What are the benefits of dry cat food? Dry and wet cat food: what is cat food made of and is it harmful? Harmful properties of dry food

August 27, 2018

Today we will look at the dangers of dry cat food. How often can you feed it to your animal? What should a little fluffy's diet be like? How to keep your pet healthy?

Many owners of purring pets prefer to feed them dry food. Of course, this is, first of all, convenient, because you don’t need to prepare it separately. In addition, manufacturers' advertisements claim that dry food contains all needed by the cat micro- and macroelements. But is it? Are we harming our pet's health in this way?

The main disadvantage of this food is that it is dry. If you constantly feed your cat with it, you need to give it a lot of water. However, not all animals like to drink a lot. Cats are predatory animals, and they are naturally designed to obtain moisture from the body of their prey.

If you feed your cat natural food or wet food, then its need for liquid will be fully compensated. But with dry food the situation is different. Of course, you can dilute the granules with water, but not every animal will eat such food. There is a way out: make sure your animal drinks enough water. If not, then combine dry food with wet food.

It is also important to choose good, expensive, premium food, as they say. Cheaper foods contain many chemical components that are harmful to cats. They will gradually destroy gastrointestinal tract pet, sometimes it comes to serious problems with health.

Attention! Wet food should also be of high quality. Don't skimp on your pet's health!

In general, veterinarians warn that if you feed a cat only dry granules, then sooner or later its gastrointestinal tract will be affected.

Possible ailments:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis, etc.

As you can see, in this respect cats are not much different from people. Watch your pet, and if he is cheerful and healthy while eating dry food (and this is confirmed by a veterinarian), then this food is suitable for him. However, it is necessary to supplement the diet with natural food.

And yet there are benefits!

Of course, not everything that is said in advertisements is a lie. Dry food also has health benefits for cats. Let us immediately note that we are talking about premium food. The first advantage of such nutrition is that the content of vitamins and minerals in the granules is perfectly balanced.

Attention! When choosing food for your pet, study not only its composition, but also the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding age category animal. Today, many feeds are divided into age groups, and what is suitable for a small fluffy animal will be useless for an adult animal.

Dry food manufacturers also take care of pregnant and lactating cats. There is a special series of food for them, containing all the components necessary for the health of both mother and crumbs. You can even find food for animals diagnosed with obesity. However, when choosing such food, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Another useful quality dry food is the taurine content in them. This element provides the animal good vision, acts as a prevention of heart disease and strengthens nervous system. If taurine does not enter the pet’s body in the required amount, it simply will not be able to digest fats in the small intestine.

On a note! Dry food intended for dogs generally does not contain taurine! Therefore, it is not recommended to give this food to a cat.

And another advantage of dry granules is their abrasive properties. Dry food cleans the animal’s teeth from plaque, thereby preventing illnesses oral cavity. However, you still need to brush your furry dog’s teeth additionally.

Feed your pet correctly!

Before you think over your furry's daily menu, you need to study the features of its physiology. A healthy animal should eat twice a day and no more! A pregnant or lactating cat needs 4-5 meals a day.

Should Special attention pay attention to the drinking regime. A cat needs 20-25 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight when its menu consists of natural food and wet food. But when feeding dry granules, the animal will need three times more liquid.

Choose a bowl for water with wide edges so that the animal’s whiskers do not touch them, as cats do not like this and may refuse to drink. Water should always be available to your pet and should be changed every day.

Cat food is, of course, different from ours. Dishes should not be seasoned with spices, salted, diluted with oil or other ingredients that we are accustomed to adding to our food.

On a note! If you start feeding your cat natural food that is rich in... vitamin complexes, your pet's life expectancy will be increased by thirty percent compared to those who eat only dry food!

Products approved for cats:

  • beef pulp;
  • bird;
  • oatmeal;
  • vegetables.

You can cook soup for your pet using low-fat broth. By-products are allowed to be given raw, but first they must be doused with hot water and finely chopped.

It happens that cats become constipated from natural products. To avoid this problem, diversify your pet's menu with cereals and vegetables. But, contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to feed cats fish. Especially if your animal suffers from urolithiasis.

As for milk, it is better to dilute it with filtered water, otherwise your cat may develop diarrhea. Do not give your animal foods with seeds, as they can easily hurt the throat. Chicken skin and pork pulp are also harmful to cats. These products are poorly digested and cause gastrointestinal disorders.

What menu will be ideal for your pet? Do not feed him mixed, that is, giving him both natural food and food different types. This is allowed if you transfer the animal to a different diet. The cat gets used to a certain type of food, so do not expose her body to stress. If you feed dry food and wet food at the same time, choose a product from the same brand.

Not a single product can be considered useful or harmful, as they say, by definition, unless, of course, we are talking about poisons and toxic substances. This is especially true for dry industrial rations, the industry of which dates back more than 100 years, and they have proven themselves to be convenient and safe way feeding pets. In this article, we will address the most common concerns about whether dry cat food is bad for cats.

