A simple calculation of the volume of an aquarium: a note for beginner aquarists. How to determine the size of an aquarium How to calculate the volume of an aquarium in liters online

    Look here for a bunch of calculations of volumes of various shapes

    When determining the volume of a rectangular aquarium, you need to measure the aquarium inside (in order not to take into account the thickness of the walls - length, width and height. Multiply the obtained data - length by width, and the resulting sum by height. You will get the volume of the aquarium which can be converted into liters (1 decimeter = 1 liter)

    An aquarium of other shapes (oval, ball or other non-rectangular shape) can be calculated simply by pouring water from a three-liter jar.

    To calculate the volume of an aquarium, you need to remember the geometry and the rule for determining volumes geometric shapes. Since most aquariums are shaped like a parallelepiped, you need to multiply the sides and the height of the future aquarium in centimeters, and then divide by 1000, to get the volume in liters of water.

    The volume of the aquarium is usually indicated in the operating instructions, but if the instructions are lost, then with a rectangular shape you need to measure the sides and multiply, the resulting result will be the volume for water. Aquariums are round or there are other shapes of an aquarium, it is best to measure by simply pouring water into them and then pouring it into a measuring jug and see the volume, because such aquariums are usually small in shape.

    Typically, aquariums are rectangular in shape. Anyway this is best form for the life of fish and to observe them. The volume of such an aquarium is easy to calculate. To do this, you need to multiply the lengths of its sides (length, width and height) by each other. We get the volume in cubic centimeters. Dividing it by 1000 we get the volume in liters. There are aquariums of exotic shapes: such as, for example, in the shape of a ball (they are usually not large - 20-25 liters) or, for example, aquariums in the form of a screen, which is placed against the wall or hung on it. Such aquariums, it must be said, are not very suitable for fish. Their volume can be calculated by pouring water into them, and then measuring the volume of this water. For example, use a three-liter jar and get the capacity of the aquarium in liters.

    In such a matter as calculating the volume of an aquarium, you can turn to a school geometry course. Or you can do with arithmetic.

    Take a vessel whose volume is known (jar, pan, plastic bottle or canister for drinking water), and with the help of do not pour water into the aquarium exactly to the level that is necessary. During the process of filling the aquarium, it is better to write down the number of volumes being filled so as not to lose count. Then we multiply the volume of the auxiliary vessel by the number of fills - the calculation of the volume of the aquarium is made.

    The method is good not only if you don’t want to remember formulas and look somewhere again for a snake that has crawled away with a measuring tape, but also for determining the actual volume of aquariums of complex shape, as well as if you have the necessary driftwood decorating the underwater landscape of sculptures and an internal filter.

    What kind of aquarium do you have? And how accurately should the volume be calculated?

    If it is rectangular, then multiply the width by the length and the height; if measured in centimeters, then you will get the volume in cubic centimeters...

    To calculate aquariums of other shapes, you need to turn to geometry for help!

    Typically, fish aquariums are rectangular in shape. To calculate the volume, you need to multiply 3 indicators: width, length and height. Measure with a regular centimeter, and the result will be in cubic centimeters.

    The volume of an aquarium can be calculated in the same way as the volume of a cube. You need to measure the length of the bottom of the aquarium, the width of its bottom and the height of the aquarium. Multiply the length by the width, then multiply the resulting figure by the height of the aquarium. The number of decimeters you get equals the number of liters of water that will fit in your aquarium. If your aquarium is round or spherical, then you should calculate it using the formula for calculating the same geometric shapes.

    I bring to your attention two aquarium calculator online: simple And more refined.

    Suppose you nevertheless decided to measure the parameters of the aquarium with a ruler and were able to calculate its volume in cubic centimeters. How to find out, how many liters How much water will this aquarium hold if you fill it completely? Here It is advised to multiply the result in cubic centimeters by 0,001 - and get liters. I advise you to stay on this page also because it gives a number of valuable tips on calculating the percentage of water in an aquarium, which is very important, since 20% is the maximum possible amount tap water in an aquarium is safe for its inhabitants.

