New Year's scenario "Year of the Monkey". Scenario of the New Year's holiday "welcome the year of the monkey" The appearance of the monkey for the new year

The New Year's Eve party is led by a host and volunteer who plays the role of the Monkey. At the end of the program, another character appears - the Rooster, chosen among the team. The essence of the scene is to guide the Monkey and meet the Rooster. The monkey does not want to leave, so he arranges tests for the team, and also interferes in every possible way with the participants in games and competitions. At the end of the program, the Monkey receives a gift, the Rooster receives recognition, and Santa Claus gives gifts. Everyone is happy!

Please note that the symbol of the evening is the Rooster. It should be present in everything - from table treats and decorations, to costumes and props for the holiday.

We offer a choice of several scenes that are suitable for cooperatives, family feasts, and friendly youth parties.

Advice! For the first scenes, you need to acquire props.

bright clothes, preferably multi-colored;
chips with the image of the Rooster;
round plates with numbers on each of them from 1 to 10;
big bag.

Enters the hall leading and says:

– On this New Year’s holiday, I greet you, friends,
Today you are all beautiful and friendly as ever.
Have you gathered and dressed up to celebrate the Year of the Rooster?
Well, let's start with the fact that we need to fill our glasses!

The glasses are filling. Leading speaks:

-Who is the main leader here?
Who is our leader today?
Over to you, leader,
We won't drink without toast.

The leader makes a speech, sums up the results, thanks and congratulates the team.


- New Year is just around the corner,
But it will come when
We say goodbye to the Monkey
And we will find the Rooster.

Fill your glasses,
Have fun, honest people,
So that adversity and sorrow,
They left for the old year.

Glasses are being filled. Anyone who wishes makes a toast. The team is drinking.

Enters the hall Monkey:

- Wait a minute, friends,
I haven't left yet
And I'm not going yet
Give up your rights!


-You served for a whole year
Now it's the rooster's turn.

Monkey with a grin:

- You have to wait until the morning,
To meet the Rooster,
He's in the coop today
There will be sleep as always.

- Don't worry about us,
We'll find him now
In our friendly team,
There is a stock of cockerel.

And there are talents, believe me,
If you don't believe it, check it out.
We'll show you now
Who is what animal today!

Guests will be prepared for mini-competitions. The presenter invites them to take part in comic skits.

Who said "Ku-ka-re-ku"

Impromptu competitions can be used as comic skits for the New Year 2017. The funniest ones are selected from the guests (you can choose more serious comrades - if they agree, it will be fun to watch their roles change).

Guests line up and are invited to demonstrate their vocal abilities. Karaoke lovers should not rush to rejoice - they will not be able to show off their talents. The time of the Rooster is coming, you need to perform the song accordingly.

Advice! Let each guest crow any popular hit, and the audience must try to guess it. Prizes are awarded to the vocalist who is liked by the majority of the audience. The viewer who guessed the largest number of “songs” is also noted.

Project "podium"

The Rooster is a real dandy who doesn’t mind showing off in front of the assembled audience. He will not miss such an opportunity.

The monkey pulls out the participants he likes from the table and invites them to put their hand in a bag with “props”. There are the most varied and awkward outfits. Place caps, jabots, boas, festive tinsel, colorful bloomers, grandmother's scarves and shawls, and wigs in advance. Each participant “blindly” chooses an outfit.

But this is not enough for the monkey. It requires all participants to strut down an impromptu catwalk, showing off their outfit. Spectators are given signs in advance with numbers from 1 to 10, with which they evaluate all the contestants.

Competition "Show the animal"

Each guest shows the Monkey the animal in whose year he was born using facial expressions, gestures and movements. Sounds cannot be used in the competition. The Monkey does not understand, and the audience is also silent on the first try, and then the participants tell the Monkey the correct answer. The most creative participant wins.

- It's all easy for you,
What else can you do?

– We have a rare talent,
We can put everything together and find it,
Without much difficulty
And at the same time, despite.

Competition "Let's put the word together"

10 people are invited and divided into two teams. Each team must form the word "rooster". Each participant is pre-assigned a letter, which is hung on his back, and during the competition he must stand in such a way that the word is formed. Next, all competitors are blindfolded, and at a signal the competition begins. During the competition, the Monkey will interfere with the contestants, stand between them, etc. The team that completes the word first wins. Winning participants move on to the next competition.

Competition "Find the Rooster"

Participants who won the previous competition are blindfolded. The monkey hangs four rooster figurines on the Christmas tree, so that one participant does not have enough. At a signal, the contestants begin their search, and spectators can tell them the location of the figures. This is a descending game. The participant who does not get a piece leaves the game. This continues until one player remains and is declared the winner. You can simplify the competition by leaving one round, in which the winner is the one who finds the rooster first.

- Okay, but for fun,
Not enough entertainment
I would laugh from my heart,
To easily leave you.

