Sibur financial statements. Sibur Holding report. Brief analysis of financial results

Focused on the baseline version of the Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI SRS). The report reflects information about the strategy, policies, approaches to management, directions of the company’s activities in the economic, environmental and social spheres, as well as SIBUR’s contribution to the development of the regions where it operates. The scope of the report includes the results of activities of PJSC SIBUR Holding, its subsidiaries and affiliates, in which SIBUR’s share is 50% or more, in Russia in 2017.

The key themes of 2017 for SIBUR were the implementation of the largest investment project for the construction of a world-class petrochemical complex in Tobolsk, the attraction of qualified specialists to new jobs, and the course towards digitalization of industry. During the year, about 10 thousand Russian builders worked at the ZapSibNeftekhim construction site; more than 70 suppliers from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Tobolsk and other cities were involved in the delivery of construction materials. 900 engineers and technical specialists received special training to work at the new production facilities.

The implementation of targeted environmental programs continued; their total budget in 2017 exceeded RUB 1.4 billion. The result was a decrease in the overall environmental impact index from 4.2 to 3.9 points. The energy saving program provided an economic effect in the amount of RUB 1,479 million. Thanks to systematic work to improve occupational safety, the number of technical incidents decreased by 43% compared to 2016. An electronic program has been introduced at all company sites to assess the speed and correctness of an employee’s actions in the event of such emergency situations. In 2017, 3,805 enterprise employees were tested using the program.

In addition to training on occupational safety and health, educational programs were organized for employees to develop soft skills, professional and managerial competencies. Over the course of the year, more than 13,500 people completed training. As part of the “Improvement in Small Steps” initiative, company employees submitted more than 57 thousand ideas, of which more than 34 thousand were implemented at the company’s production sites.

Interaction with regional partners for the purpose of sustainable development of the regions where the company operates is carried out within the framework of the corporate charity program “Formula of Good Deeds”. In 2017, in partnership with leading operators in the fields of education, sports, and culture, 14 special interregional projects were implemented. NPOs and social institutions in the cities where the company operates received 130 grants for the implementation of socially significant projects. In Tobolsk, projects were chosen with the participation of residents - more than 9,000 Tobolsk residents (9% of city residents) took part in the online voting.

When preparing the report, the company was guided by the provisions of the Social Charter of Russian Business, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the provisions of the UN Global Compact, international standards of social responsibility (ISO 26 000) and reporting (GRI). As part of the work on the report, the material was also analyzed taking into account the Information Disclosure Guidelines for CDP Companies and other rating systems, including the Sustainable Development Indices of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

To fully reflect the topics that seem most significant to the company's stakeholders, throughout 2017 various mechanisms for collecting feedback were used - personal meetings, special surveys, analysis of calls to the hotline, as well as conducting a special study of current social problems of the regions and a survey of program grantees "Formula for good deeds."

As the Chairman of the Board of SIBUR Holding noted in his address Dmitry Konov, the company carefully evaluates the social and environmental effects of its activities, striving to create value for all stakeholders of the company, from shareholders and investors to residents of the territories where its enterprises operate, and thereby contribute to solving pressing problems of socio-economic development of Russia.

SIBUR Holding is the largest petrochemical company in Russia and Eastern Europe with full coverage of the industry cycle from gas processing to the production of monomers, plastics and synthetic rubbers and plastics processing. SIBUR is a vertically integrated company in which gas processing facilities provide petrochemical production with its own raw materials.

According to the company's report, SIBUR's revenue increased by 5.6%, reaching 181 billion rubles. The growth of this indicator is associated with a sharp drop in prices for raw materials, which significantly increased the profitability of production and the devaluation of the ruble, which made the company’s products more competitive in foreign markets. In the petrochemicals segment, revenue increased by 45%, basic polymers - by 52.6%, and revenue from sales of plastics and organic synthesis products increased by 45%.

EBITDA for the first half of 2015 increased by 30.6% and amounted to 64.6 billion rubles, and the profitability indicator calculated based on the company’s EBITDA reached 35.6%, while the profitability indicator of the petrochemical segment was 31.4%. The company's net profit for the reporting period increased by almost 12%, amounting to 34.3 billion rubles. There is an increase in the company's capital investments by 15%.

The volume of associated petroleum gas processing in 2015 increased by 0.7% compared to the same period in 2014 and amounted to 10.4 billion cubic meters. meters. The volume of natural gas sales in the first half of 2015 increased by 16.3% compared to the same period last year - to 8.6 billion cubic meters. Sales of liquefied petroleum gases increased by 15.8% due to an increase in gas fractionation capacity. In the segment of plastics and organic synthesis products, sales increased by 27% and amounted to 472.6 thousand tons. Sales of basic polymers increased by 23.3%, synthetic rubbers by 19.2%, and sales of semi-finished products and other products increased by 58%, amounting to 281.1 thousand tons.

