Fast-acting antihistamines. Antihistamines: generation after generation. Latest generation - metabolites

Allergy is a companion of progress. The higher the level of hygiene, the more cases of allergies. The more pollution in the air, water and land, the more people suffer from this disease. Fortunately, science does not stand still, and pharmaceutical scientists are creating new and new remedies for allergies. The most effective of which are listed in this top 10.

Antihistamines There are I, II and III generations:

  • I – effective tablets, powders, ointments, but with a large number of side effects. They relieve symptoms quickly, but are not intended for systemic treatment allergies.
  • II – allergy remedies more wide range. They act more gently, but also have a number of side effects.
  • III – latest generation allergy medications. They act specifically at the cellular level without affecting the central nervous system. Suitable for long-term treatment. Virtually no side effects.

10. Donormil

Cost: 330 rubles.

Generation: I

Donormil is mainly used as a sleeping pill, but sometimes it is prescribed for allergy sufferers as part of complex therapy. After all, with an exacerbation of allergies, especially accompanied by severe skin itching, it is difficult to get a good night's sleep.

9. Suprastin

150 rub.

Generation: I

One of the oldest allergy remedies on the post-Soviet market. Even with long-term use, it does not cause an overdose and does not accumulate in the blood serum. Bonus: antiemetic and anti-sickness effect.

Cons: short-term therapeutic effect. Like other antiallergic drugs of the first group of effectiveness, it has a sedative effect. It also causes side effects such as tachycardia, as well as dryness of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, which is unlikely to please those suffering from bronchial asthma.

8. Fenistil

370 rub.

Generation: II

Unlike previous medications, Fenistil comes in the form of an emulsion or gel and is applied to the skin. It is not intended to eliminate the causes of allergies, but relieves symptoms - it cools, softens, moisturizes and has a weak local anesthetic effect.

7. Loratadine

80 rub.

Generation: II

Domestic and, as a result, inexpensive drug(those who wish can buy those made in Hungary, a little more expensive). Unlike other drugs of the second group of effectiveness, it is practically devoid of cardiotoxic effects.

Second-generation drugs have a number of advantages compared to previous ones - for example, there is no sedative effect, mental activity remains at the same level. And, most importantly, the prolonged effect of the drug. One tablet per day is enough for people with pollen allergies to feel quite tolerable even during times of wild flowering plants.

6. Claritin

200 rub.

Generation: II

Active substance Claritina - loratadine. It acts quickly, within half an hour after administration, and lasts a day, which made Claritin one of the most popular and effective remedies for allergies. For children, the drug is available in the form of syrup. And adult allergy sufferers will appreciate that Claritin does not enhance the effects of alcohol on the nervous system.

5. Cetrin

240 rub.

Generation: III

In fifth place in the ranking of the most the best means Cetrin is used for allergies. It helps cope with various symptoms practically without side effects, and with bronchial asthma mildly relieves spasms. The active substance is cetirizine, which has a high ability to penetrate the skin. This makes it especially effective for skin allergies. In addition, cetirizine is an effective third-generation drug, which means it has neither cardiotoxic nor sedative effects.

4. Zodak

200 rub.

Generation: III

Zodak is also made on the basis of cetirizine (like Cetrin), but is produced in the Czech Republic.

3. Zyrtec

320 rub.

Generation: III

A product based on cetirizine produced in Belgium. Some of the most best pills for allergies, a highly effective drug, it acts quickly, eases the course and prevents the development of an allergic attack.

2. Eden

120 rub.

Generation: III

The active substance of Eden is desloratadine, a third group antihistamine, a descendant of loratadine. Like all substances in this group, it practically does not cause drowsiness and does not affect the reaction rate. Excellent for tissue swelling, lacrimation, and skin itching. An effective product made in Ukraine.

1. Erius

Average cost of Erius: 500 rubles.

Generation: III

Erius is the most effective third-generation antihistamine. The active substance in Erius is also desloratadine. The drug itself is produced by Bayer, USA, which is easy to guess by looking at the price. It acts quickly and almost immediately, effectively eliminating itching, rashes, runny nose and redness on the skin - some of the most effective tablets from allergies at the moment.

1. Dexamethasone

Dexamethasone price: from 50 rubles per drops to 150 per set of ampoules.

Dexamethasone can be compared to the heavy artillery among the most effective allergy medications. It is used in in case of emergency when it is necessary to stop a very severe allergic attack or severe inflammation. Along with antiallergic properties, it has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and anti-shock effects.

Remember that self-medication for allergies can lead to a deterioration in your health. There are contraindications. Only an allergist can prescribe medicine for allergies.

People suffering from allergies have been repeatedly prescribed antihistamines of the new generation, the list of which contains Cetrin, Erius, Desloratadine, Xizal and many other antiallergic medications of the new generation, which will be discussed in this article.

General information about allergies and antihistamines

Due to unfavorable natural conditions, autoimmune diseases and a list of other factors, an allergy appears - an immune response to an irritant.

Clinical picture


Vice-President of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia. Pediatrician, allergist-immunologist. Smolkin Yuri Solomonovich

Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies , and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

There is a list of known allergens, which include food, plant pollen, pet fur and saliva, natural and synthetic drugs, microorganisms and bacteria.

To understand the new generation of antihistamines, you should find out how allergies manifest themselves.

Due to antigens that negatively affect human body, free histamine enters the blood. High active substance comes into contact with H1 and H2 receptors, which provokes allergic signs. To stop an allergic reaction, you need to use a list of medications with antihistamine action, preferably a new generation.

Antiallergic medications are called antihistamines, and these drugs help cope with a list of allergy symptoms: various dermatoses, coughing, sneezing, itching, burning, clear mucus from the nose, a feeling of nasal congestion, swelling and other manifestations.

Pharmaceutical companies have long been producing antihistamines, but it is worth paying attention to the generations of drugs: a series of which is produced as a new generation. Now there are IV generations of antihistamines.

Antihistamines were first mentioned at the beginning of the last century. Over time, thanks to new technologies and improved knowledge of medical scientists, a list of new drugs with second-generation antihistamine properties was created. With the development of scientific, medical and pharmaceutical fields of activity, medicines of the new III-IV generations have appeared.

It is worth mentioning that drugs with antihistamine action III, IV, that is, new generations, differ solely in their selling slogan - there is no particular difference in substances and properties between the medicinal substances of the new generation (III-IV). But the difference in medications of I-II and new generations is significant - the drugs differ in composition, main pharmaceutical substances, pharmacological features and negative effects. The list of drugs with antihistamine action is constantly increasing thanks to new analogues and release forms.

Let's study antihistamine drugs of all generations, starting with the list of new generation drugs, ending with old antihistamines.