- We will arrange this now,
We will build dear guests,
Specially for you,
There is a funny game.

Competition "Fun Relay Race"

Six participants are selected and divided into three teams of two. Participants in a pair are turned with each other's backs and bandaged in this position. Teams are given a bag (basket). Balls are scattered at the maximum possible distance from the participants. At the signal, each pair runs to the balls and begins to collect them in a bag. When there are no balls left on the floor, a count is made. The pair that collects the fewest balls is eliminated from the game. There are two pairs left. Two chairs are placed opposite the remaining participants (as far as possible from them). At the signal, the teams run to the chair, run around it twice and return to their starting position. The team that reaches the start first wins.

New New Year competition (!!!) for the company - “Lunokhod”

The best outdoor game for adults who are not entirely sober. Everyone stands in a circle, according to the counting number the first one is chosen and inside the circle he walks on his haunches and seriously says: “I am Lunokhod 1.” Whoever laughed next squats in a circle and walks around, seriously saying: “I am Lunokhod 2.” And so on…

Fun New Year's competition "Who has the longest"

Two teams are formed and each must lay out a chain of clothes, taking off whatever they want. Whoever has the longest chain wins. If the game is not played in the company of a house, but, for example, in a square or in a club, then two participants are first selected, and when they do not have enough clothes for the chain (after all, when taking off your clothes, you must remain within the bounds of decency), then the hall is asked to help the participants, and anyone who wants can continue the chain of the player he likes...

- They amused me!
Only there is no Rooster,
And maybe I'll have to
Stay forever.

- Don’t rush to say
We don't have long to wait,
We'll try a hero
Find it in the team!

Competition “Choose a Rooster”

To participate in the selection of the Rooster, three men (roosters) and six women (hens) are needed. Participants are selected by lot. Next, three teams of three people are divided (one rooster and two hens). For the competition you will need outfits, divided into three bags. As decorations you will need various ribbons, blouses, pants, elastic bands on your head, ribbons, etc. The hens are blindfolded and at a signal they begin to dress up their Rooster. During the competition, music plays, and when it stops, the result is evaluated. The rooster should be dressed up as brightly and as original as possible; the head (crest) and arms (wings) must be decorated. The Rooster who, in the opinion of the audience, is best decorated is selected. The monkey can help when the team finds it difficult to decide on the winner. The winning Rooster and his hens are awarded medals of honor.

Monkey with annoyance :
- Well, they elected the Rooster,
Drive me away.

- Monkey, wait,
Don't rush to get angry
Dance with us today
And accept a present from us.

The Monkey is presented with bananas, and the Rooster dances with it (lambada, waltz, etc.). Santa Claus enters the hall. There is applause.

Father Frost:
- Happy New Year to you, friends,
Monkey, Rooster,
Boar, Fox, Pig,
I will generously reward you all,
Hurry up, run up
And receive gifts.

Corporate party participants individually approach Santa Claus, dancing. For each person, music is selected that best suits his style.

Natalia Lavrentieva

New Year holiday - year of the monkey 2016.


The New Year opens fabulous doors!

Let the one who believes in fairy tales come here now!

It’s so nice that our guests came here today,

And regardless of worries, everyone found a free hour.

A wonderful day is coming, the New Year is coming,

A holiday of laughter and fun, holiday of happiness for children.

ENTRANCE OF CHILDREN TO THE SONG “And one, two, three...”

Ved. What kind of guest has come to us?

How elegant and slender!

This is Santa Claus

I brought it to the kids!

The balls are shining on it,

Various toys are hanging!

Ved. Guys, let's say hello to the Christmas tree!

Children: Hello, Christmas tree!

And under the tree on New Year's

Children dance in circles!

Let's have fun around the Christmas tree.

And we’ll sing a good song about the Christmas tree!

Round dance “We came to visit the Christmas tree”

And now I’ll tell you a wish riddle:

That's right - Christmas tree! Children, tell me, a palm tree was mentioned in our riddle. Do you know who lives on a palm tree? Who? Monkey! Exactly, monkey! And the coming 2016 is just the year monkey. Let's invite you to visit us monkey!

She won’t come to us just like that, we need to lure her to us. How to do this?

That's right - bananas! Look, we have There are bananas on the festive table. I'll peel one banana now, monkey smells it and comes!

The host peels one banana and appears monkey.

Music output monkey

Monkey: So that’s where that delicious banana smell comes from! How many bananas are there! And this is all for me?

Leading: Monkey! This is not all for you, it is also for our children.

Monkey: Kids? Did they deserve them? Have they behaved well all year?

Leading: Uh, monkey! You sound like Santa Claus!

Monkey: So I walked here with him, only he stopped somewhere in the forest. He probably gives out gifts to the animals. But I still like warmth, not snow. That's why she came ahead of him.

Leading: That is OK. While Santa Claus is away, let's play a game. Do you agree?

