When can you squat after hip replacement? Lifelong general recommendations after hip replacement. Tips for the future

For rehabilitation after endoprosthetics hip joint(TBS) passed without complications, and artificial joint took root and functioned normally, it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. During the early recovery period, drug therapy is prescribed and light physical training. As recovery progresses, the set of exercises becomes more varied, and the load gradually increases.

To postoperative period the patient was not distracted by extraneous matters, issued sick leave disability.

Stages of rehabilitation: requirements and limitations

Recovery after hip replacement takes a long time, and at each subsequent stage a person’s life changes. In order to normalize the condition and fully recover, at least six months must pass. Immediately after prosthetics, the patient remains in the hospital for 2-3 weeks, because during this period there are restrictions that cannot be violated. Further, when the suture heals and the danger of complications has passed, the adaptation period continues at home. All this time, the artificial joint is being developed and the muscle corset is being trained. If you lead healthy image life, engage in light sports and follow the doctor’s recommendations, a person will live full life the same as before implantation.

Early postoperative

General principles

You can use crutches to move around.

The period begins immediately after removal of the affected joint and replacement with a hip joint endoprosthesis. Lasts up to 15 days. Once the anesthesia has worn off, the patient is allowed to sit up, but not concentrate weight on the operated area. Starting from the second day, you can lower the sore leg from the bed to prevent blood clots; elastic bandages are placed around the limb. Basic rules for recovery after early hip replacement surgery:

  • In the first week you are allowed to sleep only on your back.
  • The motor mode should be limited for now. Sudden movements and long walking are prohibited.
  • You can sit for a short time, but it is not recommended to bend your legs more than 90°.
  • It is contraindicated to bring or cross limbs together. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to place a cushion between your legs.
  • To prevent the formation and stagnation of processes in the veins, exercise therapy is prescribed after replacing the hip joint.
  • When moving you need to use support. This can be a walker; walking on crutches is also allowed.

Therapeutic exercises

Physical therapy at an early stage is aimed at improving blood supply to the operated area, developing muscles and preventing the development of complications. During this period, the patient should undergo a course of exercises under the supervision of a physiotherapist. He will teach you how to do exercises correctly and which poses are contraindicated.

Patients lying down can rotate their feet.
  • Lying on your back, bend and straighten the toes of both feet, trying to feel the muscles.
  • Rotate your foot in different sides, then move back and forth.
  • While lying in bed, try to bring the back of your thigh as close to the bed as possible.
  • Take turns first straining the healthy, post-operated limb.
  • Pull the limbs bent at the knees towards you, helping with your hands.
  • Small pillows or bolsters are placed under both legs, then the straight limb is raised one by one and held for 10-15 seconds.

Rehabilitation exercises should not cause pain or discomfort. If a new activity causes acute pain and deterioration in well-being, you should inform your doctor about this and reduce the load on your sore limbs.

Expansion of physical activity

As the patient recovers, he can sit in a chair.

If the initial rehabilitation period passes without complications, the sutures are removed and the patient feels better, the exercise is expanded. The patient is allowed to bend over a little, sit on a chair for a short time, and walk with a walker or crutches. If the patient has already learned to maintain balance, it is recommended to expand the training complex with the following exercises:

  • Leaning on the back of a chair or bed, lift and hold the healthy limb, then the sore limb.
  • Holding onto the support, lift your legs to the sides one at a time, bent at the knee.
  • In a standing position, first raise your limbs forward, then move them back.
  • During all activities, legs must be bandaged or orthopedic orthoses used.

Second stage: what exercises are added?

If the removal of the affected joint was successful, and during the first period in the hospital the patient did not experience any complications, then they are further restored at home, but under the supervision of a doctor. This stage lasts 3 months. As before, elastic bandages are applied to the operated limb; if necessary, the patient also takes medications prescribed by the doctor. The person is still on sick leave, the duration of which depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Two months after surgery, sleeping on your side is allowed.

It is allowed to sleep on your side if two months have passed since the prosthetics, and during this period after the replacement the x-ray shows positive results, you can move around with a cane. The postures taken when performing exercises should not cause discomfort. Exercises after hip replacement at the second stage:

  • In a lying position, make rotational movements with bent limbs, imitating riding a bicycle. To increase the load, a pillow is placed under the lower back.
  • In the same starting position, take turns raising straight limbs 45 ° from the floor, holding for 15-20 seconds.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, bend and unbend both legs at once.
  • Stand up straight, place support near you, for example, chairs. Holding your back, slowly squat, trying to feel your thigh muscles.
  • Sit on a chair, put your legs through a loop made of elastic fabric. Spread both limbs to the sides, tensing all muscles.

The third stage of rehabilitation after hip replacement

Lasts on average 6 months. A person’s physical activity is expanded, new, intense exercises are added, and it is also allowed to move up the stairs. During this period, the gait should level out; the person can already bend over without using support. In addition to charging, you can connect a course of massage treatments. But do not forget that if the condition has not fully recovered, and in the early rehabilitation period the sutures did not heal for a long time, and there were other complications, massage after hip replacement is contraindicated.

In the third recovery stage, you can raise and lower your straight legs while lying down.

The training complex includes the following exercises:

  • Lie on your operated side, straightening your leg, moving your healthy leg slightly to the side. Raise the affected limb, trying to hold it in a hanging position for 5-7 seconds.
  • Lying on the mat, raise both straight limbs at a right angle, then slowly lower them to the floor.
  • Stand up straight and place a raised platform in front of you that imitates a step. Rise and descend from it, first with the healthy, then with the operated limb.
  • Place a clamp made of elastic fabric on the door handle. Thread the affected leg into the loop and pull the collar toward you with maximum effort.

The operation is over. Now a lot depends on you. Try to accurately and carefully follow all the doctors’ recommendations - this is very important for your speedy recovery.

After the operation, the leg is fixed in abduction position in a special “boot”. Both legs are bandaged with elastic bandages, which, in combination with physical exercise, will help prevent vascular disorders. As soon as you finally wake up from anesthesia, begin to perform simple breathing exercises (deep inhalation and extended exhalation) and movements of the toes and ankle joints of both legs (you will be taught how to do this before surgery). Repeat them many times throughout the day.

When you are transferred to the ward (usually on the 2nd day), proceed to more wide complex exercises, performing them once under the guidance of a physical therapy instructor and 2-3 times a day on your own.

Mandatory exercises:

  • free movements of the healthy leg (bending at the knee, lifting up, abducting to the side)
  • flexion and extension in ankle joint the operated leg until a feeling of fatigue appears in the lower leg muscles.
  • tension in the thigh muscles of the operated leg, as when trying to extend it maximally at the knee joint. Voltage duration 1-3 sec.

