Onions - folk recipes. Onion infusions

Onion - perennial herbaceous plant, which has been used in the treatment since ancient times various diseases thanks to the beneficial substances contained in this plant.

Onion contains sugars (fructose, sucrose, maltose, polysaccharide inulin), proteins, vitamins B, C, flavonoid quercetin, enzymes, saponins, mineral salts potassium (which has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system), phosphorus, iron, etc., phytoncides.

The bulbs and leaves contain essential oil, which gives them a specific smell and pungent taste, sulfur-containing compounds, iodine, organic acids (malic and citric), mucus, pectin substances, and glycosides.

Onion juice is rich in vitamins, essential oils, and carbohydrates.

Medicinal properties of onions.

Onions stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, have a diuretic, choleretic, antimicrobial, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antisclerotic, antiseptic, antidiabetic, anthelmintic and wound-healing effect.

Onion phytoncides determine the bactericidal and anthelmintic properties of the plant.

Onions help fight low blood pressure and contain flavonoids that prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Onion treatment.

Onion is a commonly available remedy:

- for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, etc.

- to stimulate appetite, improve digestion, increase body tone

- when treating a wound that does not heal for a long time: apply a mixture of onions, grated with garlic (like a compress).

- for the prevention of colds.

- V for cosmetic purposes. For example, an onion hair mask based on vegetable oils accelerates hair growth.

Red onion renders useful action on the gastric system, improves the digestion process, helps calm the nervous system.

Leek has a good effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, helps cleanse the blood and increase hemoglobin levels. It is used in food to prevent and treat gout, rheumatism, and joint diseases. A decoction of leek leaves helps with constipation.

Green onions are most often used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency. In addition, it contains chlorophyll, which is especially necessary for people suffering from various types anemia

Blue onions help with liver diseases.

Onion - folk recipes treatment.

Inhalations with onions indicated for influenza, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, lung abscesses, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis - that is, for bacterial and viral bronchopulmonary diseases.

Onions are used for pustular skin diseases, trichomonas and bacterial colpitis.

Preparations made from onions boiled in milk are prescribed for faster opening of boils and alleviation of pain from hemorrhoidal cones.

Onion gruel, applied in a gauze napkin to a wound, cleanses it of pus, reduces pain and swelling and promotes rapid healing and scarring, and applied to fresh burns prevents the formation of blisters, reduces skin irritation, stops pain and the inflammatory process.

Onion gruel reduces skin itching due to itchy rashes.

Onions are an excellent detoxifier, immunomodulator, and oncoprotector. The English traveler F. Chichester, who had cancer, was caught in the mountains by an avalanche and was forced to eat only onions and garlic. Upon his return from the expedition malignant tumor not found.

Onion is used as an antidote (for scorpion stings).

Fresh onions stimulate sperm production and increase potency. An onion head eaten in the evening helps in the treatment of adenoma prostate gland.

Onions are useful for patients with primary and secondary amenorrhea, dimenorrhea, various disorders ovarian functions.

Onions have a positive effect on vision.

Treatment of cataract with onions: onion juice mixed with honey 1:1 is good remedy to prevent the development of eyesores. You can also dilute the juice of one medium onion in a glass of boiled water and add 1 dessert spoon of honey. Instill 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Treatment with onion juice. Onion juice helps to cope with toothache - you just need to massage it sore spot brush with juice. At urolithiasis should be taken 2 tbsp. spoons of onion juice several times a day. Onion juice mixed with honey - excellent remedy from runny nose and colds.

Trichomonas colpitis. Place freshly prepared onion pulp on gauze, tie it and put it in the vagina for 8 - 12 hours. Use for trichomonas inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. If the patient increased sensitivity to the onion, the tampons should be pre-moistened in a 10% infusion of calendula flowers.

Delayed menstruation. Pour the peels of 8 onions and 2 teaspoons of cloves (spice) into 0.5 liters of water and cook in a sealed container for 10 minutes. Cool, strain. If menstruation is delayed, take 150 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Fungal and pustular skin diseases - treatment with onions

Onion juice, gruel, and partially baked onions are used to treat fungal and pustular diseases.

Infected areas are lubricated 2-3 times a day with a mixture of onion juice and natural bee honey. During treatment, it is necessary to strictly adhere to hygienic requirements to exclude the possibility of re-infection with the fungus. Skin treatment is carried out over a long period of time, sometimes without interruption for several months.

Sprained ligaments - treated with onions.

For sprains, use a mixture of grated fresh or baked onion pulp and sugar (10: 1). It should be applied to the damaged ligament for 5-6 hours, then the bandage should be changed.


Rub 300 g of onion through a sieve, add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of dry chicory herb powder, 100 g of honey and 0.7 liters of dry white grape wine, leave for 20 days in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day before meals.

Take 10 leeks and cut them off white part(with roots), grind it, pour in 2 liters of red wine, leave for 10 days and drink 30 ml after meals.

Treatment diabetes mellitus onions.

Treatment of diabetes with onions: mix vodka tinctures (1: 10) onion - 150 g, leaves walnut- 60 g, cuff herbs - 40 g. For diabetes, take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening 4 times a day before meals.

Toothache. Onion treatment.