A game "Merry Monkeys"

Competition with monkey(to the song "Winter Beauty")

Leading: Monkey, did you like it with us? Do you want to visit us? stay on holiday? (I liked it very much, but I can’t help D.M.

Guys, let's let go monkey, Goodbye monkey.

Leading: Guys, what a holiday without Santa Claus and gifts? Let's call him together. The children are calling "Father Frost", the presenter asks parents to help call Santa Claus. To the music ( "Baba Yaga" M. Mussorgsky) Baba Yaga enters with a broom and runs around the tree. Then he stops and shows off, humming to the tune of the song "Winnie the Pooh".

Baba Yaga: Look, I'm good today!

Listen to how my soul sings!

You just have to close your eyes,

All you have to do is braid your curls,

I'll be the Snow Maiden no matter where!

Is it true, guys? (without waiting for the children to answer) Yes Yes Yes (does not see children, addresses parents) Well, what are we yelling at? How often do we shout? (to the Christmas tree) What else is that sticking out here? (Grabs the tree by the branch). Oh-oh-oh! Evil, mischievous, like me! (Paints attention to children) ABOUT! What are you doing here? I didn't invite you? I didn't invite you! Hello, didn't I tell you? Did not tell! And you to me? Also no! How lovely! Yes, you are as ill-mannered as me! My golden ones! My darlings! Why are they crowded under this green thorn, I ask?

Leading: Grandma Yaga, say hello first - see the audience! (points to the children)

Baba Yaga: I don’t see any donut!

Leading: Not the bagel, but the audience!

Baba Yaga: I would have said so right away. Hello, spit girls and stump boys. So why did you sit near the tree? You don't let good people pass! (walks past the children and tries to step on their feet)

Leading: We have gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desired, most joyful holiday!

Baba Yaga: (enthusiastically) Holiday! New Year! (surprised) With songs?

Leading: With songs!

Baba Yaga: With dancing?

Leading: Happy dancing!

Baba Yaga: With gifts?

Leading: With gifts!

Baba Yaga: I want gifts too.

Leading: And the kids want to receive gifts. But what kind holiday without Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: (grabs his heart) It’s just a thorn in my heart that you’re all just waiting for Santa Claus! (runs around the tree) A – ah, you want New Year’s gifts! Waiting for Santa Claus!

(stops) But in vain! After all, you, the kind and good Grandmother-Yagusechka, leave me every year from the Christmas tree? That's right, you kick him out. What gift are you giving me? That's right, you don't. You think I will continue to tolerate such antics from you! Nope! I’ll conjure something like this for you (scratching the back of his head, thinking about something like that, wow! I can’t even wait to show you what I can conjure. You can call whoever you want, complain to anyone! But I’ll still conjure! (scratches the back of his head, spins around himself) Think, grandma, think (enthusiastically) Wow, I came up with an idea! I'll call my dear guest. Oh, I'm tired of witchcraft.

Baba Yaga knocks her broom on the floor. Music is playing. The exit of Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat. The cat leans on a crutch, the Fox has a saw hanging behind his back

Fox: - Let the lame disabled person pass, the poverty of the eyeless one...

Cat:- We were frozen in the cold... it’s so cold here in the Land of Fools!

Fox: - We are looking for a large tree to cut down and make a fire to keep warm.

Cat: -ABOUT! Here is the tree...big, fluffy. There will be a lot of firewood!

Fox: -Wow, it’s so dressed up! All sorts of lantern balls on it...

Cat: - Let’s cut down a tree, collect balls, make beads and sell them in our country, and we’ll divide the money!

Fox: - Excellent! And we will share So: you are 2, I am 3! Everything is equal!

Cat: - Wow equally!

Fox: - Okay, don’t be silly! Let's cut it down first!

The cat and the fox set up to cut the Christmas tree

Fox:- Do you know, Basilio, Father Frost and Snow Maiden will come here soon. She is so beautiful and polite!

Cat: - It’s disgusting to watch!

Fox: - And that’s what I mean came up with it: we need to kidnap the Snow Maiden from Santa Claus and demand it for her ransom: PRESENT! And there are a lot of sweets and chocolates!

Cat:- Good girl, Fox! You have a smart head! Let's eat up! But how do we steal it?

Fox: - Well, you can’t think of anything on your own! Would be lost without me! We need to put Santa Claus to sleep!

Cat:- You would be lost without me! How will we put them to sleep?

Fox: - We need to give Santa Claus some compote to drink. And we’ll add sleeping pills to the compote!

Cat:- Aaaah! Grandfather will fall asleep, and we will drag Snow Maiden away! Let's do so! Let's go wait for Santa Claus! (they leave the hall to the music).

Leading: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

I hasten to congratulate everyone,

Let bad weather pass you by

Let your ringing laughter ring out!

Let's start the round dance - after all, today is New Year!

Dance "Icy palms."


- Guess it guys: who will come to us?

A grandfather with a beard lives in the world,

He hasn’t drunk hot tea for a long time!