The company's total debt for the quarter increased to 254.1 billion rubles, which was caused by the need to raise funds to buy out 49% of the shares of Yugragazpererabotka LLC and revaluate the company's debt obligations denominated in foreign currency.

SIBUR CEO Dmitry Konov commented on the indicators of this report: “SIBUR demonstrated strong financial results in the first half of 2015, despite the difficult external environment, which once again confirms the correctness of the chosen strategy for building a vertically integrated company. Starting from the second half of 2014, we "We observed a sharp drop in prices for most fuel and raw materials products due to lower oil prices, which affected the results of this business. At the same time, the expansion of the petrochemical business made it possible to partially offset the negative dynamics in the profitability of the fuel and raw materials segment."

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Taxpayer Identification Number: 7727547261

Type of activity (according to OKVED): 19.20 - Production of petroleum products

Form of ownership: 34 - Joint private and foreign ownership

Organizational and legal form: 12247 - Public joint-stock companies

Reporting prepared in thousand rubles

See detailed verification of the counterparty

Accounting statements for 2011-2017.

1. Balance sheet

Indicator name Code #DATE#
Intangible assets 1110 #1110#
Research and development results 1120 #1120#
Intangible search assets 1130 #1130#
Material prospecting assets 1140 #1140#
Fixed assets 1150 #1150#
Profitable investments in material assets 1160 #1160#
Financial investments 1170 #1170#
Deferred tax assets 1180 #1180#
Other noncurrent assets 1190 #1190#
Total for Section I 1100 #1100#
Reserves 1210 #1210#
Value added tax on purchased assets 1220 #1220#
Accounts receivable 1230 #1230#
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 #1240#
Cash and cash equivalents 1250 #1250#
Other current assets 1260 #1260#
Total for Section II 1200 #1200#
BALANCE 1600 #1600#
Authorized capital (share capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners) 1310 #1310#
Own shares purchased from shareholders 1320 #1320#
Revaluation of non-current assets 1340 #1340#
Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 #1350#
Reserve capital 1360 #1360#
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 1370 #1370#
Total for Section III 1300 #1300#
Borrowed funds 1410 #1410#
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 #1420#
Estimated liabilities 1430 #1430#
Other obligations 1450 #1450#
Total for Section IV 1400 #1400#
Borrowed funds 1510 #1510#
Accounts payable 1520 #1520#
revenue of the future periods 1530 #1530#
Estimated liabilities 1540 #1540#
Other obligations 1550 #1550#
Total for Section V 1500 #1500#
BALANCE 1700 #1700#

Brief balance sheet analysis

Chart of changes in non-current assets, total assets and capital and reserves by year

Financial indicator 31.12.2011 31.12.2012 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 31.12.2017
Net assets 227684179 176953966 210301956 208919309 210486810 272159121 347122927
Autonomy coefficient (norm: 0.5 or more) 0.55 0.56 0.6 0.45 0.36 0.44 0.49
Current liquidity ratio (norm: 1.5-2 and above) 4.7 1.1 2 1.9 2.1 1.3 0.9

2. Profit and loss statement

Indicator name Code #PERIOD#
Revenue 2110 #2110#
Cost of sales 2120 #2120#
Gross profit (loss) 2100 #2100#
Business expenses 2210 #2210#
Administrative expenses 2220 #2220#
Profit (loss) from sales 2200 #2200#
Income from participation in other organizations 2310 #2310#
Interest receivable 2320 #2320#
Percentage to be paid 2330 #2330#
Other income 2340 #2340#
other expenses 2350 #2350#
Profit (loss) before tax 2300 #2300#
Current income tax 2410 #2410#
incl. permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 #2421#
Change in deferred tax liabilities 2430 #2430#
Change in deferred tax assets 2450 #2450#
Other 2460 #2460#
Net income (loss) 2400 #2400#
Result from the revaluation of non-current assets, not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2510 #2510#
Result from other operations not included in the net profit (loss) of the period 2520 #2520#
Total financial result of the period 2500 #2500#

Brief analysis of financial results

Graph of changes in revenue and net profit by year

Financial indicator 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
EBIT 69194565 61144239 22134382 39483320 114154711 127960119
Return on sales (profit from sales in each ruble of revenue) 26% 23% 25.6% 24% 20.8% 23.2%
Return on equity (ROE) 26% 24% 6% 9% 31% 30%
Return on assets (ROA) 14.4% 14.2% 3.1% 3.8% 12.7% 14.3%