List of the best new generation antihistamines

Medicines with antihistamine properties of the new generation are called metabolic substances because the drugs actively undergo metabolic processes in the liver.

New antiallergenic drugs of the III-IV generations serve as a modified form of the list of drugs of previous generations. New medications do not have a sedative effect and are not dangerous for people with heart and vascular diseases.

New medications are prescribed to people of all age groups to relieve allergy symptoms, including allergic dermatoses and dermatitis.

If an allergy sufferer suffers from cardiovascular pathologies or requires increased concentration, antiallergic tablets, drops, and ointments of the new generation are prescribed.

New generation antihistamines used in medicinal purposes, successfully protect against allergies. But it should be taken into account that if the dose of new medications is exceeded, decreased mental activity, the appearance of dryness in the mucous membranes, and rapid heartbeat are noticeable.

List of new generation antihistamine therapeutic agents:

  • Allergodil;
  • Eden;
  • Amertil;
  • Norastemizole and others.

Allegra, Telfast, Feksadin

A list of new therapeutic agents, developed on the basis of the pharmaceutical substance fexofenadine, effectively copes with hay fever and urticaria.

New drugs block H1-H2 receptors, thereby reducing histamine production. There is no addiction to the latest generation of antihistamines; they are effective for no more than 24 hours.

The tablets, which were previously called Telfast and are now called Allegra, are not allowed for use by children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women. Fexadin is an absolute analogue of Allegra.

Cetirizine, Zyrtec, Zodac, Cetrin

A list of new antihistamine medications is produced based on the active substance - cetirizine. Drugs, the effect of which lasts up to 3 days after discontinuation, can be taken for a long time to relieve allergic attacks and prevent the development of allergies.

Medicinal substances based on cetirizine are produced in the form of tablets, drops, and suspensions. Pediatricians practice prescribing Zodak and Zyrtec drops for children over six months old, and Cetrin and Zodak syrup can be taken by children over 12 months of age. Oral administration tablets are allowed for children from 6 years of age. The doctor prescribes medications and dosage strictly according to individual indications.

The list of all dosage forms based on cetirizine cannot be taken by pregnant women and women during lactation, but if the use of drugs cannot be avoided, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding.

Xyzal, Levocetirizine, Suprastinex

A list of new drugs is available in tablets and drops and is used to get rid of seasonal allergies with symptoms of conjunctivitis and rhinoconjunctivitis, various rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching.

New antihistamines begin to act 40 minutes after administration, and it is advisable to take antihistamines with food.

Pregnant women should not take the list of medications, but a nursing mother is allowed to use the drug. 4th generation drugs in drops are prescribed to children from 2 years of age, and tablets to 6-year-olds, the dosage is based on the weight and height of the child.

Desloratadine, Lordestin, Dezal, Erius

The list of new drugs with the main active ingredient desloratadine not only has antihistamine properties, but also treats inflammation, successfully combats allergic symptoms during the flowering period of highly allergenic plants and nettle rash.

New medications are sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets and syrup. In most cases, children over 2 years of age are prescribed syrup, and preschoolers are prescribed tablets.

Pregnant women are contraindicated from taking a list of antihistamines based on desloratadine, except threatening condition- Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

Second generation antihistamines do not cause sedation, that is, the list of negative effects is very small.

The drugs have a strong antihistamine property, so one tablet per day is enough for the patient to relieve allergies. Due to the use of tablets and other forms of release of antihistamines of the second generation, it does not make you sleepy, the reaction does not decrease, and concentration of attention is not impaired.

Antihistamine non-sedating medications help with a list of allergic pathologies: angioedema, nettle rash, skin allergies inflammatory in nature. Doctors often prescribe tablets or ointments for chickenpox to relieve unbearable itching.

There is no addiction to the drugs, you just need to clarify that second generation antihistamines are not advisable for grandparents and patients suffering from arrhythmia. We must not forget that second generation drugs, like other antihistamines, can cause side effects if the dose is exceeded, so the drugs should not be abused.

List of second generation antihistamines:

  • Loratadine;
  • Levocabastine;
  • Histadil;
  • Terfenadine;
  • Trexil;
  • Semprex and others.

Loratadine, Loragexal, Claritin, Lomilan

The list of antihistamine drugs is based on the chemical substance - loratadine. Antihistamines selectively stop H1- histamine receptors, due to which allergy attacks stop and there are fewer negative effects.

Possible negative effects from drugs that are rarely seen:

  1. State of anxiety, insomnia, depressive disorders;
  2. Increased urination;
  3. Defecation disorder;
  4. Feeling of lack of air;
  5. Weight gain.

Antihistamines are produced in the form of syrup and tablets. Claritin and Lomilan suspensions are allowed to be dosed for children. The suspension is easier to dose than tablets. The drugs are prescribed to children from 2 years of age.

Loratadine is contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester, except special occasions when the dosage is selected by a doctor and monitored by a specialist.

Kestin, Ebastin

The drugs selectively block histamine H1 receptors and begin to act within 60 minutes after administration, the effect lasts for a day.

Kestin and Ebastine do not provide sedative effect, therefore, when taken, a person does not feel drowsy, but side effects such as cardiac arrhythmia and a decrease in heart rate (Heart Rate) are possible.

The list of medications contributes to toxic damage to the liver, therefore, drugs produced in tablets are contraindicated for pregnant women, and children are prescribed only tablets from the age of 12.

Rupafin, Rupatazine

A list of drugs that are quickly absorbed into the blood effectively copes with the symptoms of urticaria, and taken with food enhances the medicinal effect.

Antihistamine tablets indicated for children over 12 years of age, and pregnant women are not recommended to use the drugs.

Antihistamine tablets, drops, syrups, solutions for intravenous and intramuscular injections first generation - an unimproved list of drugs that cause many side effects, primarily having a sedative effect: they act as a sedative, as a hypnotic, suppress consciousness, and reduce concentration. Each first generation drug has its own side effects.

Moreover, first generation drugs do not act for long - they are effective for 4-8 hours, they are addictive, so doctors do not prescribe treatment for more than 7 days.

First generation drugs are prescribed to relieve skin rashes and allergies to medications.

In addition to the positive effects, there are Negative consequences from antiallergic medications:

  1. Feeling of thirst, dry mucous membranes;
  2. Increased HR (Heart Rate);
  3. Decreased pressure;
  4. Attacks of nausea, vomiting, feeling of pain in the stomach;
  5. Increased appetite.

Despite the side effects, first generation drugs are prescribed to children of the first year of life, pregnant and lactating women according to individual indications and with an individual dosage, as they have been carefully studied and tested. But people whose work requires a high concentration of attention are not recommended to use antihistamines.