Periodically during the day, change the position of the operated leg in the knee joint by placing a small roller under it for 10-20 minutes. After 2-3 days, the “boot” is usually removed. Make sure that your leg remains most for a while she was in a position of some abduction, and her toes were directed straight up. From 2-3 days you will probably be allowed to sit up in bed, helping yourself with your hands, and then sit on the bed with your legs down. You need to sit with your torso tilted back, leaning on a pillow placed under your back. Make sure that your hip joint is higher than your knee joint.

A few days after surgery, you will be allowed to stand up at your bedside. The first time this is done with the help of a doctor or physical therapy instructor. They will explain to you how to walk and use crutches correctly, and to what extent you can put weight on the operated leg. If you are standing steadily by the bed, the next day you can (with your doctor's permission!) take a few steps, always leaning on crutches or a walker. Remember that both crutches must be brought forward at the same time, standing on your healthy leg. Then they place the operated leg forward and, leaning on crutches and partially on the operated leg, take a step with the non-operated leg. Standing on it, they again bring the crutches forward.

When turning in bed on your side, and later on your stomach (from 5-8 days), be sure to use a bolster (or pillow), placing it between your thighs. This will prevent unwanted adduction of the leg.

After day 7, the leg is usually bandaged with an elastic bandage only for daytime: the bandage is applied in the morning before getting up, and removed at night.

Motor mode for 3 months after surgery.

The recovery period after total hip replacement lasts several months. Its duration depends on age, general condition Your health and degree motor disorders before surgery, which are determined by the functionality of the other hip joint, knee joints and spine. However, in any case, even if you get the desired result immediately after the operation, you must continue to rehabilitation treatment and strictly adhere to the following recommendations.

Motor mode.

Gradually increase the duration of walking with additional support from crutches. When walking, try to keep your back straight, look forward, place your foot straight in front of you or move it slightly to the side. Bend the knee joint when the leg is suspended, and extend it when the leg rests on the floor. It is better for you to walk several times a day, but at the same time - no more than 30 minutes, gradually increasing the pace and distance of walking. You should not climb more than 1 flight of stairs in the first 2 months after surgery.


It is better to rest lying on your back 3-4 times a day. You can lie on your side, but continue to use a bolster or pillow between your thighs as you did before in the hospital. Do not sleep on a bed that is too soft or low; it is advisable that it is higher than knee level (when you are standing).


You should dress while sitting on a chair. Use assistance when putting on socks, stockings, and shoes, as bending your torso downward will cause excessive flexion in the new hip joint. Do not stand on one foot when putting on the other, and do not turn your foot when putting on the boot.


When sitting, your hip joints should be higher than your knees. To do this, you need to sit on a hard chair with a pillow under your buttocks.
Do not sit in a low chair or lean back, because You will have to bend forward to stand up, and this is wrong. When sitting, your feet should be on the floor, with a distance of 15-20 cm between them. Do not sit cross-legged or cross-legged, and you should not sit without getting up for more than 40 minutes.

Other types of physical activity.

Use outside help or special devices to get objects from the floor that are lying on a chair that is far away from you. Do not reach objects that are behind you or to the side by turning your torso while keeping your legs fixed. To pick up these items, first turn to the right side, standing facing the object. Do not lift heavy objects.

You can shower, but take precautions to avoid slipping on wet floors or in the bathtub, and use extra help when washing your legs below the knees. Remember that your new joint should not bend more than 90-500. It is undesirable to sit on a low seat in the toilet room. To correct this situation, you can place an inflatable ring or install a special attachment.

You can cook food, dust, wash dishes. But do not use a vacuum cleaner, do not make the bed, do not use a mop to wash the floors, and do not perform tasks that require significant physical effort.

Special physiotherapy.

To improve the function of your new joint, you should continue to perform the physical exercises that you learned in the hospital, gradually making them more difficult and increasing the number of repetitions of each exercise. Exercises will help you restore mobility in the joint and prepare your muscles for movement without additional means of support.

Here is a list of the main special exercises.

Starting position lying on your back:

  1. Alternate leg bending knee joints without lifting your feet from the floor (bed).
  2. Alternately moving your legs to the side while sliding along the floor.
  3. Simulation of cycling.
  4. Placing a pillow (roller) under the knees, alternately extending the legs at the knee joints
  5. Bend your knees, alternately straighten your legs and return to the starting position.
  6. Alternately pulling bent legs to the stomach with the help of hands.

Starting position lying on your side (on the non-operated side) with a pillow (cushion) between your thighs:

  1. Straight leg raise (hip abduction)
  2. Moving the straight leg back (hip extension)

Starting position lying on your stomach:

  1. Bending the legs at the knee joints
  2. Extension of the legs at the knee joints while resting on the toes with simultaneous tension of the gluteal muscles.
  3. Straight leg raise back

Starting position: standing on your healthy leg with your hands resting on the back of the chair:

  1. Straight leg raise forward
  2. Same aside
  3. Same back

When performing the exercises, you should not feel pain, repeating these movements at a slow pace from 5 to 8 times. Alternate these exercises with hand movements and breathing exercises.

Long-term period after surgery (more than 3 months).

3 months have passed since the operation. You need to conduct a control X-ray examination, after which the orthopedic doctor will decide on the possibility of expanding the motor mode, and for some professions, returning to previous job. However, in order to further - in long-term period after surgery - to avoid possible serious complications, you need to know and adhere to a number of recommendations.

Motor mode

If there is no discomfort in the joint, you can no longer use crutches, but switch to a cane - it must be taken in the hand on the side opposite to the operated leg. It is important that the cane is selected correctly - in accordance with your height. You can check this in the following way: while standing, take the cane in your hand; if it suits you, then at the moment of support, the elbow is slightly bent, and the shoulder girdle does not rise up.

On average, 6-8 months after surgery, you can begin walking with a cane, even without preliminary consultation with a doctor. Remember that it is better not to overload the new joint, for example by long walking (walks, excursions, long trips, etc.). In the future, if such a need arises, unload it with a cane.

In any case, if discomfort appears in the joint and you begin to limp, take the cane in your hand. This will relieve the joint from overloads that arise due to lameness.
Don't forget that you have a load limit. You should not lift or carry weights weighing more than 20 kg, you should not increase your body weight more than yours. age norm. Know that when lifting an object weighing 20 kg, a force equal to 70 kg will act on the joint. Make every effort (diet, etc.) to reduce your own weight if it is above normal.

