What does Centella asiatica help with? The healing power of centella asiatica

I have a great love for products with centella asiatica from the very moment I got my first bottle of a product based on it. Since then, I almost always have some kind in stock. Today - about one of them.

Elizavecca Centella Asiatica Extract 100% is a 100% solution or extract of Centella Asiatica (gotu kola).

The product is intended to accelerate the regeneration of skin cells and stimulate the synthesis of its own collagen. Has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, calming effect. Perfectly moisturizes the skin. Suitable for use on sensitive, problem skin, as well as skin with rosacea.

The product is housed in a heavy frosted glass bottle. The aroma is light powdery. Consistency - water-water. I would compare the color of the product to weak brewed black tea.

Application: apply 2-3 drops of the product to previously cleansed facial skin.

To be honest, when I read about “2-3 drops” on the box with Elizavecca Centella Asiatica Extract 100%, I somehow doubted it. Seriously, even considering that Korean products are very economical (at least 3 times more economical than European ones), but 2-3 drops is somehow completely frivolous! I personally water resources like, and I use water serums from a well-known luxury brand in fairly decent quantities. The more, the better :-) But of course, everyone has the right to choose, and how to use this or that product is everyone’s personal choice.

I use Elizavecca Centella Asiatica Extract 100% in 3 different ways:

1. as the first stage of care after cleansing and washing the skin, before toner.

2. like a toner.

3. as a lotion-mask in cases using the Chizu Saeki method. Told about him and several others cool ways skin hydration V .

My review of Elizavecca Centella Asiatica Extract

It's very cool for me - on my skin, I mean - products with centella work. Basically, that's why I buy them all the time. Nose Elizavecca Centella Asiatica Extractsomehow it didn't work out. Why:

  • hydration is mediocre. I definitely can’t get by with just one essence without toner and serums.
  • antioxidant effect and stimulation of collagen production in the skin - this point cannot be verified. But let's assume that this is really the case. We believe in science, and it claims that centella can do all this and has great potential!
  • calming properties - the serum works well here, but not as great as my other products.

Maybe Elizavecca is being cunning with the ingredients? I can not know.

Thus, it turns out that... For the sake of some calming effect and potential bonuses I bought and use a product that costs $17-20. Is it worth it? For me, the answer is obvious: I won’t buy it again and I can only recommend trying it to those who are simply curious - you never know if they’ll like it or if it will work better?

For myself, I have already found several cool products that not only have potential, but also greatly moisturize, restore and soothe my skin, which is what I wish for you. If you are interested in any of my favorites, please write about it in the comments.

My mark Elizavecca Centella Asiatica Extract: 3 out of 5.

Be beautiful!

Asian centella extract liquid (without alcohol, sugar, preservatives) for internal and external use, in cosmetology.

  • Improves brain activity and mental abilities.
  • Relaxes the nervous system.
  • Restores normal blood circulation in chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and skin diseases.

Asian centella extract: beneficial properties and applications

Centella extract is based on biologically active compounds with nootropic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects that support brain function and nervous system, help with senile dementia, mental disorders and anxiety.

  • 0,1 % essential oil
  • steroid compounds: campesterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol
  • triterpene saponins: asiaticoside, madecassoside, asiatic and madecassic acids
  • terpenoids: isobrahmic and brahmic acids, tankuniside, centelloside, brahmoside
  • polyacetylene compounds
  • flavonoids: rutin, kaempferol, quercetin
  • alkaloids
  • tannins
  • vitamins C, A, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin
  • minerals: manganese, sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc
  • Antioxidant phytonutrients: β-carotene, lutein, neoxanthin and zeaxanthin
  • fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, lignocenic, oleic, essential linoleic omega-6 and alpha-linolenic omega-3

Centella asiatica is known as the most important anti-aging agent in Ayurvedic medicine. For centuries, it has been used to stimulate and strengthen nerve and brain cells, improve cognitive function and memory (especially in older people), and learning ability. nervous exhaustion And chronic fatigue, for the improvement of the venous bed and of cardio-vascular system. It is also believed to increase life expectancy, slow down aging and provide strength in old age.

