Ear plastic surgery without surgery. Otoplasty surgery and preparation. What to do if the operation is unsuccessful

Otoplasty is an aesthetic surgery to correct external defects in the shape of the ear.

The procedure allows you to eliminate both congenital ear deformations and those acquired as a result of injury or accident.

With the help of otoplasty you can correct the location, shape, size auricle.

This is a relatively simple operation with a minimum of complications and contraindications.

Types of otoplasty

Depending on the tasks to be solved, otoplasty is classified into:

  • aesthetic;
  • reconstructive.


Aesthetic otoplasty is understood as the elimination of external defects by changing the size, shape or location of the auricle.


Reconstructive correction (plasty) of the auricles allows you to restore an ear or part of it lost as a result of injury.

Indications and contraindications

The main reason for correction is the patient’s desire.

There are no vital medical indications for this operation.

Indications for otoplasty may include:

  • protruding ears;
  • irregular ear shape;
  • large size of the ear funnel;
  • lack of relief;
  • long lobe.

Contraindications to ear surgery include:

  • inflammatory diseases ear;
  • any, including infectious, acute diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • menstruation period;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • hepatitis;
  • AIDS.

Risks and complications

Otoplasty is an operation that, like any other surgical procedure, is associated with certain risks.

In some cases, complications are possible. More often they arise due to the patient’s failure to comply with the doctor’s recommendations or the surgeon’s mistakes. Very rarely, the causes of complications cannot be determined.

At the same time, correction of the shape and size of the auricle allows you to get rid of external imperfections and internal complexes.

Ear correction methods


Concerning surgical techniques ear plastic surgery, there are more than 200 of them.

Methods differ in the degree of impact on cartilage tissue and skin, and the location of the incision.

The most common surgical methods are:

  • Traditional— cuts are made with a scalpel. This method takes a long time and is characterized by a long rehabilitation period. High risk of formation postoperative scars and scars.
  • modern technique, in which incisions are made laser beam. The duration of the operation and recovery period, the risk of complications is less compared to traditional plastic surgery.
  • Seamless- involves correcting the shape of the ear through modeling, which is possible due to the ability of cartilage tissue to bend. An incision is made behind the ear, skin and cartilage are excised, but no stitches are placed.
  • Suture. Among the suture methods, two are common: Mustard - a long longitudinal incision is made on the back surface of the auricle, sutures are applied that bend the cartilage and form an antihelix fold; Furnas – part of the skin is removed behind the ear, the cartilage is sutured to temporal bone.
  • No cartilage removal- most often used to correct defects in childhood. With this method, a section of skin is removed, the ear cartilage is bent back, and secured with permanent sutures.
  • Closed (non-surgical). This method is less traumatic because it is performed without incisions.


The closed method of ear correction is also called non-surgical.

During this operation, several punctures are made on the back of the ear to access the desired tissues, and no stitches are placed on them.

This method of plastic surgery is often called non-surgical, which is not entirely true.


The need for this is not related to age, hormonal or other biological processes in organism.

Therefore, no additional procedures are required before or after surgery.

It is important to know! Shortly before and shortly after the operation, no other facial plastic surgery should be performed - this may adversely affect the results of the correction and/or complicate the rehabilitation period.


At the preparation stage, the plastic surgeon evaluates the available data and analyzes possible results.

After taking the necessary measurements of each auricle, computer modelling expected results.

Before the operation, the patient must pass all tests, undergo examinations, get advice from a therapist and an ENT doctor, and if there are concomitant chronic diseases, undergo an examination from an appropriate specialist.

Necessarytake the following tests:

  1. General urine analysis.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. To determine blood clotting parameters.
  4. To determine blood type and Rh factor.
  5. Test for HIV and hepatitis.

Necessary examinations:

  1. Fluorography.
  2. Electrocardiography.

Types of pain relief

The choice of the type of anesthesia is carried out taking into account the patient’s age, the volume of intervention required, the expected time of surgery, mental state patient and associated pathologies.

Stages of the procedure

The surgical technique depends on the method chosen by the doctor.

However, the basic steps and routes to access cartilage tissue are similar in all cases.

How is the operation performed (aesthetic plastic surgery):

  1. On back side an incision is made in the ear.
  2. The skin is separated from the perichondrium.
  3. Manipulations are carried out to correct defects of the auricle - excision of excess cartilage tissue, fixation of cartilage with sutures.

When separating the skin from the perichondrium, the following procedures are performed:

  • removal of part of the skin behind the ear;
  • flexion of cartilage backwards;
  • application of guide sutures fixing the cartilage.