Finely chop a piece of onion, wrap it in gauze and put it in your ear, on the side opposite to where the sore tooth is located.

Squeeze the juice from the onion and soak it in it. toothbrush or a washed finger and gently rub the gums in the area of ​​the sore tooth. Repeat several times a day.

With a prolonged form of the disease, patients should eat up to 100 g of green onions every day.

Prostate hypertrophy.

Mix fresh onion juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Periodontal disease, dental caries - treatment with onions: 1 teaspoon of onion seeds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight, wrap, strain. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day.

Acute and chronic cystitis: mix 300 g of chopped onion, 100 g of honey and 600 ml of white wine, leave for at least 2 days, stirring frequently, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Angina. Treatment of sore throat with onions: Cut 1-2 medium-sized onions into several pieces and boil in 200-300 ml of water. Then leave the broth covered until cooled. When the liquid has cooled to a pleasant warmth, gargle several times a day.

Mix freshly squeezed onion juice or onion pulp half and half with honey. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture every 2 hours until the condition improves.

Treatment of sinusitis with onions: mix 1 teaspoon each of onion juice, cyclamen root juice, Kalanchoe juice, aloe juice, Vishnevsky ointment. Soak 2 cotton swabs in this mixture and insert them into each nostril for 30 minutes. Do this daily. After 20 days of treatment maxillary sinuses will be cleansed.

Treatment of a runny nose with onions: finely chopped 3 cloves of garlic or a quarter of an onion, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, previously kept in a glass container for 30-40 minutes in a water bath and cooled, mix well, leave for 2 hours, strain and lubricate the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day.

Finely crush 3-4 cloves of garlic, pour in a glass of milk, boil, and cool. Drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day (adults 1 tablespoon).

Mix well 6-8 drops of garlic juice, 1 teaspoon each of carrot juice and vegetable oil. Place 2-3 drops in each nostril 5-6 times a day.

Place cotton swabs soaked in onion juice diluted with boiled water 1:1 into the nose for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a day.

Lung abscess.

Cover the patient's head thick fabric(for example, a blanket or a sheet folded in half) and bring a plate of chopped onions to your face. Volatile substances (phytoncides) of onions, together with the inhaled air, penetrating into the lungs, have a healing effect. The duration of one session is 10 minutes. The procedures take from one to two to three months.

Treating colds with onions. Treatment of influenza, pneumonia, sore throat, runny nose with onions.

Dilute 1 teaspoon of garlic oil and 20-25 drops of onion juice in a glass of boiled water. Drink a warm glass every 4 hours and place 5-10 drops in each nostril.

Flu, sore throat, acute respiratory infection

For 0.5 kg of washed oat grain, take 2 liters of water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 3-4 glasses of tolerably hot broth per day.

Treatment of cough with onions. When coughing, it is useful to eat onions fried in butter and mixed with honey.

At severe cough Boil the peels of 10 onions in 1 liter of water until half the liquid remains, cool, strain. Drink 150 ml glass with honey 3 times a day.

Boil 0.5 kg of chopped peeled onion, 50 g of honey and 400 g of sugar in 1 liter of water for 1 hour over low heat, cool, pour into bottles and seal tightly. Take 1 tbsp for severe cough. spoon 4-5 times a day.

For severe coughs, finely chop 10 onions and 1 garlic and cook in unpasteurized milk until the onions and garlic become soft. Cool. Add a little honey, mix and take 1 tbsp. spoon every hour during the day.

Peel 2 medium-sized onions, chop finely, add a quarter cup of granulated sugar, 150 ml of water, cook until the syrup becomes thick. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours.

Boil 60 g of roots bell pepper in 0.5 liters of white grape wine, strain. Drink hot 3 times a day. In addition to this remedy, you need to take a large onion, grate it and mix it with goose lard. Rub this mixture into your chest and front of your neck in the evening before going to bed. The patient should also eat a spoonful of onion with goose fat every morning.

Finely chop 1 large or 2 small onions, add 2 tbsp to them in the evening. spoons of sugar. Leave overnight, and the next day gradually eat this mixture. If it is unpleasant to eat sweet onions, you can drink the resulting juice. Drink for 3-4 days.

Chronic tonsillitis. It's good to eat as much as possible more onions and inhale freshly prepared onion pulp for 2-3 minutes 2 times a day (morning and evening). Course 2 weeks in spring and autumn.

You can take fresh onion juice 0.5 teaspoon 3-4 times a day, diluting it with water 1:5 after meals.

Chronic bronchitis with an asthmatic component. Treatment of bronchitis with onions.

Place 0.5 kg of peeled and finely chopped onions under a weight to drain the juice. Then add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to the juice collected in a glass jar and leave the mixture prepared in this way for 2 weeks in the sun or in a warm place. Then take 1 tbsp daily before meals. spoon 1-2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Bronchial asthma - treatment with onions.

Pass 1 large onion through a meat grinder and mix with 1 glass of honey. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon. There will be a lot of discharge - this is the body cleansing itself. After taking 2 servings, the cough stops completely.

Grate 400 g of peeled onion, place it in an enamel bowl, pour in 1 liter of water, add 0.5 cups of sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Simmer over low heat for 3 hours until the onion is completely softened. Strain the resulting liquid and take 1 tbsp for a long time. spoon 3-4 times a day between attacks.

