The healing energy of melt water. How to properly prepare melt water: three ways

Water is an essential substance for normal functioning human body. Melt water is a type of substance with a special molecular structure.

Properties of melt water

At first glance, melted ice looks like ordinary drinking water. But since ancient times, the benefits of such water have been noted, which improves the work internal organs, and also helps to lose weight without grueling exercise and diets. The main secret is that the composition does not contain harmful impurities that negatively affect the condition of the human body. Ordinary tap water contains various substances that are added for cleaning.

The beneficial property of melt water - if you drink it regularly - significantly influences the speed metabolic processes in organism. This is due to the fact that the molecule of this state of liquid is somewhat smaller than in a normal one, therefore it penetrates inside the cells much faster and easier.

How is melt water useful?

Preparation of melt water allows you to improve the condition of the body at any age. Cell replacement occurs much faster, since dead cells when exposed to such a substance leave the body faster.

It should be noted that melt water prolongs youth and allows you to fight irreversible processes aging

Significantly improved immune defense body, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, increases brain activity and human performance, allergic and other diseases pass faster. The beneficial effect of melt water on the functioning of the digestive organs makes weight loss more effective. By limiting the consumption of fatty, floury and high-calorie foods, there is a noticeable benefit in the fight against extra pounds.

Preparing melt water at home

To get quality melt water, you need to learn how to prepare it correctly. Exist various ways freezing water.

The main condition is to choose a suitable container so that it does not become deformed during the freezing process. Therefore, it is preferable to choose a plastic that adapts to low temperatures. Most in a fast way to obtain melt water is to place it in the freezer, then take it out and room temperature defrost. Gradually, the water in the bottle with ice begins to thaw, and the resulting liquid is consumed internally.

But this method of preparing melt water has characteristic feature: some harmful impurities remain in it, since partial purification occurs during freezing

The second way to prepare such water at home is to fill a container and place it in the freezer for a short period of time. There is no need to wait for all the water to turn into ice. After the first ice crust has formed, it is necessary to separate it and throw it away, since it is in this part of the water that the bulk of the ice is contained. harmful substances and pollution. Place the remaining water back into the freezer. Some of the water should remain unfrozen, since it also contains harmful impurities. Eat only ice, which is most beneficial for the human body.

To freeze tap water, you must first let it sit for several hours to allow dissolved gases to escape.
  • It is preferable to choose plastic dishes, since metal negatively affects the quality characteristics of melt water, and glass can crack when frozen
  • It is advisable to consume a homemade drink made from melt water in its pure form, without adding any additives in the form of sugar, fruit juice, etc.
  • You cannot cook food in such water, since when heated, everything beneficial features disappear
  • storage requires sealing, otherwise foreign odors will be absorbed
  • It is impossible to defrost ice artificially, since help for the body is possible in case of natural melting of ice

There is serious debate about the benefits of melt water. We drink water every day; it is an irreplaceable part of human life. Is it possible to improve the quality of water to get the most from it? useful substances? Let’s try to figure out what the benefits of melt water are and how to prepare a healing elixir of health.

The benefits of melt water

Any water consists of three parts - deuterium (dead), protium (living) and impurities. Deuterium water is heavy water in which hydrogen is replaced by deuterium. There is no benefit in such water. Deuterium water freezes at a temperature of about +4 degrees. This means that in settled water, when cooled slowly, deuterium first freezes. Protium (pure) water is living purified water that we need for normal life. Fresh water freezes at 0 degrees.

The third component of water is various impurities, substance compounds, and organic components. Depending on the purity of the water, impurities account for 0.05-2% of the total mass of the liquid. Impurities freeze at a temperature of -7 degrees, which allows them to be separated from the total mass.

As you understand, pure water without deuterium and impurities - this is our goal. This is why we freeze and defrost liquid. But what is the benefit of protium (melt) water?