Father Frost!


I need to call grandpa

It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Children call Santa Claus:

Santa Claus, come out,

For children give a holiday!

Exit of Santa Claus. music

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

Early in the morning before dawn

I went on a hike.

After all, Santa Claus

A lot of holiday troubles!

I polished it to shine for a month!

The stars shone brighter!

All forests, fields and rivers

I covered it with ice and snow!

I locked the blizzard in the closet,

So that the roads are not covered

And decorated the area

Dawn with a bright flame!

The icicles glisten like silver,

The bell is ringing...

And they shone with a blush

Faces of adults and children!

Hey kindergarten people,

Join the round dance!

Round dance game with Santa Claus "Heel, toe"

(children sit on chairs)

Father Frost: - Oh, and the people gathered quickly... I even felt hot! I wish I could drink some water...

The Fox and the Cat run out, holding a ladle of water.

Fox:- Oh, grandpa wants to drink! Try our drink!

Cat:- My thirst will go away!

Father Frost:- What kind of drink is this?


Father Frost:- Some strange name...

Fox: - Those who don’t know don’t understand!

Father Frost: - Okay, I’ll have a drink! I'm really thirsty! (drinks...Oh, eyelids are heavy, my eyes are closing! I really want to sleep! I’m falling asleep... (snores)

Fox: - Eh, mimosa rose….

Fox: - They put Santa Claus to sleep, after all!

(they rejoice, congratulate each other, hide behind the tree)

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song maybe D.M. maybe he will wake up.

Song for the Little Christmas Tree

Leading: No, I didn’t wake up D.M.

Exit of the Snow Maiden music

Snow Maiden:

Hello, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

What about grandpa? Is he sleeping?

Fox:- Sleeping! Sleeping! Why bother him?

Cat: - Come on, come with us! We will exchange you with your grandfather for gifts!

Snow Maiden:- But it’s so bad! You can't do that! Without me the holiday will not take place!

Cat: -Me too...person!

Fox:- That’s it, let’s seems that Santa Claus is waking up....

(Snow Maiden is taken away)

Father Frost:- Oh, what have I done! The guys prepared poems for me, and I fell asleep! Come on, kids, girls and boys.... tell your grandfather some poems...

Children: read poetry

Father Frost: For some reason I can’t wake up! Let's sing with you guys!

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

Game with Santa Claus (song-gameFrost)

(Children sit down)

Father Frost:-I acted out like a little kid...Where is my granddaughter Snegurochka?

(children's answers)

The Cat and the Fox and the Snow Maiden come out.

Cat:- Well, why are you making so much noise here? We have it!

Fox:- Father Frost! Let's change: We are your Snow Maiden, you are GIFTS to us!

Father Frost:- Oh no no no! And shame on you! Well, take your gifts! Give us back the Snow Maiden! (gives away the bag)

The cat and the fox run away joyfully.

Father Frost:

Hello, granddaughter! How long have we been waiting for you! And you guys don't be upset: I'm a wizard! Fox and Cat will not receive gifts! They open the bag, and there are cones and needles from our Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: We will continue the holiday

Have fun dancing

Dance tutorial. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


Father Frost! We were waiting for you...

We dreamed about gifts,

And you still sit and sleep,

And we are in no hurry to dance...

Father Frost:

And that’s holiday! No one can sit still on a day like this...!

Song game "Walking through the forest D.M."

Father Frost: Well done, kids, danced with all your heart!

Father Frost:

It's time to give gifts to children!

Go to kindergarten quickly and get gifts!

Father Frost: That's New Year's holiday it's time for us to finish

Happy year monkeys Congratulations friends!

This year I give gifts to everyone supply:

Wisdom to children

Wealth for parents

Happiness and good luck to all our viewers!

Snow Maiden. Just don't forget us at all,

You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.

And again, meet with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts.


We wish you health and joy,

May life be without grief and worries!

We wish you all a Happy New Year!

Let the New Year be happy!

Song "New Year"

Ved. Good evening friends! Good evening! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! These magical words lift your spirits and your eyes light up with a joyful fire. Faces glow with smiles, and we say from the bottom of our hearts: “Happy New Year!” Friends, dance, sing, laugh! Fill the hall with fun!

New Year is the best holiday. A holiday of miracles, magic, fairy tales.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear)

Snow Maiden: I don’t want to! I don’t want to and I won’t! I had enough! Every time it's the same! People only remember us on New Year’s Eve!

Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, shame on you! You didn't even say hello to the guys!

Snow Maiden: (gloomily). Hello!

Santa Claus: We are glad, children, to see you!

Happy New Year everyone, good morning!

We start here today

Merry New Year's holiday! (addresses the Snow Maiden) Now the guys and I will sing a song...

Snow Maiden: (with sarcasm). We'll do a round dance, and then we'll listen to rhymes and play with toys! I’m not two years old anymore! I want to sing normal songs. And in general I want to be a star!