Trophic ulcers, wounds

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of medium-sized onion pulp, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried crushed calendula flowers, 1 tbsp. spoon of dry crushed willow bark and pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave overnight, strain and mix in equal parts with honey. Apply ointment dressings (if you are not allergic to honey) on trophic ulcers and poorly healing wounds.

Abrasion, cut, injection, splinter, cut, suppuration - treatment with onions

Onions and carrots are good for cleaning wounds from pus, reducing pain, and having an anti-inflammatory effect. Grate, mix vegetables in equal parts and apply for 8-10 minutes.

At skin diseases, depending on the severity of the process, make dressings with boiled and baked onions 1-4 times a day.

Furuncle - treatment with onions.

Bake the onion head (preferably in dough) and cut in half; Place one hot half on the boil and make a bandage, which should be changed after 2-4 hours. This is one of the most common and effective means traditional medicine. Or you can use a boiled onion: grease it with laundry soap and apply it on a patch to the sore spot. Change once a day. These remedies help accelerate the maturation of abscesses and boils.

You can bake an onion, sprinkle it with flour, add honey and apply all this to the sore spot at night.

Treatment of chiria with onions.With chirias, purulent abscesses that appear during a cold, take equal quantities of garlic, onion, pepper, salt and honey, mix and simmer in the oven for 15-20 minutes. You will get a viscous paste, which you apply to the sore spot. It will not only draw out pus, but also heal wounds.

For abscesses, boils, mastitis, make compresses from grated onions, carrots and sour milk(1: 1: 1), then the sore spot is well insulated.

Treatment of mastitis with onions: Mix the gruel from the baked onion in a 2:1 ratio with honey or flaxseed oil and apply 2-3 times a day for 3-4 hours when mastitis begins until complete recovery.

Burns. Onion treatment.

Bergenia thick-leaved (roots), mullein densely flowered (flowers), celandine (herb) take 10 g each; St. John's wort (flowers), white willow (bark), onion, calendula officinalis (flowers) - 20 g each. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped onion, 250 ml olive (sunflower) oil, fry until golden brown, remove the onion, add 50 g melted butter, 10 g of white beeswax, bring to a boil, put 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture and, stirring, bring to a boil. Wrap tightly, leave for 1 hour, strain. Apply to affected areas for burns.

At minor burn even the third degree (when blisters appear) make compresses from soft oil mixed in a mixer with boiled onion in a ratio of 1: 2. Change the compress every 12 hours.

Chronic otitis media

Instill juice from a baked onion with flaxseed oil into your ear. To do this, cut a small hole in a raw onion and pour a little into it. linseed oil. Then bake the onion in the oven and drop the resulting juice into the ear. After recovery, you should not forget to lubricate your ear with boric petroleum jelly and avoid drinking alcohol, since a rush of blood to the head can cause a new abscess (contribute to the recurrence of the abscess) if your hearing decreases.

Hair treatment with onions. Treatment of hair loss with onions.

Rub the head with the juice of the white part of the onion. After 2-3 hours, rinse with infusion of chamomile flowers. Procedures should be done every other day for 25-30 days. If necessary, treatment can be repeated.

Rub onion juice with cognac and burdock root decoction into your head: for 1 part cognac, take 4 parts onion juice and 6 parts burdock root decoction.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of onion pulp, castor oil, honey, 1 egg yolk and mix everything well. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, wrap it up and wash after 1-2 hours. Perform procedures as needed.

Baldness, dandruff. For baldness and dandruff, use onions.

A mixture of onions and honey strengthens hair and promotes its growth. Mix grated onion with honey 4:1, rub the resulting mixture into the roots of washed hair and tie it with a terry towel. After 30-40 minutes, rinse your hair warm water no soap. If your hair is very dry and brittle, add a little warm olive, soy or corn oil and rub this mixture into the hair roots.

Rub onion juice into your scalp for a long time.

For dandruff, a few hours before washing, lubricate the scalp with a mixture prepared from the following components: 1 tbsp. spoon of onion pulp, sunflower oil, honey, one egg yolk. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times throughout the week.

To improve growth, as with hair loss (see above), it is useful to rub onion juice with cognac and a decoction of burdock roots.

To strengthen hair Boil 30-50 g of onion peel in a glass of water for 15-20 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Moisten clean, dry hair with the broth and air dry without rubbing.

Take 1 glass of a mixture of oak bark and onion peel 1:1, pour 1 liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for 1 hour, cool, strain, wet your hair with it, tie your head with a plastic scarf or put on a bag, and put a warm scarf on top, hold 2 hours. Then wash your hair with warm water without soap and dry it at room temperature.

Diuretic for edema

For swelling and initial stage dropsy during the day, take 1 tbsp. spoon a mixture prepared from chopped onions and honey taken in equal quantities.

A similar effect is exerted internally by taking onion tincture in alcohol (20 g of raw material per 100 ml of alcohol) - 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Cut 2 medium onions into thin slices, sprinkle with sugar, leave overnight until the onions release their juice. In the morning, squeeze out the juice and take 2 tablespoons per day before meals.


