The best educational activities for your baby. Activities for a 5-6 year old child Activities for a 6 year old child at home

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 05/18/2019

The development of a 5-6 year old child is a rather complex and painstaking process, on which the child’s ability to interact with the outside world depends. This is a kind of foundation that ensures not only the activation of psychodynamic factors, but also the formation of perception as a whole. Teaching children at this age is, as a rule, easy, since we already have a full-fledged personality with a pronounced individuality.

Regular classes at home should be aimed at both increasing interest in further studies at school and the ability to navigate in society. Practice shows that a child’s ability to master the school curriculum increases significantly if developmental preschool methods are applied to them. Such children are distinguished by their organization, extraordinary thinking, positive attitude and remarkable performance.

Features of mental development of children aged 5-6 years

The skills of a five- or six-year-old child are not small: he speaks well, is capable of analyzing a situation and demonstrating independence. The child begins to see more and more connections between various phenomena and is already trying to defend his opinion. The knowledge of preschoolers is quite extensive, memory works in enhanced mode, and the brain greedily assimilates new data. However, the psyche is not yet fully formed, and the accumulation of information is characterized by spontaneity and increased emotionality. At this age, children can be compared to a sponge, absorbing everything without value judgments or any restrictions.

Based on the above, it is very important in the preschool years to lay the foundations of a correct worldview, because from them the construction of a chain of inferences that shapes the type of thinking will begin. The optimal development program for young children consists of a clearly developed synthesis of work with an intellectual component and moral and ethical standards. And here everything depends not only on the child himself, but also on the level of understanding of the parents, including their teaching skills.

General focus of activities with children 5-6 years old at home

Making a plan for developmental activities for preschoolers at home is not an easy task, and not every parent is able to cope with it without problems. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the psychology of a young child and be able to quickly adapt to different situations. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of skills in this area, especially when their firstborn is growing up. But don’t despair; following professional advice and recommendations will help you get out of difficulties and turn children’s education into true pleasure.

To begin with, you should have a clear understanding of all the nuances of your child’s character, as well as his intellectual and mental “sources”. Before drawing up a lesson plan for development and thinking through tasks, it is necessary to test the child’s knowledge in various areas. This will be easy to do by conducting a survey in the form of a game that makes the child want to answer all the questions posed. It is recommended to compile a questionnaire in such a way that during a game session it is possible to identify the preschooler’s inclinations towards certain academic disciplines, as well as tendencies in relation to the surrounding reality.

An approximate plan for a game questionnaire may consist of the following tasks:

  • to test reading speed and speech production;
  • to solve mathematical problems of varying complexity (here a collection of entertaining mathematics for young children will come to the rescue);
  • to solve problems using ingenuity;
  • to develop imagination, both verbally and through drawing;
  • exercises to test memory and attentiveness (these can be bright mnemonic cards, cubes depicting favorite fairy-tale characters, laid out in a certain order, etc.);
  • modulating situations in which one can clearly trace the characteristics of the child’s perception and his orientation in social norms (for example, in the form of a story or fairy tale, at the end of which the child is given the task of figuring out what is “good” and what is “bad”).

Test tasks should not cause boredom, take too long, or be interspersed with boring, “adult” comments that irritate children. Testing of particularly restless children can be carried out in several stages, supported by all sorts of incentives. If the child does not understand the question, it is necessary to reformulate it, taking note of weaknesses and gaps in knowledge.

Remember: only an attentive and patient attitude towards your beloved child will allow you to identify the necessary accents in a further program of developmental activities! You should not lose your temper, raise your voice or put pressure on your child if he refuses to give answers or begins to behave strangely. The purpose of the preliminary survey tasks is not education, but the study of the internal processes and mental activity of the baby.

Once the overall picture is known for sure, developmental activities can begin. Of course, the above recommendations apply, first of all, to those parents who, due to lack of time, do not pay enough attention to their child, since mothers who devote all their time to raising children, as a rule, work with them from an early age - two years. three years. In this case, they are well aware of both the baby’s character and all his knowledge and skills. However, even here the child may be underestimated, and therefore a general check still makes sense.