The average duration of aesthetic otoplasty is 1-2 hours.

Reconstructive otoplasty differs from the way aesthetic correction is done.

The operation (reconstructive plastic surgery) is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. The cartilaginous base is recreated (your own costal cartilage acts as a biological material).
  2. A “pocket” is formed under the skin into which the cartilage will be placed.
  3. The outer ear is formed.

The time for complete ear reconstruction is from 2 to 6 months(depending on complexity).


Immediately after the operation, swabs soaked in antiseptic are inserted into the ear canals. Tampons are changed every 3 hours.

The next day after the dressing, the patient is discharged home, and subsequent dressings are performed every 3-4 days.

The stitches are removed after 1–2 weeks. Complete rehabilitation lasts up to six months.

After the operation the following are noted:

  • for 3–4 days – pain (analgesics are indicated for pain relief);
  • within 14 days – hematoma;
  • for 1.5–2 months – swelling of soft tissues.
  • wear a fixing bandage for 7 days;
  • do not wash your hair until the stitches are removed;
  • at first sleep on your back;
  • wear a fixing bandage at night for 1.5–2 months;
  • stop wearing glasses and earrings for 2 months;
  • protect your ears from cold wind and direct sunlight;
  • for 2 months, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer;
  • exclude visits to swimming pools and saunas, solariums for 2 months, limit physical activity;
  • Avoid extreme sports for 6 months.

Changes are visible immediately after removing the fixing bandage. The final results of otoplasty can be assessed after 3 months.


Complications after surgery develop very rarely.

However, if they do occur, complications after correction are divided into early and late.

Early complications from otoplasty:

  • allergic reactions to medical supplies or anesthetic agents, most often manifested by a skin rash;
  • complications caused by anesthesia (more often occur in childhood and adolescence);
  • seam divergence;
  • infection, wound suppuration;
  • purulent otitis;
  • perichondritis (inflammation of the perichondrium);
  • inflammation of soft tissues, accompanied by redness of the skin, swelling, and the formation of phlegmon.

Late complications of otoplasty are:

  • cutting through the sutures placed on the cartilage;
  • scar formation;
  • necrosis (necrosis) of cartilage tissue;
  • lack of visible results of the operation;
  • deterioration of the initial results due to deformation of the auricle: asymmetry, very prominent cartilage, overtightening of the auricle.

If cartilage necrosis develops, there are no visible results of plastic surgery, or deformation of the auricle occurs, repeated surgical intervention is required.

In case of necrosis, the procedure is carried out immediately, and in other cases, correction is carried out six months after the first intervention.


Is otoplasty dangerous?

According to statistical data, early or late complications of otoplasty occur in 0.5–1% of cases.

But for a successful outcome of the operation, it is very important to contact an experienced specialist with sufficient knowledge and practical experience, because there are risks, as with any other surgical intervention.

Ear plastic surgery can be performed on both adults and children aged 5–6 years. By this age, the formation of the size and shape of the auricle is completely completed.

Another fact to know: the surgery does not affect your hearing.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

Pregnancy period and breastfeeding are contraindications for plastic surgery, including otoplasty.

Can it be done in the summer and when you have a cold?

Otoplasty can be done at any time of the year, but when planning the time of the operation, it is important to take into account that for the first 1.5–2 months after correction it is better to stay out of the sun and not swim.

As for the cold, it is a contraindication, like other acute inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Is it painful to have surgery?

The operation is performed under anesthesia, so no pain is felt, and discomfort is felt only during the anesthesia injection.

After manipulation, pain persists for 3–4 days.

What do the seams look like?

The stitches are practically invisible: the thin trace of the incision becomes invisible after complete healing.

If scars appear at the site of the sutures, the problem can be solved with laser resurfacing.

Otoplasty is a fairly simple plastic surgery that allows you to get rid of aesthetic defects and psychological complexes.

Determining factors positive result and the absence of complications is the skill of the plastic surgeon and the patient’s strict compliance with all the doctor’s recommendations.

We live in a world governed by faith. Whatever you believe will work.

Otoplasty surgery and preparation

- This surgical removal congenital or acquired (traumatic) ear defects. This operation is one of the most common in plastic surgery and allows you to adjust the size of the ears, their shape and location relative to the face. The surgical intervention affects the cartilaginous as well as soft tissues of the ears. Otoplasty is often recommended because protruding ears, asymmetry of the ears and other congenital defects can cause psychological disorders.