IN South-East Asia centella is used as a stimulant and tonic to improve metabolism, for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, for the treatment of colds, fever, headache, dysentery, urolithiasis.

When used externally, centella extract accelerates collagen production, helps smooth out wrinkles and stretch marks (striae). It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, therefore it is effective in various injuries skin (including after surgical operations), trophic ulcers, scleroderma. In Asia, centella is traditionally used to treat psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, burns, wounds, ulcers and even leprosy.

1. Centella Asiatica in cosmetology

● for the face

Centella asiatica extract in facial cosmetics useful for skin of any type and age. It acts as a healing, anti-aging and rejuvenating component:

  • accelerates epithelization and regeneration of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis
  • has a local anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect, strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels
  • prevents premature aging due to ultraviolet radiation and oxidative stress
  • smoothes expression lines, " crow's feet"
  • acts as a natural antibacterial antifungal antiseptic
  • cleanses the blood, so it can shorten the treatment period chronic diseases like eczema and psoriasis.

Biospectrum Life Science Institute in South Korea conducted a small but promising test of an asiaticoside cream made from centella extract. For 3 months, 27 women applied the cream twice a day to only one eye to clearly evaluate its effect. As a result, 65% of participants noticeably smoothed out the skin around one eye, and in three, crow's feet and fine wrinkles completely disappeared.

Due to its ability to activate the synthesis of type I collagen (the amount of which in the skin decreases with age), centella extract is used in cosmetology to combat photoaging.

  • What is photoaging?
  • Photoaging (dermatoheliosis) is premature aging of the skin due to excessive sun or artificial ultraviolet irradiation UVA/UVB, which destroys the healthy structure of the skin, causing destructive surface changes (pigmentation, dryness, wrinkles) and serious pathologies, including cancer (malenoma).

    Main cause of photoaging: frequent sun exposure without sunscreen.

    Signs of photoaging: spider veins; dark spots, freckles, solar dermatosis; uneven skin color; loss of skin tone in irradiated areas; pronounced wrinkles and creases around the eyes, mouth and forehead; red scaly patches, actinic keratosis.

The visual rejuvenating effect of centella extract was confirmed in a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Twenty women aged 45 to 60 years with photoaging skin applied centella madecassoside cream and vitamin C. After 6 months, all had significantly improved skin firmness, elasticity and hydration, as vitamin C and madecassoside demonstrated a synergistic restorative effect on the superficial dermis.

● Centella extract for wound healing

Main biologically active ingredients centella extract are triterpene compounds: asiatic and madecassic acids, asiaticosides and madecassosides. It is thanks to them that centella is magnificent natural antiseptic, which is effective heals infected wounds, burns, postoperative hypertrophic scars, post-acne scars, which has been experimentally confirmed in clinical and laboratory studies.

Therapeutic external preparations based on centella extract:

  • increase the percentage of collagen and fibronectin in the cell layer around the wound
  • protect against bacteria and disinfect open lesions
  • suppress inflammatory reaction and myofibroblast production
  • increase blood supply, strengthen and regenerate the skin due to accelerated synthesis of type I collagen
  • relieve itching and reduce swelling in eczema, after insect bites.

In 2012, a large-scale study was conducted at a pediatric clinic in Havana. For children, postoperative scars and burns were treated for 8 years with a cream with 1% centella extract and 0.5% Scots pine extract. After 2 months, 57.1% of the burns had completely disappeared, and 46.7% of the scars had decreased by half (before and after photos).