Dry food is poor nutrition

Many followers of natural feeding claim that dry food is not a balanced diet, since it does not contain all the necessary nutrients. nutrients. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite - to make complete diet Natural products are much more difficult, because we only have an average idea of ​​the substances they contain. At the same time, the recipe for dry food is strictly verified, and a guaranteed analysis indicates how much and what essential nutrients it contains. These regulations are regulated by the industry and every manufacturer is required to follow them.

Dry food contains many “artificial” ingredients

Ready-made diets are made from the most common products, and there is nothing artificial in them. Of course, they are all cooked, but the same goes for regular food preparation for both humans and animals. Most diets do not use dyes or chemically synthesized preservatives; natural antioxidants are used as the latter. Organizations regulating the industry issue special standards on the content of all vital important substances, as well as prohibited components, which all manufacturers who want to maintain their business adhere to.

Dry food is made from who knows what

The quality of ready-made commercial diets on the market actually varies greatly and depends on the components used. Some manufacturers create their products based on meat, others prefer to replace it with sources vegetable protein, which is not a complete replacement for animal ingredients. Significant claims can also be made against diets that contain a lot of grains, since high-carbohydrate foods are not physiological for cats and can lead to obesity and diabetes.

But consumers are protected by law, according to which the manufacturer must accurately indicate all the ingredients of the food in the composition list. So you just need to study it, paying attention first of all to the amount of meat - animal ingredients should be high on the list. It is also important that all ingredients are indicated accurately and clearly, without vague formulations such as “meat and its processed products”, “fish products”, etc. - then you will know exactly what your cat eats.

Harm of dry cat food - in the development of ICD

The reasons for this serious illness, like ICD ( urolithiasis disease), depend on the composition of the food, which affects the pH of cat urine. If the animal’s nutrition is complete, that is, it contains the optimal amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, then there is nothing to fear. The idea that cats who eat dry food do not receive enough fluids, which is why the notorious “stones” are formed, is incorrect.

Yes, ready-made industrial diets do indeed have low humidity, but a cat can easily compensate for it by consuming more water, which is what pets do. Therefore, when feeding dry food, you need to ensure that your cat’s drinking bowl is always full.

Thus, the harm of dry cat food is determined by the composition of the product, which does not cost any attentive owner anything to find out. Cats are carnivores and must eat meat, so when choosing food for them, look for products that are based on animal ingredients, so you won't have to worry about its health.

The article suggests understanding the choice of optimal food for cats, kittens and cats, and also provides answers to the most frequently asked questions from owners of such cute and fluffy pets.

Is dry food harmful for cats and veterinarians reviews?

There are many discussions on the benefits and harms of dry food on specialized forums. There is an opinion among professional breeders that when feeding a cat with Premium or Super Premium class dry food, she gets good nutrition guaranteeing her good mood, appearance And good health.

Veterinarians advise paying attention to the condition and preferences of a particular animal. When deciding to switch to dry food, choose only Premium or Super Premium varieties. Can't mix natural feeding and dry food, be sure to ensure that the animal receives sufficient quantity water.

Is dry cat food harmful for kitekat, whiskeys, proplan, royal canin, acana?

Economy class cat food leads to the development of urolithiasis and other diseases, so experts do not recommend feeding the animal with food such as Whiskas, Kitekat, Proplan. Premium and Super Premium food, containing natural ingredients and a balanced composition, is considered acceptable by experts for feeding cats.

Can cats have dry food and milk?

Feeding a cat dry food with milk can provoke the development of urolithiasis in the animal. Premium class food contains everything necessary components for the healthy development of the pet, and it requires only water in addition to food.

Is it possible to combine dry food and natural food for cats?

Veterinarians do not recommend mixing cat food. The animal must be fed either dry or natural food. If necessary, combination is possible only at intervals, for example, dry food in the morning, natural food in the evening.

Feeding a cat dry food per day, pros and cons

Cats are fed twice a day, at the rate of 30-60 grams of dry food per kilogram of animal weight. The norm depends on the calorie content of the feed.

The advantages of dry food: it saves the owner’s time, it does not spoil, it is convenient to feed, it is properly balanced.

Cons: the cat must constantly replenish water balance, spoils teeth, contains excess carbohydrates, you need to feed your cat only with Premium class food, and they are quite expensive.

Comparison of dry cat food from Canada, Nutram and Choys, by composition

In terms of the amount of protein and fat, carbohydrates and fiber, the feed is identical. Choice food additionally contains chicken eggs, flax-seed, fish fat and tomato paste.

How to wean a cat off dry food

The first step is to try switching to canned food from the same manufacturer. Then gradually, first, replace the food with natural food once a day: porridge with meat or fish. If your pet feels well and eats with pleasure, you can completely replace the dry food. If the animal refuses to eat, you need to give it time to get hungry and try to find other options for cereals and meat.

At what age should you give dry cat food?

Special food for kittens indicates the age at which you can start feeding the animal. Usually this is 4-6 weeks.

Almost everyone caring owner Sooner or later, a mustachioed furry friend is faced with the question of creating a diet for his beloved animal. Most are inclined to believe that natural food is the best option regarding feeding your pet. But not everyone will be able to correctly create a diet that is most suitable for a pet; in addition, preparing food for a pet requires daily time investment. Therefore, it makes sense to turn your attention to dry cat food, choosing the most suitable option for your own pet.