Additional physical activity.

At your own discretion, if the set of exercises that you did after the operation became too easy to perform, you can expand and complicate it. As before, most exercises should be done in a lying position. While standing, add exercises such as half-squats - at first, leaning on the back of a chair, then with your hands on your belt.

3-4 months after surgery, begin training to transfer your body weight to the operated leg. When trying to stand on your operated leg, first use both hands, then one, and finally no hands. When performing exercises while standing on your operated leg, continue to lean on the back of the chair as you did before. In the future, it is recommended to engage in swimming, skiing - this means skiing on flat terrain, not water or skiing. It's good to ride a bike. Do not get carried away with jumping, running, gymnastics, acrobatics, etc.

Other types of physical activity.

IN Everyday life You will sometimes encounter a number of situations in which you may experience discomfort in the joint or overload it.

  • You cannot sharply turn your leg inward and perform swinging movements.
  • You should not turn around while standing on your operated leg; instead, it is better to take a small step in the right direction.
  • It is undesirable to bend forward with the operated leg straightened.
  • You should avoid sudden movements (jogs, etc.) with the operated leg.
  • It is not recommended to drive a car earlier than 3-4 months after the operation, and more late dates When driving, you need to stop and get out of the car every 1.5-2 hours.

You can start working no earlier than 3 months after the operation, provided that the work does not involve standing on your feet for a long time.

You should not put your artificial joint at risk.

Life after hip replacement involves, first of all, long-term rehabilitation and restoration of the sore leg and its functionality. During this period, it is necessary to limit heavy physical activity and prescribe special physical therapy. A set of exercises is prepared by the attending physician. At first, all of them are performed under his supervision, and over time they can be done at home. With due diligence and careful adherence to all the rules, it will be possible to live a normal life in the shortest possible time.

Early period

The early recovery period begins after anesthesia and lasts approximately 4 weeks. At this time, it is necessary to reduce the swelling caused by the operation. It is very important to heal the suture quickly, and also to ensure that no complications arise in the body.

Physical therapy begins on the first day after surgery. It is necessary to restore all functions of the joint and surrounding muscles. Exercises are performed 3 times a day with both legs in turn. The future life and functioning of the joint will depend on them. The following exercise options may be offered:

  1. The foot moves up and down.
  2. Rotation of the ankle left and right. You cannot use your knees for work.
  3. Tension the upper thigh with the leg straight for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times. At first, the leg will not straighten completely, so do not be alarmed.
  4. Clenching and unclenching the buttocks for a few seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Lunge the straight leg to the side at a permissible distance and return to the starting position. You won't be able to do the exercise right away either.

Once the patient can sit, it is necessary to learn how to move correctly with the replaced joint. To use crutches or other support of your choice for the first time, sit on the edge of the bed and place your feet on the floor. With the crutches at your sides, slowly stand up, holding the crutches tightly and leaning on them. Make sure the floor is non-slip and there is nothing to prevent you from climbing.

Movement has its own system. Keeping your body straight and your foot position correct, lean on the crutches and move your operated leg to the side. In the first days, do not lower the sore limb to the floor. Gradually you are allowed to lower your leg, transferring your body weight to it. Monitor your physical condition, walk as much as your body allows.

The course of further therapeutic exercises is selected individually for each patient. She will completely restore the sore leg and move it to further stages of recovery. You need to do several approaches a day, keeping a slow and smooth pace. It will also be effective breathing exercises, which is performed together with the rest of the set of exercises. When the muscles tense, you should inhale, when they relax, exhale.

Late period

Recovery time during this period begins one month after surgery and lasts 90 days. At this time, it is necessary to carefully strengthen the muscles through special training and restore full range of motion. After a person has recovered a little and can already get out of bed and sit down on his own, training on an exercise bike is added, and learning to walk up the stairs begins.

How to move up the stairs correctly? The ascent begins with placing the crutch on the upper surface, followed by the healthy leg, and only after that the operated leg. At this stage, the main thing is to restore balance and further attempts to move without support. Until you are sure that you can do without a cane, it is better not to give it up (this is also called Nordic walking).

When training endurance, you first need to walk 3 times a day for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the load. To maintain the results achieved, take long walks and do a number of exercises, for example with a band. To do this, secure the latter to furniture or a door, and wrap the other part around the ankle of the operated leg. Turn your back to the fabric and move your limb slightly to the side. Lift your leg forward with your knee straight and slowly return it back. Turn your healthy side towards the band, move the limb to the side, and then return it to the starting position.

Exercise on an exercise bike will help restore joint mobility. The seat is adjusted so that your feet lightly touch the pedals when your leg is extended. Start pedaling at reverse side. When you feel no special effort, start twisting in standard mode. Exercises begin with 15 minutes twice a day, after which classes are carried out 3 times for 30 minutes. Exercise bikes with short pedals will simulate regular cycling. The time is set individually.

Walking backwards on a treadmill will also help. Stand on the machine with your back to the dashboard and grab the railing with your hands. Approximate speed - 2 km/h. Start the movement by rolling from your toes to your heels, and when your entire leg is on the treadmill, straighten your knee completely.

Another exercise:

  1. Lying on your healthy side, bend your knees and hips.
  2. Keep your heels together and slowly lift your knee up.
  3. There should always be a pillow under your head and a bolster between your legs. They can be removed only with the permission of a doctor.

Remote period

This period is final, it can last from six months or longer depending on age, physical condition and the patient's willpower. Happening here full recovery and joint adaptation: bones heal faster, ligaments and muscles function better. More complex ones are added to the basic exercises from previous periods:

  1. Lying on your back, do a “bicycle.”
  2. In the same position, pull one leg at a time towards your stomach, bending them at the knees and lightly pressing on them with your hands.
  3. Lying on your healthy side with a bolster in your perineum, lift your leg and hold it as far as possible.
  4. While lying on your stomach, bend and straighten your knees.
  5. In the same position, lift both legs in turn and move them back.
  6. Standing with your back straight, squat slightly while holding onto the object.

Exercises with a low step platform (10 cm) will be effective. Stand on the step and, keeping your body weight on your affected leg, take a step forward from the platform with your healthy leg. It is necessary to have a mirror in order to control your own actions, perform the exercises correctly and not roll your foot to the side. Second exercise: standing on the floor, step up onto the step with your healthy leg, keeping your injured leg on the floor. Both steps increase over time to 15 and 20 cm.