2. Centella asiatica extract for the brain

In Indian and Chinese traditional medicine Centella is called the “memory herb” and “brain food” because it:

  • increases mental and brain activity
  • improves memory and concentration (especially in older people)
  • helps fight senile dementia
  • supports the nervous system during stress, neuro-emotional disorders, neuroses, hysteria, menopause
  • helps to fall asleep with insomnia due to anxiety, depression

The positive effect of centella on cognitive functions is achieved due to the influence of its active compounds on the length of branching of neuronal dendrites, which in turn activates the MAPK signaling pathways (a group of multifunctional intracellular signaling pathways that control gene transcription, metabolism, apoptosis, proliferation and cell motility).

Centella is often used for the prevention and slowdown of the progression of dementia of the Alzheimer's type, the most common form of senile dementia.

Thanks to its neuroprotective properties, centella extract has an anti-anemia effect and protects memory functions.

3. Antidepressant, sedative properties

If in our latitude it is common, then in Asia it is centella. Indian pharmaceutical and Ayurvedic literature describes tonic, restorative, sedative, tranquilizing and cognitive properties of the extract.

Centella reduces general anxiety.

The nervous system is relaxed mainly by brachmic acid and brachmoside, which accelerate acetylcholine transmission, sharpen working memory and concentration, increase learning ability and the quality of mental activity.

Centella suppresses stress hormones, therefore recommended for obesity-related hormonal imbalance. (An abrupt increase in stress hormones forces the body to “store up” fat, which is why a person rapidly gains excess weight.)

Centella extract is seriously considered as an effective natural nootropic drug for the treatment of chronic stress due to depression.

(28 healthy elderly Thai residents took different dosages centella extract: 250, 500 and 750 mg. As a result of this experiment, it was found that centella extract in high doses increases alertness, reaction speed and subjective feelings of satisfaction with life.)

4. Centella extract for epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder with recurrent seizures, one of the most common neurological diseases on a global scale. According to the World Health Organization in 2018, 50 million people suffer from epilepsy. These are mainly residents of low- and middle-income countries.

Regardless of the causes of epilepsy, seizures and involuntary convulsions are directly related to mitochondrial dysfunction, which reduces the energy supply to the brain. In conditions of energy depletion it increases oxidative stress which provokes pathological disorders in ion homeostasis of the central nervous system. This leads to loss of cellular integrity and cell death.

In epilepsy, a decrease in ATPase activity is observed in all areas of the brain. (Adenosine triphosphatases or ATPases are a group of enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of one or two phosphoric acid residues from adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). This releases energy for all processes in the body: muscle contraction, transport of substances across membranes, biosynthesis of various compounds).

Centella is traditionally used as neuroprotective, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic medicine.

Its glycosides and flavonoids protect neurons by modulating ATPase activity, so centella extract is useful as a neuroprotective agent for epileptic seizures.

Centella extract reduces:

  • spontaneous motor (neurotic) activity caused by withdrawal of diazepam
  • convulsions and seizures
  • oxidative stress and the amount of lipid peroxidation products formed during it

5. Centella extract for the heart

Madecassoside, the main triterpenoid of centella extract, has an anti-inflammatory effect on immune cells and on cardiomyocytes ( muscle cells hearts), aligns arterial pressure and heart rate. As a cardioprotective agent it can protect against cardiac stress (heart attacks, coronary diseases).

6. Centella extract for chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins

Chronic venous insufficiency is a circulatory disorder caused by obstruction or backflow of blood flow in the veins due to abnormalities of the venous wall and valves. As a result, venous blood pressure increases, varicose veins and venous ulcers occur.

Centella has long been used to treat chronic venous insufficiency and venous circulation disorders.

Its saponins inhibit (suppress) elastase and hyaluronidase more effectively than the well-known venotonic horse chestnut. (Hyaluronidase breaks down hyaluronic acid, and elastase destroys elastin, collagen, proteoglycans, fibronectin. Hyperactivity of elastase and hyaluronidase leads to edema.)

Centella extract for chronic venous insufficiency:

  • activates microcirculation of the venous bed
  • reduces swelling and varicose veins
  • accelerates the resorption of blood clots
  • relieves pain in the legs (13).