Santa Claus: (upset), Those are the times...And who will help me? Yes, and what would New Year be without you, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden: Yes, the children won’t even notice that I’m gone. And I want people to talk about me! So that my videos are played, so that fans ask for autographs... That's life! Grandpa, why should you just hit him with your magic staff once?

Santa Claus: Granddaughter, you don’t need all this! You are already a beauty with us, and all the guys love you. Really, guys?

All Yes.

Snow Maiden: My talent is disappearing! I know what to do! We need to find a producer! (gets ready to leave).

Santa Claus: Wait, Snow Maiden! What would a Christmas tree be without you? Don’t spoil everyone’s holiday, today you can show off your talent.

Snow Maiden: Well, okay, I convinced you! But if someone offends me, I leave!

Santa Claus: Thank you granddaughter. Let's sing our traditional songs, just a few at once. So, New Year's medley.

Mischief comes in.

Schadenfreude. Oh, how boring. For the whole year, not a single dirty trick. And the old woman Karga-Yaga completely lost her mind. Walks through the forest, collecting homeless animals.

Vredomor. And then feed them, take them outside, educate them... But who am I in the world? I am an evil wizard Vredomor, I am ready to do anything for the sake of evil, I can find an argument with anyone, just like I began to serve Vredomor.

Schadenfreude. And I am Zlorada - the Queen of Evil. I have a proposal to sneak into the New Year’s tree and arrange a fireworks display of dirty tricks, and these dirty tricks should be so New Year’s, so New Year’s, that everyone in the hall would cry.

Vredomor and Glupinen: Gib-gib - hurray! Long live dirty tricks!

Schadenfreude: Well, enough, that's enough. All you have to do is use your tongue and let’s get down to business! I’ll give you a second to think about how to make everyone cry at the New Year’s party.

Vredomor: More onions and garlic! We'll ruin the girls' dresses, the boys'

We'll get our shirts dirty. Let's melt Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. UUU... Glupinen: There is no better “Chips-chips”

Schadenfreude: Why “Spikes”?

Glupinen: Because they contain a mixture of snake venom. They will swallow, sizzle, sizzle and burst...

Schadenfreude: Stop your dirty tricks. Baba Yaga is coming.

Vredomor: Let's hide and see what mood she's in.

Glupinen: If he walks and swears, then dirty tricks will come true.

Malice: And if he sings, then the dirty tricks will once again have to be canceled.

(Baba Yaga walks, carries little animals in a basket and sings):

I'll get up early in the morning, in the morning, in the morning!

I’ll tidy everything in the house, I’ll tidy it, I’ll tidy it up!

I'll sweep the floors, wash the dishes,

And I won’t forget to bring water.

Hey! My dirty tricks, where are you?

They don’t greet me, they don’t call me names.

All: Here we are Babusenka, here we are Yagusenka.

Baba Yaga: Well, what were you doing here without me?

All: We missed you.

Baba Yaga: It’s always like this. They didn't do anything around the house. I alone am Baba Yaga, working like a bee. I am an old, defenseless woman, today I drank coffee without any appetite.

Vredomor: Sit down, Babusenka, we’ll turn on the TV for you, your favorite program “Concert on request.”

Malice: Now we’ll cajole the old woman, and then we’ll offer dirty tricks. (Babu Yaga is seated on a chair). Song "New Year's toys"

Baba Yaga: Well, well done, they made the old lady happy. Come on, Nasties, I have no business ruining the holiday for good people, we have a lot to do in the forest. (everyone leaves)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

Santa Claus: Yes, it’s fun here today. Involuntarily, you want to become an artist.

Snow Maiden: You see, grandpa, how successful everyone is. I will also become an artist.

Santa Claus: Okay, okay Snow Maiden, let’s celebrate the Christmas tree and get ready for the “Voice” or “Main Stage” casting. It’s nice to be among you, but it’s time for the Snow Maiden and me to go, many more Christmas trees are waiting for us.

Snow Maiden: Winter holiday is coming,

The old year is leaving us,

New Year is knocking on the door.

Let it be with the blizzard and powder

He will bring all good things:

Children are happy, as before,

For adults - happiness and hope.

Santa Claus: May the New Year's Santa Claus

Good health to boot,

Good luck in everything planned,

Fun, laughter, tenderness, affection,

So that life would be like in a fairy tale.

Why shouldn't there be dancing today?

Dance more, not the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dancing shape.

Girls dance

Host: This story took place on a tropical island.
A biologist who had come to study the monkeys had been working on the island for several days.
(Music: theme of monkey and cartoon 38 parrots.)
Biologist: As much as we can say, you can’t take packaged food from tourists, it’s much worse than bananas.
Monkey: And this is what a man tells me...
Biologist: A person who studies monkeys.
Monkey: I also study people. My great-great-grandmother, for example, knew Robinson himself, learned the alphabet from him, wrote down sticks, and then other people came and caught Robinson.
Biologist: Everything was wrong, Robinson returned home.
Monkey: This is all called happyend, that’s what the writer said who talked to my great-great-grandmother.