During any recovery period, all physical therapy occurs under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Never ignore his prohibitions. Gymnastics is not performed through pain and does not stop prematurely. Additionally, during this and other periods, various types of appointments are prescribed. medicines. All of them are adjusted individually for each patient. The complex of drugs will necessarily include the following:

  • painkillers (over time, their use will decrease significantly and then stop);
  • antibiotics to reduce infectious threats;
  • vitamins;
  • medicines aimed at treating concomitant diseases of the body.

Allowed during this period

You can and even need to do therapeutic exercises after discharge. Do necessary housework as long as it doesn't put a lot of stress on your leg. Go for walks in the company of relatives and friends so that someone is nearby if your condition suddenly worsens. Alternate gymnastics, rest and work.

When can you drive a car? Only 2 months after surgery. When boarding, the seat should be moved back as far as possible. It is allowed to carry heavy objects, but only for short distances or with long breaks. If possible, it is better to use a backpack that will distribute the weight of the item being carried evenly.

Is it possible to resume previous training? Continue your favorite sports activities, especially if it's walking or skiing, as they will keep your body in good shape. Swimming pool allowed. Better give up aggressive species sports: running, wrestling, etc., since they significantly exceed the capabilities of the joint.

Sex after hip replacement is allowed 2 months after surgery. This time is most optimal for ligament restoration.

You can wash in the bathroom, but if possible, the first 6 weeks should be given preference to the shower. It is better to leave the bathroom doors open at this time so that loved ones can come to the rescue.

Do not turn your bathroom into a sauna - this will have a bad effect on still fragile muscles.

You can not relax and strictly follow the advice of your doctor during all recovery periods, not forgetting about physical therapy at all stages. The late period is often called “deceptive”, because by that time the leg no longer hurts, the ability to move around and perform more independently returns. complex actions. At these stages, patients often relax and forget about all the doctor’s instructions. As a result, frequent dislocations and the return of previous pain.

Absolutely forbidden

There will be restrictions during the recovery period, so it is necessary to follow a number of rules. At the early stage of rehabilitation, try to sleep only on your back for several days, it is better to turn over on your side with the help of a nurse, and after about a week you are allowed to lie on your side. Do not overload your leg during this period: do not make sharp turns, do not bend it more than 90 ° and do not cross your legs. For convenience, you can place a pillow between them.

For the entire rehabilitation period (especially in the first days), be as careful as possible, avoid falls, do not twist your feet and do not turn your torso if you are standing still. Do not sit in one position for more than 20 minutes, avoid soft and low chairs, chairs without armrests. Ideally, when sitting, your legs will be at right angles. Lift carefully, holding the armrests firmly.

Do not walk or stand for too long; running is prohibited. Various types of leg exercises are useful, but overloading them is not recommended. The load should increase gradually. The integrity and strength of the prosthesis directly depends on this. Try not to bend over to pick up a fallen object, but to lift it using special devices or with the help of loved ones.

During physical therapy analgesics should not be taken. Every kilogram is an additional load on the leg, which significantly reduces the life of the prosthesis. There is no special diet: you need to monitor your weight and physical condition.

At home, follow the standard recommendations after endoprosthetics, which your doctor will advise you about. Shoes should only be low-heeled; for the time being, it is necessary to remove all objects that can be caught by feet: wires, rugs, children's toys. Keep a close eye on your pets, especially if you know they tend to get in the way.

Under no circumstances should you visit a sauna or bathhouse in the first 3 months after surgery. Avoid taking hot baths. The heat itself will not be affected - the problem may arise in the leg itself due to blood clots formed there.

Take some time to take a steam bath, keeping this rule in mind. Use caution when immersing yourself in a bathtub or shower: hold the sides firmly with your hands, shift your weight to the bottom, then move your limbs there.

If you notice changes in the joint area, do not try to get rid of the pain yourself. If there is pain, redness, swelling, or fever, consult a doctor immediately. By following these rules, the patient will achieve significant improvements, and his life after hip replacement will be as comfortable as possible.

How to organize your life to avoid complications after total hip replacement?
Nikolay V., the question was asked by email. mail.

A year ago I had a hip replacement. I give myself the physical activity recommended by my doctor. Where can I find complete sets of exercises?
Galina, the question was asked by email. mail.

It's been 8 months since my hip replacement. Is it possible to sleep on an operated leg and do without a pillow between the legs?
Anna N., Minsk.

Answered by specialists from the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, candidates of medical sciences. sciences - Andrey Borisov, Deputy Director for therapeutic work; Andrey Voronovich, Leading Researcher.

Corr.: According to WHO, by 2025 the share of diseases and injuries of the joints in the overall structure of ailments of the musculoskeletal system will almost double (today in Belarus there are more than 230 thousand patients with arthrosis registered at the dispensary, approximately 10 thousand need endoprosthetics).

Damage to the joints, unfortunately, is accompanied by permanent loss of ability to work and leads to disability. When the hip joint is destroyed, the pain is unbearable, it is impossible to walk...

A.B.: Indeed, severe pain appears, gait is disturbed, and the thought of moving is frightening. Modern technologies make it possible to perform total hip replacement in severe cases of the disease. Replacing it significantly reduces painful sensations, the person can resume daily activities.

After surgery, you should avoid sudden shocks to the joint and active sports. If the patient continues to lead an energetic lifestyle and does not lose weight, this will cause destruction of the prosthesis, the pain will return - a repeat (revision) operation will be required to replace the worn-out joint.

Corr.: What sensations should you prepare for after surgery??

A.V.: A person may feel some resistance in the joint, especially when bending excessively. Sometimes the sensitivity of the skin around the incision is impaired. Over time, these sensations smooth out, most people consider them insignificant in comparison with the pain and limited mobility before the intervention.

Corr.: How to prepare for return loved one from the hospital?

A.V.: While the operated patient is recovering, reliable railings along all steps must be installed in the house; remove moving mats and electrical cords from the patient’s path of movement. Provide a raised toilet seat; a bench for taking a shower or bath (you need a brush with a long handle for washing). The chair should be stable, with a strong back and armrests, a hard cushion so that the knees are lower than the hip joints. The same hard pillow should be placed on a car seat, on a sofa, etc. You need to take care of other little things: buy a horn with a long handle to put on and take off socks and shoes, tongs for grasping objects (they will help avoid excessive tilting of the body, which can damage the joint).

Corr.: What complications occur after surgery?

A.B.: The likelihood of their occurrence is low. The joint may become infected and heart attacks or strokes may occur. Chronic diseases increase the risk of complications and complicate recovery. After the stitches are removed, you need to avoid getting moisture on the wound until it is completely healed and dries; cover it with a bandage that will protect it from irritation by clothing or stockings.