● Centella extract reduces swelling of the ankles.

If you find it difficult to cope with long flights due to swelling in your legs and feeling unwell(dizziness, nausea, feeling of heat and redness of the face), centella extract will help you cope easier. To do this, 2-3 days before, on the day and one day after the trip, take 10-15 drops of centella extract three times a day.

This effect was discovered by employees of the Irvine Laboratory in London. The experiment involved people with moderate superficial venous disease and varicose veins. Two days before, during and the day after the flight, they took 60 mg of centella triterpene extract three times a day. As a result, all participants noted that their legs swelled much less, and general health it was much better in flight.

7. Centella for diabetes

● Restores microcirculation in microangiopathy

Microangiopathy in diabetics is a pathological lesion of small blood vessels as a result of tissue necrosis and thrombosis, in which the patency of capillaries is disrupted. Centella extract has a positive effect on microcirculation of the venous bed, strengthens the walls and reduces capillary permeability.

After administration of 60 mg of Centella triterpenes twice daily for six months in patients with severe diabetic microangiopathy, neuropathy and edema microcirculation has significantly improved compared to control and placebo groups. After 12 months, venous response rates increased to 38%, and swelling in the extremities decreased by 28%.

● Accelerates the healing of diabetic wounds

In 2010, a study in Thailand involved 200 diabetics with non-healing diabetic wounds ( diabetic feet, ulcers, etc.). Oral administration of centella extract (containing 100 mg asiaticoside) three times daily for 21 days significantly accelerated diabetic wound healing .

● Lowers sugar levels

In a number clinical trials Centella triterpenoids have been shown to positively influence carbohydrate metabolism by modulating key regulatory enzymes.

The antihyperglycemic activity of centella extract is mediated in part by inhibition of carbohydrase and binding of glucose to soluble dietary fiber, which are able to remove excess sugar from the body.

The extract inhibits the action of intestinal disaccharidase and α-amylase in rats with type 2 diabetes. The animals' body weight returned to normal and their polydipsic, polyphagic and lipid profiles significantly improved.

8. Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of centella extract

Centella triterpenoids in moderate and high concentrations have an anti-inflammatory effect. This is apparently due to suppression of NF-kB activation in macrophages.

For viral respiratory diseases centella eliminates fever, reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system.

For external use helps eliminate the symptoms of herpes.

Madecassoside in centella extract accelerates wound healing and scar resorption, slows down the destruction of joints due to arthritis, stimulating collagen synthesis, therefore it is recommended for rheumatoid arthritis.

9. Anti-cancer properties

The powerful antioxidant and antitumor activity of centella extract is directly related to high concentration phenolic compounds present in it. Centella's bioactive molecules are used as antioxidant and antitumor pharmaceutical raw materials for the development of new drugs. The antioxidants in the extract induce apoptosis (self-destruction) in lung, liver, prostate and breast cancer cells.

By modulating the activity of genetic components of skin cells, centella may potentially protect against cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation.

Liquid extract of Centella asiatica inhibits the growth of tumors in the lungs of mice and presumably resists the formation of tumors in the bronchioles and alveolar septa in humans.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Overdose may cause dermatitis ( skin rashes), increased photosensitivity, headache.

Release form: bottle with drip dispenser 50 ml.

It is not a medicinal product.

Centella extract concentration ( Centella asiatica Extract) in cosmetics is 5-20%.

Properties of centella extract used in cosmetics:

Anti-aging . Centella extract in cosmetics stimulates collagen synthesis, enhances blood microcirculation in the dermis, fights free radicals, accelerates cell regeneration, smoothes wrinkles, and gives the skin an elastic, fresh, toned appearance.

Moisturizing . Centella extract in cosmetics normalizes water-salt metabolism in skin cells, promotes moisture retention, and relieves swelling.

Smoothing. Centella extract in cosmetics prevents the formation of scars during acne, helps smooth out keloids and scars, effectively fights cellulite and stretch marks.