List of first generation drugs:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil and others.

The active ingredient of the first generation drug is chloropyramine. Suprastin can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of tablets and intramuscular and intravenous solutions.

Antihistamine medicine helps with urticaria, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, eczema, Quincke's edema, and skin rashes. The drug is also effective against chickenpox and stinging insect bites.

Suprastin is prescribed even to infants from 1 month, but is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

The antihistamine drug is available in tablet form and injection forms, is used in the same cases as Suprastin.

But unlike Suprastin, it is prescribed to children from 1 year of age in the form of syrup, and the tablets are recommended for older preschoolers. Pregnant and lactating women are also contraindicated. The first generation drug does not have a sedative effect.

Fencarol (Quifenadine)

Thanks to a special enzyme, the drug destroys histamine, so its effect is strong, while the drug does not have a calming or sedative effect. It should be clarified that the antihistamine medication contributes to cardiac arrhythmia, so it is dangerous for people with heart disease to take it.

Fenkarol is produced in the form of powder for suspension and tablets. An orange-flavored suspension is prescribed to children from 1 year old, tablets - from 6 years old.

Fenkarol is contraindicated for women in the first trimester of pregnancy, from the 12th week - according to indications and strictly calculating the dosage based on body weight.

Fenistil (Dimetinden)

Very often you can hear reviews from young mothers about this drug, which is prescribed even to infants from 1 month of life (in drops). The drug is mainly prescribed by pediatricians due to allergic reactions to medications, allergic dermatoses, and atopic dermatitis.

The antihistamine drug is sold at the pharmacy in the form of drops, gel, suspension and tablets. The first generation medicine is contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester and nursing mothers.

The well-known doctor Komarovsky strongly does not recommend giving children antiallergic drugs at every opportunity.


Antihistamines (or in simple words Allergy medications) belong to a group of medications whose action is based on blocking histamine, which is the main mediator of inflammation and a provocateur of allergic reactions. As you know, an allergic reaction is the body’s immune response to the effects of foreign proteins - allergens. Antihistamines are designed to relieve similar symptoms and prevent their occurrence in the future.

In the modern world, antiallergic drugs have become widespread; representatives of this group can be found in the medicine cabinet of any family. Every year the pharmaceutical industry expands its range and produces more and more new drugs, the action of which is aimed at combating allergies.

1st generation antihistamines are gradually becoming a thing of the past; they are being replaced by new drugs that are distinguished by their ease of use and safety. It can be difficult for an ordinary consumer to understand such a variety of medicines, so in this article we will present the best antihistamines of different generations and talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

The main job of allergy medications is to inhibit the production of histamine, which is produced by cells of the immune system. Histamine in the body accumulates in mast cells, basophils and platelets. A large number of these cells are concentrated in the skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, next to blood vessels and nerve fibers. Under the influence of an allergen, histamine is released, which penetrates into the extracellular space and circulatory system, causes allergic reactions from the most important systems of the body (nervous, respiratory, integumentary).

All antihistamines inhibit the release of histamine and prevent it from attaching to the endings of nerve receptors. Medicines in this group have antipruritic, antispastic and decongestant effects, effectively eliminating allergy symptoms.

To date, several generations of antihistamines have been developed, differing from each other in their mechanism of action and duration of therapeutic effect. Let us dwell in more detail on the most popular representatives of each generation of antiallergic drugs.

1st generation antihistamines - list

The first drugs with antihistamine action were developed back in 1937 and since then have been widely used in therapeutic practice. Drugs enter into a reversible relationship with H1 receptors, additionally involving cholinergic muscarinic receptors.

Medicines in this group have a quick and pronounced therapeutic effect, have an antiemetic and anti-sickness effect, but it does not last long (from 4 to 8 hours). This explains the need to frequently take high doses of the drug. Antihistamines 1st generation are able to effectively cope with allergy symptoms, but their positive traits are largely offset by significant disadvantages:

  • A distinctive characteristic of all drugs in this group is the sedative effect. 1st generation drugs are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier to the brain, causing drowsiness, muscle weakness, and inhibiting activity nervous system.
  • The effects of drugs quickly become addictive, which significantly reduces their effectiveness.
  • First generation drugs have quite a lot of side effects. Taking pills can cause tachycardia, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention and increase the negative effects of alcohol on the body.
  • Due to the sedative effect, medications should not be taken by persons driving vehicles, as well as by those whose professional activity requires high concentration and quick reaction.

First generation antihistamines include:

  1. Diphenhydramine (from 20 to 110 rubles)
  2. Diazolin (from 18 to 60 rub.)
  3. Suprastin (from 80 to 150 rub.)
  4. Tavegil (from 100 to 130 rubles)
  5. Fenkarol (from 95 to 200 rubles)


The medicine has quite high antihistamine activity, has an antitussive and antiemetic effect. Effective for hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, urticaria, seasickness, allergic reactions caused by taking medications.

Diphenhydramine has a local anesthetic effect, so it can replace Lidocaine or Novocaine in case of intolerance.

The disadvantages of the drug include a pronounced sedative effect, short duration of therapeutic effect and the ability to cause quite serious adverse reactions(tachycardia, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus).


Indications for use are the same as for Diphenhydramine, but the sedative effect of the drug is much less pronounced.

However, when taking the medication, patients may experience drowsiness and slowed psychomotor reactions. Diazolin can cause side effects: dizziness, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, fluid retention in the body.


It can be used to treat symptoms of urticaria, atopic dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin itching. The drug can help with severe complications, warning.

It has high antihistamine activity and has a rapid effect, which allows the drug to be used to relieve acute allergic conditions. The disadvantages include the short duration of the therapeutic effect, lethargy, drowsiness, and dizziness.


The drug has a longer lasting effect antihistamine effect(up to 8 hours) and has a less pronounced sedative effect. However, taking the drug may cause dizziness and confusion. Tavegil in the form of injections is recommended for use in cases of serious complications such as Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.


It is taken in cases where it is necessary to replace an antihistamine that has lost its effectiveness due to addiction. This drug is less toxic, does not have a depressing effect on the nervous system, but retains weak sedative properties.

Currently, doctors try not to prescribe 1st generation antihistamines due to the abundance of side effects, preferring more modern 2-3 generation drugs.

2nd generation antihistamines - list

Unlike 1st generation drugs, more modern antihistamines do not have a sedative effect, are not able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and have a depressant effect on the nervous system. 2nd generation drugs do not reduce physical and mental activity, have a rapid therapeutic effect that lasts for a long time (up to 24 hours), which allows you to take only one dose of the medicine per day.

Other advantages include the absence of addiction, due to which medications can be used for a long time. Therapeutic effect from taking medications persists for 7 days after discontinuation of the drug.