  1. Melt water prevents the aging process, allowing you to maintain youth and health of the body longer.
  2. Regular drinking of melt water improves well-being, increases performance and resistance to stress. Improvement was also noted brain activity and memory.
  3. Melt water promotes blood renewal and lowers cholesterol levels.
  4. Drinking melt water can speed up metabolism, that is, improve metabolic function.
  5. A glass of melt water in the evening ensures a calm, healthy and restful sleep.
  6. Frequently drinking melt water cleanses the intestines, improves digestion, and relieves food allergies and strengthens the immune system.
  7. Constantly drinking melt water reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

An excellent example of the benefits of melt water is the Hunza tribe, which lives in the foothills of Pakistan. The population of the tribe numbers more than fifty people who drink melt water from glaciers all their lives. Scientists studying this tribe have noted that the health of the people is very poor. high level. Few members of the tribe suffered from serious illnesses, and the women, even in old age, were beautiful and slender. None of the tribe suffered from obesity or chronic diseases. Most of old people crossed the life threshold of 120 years.

To get closer to the health of the residents of Hunza, you need to drink melt water at least sometimes. Here is the recipe for making it.

  1. Tap water contains a large number of chlorine To get rid of it, you need to pass the water through a filter. If you don't have a filter, you just need to let the water sit for a few hours. When the water sits, the chlorine will rise to the surface and some of it will evaporate. Drain upper layer water and use the remaining water. Liquid from the very bottom of the container should also not be used - small debris that gets into the water supply accumulates in it.
  2. Then the water needs to be disinfected. To do this, you need to heat it, but not boil it. Everyone knows that living water contains minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. However, when boiling, all useful elements are destroyed. Therefore, you need to put the water on the fire and watch it carefully. When the water just starts to boil, it will turn whitish. This is the preliminary boiling point. At this stage, all microbes and bacteria die, but beneficial elements are still alive. Bring the water to this state and remove the container from the heat.
  3. After this, let the clean water cool to room temperature so as not to put the hot container in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour water into a convenient container (preferably enamel) and put it in the freezer. Please note that you should not fill the container to capacity. Everyone knows that water increases in size when it freezes. Therefore, she can simply break glassware filled to the brim.
  5. After a few hours, the water begins to freeze. As you remember, deuterium freezes first, already at +3 degrees. Before the water completely freezes, the first ice should be removed. To do this, make a hole in the frozen mold, pour clean water out of it and throw away the first ice that has frozen. All. We have purified the water from deuterium.
  6. After this, return the deuterium-cleaned water back to the freezer. Fresh water freezes first at the edges, pushing harmful impurities into the middle. After the water has completely frozen, you may notice that the ice is clean and transparent at the edges, but white and cloudy inside. These are impurities that should also be removed. This can be done in two ways. The first is to simply chip off the cloudy area with clean tools. The second method is to pour on impurities hot water and they will melt quickly.
  7. Place the remaining clean ice in a bowl and let it melt. After this, you can enjoy purified and healthy melt water. It is not recommended to use such water for tea or coffee - when boiled, it loses all its beneficial properties.

When preparing melt water, pay attention to the fact that the freezer power should not be at maximum. The water must freeze slowly so that it has time to settle. During rapid freezing, deuterium does not have time to collect at the edges.

It is better to drink melt water immediately after defrosting. A glass of melt water, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, is especially beneficial. Melt water is not a medicine, so there are no contraindications to taking it.

The modern world of genetically modified products does not leave us fresh food without dyes, pesticides, flavoring additives and preservatives. Water is practically the only natural product, which remained with modern man. Purify water at home and restore your body in a natural way. Be healthy!

Video: the easiest way to prepare melt water

Mosin O.V.

The technique for producing melt water involves different freezing rates of pure water and water containing impurities. It has been experimentally established that, as ice slowly freezes, it intensively captures impurities at the beginning and end of freezing. Therefore, when receiving ice, you need to discard the first pieces of ice that have formed, and then, after freezing the main part of the water, drain the unfrozen remains.

Fresh melt water can be obtained at home. But for this you need to adhere to some general rules.

Melt water is prepared from pre-purified drinking water, which is poured into clean, flat vessels to 85% of their volume.

The container for preparing melt water is tightly closed and placed in freezers until completely frozen.

You should not fill a full container with water, because if it is glass, it may break; it is better to use a plastic container marked “for drinking water.”

Ice is defrosted at room temperature in the same closed containers, immediately before use.

Frozen vessels can be taken out of the freezer before going to bed, and in the morning the required amount of such water will be obtained.