Preoperative period

In addition to choosing a clinic with an impeccable reputation and qualified staff, an important part of the preoperative period is a detailed consultation with the surgeon who will perform the intervention.

Modeling the shape of the ear

Before otoplasty surgery, it is important that the patient and the doctor reach a complete understanding regarding the aspects of the proposed correction and its final result.
The doctor explains to the patient how otoplasty is done, how long the procedure itself takes, and rehabilitation period, and what effect should be expected.

Modern clinics high level have the ability to simulate the result of an operation on a computer in digital 3D format. However, the client needs to understand that otoplasty surgery, like any other plastic surgery operation, is associated with certain risks. Realistic expectations about the final result include the possibility of insufficient correction or the development of some complications.

Preparing for surgery

Before the plastic surgery procedure, you must undergo a full medical examination. Direct preparation includes consultation with a therapist; if the patient has chronic diseases, a conversation with relevant specialists is also necessary. In addition, you must go through laboratory examination, as well as do fluorography and electrocardiography.

Mandatory tests for otoplasty include:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Biochemical blood test (glucose, protein, electrolytes, urea, bilirubin);
  • Testing for antigens and antibodies (tests for hepatitis and HIV);
  • Test for syphilis.

Doctors need to find out whether the patient is prone to allergic reactions or the formation of keloid scars, and what operations they have undergone previously.

Before otoplasty it is necessary to undergo fluorography

Several weeks before the scheduled day of surgery, it is advisable to prepare the body. It is useful to take vitamins, follow a diet with consumption sufficient quantity protein, fruits and vegetables. Two weeks before surgery, the patient must stop taking medicines affecting blood clotting. Smokers are advised to give up cigarettes at least temporarily. Moderation in alcohol consumption before and after surgery is also recommended.

On the appointed day, 4 hours before the procedure, it is advisable to refrain from drinking and eating. The day before surgery, you should thoroughly wash your hair and ears.

Before otoplasty, the surgeon also takes general and detailed photographs of the auricles, takes all necessary measurements of each ear, determines the relationship of the ears to the border of the scalp, takes into account the presence of asymmetry and the relative position of the concha, lobe, and helix.

Choice of anesthesia

The choice of type of anesthesia for otoplasty depends on many factors:

  • Patient's age;
  • Difficulty of the operation;
  • Estimated duration of the surgical procedure;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases;
  • Psychological state of the patient.

In children and adolescents, the intervention is carried out under (drugs are administered intravenously). In adult healthy patients, surgery is performed more often under. Sometimes sedative and analgesic medications are administered intravenously.

Carrying out the operation

Otoplasty cannot be considered a difficult operation for a qualified specialist: it is performed on an outpatient basis (the patient does not need to be hospitalized).

Prominent ears can be corrected with otoplasty

If correction of protruding ears in children is carried out, then the ideal time for otoplasty is 5-8 years. By this time, the child has not yet had time to form a critical attitude towards his appearance, and in the future, young patients simply forget that they were once “lop-eared.”

Otoplasty options depend on anatomical features and the technique chosen by the surgeon based on his professional experience.
! Modern aesthetic surgery includes more than 150 methods for correcting protruding ears and other ear defects.
The general goal of protruding ear surgery is to bring the ears closer to the head: this is achieved by plastic surgery of the cartilage that forms the basis of the outer ear.

For these purposes, an area of ​​skin behind the ear is excised, and the cartilage is partially removed (or it is shaped in such a way as to give the shell the most aesthetic appearance). This way, the incisions and future scars remain on the back of the ear, making them invisible. Over time, the scars become completely invisible.

Bandage after otoplasty surgery

The ideal angle between the concha of the ear and the head is 30°, while the distance between the head and the edge of the ear should not exceed 2 cm. The deformation can be observed in both ears or one, and the types and degrees of protruding ears and other ear defects are so diverse that there is no single medical tactic there is simply no fix.

The duration of the operation depends, of course, on its complexity and course. Usually the procedure takes from half an hour to 2 hours. The patient remains in the clinic for several hours (sometimes until the next morning).
The next day he can do his normal activities. Children can start school in a week.

Immediately after the treatment, medical napkins and a special bandage after otoplasty are applied to the correction areas. IN ear canal a special tampon soaked in oils is inserted plant origin and antiseptic components. The tampon should be changed every three days. A day after surgery, the first dressing is performed. A photo of the postoperative period of otoplasty clearly demonstrates the condition of the patient’s ears after the procedure.

