trying to either eliminate distorting factors or select methods that are insensitive to them.


Calling allergies a chronic process is not always correct, given that in some cases it is possible to achieve the absence of symptoms if you follow certain conditions. However, if there are antibodies, they are immediately activated upon contact with the provoking substance - therefore the disease is persistent and permanent.

Elimination measures

This is a set of actions aimed at stopping contact with antigens - substances that trigger the start of a sensitivity reaction. If the source is a guinea pig, there is only one way out - refuse to keep it. Some people who don't want to part with the animal try the partial elimination method: the pet remains in the house, but is cared for by a healthy family member. However, this is a temporary measure and is only suitable for those who do not experience severe symptoms- especially if your pet travels throughout the house, leaving particles of skin, fur and secretions on the floor, sofas and other surfaces.

People suffering from intolerance to food and bedding should avoid contact with those components that cause a reaction in them - for example, with fresh vegetables and fruits, grains, etc. You can keep a guinea pig if, after replacing the provoking ingredients with safe symptoms disappeared.

You also need:

All of these activities should be carried out continuously. Allergy sufferers should not do cleaning, bathing, or combing - even if the cause of the reaction was not an animal, but food or other irritants, it is extremely undesirable to increase the concentration of potential provocateurs in the inhaled air or on the skin.


IN acute period reactions should be avoided:

  1. Citrus fruits.
  2. Orekhov.
  3. Tomatov.
  4. Peanuts.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Gribov.
  7. Milk.
  8. Spicy seasonings.
  9. Sausage products.
  10. Honey.
  11. Konservov and others.

All products with a high or moderate allergic potential are excluded - this is done, firstly, to reduce the burden on the body, and secondly, to prevent the development of additional intolerance reactions, the risk of which seriously increases.

Food should be steamed, boiled, and used in the oven instead of frying. It is worth introducing dull fruits and vegetables into the diet - preferably in heat-treated form (the allergen proteins in them are destroyed), as well as lean varieties of meat and fish. Whole milk is prohibited, but you can eat cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, drink kefir and yogurt. It is important to maintain fluid balance by drinking still water.

Drug therapy

Treatment pharmacological drugs necessary to relieve signs of an acute reaction and a course of treatment during the period when symptoms subside to prevent the development of complications. The regimen may include drugs such as:

  • antihistamines (Cetrin, Eden);
  • topical glucocorticosteroids (Mometasone, Elokom);
  • beta2-agonists (Salbutamol), etc.

They are available in the form of tablets, ointments and creams, and aerosols for inhalation. For emergency care are used injection forms Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Adrenaline, Suprastin, etc.

The main medications are drugs from the group of histamine H1 receptor blockers - tablets should be carried with each patient with allergies.

These are Cetirizine, Zyrtec, Erius and other products that help eliminate skin and catarrhal symptoms, complement therapy in the treatment of angioedema and other pathologies associated with a reaction to a rodent. Medicines can be taken at the first signs of sensitivity to reduce their intensity or stop altogether. Topical glucocorticosteroids are indicated in the presence of dermatitis, beta2-agonists are indicated to combat bronchospasm.

How often a name can be misleading! So, in fact, curious cases occurred with guinea pigs, which the people who bought them, without any hesitation, released into baths of water or aquariums, sincerely believing that since they were guinea pigs, they should exist in an aquatic environment.

However, these rodents got their “sea” name rather from the combination “from overseas” (more precisely, from overseas), since in ancient times they were brought from there. Perhaps this moment has no connection with the question of whether there is an allergy to guinea pigs, or maybe there is some rational grain here - allergies appear in the most unexpected situations and from the most unexpected things.

No matter how sad it is to admit this, but a cute rodent may well be the cause of an allergy. Not through my own fault, however. Such a predisposition can “nest” in the host’s body, which does not tolerate a certain protein component.

Pig fur, skin scales, waste products, and even saliva, which contain this allergen component, can provoke the cause of an allergy or its exacerbation.

Particles of allergens of “overseas” origin are tiny, reaching literally 0.8 microns. They can hover in the air for quite a long time, and usually enter it from rodent urine.

Allergic manifestations occur both through direct contact with a pet and when inhaling animal dander along with dust particles. So the popular belief that allergies occur only to guinea pig fur is groundless: symptoms of the disease can only occur through direct contact with fur.

In addition, the basis of “pig” food is a whole herbal set of dry plants or mixed feed, and some of their components are also allergens. And when asked whether certain types of food cause a negative reaction, we can safely say: yes!

How does it manifest?

The clinical picture of an allergic reaction may appear within the first few days after acquiring a new tenant.

Each person experiences symptoms differently, but if any of the following occurs, then this is serious reason consult a doctor.

The most common symptom is a skin rash resembling atopic dermatitis or urticaria. As a rule, it is accompanied by itching. Also the skin may become excessively dry and even crack in the area where it came into contact with the allergen. There may also be simple redness: see similar symptoms in the photo on the right.