Anti-inflammatory . Centella extract softens signs of inflammation in eczema, psoriasis, and others skin diseases, effectively fights against many bacteria, since it is able to dissolve their protective shell.

Healing . Centella extract in cosmetics accelerates the healing of burns, wounds, scratches, skin ulcers.

Strengthening . Centella extract in cosmetics strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves rosacea, and relieves the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

In Asian folk medicine centella extract is used as a means of improving metabolism, a cure for tuberculosis, epilepsy, diarrhea, peptic ulcer and eczema. Centella extract is included in the European Pharmacopoeia as effective remedy at anxiety states, neuroses, skin diseases, varicose veins veins It is used to strengthen the immune system, stimulate mental activity, and research is being conducted on its effectiveness in Alzheimer's disease.

What cosmetics contain centella extract?

  • serums, creams, masks for aging skin
  • cream, lotion for problem skin
  • cream, lotion, after sun oil
  • lotion, cream for neck and décolleté
  • anti-cellulite cosmetics
  • decongestant, vein-strengthening foot cream

Cosmetics with centella extract are taken from the jar only with a spatula and the lid is screwed tightly on, stored in a tightly closed jar on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The use of cosmetics with centella extract is undesirable:

At hypersensitivity skin, individual intolerance to centella.

What is centella used in cosmetology?

Asian centella (Centella asiatica, rosemary, gotu kola, tiger grass) is a creeping herbaceous moisture-loving plant, widespread in India, Indonesia, the countries of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. Its fresh, bright green leaves have long been consumed as food. And in dried and crushed form, centella leaves were used as healing agent in the fight against wounds, burns and inflammation of the skin, varicose ulcers, with increased anxiety and excitability. One of the names of centella - tiger grass - was given to the plant because, according to some observations, Asian tigers, when feeling unwell, look for thickets of centella and roll with their backs on its leaves.

History has preserved the name of the Chinese herbalist professor Li Chun Yun, who, according to archival documents, died at the age of 256 and considered the daily consumption of tea from centella leaves to be the secret of his longevity.

Modern research centella began in the second half of the 19th century, when French and Spanish doctors began to effectively treat leprosy and lymphedema (elephantiasis) with centella extract. Laboratory research centellas showed that the leaves of this plant contain large quantities vitamins A and E, magnesium, as well as unique chemical compounds- asiaticosides, which can increase antioxidant activity blood, which accelerates the restoration of connective tissue, which means wounds heal faster, nails become stronger, and hair growth is stimulated.

More detailed studies of centella extract and its restorative properties led to the conclusion that its active elements enhance collagen synthesis and improve skin hydration. In ancient China, centella was credited with the ability to prolong life, and modern cosmetologists use centella extract to rejuvenate the skin.

Where do you get centella extract for cosmetics?

Dry centella extract was first obtained only in the early 1940s. To obtain a healing extract, the leaves and stems of the centella are collected before it begins to bloom, dried in special drums, and then crushed to a fine powder, like flour. Centella powder has a light brown color and a pleasant smoky herbaceous odor due to its 0.1% essential oil content.

Centella powder dissolves well in water and the aqueous-alcohol phase of the cosmetic product. Centella extract is obtained from powder by steam distillation. Centella extract has neither taste nor color, has a fluid consistency and a light herbaceous aroma.

Centella extract contains, in addition to essential oil, rare acids - asiatic and madecassic, as well as saponins, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, minerals, vitamins and other active elements.

> Centella asiatica

Asian centella – Centella asiatica

The healing power of plants


Apiaceae or Umbelliferae; umbrella

Other name:

tiger grass, rosemary;

Hydrocotyle, Gotu Cola, Indian pennywort, Brahmi, Thankuni, ji xue cao, écuelle d'eau, Tsubo-kusa, Hierba de clavo, Sombrerito, Sallatsspikblad

Parts used:

The whole plant.

