Abstract on ecology 2 ml group autumn. Summary of OOD in the junior group with presentation. Journey to the autumn forest. Ecology lesson at preschool educational institution "Autumn"

Compiled by: teacher

Mikhailova M. V.

Target: summarize children’s knowledge about autumn.


  • Develop knowledge about the signs of autumn, changes in nature;
  • To clarify knowledge about the life of birds and animals in autumn;
  • Develop emotionality and responsiveness;
  • Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;
  • Develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s instructions;

Dictionary: autumn, autumnal, gloomy, cloudy, rainy, gray sky, low, cold, drizzling, harvest, hibernation, flock, den.

Equipment: Subject pictures on the theme “Autumn”, an old forest man, dummies of vegetables and fruits, leaves of paper (oak, maple, birch), a basket, cards with tasks, a simple pencil.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, an old forest man came to us today. Let's say hello to him. He wants to invite us to visit his forest. But to go into this forest, you need to solve a riddle. Listen:

Who comes with yellow paint,

The leaves paint everything.

Without a needle and without a thread,

She sews them a festive outfit. (autumn)

Who guessed what it was? (answers) That's right, it's autumn. Today we will talk about autumn, and the old forest man will help us and play with us.

Didactic game "Falling Leaves"

Look, what is this? (on the table there are leaves cut out of paper: birch, maple, oak). (answers)

Where did these leaves come from? (fell from the trees in the fall) What happens to the trees in the fall?

What is this phenomenon called? (answers). Of course, leaf fall.

Let's help the old forest man collect the leaves in a basket. Take them. What leaf do you have, from what tree? (birch, maple, oak)

Well done.

Also an interesting autumn activity for the 2nd junior group:

Didactic game “Autumn Walk”

Well, now we have a walk into the autumn forest, into a clearing. Let's get ready. What should we wear? Maybe a Panama hat and sandals? No? Why?

Of course, it's cold outside in the fall. What else can you say about the weather in autumn? (cold, cloudy, rainy, windy, gloomy)

What other signs of autumn do you know? (it’s raining, it’s cold, the grass has withered and withered, the leaves have turned yellow, the wind is blowing...)

And in such weather you need to dress warmly, like autumn.

Let's choose the clothes you need for a walk in the fall. (children choose cards with clothes)

Well, here we are. Let `s have some rest.

Physical education:

We stomp our feet, we clap our hands.

We raise our hands, we lower our hands.

And then we spin around.

Sit down on the chairs, guys.

Shh, let's listen to what's happening in the autumn forest. But guys, I can’t hear the birds, where are they all, what do you think? (They gather in flocks and fly south).

Why do they fly away? (answers)

That's right, because in winter it's cold, insects disappear and birds have nothing to eat.

Oh, who is that redhead among the trees:

Red little animal

Jump and jump through the trees.

He doesn't live on earth

And in a hollow tree. (squirrel)

That's right, squirrel.

Guys, what do animals do in the forest in the fall? How do you prepare for winter? (answers)

Well done.

Guys, do you know poems about autumn? Let's please the old forest man and tell him a poem. (children read poetry)

Well, does anyone know any proverbs about autumn? Which? (answers)

Didactic game "Harvest"

Guys, what else does autumn bring? What do people do in the fall? (harvest)

What kind of crops do people harvest? (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms)

Let us also collect the harvest in a basket and give it to the old forest man.

(Children collect vegetables and fruits in a basket)

Here you go, old forest man, this is a gift from me and the guys. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.


The bus goes to kindergarten.

The guys are sitting in a row.

They are sitting next to each other.

And they look out the window.

Didactic game “Connect with a line”

We're back at kindergarten, guys. And we have one last task left.

Take chairs and sit at the tables.

Take a pencil and draw lines from those items that are needed in the fall. And then I’ll see who did everything right.

(See appendix – task card)

Well done, we coped with everything today, we visited and saw a lot of interesting things. Thanks for the work.