There are several ways to obtain fresh melt water. Due to the fact that the data available on the Internet on the preparation of melt water is incomplete and contradictory, Below are the main detailed methods and instructions for obtaining melt water at home.

Method No. 1

The method of one of the active popularizers of the use of melt water A.D. Labzy: Pour cold tap water into a one and a half liter jar, not reaching the top. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and place it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator on a cardboard lining (to insulate the bottom). Note the freezing time for about half the jar. By selecting its volume, it is not difficult to ensure that it equals 10-12 hours; then you need to repeat the freezing cycle only twice a day to provide yourself with a daily supply of melt water. The result is a two-component system consisting of ice (essentially pure frozen water without impurities) and an aqueous non-freezing brine under the ice containing salts and impurities that are removed. In this case, the entire water brine is drained into the sink, and the ice is defrosted and used for drinking, making tea, coffee and other food items.

This is the simplest and most convenient method of preparing melt water at home. Water not only acquires characteristic structure, but also perfectly cleansed from many salts and impurities. Cold water keep in the freezer (and in winter - on the balcony) until about half of it freezes. Unfrozen water remains in the middle of the volume, which is poured out. The ice is left to melt. The main thing in this method is to experimentally find the time required to freeze half the volume. It could be 8, 10, or 12 hours. The idea is that pure water freezes first, leaving most of the impurities in solution. Consider sea ice, which consists of almost fresh water, although they form on the surface of a salty sea. And if there is no household filter, then all water for drinking and household needs can be subjected to such purification. For greater effect, you can use double water purification. To do this, you first need to filter tap water through any available filter and then freeze it. Then, when a thin first layer of ice forms, it is removed, because it contains some harmful fast-freezing heavy compounds. Then the water is re-frozen to half the volume and the unfrozen fraction of water is removed. The result is very clean water. Promoter of the method, A.D. It was in this way that Labza, by refusing ordinary tap water, cured himself of a serious illness. In 1966, he had a kidney removed, and in 1984 he could hardly move as a result of atherosclerosis of the brain and heart. I started treatment with purified melt water, and the results exceeded all expectations.

Method No. 2

A more complex method of preparing melt water is described by A. Malovichko, where melt water is called protium water. The method is as follows: An enamel pan with filtered or regular tap water needs to be placed in the freezer of the refrigerator. After 4-5 hours, you need to take it out. The surface of the water and the walls of the pan are already covered with the first ice. Pour this water into another pan. The ice that remains in an empty pan contains molecules of heavy water, which freezes earlier than ordinary water, at +3.8 0C. This first ice, containing deuterium, is thrown away. And we put the pan with water back in the freezer. When the water in it freezes by two-thirds, we drain the unfrozen water - this is “light” water, it contains all the chemicals and harmful impurities. And the ice that remains in the pan is protium water, which is necessary for the human body. It is 80% purified from impurities and heavy water and contains 15 mg of calcium per liter of liquid. You need to melt this ice at room temperature and drink this water throughout the day.

Method No. 3

Degassed water (method of the Zelepukhin brothers)– another way to prepare biologically active melt water. To do this, a small amount of tap water is brought to a temperature of 94-96 0C, that is, to the point of the so-called “white key”, when small bubbles appear in the water in abundance, but the formation of large ones has not yet begun. After this, the dish with water is removed from the stove and quickly cooled, for example, by placing it in a larger vessel or in a bath with cold water. Then the water is frozen and thawed according to standard methods. According to the authors, such water goes through all phases of its cycle in nature - evaporates, cools, freezes and thaws. In addition, such water has a lower content of gases. Therefore, it is especially useful because it has a natural structure.

It should be emphasized, however, that degassed water, which has a large supply of energy, can be obtained not only by freezing. The most active (5-6 times more than usual and 2-3 times more than melted water) is boiled and quickly cooled water under conditions that exclude access to atmospheric air. In this case, according to the laws of physics, it degasses and does not have time to become saturated with gases again.

Method No. 4

Another method for preparing melt water was proposed by Yu.A. Andreev, author of the book “Three Pillars of Health.” He proposed combining the two previous methods, that is, subjecting the melt water to degassing and then freezing it again. “The test showed,” he writes, “that there is no price for such water. This is for real healing water, and if anyone has any disturbances in gastrointestinal tract, she is medicine for him.”

