Burdock as a remedy. Burdock: beneficial medicinal properties, recipes, contraindications. Prostate adenoma

Helpful information about intestinal microflora, as well as possible reasons and symptoms of its violation. Some effective ways how to restore microflora by changing your diet and turning to folk recipes.

All about intestinal microflora

The intestinal microflora is a collection of microorganisms whose vital functions are closely interconnected.

In total, scientists were able to detect about 500 various types bacteria. But not all of them turned out to be useful.

Beneficial bacteria are those that help our body digest food, absorb proteins, vitamins and others. useful material. But fermentation products become the main food for harmful ones. And besides, they themselves produce rotting products. If we talk about the importance of intestinal microflora, it can be compared with the functioning of the liver and kidneys combined.

The normal microflora in our body is represented by lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, enterococci and many other microorganisms, which make up almost 99 percent of all “inhabitants” of the intestines. But the remaining 1 percent are opportunistic bacteria. Their list includes Proteus, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and many others. Moreover, if the patient’s intestines are absolutely healthy, then there are no pathogenic microflora in it.

Interestingly, the intestinal microflora begins to develop already at the moment a person is born. And its development ends for everyone in at different ages. But, as a rule, it is 7-12 years.

Healthy microflora ensures proper quality work all systems of the body. Therefore, if it is violated, it is important to restore it as soon as possible. Without healthy microflora there will be no good digestion, which means they may arise various problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Beneficial microorganisms do not allow various putrefactive bacteria, and also neutralize the toxins they release.

It is also important to note that healthy microflora contributes to the formation of immunoglobulin, which is necessary for strong immunity in children and adults.

If intestinal microorganisms are out of balance, this will often lead to premature aging our body, because toxins released by harmful bacteria destroy human health and beauty.

Our intestines are inhabited by various bacteria

Causes and symptoms of intestinal microflora disorders

Most often, the cause of this violation is:

    Poor nutrition (not enough roughage in the diet, a variety of strict diets, monotonous food, addiction to fast food and much more).

    A long course of taking various medications - antibiotics and antiseptics.

    Medical or self-cleansing of the intestines, as a result of which not only harmful, but also valuable “good” microorganisms can be destroyed.

    Weaknesses immune system for various reasons.

    Excessive cleanliness and abuse of antibacterial products cosmetics, which also destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microorganisms.

    Hormonal imbalances.

    Drinking dirty, low-quality water.

    Abuse of energy drinks and strong coffee.

    Constant fatigue and lack of sleep.

    Emotional experiences, nerves and stress.

As you can see, the most various reasons dysbacteriosis (disorders of intestinal microflora) may be great amount. Therefore, in most cases, for quality treatment it is necessary to first eliminate the root cause of the problem.

Symptoms may include:

    change in stool consistency;

    constant unreasonable rumbling;

  • various skin reactions, such as rashes.

In general, a person feels weak and unwell, which may be accompanied by quite severe pain in the abdominal area, bad mood and reduced performance.

First of all, the patient needs to visit a competent, experienced specialist who will help him establish the root cause of the problem. If it involves the development of any disease, then first you will need to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor and get rid of the underlying cause. If everything is generally good with health and the patient is only worried about dysbiosis, for example, which began due to constant overwork and poor nutrition, then first of all it will be necessary to change your diet.

Nutrition to restore intestinal microflora

Will help restore the required amount of healthy bacteria regular use eating foods that contain a lot of fiber and pectin. These are fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. But you will have to give up sweet and starchy foods, as well as meat, for a while. It is better to stock up on various grains and wholemeal bread, which will help restore normal stool, and will also force the intestinal muscles to work and help restore the absorption function of the intestinal mucosa.

All kinds of fermented milk products are very useful for returning healthy microflora to this organ. Once in our body, lactic acid bacteria have a detrimental effect on the putrefactive environment and help beneficial bacteria recover.

Often patients categorically refuse to consume fermented milk products, citing the fact that, for example, they have not liked the taste of kefir since childhood. In fact, today there is a huge selection of different fermented milk drinks on store shelves, from which anyone can choose the ideal one for themselves.