The volume of your aquarium is the starting point for dozens of calculations. The volume determines the type and quantity of fish and plants, the characteristics of the filter and heater, the dosage of medications and fertilizers necessary for the successful functioning of your home ecosystem. How often do novice aquarists rely on the number indicated in the tank’s factory specifications and make mistakes, sometimes irreparably for their pets. If you want to turn your aquarium into a real underwater kingdom, you will have to start with mathematics.

You will need

  • - roulette
  • - pencil and paper
  • - calculator


1. If your aquarium is a parallelogram, you need to measure its width, depth and length from the outside and write down these values.

2. Now you have to calculate the internal dimensions. To do this, measure the thickness of the tank wall, multiply by two and subtract the resulting figure from each measurement. For example, wall thickness aquarium 0.5 centimeters. You need to subtract a centimeter from the outside length to find the inside length.

3. Convert centimeters to meters and calculate the volume aquarium using internal measurements. Multiply the length by the width and height and you get a volume of cubic meters.

4. Now convert cubic meters to liters. There are one thousand liters in one cubic meter.

5. Let's take a standard 50 liter aquarium with a wall thickness of 0.5 centimeters and the following external dimensions of 54x27x35 centimeters. Its internal dimensions will be 53x26x34 centimeters. From each measurement we subtracted 1 centimeter, the wall thickness aquarium, multiplied by two. Its volume in cubic meters will be 0.54 x 0.26 x 0.35 = 0.0491 centimeters or 49 liters.

6. It would seem that the difference of 1 liter is not so significant, but this volume corresponds to the amount of water poured into the aquarium to the very edge and only if there is nothing else in the tank. If we don't add water to the top aquarium by 3 centimeters, then there is another 0.5 liter less water in it. How did we know this? Multiplying the bottom area by the height from the water surface to the edge aquarium, that is, 0.54x0.29x0.03 and converting the resulting figure - 0.0042 - from cubic centimeters to liters.

7. Now you can subtract about a liter of water for the volume occupied by the filter and heater. And about 0.5 liters for driftwood or other decorative decorations. And don't forget about the algae. But there is still soil! 2 centimeters of basalt chips will take about 0.8 liters of the total volume. So your 50 liter aquarium actually holds about 47 liters. And the larger the aquarium, the more noticeable the difference between the declared volume and the real one.

What is an aquarium calculator?

Sooner or later, many aquarists have thoughts of replacing their home pond with a larger one or a more interesting and original one. There may be several options here: buy ready-made, order from a professional craftsman, or make it yourself. For those who like to experiment and “work with their hands,” it is very important to think through everything in advance and calculate it so that the homemade aquarium lasts a long time and does not fall apart in a day, creating a lot of problems for the owner. An aquarium calculator was created to help craftsmen. Let's figure out what it is and why it is needed.

People often buy aquarium fish, without thinking about what type of tank they need. When making such a purchase, it is very important to calculate the volume of the aquarium in liters. A lot depends on this characteristic: how many pets will live there, the volume of water, the amount of soil, etc. In fact, every adult knows how to calculate the volume of an aquarium; you just need to remember the knowledge acquired at school.

Why are calculations necessary?

It would seem that there is nothing simpler - buy a fish house, that's it necessary components and place underwater inhabitants there. In fact, if the owner of the fish has not correctly calculated the capacity of the tank, her pets may not live in it for long.

  • to understand what number of fish and plants will be optimal for a certain pet house;
  • determine the amount of soil and fertilizers;
  • even when calculating the dosage medicines For pets, you need to know the aquarium data.

The fish house should be cozy for its inhabitants, then there will be no problems with the health of the pets.

How to make the calculation?

To understand how to find out the volume of an aquarium, you need to resort to the queen of all sciences - mathematics. Calculations will help determine how many liters will be needed to fill it, which heater and water filter to choose, and what species of fish can exist in it. Correct calculations are the key to the longevity of underwater inhabitants.