4. Cash flow statement

Indicator name Code #PERIOD#
Cash flows from current operations
Receipts - total 4110 #4110#
from the sale of products, goods, works and services
4111 #4111#
lease payments, license fees, royalties, commissions and other similar payments 4112 #4112#
from resale of financial investments 4113 #4113#
other supply 4119 #4119#
Payments - total 4120 #4120#
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, works, services
4121 #4121#
in connection with the remuneration of employees 4122 #4122#
interest on debt obligations 4123 #4123#
corporate income tax 4124 #4124#
other payments 4129 #4129#
Balance of cash flows from current operations 4100 #4100#
Cash flows from investment operations
Receipts - total 4210 #4210#
from the sale of non-current assets (except financial investments)
4211 #4211#
from the sale of shares of other organizations (participatory interests) 4212 #4212#
from the return of loans provided, from the sale of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons) 4213 #4213#
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar income from equity participation in other organizations 4214 #4214#
other supply 4219 #4219#
Payments - total 4220 #4220#
in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for use of non-current assets
4221 #4221#
in connection with the acquisition of shares of other organizations (participatory interests) 4222 #4222#
in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), provision of loans to other persons 4223 #4223#
interest on debt obligations included in the cost of an investment asset 4224 #4224#
other payments 4229 #4229#
Balance of cash flows from investment operations 4200 #4200#
Cash flows from financial transactions
Receipts - total 4310 #4310#
obtaining credits and loans
4311 #4311#
cash deposits of owners (participants) 4312 #4312#
from issuing shares, increasing participation shares 4313 #4313#
from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities, etc. 4314 #4314#
other supply 4319 #4319#
Payments - total 4320 #4320#
owners (participants) in connection with the repurchase of shares (participatory interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the membership of participants
4321 #4321#
for payment of dividends and other payments 4322 #4322#
on the distribution of profits in favor of owners (participants) in connection with the repayment (redemption) of bills and other debt securities, repayment of loans and borrowings 4323 #4323#
other payments 4329 #4329#
Balance of cash flows from financial transactions 4300 #4300#
Balance of cash flows for the reporting period 4400 #4400#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 4450 #4450#
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 4500 #4500#
The magnitude of the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the ruble 4490 #4490#

6. Report on the intended use of funds

Indicator name Code #PERIOD#
Balance of funds at the beginning of the reporting year 6100 #6100#
Funds received
Entry fees 6210 #6210#
Membership fee 6215 #6215#
Targeted contributions 6220 #6220#
Voluntary property contributions and donations 6230 #6230#
Profit from the organization's income-generating activities 6240 #6240#
Others 6250 #6250#
Total funds received 6200 #6200#
Funds used
Expenses for targeted activities 6310 #6310#
social and charitable assistance 6311 #6311#
holding conferences, meetings, seminars, etc. 6312 #6312#
other events 6313 #6313#
Expenses for maintaining the management staff 6320 #6320#
expenses related to wages (including accruals) 6321 #6321#
non-wage payments 6322 #6322#
expenses for official travel and business trips 6323 #6323#
maintenance of premises, buildings, vehicles and other property (except for repairs) 6324 #6324#
repair of fixed assets and other property 6325 #6325#
other 6326 #6326#
Acquisition of fixed assets, inventory and other property 6330 #6330#
Others 6350 #6350#
Total funds used 6300 #6300#
Balance of funds at the end of the reporting year 6400 #6400#

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

No data for this period

Indicator name Code Authorized capital Own shares,
purchased from shareholders
Extra capital Reserve capital retained earnings
(uncovered loss)
The amount of capital per 3200
Capital increase - total:
net profit
3311 X X X X
property revaluation 3312 X X X
income attributable directly to capital increase 3313 X X X
additional issue of shares 3314 X X
increase in the par value of shares 3315 X X
Reduction of capital - total: 3320
3321 X X X X
property revaluation 3322 X X X
expenses directly attributable to reduction of capital 3323 X X X
reduction in the par value of shares 3324 X
reduction in the number of shares 3325 X
reorganization of a legal entity 3326
dividends 3327 X X X X
Change in additional capital 3330 X X X
Change in reserve capital 3340 X X X X
The amount of capital per 3300

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* Indicators that are adjusted in comparison with Rosstat data are marked with an asterisk. The adjustment is necessary to eliminate obvious formal inconsistencies in reporting indicators (discrepancy between the sum of lines and the total value, typos) and is carried out according to an algorithm specially developed by us.

Reference: The financial statements are presented according to Rosstat data disclosed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The accuracy of the data provided depends on the accuracy of the data submission to Rosstat and the processing of this data by the statistical agency. When using this reporting, we strongly recommend that you check the figures with the data of a paper (electronic) copy of the reporting posted on the official website of the organization or obtained from the organization itself. Financial analysis of the presented data is not part of Rosstat information and was performed using specialized