Biologically active substances:

Triterpene saponins (asiaticosides, madecassosides)

Derivatives of triterpene acids (asiatic, madecassic, centyl, centoylic, etc.)

Derivatives of R 1 -barrigenol

Polyacetylene compounds

Flavonoids (rutin, kaempferol, quercetin, etc.)



Essential oil (0.1%; rich in pinene, myrcene and other mono- and sesquiterpenoids)


Minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus


Thymine, asparagine, isogynetine

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Antioxidant, geroprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, laxative, diuretic, dermatotonic, hypotensive herbal remedy.

Pharmachologic effect:

Centella asiatica (gotu kola) is the most important rejuvenating agent in Ayurvedic medicine, the main remedy for stimulating and strengthening nerve cells and brain cells. This plant is called "food for the brain" or "grass of memory", defining its main properties - improving cerebral circulation and supplying the brain with oxygen. As a result of the use of drugs, centella functions nervous system and brain cells are restored, memory improves. Gotu kola has a calming effect on anxiety and stress, and improves sleep.

Centella has a pronounced positive effect on mental activity, especially in old age, increases the ability to learn, increases the acuity of thinking, and enhances memorization processes. The plant has the ability to restore the body's energy reserves, improve well-being, reduce fatigue, promote active longevity, have a hypotensive and anti-sclerotic effect, slow down the aging process, increase life expectancy, strengthen the immune system, and have a beneficial effect on the adrenal glands. Gotu Kola is also recommended for mental illness, epilepsy, nervous disorders, hypotension, atherosclerosis, menopause, during and postoperative rehabilitation. Some studies prove the effectiveness of centella preparations for scleroderma, uterine circulation disorders, cervical dysplasia, fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and obesity. Indications for use also include myopia and glaucoma.

A small amount of essential oil and flavonoids contained in centella have a venotonic effect, so the plant is useful for various

manifestations of venous insufficiency - capillary fragility, heaviness in the legs, hemorrhoids. The plant extract relieves swelling due to its mild diuretic effect, normalizes water-salt and fat metabolism, restores the optimal functioning of veins and capillaries, and has a beneficial effect on circulatory system generally.

When taken orally, centella has a beneficial effect on venous-lymphatic insufficiency and delayed scarring, incl. accelerates the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers. When used externally, centella preparations are used as an effective additional means for trophic ulcers, abrasions, wounds (including after surgical operations), minor burns (including sunburn).

Scientific research has revealed the powerful wound-healing properties of gotu kola, without the formation of excessive scar tissue (keloids). Special biologically active substances of the plant - saponosides(incl. asiaticoside And madecassoside), cause accelerated scarring of wounds.

Centella saponosides stimulate the synthesis of collagen and mucopolysaccharides, thereby accelerating wound scarring and strengthening connective tissues. Centella herbal remedies stimulate epithelialization processes, promote the healing of minor wounds and burns, and regenerate skin cells.

Centella is a powerful blood purifier with a specific effect on chronic skin diseases that are difficult to treat - leprosy, eczema, psoriasis, syphilis.

In Southeast Asia, centella is used as a stimulant and tonic, a means of improving metabolism, as well as for bronchitis, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis; in India gotu kola is used for skin diseases and epilepsy, in China – for diarrhea, ulcers and eczema, in Madagascar – for the treatment of tuberculosis and leprosy. Centella is included in the British and European Pharmacopoeia.

Indications for use:

decline mental performance and memory;

Prevention of senile dementia;


After traumatic brain injury;

Improving cerebral and peripheral circulation;


Varicose veins, lymphostasis;

Calf cramps;



Urinary system infections;

Damage to the skin;

Neuro-emotional disorders, strengthening of the nervous system (neurosis, insomnia);

Premature aging;


Directions for use and dosage:

Internal: scarring process, venous insufficiency. Tablets 10 mg. extract 3-6 times a day, drink a glass of water.

External: skin damage, ointment. Rub into the skin for a long time 1-2 times a day, having previously disinfected it.