Method No. 5

There is another one new method for obtaining melt water, developed by engineer M. M. Muratov. He designed an installation that allows him to obtain light water a given salt composition with a reduced content of heavy water in it at home using the method of uniform freezing. It is known that natural water is a heterogeneous substance in its isotopic composition. In addition to light (protium) water molecules - H2 16O, consisting of two hydrogen atoms (protium) and one oxygen-16 atom, natural water heavy water molecules are also present, and there are 7 stable (consisting only of stable atoms) isotopic modifications of water. The total amount of heavy isotopes in natural water is approximately 0.272%. In the water of freshwater sources, the content of heavy water is usually about 330 mg/l (calculated per HDO molecule), and heavy oxygen (H2 18O) is about 2 g/l. This is comparable to or even exceeds the permissible salt content in drinking water. A sharply negative effect of heavy water on living organisms has been revealed, necessitating removing heavy water from drinking water. (Report by A.A. Timakov “Main effects light water"at the 8th All-Russian Scientific Conference on the topic "Physico-chemical processes in the selection of atoms and molecules" November 6 - 10, 2003) An article in the Komsomol aroused the interest of engineer M.M. Muratov and, having decided to test the properties of this water, in November 2006 began to “lighten” water for cooking and drinking by uniform freezing.

According to the method of M.M. Murat's water was aerated and cooled with the formation of a water flow circulating in the container until small ice crystals formed. Then it was filtered. Less than 2% of ice containing heavy water remained on the filter.

According to the author of this method, 6 months of drinking light water showed: When consumed in food and drink in the amount of 2.5-3 liters per day, there was a significant improvement in well-being on the 5th day of use. This was reflected in the fact that drowsiness and chronic fatigue, “heaviness” in the legs disappeared, seasonal allergic manifestations without using medications. In 10 days, vision improved noticeably by about 0.5 diopters. A month later the pain went away knee joint. After 4 months the symptoms disappeared chronic pancreatitis and minor pain in the liver area went away. Within 6 months, the pain associated with coronary artery disease and pain in the back and lumbar region disappeared. 1 viral infection went very well mild form, "on foot". Manifestations have decreased varicose veins veins There was also a noticeable improvement in the taste of both water and products prepared using treated water. Last fact confirmed by a tasting commission of an industrial enterprise, and is clearly visible to ordinary water consumers.

Method No. 6 – “table”

There are also recipes for external use of melt water. Healthy lifestyle enthusiast, people's inventor V. Mamontov, knowing about special properties melt water, invented a method of massage with melt water - “talitsa”. He added rock salt, which contains all the vital microelements, and a little vinegar to the melt water, and used this solution for massage rubbing into the skin. And the “miracles” began. Here's how he writes about it: “After several rubbings, the heart, constantly reminding itself of tingling, shooting, sharp pain, it stopped bothering me, my stomach function improved, and my sleep returned to normal. The veins that had previously protruded like ropes and cords on the legs and arms began to disappear. After normalization of metabolism, the vessels located close to the skin began to recover. The skin itself on the face and body became elastic, soft, tender, acquired a vibrant, natural color, and wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out. My feet got warm, old periodontal disease disappeared in a few days, my gums stopped bleeding.”

The “talitsa” solution is prepared as follows: dilute 1 teaspoon in 300 ml of melt water. a spoonful of rock salt (preferably unrefined sea salt) and 1 teaspoon. spoon table vinegar(preferably apple or other fruit).

For baths oral cavity(for tonsillitis, diseases of the teeth, gums, periodontitis) the “talitsa” should be kept in the mouth for 10–15 minutes, carrying out several procedures per day for 7–10 days.

Water and massage procedures using the “talitsa” can be diversified by replacing them in different water treatments ordinary water to the “talitsa”. Procedures with “talitsa” are publicly available, do not require special equipment or preparation, have no contraindications, and give the body a general tone.

For a long time, scientists tried to unravel the riddle of why residents of mountainous regions and elders have good health and live a very long time. After much research and attempts to find the answer to this question, it turned out that the reason for everything was melt water. The benefits and harms of this product will be discussed in today's article.