What children 5-6 years old should know

There are no clear boundaries of what a five or six year old child should know; there are only the recommended minimum skills of a preschooler. Basic knowledge allows you to prepare children for the primary school curriculum and help them adapt to the upcoming changes. Moreover, the latter will be easier to achieve if you conduct developmental activities not only at home, but also attend various children's clubs and sports sections. This will instill in the baby a sense of responsibility and diligence, and will also increase his sociability.

The minimum amount of knowledge that a 5-6 year old child should have:

  1. be able to read up to 70 words per minute and easily retell what you read;
  2. speak clearly and fluently;
  3. write in block letters;
  4. perform simple mathematical operations - add, subtract, divide and multiply;
  5. be able to draw not only individual elements, but also whole pictures;
  6. know a lot of poems and songs;
  7. be able to distinguish colors and complex shades;
  8. know and follow the rules of hygiene;
  9. know the rules of decency and basic etiquette;
  10. determine time by clock;
  11. distinguish between many species of animals, understand the weather and other natural phenomena;
  12. know the rules of conduct in public places;
  13. be able to navigate the space and geography of the place of residence;
  14. have basic logical thinking;
  15. know the basics of language: gender and numbers, parts of speech, compose different types of sentences;
  16. be able to think creatively and fantasize.

If you work with children from an early age, then at 5-6 years old they are capable of much more than the specified minimum. In the case when the child does not even have the above knowledge, it is necessary to do developmental exercises in an intensive mode. “Stagnation” in the development of preschoolers leads to negative consequences already in the first months of school. Lack of knowledge affects academic performance, which, in turn, can affect the child’s behavior and nervous system.

Development program for children 5-6 years old

A child's development is facilitated by a variety of exercises to train memory, attention, speed of thinking, imagination, as well as to acquire basic skills. It is recommended to conduct classes with your child daily, consolidating what has been learned at the end of each week.

Assignments must be comprehensive and not exceed 15 minutes. If you notice that the child is overloaded, you should take a short break and then end the lesson.

A developmental lesson plan for children 5-6 years old may look like this:

  • performing mathematical operations and solving entertaining problems;
  • mnemonic games in all possible variations;
  • reading with a set volume, including retelling and discussion of a fragment;
  • exploring the world around us with the help of pictures, targeted walks or special video material;
  • learning poems and tongue twisters to improve speech;
  • logical tasks;
  • drawing.

After each exercise, you need to do a physical warm-up and talk on abstract topics. Regular classes from an early age will give tangible positive results within a few weeks, and by the day they enter first grade, the child will feel confident, having the proper level of development to start school life.

Six months is the first small anniversary and an important milestone for the baby. At this age, he can crawl and sit, thanks to which he has the opportunity to see the surrounding space in a new way - from a vertical position. The child’s entertainment also changes: he looks closely at his own children, as if studying them again, he begins to see and discover other qualities in them.

The main task of parents is to help their child develop and improve their skills further, because there is still so much to learn and master. Playing games with your baby will be a great help with this.

The main task of parents of a six-month-old child is to help the natural development of the baby, capture his attention and attract him to learn new skills.

The importance of games for baby development

At the age of six months, the baby is actively developing, carefully studying everything around him, and parents are obliged to help him with this. All training should take place in a playful way.

If mom and dad care about the well-being of their baby, they just need to regularly spend time playing with him at home. What to do with a baby at this age?

Modern psychologists point out the great importance of educational games in the life of a 6-month-old baby; they help the baby improve existing skills, as well as acquire new ones.

Without such fun, a child lags behind his peers both in terms of physical and intellectual development - he begins to speak later, stand on his feet and walk (more details in the article:). Such statistics are observed today in many countries.

Forming fine motor skills

Today, children's stores have a huge assortment of educational games, but for a baby aged 6 months, the simplest entertainment is suitable. To do this, parents should stock up on both simple toys, tested by more than one generation of children, and various household items (boxes, jars, balls, plastic cups).