The main disadvantage of this group is the cardiotoxic effect that develops as a result of blocking potassium channels of the heart muscle. Therefore, 2nd generation drugs are not prescribed to patients with heart disease. vascular problems and elderly patients. In other patients, medication should be accompanied by monitoring of cardiac activity.

Here is a list of 2nd generation antihistamines that are in greatest demand and their prices:

  • Allergodil (Azelastine) – from 250 to 400 rubles.
  • Claritin (Loratadine) – price from 40 to 200 rubles.
  • Semprex (Activastin) – from 100 to 160 rubles.
  • Kestin (Ebastin) – from price 120 to 240 rubles.
  • Fenistil (Dimetinden) – from 140 to 350 rubles.

Claritin (Loratadine)

This is one of the most popular second generation drugs. It has high antihistamine activity and no sedative effect. The medicine does not enhance the effects of alcohol and combines well with other medications.

The only drug in the group that does not have an adverse effect on the heart. It does not cause addiction, lethargy or drowsiness, which makes it possible to prescribe Loratadine (Claritin) to drivers. Available in the form of tablets and syrup for children.


The drug is used to treat allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and urticaria. The advantages of the drug include the absence of sedative effects, rapid attack therapeutic effect and its duration, which lasts for 48 hours. The downsides are adverse reactions (insomnia, dry mouth, abdominal pain, weakness, headache).

(drops, gel) – differs from 1st generation drugs in high antihistamine activity, duration therapeutic effects and less pronounced sedative effect.

Semprex– has a minimal sedative effect with pronounced antihistamine activity. The therapeutic effect occurs quickly, but it is shorter-term than other drugs in this group.

3rd generation - list of the best drugs

3rd generation antihistamines act as active metabolites of second generation drugs, but unlike them they do not have a cardiotoxic effect and do not affect the functioning of the heart muscle. They have virtually no sedative effect, which allows the use of medications in persons whose activities are related to increased concentration attention.

Due to the absence of side effects and negative effects on the nervous system, these drugs are recommended for long-term treatment, for example, with seasonal exacerbations of long-term allergies. Drugs in this group are used in various age categories, convenient forms are produced for children (drops, syrup, suspension) to facilitate administration.

New generation antihistamines are distinguished by their speed and duration of action. The therapeutic effect occurs within 15 minutes after administration and lasts up to 48 hours.

Medicines allow you to cope with the symptoms of chronic allergies, year-round and seasonal rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, urticaria, and dermatitis. They are used to relieve acute allergic reactions and are prescribed as part of complex treatment of bronchial asthma, dermatological diseases, in particular psoriasis.

The most popular representatives of this group are the following drugs:

  • Zyrtec (price from 150 to 250 rubles)
  • Zodak (price from 110 to 130 rubles)
  • Cetrin (from 150 to 200 rub.)
  • Cetirizine (from 50 to 80 rub.)

Cetrin (Cetirizine)

This drug is rightfully considered the “gold standard” in therapy allergic manifestations. It is successfully used in adults and children to eliminate severe forms allergies and bronchial asthma.

Cetrin is used for the treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, itching, urticaria, and angioedema. After a single dose, relief occurs within 15-20 minutes and continues throughout the day. With a course of use, addiction to the drug does not occur, and after cessation of therapy, the therapeutic effect persists for 3 days.

Zyrtec (Zodak)

The drug can not only alleviate the course of allergic reactions, but also prevent their occurrence. By reducing capillary permeability, it effectively eliminates swelling and relieves skin symptoms, relieves itching, allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Taking Zyrtec (Zodak) allows you to stop attacks of bronchial asthma and prevent the development serious complications(Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock). At the same time, failure to comply with the dosage can lead to migraines, dizziness, and drowsiness.

4th generation antihistamines are the latest drugs that can have an immediate effect with no side effects. These are modern and safe means, the effect of which persists for a long time, without in any way affecting the state of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Despite the minimum of side effects and contraindications, before you start taking it, you should consult with your doctor, since the latest generation medications have certain restrictions for use in children and are not recommended for use in pregnant and lactating women.

The list of new drugs includes:

  • Telfast (Fexofenadine) – price from 180 to 360 rubles.
  • Erius (Desloratadine) – from 350 to 450 rubles.
  • Xyzal (Levocetirizine) – from 140 to 240 rubles.


It is highly effective against hay fever, urticaria, and prevents acute reactions (Quincke's edema). Due to the lack of sedative effect, it does not affect the speed of reactions and does not cause drowsiness. If the recommended dosage is followed, it has virtually no side effects; when taken in high doses, dizziness, headache, and nausea may occur. High efficiency and duration of action (more than 24 hours) allow you to take only 1 tablet of the drug per day.


The medicine is produced in the form of film-coated tablets and syrup intended for children over 12 months. The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved 30 minutes after taking the drug and continues for 24 hours.

Therefore, it is recommended to take only 1 Erius tablet per day. The dosage of syrup is determined by the doctor and depends on the age and weight of the child. The drug has virtually no contraindications (except during pregnancy and lactation) and does not affect concentration and the condition of vital systems of the body.


The effect of using the medicine occurs within 10-15 minutes after administration and continues long time, therefore it is enough to take only 1 dose of medication per day.

The drug effectively eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane, skin itching and rashes, and prevents the development of acute allergic reactions. You can be treated with Xyzal for a long time (up to 18 months), it is not addictive and has virtually no side effects.

4th generation antihistamines have proven their effectiveness and safety in practice; they are becoming increasingly popular and are available to a wide range of consumers.

However, you should not self-medicate; before purchasing the medicine, you should consult a doctor who will select best option taking into account the severity of the disease and possible contraindications.

Children are much more susceptible to allergic diseases than adults. Antihistamines for children should be effective, have a milder effect and a minimum of contraindications. They should be selected by a qualified specialist - an allergist, since many medications can cause unwanted side reactions.

A child’s body, with an immature immune system, may react acutely to taking the drug, so the child should be monitored by a doctor during the treatment period. For children, medications are produced in convenient dosage forms(in the form of syrup, drops, suspension), which facilitates dosage and does not cause disgust in the child when taken.

Quickly remove acute symptoms Suprastin, Fenistil will help, for longer-term treatment they are usually used modern drugs Zyrtec or Ketotifen, which are approved for use from 6 months of age. Of the latest generation of drugs, the most popular is Erius, which in syrup form can be prescribed to children from 12 months. Medicines such as Claritin and Diazolin can be used from 2 years of age, but the latest generation drugs (Telfast and Xyzal) can only be used from 6 years of age.