To calculate the volume of the aquarium, it is worth preparing special measuring instruments. The volume of an aquarium can be calculated using a calculator, tape measure and a pencil with a piece of paper. When you have prepared everything you need, you need to follow the instructions and remember what you went through at school:

  • to calculate the volume of an aquarium that has the shape of a parallelogram (this is a standard type of product) you need to measure its outside length, depth and width;
  • These three values ​​in the aquarium should be written down on a piece of paper, they will be useful for further calculations;
  • The displacement of the tank using measured numbers is calculated by the formula: internal length × internal width × internal height;
  • the question remains of how to calculate the internal quantities, for this you need to measure the wall of the tank, its thickness;
  • the resulting figure must be multiplied by 2, then subtracted from the previously obtained external measurements, which will help obtain internal numbers;
  • then we substitute the values ​​into the formula described above and convert the resulting value into cubic liters (1 m 3 = 1000 l) - this will be the volume of the aquarium or displacement.

There is an additional specific method for measuring the displacement of a tank. It's a little simpler than the previous one. It is necessary to make calculations using the formula: (H × D × D) × 0.001 (where H is height in cm, D is length in cm, D is depth in cm). This way you can subtract the liters correctly.

The forest cat (from the Latin Felis silvestris) lives in Western Europe and Asia Minor. Similar to a gray European shorthair cat, but slightly larger and the tail is shorter. Weighs up to 7 kg, body length up to 90 cm. Domestic cat classified as varieties forest cat. Its color is gray with black stripes and spots. Lives in the forest near ponds, [...]

The sand cat (from the Latin Felis margarita), or sand cat, is sometimes also called the desert cat, which is why it is confused with the Chinese cat, although in appearance they are not at all similar. It lives on the Arabian Peninsula, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. This is a small cat Weight Limit adult male - 3.5 kg. total length can reach up to 90 cm, with the tail being 30-35 [...]

Chartreux - cat blue color with French roots. Origin: France. Origin: aboriginal. Coat: shorthair. Chartreux - this is what the monks of the Carthusian Order called their favorite cats and liqueur own production. This is a strong, powerful animal, small but heavy, with dense, thick short hair, colored in various shades of gray. HISTORY OF THE BREED Cats of the breed [...]

The volume of your aquarium is the starting point for dozens of calculations. The volume determines the type and quantity of fish and plants, the characteristics of the filter and heater, the dosage of medications and fertilizers necessary for the successful functioning of your home ecosystem. How often do novice aquarists rely on the number indicated in the tank’s factory specifications and make mistakes, sometimes irreparably for their pets. If you want to turn your aquarium into a real underwater kingdom, you will have to start with mathematics.

You will need

  • - roulette
  • - pencil and paper
  • - calculator


1. If your aquarium is a parallelogram, you need to measure its width, depth and length from the outside and write down these values.

2. Now you have to calculate the internal dimensions. To do this, measure the thickness of the tank wall, multiply by two and subtract the resulting figure from each measurement. For example, wall thickness aquarium 0.5 centimeters. You need to subtract a centimeter from the outside length to find the inside length.

3. Convert centimeters to meters and calculate the volume aquarium using internal measurements. Multiply the length by the width and height and you get the volume in cubic meters.

4. Now convert cubic meters to liters. There are one thousand liters in one cubic meter.

5. Let's take a standard 50 liter aquarium with a wall thickness of 0.5 centimeters and the following external dimensions of 54x27x35 centimeters. Its internal dimensions will be 53x26x34 centimeters. From each measurement we subtracted 1 centimeter, the wall thickness aquarium, multiplied by two. Its volume in cubic meters will be 0.54 x 0.26 x 0.35 = 0.0491 centimeters or 49 liters.

6. It would seem that the difference of 1 liter is not so significant, but this volume corresponds to the amount of water poured into the aquarium to the very edge and only if there is nothing else in the tank. If we don't add water to the top aquarium by 3 centimeters, then there is another 0.5 liter less water in it. How did we know this? Multiplying the bottom area by the height from the water surface to the edge aquarium, that is, 0.54x0.29x0.03 and converting the resulting figure - 0.0042 - from cubic centimeters to liters.