Pyramid with rings

An ordinary pyramid with large rings is an indispensable toy for the development of a six-month-old baby. Of course, the child will not immediately begin to assemble and disassemble it on his own; first you need to demonstrate to him how this is done. First of all, We will teach the baby to disassemble the pyramid: we show the bottom ring and ask the child to remove it, we do it ourselves, then with the baby’s hand, and only after a series of exercises will the baby master this skill. When the child learns to manage one ring, you should complicate the task for him and add a couple more rings to the pyramid. As the skill develops and improves, the number of rings must continue to be increased.

As soon as the baby learns to disassemble the pyramid, You can move on to the next stage - stringing rings onto the rod. This task requires the baby to be more focused and able to coordinate his movements - he will master such manipulations closer to 7-8 months, and maybe later.

The pyramid is a multifunctional toy; it promotes the development of attention, logic and fine motor skills. While playing with it, the baby will become familiar with different colors and sizes of objects.

Despite the simplicity of the design, the pyramid is an indispensable thing: it teaches the baby to distinguish shapes, colors and sizes of objects

Box with toys

Small containers, drawers and boxes with lids will be excellent toys for a six-month-old baby. Curious children will try to open them on their own, wanting to find out what is hidden inside. If the baby is not interested in the toy, you can attract his attention: shake the box, ask what is in it, offer to open it.

When does a child learn to remove the lid?, you need to show him how to take toys out of the container and then put them back. When taking objects out of the box, you can tell the baby about them and perform various manipulations with them. You can collect a whole collection of jars and containers, the child will tinker with them with interest for the next few months.

Cup and balls

As the baby’s skills improve, we continue to complicate the exercises. Now you need to find a small box, balls (these can be balls, balls or other round objects) and a plastic cup. The little one's task is use a handle to remove the ball from the container and throw it into the glass. For a 6-month-old baby, this is a rather difficult task, but it perfectly develops coordination of movements, the eye (after all, you need to get into the cup) and finger motor skills.

Training gross motor skills

In order to improve your baby's gross motor skills, you can entertain him in this way: lie on the floor, putting thick socks on your feet, and place the baby on your feet facing you. Holding the baby by the arms, raise your legs and move them in the air in different directions (to the sides, up and down, in a circle).

Such entertainment will teach the child to trust an adult - a stable psychological relationship will be established between them. The baby will also improve gross motor skills, coordination, and the vestibular system. During such fun, a young mother will be able to tone her abs and remove her tummy after childbirth.

This entertainment will appeal to both the baby and his mother. It will help the baby learn orientation in space and develop his ability to maintain balance.

Learning to crawl

At 6-7 months, most babies actively learn to crawl. Many experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, point out the need to help the baby master this skill.

The traditional way to teach a baby to crawl is (we recommend reading:) put your favorite children's toy close to the baby, but so that he could not reach it with his handle. What will the child do in such a situation? Of course, he will try to make every effort to get to the toy.

He won’t be able to do this right away, but it’s enough to work with the baby several times for 10-15 minutes, and eventually he will crawl. First, you need to help the baby - place a rolled-up towel or blanket under his chest, this will make it easier for the baby to lift his torso and master the skill of crawling.

Such simple fun will bear fruit very soon - the baby, trying to reach his favorite toy, will definitely crawl towards it. But you need to conduct lessons with your baby every day.

Developing tactile skills

A newborn begins to learn about the surrounding space precisely through tactile sensations; at the age of six months they need to continue to be improved. Simple entertainment with the baby will help with this, and feathers, ribbons, pieces of silk or terry cloth will become the main toys.

This kind of fun will help you discover new sensations: you should undress the baby down to the diaper and lay him on his back; objects with different textures (something smooth, fluffy, rough) should be moved over the baby’s body. Because of the new sensations, the child will experience different emotions - either freezing warily, or joyfully “humming” and smiling (more details in the article:). You need to start touching from the tummy, then move to the arms and legs, when the baby calms down, you should turn him over and stroke his back.