Most a common drug for the treatment of infants is Suprastin, the doctor prescribes it in minimum dosage, capable of having a healing effect and providing a slight soothing and hypnotic effect. Suprastin is completely safe not only for babies, but also for nursing mothers.

Of the more modern drugs, Zyrtec and Claritin are most often used to eliminate allergic manifestations in children. These medications last longer, so you can take one dose of the medication throughout the day.

Allergy medications during pregnancy

Antihistamines during pregnancy should not be taken in the first trimester. Subsequently, they are prescribed only according to indications and taken under the supervision of a doctor, since no medication is completely safe.

Medicines of the latest, 4th generation are absolutely contraindicated in any trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Among the most safe medicines for allergies during pregnancy include Claritin, Suprastin, Zyrtec.

Antihistamines - pharmacological group agents that inhibit the action of free histamine. First, let's look at what it is from a medical point of view in professional language, this will help you understand what applies to such medications. Then we will see a simple explanation and examples.

Histamine is a mediator in the development of allergic reactions. It exerts its effect through its influence on H1, H2, H3 receptors located in smooth muscles internal organs and vessels. The level of development of histamine actions is directly proportional to the amount of the released mediator, which means that the more histamine is released, the more pronounced the allergic reaction.

The effect of medications in the body of patients

H1 receptors are found in the muscles of the respiratory system and blood vessels. The mechanism of action of histamine on H1 receptors is mediated through a cascade of reactions associated with the stimulating effect of extracellular calcium, which, when entering the cell, causes contraction of smooth muscles.

Affects the lungs, causing contraction of the bronchial muscles. This leads to a narrowing of the lumen respiratory tract up to its complete obstruction. The situation is aggravated by inflammation of the mucous membrane, which further closes the lumen of the bronchus. By influencing mucus-secreting cells, histamine causes increased secretion of fluid and electrolytes into the bronchial lumen. This process provokes the development of pulmonary edema, which can be fatal.

According to a similar scheme, the effect of histamine on the trachea and uterus is realized, provoking contractions of its muscles and swelling.

The effect on blood vessels is characterized by a dilating (expanding) direction, mediated through the activation of phospholipase A2. The enzyme increases the capillary permeability of the walls of blood vessels and causes the release of fluid from the microvasculature into the interstitial (intertissue) space with the development of edema. The arachidonic acid cascade is also activated. As this process develops, the connective tissue loses its density, and interstitial edema intensifies even more.

Consequently, the binding of histamine to H1 receptors causes in most cases the development of allergies.

The mechanism of action of antihistamines is associated with blocking H1 receptors instead of histamine. This process is possible due to the biochemical similarity of histamine molecules and drugs of this group. Drugs bind to histamine-tropic receptors, and the released endogenous histamine remains unbound. Thus, the influence of the mediator is blocked, and the caused processes do not develop.

Thus, we can highlight pharmacological actions. These include:

  • antipruritic (tissue swelling causes irritation of nerve endings, which is eliminated under the influence of drugs);
  • decongestant;
  • bronchodilator (implemented due to anticholinergic effects);
  • sedative;
  • local anesthetic;
  • antiallergic.

Of course, most people want to know antihistamines - what they are in simple words, what they mean for patients.

Simply put, these are products that are aimed at combating allergies. They eliminate allergy symptoms and alleviate the human condition.

Generations of drugs for allergic insidiousness

The classification of antihistamines divides them by generation. Knowing this helps you understand what allergy medications are and which of them are the most effective.

1st generation medications are the very first medications in this group. They selectively bind to H1 receptors, blocking the action of free histamine. Due to their lipophilic structure, they also block serotonin and m-cholinergic receptors. This causes their undesirable effects associated with a sedative effect on the body.

List of 1st generation drugs that are used most often:

  • Suprastin;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Tavegil.

Their benefit occurs within 30 minutes after administration, but the effect is quite short-lived, ranging from 4 to 12 hours. This is due to their rapid excretion from the body in urine.

Due to good absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, many of them are available in tablet form. Also, medications have the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and placenta, and can be excreted in breast milk.

This generation is usually called sedative due to a side symptom. Given their ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, antihistamines are able to influence serotonin receptors in the brain. Blockade of central serotonin receptors leads to inhibition processes in the central nervous system, which determines the calming effect of drugs. Depending on the strength of the drug, this effect may be dominant. Doxylamine, a member of the antihistamine group, is used as a sedative.

Due to the severity of central nervous system inhibition, medications in this group should not be used in a state of alcohol intoxication and together with sedative and sedative varieties, since potentiation of the effect is possible.

2nd generation drugs are newer and more advanced. They block H1 receptors more specifically and do not have m-cholinergic and serotonin effects. Therefore, they are free from side effects associated with CNS inhibition. This makes it possible to prescribe drugs from group 2 to patients without limiting their ability to work. They also have a low degree of cardiotoxicity.

The prolonged effect of drugs is associated with their longer accumulation in the body. The effect is achieved after 1-2 hours and lasts up to 24 hours. Excretion of metabolic products occurs through the kidneys. Due to prolonged accumulation, the substance can accumulate in the body. Terfenadine is completely eliminated only 12 days after last appointment. This property is used when outpatient treatment urticaria, hay fever, rhinitis.

List of most popular means from group 2 are:

  • Claritin;
  • Fenistil;
  • Histimet;
  • Allergodil.

One of the disadvantages of second-generation antihistamines is the lack of parenteral forms. Most are sold as enteral tablets and some as topical ointments.

The official classification indicates two groups of antihistamines. The third group of pharmacologically active metabolites in pharmaceuticals is presented as the 3rd generation of H1` histamine blockers.

For those who are interested best medicines 3rd and 4th generations, as well as new drugs of the unique 5th generation, it is important to remember that this is an advertising ploy designed to attract more buyers. There are no 4th and 5th generation antihistamines. Here is a short list of drugs of group 3, which can represent both the fourth and fifth generation:

  • Levocetirizine;
  • Desloratadine;
  • Fexofenadine.

The main thing to know is that medications beyond the first two generations are the best modern allergy medications. The high bioavailability of drugs contributes to the rapid development of the therapeutic effect (within 30 minutes). The selectivity of action completely eliminates the effect of cardiotoxicity, which is extremely important for patients with cardiac disorders. The absence of drowsiness allows patients taking medications to remain functional. The list of drugs of the latest generation is wider, but they must also be prescribed by a doctor.

Forms of drugs with the desired result

Antihistamines exist in the main pharmacological forms:

  • pills;
  • locally acting agents (and gels);
  • parenteral agents for intravenous administration.

Application depends on the form. Tablets (Loratadine, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine) are prescribed to patients with allergic diseases to prevent relapses and treat chronic processes. They are prescribed in a certain dose at regular intervals to maintain the antiallergic effect.