7. Now you can subtract about a liter of water for the volume occupied by the filter and heater. And about 0.5 liters for driftwood or other decorative decorations. And don't forget about the algae. But there is still soil! 2 centimeters of basalt chips will take about 0.8 liters of the total volume. So your 50 liter aquarium actually holds about 47 liters. And the larger the aquarium, the more noticeable the difference between the declared volume and the real one.


You will need


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If you want to achieve ideal accuracy in calculations, it is worth remembering that the specific gravity of basalt chips, quartz, and river sand is different.

Helpful advice

There is a network a large number of links to various aquarium calculators online. They allow you to calculate the volume of your aquarium and the weight of the soil necessary for its proper functioning.

❶ How to calculate the volume of an aquarium:: how to calculate the volume of a round aquarium:: Furniture and decor

An aquarium in the house is not only very beautiful. It has been proven that observing underwater life calms the nerves, improves mood and puts thoughts in order. But in order for underwater life not only to look harmonious, but also not to cause inconvenience to underwater inhabitants, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for them, namely, choose the right size aquarium.

The question “where to order a playground?” - 2 answers

You will need

  • calculator or mental arithmetic, aquarium decorations and soil, fish


1. First, think carefully about what kind of fish you plan to place in the aquarium. It should not be very crowded, otherwise internal wars and, as a result, the death of residents are inevitable. And this is not what you want to set up an aquarium for. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much internal space a particular individual requires. As a rule, peaceful fish medium size (5-8 cm) requires 10-15 liters. Accordingly, the larger the fish and the more aggressive it is, the more space it needs to live peacefully with its neighbors.

2. Decide what interior decorations you want to place, what plants you will plant in what soil.
We must not forget that decorations, plants and soil take up some of the internal space of the aquarium. The thickness of the soil layer depends on the size of its particles and ranges from 3 to 8 centimeters. That is, than larger particles, the thicker the soil layer in the aquarium should be. The background can also be 3D (although more often than not it is not), so be sure to take that into account as well.

3. Taking into account all the selected items, calculate the size of the aquarium you need. As a rule, the volume is already indicated in stores, and when purchasing you will know exactly whether this or that aquarium is suitable for you. But if you do not know exactly the volume of this particular aquarium, it can be calculated using the formula. To do this, you need to multiply the length, depth and height of the aquarium in centimeters. We will get the volume in cubic centimeters. This value must be multiplied by 0.001 to get liters. By selecting the right aquarium you can create beautiful corner in your own home and provide a joyful happy life to its inhabitants.

Video on the topic

❶ How to determine the volume of an aquarium:: Apartment and cottage:: Other

Guides for breeding aquarium fish usually indicate how many liters of water are needed per pair. There are species of fish that will never grow to their normal size in a small vessel. For some guests, a too cramped “house” can actually be disastrous. Therefore, the volume of the aquarium must be calculated in advance. You need to know it even if the fish are sick. Drug doses are also calculated by volume.

Question “how to restore the certificate of registration of ownership of 1/4 of an apartment, type of registered right - common shared ownership” - 1 answer

You will need

  • - ruler, tape measure or measuring tape;
  • - measuring vessel;
  • - calculator.


1. Decide what volume you need - geometric or actual. The first is calculated in exactly the same way as the volume of a geometric body of the corresponding shape. Measure the length, width and height of the aquarium and multiply them. For measurements, it is most convenient to use a tape measure or measuring tape. This method has several disadvantages. This makes it convenient to calculate the parameters of a rectangular or square vessel. But modern aquariums have the most bizarre shapes, and this method is not always suitable. In addition, water should never be poured into the aquarium to the brim. And there are rocks and hiding places for some fish, and they also take up volume.

2. Get some measuring utensils. You will need it in the future. This could be a vessel with divisions or even an ordinary bucket or jar, the volume of which you know. A measuring vessel allows you to determine the volume more accurately. Before adding the fish, you will still fill the aquarium with water. In many cases this needs to be done several times. For example, when testing homemade aquariums for leaks. But it is more convenient to calculate the volume immediately before introducing the fish, when you have already processed the soil, stones and decorative elements.