During one lesson you should not use more than 2-3 items, this will be enough for the baby. This kind of fun brings pleasure to all children; it gives them new sensations and emotions. You can learn about the experiences of other mothers and other interesting development solutions in the video.

Talking to the baby

You need to talk to your six-month-old baby as often as possible. A variety of children's songs, rhymes and nursery rhymes help develop a child's speech skills in the future.

At the age of 6-8 months, you can perform the “Telephone” exercise with your baby. To do this, you need a telephone receiver, into which an adult must speak simple syllables, but with different intonations. So, sitting next to the baby, we put the phone to our ear and say, for example, “ma-ma”, then “ma-ma?”, Then we bring the phone to the baby, let him try to repeat something.

For older children (from six months to a year), we can recommend a game called “First Words.” Her goal is to teach the baby to imitate sounds and babble. You can place the child on his back and lean over him a little so that he can see the adult's face. Taking the baby by the hands, we begin to pronounce syllables and short words. While playing on each word, we spread our hands apart and bring them together again; this technique will help the baby concentrate on the very process of “communication” with parents. The baby will listen carefully to the adult’s speech, watch his lips, trying to repeat the movements.

Although the baby is still very small, parents need to actively communicate with him and use conversational elements in games - the baby will need this very soon

What else do you need to know about educational games?

All caring parents certainly surround their baby with attention and care, devoting time to games and learning. It is also important that these activities bring real benefit and pleasure, and not be a burden to the child or adult. It is necessary to create all the conditions for the baby to fully develop and learn new things.

  • choose the right time for entertainment and exercise: it is advisable to do it after sleep or feeding; if the child is tired or sick, it is better to postpone it;
  • morning hours are more suitable for active pastime; quieter activities should be left for the evening;
  • do not overtire your baby with entertainment; for a six-month-old baby, 15 minutes a day is enough; with a 7-8 month old baby, you can study longer;
  • For the baby’s well-being, the room must be well ventilated before training, otherwise the child will begin to be capricious, whine and quickly get tired;
  • During the game, try to constantly be on the same level with the baby - for example, after sitting the baby on the floor, also sit on the floor;
  • regularly praise and encourage your child with pleasant words, if he managed to cope with the task, this way he will feel the support of an adult and take on a new task with even greater zeal;
  • finally, remember for yourself what it is to be a child, return to childhood for a while.

Fun educational games will not only bring pleasure to the baby, but will also help him develop new skills and become better acquainted with the surrounding space. You can learn even more about the methods of baby development at 6 months from this useful video.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Game lesson on the subject “Activities” “Journey along mathematical paths”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of a game lesson for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic: “Journey along mathematical paths.” This is an open session for parents for the first half of the year.

This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group of kindergartens and teachers of additional education of early development schools of the Central Children's Center. This summary develops attention, memory, and thinking. Expands spatial understanding.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Game lesson topic: Quantity and counting.

Lesson objectives:

Fix the count within ten (direct, reverse);

To develop the experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher based on the reflexive method, the experience of self-control.



Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

Practice solving logical problems and ingenuity problems;

To develop in children an interest in mathematics and a sense of confidence in their knowledge.

Train mental operations - analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction.


Develop attention, memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, logical thinking, creativity, initiative;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Cultivate positive motivation for learning and interest in mathematics;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Demo material- signs with the name of the stops; a painting with the image of eight butterflies and nine flowers, a toy Old Man - Forester, cards with numbers for the game “Numbers Got Lost”, an image of numbers from 1 to 10 on sheets of A4 size paper for physical education, typesetting canvas, geometric shapes, magnetic board, tray, red and green apples made of cardboard, poster with a drawing of an apple tree.

Handouts - number cards from 1 to 10; sets of geometric planar figures, album sheets according to the number of children.

Methods and techniques: explanation, instructions, clarification, questions, demonstration, game technique, encouragement, pedagogical assessment

Ι. Introductory part:

Organizing time.

a) greeting children;

b) check according to the list;

c) explanation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

ΙΙ. Main part.