To treat calluses, place onion peels in a jar and fill it with table vinegar so that the peels are completely covered. Cover the jar with compress paper, tie it and leave it in the room for 2 weeks. Remove the husks, let the vinegar drain and dry slightly. Place a 2-3 mm thick layer on the callus, having previously lubricated the skin surrounding the callus with Vaseline or other fat, and tie it overnight. In the morning, after steaming your foot, carefully and effortlessly scrape off the callus. If the calluses are large, repeat the procedure until they are completely reduced.

Take an onion, peel it, cut it in half, put it in a glass, pour vinegar over it. Place in a warm place for a day. Then remove the onion. Apply a piece to the calluses 2 times a day - morning and evening, tying with a bandage.


Chop a medium-sized onion, pour in 1.5 cups of boiled water, leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink 0.5 glasses a day before meals for 3-4 days. It's vintage remedy, used to expel pinworms and roundworms.

It is necessary to consume 20-25 g of onion daily for 1-2 weeks.

Fill the bottle halfway with finely chopped onions and fill to the top with vodka or 70-proof alcohol, leave in a warm place for 10 days. Take 1-2 tbsp daily. spoons 2 times a day before meals for 10-12 days.

To expel Giardia, onions are either eaten on an empty stomach for 4 days, or drunk as an infusion: pour a head of chopped onion with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-12 hours, strain and drink a third of a glass 1 time per day for 3 days (you can repeat if necessary after 10 days).

Hypertension. Treatment of hypertension with onions...

Onion juice helps reduce blood pressure. It is recommended to eat more fresh onions. You can prepare such a remedy. Squeeze juice from 3 kg of onion, mix it with 500 g of honey, add membranes from 25 walnuts and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 10 days. Strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

Grind 5 onions, 20 cloves of garlic, 5 lemons (without peel and seeds), mix with 1 kg of granulated sugar, pour in 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature, mix. Infuse in a dark, cool place for 7-8 days. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20-25 minutes before meals for 20-25 days. If necessary, appointment this tool repeat at weekly intervals.

Cardiac pain of a neurogenic nature, cardiac neurosis

Prepare a collection of equal parts (by weight) of dry onions, mistletoe, hawthorn fruits and flowers, horsetail herb, valerian rhizomes. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45-60 minutes, strain. For neurogenic heart pain, take a glass 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Migraine. Treatment of migraines with onions.

Atherosclerosis. Treatment of atherosclerosis with onions.

Grate a large onion (about 100 g), add a glass of sugar, leave for 3-4 days, take 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours for a month.

Grate the onion on a fine grater and squeeze. Mix a glass of onion juice with a glass of honey. Mix well. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals. It is used for atherosclerosis, especially for cerebral sclerosis.


Cut the onion head in half, drop a drop of tar in the middle, then apply the onion halves to the sore spot and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure for several days until the pain disappears.

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated onion with an incomplete tablespoon of 40% alcohol. Apply to the heels or sore joint as a compress at night for 10 days daily or every other day in courses for gout and spurs.

Onions in cosmetology:

- Onion juice makes freckles turn pale.

— taking onions internally, as well as onion masks (from a mixture of onion pulp and honey) prevent the appearance of wrinkles, the skin of the face becomes fresher.

Contraindications for the use of onions.

Eating too much onion can cause irritation digestive organs and increase acidity in the stomach.

Onions are contraindicated in acute diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis.

To people suffering bronchial asthma, you should take onions and green onions with caution.

How to bake onions for treatment?

It is better to bake onions in olive oil (or any vegetable oil) in an oven heated to 200°C for at least 40 minutes.

How to remove the smell of onions from your mouth? To remove bad smell from the mouth after eating onions, you can: eat a small bunch of parsley, chew coffee beans or any nuts.

According to Ayurvedic treatises, onions and garlic provoke aggression, anxiety and agitation. At the same time, Ayurveda recognizes the healing (in particular, anthelmintic) properties of these vegetables and does not object to treatment with them.

The ability of onions and their green shoots to kill worms was demonstrated in a 2011 Indian study. Alcohol extract onion at a concentration of 50 mg/ml paralyzed the worms in just a minute and killed them in 4 minutes.

Contraindications and side effects

Even such a common vegetable as onion has its own contraindications, which are especially important to listen to when this product is used in large quantities to treat ailments.

Among them:

  • liver diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (it is not recommended to eat raw onions);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • nickel allergy;
  • increased blood clotting.

Recipe for cleaning with onion tincture:

  1. Fill ½ of the volume of a 1.5-liter bottle with finely chopped onion.
  2. Fill the bottle up to the neck with vodka.
  3. Leave for 10 days.
  4. Drink onion tincture 1 tbsp. l. before lunch and dinner

Anyone who loves pickled herring with onions will be interested to know that this unremarkable dish can also remove helminths from the body if prepared correctly.

Scheme for the treatment of helminthiases with herring and onions:

  1. Peel and slice one herring as thinly as possible.
  2. Peel and chop a large onion.
  3. Toss the herring with onions and sprinkle lemon juice and water vegetable oil.
  4. Eat twice a day on an empty stomach, without eating or drinking anything. You need to eat all the herring in a day. If you are thirsty, you can drink only 2 hours after eating.