Title: Summary of the autumn lesson for the 2nd junior group “AUTUMN”
Nomination: Kindergarten / Lesson notes, ECD / development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 15 “Joy”
Location: Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region

Game - activity “Autumn has come to visit us”

Second junior group

Educator: Kotelnikova Marina Aleksandrovna.

Program content:

Educational objectives: To promote the deepening and generalization of children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish; expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants; continue to introduce the characteristic features of the season; introduce the properties light heavy continue to teach to understand and use words denoting the relationship of objects by size: wide - narrow,
Developmental objectives: to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants; develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions; develop the ability to listen to each other.
Educational objectives: to cultivate children’s interest in forest life, the ability to behave in the forest; cultivate love, respect for nature, show care and attention to all living things, and develop goodwill.

Preliminary work:

Examination of visual and didactic aids depicting wild animals, trees, birds, examination of the album “Seasons”; conversations about autumn, reading poems about the canopy, reading fairy tales about animals; didactic games “Wild Animals”.

Equipment, material:

Boxes with dried birch leaves, cardboard leaves, audio recording, multi projector, video (smiles and live pictures of autumn, wild animals and birds), a basin of water, an Autumn costume, vases with bouquets of autumn birch leaves, whatman paper, glue, leaf .

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, what kind of mess is this, we have guests already, we urgently need to restore order.

(I’m walking with the children, putting things in order in the group, I quietly take a box of leaves and, as if by accident, drop them on the floor, the leaves scatter).

Educator: Oh, what have I done...

Who will help me?

(Activate the attention of children, include them unnoticed in the educational process.)

While the children help collect leaves, the teacher talks with the children:

Educator: Guys, what tree are these leaves from?

Children: From the birch

Educator: How beautiful they are. What color are they?

Children: Yellow!

Educator: But why did the leaves turn yellow?

Children: Because it's Autumn and it's cold.

Educator: Oh, how did we end up with leaves?

Children: Because there was wind.

Educator: The wind blew right and they flew to us. It was autumn that lost them.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the forest and look for Autumn there to give her some leaves. Here is our path. How wide is it?

Children: Wide. Children pass along the road.

Educator: They walked and walked and reached the river! (Dpretends to touch the water).The water in the river is cold. Who lives in the river?

Children's answers.

Educator: And to get to the forest, you need to cross the river on a bridge. How wide is it?

Children: The bridge is narrow.

Children walk one after another across the bridge.

Educator: We walked with you for a long, long time,

And they came to the autumn forest.

Hush, hush, I think I hear something(recorded sounds of the forest)

Let's sit in the clearing and relax.

Educator: Tell me, guys, what animals live in the forest? You know?

Children: Hare, fox, squirrel, wolf. Etc.

Educator: And if they live in the forest, then what are they like....?

Children: Wild.

Educator: Well done. But besides animals, someone else lives in the forest, who is it? Let's remember.

Children: Birds

Educator: That's right, birds. But in the fall, many birds fly away to warmer climes, because it’s become......???

Children: it's cold!

Educator: Guys, who will tell a poem about autumn:

Children recite a poem about Autumn.


Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light -

Lost summer somewhere?

Autumn appears dancing to the music.

Autumn: Hello guys. Did you recognize me?

Children: yes!

Autumn: I am Autumn. I heard you were talking about me and came. Guys, let's play with you.

Dynamic game “Walk and Rain”, author T.N. Lebzak

Autumn: Well done, here’s my autumn greetings to you.(Basket of leaves)

Look how light and airy they are. Let's play a little with the leaves. Here I have a puddle(a bowl of water) First we lower the stones. What happened to the pebble?

Children's answers.

Autumn: That's right - they drowned. They are heavy and they drowned...

Let's lower the birch leaf.

See what's happening? Why don't the leaves drown?(They're light)

Educator: But the leaves look like small boats on the water.

Game breathing exercise

Let's make a "soft breeze" - blow gently - let the leaf float

And now there is a strong wind - a storm, a storm

(Children blow, teacher reads)

Like walking through a cold puddle

A gilded boat sailed

Educator: Autumn, why are you so sad?