Blood clots in the veins of the legs or in the pelvic area are of particular concern after joint replacement. The doctor prescribes one or more medications to prevent blood clots (such as blood thinners, elastic bandage or stockings). You must scrupulously follow all the doctor’s advice. This will minimize potential risk formation of blood clots at the beginning of the recovery period. Warning signs of their occurrence are pain in the leg that is not related to the incision site; redness of the calf; swelling of the thigh, calf, ankle or foot. The advancement of a blood clot into the lungs is indicated by increased breathing, pain in chest. If such symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately!

Promote joint infection after surgery and dental procedures, inflammation of the skin and urethra. Therefore, before any surgical procedures (including at a dentist’s appointment) that could lead to bacteria entering the blood, you need to consult a doctor: you may need to take antibiotics. Can't do intramuscular injections in the gluteal region on the operated side, which is important to warn the medical staff about.

Infection of the joint is indicated by constant elevated temperature (>37 0), chills, redness, soreness or swelling of the postoperative suture, discharge from the wound, increasing pain in the joint in an active and calm state. If any of these signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

You may have no appetite for several weeks after surgery. But you need to know that to heal tissue and restore muscle strength, you need a balanced, high-calorie diet containing protein, vitamins and microelements. You should drink more fluid.

Corr.: What should “at-home” rehabilitation be like in order to confidently get back on your feet after a joint replacement?

A.V.: It is very important, especially in the first weeks after joint replacement, to perform physical exercise. Their complexes can be found on the website of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics - www.ortoped.by.

For a month and a half after discharge from the hospital, you need to carry out simple daily activities. Consistently expand the walking program - first at home, and then on the street. Gradually increase the duration of walks, focusing on your well-being; resume normal household chores. Try sitting, standing, going up and down stairs. And be sure to perform special exercises several times a day to restore mobility and strengthen the hip joint.

A.B.: Please note Special attention: You can't fall! This may result in damage to the joint or dislocation of the head of the prosthesis, which will require reoperation. Remember that stairs are a dangerous “provocateur”. Until the joint gets stronger and gains mobility, it is better not to walk on them. At first, you should use crutches, a cane, lean on someone’s hand, until you have enough strength and ability to maintain balance and walk without outside help and auxiliary means.

A.V.: To ensure proper recovery and prevent the prosthesis from shifting, do not place the operated limb on the other leg. You should try not to cross the conventional line of the middle of the body with your operated leg. Do not bend your leg more than 90 degrees. Sitting in one position - no more than an hour; When standing up, be sure to lean on the armrests. Do not excessively turn your feet in or out. Lie down like this: first sit on the bed, then, raising your legs, turn towards the middle of the bed. At night, you should place a pillow between your legs until the orthopedic doctor cancels it. You can also sleep on the operated leg only with the permission of a specialist.

It is not recommended to drive a car in the first 1.5–2 months after surgery. When taking a seat in the car, you need to turn your back to the seat, sit down on it and, raising your knees, turn smoothly. For ease of body rotation, it is advisable to place a plastic bag on the seat.

The new joint will be detected by a metal detector during security screening at the airport, so employees must be warned in advance. Damage to the joints is accompanied by permanent loss of ability to work and leads to disability. When the hip joint is destroyed, the pain is unbearable, it is impossible to walk...

  • About expectations from surgery, prosthetics and specialists
  • First days after surgery
  • How does rehabilitation work at home?
  • Returning to the normal rhythm of life

Total hip replacement is a rather complex operation in which the patient's diseased joint is replaced with an artificial analogue. Indications for such an operation are hip fracture, tumors bone tissue, aseptic necrosis of joint tissues, as well as rheumatoid arthritis and coxarthrosis on late stages when conservative treatment does not bring the desired effect. Common feature All of these diseases cause significant or complete limitation in joint mobility and severe pain, which seriously reduces the quality of a person’s daily life.

It should be noted that hip replacement is a rather complex and expensive operation, the cost of which largely depends on the location of the clinic and the level of specialists - for example, in Moscow the price of a package program in a good clinic is about 350 thousand rubles, and in Israel - about 1 million .

About expectations from surgery, prosthetics and specialists

Such an operation on the hip joint as endoprosthetics is a rather expensive pleasure, which often does not give exactly the results that the patient expects. So, some people think that with the installation of a prosthesis, all problems will disappear almost instantly. In practice, everything is much more complicated - in most cases, of course, the pain subsides, mobility returns to the joint and the patient’s standard of living increases. But it should be noted that this does not happen instantly - first there is a fairly long period of rehabilitation, during which a person must develop a new motor pattern, some movements that can lead to dislocation of the prosthesis, etc. must be removed from his “arsenal”.

In addition, there are often cases when hip replacement does not lead to complete disappearance of symptoms, which may be due to: various complications, quality of the prosthesis, insufficient experience of the doctor, age of the patient, etc. In this case, usually swelling and pain after surgery gradually decrease, but simply do not disappear completely.

Thus, in approximately 2 percent of patients after hip replacement, sufficient serious complications- infection of the hip joint develops. But there is an even more common problem - the formation of blood clots in the veins of the pelvic area and legs. In such a situation, the rehabilitation period can be seriously delayed.

Therefore, every person wants to “play it safe” - choose the best prosthesis, find the most experienced doctor, etc. Then the patient with his wishes comes to the selected specialist and demands that he be given just such a prosthesis, since in the opinion of many it is the best. In fact, this is a serious mistake - any experienced doctor himself will select the model of endoprosthesis that suits you specifically, and he will also suggest alternatives. “The best” is a very relative concept; if such a one had been invented, there would no longer be others on the market. In addition, over a long period of work, each doctor develops his own specific “preferences” - that is, those endoprostheses that have proven their effectiveness and sufficiently high quality in his practice. But when installing an unfamiliar design, even an experienced doctor can make mistakes. So it should be taken into account that the main thing is the experience of the surgeon, and the quality of the prostheses is more or less the same.

What happens in the first days after surgery?

Rehabilitation after hip replacement begins in the clinic. This stage is not too long - usually three to four days are enough for the patient’s initial adaptation. If no violations are found, then the further rehabilitation process can continue at home.

On the first day after surgery, the patient needs to rest, and the joint should not be loaded at this time. Therefore, a briefing is usually carried out immediately, in which they talk about permissible loads on the prosthesis and about precautions. The patient is also taught several exercises that allow him to develop the joint. The patient's movements are still very limited, but he has the ability to independently sit on the edge of the bed and stand up using a walker. In addition, with the help of doctors, the patient can begin to move and even sit on a chair.

