Is glycine the safest medicine? Glycine: application features and side effects

Glycine is a sedative drug that is indicated for use by children of any age, even newborns. How much does it improve the child’s well-being, does it have side effects and the instructions for using the drug will help you understand how to take it correctly.

What is glycine and why do children need it?

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that is independently produced by the liver in the human body, and is also found in proteins and biologically active compounds. It has an inhibitory effect on neurons, stimulates metabolism in brain tissue, has antidepressant, antioxidant, antitoxic, sedative effect. As a result, it is easier to fall asleep, improve memory and learning, and reduce motor hyperactivity.

Indications for taking Glycine

Doctors recommend glycine for children to reduce nervous tension and stimulate mental activity. The use of the drug for children is quite justified. After all, nervous system disorders in adults often develop as a result of childhood mental trauma. They could have arisen back in early childhood, infancy, during childbirth or during pregnancy of the mother. Treat such pathologies in childhood much simpler and more efficient. In some cases, neurologists prescribe Glycine even to infants. Indications for taking this drug may vary, but they are always related to the state of the nervous system.

Prescription for children after one yearPrescription for children under one year old
Eliminate feelings of anxiety and fear.Birth trauma, hypoxia during childbirth or pregnancy.
Memory improvement, associative processes and moods.Congenital encephalopathy.
Reducing the impact of stress factors.Hypertonicity of the limbs.
Increased mental performance.Tremor (shaking) of the chin, arms, legs, head.
Normalization of sleep.High excitability, anxiety.
Elimination of deviant behavior.Lack of sleep, trouble falling asleep.

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of glycine can cause lethargy, lethargy, increased drowsiness, absent-mindedness, weakness. In addition, it is possible to reduce blood pressure and increased heart rate. Therefore, in order not to harm the child, parents must always look at the composition and amount of the active substance.

As mentioned above, Glycine affects metabolic processes in nerve cells and does not belong to the group of strong sedatives, and everyone’s nervous system is individual. Therefore, in some cases, the opposite effect can be observed - increased excitability, and sometimes provoking signs of neurosis.

If your child experiences discomfort, becomes more moody, has difficulty falling asleep, or constantly wakes up, you should definitely tell your doctor about these changes. He will assess the current situation and determine whether the drug is suitable for your baby. It is likely that you will need to change the dosage, discontinue the medicine or prescribe its analogue.

Instructions for use of Glycine for children in tablets

To begin with, it is important to note that Glycine for children should only be prescribed by a doctor - a pediatrician or neurologist. Independent use this drug may cause serious mental disorders. Based on the general condition of the child, medical history, course of maternal pregnancy, nature of labor, the specialist will prescribe correct dosage and individual treatment period.

In most cases, the dosage of the drug for children is as follows:

  • children under 3 years old - 50 mg of glycine;
  • Children over 3 years of age are recommended to take 100 mg of glycine.

The frequency and duration of glycine intake during the day depends on the indications for taking the drug.

  1. For stress, mental tension, memory impairment, inability to concentrate, delay mental development, decreased mental activity, children over 3 years old are recommended to take 2-3 times a day, course use is 14-30 days.
  2. At various pathologies nervous system, which can occur with hyperactivity, excessive agitation and sleep problems, children under 3 years of age are recommended to be given glycine 50 mg 2-3 times a day, the duration of administration is 7-10 days. Then the dosage is reduced to 50 mg of glycine 1 time/day, course use for 7-10 days. Children from 3 years old - 100 mg of glycine 2-3 times a day, for 7-14 days. For appropriate indications, Glycine intake can be extended up to 1 month.
  3. For insomnia and other sleep problems The drug is taken 20 minutes before going to bed in doses depending on the age of the child.

Predicting the time of appearance of the desired effect is quite problematic, since the effect of the drug also depends on the individual specifics of the child’s body.

How to take glycine for children

Children after one year take glycine sublingually (the tablet is placed under the tongue) or buccally (the tablet is placed in the mouth, behind the cheek or upper lip).