Video of the operation

Recovery period

Immediately after surgery, the doctor prescribes painkillers (analgesics), which should be taken again after 2-3 hours and before bedtime. Pain after otoplasty usually does not last longer than a day or may be quite mild for several days. For elimination pain symptoms Pharmacy ones are quite suitable analgesic drugs. Hematomas can be severe for a week, after which they gradually disappear. Swelling after otoplasty persists for 1.5 months.

Suture line after otoplasty

For a week, you should definitely wear a bandage made of several layers, which fixes the ears in a certain position and provides protection from mechanical stress (see photo of the bandage after otoplasty). Patients should also protect their ears from water getting into them. Sutures after otoplasty are removed after about 7 days.

Complete rehabilitation after otoplasty lasts approximately six months. For 5-8 weeks, the patient is recommended to sleep in a special fixing bandage that prevents the displacement of cartilage. The bandage is put on after the stitches are removed. You should also protect your ears after otoplasty from insolation (solar radiation) and exposure to cold wind.

You can wash your hair 2 weeks after surgery. You can't go to the sauna or swimming pool for a month and a half. After 3 and 6 months, the patient should visit the surgeon for examination and consultation regarding the course of the recovery period.

During the rehabilitation period after otoplasty, patients are not recommended to engage in contact sports, diving, or weightlifting, since there is a high probability of injury and deformation of the operated cartilage.

Otoplasty is a type of surgical intervention on the soft tissues and cartilage of the auricle, which is used to correct protruding ears and eliminate deformities and defects of the auricle.

Types of otoplasty

  1. Aesthetic otoplasty: The operation is performed to give the ear a more aesthetic appearance.
  2. Reconstructive otoplasty: used to restore individual missing areas or the entire ear.

Indications for surgery

Contraindications for surgery

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the external and middle ear;
  • Some clinics do not allow surgery to be performed during menstruation.

Photo: before and after ear surgery

Necessary tests

  • general analysis blood, general urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test, coagulogram;
  • blood test for markers viral hepatitis, HIV, syphilis;
  • electrocardiogram, fluorography.

Video: Ear plastic surgery

Operation methods

Today, there are about 170 different types of surgery on the outer ear. This is due to the large number of structural features of the auricle and the need to preserve the individual structural features of the outer ear after surgery.

In each specific case, the surgeon selects optimal method carrying out the operation taking into account the existing anatomical defect or deficiency and the expected result.

The only thing you need to decide on is the method of making the incisions during the operation. They can be performed with a scalpel or laser. A number of operating doctors insist that using a laser has its advantages:

  • postoperative scars are less pronounced and may be absent altogether;
  • healing after surgery is faster.

It is quite possible that they are right, but much here depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

How is the operation performed?

First of all, pain relief is performed. For children, the operation is performed under general anesthesia; for adults, the surgical area is numbed locally, in much the same way as teeth are numbed in dental practice.

Then an incision is made with a scalpel or laser, excess skin and ear cartilage are excised, and a new position and size of the auricle is formed. The surgical wound is sutured with regular or absorbable threads.
A special bandage is applied to the operated ear. The compression bandage after otoplasty must be worn for several days so that the new position of the auricle is maintained throughout the healing process.

Video: Otoplasty, ear surgery

Rehabilitation and recovery

In most cases, surgery and wearing a compression bandage, which is changed once every 2-3 days, is sufficient. Some patients need to undergo several additional corrective procedures prescribed by the doctor to achieve optimal results. As a rule, the doctor informs the patient about the need for such procedures at the consultation stage before the operation.

Sutures after otoplasty are removed 8-10 days after surgery, unless a self-absorbable one was used suture material. You can't get it wet this entire time. postoperative wound. It is recommended to limit physical activity for 2-3 weeks after surgery.

You may experience slight swelling and pain for 1-2 weeks after otoplasty, which subsequently goes away without treatment. Sometimes your doctor may prescribe painkillers.

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Complications after otoplasty, adverse effects of surgery

    • suppuration after surgical wound, divergence of wound edges; The photo shows a fragment of the ear where the sutures on the cartilage have separated and a section has formed filled only with skin.

    • formation of pronounced scars, including keloids;

      • bleeding from the surgical wound;
      • development of severe edema and extensive hematoma, which may require additional drainage;
      • development of diffuse external purulent bacterial or fungal otitis;

    • V long term surgery, it is possible for the operated cartilage to grow into vessels with gradual resorption of the cartilage and secondary deformation of the auricle;

  • noticeable traces of surgery on the outer surface of the ear.