Do you love to travel? Today we will have an unusual journey along mathematical paths. The Old Man will come with us - the forest boy, he knows all the paths in the mathematical forest. We will have to go through a lot today and solve many problems along the way. So, let's go on a fabulous journey. And here is the first stop. And it’s called “Difficult Problems.”

We’ll sit at a rest stop and solve all the problems.

How many fingers are on one hand?

What comes first, morning or evening?

How many early morning eyes

Is it opening here?

You, me, and you and me.

How many of us are there?

Name the seasons. (Spring, summer, autumn and winter).

How many ends do two sticks have?

Grandmother Dasha had a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does she have?

Which figure has neither beginning nor end?

There were 4 birds sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest were crows. How many crows?

Kolya ran home from school first, and Olya second. Who runs faster and who runs slower?

Well done boys! You have completed the task, and we move on.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and we came to the second stop “Guess it.”

And here all the numbers scattered, they began to play in the clearing.
- I’ll ask all the guys to quickly line up the numbers!

(Children must lay out a number series from cards with numbers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10). Group and individual counting in forward and reverse order.

And now the Old Forest Man invites us to play the game “Guess.”

The teacher calls the number, the children find and show the corresponding card with the number. (The smallest number (1), the largest number (10), the number 3 ... 5 ...; the number living between the numbers: 3 and 5, 6 and 8, 7 and 9; neighbors of the numbers 4, 8, 3, etc. .)

Well done boys! Let's follow the Old Man - the forester along the path further.

We walked, walked, walked, walked, and came to the third stop. And it's called "Riddles".

Guys, let's try to guess the riddles of the Old Man - the Forester?

1) I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel. (Circle.)

2) My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners.

Who am I? (Triangle.)

3) I’ve been your acquaintance since childhood,

Every angle here is right.

All four sides are the same length.

I'm glad to introduce myself to you.

And my name is... (Square.)

4) I have no corners,

I have no sides.

And I look like a melon.

Well, who guessed it?

What is my name... (Oval.)

5) There are four sides -

Opposites are equal.

Four more right angles

I look like a refrigerator.

Well, think about it, friends.

What does everyone call me? (Rectangle.)

Well, like the Old Man - the little forest boy, did the guys guess everything correctly? Go ahead?

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here was the fourth rest stop ahead. And it's called "Hide and Seek". The old forest boy and his friends, the geometric figures, want to play hide and seek with us.

The teacher attaches geometric shapes to the magnetic board - circle, square, triangle, oval and rectangle, shows them, and the children name

geometric figures. Then the teacher says: “Night.” The children close their eyes, and he hides one figure. The teacher says: “Day.” Children open their eyes and show a geometric figure that does not exist. And then the teacher returns the figure to its place.

The game of hide and seek is repeated for all geometric shapes. Also, the teacher can simply change the positions of the figures without removing them.

We walked, we walked, we walked, we walked, and here was the fifth rest stop ahead. And it’s called “Physical Minute”. Look, guys, how many trees there are here. And the wind that has risen is shaking the trees and tearing off leaves. The old forest boy wants to play with you.

Physical education lesson “The wind plays with the leaves...”

“The wind plays with the leaves,

He either picks him up or throws him down.

The falling leaves swirl in a waltz.

Late autumn outfit.

On the branches of a white birch

7 (3,9,4,6...) leaves survived.”

Children run to the number that the teacher calls.

The old forest boy wants each of you to come up with a picture and compose it from geometric shapes on a piece of album paper.

Children complete the task independently.

Now tell the Old Man - the Forester, from which geometric shapes you made your figures: a boat, a fish, a flag, a tree, etc.

Well done, and now the Old Forester leads us further along the mathematical path and here is our last stop, “The Counting Clearing.”

You have found yourself in a beautiful clearing, where many beautiful flowers grow and many colorful butterflies flutter.

The teacher shows a picture of flowers and butterflies.