3. Place soil, shelters and voluminous decorations. You can put a mark on one of the walls up to which you will pour water. Fill a measuring cup with water and carefully pour it into the aquarium. Fill your reservoir to the desired level, remembering to count how many times you empty the measuring container. Multiply its volume by the number of times. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to accurately calculate the volume of water in a vessel of any shape.


Typically, the volume of an aquarium is determined in liters, so it may be necessary to convert the units of measurement if suddenly the measuring cup contains different data. In the international system these are cubic meters or cubic centimeters. Use the table of units of measurements physical quantities. English or American cookware may be measured in pints or cubic inches. Such measuring vessels are not found every day, but sometimes you come across them. This does not change the method for calculating volume. Calculate the number of units and convert it to the international system using a table and calculator.

Helpful advice

If the aquarium is very large, use a bucket as a measuring vessel. You can first determine its exact volume using the same measuring utensils. Note the height to which you poured the water.

What is an aquarium calculator?

Sooner or later, many aquarists have thoughts of replacing their home pond with a larger one or a more interesting and original one. There may be several options here: buy ready-made, order from a professional craftsman, or make it yourself. For those who like to experiment and “work with their hands,” it is very important to think through everything in advance and calculate it so that the homemade aquarium lasts a long time and does not fall apart in a day, creating a lot of problems for the owner. An aquarium calculator was created to help craftsmen. Let's figure out what it is and why it is needed.

Calculator: what is it, what is it for, what are they?

Calculators are commonly called electronic computing devices that have replaced mechanical ones and perform operations on numbers and algebraic formulas.

Among them there are specialized ones that perform calculations in one very narrow area. This is what an aquarium calculator is like. What can be calculated using it:

  • glass thickness;
  • water volume;
  • volume and mass of soil;
  • amount of fertilizers;
  • lighting power;
  • heater power;
  • carbon dioxide content;
  • fish stocking density.

There are calculators for rectangular, cubic, corner, panoramic, and cylinder aquariums.

Why is glass thickness important for an aquarium?

This indicator is in first place for a reason. After determining the dimensions of the aquarium, the next step is to choose the glass of the “correct” thickness.

  • It cannot be too thin: it will burst, the water will flood the neighbors, and all the fish will die.
  • Too thick also does not make sense: it will make the structure heavier, reduce transparency and “hit your pocket,” because glass is about a third of the cost of an aquarium.
And the glass itself comes in different brands and from different materials (acrylic, silicate, special tempered, etc.). And each has its own standard of thickness.

How to calculate the thickness of glass for an aquarium

Usually for making

  • For 5-30 liter aquariums, use 4 mm glass;
  • 30-80 liters - 5 mm;
  • 80-150 liters - 6 mm;
  • 150-220 liters - 8 mm;
  • 220-300 liters - 1 cm.

However, if the aquarium is non-standard (tall, narrow, irregularly shaped), then this rule needs to be amended.

The quality of the glass also affects. For example, you cannot use old window or display glass. They have sagging, inclusions of bubbles, a fatty film on the surface, and can also be damaged by welding and simply age.

If you plan to make an aquarium similar to store-bought ones, then you can simply measure the thickness of their glass and add 1-2 mm. If there are no analogues in the store, then special formulas for calculating the strength of glass will help. You will need data on the height, width, depth of the aquarium and the strength of the glass.

The disadvantages of these formulas: any errors lead to strange results, and the strength of glass is often unknown.

Calculation of glass thickness for an aquarium: a table that can help

Don't create difficulties for yourself out of nowhere. Experts have long calculated the thickness of ordinary glass for an aquarium and entered the results into a table. Here is a table tested by many aquarists with good reviews, you can take note:

Stiffening ribs and ties increase the strength of the aquarium. These are strips of glass about 2.5 cm wide, additionally glued flat on top to the front and back walls, relieving tension from them and removing deflection. For long aquariums they are simply necessary.

It is not at all necessary to use this particular plate; there are many others, both general and separate for the bottom and walls.

The most “advanced” option is to calculate the thickness of the glass using an aquarium calculator. This is not only very convenient, but also correct! After all, not all ordinary aquarists can understand the pile of complex formulas that go beyond average knowledge, and calculate everything even on a piece of paper, not to mention “in their minds.”