The price of ear surgery largely depends on the type of anesthesia used. Local anesthesia will be much cheaper general anesthesia. In addition, in some cases, after an operation performed under anesthesia, the patient will have to stay in the clinic for several days under the supervision of medical staff, which will also affect the cost of treatment. Prices for otoplasty in Moscow and St. Petersburg may differ greatly, since it is often in major cities they use advanced methods of anesthesia and surgery, which requires additional costs, both necessary materials and equipment, as well as for training specialists.

Prices for otoplasty in Moscow at the DeltaClinic plastic surgery clinic.

Prices for otoplasty in St. Petersburg

Otoplasty (Surgeries on the ears)
Correction of protruding ears (1 ear) from 18,000 rub.
Correction of protruding ears according to the author’s method of A.V. Kulikova (1 ear), incl. previously operated RUB 39,500
Correction of protruding ears (2 ears) RUB 23,500
Correction of protruding ears according to the author’s method of A.V. Kulikova (2 ears), incl. previously operated RUB 51,500
Reduction of the auricle (1 ear) 18,000 rub.
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (1 ear) 40,500 rub.
Reduction of the auricle (2 ears) RUB 23,500
Reduction of the auricle according to Kruchinsky-Kulikov without external sutures (2 ears) RUB 55,500
Correction of ear deformities (1 ear) 17,500 - 54,000 rub.
Earlobe correction (1 ear) 10,200 - 22,000 rub.
Restoration of the earlobe after tunneling (1 ear) 17,500 rub.
Reconstructive operations in the ear area + 20% to the cost of aesthetic operations in the corresponding parts of the ear


How long should I wear the bandage? The duration of wearing the bandage is determined individually in each specific case and depends on the speed of healing of the surgical wound. Typically, the wearing period ranges from 1 to 3 weeks. At what age can otoplasty be performed? Otoplasty is not usually performed until the baby is six months old. Before this period, the formation of the auricle is underway, therefore, if there is a slight deformation, then elimination of protruding ears is carried out without surgery, by fixing the auricle in correct position. If fixation was not carried out before the six-month period and the ear cartilage is fixed in the wrong position, then it is better to carry out the operation before the child reaches the age of 6 years in order to avoid the formation of complexes about his own appearance. What is the best way to do otoplasty, with a laser or a scalpel? The choice is yours and your surgeon. In any case, the incision is made along the back surface of the auricle and will be securely hidden in a fold of skin. Is free otoplasty possible? Possible. But such an operation, as a rule, is carried out only medical indications. Is it possible to correct protruding ears with surgery? Can. Correction of protruding ears is the most frequent indication for ear surgery. How is otoplasty done? There is no single method of operation common to all cases of otoplasty. Therefore, for each patient, the surgeon chooses his own method of performing the operation, based on the patient’s needs and his own capabilities. Is revision otoplasty possible? Repeated otoplasty is quite possible if the patient does not receive the desired result after the first operation. Is revision otoplasty more expensive? The cost of the operation in this case will depend on the indications for repeated otoplasty. If this is the elimination of a slight asymmetry, then the operation is unlikely to be more expensive for you. If it is necessary to eliminate keloid scars, secondary deformation of the auricle, etc., then the operation can cost much more. Therefore, you will only be able to find out the exact price for repeated otoplasty during a personal consultation. How long does it take for repeat otoplasty to be performed? The period is determined by the operating doctor during a face-to-face consultation. In some cases repeat operation they are not performed on the auricle due to the development of gross tissue deformation and the unpredictability of the effect of repeated otoplasty. Which side effects Can there be surgeries? Most often after surgery there are complaints of slight pain and swelling of the tissue in the immediate vicinity of the surgical wound. It is not dangerous and goes away within 1-2 weeks without treatment. How is the postoperative period of otoplasty? If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and come for dressing changes on time, then postoperative period goes through without any problems. The only restrictions are not to engage in heavy physical labor or sports for 2-3 weeks and not to wet the postoperative wound until the stitches are removed. How long after surgery do my ears hurt? Usually the pain goes away within a week or two.

The goal of otoplasty is to improve the appearance of the ears by correcting their shape. Ugly ears even spoil attractive features faces, so their owners seek to resolve this issue by turning to a plastic surgeon. But the upcoming surgical intervention gives rise to fear of the operation and fears for the result.

The operation to correct the shape of the ears is a simple one and is performed on an outpatient basis. local anesthesia. Otoplasty is performed quickly, and recovery period not too painful and difficulties arise very rarely. Ear correction is performed by experienced plastic surgeons in clinics equipped with modern instruments.