Which food is better

Today there are many companies on the market that produce dry cat food. The main criterion for their classification is the price category of the product. As a rule, experts recommend purchasing food for all mustachioed friends that falls into either the premium or superpremium classes. They contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins in the ratio that is optimal for your beloved pet. In addition, the line of such products is usually divided into several varieties depending on the age of the pet and its breed. In addition, dry cat food in this category includes many different medicinal products nutrition that pets need to cope with any disease or recover from a serious illness. So, the best dry cat food is undoubtedly a premium or super premium product.

Features of feeding your pet dry food

There is an opinion among veterinarians about the harm that dry cat food can cause. Reviews about this product sometimes contain information that this type of food can trigger the development of a common urolithiasis in your pet. To avoid this, it is recommended to either soak the food in water or add wet canned food to it. When soaking with water, you must ensure that your pet eats its portion at a time. Otherwise, soaked dry cat food can quickly deteriorate and harm the health of the animal. Regarding adding wet canned food, it is very important here to mix products from the same manufacturer. This is primarily due to the fact that each manufacturer has its own unique recipe for the finished product. Therefore, by mixing different brands, you can end up with an excess of some nutrients while simultaneously lacking others, which can also negatively affect your pet’s health.


Having decided to switch your beloved purr to ready-made food, you should be very careful when choosing the manufacturer of ready-made food. It is also very important to decide in what form the dry food will be served. for a pet. And you should never mix dry food with natural food. Then good health pet will allow him to live a long and happy life.

In this article I will look at whether dry cat food is harmful for cats. I will list the beneficial and harmful properties. I will consider the benefits and harms of cheap and professional brands. I'll tell you which one is better to choose. I will list recommendations for using ready-made dry food for cats.

Many cat owners use dry cat food. It's convenient and fast. But is it safe for the animal? Is this type of food harmful for cats?

Beneficial and harmful properties of dry food

Ready dry food has positive properties:

  • Convenience.
  • Balance of nutrients.
  • Sufficient amount of taurine.
  • Food helps clean your teeth and mouth.

Negative properties:

  • The fact that the food is dry, and the pet needs a sufficient amount of water.
  • Some contain chemicals.
  • With constant use they cause gastrointestinal diseases.

The benefits and harms of cheap dry food

  • Different packaging - from small weight to large.
  • Low price.

Negative properties:

  • Low quality. They contain up to approximately 4% meat.
  • Provoke various diseases, up to cancer.

The low cost of such food is due to low quality. The product contains many harmful chemicals and various additives.

Due to this quality of nutrition, various diseases: gastrointestinal diseases, urolithiasis, various allergic diseases.

The only plus of economy class food is the price.

Perhaps someone has a lot of animals and this diet is just right. Cheap dry food for cats is available in most stores; you don’t need to look for them somewhere or go to special shop. Also, a large selection of packaging attracts owners.

Beneficial and harmful properties of professional feeds

Popular premium brands and super premium class - this is Royal Canin and Hills. Most often, these brands are chosen by responsible pet owners.

  • Fairly high price
  • Individual intolerance.

In general, there are no complaints about premium food. It consists of natural products, a small percentage of offal and essential vitamins.

No dyes or chemicals. What does positive influence on the pet's health.

The medicinal line of feed deserves special attention. Each type is selected for an animal with a particular disease. They put the body in order and stabilize the pet’s condition.

Some food of this class can be used when the animal is on a diet. It is specially designed for this.

In general, premium dry food has some advantages.

But it happens that a cat has an individual intolerance and it will not suit her. This is quite rare. In addition to this minus, food from this line has an above-average price.

Which one is better to choose?

If you decide to give your pet a finished product, then to be sure of the right choice, consult a veterinarian. If necessary, you can take tests, and the doctor will select the appropriate food for your cat.

Of course, you should opt for premium and super premium food. Since they are balanced, they have a set essential vitamins and you can choose one specifically for your pet breed.

You should not skimp on food, because if the diet is incorrect, the cat can acquire various diseases that will have to be treated for a long time and persistently. And some are not treatable at all.

When feeding a cat dry food, the pet needs much more liquid

Recommendations for using dry cat food

But there are some general tips:

  • If the pet eats ready-made feed, then there is no need to supplement it with natural products.
  • Use one brand. Before use, do a test - let your cat try the product and observe the reaction throughout the day.
  • When using ready-made food, be sure to monitor the amount of liquid you drink. The pet should not feel thirsty.
  • You cannot feed your cat only dry ready-made food. Use wet food or canned goods from the same line.

If you decide to change the brand, you need to do it gradually. Replace old food with a small amount of new food. Gradually increasing the proportions and so on for a week.

Feed your cat the food that is intended specifically for its breed or as recommended by your veterinarian.

Ready-made dry cat food is very practical for both animals and humans. High-quality food contains the required amount of vitamins and elements, and the owner does not need to think about what to feed the pet and waste time on cooking.