Autumn: I was walking along the paths and lost all the leaves

This makes me sad, and so I go around looking for them and pouring rain on you.

Educator: Autumn, don’t worry, we found your leaves. And now we will make a gift out of them.

Group work “Autumn bouquet in a basket”

On the children's table there are birch leaves on a tray. On another table lies a drawn basket, previously smeared with glue.

Educator: Guys, let's give a basket with autumn leaves

Take a piece of paper and put it in the basket.

Children take leaves and glue them to create a basket with leaves.

Educator: Here, Autumn, we give you an autumn gift from your leaves.

Autumn: Thanks a lot. And it’s time for me, guys, to return to the autumn forest! Goodbye.

Educator: And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. We close our eyes and inhale deeply through our nose... and exhale slowly.

Calm music plays at this time

Teacher, we slowly open our eyes...

Here we are in kindergarten, guys. It is very quiet, bright and cozy here.

Lesson notes on environmental education for preschoolers

Ecology lesson at preschool educational institution "Autumn"

Zybtseva Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of MADOU d/s No. 17, Alekseevka, Belgorod region

Subject: "Autumn"

Target: introduce children to autumn phenomena in nature. Clarify the adaptations of birds and animals to the conditions of a given season. To consolidate knowledge about a person’s autumn clothing. Develop children's emotional responsiveness.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher approaches the window with the children and reads a poem by A. Fet.

The swallows have disappeared

And yesterday dawned

All the rooks were flying

Yes, like a network, they flashed

Over there over that mountain.

Everyone sleeps in the evening,

It's dark outside.

The dry leaf falls

At night the wind gets angry

Yes, he knocks on the window.

Guys, what did you feel when you listened to the poem? (Sad, sad, cold, etc.).

I also felt sad. Summer has passed, autumn has come.

Guys, what is the weather like in autumn? (Cold, cloudy, rainy, the sun is hiding behind the clouds, the wind is blowing cold). (The teacher draws a diagram) (1, 2, 3) .

Guys, where did the birds go? (Flew to warmer climes, draws diagrammatically) (4) .

Do animals also run away to warmer climes? (No, animals are preparing for winter, draws diagrammatically) (5.)

Guys (go to the window), why are the trees half naked? Where did the leaves go? (The leaves fall from the trees).

That's right, in the fall the leaves fall, this phenomenon is called leaf fall. (Children repeat in chorus and individually, the teacher draws diagrammatically) (6) .

Birds fly away to warmer regions in the fall, animals prepare their homes and make them warmer. How do people escape the cold? How did you dress today? (Warm jackets, pants, sweaters, hats, warm boots, mittens, the teacher draws a diagram) (7) .

What time of year did we tell you about? (About autumn).

And so that our guys don’t forget the word "AUTUMN", we will write it on glass and read it every day. (The teacher writes “AUTUMN” on the glass in block letters with yellow paint).

What's the weather like in autumn? Don't you understand? Either the sun will come out, or it will rain.

A game "Sun and Rain".

Well done, children! Now imagine that you are not children, but autumn leaves. I will be the trunk, and you will be the leaves. Come closer to me, we are all together, a big beautiful autumn tree. A light breeze blew, the leaves rustled, they smiled, they had fun rustling with each other. And suddenly a strong wind blew, the leaves began to tear off the branches and fly. (Children imitate movements to the music). They fly easily, beautifully, the breeze plays with them, the leaves spin, have fun, dance their last autumn dance, and suddenly they touch the ground and quietly lie down on the ground.

Did you enjoy being leaves? (Yes, I liked it). Let's read on the glass again what time of year it is. (Children read: “AUTUMN”).