Whether to have otoplasty is a matter of personal choice. The indication for this procedure should be considered a person’s desire to make their ears more attractive. Ugly shape ears does not in any way affect the functionality of the hearing organ. It is important that a person makes a decision himself, and not under pressure from others. The exception is children, for whom parents make decisions.

Briefly about otoplasty:

  • a small number of contraindications;
  • not complicated preparatory procedures;
  • carried out under local anesthesia (anesthesia according to indications);
  • operation time from 30 minutes to 2 hours;
  • the ability to choose a correction method - scalpel or laser;
  • you can go home a few hours after the operation;
  • relatively easy recovery period;
  • wearing a bandage after surgery for no more than a week;
  • fixing the ears with a bandage at night - two months;
  • complete healing of the ear in six months;
  • low rate of complications and unsatisfactory results.

Ear surgery is performed in two ways: with a scalpel (traditional surgery) and with a laser (modern method).

Laser otoplasty differs positively from classical surgery. The laser minimizes injuries during the procedure, since when a laser beam makes a cut, tissue coagulation occurs, and there is practically no blood. With this method of performing the operation, infectious contamination is excluded, which means there are no complications in the form of inflammation of soft tissues and cartilage. The recovery period after laser otoplasty is shorter and easier.

On forums, young mothers often discuss whether otoplasty should be performed on children and at what age it is better to contact a surgeon. Surgery to correct the auricle is performed for children from 6 years of age. By this time, the outer ear is fully formed and can be corrected surgically. Children school age People often have complexes about protruding ears, so doctors recommend surgery as early as possible.

The danger of pediatric otoplasty may be that it is too strong influence on nervous system. If a child is not prepared psychologically for temporary difficulties, he may develop severe stress during surgery and even depression during the recovery period. Another issue with pediatric otoplasty is that despite the auricle being formed by the age of 6, it can continue to grow and change its shape to its original form.

When asking whether ear surgery is dangerous, you should understand that this is a surgical procedure and it has risks of complications. In order to exclude side effects of the operation, the doctor refers the patient for examination by a therapist and an otolaryngologist. The patient also undergoes urine and blood tests to determine important factors state of the body. Blood is drawn for biochemical analysis, exclusion of hepatitis and HIV infection, determination of blood clotting and Rh factor.

The operation cannot be performed if the examination reveals following deviations:

  • inflammatory processes in the ear;
  • any infectious diseases;
  • high sugar in blood;
  • hepatitis;
  • AIDS.

Otoplasty has contraindications for a number of diseases:

Women do not have ear surgery while breastfeeding, pregnant or menstruating.

The danger of otoplasty may lie in unsatisfactory appearance"new" ears. How aesthetically attractive the ears will be after the procedure largely depends on the mutual understanding between the surgeon and the patient.

The doctor models the ear shape options using computer technology and demonstrates it to the client. If the second one is satisfied with the result, then one of the ear correction methods is selected.

This is the second important point, since out of more than 150 surgical techniques, the doctor must choose the optimal one. If everything is taken into account correctly at this stage, then final result will be exactly what the patient wants it to be.

The risk of complications after ear correction is possible if the patient does not follow the surgeon’s recommendations during the recovery period. If the rules are not followed, the seams may come apart, complications such as tissue infection and others may arise. Therefore, it is very important to properly care for your ears until complete recovery.

Failed otoplasty and complications

Complications after otoplasty are not common, but it can happen. Sometimes an operation does not go at all as planned, and as a result, all sorts of troubles arise. Some problems are eliminated with appropriate treatment, others - with repeated correction.

The reasons for unsuccessful otoplasty may be the following factors:

  • physiological characteristics of the patient’s tissues;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • insufficient disinfection of instruments;
  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction to drugs;
  • inexperience or mistakes of the surgeon;
  • improper care behind the ears during the rehabilitation period.

One of common reasons complications after otoplasty are individual characteristics connective tissue person and general state health. In this case, the process of regeneration and healing ear goes slower, which causes various problems, including infection of the ear tissue. This happens if Exploratory survey was incomplete or of poor quality.

The following factors are involved in the development of complications for this reason:

  • infectious diseases;
  • presence of pathologies internal organs;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • violations in endocrine system;
  • slow processes cell regeneration (after 35 years);
  • impaired tissue regeneration (tendency to form keloid scars).

Failed otoplasty due to the surgeon’s fault is rare. Plastic surgery clinics have highly qualified specialists on their staff, since they are the ones who create its prestige. But it is still possible.