From birth to 1 year of age, the child will not yet be able to slowly dissolve the tablet, so it needs to be crushed into powder, dip a pacifier in it and give it to the baby, or dilute the powder in 1 teaspoon of water. Immediately after taking Glycine, it is not advisable to give the child additional water so that the drug has time to be absorbed in the oral cavity.

While taking Glycine, parents need to monitor the child’s reaction to the drug, evaluate even the smallest changes in the baby’s behavior and immediately report this to the doctor.

What is the difference between drugs with glycine

On the domestic pharmaceutical market glycine is represented by several trade names drugs. The most popular of them are:

  • Glycine (OZONE) 200 mg;
  • Glycine (Biotics) 100 mg;
  • Glycine Bio (Pharmaplant) 100 mg.

Special mention should be made biologically active supplement Glycine Forte (Evalar), which, in addition to glycine and excipients contains vitamins (B1, B6, B12). This drug is not recommended for children.

Since the dosage of glycine for children is no more than 100 mg at a time, the most suitable for a child would be 100 mg glycine tablets, which are conveniently divided into two parts for children under one year of age.

Important! Tablets containing more than 100 mg of glycine are intended for adults and are not recommended for children under 14 years of age. For children under 1 year of age, it is best to buy medications that include 100 mg of glycine.

A drug that improves brain metabolism

Active substance

Release form, composition and packaging

Sublingual tablets white with elements of marbling, flat-cylindrical shape with a chamfer.

Excipients: magnesium stearate 1 mg, water-soluble methylcellulose 1 mg.

50 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Metabolic drug.

Glycine is a metabolic regulator, normalizes and activates the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces psycho-emotional stress, increases mental performance. Glycine has glycine- and GABA-ergic, alpha 1-adrenergic blocking, antioxidant, antitoxic effects; regulates the activity of glutamate (NMDA) receptors, due to which the drug is able to:

- reduce psycho-emotional stress, aggressiveness, conflict, increase social adaptation;

- improve mood;

- make it easier to fall asleep and normalize sleep;

— increase mental performance;

— reduce vegetative-vascular disorders (including menopause);

— reduce the severity of brain disorders in ischemic and traumatic brain injury;

- reduce toxic effect alcohol and other medicines, inhibiting the function of the central nervous system.


Easily penetrates most biological fluids and body tissues, incl. into the brain; metabolized to water and carbon dioxide, its accumulation in tissues does not occur.


- reduced mental performance;

stressful situations– psycho-emotional stress (during exams, conflict situations, etc.);

— deviant forms of behavior of children and adolescents;

— various functional and organic diseases of the nervous system accompanied by increased excitability, emotional instability, decreased mental performance and sleep disturbances: neuroses, neurosis-like conditions and vegetative-vascular dystonia, consequences of neuroinfections and traumatic brain injury, perinatal and other forms (including alcoholic origin);

- ischemic stroke.


- individual increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally at 100 mg (in tablets or in powder form after crushing the tablets). Practically healthy children, adolescents and adults at psycho-emotional stress, decreased memory, attention, mental performance, delay mental development, with deviant forms of behavior Glycine is prescribed 1 tablet. 2-3 times/day for 14-30 days.

At functional and organic lesions nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional lability and sleep disturbances,children under three years old prescribed 0.5 tablets. (50 mg) per dose 2-3 times/day for 7-14 days, then 50 mg 1 time/day for 7-10 days. Daily dose- 100-150 mg, course course - 2000-2600 mg. Children over 3 years old and adults 1 tablet is prescribed. 2-3 times/day, course of treatment is 7-14 days. The course of treatment can be increased to 30 days; if necessary, the course is repeated after 30 days.

At sleep disorders Glycine is prescribed 20 minutes before bedtime or immediately before bedtime, 0.5-1 tablet. (depending on age).

At ischemic cerebral stroke: during the first 3-6 hours from the development of a stroke, 1000 mg is prescribed transbuccally or sublingually with one teaspoon of water, then for 1-5 days 1000 mg/day, then over the next 30 days 1-2 tablets. 3 times/day.