Application in cosmetology:

Centella extract is introduced into cosmetic products to increase skin turgor and prevent premature aging. Thanks to improved blood microcirculation, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

Contraindications and side effects of Centella:

It is extremely rare that Gotu Kola can cause allergic reactions. At recommended doses, centella does not cause any unwanted effects.

Consult a specialist before taking medications

Centella .

Elements of agricultural technology and cultivation:

Prefers marshy warm areas.


Drugs from Centella are not registered in Russia.

NSP products containing Centella (Gotu Kola):

Sources (with deep respect to the authors and their work):

1. Peace medicinal plants NSP: Illustrated reference book / ed. P.V. Druzhinina, A.F. Novikova; comp. I. Turova. – M., 2010

2. Pharmacognosy. Medicinal raw materials of plant and animal origin: textbook / ed. G.P.Yakovleva. – St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2010.

3. Encyclopedia of medicinal plants: the healing power of nature for you. – Team of authors. – Publishing house "RD", 2004.

4. Russian encyclopedia biologically active additives to food: Tutorial/ under general editorship IN AND. Petrova, A.A. Spasova. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2007.

Every girl, regardless of her age, has encountered skin problems, be it a pimple, dryness and flaking, or expression lines. Today I will tell you exactly about a remedy that will help solve them. MADECA cream is the property of a Korean pharmaceutical company Centellian 24.

Both creams are packaged in an aluminum tube, which is not always convenient. I don’t like that if you press a little too hard, it crawls out great amount cream, and then you have to cover yourself with it from head to toe, because you can’t push it back. Therefore, you need to squeeze it out correctly, preferably from the end, like squeezing out hair dye.

The main ingredient of the cream is Centella Asiatica, a plant that has healing properties. Centella extract is often present in anti-aging cosmetics as a stimulating agent for reducing the depth of wrinkles. And this plant can also cause the production of the synthesis of collagen, which primarily suffers during aging.
After using this cream, skin turgor improves - it becomes elastic, toned and more even.

In my opinion, this is what you need, considering all its miraculous properties!

Main ingredients:
- Camellia Japonica Flower extract
- Stem heartwood extract of Morus bombyciskoidz
- Carpinus tschonoskii leaf extract
- Mistletoe fruits extract
- MOIST 24 PH (Imperata cylindrica extract)
The manufacturer claims that the cream nourishes and restores the skin, fights imperfections and age-related changes.

In addition, it protects against ultraviolet radiation, skin texture improves, inflammation and pigmentation disappear, and scars are regenerated. It also whitens a little.

The cream is white, opaque. Its texture is light, the smell is specific to me, but pleasant. However, after applying the cream, the face becomes very shiny, and the shine does not disappear even after some time. I will also note that the skin is sticky after using it, and the smell quickly disappears.

It spreads quite easily, I need a little less than a pea-sized amount to apply all over my face.

Immediately after application:

15 minutes passed, the stickiness and shine went away, although the shine remains on the face, most likely it depends on the type of skin, on the face it is combination. But it is noticeable that the skin is well hydrated.

In general, the cream really moisturizes and nourishes well, the complexion evens out, as the cream has a whitening effect. The skin looks shiny and about the same as the girl on the box . The manufacturer suggests applying it in the morning and evening, but in my opinion, it is better to use it at night; for the day it is oily and heavy. It will probably behave differently on dry skin. Although, even those with very dry, thinning, aged skin will like it: in this case, it may be absorbed better.
The consumption is very economical, considering that one cream is 50 ml plus another 15 ml, and you only need a drop of it once a day.
Unfortunately, I can’t say how it copes with wrinkles because little time has passed, but I think it’s no worse than some luxury ones.

In general, although I like the effect, the product is too nutritious for the skin, I would say so, so maybe it’s better and worth taking a closer look at its effects in the winter.

Price: for 50 ml plus a gift of 15 ml about 2000 rubles.
Testing period: month
Rating: 5

Thank you for your time!