A plastic surgeon may make a mistake in the following cases:

  • choose the wrong surgical technique;
  • failure to place markings at the incision sites;
  • do not evaluate the result of correction at each stage of action;
  • failure to properly inform the patient about the rules for caring for the ears after surgery.

Complications after otoplasty often arise due to the patient’s fault. If a person knows that he has diseases for which ear surgery cannot be performed, but hides this, then adverse events may develop.


Failure to follow the rules prescribed by the doctor entails various consequences, including the separation of the auricle. Insufficient antiseptics can lead to infection of the ear.

For any operation, complications are divided into early and late. Early side effects appear in the first few days after the ear correction procedure. The most dangerous of them are hematoma and infectious infection.

Early complications

Hematoma is considered the most significant side effect of the operation. If the hematoma is not removed in time, it can lead to cartilage necrosis.

It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • swelling and cyanosis of the ear tissues;
  • bleeding from the wound;
  • throbbing pain.

If an infection gets to the operated area, it threatens purulent inflammation tissues and cartilage (perichondritis). The infection can enter the middle ear and cause otitis media. In case of inflammatory processes Immediate treatment with antibacterial agents is recommended.

Tissue infection manifests itself as follows:

  • pronounced swelling;
  • redness of the ear tissue;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the wound area.

Less severe side effects include bleeding, minor pain, and swelling. Analgesics are used for pain relief in the first days. Bleeding is stopped with the help of homostatic ointments and hemostatic drugs.

The swelling usually goes away on its own. But it is better to bring this symptom to the attention of a doctor, as it may be caused by allergic reaction, inflammation or hematoma.

The most rare complication from otoplasty - separation of the auricle.

This is possible with gross violation technique of performing the operation or non-compliance with the rules of ear care (the patient does not wear a bandage, wets the ear before removing the sutures, and so on).

Late complications

Late complications are considered Negative consequences operations that are observed several months after its implementation.

The most common of them are the following:

  • distortion of the auricle;
  • divergence of soft tissue in the place where the seam was laid;
  • rough scars after otoplasty;
  • asymmetrical placement of the ears.

Tissue divergence at seams called eruption. It occurs due to a violation of the suture technique, infectious infection, too much tension in the cartilage tissue. If the ear retains its shape, then the soft tissues are sutured again. If the shape of the ears is disturbed, repeated correction is required.

Distortion of the auricle speaks of an incorrectly chosen correction technique. Incorrect measurements can lead to unsuccessful results. Distortion can also occur if the sutures are placed incorrectly.

Rough scars after otoplasty occur if the surgeon removes too much skin tissue. Scars can also appear as a result of the patient's connective tissue characteristics. Keloid scars, unlike scars, are soft cloth Pink colour. Special ointments are used to treat scars. Coarse formations are excised surgically.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important to visit the surgeon for an examination and inform him about all the features of ear healing. On forums, questions are often asked that are best addressed to a doctor, for example, the following:

  • After otoplasty, one ear sticks out - is this normal?

    If no more than 3 months have passed after the operation, then this situation may occur. This ear may be more damaged as a result of the correction. But this can also be an unsuccessful result of the operation. In this case, a second correction is made after six months.

  • Can I lose my hearing after otoplasty?

    Otoplasty is performed on the pinna of the outer ear and therefore does not affect hearing function in any way.

Otoplasty, or ear correction, involves plastic surgery to change the shape of the auricle or eliminate defects.

Correction is performed not only in case of aesthetic defects such as protruding ears, but also in the following cases:

  • irregular shape of the auricle,
  • complete or partial absence auricle,
  • congenital and acquired defects,
  • torn lobe, tissue rupture,
  • age-related changes in the shape of the lobe.

In total there are more than 200 various types otoplasty, which allows you to eliminate the most various disadvantages ear shapes.

The most popular is correction of protruding ears, which allows you to once and for all get rid of the complex that has haunted many since childhood. The procedure is performed not only for adults, but also for children aged 6 years and older.

Otoplasty methods - which correction to choose

Modern methods otoplasty is aimed at creating an aesthetic appearance of the ears - with a proportional shape, even and smooth, without noticeable postoperative sutures.

Preparing for correction

Regardless of which technique was chosen, it is necessary to prepare for surgery. To do this you will have to undergo a number of tests. The specialist will also assess the condition of the ears, their size, shape, and the presence of deformations. The doctor will take pictures of the ears from several sides and offer options for otoplasty.

You can proceed with the operation only in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • diabetes,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • infectious diseases,
  • inflammatory diseases of the hearing organs,
  • age up to 6 years.