On the second day, the operated patient continues to learn exercises to develop muscles and joints; he can stand up and sit down independently, and also try to climb the stairs on his own on crutches (all this under the supervision of doctors). It also becomes possible to take a bath or shower.

On the third day, the patient is usually able to independently perform physical exercises (which were shown to him over the previous two days), sit and stand without support, and move around (depending on the condition - with or without crutches). After this, the patient can be discharged and sent for home treatment.

It should be noted that physiotherapy plays a vital role these days. Its task is to teach the patient to “use” the resulting joint, using special exercises to strengthen the muscles that are located around the prosthesis. All this together helps in developing a new motor stereotype, since during classes the patient learns how to prevent displacement of the joint, what positions can be taken, what loads the joint can withstand, etc.

Rehabilitation at home

Rehabilitation after an operation such as hip replacement is a rather lengthy process and requires attentiveness and responsibility from the patient. There are a number of points that you should pay special attention to:

  • the skin in the area of ​​the operated joint should remain dry and clean, and the dressings should be changed in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations;
  • you should follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding care of the incision site, rules for using the shower and bath;
  • in some cases it is necessary to undergo additional radiographic examination so that the doctor can monitor the healing process;
  • You should immediately consult a doctor if your body temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  • It is also necessary to immediately consult your doctor if surgical wound there is any discharge or redness is observed;
  • when such dangerous symptoms like shortness of breath and chest pain, you also need to consult a doctor immediately;
  • It may be recommended to apply ice to the joint several times a day if swelling persists for an extended period.

Drug treatment during home rehabilitation usually comes down to taking antibiotics, which prevent the development of infections in the joint, as well as anticoagulants, which prevent the formation of blood clots that are dangerous to humans.

Also one of the most important components of rehabilitation is proper nutrition. Usually the doctor does not impose any special restrictions and does not suggest diets, but it is recommended to drink fluids sufficient quantity, avoid consuming large amounts of vitamin K while starting to take some other vitamins, as well as supplementing your diet with foods that contain iron. It is also necessary to limit consumption alcoholic drinks and coffee. It is also necessary to monitor your weight, since it should not be allowed to increase quickly.

About returning to the normal rhythm of life

One of the patient’s main tasks is to develop a new motor pattern that helps avoid joint dislocation. To do this, you need to perform physical exercises and follow doctors' recommendations on movement. So, for example, going up or down the stairs on crutches requires maximum unloading of the prosthesis, so when going up, the healthy leg is put on first, then the operated leg, then the crutches, and when going down the order is exactly the opposite - crutches - the operated leg - the healthy leg.

For three months after the operation, you need to sit correctly. So, you can’t sit on low chairs, don’t cross your legs at the knees, don’t stay in one position for a long time, and give preference to chairs and armchairs with armrests that allow you to partially redistribute the load. You should also follow your physiotherapist's instructions on how to sit down and stand up correctly.

As a rule, after a month and a half, the patient can safely use the stairs and without crutches; after another two weeks, he can drive a car and return to work.

What a patient needs to know about hip replacement

With any disease of the hip joint, be it arthritis or arthrosis, a person is at risk of disability. Of course, if treatment of joint pathologies is started on time and carefully monitored by doctors, joint mobility can be maintained for a long time.

But it also happens that conservative treatment is unsuccessful, the patient gradually loses the ability to move normally, and then surgery becomes his salvation - hip replacement. Let's consider in what cases endoprosthetics cannot be avoided.

Pathologies requiring joint replacement

There are several reasons why people need hip replacement. First of all this traumatic injuries hip joint, including femoral neck fracture.

The need for hip replacement may also arise as a result of the following diseases:

  • coxarthrosis;
  • necrosis of the thigh caused by aseptic inflammation;
  • dysplastic changes in the joint.

But even with an accurate diagnosis of one of the listed diagnoses, the need for endoprosthetics does not arise immediately, but only in the 2nd or 3rd stage of the disease. In some cases, surgery is a salvation from debilitating pain that occurs at rest and during movement and is not relieved by any medications.

Now let's talk about the types of endoprosthetics.

Types of operations

Endoprosthesis replacement surgery can be performed using the following methods:

  1. Replacement of articular surfaces. With this method, surgical intervention is minimal - an articular bed is created from artificial materials, and the head femur a metal cap is put on, thus ensuring normal mobility of the hip joint.
  2. Partial prosthetics. With this type of endoprosthetics, both the head and neck of the femur are removed. The joint bed is also made of artificial materials - metal, ceramics, etc. The structure is inserted into the femur using a special pin. The patient gradually returns to normal motor activity.
  3. Total hip replacement. This kind surgical intervention the most difficult to carry out and involves a complete replacement of the hip joint. Currently, there are more than 200 types of prostheses made from a variety of materials - ceramics, titanium, plastic, etc. The selection of a hip joint model is carried out strictly individually. The age of the patient, his body weight, and the pathology for which endoprosthetics surgery is recommended are also important.

Financial question

Now let’s talk about how much endoprosthetics surgery costs patients. It is clear that you will have to pay not only for the prosthesis, but also for the surgical intervention itself, as well as for the hospital stay during the postoperative period.

For example, hip implants in Lithuania can be purchased at a price of 2,000 euros, but the operation itself will cost 5,700 – 6,000 euros.

The price of an implant in Israel is about $10,000; a week’s stay in the clinic will cost 17,000–18,000.

Prices in Moscow for such operations can reach up to 10,000 - 11,000 dollars, in Belarus from 4,500 to 6,000 dollars, in Ukraine the price is the same.

As you can see, they offer to perform the same operation at different prices, so when choosing a clinic, realistically assess your capabilities. After all, “expensive” does not always mean “good”; entrust the choice of clinic and hip joint implant to your attending physician.

After operation

So, the hip replacement has been performed, the patient is in the ward. How his life will develop further depends largely on the characteristics of the postoperative period and individual rehabilitation program.

You will have to stay in the hospital for 5–7 days after hip replacement. When receiving treatment in a private clinic, the patient can extend his stay in hospital for an additional fee.

In addition to the necessary drug therapy, the patient should begin a rehabilitation program after hip replacement on the 2nd day. The first stage is therapeutic exercises and learning to walk on crutches. Two weeks after discharge, the patient is removed postoperative sutures and a follow-up x-ray examination is prescribed. In the first year after endoprosthetics, x-rays of the hip joint should be taken every 3 months, and subsequently once a year.

30–45 days after hip replacement, crutches are replaced with a cane, and after 60 days the patient should be able to walk independently, without additional support.