You can also easily improve the taste of your usual kefir with the help of fresh berries and fruits. For example, a handful of fresh or frozen strawberries and a spoonful of honey will turn it into a real treat. In a blender, this drink with berries and honey will turn into a delicious medicinal cocktail.

If possible, it is better to prepare fermented milk products yourself. For example, modern yogurt makers will help you do this without much effort. They are the most useful and effective in the fight against dysbiosis.

Fermented milk products help restore intestinal microflora

It will also be very useful to eat one clove of garlic an hour before lunch and dinner. This will also speed up the process of restoration of intestinal microflora. True, from this advice All those who have any stomach problems will have to refuse.

The amount of water you drink daily is also of great importance. It is worth calculating the norm for yourself based on the calculation of 0.3 liters for every 10 kilograms of weight. The water must be clean and fresh. Not carbonated!

It is very important, when restoring the microflora, to stop using all kinds of hormonal and sleeping pills, as well as coffee in large quantities and energy. All these drugs become a real stress for the body and negatively affect not only the functioning of the intestines, but also many other organs.

If, for example, hormonal drugs are indicated for use by a doctor, you should complete the course of treatment and then begin to actively restore the intestinal microflora.

Folk remedies

There are also many folk recipes which will help restore microflora. The most effective and efficient among them:

    Before each meal, drink a glass of fresh cabbage brine. It's best if sauerkraut was prepared independently at home, and not bought in a store. Before use, the brine must be slightly warmed in a water bath or in a microwave oven.

    Add grated apples (be sure to be sour!) to all fresh vegetable salads.

    Eat a small amount of lingonberries fresh every day. If you get it fresh berries There is no way, you can replace them with dried ones.

    Restoration of intestinal microflora in children

    It often seems to parents that the baby’s growing body is very delicate and fragile, so they find nothing better than to immediately start feeding him with powerful pills. In fact, it is enough to change the child’s diet. Also reduce the amount of fatty, smoked, flour and sweet foods in it. But try to add as many fresh fruits, vegetables and berries as possible. For example, an excellent snack for a baby would be not tea with cookies, but a glass of kefir with a green apple.

    Only if the child was found to have serious problems with health, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medical supplies. For example, it could be Bifiform Baby.

There are many bacteria in the human intestine: 80% of them are bifidobacteria, the rest is distributed among microorganisms. Together they all form the intestinal microflora. Bifidobacteria, which make up the largest group of intestinal flora, are very necessary for the efficient functioning of the intestinal tract.

The intestinal microflora needs to be restored, if the quantitative composition of bifidobacteria in it is significantly reduced, folk remedies often cope with this task very effectively.

The role of microflora for health

Normal intestinal microflora is the body's protective barrier. If in the intestines full order with microorganisms, the entire human body feels normal, as it happens good digestion food, nutrients are fully absorbed by the body. Healthy microflora is a natural barrier to pathogenic bacteria, produces mucous substances necessary for the intestinal lining, synthesizes B vitamins and vitamin K, thereby providing normal level immunity.

Causes of dysbiosis

If the bacteria balance is intestinal tract is disrupted, the amount of beneficial bacteria and the number of pathogenic microorganisms increases, dysbacteriosis develops. It manifests itself as discomfort in the abdomen. But it does not arise on its own. Normal microflora is disrupted when:

  • taking antibiotics
  • stressful situations
  • poor nutrition
  • chronic diseases

Signs of dysbiosis are similar to:

  • bloating
  • constipation
  • lethargy
  • diarrhea

It is important to pay attention to the problem in time. One of the reasons for disruption of intestinal flora is the use of antibiotics. Therefore, after taking them, you should definitely drink probiotics, which help restore the normal bacterial environment of the intestines.

The action of antibiotics is to destroy and inhibit the growth of bacteria, causing disease. But along with pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics also destroy beneficial ones. The number of beneficial lacto-, bifidobacteria after a course of antibiotics is significantly reduced, which allows pathogenic microorganisms to take their place.

Taking medications that restore intestinal microflora is very important during antibiotic treatment, if necessary, and after it.

Pharmacies offer a whole range of these wonderful drugs: BifidumBAG, Ecoflor, Bioflor, etc.