Ready-made natural preparations

If contraindications and “side effects” of onions or garlic do not allow the use of these vegetables for the treatment of helminthiasis, or a person is constrained by a lack of time and simply does not have time to prepare decoctions or infusions, ready-made ones can successfully replace them anthelmintics. Natural anthelmintics are produced in the form of teas, tinctures and concentrated extracts, and a whole complex of anthelmintic plants is responsible for the removal of helminths:

  • ferula jungarica (also provides treatment for mycoses);
  • birch leaves;
  • common agrimony;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • wormwood;
  • yarrow;
  • Salvia officinalis;
  • peppermint;
  • Oak bark;
  • calendula officinalis;
  • tansy;
  • swamp grass;
  • Chinese sumac.

An additional ingredient in some anthelmintic tinctures - bear bile - helps dissolve and remove ascaris eggs, pinworms and other helminths from the body.

Onion extracts and juice, as shown by numerous studies and reviews from people, are really capable of treating helminthiases, mycoses and protozoal infections. However, onions and its close relative garlic are very aggressive vegetables and are contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and bronchial asthma.

Useful properties of onions. The use of onions in folk medicine.

Onions contain a large number of Sugars, protein, and necessary for the body human vitamins C, PP, E, group B (B1, B3, B6), carotene, essential oils, minerals(potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium).

Baked onions are used to treat abscesses by applying it to the affected areas of the skin. Masks made from finely chopped onions improve the condition of the hair and scalp and help eliminate dandruff. Freshly squeezed juice is effective for removing freckles.

Onions increase appetite, stimulate the digestive glands, improve absorption nutrients from food. It has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, helps the body fight viruses, increasing its defenses. Onions are an effective anthelmintic. It is indispensable for those who want to lose weight, as it improves metabolism and helps burn fat.

The use of onions in folk medicine. Onion treatment

Onion gruel for sprains

Peel and chop 1 onion, add 10 g of sugar and mix. Spread the resulting mass in an even layer on gauze, place on the sore spot, bandage with woolen cloth and leave for several hours.

Onion pulp for boils

Bake 1 onion in the oven, chop it, apply it to the boil and cover it with a band-aid. Change the bandage every 3-4 hours.

Onion gruel for the prevention of atherosclerosis

Grate 30 g of onion, combine with 30 g of honey and mix. Take 20 g 3 times a day for 2 months.

Onion gruel for bruises

Grate 1 onion, place it in an even layer on gauze, apply to the bruise and hold for 25-30 minutes.

Onion gruel for a runny nose

Grate 20 g of onions, 20 g of laundry soap, add 20 ml of alcohol and 20 ml of milk. Keep the resulting mass in a water bath for 30 minutes. Twist the cotton wool into flagella, apply onion pulp on them and insert into the nostrils. Keep for 30-60 minutes, warming with a blue lamp.

Onion juice for ear wax

Combine 200 ml of onion juice and 50 ml of vodka, stir. Drop the resulting solution into the ears, 2 drops 2 times a day.

Onion juice for otitis media

Stuff the onion head with cumin seeds and bake in the oven, then squeeze out the juice using gauze. Apply 2-3 drops into the ears 2 times a day until complete recovery.

Onion infusion for worms

Peel 2-3 onions, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 7 hours. Take the resulting product warm, 100-150 ml for 3-4 days.

Onion infusion for diabetes

Grind or mince 2-3 onions, add 300 ml of warm water and leave for 8 hours, then strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Onion tincture for low immunity

Chop 2 onions, pour in 300 ml of vodka and leave, capped, for 7 days, then strain. Take 20 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks.

Onion decoction for bronchitis

Grind 500 g of onions, combine with 50 g of honey, 100 g of sugar, 100 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 3 hours, then cool, strain and pour into a glass container. Take 30 ml 4-6 times a day.

Decoction onion peel with amenorrhea

Peel about 1 kg of onion, rinse, pour 500 ml of boiling water over it and keep on low heat for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals for 2 weeks.

Onion peel for calluses

Remove the skins from 1 kg of onions, pour in this amount table vinegar until it is completely covered, and keep under compress paper for 14 days. Then drain the vinegar, take a little husk, apply it to the callus, tie it with cotton cloth and leave overnight. In the morning, steam your foot and carefully remove the callus. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Onion for insect bites

Cut an onion in half, apply to the bite site and hold for 20 minutes.

Onions for the flu

Cut the onion in half, apply to the nasal passages and inhale deeply for 2-3 minutes. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Bulb onionsperennial herbaceous plant belonging to the onion family. The plant's homeland is South-West Asia.

One of the most common vegetable crops. Used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology.

Did you know?The ancient Egyptians called onions “the plant of the gods” and were convinced that the whole world was structured like a large multi-layered onion.

Calorie content and chemical composition of onions

Onions contain from 8 to 14% fructose, maltose, sucrose, and 2% proteins. The bulbs are rich in vitamins B, E, ascorbic acid; The composition contains the flavonoid quercetin, saponins, phosphorus, iron, as well as essential oil, the presence of which causes a specific aroma and pungent taste. Iodine, apple and citric acid, pectins and glycosides.

Onions have a calorie content per 100 g of 41 kcal; 100 g contains 1.4 g of proteins, 10.4 g of carbohydrates.