IN narcology Glycine is used as a drug that increases mental performance and reduces psycho-emotional stress during the period of remission in cases of encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system 1 tab. 2-3 times/day for 14-30 days. If necessary, courses are repeated 4-6 times a year.

Glycine is an artificially produced amino acid, which is designed to relieve nervous stress and improve performance. The drug is especially popular among schoolchildren and students during exam periods. Often used by athletes for elevated physical activity. The vast majority of consumers associate glycine with a harmless drug, but this “harmless” drug has contraindications and side effects. An overdose of glycine is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can occur if the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor are not followed.

What is glycine needed for?

This amino acid is produced in some quantity in the body and has a positive effect on the metabolism of the nervous system. Entering the body glycine not only improves the functioning of the nervous system, but also accelerates various chemical processes . By interacting with certain substances in the body, it becomes building material for the formation of proteins, enzymes and other necessary components for the health of the body. It has been noted that glycine also has an antioxidant effect, freeing the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Glycine is not only produced naturally in the body, but also comes from certain foods. Amino acid found in nuts quail eggs, soybeans, as well as in ginger, pistachios, chickpeas and aspic.

When is the drug prescribed?

The drug is prescribed as a mild sedative for nervous excitability, as well as for increased mental work. It reduces the production of adrenaline, which is the culprit of many vegetative-vascular manifestations. Amino acid reduces nervous tension, and also restores brain processes well after mental or physical fatigue. Along with this effect, glycine helps improve memory, activates mental processes and has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Glycine is cheap and available medicine, which is available without a prescription. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

Often glycine is used to weaken alcohol addiction . It not only helps reduce cravings for alcohol, but also reduces irritability and hangover symptoms. The drug helps improve sleep and improve mood in people with alcohol dependence.

Glycine is prescribed in combination with other drugs for the treatment of disorders cerebral circulation and some neurological ailments of various nature.

The treatment regimen and dosage are calculated by the doctor based on the nature of the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics. It is not recommended to prescribe the drug "Glycine" on your own.


Although this amino acid is natural to the body, in some cases it can cause adverse reactions. The drug is not safe for persons who have individual intolerance. Glycine is also not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers., since scientists still have disagreements on this matter.

Another category of people who are not recommended to take glycine are drivers. The drug can cause a relaxed state, which is completely unsafe for those who drive.

Glycine is not safe for low blood pressure Therefore, patients with hypotension are advised to take the drug with extreme caution.

Side effects

Like any medicine, the drug "Glycine" has side effects. At long-term use means the following manifestations are possible:

  • decreased attention and lethargy due to suppression of adrenaline production (which especially unsafe for drivers);
  • decreased blood pressure (unsafe for hypotensive patients);
  • load on kidney function (very dangerous in case of renal failure).

Is it possible to overdose on glycine?

The instructions for the product do not contain any information about overdose, but this does not mean that the artificial amino acid can be taken in any quantity without harm to health. Many patients treat glycine in the same way as a regular dietary supplement (although these products are not always safe) and often prescribe it to themselves. But since glycine is a complete protein, and some proteins, when in excess, cause protein poisoning, as a result uncontrolled intake Glycine poisoning may occur.

An overdose of glycine often has the following symptoms:

  • weak and lethargic condition;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • dizziness and apathy;
  • allergic reactions: skin redness and itching;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea.

As a result of increased protein synthesis, lactic acidosis can occur, the symptoms of which are characterized by:

  • excessive gas formation and heaviness of the stomach;
  • drop in body temperature;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

This condition is especially dangerous in children, as it can cause kidney complications.. To prevent this, you must immediately contact a specialist and perform gastric lavage and the necessary treatment.

In very rare cases, the effects of glycine overdose can cause lactic acid coma. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

How does overdose occur in children?

Medicine often recommended for children. Glycine can be prescribed to both infants and children of any other age. The drug is used for damage to the nervous system during childbirth, increased tone muscles, sleep disturbances, consequences of neuroinfections, increased aggressiveness etc. The list of indications is large, so therapy of children with glycine is a common practice. The dosage will be determined strictly by the attending physician, depending on the condition of the little patient.