If during treatment with an antibiotic a stool disorder occurs or signs of intestinal dysfunction appear, they begin taking probiotics and prebiotics. But it is important to remember that these drugs are not taken at the same time as an antibiotic. At least 2 hours must pass after taking the drug, otherwise the antibiotic will destroy useful action probiotic drug.

Probiotics contain strains of lacto-, bifidobacteria necessary for normal operation intestines, prebiotics - entering the gastrointestinal tract, create conditions for rapid growth beneficial microflora.

It is also very important after a course of taking antibiotics to include fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the diet. These can be bio-yogurts, bifidokefir.

Folk remedies that restore intestinal microflora

The use of traditional medicine recipes helps restore the normal balance of microorganisms in the intestines.

Herbal treatment

Medicinal herbs help restore intestinal microflora. Taking an infusion of equal parts of St. John's wort, chamomile, lemon balm, and flax seeds has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines.

- 1 tbsp. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take ½ cup 2 r. a day before meals.

  • Folk and flatulence

5 parts eucalyptus, 3 parts peppermint, 1 part dill seeds. 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water over the mixture, close tightly, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 0.5 cups before meals for 2 weeks.

  • Infusion of elecampane to improve microflora

1 tbsp. crushed plant root pour 200g of clean cold water, leave for 8 hours (can be overnight). Strain in the morning. Drink 50g before meals for 2 weeks.

  • Healing infusion

A collection of rose hips, St. John's wort, stinging nettle leaves, peppermint, herbs, stevia leaves, and linden flowers has an excellent restorative effect. Mix the listed ingredients in equal quantities (chop the rose hips). 1 tsp pour 250g of boiling water over the mixture, close the lid, leave for 20 minutes. Take 0.5 cups 2 r. in a day.

  • Decoction of burnet root

Pour 300g of crushed root into 300ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Leave for 5 minutes, strain. Drink the product 2 tablespoons 4 rubles. per day for a month.

Products for normalizing intestinal microflora

Along with folk remedies, some foods will help normalize the intestinal microflora. Foods that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria: garlic, onions, wild garlic. Eating these foods daily will help bring your intestines back to normal faster.

To enhance their effect, use the following recipes:

Chop 5 medium heads of garlic, pour in 1 liter of flaxseed or olive oil, leave for 3 days. Take 1 tsp of oil. in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • Garlic or wild garlic with yogurt

Mix 2 cloves of garlic or fresh wild garlic with 200g of yogurt. Drink the drink in the evening, shortly before bed.

  • Prunes and dried apricots

If you need to quickly restore the intestinal microflora in young children, then this very tasty and simple recipe will help: grind prunes and dried apricots in a blender and mix the resulting mass with high-quality honey to taste. For small children, the dose is 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening, for teenagers or adults, 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

  • Braga

Very effective recipe restoration of beneficial intestinal microflora in adults is a zero-grade mash. This is getting ready folk remedy very simple: half a liter warm water stir in 1 tablespoon each of granulated sugar and honey, then add 2 grams of regular yeast and mix thoroughly. Leave the dishes in a warm place to ferment for 2 hours (no longer needed, otherwise you will get a hop brew). The entire dose will need to be drunk in one gulp at once between meals, i.e. at approximately 10-11 o'clock and 16-17 o'clock. The effectiveness of this recipe is high because you immediately introduce fermentation microorganisms into your intestines, which quickly restore beneficial microflora.

  • Cereals

Porridge will help improve health and restore normal intestinal microflora. Liquid buckwheat and oatmeal porridges are especially good. They should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. You can add apples, prunes, and dried apricots to porridge. Porridge helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

  • Dairy products

Turn on daily diet nutrition fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, kumiss. Drink a glass morning and evening healthy drink and over time you will forget about the unpleasant problem.


Microflora disturbances are often caused by chronic diseases. Timely identification and treatment of them will help to avoid problems with the intestinal tract.

Give up harmful products, diets for weight loss. The body must receive daily balanced diet. Refusal of certain foods leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines, fraught with disruption of their flora.

An excellent way to prevent dysbiosis and restore microflora in the intestines is to include in the diet fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits containing great content fiber.

Important! Carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones, irritate the mucous membranes digestive tract, helping harmful bacteria actively multiply!