How many butterflies?

How many flowers?

What more? Less of what? How long?

The numbers liked this station so much that some of them went for a walk and got lost. Help them get back.

4 , 5 , 6 , 7, …9; 6 , 7 , 8 , … 10; 7 , 6 , 5 , … 3.

Which numbers are missing?

(Children pick up cards.)

Well done guys, you returned all the numbers to their places, our journey is over. We covered all the paths without a hitch.

ΙΙΙ. Summarizing:

Now evaluate your participation in the journey. If you are happy with your successes today and rate your work as “excellent”, take a red apple on a tray and stick it on the apple tree on the poster, and if you think that something didn’t work out for you and you could have done better, take it and stick on a green apple. (Children evaluate their work.)

The lesson is over, thanks to the Old Forester for our fabulous journey! Let's tell him goodbye.

The first year of a baby’s life is a rather difficult, but very exciting period of life for every young family. Each new month brings new surprises and discoveries that literally change the entire understanding of child development that was formed after watching numerous videos from experts on the YouTube channel.

Of course, there are certain general recommendations and advice that you definitely need to know, but still the most important thing is to understand one simple truth for yourself, which in any “controversial situation” should pop up in your head, namely “all children are different and develop in their own way.” individual mode." The main thing is to do everything in your power to give your baby maximum attention and your maternal love. Well, the child himself will tell you what is interesting to him and what is not so interesting. You just need to be able to recognize his hints

Well, I’ll just share with you my discoveries and observations in the process of entertaining my six-month-old baby. At the age of six months, she had already practically become a conscious person, with her own character traits, habits and hobbies. So how do we have fun?


I can say one thing about toys (especially about all kinds of “educational toys” for children 6 months of age), it’s not worth buying them. More precisely, you can buy a couple for fun and see your child’s reaction, but, again, judging by my experience, children at this age react much better to things and objects of “natural origin” or made with their own hands.

We bought a lot of different rustling toys, rattles, twirls, sparkles, etc., but our girl plays enthusiastically with only one toy, which our dad, in some incredible creative impulse, made for her with his own hands.

At the same time, its cost was only about 150 rubles, unlike most development machines, the cost of which starts from 250 rubles and above.

She also prefers to the whole variety of bright and interesting (in our opinion) toys some simple things that are not at all intended for play (again, according to her parents). These are different jars, and bags, and spoons, and cotton wool, and diapers, and anything else, as long as they are not toys. A child learns by imitating his parents, and he wants to play with exactly those things and objects that he notices his parents use.

In the choice before her: to play with a new rustling toy (for example, an elephant with different textured surfaces) or with a rustling bag from this elephant, she always leans in favor of the latter.

We even conducted an experiment: we hung a bag full of bright toys and a bag with various baby hygiene products on her crib. So the bag of toys was almost completely ignored

Therefore, we have clearly understood for ourselves: Six-month-old babies do not yet need any complex or very brightly colored toys. Something made with their own hands or familiar household items are of much more interest to them. Well, the time for “complex mechanisms” will come, everything has its time.

So at 6 months there is no need to complicate entertainment for your baby. You will still have time to spend money on expensive toys.

Books and conversations

Unlike toys, which at 6 months of age cannot keep your baby occupied for very long, very good entertainment for him is reading various books with his mother, looking at pictures (necessarily with explanatory comments from the mother), or simply watching how two people communicate. person, for example, mom and dad, but it is imperative that from time to time the child is also included in the conversation.

This method always works one hundred percent and entertains the baby better than anything else. Children love when people talk to them, sing songs, read books, etc. For my daughter and I, this process is our favorite daily entertainment, to which we can devote as much time as we need.

Walking and exercise

Also, at the age of six months, the baby develops a great interest in walking outside in a stroller. More precisely, even this interest manifests itself at the moment when he begins to sit.