Massage and physiotherapy

Immediately after the operation, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are not prescribed; they should be started only after the stitches are removed. Massage will help increase blood flow in the hip joint and relieve muscle tension. In addition to a relaxing manual massage, patients can also be prescribed a special water massage, which is well mastered by specialists at kinesitherapy centers. Along with massage procedures during the rehabilitation period, patients are prescribed:

  • UFO, UHF;
  • magnetotherapy, laser therapy;
  • microelectric stimulation of muscles.

The optimal ending to a rehabilitation program is sanatorium-resort treatment.

During the first year after hip replacement, the patient is granted disability. After this period, a repeat commission examination is necessary to decide on the issue of extending or removing the disability group.

A few words about caution

In order to properly consolidate the result of endoprosthetics and avoid complications, the patient must follow the following rules:

  • use only hard chairs for sitting and ensure that the hip joint is always higher than the knee joint;
  • do not allow the hip joint to flex more than 90 degrees;
  • sleep on a hard bed with a pillow between your thighs;
  • do not lie on the operated side;
  • rest only while lying on your back;
  • in the first and second months of rehabilitation, do not climb more than one flight of stairs;
  • do not walk for more than 30 minutes at a time;
  • dress while sitting on a chair, using assistance when putting on shoes.
  • do not run, avoid jumping. The best sport for you is swimming;
  • get rid of excess weight, protect the joint from additional stress;
  • do not swing, push, or make other sudden movements with the operated leg;
  • You can start driving 4–5 months after hip replacement;
  • do not lean forward or twist your body with straight legs.

If you experience any discomfort in your joint, do not delay visiting a specialist; undergo regular medical examinations.

Rehabilitation after hip replacement

The hip joint is the most powerful joint, it acts as a connecting link lower limbs and the human body. Thanks to him, it is possible to move and stand on his feet.

It is one of the most important and largest joints in the body, so any pathological process or damage in it can cause irreparable damage to health. Thus, femoral neck fractures and advanced forms of arthrosis require immediate surgical intervention and often lead to the installation of an endoprosthesis.

The causes of pathological processes can be very diverse. Genetic predisposition and a person’s lifestyle play an important role. Patients with a previous injury to the pelvic joint are at greatest risk. Any deforming processes even in mild degree lead to destruction connective tissue joint

According to statistics, the largest percentage of patients who have undergone endoprosthetics are people with previously identified arthrosis in neglected form. The manifestation of the disease can be recognized by the following clinical picture:

  • development pain syndrome in the pelvic area when walking;
  • stiffness in the morning, decreased range of motion;
  • the appearance of a crunch, in some places quite pronounced.

Even in the early stages, the disease has clear symptoms, so it is not difficult to suspect its presence. To confirm or refute the pathology, you need to make an appointment with an orthopedist and undergo an X-ray examination, which can be replaced with a more innovative diagnosis - MRI.

As the disease progresses, the absence therapeutic effect from conservative treatment It is impossible to do without endoprosthetics (replacement) of the hip joint. This will be followed by a postoperative period, rehabilitation sanatoriums and recovery at home.

Nowadays, orthopedic surgery is a high-demand field. Many patients prefer the installation of a prosthesis rather than for long years excruciating pain and useless medications. More often, a total operation is practiced, where the femoral head, acetabular labrum and articular capsule are to be replaced.

Creating a design that imitates the original joint is not so difficult, thanks to innovative technologies, life with an endoprosthesis is no different from normal, you can play sports and be active. Subsequently, the person gets used to the new design, the sensation of a foreign object completely disappears, and the patient can continue his usual way of life.

It is important to remember that orthopedic surgery may not always solve the problem. There is a risk of complications and infection both during and after surgery. A course of rehabilitation, an integral part of a successful recovery, will help minimize such risks.

However, in more than 95% of cases, prosthetics are successful and can completely eliminate dysfunction. You should familiarize yourself in more detail by reading reviews from previously operated patients, as well as viewing reports in video format.

How long does rehabilitation last?

Most global problem patients - lack of awareness. In 95% of cases, patients become interested in rehabilitation after the installation of a prosthetic structure. Often, interest in restoration comes after a few months, when much has already been lost.

All patients after orthopedic intervention are too afraid to move; even minor movements or changes in body position terrify them. This fear is justified simply - previously heard terms “dislocation”, “fracture”. From the outside psychological factor This behavior is natural, because a foreign object appears in the body, the task of which is to withstand the load of the entire body weight.

Replacing a natural joint with an artificial one cannot solve the patient’s problems 100%. Patients do not understand that it is impossible to achieve a complete recovery with one operation and subsequent inaction. Unfortunately, many surgeons do not perceive the rehabilitation period as an important point; they usually advise walking more.

If you have set yourself the goal of getting rid of annoying pain syndrome, then medical events, associated with exercise therapy may not be required, since the operation itself solves this problem. But, if you want to use all the possibilities of arthroplasty, minimize the risk of complications, eliminate lameness and not differ in motor activity from others, rehabilitation is extremely necessary, important element of this life cycle.

Medical measures of this kind are aimed not only at physical recovery - stimulating muscle tone, increasing the functionality of the limb, but also psychological assistance, which allows the patient to quickly return to their usual lifestyle.

Basic principles of medical rehabilitation measures:

  • early initiation of restoration measures;
  • development of an individual program by a specialist;
  • phasing of use physical activity;
  • constant monitoring by a doctor, continuity of action;
  • an integrated approach, the use of various tactics and types of exercise therapy.

Rehabilitation, in turn, is divided into three periods - early recovery, late and long-term, the average duration of which is from six months to a year. Each interval provides its own set of physical activity.

The first steps towards recovery should begin while still in the hospital, where the stay lasts several weeks. After discharge, recovery continues at home; you must exercise regularly and follow all doctor's instructions. You can also use the services of rehabilitation centers, which is considered more appropriate. Constant monitoring by specialists will speed up the process and give better therapeutic results.

An important point is the duration - the continuous use of exercise therapy procedures, which will restore muscle tone and also consolidate the results of the operation.

Refusal rehabilitation activities threatens with quite serious complications. The easiest ones are the development of lameness, in other cases - dislocation of the femoral neck, displacement of the prosthesis, neuritis, against the background of weakened muscles.

Most patients believe that contacting specialists who develop comprehensive measures for recovery after orthopedic surgery is pointless. Unfortunately, many surgeons are not interested in explaining to the patient the importance of rehabilitation. As a result, adaptation to the new joint becomes significantly more difficult; moreover, the risk of revision surgery (re-intervention) increases.