Pay attention to the composition of the products you buy in the store. The flavor enhancers, preservatives, and flavoring agents they contain do not benefit the intestinal microflora. Try to choose products that contain a minimum harmful substances or avoid them altogether.

Follow your diet. Eat small meals. Food should not be too hot.

This is a condition in which the balance between “beneficial” microorganisms living in the intestines (mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and pathogenic bacteria (Proteus, Klebsiella, enterococci and others) is disturbed.


IN last years It has been established that the condition of the intestines directly affects general health and well-being. In particular, an imbalance of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines is one of the triggers for fatty liver, cholesterol metabolism disorders and even the appearance of excess weight.

Due to deterioration of the intestines and liver, mood and behavior are disturbed. Lethargy, fatigue appears, disappears Vital energy, the performance of the immune system worsens, and susceptibility to infections increases. Another disease that often accompanies intestinal dysbiosis is food allergy and associated skin rashes.

Test yourself

By what signs can you notice that the microflora is asking for help?

Most often this:

  • unstable chair
  • feeling of heaviness after eating
  • stomach ache
  • flatulence
  • bad smell from mouth.

On a note

The balance of intestinal microflora must be restored.

For this purpose, special preparations can be used, as well as functional fermented milk products with “live” bifidobacteria introduced into them (bio-yoghurts, bio-kefirs, etc.).

If you drink them daily, your body will accumulate sufficient quantity living cells of lactic acid bacteria. When provoking factors are eliminated, dysbiosis can be cured in 100% of cases. By the way, self-healing is also possible.

By the way

Most often, dysbiosis develops as a result intestinal infections. Another common reason is the misuse of antibiotics, since these drugs (especially wide range actions) cannot act selectively: they destroy not only dangerous, but also beneficial microorganisms.


Stools with dysbacteriosis are often unstable. Therefore, the menu should depend on the “current” symptoms.

For intestinal disorders:

Recommended are zucchini, squash, carrots, cauliflower in boiled and mashed form. Excluded: legumes, spinach, beets. Fruits and berries are limited, allowed - baked apples without peel, blueberry jelly, lingonberry juice.

Among the porridges you should choose rice and oatmeal. It is better to steam meat and fish.

For constipation:

The diet includes foods rich in dietary fiber having a laxative effect.

Fruit juices promote bowel movements, sour fruits, carbonated drinks, salty foods, mineral water high degree mineralization.

For flatulence:

Reduce or temporarily eliminate the consumption of legumes, cabbage, sugary foods, and whole milk. Increase the amount of protein products: boiled meat, fish. Non-concentrated broths, fish soup, omelette, boiled or baked potatoes are recommended.


The concept of “restoration of intestinal microflora after antibiotics” appeared only when they began to be actively used in medicine. The fact is that when using such medicines the number of microbes sensitive to them decreases, and the growth normal microflora the intestines are depressed. In most cases, discomfort and rumbling occur due to the growth of pathogenic intestinal flora just after. That is why doctors insist that after the main treatment, patients must undergo a course of restoration of intestinal microflora.

This “event” has the following goals:

  • get rid of contamination of the small intestine with pathogenic microflora;
  • restore normal intestinal microflora;
  • restore normal intestinal motility;
  • restore digestion and absorption - the main functions of the intestine;
  • restore .

Elimination of intestinal contamination with pathogenic flora

The growth of pathogenic intestinal microflora is suppressed antibacterial drugs:

  1. If the cause of microflora disturbance is the use of a specific antibiotic, then it is necessary to discontinue it.
  2. The best option is to prescribe antiseptics - they destroy pathogenic microflora and do not affect the normal one. TO similar drugs include Enterol, Furazolidone, Intetrix, Nitroxoline and others.
  3. If the patient’s health condition requires the prescription of powerful antibiotics, then doctors give preference to targeted drugs - they have an inhibitory effect only on a specific pathogen.
  4. If a patient develops serious condition with intoxication and diarrhea, the cause of this is Clostridium difficile, a pathogenic microorganism. For treatment in this case, antimicrobial agents will be chosen - for example, Metronidazole or Vancomycin.