Other common manifestations of allergies include damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes or nose, as well as the respiratory system, expressed as follows:

  • conjunctivitis of allergic etiology;
  • rhinitis;
  • clinic-like bronchial asthma difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, dry cough, wheezing and even attacks of suffocation.

Allergic symptoms are the same in children and adults. With conjunctivitis, the vessels of the conjunctiva dilate, so there is redness of the mucous membrane, the eyelids swell, the eyes itch and water. Sometimes in the area eyeball burning and pain are felt.

"Hay fever", as allergic rhinitis is also called, clinical picture similar to the usual infectious one: the same runny nose and sneezing, nasal congestion and itching. But, unlike the ever-increasing infectious rhinitis, allergic rhinitis occurs very quickly and is not accompanied by fever, headache and muscle pain.

Main it characteristic- literally streams from the nasal passages, often in combination with conjunctivitis. But the most striking feature: remove the suspected allergen and the runny nose will stop(or will resume when the stimulus returns).

So, allergies can cause many questions if there are no guinea pigs in the house. And a person can start sneezing and coughing - seemingly for no reason - while visiting, after playing with the owner's pet. This is a clear signal: there is a predisposition to “pig” allergies.

What to do if you suspect the cause of your allergy is the presence of a guinea pig in the apartment? For this It is worth contacting an allergist and having special tests and blood tests done which will help identify the culprit.

Who shouldn't have a pet?

Some people believe that if a person is allergic to dogs or cats, then this automatically applies to guinea pigs as well. But studies have shown that the allergens of these and other animals are in no way related to each other. However, even in in this case you need to know about the restrictions on keeping this cute rodent:

  • weakened immune system;
  • frequent colds;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy - then the body has a special predisposition to allergies;
  • infancy of young apartment residents.

Children, especially small ones, always have a great desire to have a toy animal. But it’s better to wait until the child grows a little and gets stronger.

How to treat?

The tests taken turned out to be positive or the histamine content in the blood was increased. It is necessary to start treatment. Without a doubt, you should not do this at your own peril and risk. Only a doctor can determine which of the existing antiallergic medications to prescribe for you.

First of all, these will be antihistamines. The most famous and widespread are “Pipolfen”, “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”. But experts recommend the third generation of such drugs: they act more gently and are devoid of many side effects. Among others we can name:

  • "Zyrtec"
  • "Telfast"
  • "Erius".

The first one fights well with skin rashes, but it also relieves other symptoms that arise from contact with a guinea pig. These tablets have several side effects, which you should familiarize yourself with before purchasing.

Telfast is designed for adults and children over 6 years of age only.. Experts call it the most effective and safe.

The third drug - "Erius" - in the form of tablets is intended for adults and older children, and is offered to children in the form of syrup.

Antihistamines can also be used in for preventive purposes- in half the dose, if there is a need for close contact with the animal.

If a so-called contact allergy occurs during treatment, then first of all it is necessary to wash off the allergen from the skin, and then, if necessary, apply antihistamine ointment to the area.

To get rid of allergies, a type of treatment called immunotherapy is also used. During this procedure, a minimal dose of the allergen is initially injected subcutaneously into the patient’s body. If an acute reaction is not observed, the dose is gradually increased.

Treatment is carried out individually and is not only symptomatic, but also complex - to strengthen the immune system, a vitamin-mineral complex is prescribed at the same time.

How to prevent the occurrence of disease?

Most radical way To avoid allergies - do not have this animal at all or not have contact with it. But the child has a tender attachment to him, and, of course, the child does not understand how you suffer from such proximity. As a compromise solution, several steps can be recommended.

Firstly, daily wet cleaning in the apartment - your own, and regular - in the pig's cage, as well as regular bathing of the rodent.

The ideal option is not to clean the cage yourself, but if there are no real helpers, then it makes sense not to communicate with the animal directly. It is better to protect yourself with long sleeves and gloves. Clothing must be changed after handling a guinea pig or cleaning its cage., and wash your hands as thoroughly as possible.

If you need to remove the pig from the cage, do not bring it close to your face or use a gauze bandage.

And purely tactical points: do not place a cage with an animal in the bedroom; do not release it onto upholstered furniture; Get an air filter or air purifier, placing it near the cage to reduce the concentration of allergen in the air.

It turned out that the allergy was not to the animal itself, but to the hay, i.e. cereals meadow plants, on his “living space”? Try replacing this collection with a mixture of other herbs and be sure to pay attention to its quality. Hay should not be:

  • brown,
  • dusty,
  • old.

Let the experts tell you how to distinguish it correctly.

A guinea pig, despite its apparent cuteness, can cause a lot of trouble for its owners., if you know that it can cause allergies in people predisposed to such a reaction. The disease is quite serious and dangerous and requires persistent and long-term treatment.

Video on the topic

So the decision to get a guinea pig should not be made off the cuff; this issue must be approached carefully and wisely, and if you really want to have such an animal at home, then it is best to do this after first going through everything allergy tests. So that later there would be no excruciating pain - both for yourself and for the one you tamed.

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