Important!The sugar content in onions is higher than in apples and pears, but despite this, onions are an excellent fat burner.

Useful properties of onions

The usefulness of onions for the body is manifested in the fact that the phytoncides that onions secrete help destroy pathogenic bacteria and ciliates, and volatile phytoncides kill diphtheria and tuberculosis bacilli. Onions stimulate appetite, are diuretic, bactericidal and antiseptic properties, increases the secretion of digestive juices.

The benefits and harms of onions for women lies in its ability to help with delayed and absent menstruation, to cure algodismenorrhea, but at the same time, pregnant women are prohibited from using it so as not to provoke a miscarriage or dangerous uterine bleeding.

The benefits of onions for men reflected in the vegetable’s ability to heal inflammation of the prostate gland, improve sexual function. In addition, onions, according to doctors, are a good adaptogen and help with jet lag. Onion juice relieves pain from a wasp sting.

Important!Onions contain flavonols, which prevent cancer.

Use in folk medicine: treatment with onions

Onions are very popular in folk medicine. Onions are used to treat a myriad of diseases: colds, bronchitis, hypertension, disorders genitourinary system, joint sprains, helminthiasis, gastrointestinal disorders, atherosclerosis.

With a runny nose

Using a bow will help with inflammation of the nasal mucosa.To do this, you need to finely chop the onion, pour 200 ml of warm boiled water, add a tablespoon of honey and leave for an hour in a dark place. Rinse your nose with the resulting mixture 6 times a day.

Will have a positive effect on the patient's condition onion vapor inhalation several times a day for 15 minutes. It is a well-known fact that honey with onions softens the nasal mucosa; its benefits for rhinitis are very great.

To make sure of this, you can try one more recipe. onion infusion: 2 tbsp. l. crushed onion, pour 2 cups of boiled water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Add 1.5 cups of honey and 2 tsp to the infusion. sea ​​salt, stir well and rinse your nose and mouth 3 times a day until completely cured.

For stuffy ears

Keeping in mind what vitamins are in onions, you can come to the conclusion that consuming it can actually get rid of many ailments, one of which is ear congestion. This unpleasant process can be caused by several factors: otitis, sulfur plugs, colds, etc.

Can cope with congestion ear drops from a bow.To prepare them, you need to squeeze the juice from a fresh onion and dilute with vodka in a ratio of 1:4. Place in ears morning and evening. In addition, you can make a paste of onions, wrap it in cotton wool and place it in the ear canal. However, these drugs cannot be used for purulent otitis media.

For sprains

Effective for this type of injury is onion and sugar compress. These components reduce pain when stretching. First, you need to soak gauze in vegetable oil, put onions mixed with sugar in a 1:1 ratio on it, and finally secure the compress with a tight bandage. This product should be changed twice a day.

For boils and abscesses

Traditional medicine has long known about the benefits of onions in the treatment of furunculosis.

Onions draw out pus from ripened boils and accelerate their ripening.

The onion, cut in half crosswise, is placed in a frying pan and kept on low heat for 10 minutes, after which it is applied to the affected area.

You can bake the onion in the oven, layer it into plates, remove the film from each and apply it to the boil. The plates will have to be changed as the pus drains. There is another cooking option: After baking, chop the onion to a paste and mix with laundry soap.

Onions help relieve suffering with an abscess.Boil the onion in milk or bake in the oven, then quickly apply it to the abscess and bandage it. Also, baked onions are mixed with grated soap, and the resulting mass is applied to purulent inflammation tissues, replacing every four hours.

For hypertension

Onions are used in folk medicine to relieve hypertensive crises. Favors lowering blood pressure mixture of onions, honey and lemon zest. Squeeze a glass of onion juice, mix with one glass of honey and 100 g of chopped zest, take one hour before meals three times a day for three months. The mixture normalizes work of cardio-vascular system, will strengthen the immune system.

Fresh onion juice for flu

Fresh Juice will contribute to recovery from the flu. Grate 50 g of onion, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, mix thoroughly and squeeze through cheesecloth. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. honey. Use 1 tsp. every 30 minutes. Onions are very useful for strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from various infections from outside.

Onion tincture for bronchitis

Onion tincture– a good expectorant for bronchitis. It’s easy to prepare the tincture: Place finely chopped onion in a glass bowl, add granulated sugar and leave at room temperature for three hours. Take the resulting drug three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Onion juice is often taken for bronchitis and its benefits are very tangible and proven by the examples of many people who share their stories on the Internet in various forums. There is one too tincture option: Dilute a glass of sugar in 1 liter of water, put on fire, bring to the consistency of syrup and add 2 onions with peels. Boil the tincture until the onion is halved. Use the resulting juice 2 times a day before meals, ½ cup.

Onion infusion for worms

To get rid of worms ethnoscience offers this recipe: Finely chop 2 large onions and pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 12 hours and drink the resulting onion infusion 30 minutes before meals, 3 tbsp. l. three times a day. This type of tincture is more suitable for children.

Adults You can try this variation: Pour 100 g of chopped onion with vodka into a 1.5 liter bottle and leave for 10 days. Drink 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals.