(A cannon shot thunders; you can throw the ball from one end of the stage to the other)
Monkey: What's that noise?
Biologist: They're firing from a cannon.
(Someone screams - Help)
Monkey: Shall we help?
Biologist: Let's help.
Song "Clap-clap of the firecracker"

Stranger: Help!
(The stranger is hugged by the “Boa Constrictor” and opens his mouth, but cannot swallow due to his small stature)
Biologist: Oh, what a beautiful boa constrictor.
Monkey: Who are you and why did you get caught by this runt?
Stranger: I’m here by accident, help me, otherwise he’ll strangle me.
Biologist: We need to remove it somehow.
Boa constrictor: Where, my prey.
Monkey: Look, there are banderlogs.
Boa Constrictor: Where are the Banderlogs? I'll eat them all.
(The boa constrictor "crawls away")
Stranger: Thank you, you saved me, but how can I get out of here?
Monkey: With your luck, you will get caught by someone again.
Monkey: How can that be, we saved you.
Stranger: I attacked this island to rob everyone, but you didn’t let me go to waste.
Pirates: And then we arrived in time, and we will have fun.
Stranger: So, who is your richest?
Monkey: My friend, she works with tourists.
Pirates: It's a pity, now is not the tourist season.
Stranger: What does she have?
Monkey: She has a whole mountain of packets of all sorts of goodies, and also a notebook cover and a pillow.
Stranger: Why does she need all this?
Monkey: She decorates the palm tree in packs, waves the cover like a fan so that it is not so hot, and sits on the pillow so that there is a sofa.
Pirates: What do you have?
Monkey: Nothing, I'm an ordinary monkey.
Pirates: Oh, she’s so poor, can you give her something and then take her away?
Stranger: Wait... Wait, I'll think...Song “The Round Dance Lights Spun”
Biologist: Saved, hurray we are saved.
Monkey: Yes, okay, a monkey can easily chew through the ropes.
Boa Constrictor: They wanted to sell me, put me in a box and sell me….
Biologist: Well, calm down...
Monkey: We were saved...
Boa constrictor: What is a box and what is it to sell?
Biologist: Yes, but the pirates are still on the island, what should we do?
Monkey: We need to arm ourselves and fight back against the pirates.
Biologist: Exactly, but who will we arm?
Boa Constrictor: If the weapon looks like a box, I'll put all the pirates in it myself.
Biologist: Wait, this is all wrong... let's give the pirates a sleeping pill injection.
Monkey: How to do this?
Boa Constrictor: Will this harm your digestion?
Pirates: Where are these fugitives?
Biologist: (In a medical gown) Let's go, let's go, are you pirates?
Pirates and the Stranger: Us.
Biologist: My assistant and I must vaccinate you, here is a paper with the seals and signatures of the pirate Ministry of Health.
Pirates: What does it say here?
Stranger: We won't give in.
Biologist: And if your mothers find out that you don’t take care of your health, they won’t let you go again.
Pirates: They'll let you go.
Biologist: They won’t let me go, the fever is raging on the island.
Pirates: Well, let us sail away.
Biologist: And those who fearlessly get vaccinated are promised an increase in pension and the Order of the “Pirate of the Seven Seas.”
Pirates: Okay then.
Stranger: That's what they would say. What kind of fever exactly?
Biologist: Creeping.
Stranger: Wow.. (The pirates fall asleep).
Song "Snow, snow, snow"
Biologist: My mission was completed, I just needed to study people.
Monkey: What exactly?
Biologist: Qualities such as honesty, for example.
Monkey: I want to be honest too.
Biologist: But she lied about Robinson?
Monkey: What my great-great-grandmother said is true.
Biologist: We'll have to say goodbye.
Monkey: What's next?
Biologist: And then there will be a holiday, songs and a New Year's disco.
Monkey: Then why say goodbye? Let's congratulate each other on the New Year together.
Biologist: Let's remember all the good things that happened in the past year.
Monkey: And we will dance.

Snow Maiden: Well, friends, it’s time to say goodbye

It flew to us with the January wind.

And again we say “Goodbye”

To my good and great friends.

Santa Claus: And at this hour of farewell

To all dear and dear, to us, friends

We say: “See you again,

Until next time. We wish you happiness!”

All together: Goodbye!

School horoscope for 2016

Came to our school today
Glorious New Year's holiday!
The horoscope will predict for you
What awaits us in the future, there
In the New Year 2016
I'll tell you everything!

Aries, you go to school,
To adults, Aries, don’t be rude.
Cherish every day
You will find knowledge in it!

School is home, Taurus!
If so, well done!
You will be friends with the school,
Life will be more interesting!