Restoration of digestive and immune processes

There are a number of drugs that will help quickly normalize and stabilize intestinal function even after long-term use antibacterial drugs. These include:

Note:restoring normal bowel function after taking antibiotics is a long process and takes at least 4 weeks. In addition to the above remedies, the patient is also prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes, selected individually.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

To do this, you need to take probiotics and prebiotics.


They are preparations that contain living microorganisms - they are representatives of the normal human microflora. Probiotics are allowed to be used after a course of antibacterial drugs, simultaneously with taking such drugs.

Probiotic classes

Multicomponent probiotics, which contain one of the strains of lactobacilli, colibacteria or bifidobacteria. This class of probiotics includes Colibacterin, Lactobacterin, Vitanar, Bifidumbacterin, Sporobacterin, Enterol.

Multicomponent probiotics, which contain strains of enterococci, E. coli, lactobacterin and bifidobacterin. This class of probiotics includes Floradofilus, Linex, Bifiform, Bificol, Biosporin.

Combined probiotics, which contain not only strains of beneficial bacteria, but also substances that stimulate the growth and development of normal intestinal microflora. Such probiotics include Acipol (contains lysozyme), Hyalact (contains hyaluronic acid), Bifiform (contain lactulose and carob extract).

note: Multi-component probiotics are more effective than other classes. They can be used for all conditions, even the most severe ones.

Features of prescribing probiotics

If probiotics contain , then they are prescribed only in special cases. severe cases when disturbances in the intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics take a protracted course.

Probiotics, which contain bifidobacteria, are widely used in pediatric practice; for adult patients they are used for preventive purposes.

Probiotics with lactobacilli are most often used in cases where it is not possible to cancel the course of treatment with antibacterial drugs. Lactobacilli are resistant to antibiotics.

Most Popular Probiotics


This is perhaps the probiotic that doctors prescribe most often. The composition contains strains of bacteria that represent the normal intestinal microflora in its different sections.


This drug reduces the risk of developing disorders of normal intestinal microflora. The bacterial strains contained in RioFlora inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, while maintaining the balance of healthy microflora and activating the immune system.


They are food components, the fermentation of which occurs under the influence of the microflora of the lower intestines, stimulate its reproduction and ensure vital activity. Medications with prebiotics contain inulin, lactulose or oligofructosaccharides.

The most popular prebiotics


This is a concentrate of metabolic products of normal intestinal microflora; thanks to the drug, the biological environment in the intestine is restored and the growth of pathogenic flora is inhibited.

Duphalac, Portalac

These prebiotics contain a synthetic disaccharide, which reaches the transverse colon unchanged, where it is broken down. As a result of this splitting, the acidity of the intestinal contents decreases, and lactobacilli begin to actively multiply. The patient will feel the clinical effect after two days of taking prebiotics.

Pamba, Amben

These prebiotics improve digestion, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, and have an immunomodulatory effect.

Restoring intestinal microflora with folk remedies

After long-term use of antibiotics, it is possible to restore the microflora with some folk remedies.

Important! Of course, before using these, you need to consult with your doctor - perhaps he will give permission for such procedures, or perhaps reveal the need to take only the above drugs.

Eucalyptus and St. John's wort are medicinal herbs who have antimicrobial effect. To restore microflora, you can drink decoctions from these plants. Raspberry and strawberry fruit drinks have a similar effect.

Often, a violation of the intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics manifests itself and in this case you can take senna and aloe - these medicinal plants capable of enhancing intestinal motility. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when consuming senna, you may experience by-effect, namely abdominal pain.

In case of diarrhea, oak bark, burnet decoction and pomegranate peels. These listed medicinal plants have a fixative effect. But you need to be as careful as possible when taking these plants, since exceeding the dosage can lead to the development of constipation, and this is also considered a disruption of the intestines.

Has excellent antimicrobial effect. This product is not only capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms, but enhance intestinal motility.

In case of disturbances in the intestinal microflora, which occurs in all cases of taking antibiotics, it will be useful to swallow one clove of garlic whole, without chopping it. You need to consume garlic once a day; to enhance the restorative effect, it is recommended to drink garlic with any fermented milk product.

There are many options for improving the functioning of the body after taking antibiotics. But the answer to the question “what to take to restore microflora after antibiotics” should be given by a specialist - he will be able to realistically assess the condition digestive system, exclude any intestinal pathologies, take into account possible allergic reactions.