Blue onion helps treat the liver: improves its function and is prophylactic against cirrhosis

How to use onions in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have long paid attention to the abundance of vitamins and minerals in this vegetable and use onions for the beauty of hair and skin.

For dandruff

Onions have been used as a means of combating dandruff since ancient times. Onion mask has a beneficial effect on the scalp, saturating it with microelements and vitamins. 2 tbsp. l. Mix onion chopped in a meat grinder with 1 tsp. alcohol, rub into the scalp, cover with film and wrap with a towel on top for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo to remove residues.

You can offer another mask recipe: 2 tbsp. l. Mix fresh onion juice with 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice, add 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. cognac Separately mix 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 3 drops of rosemary oil, combine the two mixtures, mix, rub into the scalp, wrap the head in a plastic bag for 20 minutes.

Helps solve dandruff problem onion peel. Pour 50 g of husk into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Rinse your hair with this infusion after each wash.

Did you know?Blondes are not recommended to use this product due to the risk of coloring their hair.

Dry dandruff will disappear after use castor mask: 1 tbsp. l. grated onion mixed with 2 tbsp. l. castor oil and add 2 tbsp. l. vodka, rub into the scalp 40 minutes before washing.

To strengthen hair

Rubbing fresh juice onions with honey and cologne added to the scalp before washingeffective method strengthen the hair structure. This mixture is rubbed in, covered with film and a towel, kept for three hours and washed off. The product makes hair silky and strong.

Next mask improves hair growth and helps against hair loss: 4 parts of strained onion juice are mixed with 6 parts of burdock root decoction and 1 part of cognac, rubbed into the scalp 2 hours before washing, warming the head, and rinsed off with birch infusion.

Onion peel strengthens hair and its benefits for the roots are enormous: it thickens its structure, makes it shiny and glossy.

For skin care

Helps moisturize dry skin onion and oatmeal mask. Cook a thick porridge from ½ cup of oatmeal, add freshly squeezed onion juice and 5 g of honey. Mix and apply to facial skin until completely dry. The mask has a tonic effect and nourishes the skin from the inside.

The following recipe will be needed for girls suffering for acne and excessive oily skin. Cut a medium onion, squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp, chop and squeeze at the same time carrot juice. Mix 50 ml of each juice, add 1 yolk and 20 ml of olive or coconut oil. Apply onto face using massaging movements, rub in gently and leave for 20 minutes. After using the mask, there is no feeling of tightness, the pores narrow and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

To protect normal and combination skin from the harmful effects of the environment, there is onion and yeast mask. 1 tbsp. l. dilute dry yeast in 1 tbsp. l. milk, add the juice of 1 small onion to the mixture, mix and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

Many owners of freckles would like to get rid of this manifestation of pigmentation. Will provide assistance when lightening freckles this mask: Mix 5 ml of vitamin C in ampoules with 50 ml of onion juice, 25 ml apple cider vinegar and 75 ml olive oil, add 10 g of honey, half a grated apple and 1 yolk, mix thoroughly and beat all ingredients. Apply the resulting emulsion in a thick layer exclusively to areas with freckles. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes with mineral water at room temperature.

Increases blood circulation and makes skin cells work 100% onion and lanolin oil mask. 1 large onion must be mixed with 5 ml of lanolin oil and 2 tbsp. l. honey, leave the mixture on your face for 30 minutes, then remove with a damp cloth. Onion masks should be made for 3 months, 2 times a week.

How to store onions

For long-term storage, you should select healthy, large onions that are not damaged. Small and unripe onions should be set aside and consumed first. Store onions in a dry, dark place in a breathable container, preferably in a specially designated box in a closet or pantry.

As containers, you can use wicker baskets that allow air to pass through well, wooden or plastic boxes that help save space, cardboard boxes with holes in the sides and bottom to ventilate the onions, paper or fabric bags or polypropylene nets that allow free air circulation.

Sprinkle the onions with chalk or onion peels - this will protect against germination and further decay, the chalk will absorb excess moisture. You should regularly inspect and sort through the stored onions, removing infected bulbs, and also check whether the vegetable is damp. Damp onions must be dried on the floor or in the oven.

Contraindications and side effects from onions

Undoubtedly, there are great benefits from onions, but this wonderful vegetable can also cause harm. Onions can irritate the digestive organs and increase stomach acidity, so Contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Onions can also have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system: it irritates the nervous system and provokes a decrease in blood pressure. Dangerous for asthmatics too

49 once already

Today we are discussing traditional treatment onions for various diseases, we analyze the basic recipes for the use in medicine of such a useful vegetable with amazing properties. With our advice, you will help yourself and your loved ones improve their health with absolutely natural product, which is available to everyone today.

Composition, beneficial properties and use of onions in medicine

Onions are rich in phytoncides, essential oils, sugars (glucose, maltose, fructose, sucrose), mineral salts (K, P, Fe, I), organic acids (citric and malic), vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, E , PP), nitrogenous substances, sulfuric substances, insulin, polysaccharides, flavonoid quercetin, glucosides, fiber and others useful material. Bulbs and leaves of the plant are used.