Parenteral antiallergic drugs are more often used in emergency situations in the hospital with the development of anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. Due to the rapid onset of benefits (instant blockade of histamine receptors), antihistamines in ampoules are the primary drugs of choice.

Ointments and gels (Fenistil, Dermadrin) are prescribed to relieve local inflammatory processes. Most of them are used for their antipruritic effect. The effect is achieved by rubbing into skin. The effect occurs within an hour and lasts 3-5 hours.

Other forms are also used in pediatrics. They are designed for ease of administration to children:

  • rectal suppositories;
  • eye drops (Fenistil, Zyrtec);
  • syrups (Claritin);
  • nasal drops.

Medicines for children for painful passions

Prescriptions for children are made by a pediatrician. You should not give your child medications yourself. This is due to a large number side symptoms caused by high concentrations of conventional (adult) drugs.

Suprastin and Diphenhydramine are prescribed:

  • injection for children under 1 year of age only vital signs, the concentration of the drug is chosen by the pediatrician;
  • 1-6 years - a quarter of a tablet 3 times a day;
  • 6-10 years - half a tablet 3 times a day;
  • 10+ - prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day.


  • children weighing less than 30 kg - 1 scoop;
  • more than 30 kg - 2 measuring spoons;
  • tablets are allowed from 4 years of age.
  • one of the most safe drugs for the treatment of allergies;
  • children under one year old - 2.5 ml;
  • from 5 to 10 years - 5 ml;
  • 10+ years - 10 ml.

If any side effects occur, be sure to consult your doctor.

Choosing products for pregnant women in advance

During pregnancy, the medicine affects not only the mother, but also the fetus. This is especially true for antihistamines of the first two generations, since they are able to penetrate the placenta, affecting the baby in the womb. In addition, histamines of the first groups have a wide range of side effects. Therefore, they are prescribed only for health reasons.

New generation antiallergic drugs are less embryotoxic due to their peripheral specific effects and they do not have a hypnotic effect. You should be especially wary of antihistamines prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the greatest impact on the fetus in this period. The last two trimesters are more favorable in relation to appointments. A few examples:

  1. Cetirizine. Belongs to the third group. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for prescribing the drug. Numerous tests have proven the absence of teratogenic effects on the fetus.
  2. Telfast(second generation). The drug is prescribed by the attending physician under his supervision. Use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is highly undesirable due to side symptoms.
  3. Suprastin(first group). It is prescribed only for health reasons when assessing the harm and benefits of the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Proper use is the key to successful treatment

Even the best antihistamine will not bring the expected effect if it is used incorrectly. Antihistamines are in most cases sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is important to note that self-treatment may lead to the development of undesirable effects. To prevent them, you must follow some rules:

  1. Before starting use, you should consult your doctor. He will prescribe the most correct and successful treatment.
  2. You should not take medications of the first groups for more than 7 days unless your doctor advises using them longer, as they begin to accumulate in the body, which can lead to the development of side symptoms. Medicines last group should not be used for more than a year.
  3. During treatment, if side effects occur or worsen, you should consult your doctor.

Examples of effective antihistamines

The table shows a list of the names of popular drugs for adults.

Name Generation Price, rub Peculiarities
Suprastin 1 85-146 Rapid onset of benefit and its short duration
Diphenhydramine 1 1,8-9 Strong sedative effect. Dries out the skin and mucous membranes. Anesthetic effect.
Claritin 2 170-200 High antihistamine activity. There is no drowsiness and potentiation effect. Can be combined with many drugs.
Desloratadine 3 130-160 High activity. Lack of sedative and cardiotoxic effects. Valid throughout the day. The benefit occurs within 30 minutes.
Tsetrin 3 150-200 High activity. Lack of sedative and cardiotoxic effects. Valid for 24 hours.

Comparing popular means

For those who are interested in which is better – Erius or Kestin, it is important to remember that they belong to the 2nd group of antihistamines. The active ingredient of Erius is loratadine, and Kestina is ebastine. The main difference is that the antihistamine effect of Erius is many times stronger. It can also be given to infants, and the effect occurs within 10 minutes after administration. Erius is available in the form of syrup and tablets, while Kestin is available only in tablets.

Now let’s figure out which is better – Fenkarol or Loratadine. Fenkarol belongs to the initial generation. Due to its lipophilic structure, it does not penetrate the BBB, like its generation brothers. Because of this, the sedative effect is not pronounced. A significant advantage over Loratadine and other drugs is its antiarrhythmogenic effect, while 2nd generation drugs can cause arrhythmic changes in the heart.

It's time to find out whether Tavegil or Zyrtec is better for allergies. Tavegil has a pronounced sedative effect, so its use is sharply limited. After taking it, there may be a decrease in performance, lethargy, and drowsiness. The advantage is the possibility of parenteral administration with acute allergies. Zyrtec does not have this disadvantage. It also has a longer action and no weakening of the anti-inflammatory effect over time.

Regarding which medicine is better - Fenkarol or Suprastin, it is worth clarifying that they are from the same group - the first. However, due to the difference in chemical composition their effects are different. Suprastin has a whole range of side effects, including a pronounced sedative effect. Fenkarol does not have these disadvantages due to its inability to penetrate the BBB. It also does not have a pronounced cardiotoxic effect, but has an antiarrhythmic effect.

To find the most strong remedy for allergies for a specific patient, you need to consult a doctor. He will tell you not only which drugs are antihistamines, but which ones are best for eliminating the observed symptoms.

Today we will talk about:

Antihistamines are substances that inhibit the action of free histamine. When an allergen enters the body, histamine is released from mast cells connective tissue included in immune system body. It begins to interact with specific receptors and cause itching, swelling, rash and other allergic manifestations. Antihistamines are responsible for blocking these receptors. There are three generations of these drugs.

1st generation antihistamines

They appeared in 1936 and continue to be used. These drugs bind reversibly to H1 receptors, which explains the need for large dosages and high frequency of administration.

1st generation antihistamines are characterized by the following pharmacological properties:

Reduce muscle tone;
have a sedative, hypnotic and anticholinergic effect;
potentiate the effects of alcohol;
have a local anesthetic effect;
give a quick and strong, but short-term (4-8 hours) therapeutic effect;
long reception reduces antihistamine activity, so the products are changed every 2-3 weeks.

The bulk of 1st generation antihistamines are fat-soluble, can cross the blood-brain barrier and bind to H1 receptors in the brain, which explains the sedative effect of these drugs, which increases after taking alcohol or psychotropic drugs. When taking moderate therapeutic doses in children and high toxic doses in adults, psychomotor agitation. Due to the sedative effect, 1st generation antihistamines are not prescribed to persons whose activities require increased attention.