Geminis need patience
Suddenly it’s difficult to study,
Or just an obsession
Maybe even bad luck...
It will be more difficult for you than anyone else
But success will come to you too!

Cancers, you go ahead,
Yes, keep learning your lessons!
Then a prize will be waiting for you,
A surprise everyone needs for crayfish!

Proud Leos, no good for you
Get "twos"
You are excellent in life,
Everything will be perfect!

Virgos, of course you are at school
Very charming!
New victories await you!
Exactly, definitely!

Oh, you are so shaky, Libra!
You and I know this.
Strive for good luck
Do your schoolwork honestly!

Scorpios, your sting
Even sharper than a dagger.
Be kind to everyone
And you will find friends!

Our Sagittarius is very accurate
Let's put it bluntly - Well done!
Find your goals in your studies,
You will be in business all year!

Don't fight, Capricorns.
Long roads await you
There are different discoveries across the country.
And various victories! .

Aquarius is the soul of friends!
There is nothing you regret.
School will be like a joy
A reward awaits you in the coming year!

Pisces, you are not silent at the board,
Tell me what you found out.
It will be easier to live at school
And be friends with science!

You are all zodiac signs!
Don't forget, however
It all depends on you!
School ours is top class!


Happy new year friends!

The chimes are striking in the New Year's darkness!

I want the new one coming

It was a happy year on earth!

There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn.

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

Let the year begin with a kind smile,

From the fact that we forgive each other's mistakes

And we wish well even to our enemies,

After all, life is so beautiful, it’s time for us to understand!

Here's the New Year, once again,

Comes to us from the stars.

And as always he beckons us,

Hope, bright dreams,

Hope, believe and love,

All three cherished words,

Take it with you and go far away,

And be happy again.

Let's love each other!

And value our feelings!

Adversity and bitterness, resentment and pain

May the passing year take with it,

And in the New let there be luck and happiness,

And the joy of communication even in rain and bad weather.

Waltz dance

Song "Snow and Blizzards"

The monkey, standing in the pose of Caesar - with a laurel wreath on his head, with his chin raised proudly, raising his hand (in the other - a banana) pompously argues:

Apart from a couple of thousand since the birth of Christ,
I live, arguing over the years - intelligence and beauty are in me.
The year two thousand and sixteen was absolutely my year.
She lived in honor and glory without sadness and adversity.
Maybe I should stay with people for another year?
I am full of ideas, plans and brilliant ideas.
I am a goddess! Who will challenge? Who will find a flaw in me?
Even you, I know, people are born from monkeys.
I'm not kidding. Grass and fruits are all my food.
It's decided! I will reign every year in all years!

Turns on the TV and watches the news:
"2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. According to the Eastern horoscope. In 2017, according to the Eastern calendar, the ambitious Fire Monkey will be replaced by a sign that promises to be even more successful and memorable. This will be the year of the Fire Rooster."

Monkey, indignantly:
- So that I give up the throne, the crown - to the Rooster?
That's it - pipes! Nonsense! Don't talk nonsense!
I'll pluck the feathers from Senor Rooster's wings -
There will be both roast and fish soup for meat eaters!
(Walks around, grimacing and making scary faces, waving his arms)

There's a knock on the door. Father Frost enters with Snow Maiden:
- Hello, hello, Monkey! How was your stay, how was your life?
We were brought to you by deer, and through the taiga, through the forest, by elk.
You will have to fly around many cities and different countries.
What's sour? Did you eat lemons? Come on baby, eat a banana!

The monkey, turning away from his grandfather and playing with his tail:
- I don’t want bananas, grapefruit, or mango...
Maybe, grandfather, you will dance a waltz, foxtrot or tango with me?

Music. The grandfather, tangled in the hem of his fur coat, waltzes with the monkey. The monkey “makes eyes”, smiles mysteriously, clings to Santa Claus, flirts, and whispers in his ear:
- I want, I want to be the Queen of the Earth as before,
So that ships at sea are named in my honor!
So that in shops, stores, monkey glory for,
On display cases and on shelves, in every home - only me.

The Snow Maiden stands aside, endures, worries, throws up her hands in surprise and gasps at such impudence.

Santa Claus secretly explains in the monkey's ear:
- I could. I am omnipotent. I am Grandfather Frost!
I don’t remember what year it is now. I'm getting old, sclerosis...
So I like you all - both beautiful and smart.
But that's just... a quibble: will the Country agree? A???
It used to be different. And now everything is in my mind -
For fraud you can end up in Kolyma.

The monkey, folding its paws on its chest and shivering:
- I can’t survive in the North. Do you see how it’s overgrown with fur?
This is all due to bad weather.

Santa Claus, raising his eyebrows:
- Seriously? Well, how's it going...

The Snow Maiden cannot stand it, she approaches:
- Do you hear, you “beauty of nature”! Don't spoil Grandpa's brains!
Why not together with your husband? Where is your creature?
I will not let my grandfather be offended, I will not allow him to be deceived.
And don’t even dream about the New Year and the kingdom, forget it!