The developers note that the calculation is made with significant reserves. And if suddenly the result you get is zero, then it is recommended to turn to specialists with this question.

The aquarium calculator makes life much easier - enter the data, press a button, get the result! And in conclusion, let’s say: no matter what method you use, don’t be too lazy to double-check the results, because it’s better to spend more time on calculations and checking than on repairs and alterations.

How to calculate the volume in liters:: how to calculate the number of liters in a container:: Natural Sciences

Any container with liquid, for example, a can or bottle of water, has a certain volume which is measured in liters. However, there are cases when the volume in cubic meters is known. In this case, you need to be able to convert meters to liters.

The question “And yet! What came first? “Egg or chicken?” - 12 answers


1. There are several ways to calculate volume in liters. If you come across a liquid that is packaged in a bottle, then this volume is always indicated there. liters. However, there are containers on which the volume is indicated in cubic meters. From primary school it is known that in 1 m^3 = 1000 liters. Accordingly, if you need to find the volume of any container in liters, you must multiply the given value in cubic meters by 1/1000:a (l) = b(m^3) * 0.001. Thus, you can calculate the volume in liters for a given volume, measured in m^3. This is a simple conversion from one SI unit to another. However, if you don’t yet know the volume, you will need to first find it in meters and then convert it to liters.

2. Let's say you only know the mass of the liquid in the container. Using a simple formula, which is known from a school physics course, you can find the volume. The formula itself looks like this: p = m/V, where m is the mass of the liquid, p is the density of the liquid. You can find the density of the liquid based on the tabular data. All physics textbooks give the densities of liquids, including water, oil, kerosene, mercury, etc. Accordingly, the volume is equal to: V = m/p (m^3). Further, also according to the scheme, V (l) = V(m^3) * 0.001.

3. If you do not know either the volume or the mass of the container, but it is a clear stereometric figure, for example, a cylinder, the volume can be found in two stages: first you need to carry out experimental measurements, and then algebraic calculations. To do this, you need to measure the radius of the base of the cylindrical container and its height. The volume of such a container will be equal to: V= πR^2 * H, where R is the radius of the base of the container, H is the height (m ^3). Similarly, V(l) = V(m^3) * 0.001.

I have an aquarium, but how can I determine how many liters it is?

Sivolobov Sergey

and you count :))))
V = S * h
S = a * b
in other words - multiply the length and width of the aquarium, and multiply by the height,
If you measure in centimeters, you will get in cubic centimeters
1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter

Sergey Gaidin

a simple ruler. or similar measuring instrument:
length*width*height=cubic centimeters. cm cubic/1000=liters
this is, of course, if it is a parallelepiped. if it’s round, then using a bottle is easier


The exact displacement of the avarium can only be found out after soil, a filter, a heater, a sprayer, caves/snags/grottoes and other devices have been placed there. Then you need to count in liters how much is actually included. And this volume of water will be used as a starting point for later colonization with fish and plants. For example, I have a volume small aquarium According to the documents, it is 23 liters, but in reality I pour about 18 liters of water into it. This means that when settling it, I should not be guided by the volume that is calculated according to the width and height, or what is written in the passport, but I should assume that I have an 18-liter aquarium. And I have to count the fish at 18 liters, and not at 23 - they will suffocate...

Who knows how to calculate the displacement of an aquarium if the length, width and height are known?

User deleted

Express the length, width and height in decimeters (1 decimeter = 10 centimeters), and multiply these three numbers. You will get the volume in liters.
And if you multiply in centimeters, you get the answer in milliliters! There are a thousand of them in one liter!

Vadim Nikolaevich

Multiply the length by the width and by 0.95 the height (the aquarium is not filled to the brim). One liter of water is one cubic decimeter. A decimeter is 10 centimeters. So, if the dimensions are in centimeters, then after multiplying you need to divide the result by 1000. You get liters. For example: 100 cm X 100 cm X 100 cm = 1,000,000 cubic centimeters. Divide by 1000 and we get 1000 cubic decimeters or 1000 liters. Thus, a cubic aquarium with a side of one meter holds a ton of water.