Most often, the composition of the microflora changes in quantitative and qualitative terms due to poor nutrition, abuse of antibiotics and alcohol, under constant stressful conditions for the body, as well as due to ionizing radiation. Dysbacteriosis is often observed after past diseases against the background of decreased immunity and general tone. An imbalance of intestinal flora can be a prerequisite for the development diabetes mellitus, lead to hormonal disruptions, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system etc. To restore the microflora, daily consumption of fermented milk products is not enough; therapy with specially developed drugs to combat dysbiosis is required.

Microflora in in good condition called normal flora. It is a combination of populations of various microbes living in antagonistic symbiosis with the carrier, microorganisms, the main function of which is the formation and constant maintenance of the human body’s resistance to diseases, prevention and avoidance of the risk of colonization internal organs pathogenic bacteria. Microflora maintains biochemical, immunological, metabolic balance necessary for health.

Microflora is also called intestinal microbiota or microbiome. The largest part of the microbiome is concentrated in the large intestine, especially in the distal part.

On a note! Up to 10 intestinal viruses may be present in the large intestine.

Microorganisms colonize in smaller numbers small intestine(except for the sterile proximal section), acid-fast lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are present in the stomach in small quantities due to the aggressive environment. IN duodenum there is no microflora due to the presence of digestive enzymes that aggressively affect microorganisms.

Table. Groups of microorganisms that populate the large intestine

Basic/obligate (up to 90-95%)Bacteroides, bifido-, lacto- and propionic acid bacteria.
Related/Optional (up to 5%)Enterococci, clostridia, eubacteria, strains coli, pseudomonas.
Residual/transient (ideally up to 1%)Proteus, staphylococci, fungi of the genus Candida, protozoan viruses. There may be species with a high aggressive potential that become more active and increase the population, subject to a decrease protective functions the main group of microorganisms of the microbiota.

On a note! In an adult, the weight of microflora can be up to two and a half kilograms. The number of microorganisms is up to 1014 CFU/g.

Signs of dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the mobile balance of the microbiota inhabiting the intestines. With dysbacteriosis, the species composition of bacteria changes qualitatively and quantitatively. Alternatively, microorganisms of the obligate group may disappear due to the prolonged dominance of viruses, fungi, bacteria, which healthy person should constitute only a small percentage of the total.

Form of the diseaseDescription of what happens in the body
Latent or compensatedProcesses pathological nature are missing.
SubcompensatedInflammatory processes manifest themselves locally.
DecompensatedIn the liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, thyroid and pancreas, metastatic foci form as a result of a decrease in the body's resistance and spread pathological processes. There is intoxication, the likelihood of sepsis is high.

Principles of treatment

To stabilize intestinal microflora, first of all, it is necessary to treat existing diseases of the digestive system. If you do not get rid of the cause of dysbiosis, then you can take drugs that improve microflora indefinitely without much effect.

In the process of treating existing ailments, the patient is prescribed a course antibacterial agents, antibiotics, multivitamins, antihistamines, etc. The course is selected individually for each patient by the doctor after studying the medical history, collecting an anamnesis, conducting diagnostics, and making a diagnosis.

Important! There is no single standard treatment regimen. Therapy is carried out depending on the forms, phases of dysbiosis, and the patient’s condition. Treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist.

In cases where the patient has been prescribed enteral antibiotics, to normalize the intestinal microflora, drugs that do not affect the symbionts present in the intestine are recommended, for example, Neo-Enteroseptol tablets with antiprotozoal and antibacterial effects.

Method of use and dosage of the drug "Neo-Enteroseptol"

Also, treatment of dysbiosis is carried out using bacterial preparations, which include full-fledged viable microflora and components that are antagonistically active against pathogenic intestinal bacteria.

Table. "Colibacterin"

Release form optionsDry powder (lyophilisate), from which a suspension is prepared for oral administration. The package contains 10 glass bottles (ampoules). 1 bottle can contain 2,3 or 5 doses.

The finished suspension is not stored and is prepared immediately before use.

DosageThe drug is a course course, treatment lasts from 1 to 3 months.

A second course of treatment is carried out no earlier than three months later and subject to a study of the gastrointestinal microflora.