Remember our school chemistry lesson?

Water is the source of life. Even the human body is 2/3 liquid. Every person knows that maintaining a drinking regime is key wellness and health.

Bottled and tap water contain various impurities that are added during filtration processes. We use this water every day, but there is one drawback - not all molecules are absorbed by our body.

And those who drink melt water feel great and live long. What's the secret? This is where you need to remember your school chemistry lesson.

Water is made up of molecules. During the freezing process, they form a solid crystal lattice. Under influence low temperatures the molecules shrink and take on a different structure. After thawing, the water is not only purified, but its composition also becomes similar to cellular protoplasm.

This transformation allows the smallest particles of melt water to be completely absorbed at the cellular level and take part in all vital body processes.

Melt water is a miracle liquid

Melt water at home can work wonders. Scientists and doctors advise using it every day. Daily norm makes up 1/100 of the total body weight. In two weeks, you will notice an improvement in your well-being, and the ailments that once bothered you will sink into oblivion.

Melt water has a number of useful properties:

  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • rejuvenating;
  • cleansing.

With the help of crystal clear liquid you can overcome many ailments and pathological conditions. Such a liquid will not cause harm, but the benefits will be undeniable.

The properties of the described liquid include:

  • restorative effect;
  • activation of memory and thinking processes;
  • strengthening immune defense;
  • improvement of digestive and metabolic processes;
  • removing accumulated toxins and harmful compounds from the body;
  • improvement of blood composition;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • getting rid of allergic reactions;
  • treatment of skin diseases.

Experts say that drinking melt water helps cope with fatigue and improves performance.

Is there any harm?

Melt water has virtually no contraindications for use and does not cause harm to the body, with the exception of some nuances. Many people are interested in how to make melt water. And the answer to the question: is this water healthy or not depends on how correctly it was prepared.

Preparing melt water from snow is dangerous due to the current environmental situation. Only water prepared from mountain snow collected in ecologically clean areas is useful.

Beginners need to drink no more than 100 ml per day and carefully monitor the reaction of their body, since melt water does not contain salt and a number of micro- and macroelements.

Important! The amount of melt water consumed per day should be approximately 30% of the main drink. Experts recommend drinking filtered water without gas.

Attention! You need to drink melt water within eight hours after its preparation. In the future, the quantity nutrients will shrink and there will be nothing useful left in such a liquid.

Before we look at the technology for preparing melt water, let's study a number of rules:

  • You cannot use ice from the street or snow to prepare such water;
  • It is also not recommended to defrost ice crust from the freezer, since it absorbs all unpleasant odors;
  • It is recommended to freeze water in a glass or ceramic container;
  • It is advisable not to use enameled, tin or aluminum cookware.

On a note! It is very convenient to freeze liquids in plastic forms or containers. But in Lately Scientists are actively arguing about this, since they consider such material to be toxic.

Melt water should be prepared as follows:

  1. Pour filtered water into a glass container or plastic container. First, try making melt water from 1 liter of liquid.
  2. Cover the dish with a lid and place it in the freezer.
  3. After a couple of hours, we take out the container.
  4. An ice crust has formed on top; it must be carefully removed.
  5. Place the container with the liquid back into the freezer.
  6. We are carefully watching the process.
  7. When approximately 2/3 of the liquid freezes, the unfrozen water must be drained, since it contains harmful substances.
  8. Remove the remaining ice from the freezer and defrost naturally at room temperature. This is melt water.

On a note! Experts advise drinking melt water at a temperature of 15-16°. If your body is not hardened, the temperature of the liquid can be increased to 37°, but it is not advisable to heat it.

Unusual properties of melt water

Many girls use melt water to lose weight. Doctors are also considering this method of getting rid of extra pounds. It is important to prepare it correctly and take it no more than a month and a half. After this, you definitely need to take a break.

To lose weight, melt water should be drunk one hour before meals. The daily norm is four glasses.

You should drink the first glass of water after waking up on an empty stomach. We drink the remaining water during the day before the main meal. It is recommended to take water whose temperature is 10°. If you believe the reviews, the first results are visible within a week. Of course, you need to adjust your diet and limit your consumption of unhealthy foods.