Intoxication in children can occur in two cases: when parents independently prescribe the drug to their children and incorrectly calculate the treatment regimen, and when children perceive glycine as candy, since it has a pleasant sweet taste. After taking just one tablet, they often want more. Consequently an overdose of glycine may occur, the symptoms of which are often not life-threatening for the child.

Typically, overdose in children is characterized by such manifestations as:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • sleepy state;
  • gastrointestinal tract disorder;
  • itchy skin.

If the first signs of illness occur, immediately you need to stop taking glycine and rinse the child’s stomach. To do this, drink at least half a liter of water (preferably warm) and induce vomiting. The procedure should be repeated several times. Then you should contact a specialist and adjust the method of therapy.

Interaction of glycine with other drugs

It is noticed that glycine significantly enhances the effect of medications such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, as well as psycholeptics, therefore, if a person is taking any of these drugs, the dose of glycine must be decided with the attending physician.

Glycine can be taken simultaneously with alcoholic drinks. The amino acid helps neutralize the effects of alcohol and avoid excessive intoxication. It is also very useful to take the drug during hangover syndrome, as the amino acid helps remove harmful toxins from the body.

First aid

There are no obvious symptoms when an overdose occurs, so if you feel unwell, you should stop taking the amino acid. If apathy, lethargy and poor health occur, you must resort to first aid..

If the product was taken very recently and has not yet had time to be completely absorbed into the gastric tract, you should induce vomiting. You need to know that if the stomach is washed incorrectly, unwanted complications are possible. If you do not know how to properly perform gastric lavage, you should immediately seek professional medical help.

In order to achieve good results, after the gastric lavage procedure, you should take an adsorbent. For example, it has proven itself well in in this case Activated carbon.

If the symptoms of an overdose intensify, then gastric lavage will not help much, so you should immediately consult a doctor. The victim should be laid down, providing him with an influx of fresh air, and wait for medical help.

Glycine poisoning is a fairly rare occurrence, and the symptoms are not pronounced, so an overdose dangerous complications doesn't call. Enhanced treatment in a hospital setting is carried out in the event of lactic acidosis coma. In this case, specialists perform multiple procedures, including intravenous injections to improve general state and provide the required amount of fluid.

After normalization of health, the patient is discharged from the hospital and prescribed a special restorative diet. Additionally, necessary medications may be prescribed under the supervision of a physician.

To summarize, it should be noted that glycine poisoning, although quite rare, should be taken seriously when taking the drug. The medicine should be taken only if there is medical indication and taking into account the doctor's instructions.

Hello, today we’ll talk about such a simple, one might say, even a school amino acid nootropic, glycine. Those same little sweet pills that periodically flashed before our eyes while we were at school.

Glycine was discovered back in 1820! year, German scientist Henri Braconneau. In general, this amino acid is present in many foods, which is why we say that glycine is “discovered” and not created. However, a seemingly simple protein, an amino acid, can even be synthesized by the body itself, but a lack of it from your diet can lead to serious problems with health, some time ago people were dying from a lack of banal vitamin C. In connection with this, we could not ignore this simple amino acid.

Glycine really heals, there are several studies that suggest that after 23 days of daily intake of Glycine at a dosage of 0.8 g/kg body weight, significant improvements have been observed in the fight against schizophrenia (http://www dot

A little about products containing glycine. Meat, eggs, nuts, fish - in short, everything from the “” section.

How does glycine work?

  1. You ate meat. In the gastrointestinal tract, meat is digested and broken down into amino acids and fats.
  2. Our body is smart, it knows what needs to be sent to the rectum and what is absorbed into the blood.
  3. Glycine is in the blood, here the BBB, the blood-brain barrier, is connected, it regards glycine as a “super-useful substance for the brain” and lets it into the brain.
  4. Glycine is “met” by glycine receptors, which, “catching” an increase in its concentration, give rise to “inhibitory” neurotransmitters, such as GABA. Thus, the entire body “slows down”, even the neuromuscular connection deteriorates.