Types of otoplasty

All surgical interventions performed under local anesthesia. The type of correction is selected by the surgeon individually, but the most popular include ear correction according to Furnas, Mustard, Entenstorm, as well as laser correction.

  • Ear correction according to Furnas

The essence of this technique is to remove a piece of skin behind the ear and attract the ear cartilage to the temporal bone. Mainly used for protruding ears. IN last years used infrequently, as doctors prefer less traumatic operations.

  • Ear correction according to Mustard

During surgery, the doctor removes the skin behind the ears and places tension sutures. The method allows you to eliminate protruding ears, as well as correct the shape of the ears.

  • Ear correction according to Entenstorm

The least traumatic procedure. The surgeon makes small incisions to thin the cartilage and applies cosmetic sutures.

  • Laser ear correction

The most modern technique using laser. Having an antimicrobial effect, the laser eliminates suppuration, as well as the development of inflammatory processes after surgery. At the same time, the vessels heal very quickly, which means this operation is practically bloodless.

Using a laser allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. reduce or enlarge the auricle,
  2. get rid of protruding ears,
  3. restore the shape of the ears.

The correction is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts from 30 minutes depending on the complexity of the situation. Unlike other techniques, laser otoplasty does not leave scars, does not require postoperative dressing, rehabilitation and healing are very fast.

Rehabilitation period

After laser correction, the sutures are removed on the 7th day, and an elastic bandage is applied, which will have to be worn for a month.

You can return to work after surgery within 5-7 days if there are no complications and feeling good. After the operation, the ears may hurt for some time, redness and bruising may persist, but after 2 weeks the color will be restored. Immediately after the correction, you need to take a painkiller tablet, another 3 hours later and at night.

For the next six months after surgery, you will have to stop playing contact sports to avoid possible injuries ears.

Finite result of otoplasty assessed after 3 months, if necessary, additional correction is carried out. It must be taken into account that no doctor guarantees the perfect similarity of two ears, since they are different from birth.

Possible complications after ear correction

Complications after otoplasty occur very rarely and, as a rule, appear as a result of neglecting the doctor’s recommendations after surgery. Complications include loss of cartilage, inflammation and suppuration, and rough scars.

What does earlobe correction correct?

The earlobe is a noticeable detail that can give away age or hint to others about the adventures its owner has experienced. Lobes can change shape for various reasons:

  • birth defects,
  • wearing heavy jewelry,
  • burns, injuries,
  • age-related changes.

Surgeons are quite capable of restoring aesthetic appeal. To do this, they perform a simple operation under local anesthesia. It lasts about 60 minutes. The doctor cuts out a wedge-shaped section of the earlobe and applies a cosmetic suture.

If it is necessary to increase the size of the lobe, it is carried out reconstructive correction. The surgeon creates a new lobe from a skin flap taken from the neck. A medical plaster is applied to the seam. The laser resurfacing procedure helps make incision marks less noticeable.

To reduce the size, a section of skin is removed from the back side and the edges are sewn together. If necessary, excess fat tissue is removed.

For 3 months after surgery, you cannot pierce your ears or wear earrings.

Contraindications for earlobe correction:

  1. diabetes,
  2. pregnancy and lactation,
  3. oncological diseases,
  4. chronic and acute diseases,
  5. age up to 18 years.

Possible complications:

  • painful sensations,
  • bruises,
  • swelling, hematoma.

In case of complications, consult a doctor who will prescribe pain medications and give the necessary recommendations.

Ear correction without surgery

If you don’t want to go under the surgeon’s knife, you can hide imperfections in other ways.

  1. The right hairstyle to hide your ears. Bob haircuts, semi-long asymmetry, and cap haircuts are suitable. In this case, the length of the hair should reach at least the middle of the ears. Long flowing hair that hides the side of the face will also work well.
  2. Silicone forms. Used to correct the ears of babies under six months of age. The forms are attached to the ears and fix them in the desired position. Soft cartilage tissue easy to change.
  3. Elastic bandage. Wearing it will bring results in children under 6 years of age. The headband must be worn at all times, including at night, to ensure that the ears fit tightly to the head.
  4. Dermal fillers. Filler injections can rejuvenate the earlobes.

Thus, if you are not satisfied with your earlobe or the shape of your auricle, modern technologies offer different options for their correction. However, many famous people, for example, model Natalya Vodianova and actress Evgenia Kryukova are not embarrassed by protruding ears and do not try to change it.

Perhaps you too can turn your shortcomings into advantages without complex surgical interventions.