It is possible to normalize your own condition after installing an implant. Help you return to your normal lifestyle qualified doctors in the field of rehabilitation and physical therapy.

Stages of the recovery period

Each period of rehabilitation is an integral part of the patient’s successful recovery. All stages have their own characteristics, it is necessary to understand the duration of each and acceptable loads. Therefore, it is so important to start preparing before surgery, and not to think about it after it.

Early recovery stage

The period begins as soon as the patient recovers from anesthesia and lasts on average a couple of weeks. To pass it adequately, you should adhere to some rules, like this:

  • for the first two or three days you need to sleep and lie exclusively on your back;
  • You should turn over with the help of medical personnel and only on your healthy side;
  • it is necessary to exclude sudden movements of the hip area, all turns and lifts should be as slow as possible;
  • It is contraindicated to bend the leg more than 90 degrees;
  • in a lying or sitting position, a bolster or a special pillow is fixed between the thighs, crossing the limbs is prohibited;
  • Every day 5-8 times a day you need to perform passive exercises.

Each period has its own goal and objectives; for the early period the following is assumed:

  • exclude the development of thrombosis of the surgical area by improving blood circulation;
  • learn the basics of sitting and getting out of bed correctly;
  • use preventive measures to prevent complications;
  • accelerate the regeneration processes of the operated area;
  • reduce the manifestations of swelling and pain.

Late stage

The late stage begins a few weeks after installation of the prosthesis and can last up to 12-16 weeks. Depending on the age and general condition of the patient, the duration may vary.

The main purpose of applying rehabilitation measures for this stage is as follows:

  • strengthen the muscles of the hip, increase muscle tone;
  • restore motor activity, functionality in joints.

As a rule, with regular and proper training, the patient can already sit down independently and walk slightly long distances with the support of crutches or a cane.

Remote period

Long-term recovery begins around the third month and lasts up to six, in some cases up to twelve. When undergoing rehabilitation, within a given period of time the functioning of the hip is completely restored, the state of muscle tone improves, and the risk of complications is minimized.

Gradually, the patient adapts to more serious physical activity, passive sports are allowed - swimming pool, race walking, skiing, but cross-country, not mountain skiing. If there are no contraindications, then more complex ones can be introduced, for example, race walking for long distances.

Exercises after hip replacement

Currently, undergoing rehabilitation in a specialized center is not a problem. There are quite a large number of sanatoriums and rehabilitation clinics that provide the patient with a full course of recovery after prosthetics. However, you need to know that not all sets of exercises are the same and are suitable for any patient. Each element of physical activity, as well as its variety, must be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the general condition of the person. Here it is important to take into account the person’s age, so a young body recovers more quickly, increased physical exercise is acceptable.

The most popular are foreign clinics - the Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany. Patients' interest in foreign centers is primarily related to the availability of experienced staff and the required amount of specialized equipment. Recovery abroad follows different principles - a treatment regimen is individually developed, the duration of the course is selected, and constant monitoring is carried out by the attending physician. Rehabilitation in such countries is considered an integral part successful treatment, so she is given special place and role in medicine.

The patient’s life changes somewhat after this type of orthopedic intervention. You need to be more careful and monitor your health more carefully, especially in the first year after installation of the implant. An important point remains the introduction of special training and physical exercises into the normal routine of life.

It is also necessary to follow other doctor's recommendations. So, at first it is forbidden to sit in one position for more than 15 minutes. Patients for whom the most comfortable position is sitting cross-legged should forget about it for the first time; this position is the most dangerous for people after hip replacement. It is necessary to exclude sharp turns, all movements are carried out smoothly, with a gradual increase in load.

For a patient who has undergone arthroplasty of the pelvic joint, it is important to constantly be in motion, even the most insignificant and passive one. This is the only way to strengthen muscles and increase muscle tone.

Physical exercises, gymnastics, sports or exercise therapy are selected for each patient individually, depending on age and general well-being. However, there is a standard program that is recommended for implementation from the first days after joint replacement. It is described in more detail below:

At first, this gymnastics may be difficult; if pain develops, you should postpone it. If it is impossible to perform exercises on the first or second day after surgery, it is allowed to postpone them for 3-4 days.

  • Reduction gluteal muscle- charging, which is in mandatory done daily, strengthens the hip muscles. At first, the state of tension lasts no more than 5 seconds, then it extends to 10-15.
  • A compulsory exercise is hip abduction. The patient takes a supine position and slowly moves his leg to the side. They begin the exercise with a healthy leg, then switch to the operated leg. On average, 10-15 leads are performed with two repetitions.
  • This manipulation allows you to effectively restore muscle tone and speed up recovery. It consists of raising the straightened leg. You need to sit comfortably on the bed, then strain calf muscles and slowly raise your leg up, 2-3 cm. Hold for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower it. At first you need at least 10 repetitions, then increase if possible.
  • The patient should be physically active at all stages of rehabilitation, regardless of the speed of recovery. In the first year, it is recommended to regularly engage in passive sports and constantly stimulate the new joint.

It is quite difficult to determine the exact prognosis even after high-quality rehabilitation. As a rule, domestic clinics discharge the patient home after a week, since the function of independent movement is almost restored.

However, this does not negate the need for strengthening treatment - visiting the gym, exercise therapy and others healing procedures. Longer rehabilitation is required for patients with chronic pathologies and other problems:

  • neglected joint condition before orthopedic surgery;
  • increased muscle weakness, previous lack of any physical activity.

The patient needs to remember that no matter how difficult and long the recovery period is, it will definitely give positive results. Of course, the specialists involved in rehabilitation play a huge role, as well as the patient himself and his diligent compliance with all the doctor’s instructions.

For elderly people and young people who have undergone surgery, the coordinated operation of the prosthesis and muscular system, which will avoid complications. Therefore, physical exercises should bring the following results:

  • full functioning of the prosthesis, elimination of lameness;
  • functionality of the musculoskeletal system, return to normal activities;
  • elimination of pain syndrome, restoration of a person’s psycho-emotional state.

In conclusion, we can say the following: rehabilitation, each stage of it, must be accompanied by careful monitoring by a doctor. Only a specialist should clarify the possible loads, cancellation, and introduction of this or that exercise.

By refusing to see a rehabilitation therapist, a person risks causing irreparable harm to himself. Doctors categorically forbid patients to independently exercise on exercise machines, prescribe loads for themselves and the duration of their implementation. Such uncontrolled activities increase the risk of damage to the prosthesis and the need for repeated surgery.

Strict adherence to doctor’s orders and refusal of self-medication will allow the joint to function fully, and you to feel like a healthy, happy person.