Previously, my baby didn’t show much enthusiasm for walks at all, and she quickly got bored with this process. Now, after she mastered the art of sitting, we began to walk many times more, and her behavior on the street also changed dramatically. We can walk for hours in a stroller, and at this time she sits silently and enthusiastically studies the world around her. So daily walks in the fresh air take second place in my ranking of entertainment for a 6-month-old baby (after books).

Look out the window

The older a child gets, the stronger his desire to understand the world around him. Therefore, everything needs to be done so that the baby can fully realize his craving for new experiences and knowledge.

The layout of our apartment allowed us to organize a play area for the baby right at the window level (the window does not open), and this became another way for her to have independent entertainment. She can gaze out the window with enthusiasm for many minutes, learning about the world around her. She does not get tired of this process day after day.


And another way to entertain a 6-month-old child is to chew on hard fruits or vegetables, in our case this is a favorite apple.

If you have already introduced the first complementary foods into your baby's diet, then you can completely trust him with a piece of a hard green apple. This process can easily take our baby about 20 minutes. She is so immersed in it that she is no longer interested in everything that is happening around her.

These are the simple but very effective ways to entertain six-month-old children that I can recommend to you. How do you entertain your child?

Parents of five-year-old children should know what to pay attention to when preparing home activities with their children. It is important to understand that this is the age when you should start preparing for school. It is important to organize classes, but their duration should not exceed 30-35 minutes. Keep in mind that the leading activity of children of this age is play, so build all educational activities in this form. It is necessary to develop fine motor skills, it directly affects the development of speech centers. If you want a son or daughter who talks a lot and speaks well, sculpt, draw, paint, put together a mosaic with him.

Look at the lessons both in pictures and in text and choose what suits your baby best.

Games and activities for children 5 years old

For activities with children at home, parents should prepare prizes in advance, as well as the necessary supplies and attributes.

Quest find the treasure

Parents come up with and create a map with tasks in advance. Different rooms of the apartment are used as locations. Each new task gives a hint where the treasure is.
What tasks can be used:
Assemble the mosaic
Guess the riddles
Make an applique (small)
Separate the beans from the peas
Make a tower of cubes no less than 30 cm (you can indicate the height of the object in the room)
Name only wild animals
Sort the pictures by season
Be sure to reward the detective at the end, even if it is something tasty or useful, for example, a small construction set or toy.

Lesson: “Hot and cold”

A simple game allows you to develop spatial concepts, memory, thinking and attention. Hide the prize in advance in a place accessible to the child. Ask him to find the hidden thing, give the little participant hints with the words “hot” - it means close to the prize and your five-year-old child is moving in the right direction and “cold” - it means the direction for the search is chosen incorrectly.

You can play this game vice versa, let your son or daughter hide the toy and show you the way to it using similar words. The adult’s task is to find the prize, the child’s task is to correctly give directions using the words “hot” and “cold”.

Game: “What’s missing”

A game that helps develop attention. You will need a set of different items, these could be toys, pencils or any safe items. At first you can use 5-7 items, later complicate the tasks by adding more and more attributes.

The task is to find an item that is missing. Give the little participant time to remember all the objects, and after he turns away, you need to remove one object. If the child correctly guessed which item is missing, then let him hide some attribute from you in the new game.

You can supplement the lesson with tasks like: arrange the objects as they stood, name the color of the object that is missing, arrange the toys by height.

Lesson: “Hands-scales”

To understand the weight of objects, ask him to use scales. Place different objects in his hands and ask him to evaluate which one is heavier.

To complicate the task, you can blindfold the little player.

Lesson: “Making fruits and vegetables”

Invite your daughter to make a grocery set for her doll. For example, offer him originals of vegetables and fruits or pictures of them. Let him try to create vegetables and fruits according to their colors.

Make a picture from the received copies or ask them to divide the resulting works into vegetables and fruits.

Parents should remember that only developmental activities in the form of games can captivate a child and teach him to perform the most difficult tasks. Help and be sure to praise the child, then he will learn to accept even failures adequately and will not lose the desire to try again and again. What didn't work out the first time.

Video “Developmental activities for 5-year-old children”