  1. But that is not all! Glycine receptors bind to NMDA receptors, increasing their activity.

It turns out that glycine not only “slows down” the body, but also activates certain receptors. Double action, now a little more detail.

In order not to get confused, you need to remember that there is Glycine - an amino acid, Glycine - a neurotransmitter, and there are Glycine receptors.

A. The inhibitory or calming effect of glycine is associated with glycine receptors, he fits them like a key to a lock. When one neuron secretes and the second accepts Glycine, the subsequent chain of signal transmission slows down. This is called Inhibition of Neurotransmission, and signals in the medulla oblongata and in the spinal cord. Everything is more or less clear with the spinal cord; it is known to be responsible for the movement of the limbs and skeletal muscles. Medulla answers such specific functions like involuntary coughing, sneezing, breathing. Nerve signals in these parts of the brain will slow down.

B. NMDA-receptors responsible for memory and learning. It was already mentioned once that an experiment was conducted with mice whose nmda receptors were “turned off”, and they did not remember trivial things. Therefore, the activity of these receptors is important for good learning and, as a result, for intelligence.
Let's briefly summarize: Glycine is unusual in that it has a calming effect on motor skills and breathing, but at the same time activates receptors responsible for learning and memory.

Glycine course

Well, lovers of magic pills, fellow nootropics, you've waited! You can eat glycine forever and without breaks! We have all been hooked on Glycine since childhood, getting it from food. Now, an adult consumes approximately 2-3 grams of glycine per day simply from food. If you see E-640 on the label of a product, then don’t grumble like grannies: “They’ve crammed in preservatives - they’re poisoning people!”, this is glycine.
In half a liter of milk there is approximately 0.7 grams, in 100 grams chicken breasts– about 1.5 grams of glycine.
Glycine can be given even to children; needless to say, it is never dangerous. Although there is no lethal dosage, maybe if you eat 80 grams at a time, something will happen. His contraindications are written simply so as not to leave the field empty - individual intolerance.

Under normal conditions, healthy eating, when your diet includes eggs, nuts, milk, and meat every day, then you objectively do not need glycine. Although you can add 0.5-1.5 grams in the evening for better sleep and for faster recovery.
Have you decided to accept? 1-2 grams per day, divided into several doses. Take it for life, or until you get tired of it) For schizophrenia, let us remind you: good effects were taking 800 mg per 1 kg of weight and a course of 6 weeks, they say, after such therapy, Stuffed Toys and people around you follow you less)

Guys, here's some mega-helpful advice: instead of taking pills, buy yourself some walnut, almonds, hazelnuts and peanuts, and eat throughout the day (100 grams of nuts = about 1 gram of glycine)! There will be not only glycine, but also many other useful substances.


Regarding the effects, we can note an improvement in the quality of sleep. An experiment was conducted where some people received a placebo, others received glycine 3 grams before bedtime (http://www.ncbi dot Both groups were woken up after 5.5 hours several days in a row. The result: those who took glycine felt better.

Also effects: better learning and memory (thanks to NMDA receptors), calmness, but you don’t become a robot, antidepressant effect.
Expect effects within 20-40 minutes.

How can I help you

Glycine can be combined with anything, so experiment. The only thing unknown is the combination of this amino acid in dosages above 4 grams per day with other nootropics. Theoretically, high doses of glycine will partially dampen the stimulants.


  1. Glycine is a completely suitable nootropic, with virtually no side effects or contraindications.
  2. Effects: calm, relaxation, good dream, learning ability.
  3. Lifelong course) With poor nutrition, take an additional 1-2 grams per day. Instead of tablets, you can buy yourself some nuts and eat 50-100 grams per day. High dosages (more than 3 grams at a time) are permissible only before bedtime.
  4. You can combine it with anything, as long as you consume glycine within 4-5 g/day.
  5. Suitable for measured productive work.
    That's all for today, good luck and see you again!