The anticholinergic properties of these drugs cause atropine-like reactions, such as tachycardia, dryness of the nasopharynx and oral cavity, urinary retention, constipation, and blurred vision. These features can be beneficial for rhinitis, but can increase airway obstruction caused by bronchial asthma (increases sputum viscosity) and contribute to exacerbation of adenoma prostate gland, glaucoma and other diseases. At the same time, these drugs have an antiemetic and anti-sickness effect, reducing the manifestation of parkinsonism.

A number of these antihistamines are included in combined agents, which are used for migraines, colds, motion sickness, or have a sedative or hypnotic effect.

The extensive list of side effects from taking these antihistamines forces them to be used less frequently in treatment allergic diseases. Many the developed countries prohibited their implementation.


Diphenhydramine is prescribed for hay fever, urticaria, seasickness, air sickness, vasomotor runny nose, bronchial asthma, and allergic reactions caused by the administration of medicinal substances(for example, antibiotics), during treatment peptic ulcer, dermatoses, etc.

Advantages: high antihistamine activity, reduced severity of allergic, pseudo-allergic reactions. Diphenhydramine has an antiemetic and antitussive effect, has a local anesthetic effect, making it an alternative to Novocaine and Lidocaine if they are intolerant.

Minuses: unpredictability of the consequences of taking the drug, its effect on the central nervous system. It can cause urinary retention and dry mucous membranes. Side effects include sedative and hypnotic effects.


Diazolin has the same indications for use as other antihistamines, but differs from them in the characteristics of their effects.

Advantages: a weakly expressed sedative effect allows it to be used where it is undesirable to have a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

Minuses: irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causes dizziness, difficulty urinating, drowsiness, slows down mental and motor reactions. There is information about the toxic effect of the drug on nerve cells.


Suprastin is prescribed for the treatment of seasonal and chronic allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, Quincke's edema, itching of various etiologies, and eczema. It is used in parenteral form when requiring emergency care acute allergic conditions.

Advantages: does not accumulate in the blood serum, therefore, even with prolonged use does not cause an overdose. Due to its high antihistamine activity, a rapid therapeutic effect is observed.

Minuses: side effects - drowsiness, dizziness, inhibition of reactions, etc. - are present, although less pronounced. The therapeutic effect is short-term, in order to prolong it, Suprastin is combined with H1-blockers that do not have sedative properties.


Tavegil in injection form is used for angioedema, as well as anaphylactic shock, as a preventive and therapeutic agent for allergic and pseudoallergic reactions.

Advantages: has a longer and stronger antihistamine effect than Diphenhydramine, and has a more moderate sedative effect.

Minuses: may itself cause an allergic reaction, has some inhibitory effects.


Fenkarol is prescribed when addiction to other antihistamines occurs.

Advantages: has mild sedative properties, does not have a pronounced inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, is low-toxic, blocks H1 receptors, and is able to reduce the content of histamine in tissues.

Minuses: less antihistamine activity compared to Diphenhydramine. Fenkarol is used with caution in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and liver.

Antihistamines 2nd generation

They have advantages compared to first generation drugs:

There is no sedative and anticholinergic effect, since these drugs do not cross the blood-brain barrier, only some individuals experience moderate drowsiness;
mental activity, physical activity do not suffer;
the effect of the drugs reaches 24 hours, so they are taken once a day;
they are not addictive, which allows them to be prescribed for a long time (3-12 months);
when stopping medication, therapeutic effect lasts about a week;
drugs are not adsorbed from food in the gastrointestinal tract.

But 2nd generation antihistamines have a cardiotoxic effect of varying degrees, so when taking them, cardiac activity is monitored. They are contraindicated in elderly patients and patients suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system.

The occurrence of cardiotoxic effects is explained by the ability of 2nd generation antihistamines to block potassium channels of the heart. The risk increases when these drugs are combined with antifungal drugs, macrolides, antidepressants, grapefruit juice, and if the patient has pronounced violations liver functions.


Claridol is used to treat seasonal and cyclical allergic rhinitis, urticaria, allergic conjunctivitis, Quincke's edema and a number of other diseases of allergic origin. It copes with pseudoallergic syndromes and allergies to insect bites. Included in comprehensive measures for the treatment of itchy dermatoses.

Advantages: Claridol has antipruritic, antiallergic, antiexudative effects. The drug reduces capillary permeability, prevents the development of edema, and relieves spasm of smooth muscles. It has no effect on the central nervous system and does not have an anticholinergic or sedative effect.

Minuses: Occasionally, after taking Claridol, patients complain of dry mouth, nausea and vomiting.


Clarisens is able to suppress the release of histamine and leukotriene C4 from mast cells. It is used for the treatment and prevention of allergy manifestations such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and dermatosis. The drug is included in the complex treatment of angioedema and various allergic insect bites. In the presence of pseudo-allergic reactions, Clarisens is able to quickly alleviate the patient's condition.

Advantages: the drug is not addictive, does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system, has an anti-exudative effect, relieves swelling and spasms of smooth muscles. The therapeutic effect occurs within half an hour after taking the medicine and lasts for a day.

Minuses: a side effect occurs when the patient has an individual intolerance to the drug and is expressed by dyspepsia, severe headache, fatigue, allergic reactions.


Clarotadine contains the active substance loratadine, which is a selective blocker of H1-histamine receptors, on which it has a direct effect, avoiding the undesirable effects inherent in other antihistamines. Indications for use are allergic conjunctivitis, acute chronic and idiopathic urticaria, rhinitis, pseudoallergic reactions associated with the release of histamine, allergic insect bites, itchy dermatoses.

Advantages: the drug does not have a sedative effect, is not addictive, acts quickly and for a long time.

Minuses: Undesirable consequences of taking Clarodin include nervous system disorders: asthenia, anxiety, drowsiness, depression, amnesia, tremor, agitation in a child. Dermatitis may appear on the skin. Frequent and painful urination, constipation and diarrhea. Weight gain due to disruption of the endocrine system. Damage to the respiratory system can be manifested by cough, bronchospasm, sinusitis and similar manifestations.


Lomilan is indicated for allergic rhinitis (rhinitis) of a seasonal and permanent nature, skin rashes allergic genesis, pseudo-allergies, reactions to insect bites, allergic inflammation mucous membrane of the eyeball.

Advantages: Lomilan is able to relieve itching, reduce the tone of smooth muscles and the production of exudate (a special liquid that appears when inflammatory process), prevent tissue swelling within half an hour from the moment of taking the drug. The greatest effectiveness occurs after 8-12 hours, then subsides. Lomilan is not addictive and does not have any negative impact on the activity of the nervous system.