GCD on ecology in the 2nd junior group
"Hello, golden autumn."
Objectives: consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs of autumn, remember the names
trees; consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits, about the autumn phenomenon
nature leaf fall; to memorize the names of colors in children's memory: red,
yellow, green, orange; clarify children's ideas about preparation
animals and birds in autumn to winter; expand children's active vocabulary
(leaf fall, weather rainy, windy, clear, cloudy); develop skills
coordinate speech with movement, sense of rhythm; educate caring
attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty.
Preliminary work: examination of illustrations about autumn, trees and
shrubs on the site, sets of subject and subject pictures -
“Birds”, “Insects”, “Trees”, “Autumn”; D/i “1, 2, 3 – run to the tree!”;
D/i “Which bird flew away?”; D/i “Taste it”; reading and learning
poems about autumn; asking riddles about autumn, vegetables, fruits, birds,
Technical support: Toy - hedgehog, squirrel, bunny, bear (or
mask); large basket; autumn leaves red, yellow, orange,
Green colour; a picture of a rook; artificial trees fir tree
and birch; model of the sun; audio recording of "October" by P. I. Tchaikovsky; spruce
branch, forest path.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, listen to a very interesting riddle and guess what it’s about
does it say?
It warms the whole world, and does not know fatigue,
Smiles in the window, And everyone calls him... (sun)
(Shows a model of the sun.)
Educator: That's right, it's the sun. It wakes up before everyone else,
washes himself from the cloud and rises high into the sky to perform “good
affairs". And what “good deeds” does the sun do? (Children's answers.)
The sun has many “good deeds”: warming the earth, illuminating it with bright light, yes
and wake everyone up with your gentle rays. But sometimes it happens that
The sun rarely comes out into the sky and does not give us its warmth. And how are you
Do you think what time of year this happens? What time of year is it?
Children: Autumn!
Educator: Correct. If the sun began to appear less often, if
If it warms less, it means autumn has come to us. (Draws children's attention
at the picture in the window.) Look, the sun doesn’t warm much, the sky is gray, it comes often
rain, and the trees are painted in bright colors, as if they were dresses
dressed up.

Educator: Let's play the GAME “Autumn has come to visit us”:
Autumn has come to visit us - children are walking;
She makes the children happy - they clap their hands;
She decorated our garden - they perform “wave” movements with their hands;
Gave me leaf fall! - squat, touch the ground with their hands.
D/i “What is the weather? »
Educator: Children, how many of you know what the weather is like in the fall? If it goes
rain, then what's the weather like?
Children: Rainy. Raw.
Educator: Is the wind blowing?
Children: Windy.
Educator: And if it’s cloudy outside, does gloomy mean what’s the weather like?
Children: Cloudy. Gloomy.
Educator: It’s sunny and clear outside.
Children: The weather is clear and sunny.
Game “Weather” (children at the teacher’s command: “Rainy”,
“Windy”, “Clear”, “Cloudy” should show the weather
hand movements)
Autumn is coming
Autumn: Hello, children!
Children: Hello, Autumn!
Autumn: Do you recognize me? I am Autumn. I invite you all to take a walk in
autumn forest.
Game “Our Feet Walk”
We'll walk along the path
Each other in single file (they walk like a snake)
Stand on tiptoes
They ran to the forest (run)
We raise our legs higher,
We don't step on bumps.
And again along the path (they walk)
Our feet are walking.
Autumn: So we came to the autumn forest. There are many trees in the forest. I have a lot
work. All trees and bushes should be repainted in autumn colors. Yes, that's the problem.
The little wind came and mixed all the paints in my studio, yeah
mixed up. Can you help me figure it out? I only need yellow, red and
orange. GAME “Find the right color” (select jars of gouache
desired color).
Autumn: Thanks, guys. Now I can make beautiful outfits for the trees.