There is also an opinion that melt water has a beneficial effect on curls. You can wash your hair with it or add it to various masks. After a short period of time, hair growth will accelerate, it will become shiny and strong.

In the morning you can wash your face with melt water. It has a beneficial effect on skin, helps to cope with minor cosmetic defects.

On a note! If you use various decoctions and infusions, then to enhance therapeutic effect they can be prepared using melt water.

In this article I want to tell you about how to prepare MELT WATER at home.

Now you will know for sure:

  • How to do melt water
  • Why is it useful? and melt water
  • How to drink melt water
  • What place occupies MELT WATER in global ranking of the best drinking water

All we drink water. But, unfortunately, the realities of our life are such that the water that flows from our tap can hardly be called drinking. The situation with bottled drinking water, offered to us as an alternative by modern manufacturers, is also far from perfect. Moreover, we cannot even be sure of the quality of water intended specifically for children!

So how can it be, after all Is water one of the most important components of our life?

There is an exit!

DIY melt water- guaranteed will protect you and your loved ones from commercial fraud and, most importantly - the most important step on the path to healing the whole body.

Melt water is the most best water for daily use both for adults and infants. By preparing melt water at home with your own hands, you will receive excellent tasting healing drink.

Melt water is sweetish in taste and soft to drink. the best way balanced in composition.

Speaking about MELT WATER, I will be based on my own personal experience obtaining and using melt water, as well as the experience of my father - Oleg Malakhov, which for more than 20 years was not only an active promoter, but also a tireless practitioner in the home production of melt water.

But first of all I want to express words of gratitude the person through whom knowledge about melt water came to our family.

This Alexey Labza- in the past, a simple hydraulic engineer and an ordinary Soviet pensioner of the past 80s. Many even consider him the founder of the method of healing the human body using melt water. His article in the journal “Physical Culture and Sports” (No. 7, 1989) about the healing properties of melt water for a huge number of Soviet people became the starting point on the way to healthy image life.

In fact, Alexey Labza is not the inventor of the melt water preparation technology itself. But his greatest merit is that he adapted the process of preparing melt water to home conditions And explained clearly to the Soviet people about the benefits of melt water, how to make and drink it correctly.

The fact is that in 1966, Alexey had a kidney removed, and by 1984, as a result of atherosclerosis of the brain and heart, he could hardly move. But by changing his lifestyle, giving up ordinary tap water, he cured himself of a serious illness. Thus his story is the best illustration and the answer to the question is melt water useful...

How is melt water useful?

Many films have been created about water, written great amount articles. Most eloquently, in my opinion, the properties of water are described in the film "The Mystery of Living Water", which shows the research of the world famous Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, as well as in his books Messages of Water and Healing with Water Crystals.

It has been proven that water - any water - is storage medium and the quality of this information directly depends on the nature of the impact on water. The mechanisms of this are not yet fully understood. What is clear is that memorization, amplification of information, and transmission occur at the level of the crystalline structure of water.

External influences such as adverse ecological environment, “water disinfection” in urban water supply systems, quality of water pipes, mental garbage inside human habitation- all this significantly worsens the properties of the drinking water that reaches us.

We are already accustomed to buying bottled drinking water and using complex filters. But even here, as practice shows, we cannot be sure of the quality of water. Therefore, it is better to control the quality of drinking water in own hands And Mother Nature herself will help us with this. She gives us this a unique product like melt water!

The fact is that when frozen, water is best purified from unnecessary impurities and foreign elements. But the most important thing is that when frozen, the damaged crystal lattice of water is restored, its energy component changes. And if you combine the freezing process with a healing spell (the power of words), then healing properties melt water becomes simply wonderful!

Now let's move on directly to the process of preparing melt water at home.

Preparation of melt water

For this we need:

  • Plastic container for food products round with lid
  • Freezer (balcony in winter)
  • Decanter

First stage

Pour regular tap water into the prepared container, adding about 1 cm to the top. Place in the freezer.

Let me explain why I recommend using the round one. Plastic container. As you know from school physics courses, water expands when it freezes. Therefore, when using glassware, ice will sooner or later break it, and the enameled surface will very quickly become unusable, i.e. it will just crack. In turn, plastic is quite resistant to temperature changes and can serve you for quite a long time.