Minuses: adverse reactions occur rarely and are manifested by headache, feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, nausea.


LauraHexal is recommended for year-round and seasonal allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, itchy dermatoses, urticaria, Quincke's edema, allergic bites insects and various pseudo-allergic reactions.

Advantages: the drug has neither anticholinergic nor central action, its use does not affect the attention, psychomotor functions, performance and mental qualities of the patient.

Minis: LauraHexal is usually well tolerated, but occasionally it causes increased fatigue, dry mouth, headache, tachycardia, dizziness, allergic reactions, cough, vomiting, gastritis, and liver dysfunction.


Claritin contains the active ingredient loratadine, which blocks H1-histamine receptors and prevents the release of histamine, bradycanin and serotonin. Antihistamine effectiveness lasts a day, and therapeutic effectiveness occurs after 8-12 hours. Claritin is prescribed to treat rhinitis allergic etiology, allergic skin reactions, food allergies and mild bronchial asthma.

Advantages: highly effective in the treatment of allergic diseases, the drug does not cause addiction or drowsiness.

Minuses: cases of side effects are rare, they are manifested by nausea, headache, gastritis, agitation, allergic reactions, drowsiness.


Rupafin has a unique active component - rupatadine, characterized by antihistamine activity and a selective effect on H1-histamine peripheral receptors. It is prescribed for chronic idiopathic urticaria and allergic rhinitis.

Advantages: Rupafin effectively copes with the symptoms of the allergic diseases listed above and does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system.

Minuses: undesirable consequences of taking the drug - asthenia, dizziness, fatigue, headache, drowsiness, dry mouth. It can affect the respiratory, nervous, musculoskeletal and digestive system, as well as on metabolism and skin.


Kestin blocks histamine receptors, which increase vascular permeability, causing muscle spasms leading to an allergic reaction. Used to treat allergic conjunctivitis, rhinitis and chronic idiopathic urticaria.

: the drug acts within an hour after application, the therapeutic effect lasts for 2 days. A five-day intake of Kestin allows you to maintain the antihistamine effect for about 6 days. Sedative effects are practically non-existent.

Minuses: the use of Kestin can cause insomnia, abdominal pain, nausea, drowsiness, asthenia, headache, sinusitis, dry mouth.

New, 3rd generation antihistamines

These substances are prodrugs, which means that when they enter the body, they are converted from their original form into pharmacologically active metabolites.

All 3rd generation antihistamines do not have cardiotoxic or sedative effects, so they can be used by people whose activities involve high concentration.

These drugs block H1 receptors and also have an additional effect on allergic manifestations. They are highly selective, do not cross the blood-brain barrier, therefore they are not characterized by negative consequences from the central nervous system, there is no side effect on the heart.

The presence of additional effects promotes the use of 3rd generation antihistamines for long-term treatment most allergic manifestations.


Gismanal is prescribed as a therapeutic and prophylactic for hay fever, allergic skin reactions, including urticaria, allergic rhinitis. The effect of the drug develops over 24 hours and reaches its maximum after 9-12 days. Its duration depends on previous therapy.

Advantages: the drug has virtually no sedative effect and does not enhance the effect of taking sleeping pills or alcohol. It also does not affect driving ability or mental performance.

Minuses: Gismanal can cause increased appetite, dry mucous membranes, tachycardia, drowsiness, arrhythmia, prolongation of the QT interval, palpitations, collapse.


Trexyl is a fast-acting, selectively active H1 receptor antagonist, a derivative of buterophenol, which differs in chemical structure from its analogues. Used for allergic rhinitis to relieve its symptoms, allergic dermatological manifestations (dermatographism, contact dermatitis, urticaria, atonic eczema), asthma, atonic and provoked physical activity, as well as in connection with acute allergic reactions to various irritants.

Advantages: lack of sedative and anticholinergic effect, influence on psychomotor activity and well-being of a person. The drug is safe to use by patients with glaucoma and those suffering from prostate disorders.


Telfast is a highly effective antihistamine, which is a metabolite of terfenadine, and therefore has great similarity with histamine H1 receptors. Telfast binds to them and blocks them, preventing their biological manifestations as allergic symptoms. The membranes of mast cells are stabilized and the release of histamine from them is reduced. Indications for use include angioedema, urticaria, and hay fever.

Advantages: does not exhibit sedative properties, does not affect the speed of reactions and concentration, heart function, is not addictive, highly effective against the symptoms and causes of allergic diseases.

Minuses: rare consequences of taking the drug are headache, nausea, dizziness, there are isolated reports of shortness of breath, anaphylactic reaction, skin flushing.


Zyrtec is a competitive antagonist of the hydroxyzine metabolite, histamine. The drug facilitates the course and sometimes prevents the development of allergic reactions. Zyrtec limits the release of mediators, reduces the migration of eosinophils, basophils, and neutrophils. Medicine used for allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, urticaria, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, fever, itching, antineurotic edema.

Advantages: effectively prevents the occurrence of edema, reduces capillary permeability, and relieves spasm of smooth muscles. Zyrtec does not have anticholinergic or antiserotonin effects.

Minuses: improper use of the drug can lead to dizziness, migraines, drowsiness, and allergic reactions.

Antihistamines for children

To treat allergic manifestations in children, antihistamines of all three generations are used.

1st generation antihistamines are distinguished by the fact that they quickly exhibit their healing properties and are eliminated from the body. They are in demand for treatment acute manifestations allergic reactions. They are prescribed in short courses. The most effective of this group are Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Fenkarol.

A significant percentage of side effects leads to a reduction in the use of these medications for childhood allergies.

2nd generation antihistamines do not cause a sedative effect, act for a longer time and are usually used once a day. Few side effects. Among the drugs in this group, Ketitofen, Fenistil, Cetrin, Erius are used to treat manifestations of childhood allergies.

The 3rd generation of antihistamines for children includes Gismanal, Terfen and others. They are used for chronic allergic processes because they are capable of for a long time be in the body. There are no side effects.

Negative consequences:

1st generation: headache, constipation, tachycardia, drowsiness, dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention and lack of appetite;
2nd generation: Negative influence on the heart and liver;
3rd generation: none, recommended for use from 3 years of age.

Antihistamines are produced for children in the form of ointments (allergic skin reactions), drops, syrups and tablets for oral administration.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is forbidden to take antihistamines. In the second, they are prescribed only in extreme cases, since none of these treatments are completely safe.

Natural antihistamines, which include vitamins C, B12, pantothenic, oleic and nicotinic acid, zinc, fish oil.

The safest antihistamines are Claritin, Zyrtec, Telfast, Avil, but their use should also be mandatory agreed with the doctor.