And the trees and shrubs will bring their gifts to the forest dwellers: the Christmas tree -
cones, oak acorns, chestnuts - chestnuts, wild apple trees - theirs
apples, rowan and hawthorn will give you their berries. Tell me which ones
do people meet in the forest?
Children: hedgehog, squirrel, hare, fox, wolf, bear, mouse, elk, wild boar, badger,
chipmunk, mole, gopher, hamster, birds woodpecker, jay, magpie, crow, owl
bullfinch, tit, black grouse, capercaillie.
“Cones and acorns, chestnuts (or mushrooms)”
(The pile contains cones, chestnuts and acorns mixed with leaves. It is necessary
collect cones, acorns and chestnuts in different baskets. And put for
birds and animals, cones for the Christmas tree, acorns for the oak, chestnuts for the stump)
Autumn: And there is also a MAPLE tree growing in the forest. Its leaves are beautiful and carved.
Autumn: Now find the beautiful yellow leaves on the ground that have fallen from
maple Well done!
Well done, children! Now imagine that you are not children, but autumn leaves. I
I will be the trunk, and you will be the leaves. Come closer to me, we are all great together
beautiful autumn tree. A light breeze blew, the leaves rustled,
They started smiling, they had fun rustling with each other. And suddenly there was a strong blow
there was a breeze, the leaves began to tear off the branches and fly away. (Children imitate
movements to music).
Leaves, leaves, leaves are flying,
Leaves, leaves, leaves are rustling,
Leaves, leaves lead a round dance,
And the wind, and the wind sings a song to them.
And now the leaves have flown (running in a circle), spinning (spinning)
Now throw up all the leaves. This is such a wonderful golden shower. This
leaf fall Let's all throw leaves and say: “Leaves are falling!
Leaf fall! Yellow leaves are flying." - That's how many leaves fell to the ground!
The trees are grateful to us for covering their roots. Under such autumn
they will sleep with a blanket all winter (we lay out the leaves in the clearing).
Educator: Oh, someone hid under a spruce tree, and even a leaf
covered yourself? Who is this? (hedgehog).
Hello, hedgehog! What are you doing here?
Autumn: He builds a warm nest on the ground from leaves and will sleep very
the winter will last until the warmth returns to the forest. Let's help him. Let's collect
for him the leaves are in this basket!
(Children collect leaves and put them in a basket.)
The hedgehog thanks the children for their help.
Autumn: In autumn, everyone prepares for winter - people, animals, and birds.
Will the bunny soon change his gray fur coat to what? (On white.)
How does a squirrel prepare for winter? What does she store for the winter?

Squirrel - There is a lot of foliage under the oak tree, I hide my supplies in it. And also
I put it in a hollow.
Educator: - Why do you need supplies?
Squirrel - Winter is coming - the coldest time of the year, there will be little food in the forest. TO
In winter, you need to prepare well, make tasty supplies.
Educator: - What are you storing, squirrel?
Squirrel - Acorns, I found them under the oak tree. Nuts, cones and mushrooms.
And the bear is also preparing for winter. He builds a den for himself, climbs into it and
sleeps until spring. And we won't let him sleep. Let's play with him.
Outdoor game “Teddy Bear”.
"Bear, bear, stop sleeping!
Come out and play with us!
There are so many of us, you are alone,
We won't let you sleep! "(Children run away from the driver).
Bear: How funny you all are! I would still play with you, but just sleep
I really want to. Goodbye children!
Children: Goodbye, Mishka!
Educator: Oh, who came to us to say goodbye?
Children: Rook (duck, swallow, swan).
Educator: Why does he want to say goodbye to us?
Children: Because he flies away to warmer climes for the winter.
Educator: Correct. Fly away, rook, fly away. We will be waiting for you in the spring!
Autumn: Children, you know so much about me. Thank you for this, for your kindness
yours, for helping the hedgehog collect leaves, and other animals with supplies for
collect winter. I have a treat for you too. These are fruits and vegetables.
Children: Thank you!
Autumn: Please! Goodbye! See you again!
Educator: Our walk through the autumn forest has come to an end. To you
Did you like it, kids? Now it's time to go back to kindergarten.



Lesson notes for the second junior group “Autumn has come”

Educator: Nutfullina E.R.