Long and successfully used to treat nervous system disorders, Glycine is not dangerous if prescribed by a doctor. Amino acids are components of proteins - each of them has its own function in the human body.

Glycine, or aminoacetic acid, is involved in many processes in the body, but the most important function is to ensure the functioning of the central nervous system, which makes it especially important for humans. A drug with this name is freely sold in pharmacies and is one of the most commonly used drugs in neuropathology. The name of the substance is associated with its sweetish taste.

Glycine, benefits and harms

The product is a complex of glycine (aminoacetic acid) and excipients:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • methylcellulose.

Glycine packaging

Release form: tablets, microcapsules, powder. Aminoacetic acid, the main component of the drug, can be synthesized in the human body or introduced into it from the outside. With its help, many compounds are produced, needed by cells human body. The amino acid participates in processes that ensure human life and effectively affects the central nervous system a person, regulating his psycho-emotional state.

Glycine takes part in the synthesis of immunoglobulins and compounds that protect the body, which makes it an important participant in the process of providing protection to the body. It is involved in the functioning of human muscles(as an element in the synthesis of “fuel” for their work - creatine). The production of collagen, which is directly responsible for the condition of bones and joints, depends on the level of this compound in the body.

A drug containing aminoacetic acid is widely used by neurologists to treat patients suffering from ischemic stroke and to prevent such conditions.

For normal course processes in which glycine takes part, it is necessary to maintain the required level in tissues. On one's own human body capable of producing up to 3 grams of aminoacetic acid, the required norm according to scientists is up to 13 grams (although there are scientists who give much lower data, 0.3 g for adults and 0.8 g for athletes).

Glycine is a drug for reducing nervous tension

At good nutrition a person can get up to 2 g of this amino acid from food. The role of aminoacetic acid in ensuring the brain’s ability to withstand prolonged overload is undeniable. Glycine is responsible for the level of concentration and psycho-emotional mood.

After taking a medicine that increases the level of aminoacetic acid, a person becomes calmer and more balanced, capable of longer concentration when performing mental work. These capabilities of the substance make it useful for students during the sessions.

Glycine can be taken by children and adults for:

  • mental overload;
  • delay social adaptation practically healthy child;
  • stress load;
  • sleep disorders, VSD;
  • emotional disturbances, anxiety;
  • encephalopathy and strokes;
  • climacteric disorders.

A lack of this substance in the body can be signaled by memory impairment, muscle weakness, sleep disturbances and depression. Disturbances in the functioning of the body can only be caused by a constant supply of glycine taken as a medicine over a long period of time.

Can you die from glycine?

It, like all substances, can cause individual reactions when additional amounts are introduced into the body. In the entire history of clinical use of the drug, there are no recorded cases of death from its use.

Information on glycine packaging

Why is glycine dangerous?

Taking the medicine worsens the state of health in patients who have a tendency to low blood pressure. An excessive dose of the drug causes hypotension, weakness and increased heart rate.

The drug, despite its over-the-counter availability, is a drug that acts directly on the brain, so uncontrolled use should not be allowed. Excretion occurs through the kidneys; special caution is required when administered to patients who have impaired renal function in order to prevent the occurrence of acute renal failure.

Glycine is one of the most used drugs in neurology and psychiatry, but it cannot be classified as a drug with a clearly proven effect; there is a possibility that the drug will cause an individual reaction. Reviews from patients about how the medicine acts on the body are diametrically opposed.

Is glycine addictive?

Aminoacetic acid is not, in principle, medicinal substance, it is produced by the body as a non-essential amino acid, so theoretically it cannot cause addiction or dependence.

Some patients complain of decreased performance and emotional depression when discontinuing the drug. Glycine and alcohol show compatibility, which reduces the consequences of central nervous system poisoning by decay products in the treatment of hangover syndrome.

Description of glycine

Glycine as a drug

Glycine reduces side effects psychotropic substances and antidepressants, at the same time enhances the effect of those prescribed for epilepsy anticonvulsants with their joint use. The product is a non-essential amino acid that does not cause a narcotic effect, is sold over-the-counter, and small children under one year old and pregnant women are allowed to take Glycine.