The monkey beats his chest with his fists:
- I am dexterous, strong, fearless and dashing in my habits!
Where is that bird of yours? Hey, give me the Rooster!

Grandiosely solemn, majestic music is playing. And under its measured rhythm, heavy steps are heard (drummers, drums).
The Rooster enters the stage: an authoritarian pose, a lush, brilliantly fiery robe, boots with spurs. At the back is a lush train, which is carried behind the rooster by hens - several beauties in white capes, with red crowns on their heads.
The rooster, putting his leg forward affirmatively and sticking out his chest:
- I waited a long time, patiently! Well now it's my turn.
I will rule justly and wisely for a whole year.

The Monkey, walking around the Rooster and his procession with interest:
- What kind of dandy, smart dandy? What kind of magnificent fanfare is this?

Santa Claus, following the Monkey, respectfully:
- We warned you... Monkey, it's HIM!

Rooster, edifyingly:
- Who doesn’t know who I am, what I am, I’ll speak for myself.
No, not just like that, right away, but I’ll ask everyone a riddle.

/The shepherdess will not be able to herd the cows,
Birdies will not fly into the sky from their nests,
The horses won't drink water from the river,
The housewife won't put the pot in the oven
And the dove will not leave the dovecote,
While from the roost in the early hours in the chicken coop
The first one will not shout loudly.../

Chickens, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, in unison: - Rooster-o-o-ok!

Rooster, proudly:
- I will rule from the perch, that is... from the throne, let's say so!
With a wing gesture pointing to the retinue of hens:
- These are all my brides; I can’t live without them.
The time to rule has come, a new year and a new rank.
What's sour? Did you eat lemons? Don't be sad, eat a banana!

Monkey admiring the Rooster:
- You would know, Your Grace, Mr. Signor Rooster,
How the corruptible spirit disgusts me and the leadership!
In general, that's all. It's time to go back to the children, the sun, and relatives.
See me off, remember me with a kind word!
Everyone joins hands, smiles, and reads the final poem:

Sprinkles white sawdust
Empress Winter!
Everything is covered in snow! The frost is ardent -
The hostess is crazy.

There are round dances near the Christmas tree,
Dancing, games until the morning,
And full of people
A slide in the middle of the yard.

The old year is sadness, bad weather,
Sadness and boredom will take away.
Happy New Life! With new happiness!
Hello, wonderful New Year!

November 21, 2016
(Note: the script uses the author's poems - the children's riddle poem "Cockerel" and the New Year's poem "Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness")

New Year 2017 is getting closer and closer. And if so, then it’s time to start preparing for it. And it's better to start with ideas that will help you have fun with your friends. A new funny scenario for the New Year 2017 of the rooster for a cheerful company will help you with this. The script contains interesting ideas, competitions and games. Watch, choose and play.

Before the celebration begins, an introductory speech must be made. For example, like this:

Game - celebrating the year of the monkey.
The Year of the Monkey is coming to an end and must be celebrated. We spend it remembering all the good things that happened in 2016.
In turn, all the guests remember what happened in the world or in their country this year 2016. Those who could not remember are eliminated from the game. And the one who remains last wins. We present him with a calendar for 2016 in a beautiful frame. Let this calendar remind him of a happy year in his life.

Game - fortune telling for the New Year using salads.
Everything is simple here - each guest names his favorite salad, which is on the New Year's table. After everyone has been named, the presenter reads out his predictions for the new year for each salad. If someone named an exotic salad and there is no prediction for it, then you can simply say: sorry, but the year will be unpredictable for you!
Here is a list of salad predictions for the New Year:

The game is one on one!
This game involves two people. They sit opposite each other. Their task is to look each other in the face and at the same time pronounce a tongue twister:
- I see a hill with sacks in the field - I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack
The task here is not just to say this tongue twister and look your opponent in the eyes, but also not to laugh! The one who laughs is eliminated. Although, everyone will laugh, because it’s simply impossible to say such a thing, especially when drunk and looking into the eyes of another!!!

Rebuilding for the New Year 2017.
You need a lot of guests here. If there are few of them, then there are so many. How much. Ideally, each team should have 9 people. Each team receives signs with letters, and from them you can collect the phrase: YEAR OF THE ROoster.
The presenter asks a question, and the teams must answer it, and show the answer with their signs with letters, that is. Make up words.

Video competition.
In this competition we show a video. The video will contain one song - somewhere in this world... and the footage will be from different films. The guests’ task is to name after watching all the films that were in the video. Whoever names the most wins.
And here is the video itself:

Musical pause.
In this game, guests will have to guess the names of the songs. And whoever guessed correctly fulfills it. But he doesn’t just perform, he crows! That is, karaoke is turned on afterwards, and the guest or guests crow instead of words to the beat of the music. It turns out fun and funny.

And now you can celebrate the new year!