Dry powder can be dissolved in any cold liquid (boiled water, compote, herbal decoction, warm tea).

Adults and children over three years old take 2-4 doses orally three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after. For children 1-3 years old, the maximum daily dose of the drug is 8 doses, for babies 6-12 months old - 4 doses per day maximum.

One dose of lyophilisate should be dissolved in 1 tsp. liquids.

special instructionsTaking the drug with existing allergic reaction you can start with small doses, no more than 1 at a time. After 1-2 weeks you can begin to increase the dosage.

If the drug causes bloating and pain in the intestines, then it should be administered through an enema for two weeks, and after the specified period, switch to oral administration with a gradual increase in dosage to the recommended one.

"Colibacterin" is not used for ulcerative colitis.

Talitsa. "Bifidumbacterin"

Release formVaginal and rectal suppositories, bottles with lyophilisate, sachets, tablets and capsules. Available in packages of 3, 5 and 10 doses.
DosageThe course of treatment is at least two weeks, but not more than three months.
The drug is used 30-40 minutes before meals.
Dosage per day when taken orally:
- adults no more than 15 doses;
- newborns from 3 to 6 doses;
- children under 6 months. 9 doses;
- children over 6 months. 10 doses each.
The drug is used intravaginally for up to 8 days in a row, once a day, 5-10 doses. A sterile tampon soaked in a solution of the drug is inserted into the vagina for 2-3 hours.
For local application soak a tampon with the solution (2 doses), which is applied to the nipple half an hour before feeding the baby.
Suppositories are used 1 pc. 2 times a day, no more than 10 days in a row.
special instructionsOne dose of powder should be dissolved in 1 tsp. liquids.
Do not dissolve the powder with hot water.
Antibiotics for simultaneous administration weaken the effect of the drug.

Table. "Lactobacterin"

Release formLyophilisate (powder) is packaged in bottles of 5 doses. Vaginal suppositories. Pills.
DosageTable drink 2-3 r. a day half an hour before eating. Children are given 2-3 tablets, adults - 5. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor and lasts no more than 25 days.
The powder is diluted with water in the same way as the preparations described above, used 2-5 doses half an hour before meals, twice a day.
Suppositories are used 1-2 times a day intravaginally, for no more than 10 days in a row.
special instructionsNot used for candidiasis and for the treatment of children under 3 years of age.
Can be used together with antibiotics.

Table. "Bifikol"

Release formThe lyophilisate from which the suspension is prepared is packaged in bottles of 5 doses.
DosageThe dosage and duration of treatment is selected by the doctor depending on the patient’s condition.
Treatment of children 6-12 months. spend two weeks in a row. Daily norm drug – 6 doses.
The course of treatment for children 1-3 years old is 2-3 weeks. The daily norm is 10 doses.
Adults and children over three years of age are prescribed 10-15 doses daily for three weeks.
A repeated course of treatment is carried out only 2 months after the treatment, and the intestinal microbiocenosis must be monitored.
special instructionsTaking antibiotics together with treatment with bificol is not recommended. The drug is not used during a course of chemotherapy.
Contraindications: ulcerative colitis.

Analogues of the drugs discussed above:

The results of taking bacterial preparations are aimed at the following points:

  • suppression of the growth of fungi and pathogenic microflora, destruction of toxins;
  • strengthening immunity due to the production of antibodies to viruses;
  • synthesis of vitamin K and the entire B group;
  • increasing the absorption of microelements and nutrients.

For the treatment of dysbiosis, it is recommended to take drugs whose action is aimed at improving digestive processes:

Video - Treatment regimen for intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotics

Prevention of dysbacteriosis

To normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to consume foods such as:

  • natural homemade yogurt no dyes;

  • kefir. To prepare the drink at home use kefir grains, which are added to goat or cow milk. After 2 days, the drink is filtered and drunk. You can sweeten kefir with half a teaspoon of honey;

  • sauerkraut. Only a product prepared at home through natural fermentation can improve intestinal microflora. Cabbage cooked with preservatives and vinegar is not good;

  • tea mushroom, which has a beneficial effect on the balance of intestinal microflora.

To maintain bacterial balance in the intestines, especially after antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to take probiotics regularly.