I would definitely like to point out that plastic bottles in our case they will not fit, because after freezing, remove the ice from them and process it as needed for proper preparation melt water is almost impossible. An exception here can be a cut-off bottle - if it is used as an open bowl, but this is not very convenient, because The walls of the bottles are thin (not convenient when carrying) and there is no lid (a lid is needed so that the water does not absorb foreign odors).

Second phase

Here the magic of physics begins...

First business heavy deuterated water freezes. It's necessary delete. To do this, approximately 3-5 hours after the start of freezing (here you will have to track the time yourself, because it depends on the volume of water to be frozen and the temperature in your freezer) you need to remove the container and drain NOT frozen water V additional vessel. First ice, which has already been formed, you need throw away– uh that's the one heavy (deuterated) water .

Third stage

Ongoing wonders of natural processes...

Approximately in 12 hours the water in the container will freeze so that there will be a layer around the edges transparent and pure ice - this is our goal, and in the center there will still be a small, unfrozen “salt lake”. The fact is that with the gradual freezing of water all excess impurities are displaced from the edges to the center of the water mass- salts, minerals, dirt from pipes, etc. - it turns out, sort of, brine, which, according to the laws of physics, freezes last. His needs to be drained!

It will remain in the cup pure transparent ice- in the future healing melt water - you should drink it!

If more time passes, then this saline solution will turn into cloudy ice lump. Him also needs to be removed. How to do it? There are two ways: for the lazy) and for those who have a little more patience).

Method 1 - for the lazy, but with a good memory:

Remove the container of frozen water from the freezer and let it slowly melt at room temperature. As the water melts, it can be poured into a carafe or drunk immediately. As soon as the melting reaches the central cloudy part of the ice, the process must be completed - throw away cloudy ice.

But there is one BUT here. If you suddenly forget that you have melt water on the way and “miss” the moment the cloudy part of the ice is released, then your efforts, alas, will be in vain - clean melt water will again mix with the displaced saline solution– we’ll have to freeze the water again...

Method 2 - for those who do not rely on their memory and who have 10 minutes left:

Take out a container of frozen water. Using a strong knife, hollow out a small depression in the center of the ice ball (cloudy ice), then wash leftovers cloudy ice under the stream warm water. After this, you will be left with the purest transparent “ice donut” - this is the most useful, structured, with an optimal composition of salts and minerals MELT WATER.

This “donut” can be left to melt in a working container, or you can break it into pieces and transfer the resulting ice fragments into a carafe for later use.

How to drink melt water

To get the best results, you need to drink melt water just thawed, because exactly in this case melt water has highest biological value. But of course, fanaticism is not welcome here either - you shouldn’t drink it in one gulp and in large quantities at once. Ideally, scientists recommend drinking 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day (depending on the time of year). Need to drink in small portions- at one time, take a sip every 15-20 minutes, then the water will not wash away the digestive enzymes and will be absorbed by the body as completely as possible.

You shouldn’t be afraid of catching a cold from melt water, because... when consumed, the blood thins out - it becomes more fluid, thus, its cleansing occurs better and faster. Even the smallest capillaries are cleaned, stagnation in the blood is eliminated, which previously could serve as a medium for the development of colds and infectious diseases. Extend the healing properties of melt water you can, but you need to store it for this at temperatures from 5 to 10 °C.

It is worth noting that when heated medicinal properties melt water are significantly reduced, but, nevertheless, their taste qualities and of course, natural purity she is undeniably saves.

For greater clarity, let’s compare the composition of melt water with distilled water.

Distilled water is empty (dead) water. With long-term use, it can seriously harm the body, because... Gradually removes salts from the body, including calcium, which leads to serious consequences.

Melt (living) water, unlike distilled water, optimally retains all the necessary properties for the full existence of a person, salts and minerals - no more and no less than necessary! In its composition, melt water is best close to the composition of blood, so it is completely absorbed by the body and, importantly, its absorption does not require large energy expenditures.

Therefore, the composition of melt water, balanced by nature itself, rightfully occupies a leading position in the world ranking of the best drinking water.

Drink MELT WATER with pleasure and BE HEALTHY!

N. Batishcheva

With this they read:

How to make melt water at home