If a woman is accustomed to using the drug and it has a good effect on her, the doctor may prescribe long-term use of the drug, up to the first weeks after childbirth. The use of the medicine in this case is justified by the improvement of the woman’s condition.

Glycine - side effects

When using the medicine, an allergic reaction to the drug is prescribed in the instructions as possible phenomenon. Glycine taken for a long time or uncontrollably may have side effects- a decrease in blood pressure and a drop in the production of adrenaline in the body, which will cause slower reactions and lethargy.

Glycine allergy symptoms

According to the instructions, side effects when used may include allergic reactions in various forms(itching, redness of the skin, rash, blisters) especially severe cases Quincke's edema is possible.

Allergy to Glycine can manifest itself:

  • immediately after taking the drug;
  • one day after the first dose of the medicine;
  • 5-6 days after starting to use the product.

Indications for use of glycine

To stop the reaction:

  • drug withdrawal;
  • trying to induce vomiting;
  • apply a large number of liquids to remove excess substances from the body;
  • provide sorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb);
  • call a doctor.

Glycine overdose

With unauthorized use or too long a course of treatment, symptoms of Glycine overdose may occur. During treatment, the patient should take as many tablets as prescribed by the doctor, the usual dose is 1 tablet 2-3 times a day under the tongue. The highest dose is usually prescribed for ischemic stroke– 10 tablets over 3-4 hours under the tongue, increased dosage usually lasts no longer than 3-4 days.

Glycine overdose symptoms

Signs of drug abuse include:

  • feeling constant fatigue, weakness and lethargy;
  • constantly low pressure;
  • allergic manifestations - rash, itching, dermatitis.

Is it possible to get poisoned by Glycine? In especially severe cases, if the drug is not stopped or measures are not taken to remove the drug from the body, protein poisoning caused by glycine may occur.

Fragment of instructions for use of glycine

The mechanism of occurrence of this condition is a violation of protein metabolism in the body, which manifests itself:

  • increasing weakness;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dizziness and fainting.

If assistance is not provided to the patient in a timely manner, the following occurs:

  • impaired renal function with possible loss of consciousness;
  • the course of neurological diseases changes.

Additional symptoms of drug overdose include:

  • state of general lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • impaired coordination of movements and orientation in space;
  • apathy and indifference;
  • nausea and dizziness;
  • cough, difficulty breathing;
  • headache attacks.

You can become poisoned by Glycine if you do not take the dose prescribed by your doctor or as a result of self-medication.

Glycine should be taken strictly according to indications

Glycine overdose in a child

Symptoms of drug dosage violations in children do not differ from symptoms in adults:

  • drowsiness;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy, lack of interest in what is happening;
  • decreased overall muscle tone;
  • flatulence and increased gas formation.

To remove the child from a painful state, measures should be taken to stabilize the state of health.

Lethal dose of Glycine

There is no indication in the literature that Glycine is dangerous. There is no information about cases of fatal poisoning with the drug. Accordingly, the dose of the tablets is not indicated, which can cause symptoms incompatible with life.

Help with overdose

If you feel unwell after taking Glycine, when an overdose is established, standard measures are used:

  • inducing vomiting;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • taking sorbents by the patient;

If measures to relieve the condition are ineffective, you should seek the help of doctors.

Health implications

Signs of glycine poisoning - weakness, decreased overall tone

An overdose of aminoacetic acid is not dangerous to human health if he does not have an individual intolerance to the drug.

Glycine overdose consequences in adults

The drug is quickly eliminated from the body and does not cause health problems in adults. The most serious is a decrease in the overall tone of the body and the intensity of mental activity. Dizziness is extremely rare.

Glycine overdose consequences in children

If a child accidentally takes too many tablets and first aid is given, possible consequences– lethargy and drowsiness. There is no information about long-term dangerous consequences for the body of children.


Watch this video - it goes into detail about side effects when taking glycine and other nootropic drugs.