Target: To consolidate children's ideas about autumn and its signs. Develop coherent speech, observation, fine and gross motor skills. Understand the meaning of riddles and find the answer. Expand and activate vocabulary on the topic. Reinforce your knowledge of the parts of a tree. Foster a respectful, caring attitude towards nature and the surrounding world.

Equipment: toy bunny, flannelgraph, model of a tree, parts of a tree for a flannelgraph, plot pictures on the theme “Autumn”, cut-out pictures with trees, an envelope with riddles.

Preliminary work:

Observations in nature;

Reading poems about autumn;

Examination of paintings and illustrations about autumn;

Guessing riddles.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, yesterday I went for a walk in the park, I didn’t recognize him. How has the park changed? Why didn't I recognize him? What happened to the leaves on the trees? (yellowed and crumbling).

Educator: Guys, now I will read you a poem, and you will understand what time of year our lesson will be devoted to.

Autumn along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining,

And there is no light

Summer is lost somewhere.

Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,

The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.

There's a new rug under your feet,

Yellow-pink maple.

(V. Avdienko)

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: That's right, autumn. What mood do you get when you talk about autumn? (Sad).

Can you say - autumn mood? And what about the sun in autumn? (Autumn). What about puddles in the fall? (Autumn). What about the sky in autumn? (Clouds, trees, grass, rain, day).

Outdoor game “Golden Autumn”.

Autumn, golden autumn! (children walk in a circle holding hands)

Come, autumn, with the harvest,

With the harvest, with joy, (they go the other way)

With great mercy:

With high flax, (stop, raise their arms up, stand on their toes, inhale)

With deep roots, (squat, lower arms, exhale)

With abundant bread. (holding hands, they run in a circle).

Educator: Let's tell you what happens in the fall. Start your answer with the word “autumn.”

In autumn the sun does not shine as brightly as in summer.

In autumn the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

It often rains in autumn.

Birds fly away in autumn.

In autumn the harvest is harvested.

In autumn there are a lot of mushrooms in the forest.

In autumn, wild animals hibernate.

In autumn, wild animals change the color of their coats.

Educator: Guys, someone is knocking on our door. Look - it's a bunny. He brought us a package. Let's open it and see what's in it? (The teacher takes out a model of the tree.) Look, a tree has a trunk, branches, leaves, and a root that is in the ground. Let's lay out a tree together on a flannelgraph (children lay out a tree on a flannelgraph).

Educator: Guys, I see that there is still an envelope in the parcel. Let's see what's in it? (The teacher takes out a sheet of riddles.) Guys, these are riddles - riddles about autumn. Let's solve these riddles:

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?


Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course.

(leaf fall)

The field, forest and meadow are wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know this.


The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can't sing and have fun

Who gathered in flocks?


Following August comes,

Dances with the falling leaves

And he is rich in harvest,

Of course we know him!


Our Queen, Autumn,

We will ask you together:

Tell your children your secret,

Who is your second servant?


Who doesn't let us in warmly,

Does the first snow scare us?

Who calls us to the cold,

You know? Of course yes!


There is no sun, there are clouds in the sky,

The wind is harmful and prickly,

It's blowing like this, there's no escape!

What's happened? Give an answer!

(late fall)

The sun doesn't warm us anymore

The drifting snow is blowing coldly!

The breeze blew into the puddle

And he chained her up.


Rain and slush, dirt and wind,

Autumn, you are responsible for everything!

The man is freezing, he is freezing,

The first white one came out.


Physical education lesson “Leaves”.

Autumn leaves are quietly spinning,

The leaves fall quietly under our feet.

And they rustle and rustle underfoot,

As if they want to get dizzy again.

N. Nishcheva

(Children spin around with their arms out to the sides.)

They squat.

Hand movements left and right. (They spin on their toes again.)

Didactic game “Assemble a tree.”

The teacher gives each child an envelope containing a cut-out picture. Children lay out their tree. Then the teacher asks each child what kind of tree he got.

Educator: Guys, you told about autumn signs, showed how a tree grows, remembered the names of trees, collected pictures. Well done!

Lesson summary:

What did we do today?

What did you like most?