This universal medicine, which is used in folk and clinical applications (as part of various medications and drugs) medicine for the treatment of various diseases of human organ systems:

  • cardiovascular– for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, stroke, normalization of blood pressure;
  • digestive– used in the treatment of the liver and gall bladder, improves appetite and digestion;
  • integumentary – for speedy healing of wounds, getting rid of boils, acne and scars, improving the condition of skin and hair;
  • nervous – has a calming effect;
  • musculoskeletal– for the treatment of joints, bruises and injuries;
  • immune – protects and strengthens the immune system, has antimicrobial and antibacterial, antitumor effects;
  • respiratory - an excellent remedy for colds, otitis media, sinusitis;
  • sensory – for the treatment of diseases of the eyes and ears;
  • genitourinary – for inflammatory processes and diseases of the reproductive organs, as a diuretic.

Let's take a closer look at the methods of use and the most effective folk recipes for onion medicines.


Consume fresh onions every day for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, constipation, colic, inflammation, worms), for the prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

If you have diabetes, eat onions in any form - raw, baked, boiled. To strengthen the immune system and prevent the body, add onions to salads, first and second courses.

Onion juice

Onion juice is the most popular form natural medicine, used to treat the whole body:

  • sore throat, ARVI, tonsillitis– take 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day an hour before meals;
  • runny nose, sinusitis– put 1-2 drops into your nose, can be combined with honey, aloe juice, cyclamen;
  • for coughs - drink onion juice with honey, juice from baked onions;
  • otitis media - place 2-4 drops of warm juice in the ear; children can be diluted 1:2 with water;
  • decreased vision– before going to bed, lubricate your eyelids with a mixture of onion juice and honey, and for cataracts, instill drops of the same composition in a ratio of 1:2;
  • purulent diseases, ulcers, acne, pimples - use juice lotions;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (atony, indigestion) - drink 1 tbsp. spoon before eating;
  • stomatitis, inflammation in oral cavity– drink and rinse your mouth with onion juice and honey.

Onion gruel

For various inflammatory processes, use onion pulp:

  • bronchitis - take a mixture of grated onion and honey, 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day with meals;
  • for runny nose and flu, – 3 times a day, use gauze swabs with grated onion for 10-15 minutes;
  • sore throat, sore throat– use gruel of grated onion, apple and honey;
  • erosion, uterine fibroid– use tampons made from onion pulp or chopped garlic at night;
  • abscess, boil, fungal infections – use grated onion compresses;
  • problems with bladder – eat grated onions with apples and honey.

Onion decoction and infusion

Use a decoction and infusion of onion or onion peel for treatment:

  • calluses, ulcerative processes– for rubdowns and compresses, pour half a glass of husks into 0.5 glasses of vinegar, leave for 2 weeks;
  • colds, cough– boil 3-4 medium onions in 1 liter of water or milk with honey, drink in small portions;
  • inflammatory processes female reproductive system– use douching with a warm infusion of onion peel;
  • atherosclerosis, hypertension– take 20-30 drops of onion alcohol tincture three times a day before meals;
  • to strengthen teeth– rinse your mouth with onion infusion.

Onions after heat treatment

Baked onions do not lose their useful properties, use it in following cases:

  • abscesses and boils, purulent skin lesions - apply a compress of warm baked onions;
  • calluses and warts– wash the affected areas with a decoction of baked onions, apply warm compresses from onions boiled in vinegar.

How to bake onions in the oven for treatment

Can be used as delicious medicine from diabetes. Rinse the onions well, cut in half and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes.

Healthy onion juice is obtained by baking onions in the oven with butter. Olive oil is best suited for this.

Cut a small hole in the onion, add a little oil and bake until done. After the onion has cooled, squeeze out the resulting juice and use as intended.

If you bake an onion with sugar instead of butter, you will get an excellent remedy for fighting coughs in children.

How to use onions in cosmetics

Of course, you can’t do without onions in cosmetics:

  • to strengthen hair– before washing, rub the scalp with onion gruel, leave for an hour, rinse with boiled water or a decoction of herbs. You can add various nourishing oils to the mask;
  • for hair growth - two hours before washing, rub onion juice into the roots of your hair, wrap your head with a towel. The same recipe is suitable for treating dandruff;
  • use to improve hair condition– rinse your hair with a decoction of onion peels;
  • facial skin care– mix onion pulp with honey in a 2:1 ratio, apply to your face, then rinse with warm water;
  • getting rid of freckles– wipe your face with a swab dipped in onion juice.

Treatment with different types of onions

Most recipes are focused on the familiar onion, but in addition to it, red onions (also called blue, purple, Yalta), leeks, Indian (Chinese) onions and other types are used.

Red onion treatment effective for diseases digestive system, in particular the liver and gall bladder, since it does not have such irritating effect on mucous membranes, like onions, has a softer and sweeter taste.

For hepatitis, it can be used as an additional therapy blue onion treatment. For cleansing bile duct recommended tincture of red onion peel with the addition of other medicinal plants.

Chinese onion used for treatment skin diseases, joint damage, bruises, pain, swelling. For rubbing and compresses, gruel, tincture, and lotions from the leaves of the plant are used.


Contraindications to the use of onions as medicine may include:

Do not use only one onion treatment when serious illnesses– it must be in combination with other drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Despite all positive reviews online about the use of onions as medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

And yet – the onion is amazing. Check it out and be sure. In the meantime - see you later!
