Relief of South America and minerals. Landforms of South America

Lesson topic: Relief and minerals of the continent South America.

Lesson objectives: Continue to develop students’ ideas about the nature of South America; remember what is already known and discuss new terms and concepts with students; to form their ideas about the tectonic structure, topography and mineral resources of South America - their composition, origin, structure; introduce students to the relief objects of South America; continue to develop the ability to establish cause and effect relationships by comparing various geographical maps.

Equipment: structure map earth's crust, South America physical map, wall outline map.

During the classes.

Testing the knowledge gained in the last lesson.Without using cards, determine and justify the correctness of the statement. In the answers column, put a sign (+) - if the statement is true, (-) - if it is false. Answer the question.



1. this continent crosses the equator in its northern part

2. The area of ​​the mainland is 18 million square meters. km.

3. The continent is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean.

4. separated from the mainland North America Panama Canal.

5. the coldest continent on earth.

6. The southernmost point of the mainland is Cape Agulhas (35S 20E)

7. separated from the mainland Antarctica by the Mozambique Strait.

8. This continent is like a bunch of grapes.

9. The island of Tasmania is located in the south of the mainland.

10. in the north the continent is washed by waters Caribbean Sea.

11. This continent is washed by the waters of two oceans.

12. refers to one part of the world.

13. lies entirely in the Western Hemisphere.

14. is located in both the western and eastern hemispheres.

Justification for incorrect answers_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________



Why is it necessary to know the geographical location of the continent?

I - setting the cognitive task of the lesson.

On each table, students have blanks that will be needed when studying this topic.

1. Terms and concepts. Select those that you already know and write them in the first column.

Platform, young mountains, shield, foundation, lowland, plateau, plateau, Amazonian, Brazilian, Orinoco, La Plata, Andes, graben, Aconcagua, Cotopaxi.

I have students fill out a three-digit diary.

2. Reflection. We check what is written in the “I want to know” column. We look for these concepts on the map of South America. Setting the cognitive task of the lesson.

Study the relief features of South America.

3. Create a cluster on the topic “Relief of South America.” Place arrows that show the relationship between the relief and its diversity.

Relief features Yu.A.

Similarities and differences between the relief of Africa and South America

Patterns of mineral resource placement

Differences in terrain


East mainland

History of its formation

4. Work in groups to characterize one of the landforms according to a plan that students draw up independently. Each group makes messages. Characterized by such landforms as: Andes, Amazonian lowland,

Orinoco Lowland, Brazilian Plateau, etc.

5. Testing the knowledge gained from studying the topic of relief of South America.

  1. Why do you need to study the topography of a territory?
  2. What cards should I use?
  3. Why are the mountains located in the western part of the mainland?
  4. Find the highest mountain?
  5. What volcanoes are there in the Andes?
  6. What is the dependence of relief on the structure of the earth's crust?

6. Work in groups to identify minerals.

One group evaluates mineral resources located in the Andes mountains, another on the Brazilian plateau, and a third on the lowlands.

The dependence of types of minerals on the structure of the earth's crust is revealed.

Identification of cause and effect relationships (filling out a systematizing table)

Using atlas maps, fill out a systematic table and, based on a comparison of relief, structure and minerals in the Andes Mountains, the Brazilian Plateau and the Amazon Lowland, identify cause-and-effect relationships

Parts of the mainland

Parts of the mainland

Tectonic structure





Brazilian plateau

Amazonian lowland.

Check of knowledge. Digital dictation “Surface shapes of South America.”

  1. Orinoco Lowland
  2. Amazonian lowland
  3. Brazilian flathorn
  4. Guiana Highlands
  5. Andes Mountains

What is the name of:

A) the largest plain on earth?

B) an area of ​​South America where catastrophic earthquakes occur?

C) a plain rich in oil?

D) highlands rich in gold and diamonds?

D) a highland that gradually decreases to the northwest?

E) a highland characterized by the highest altitudes in the central part?

G) mountains whose name means “copper” in the local language?

Students check the correct spelling themselves.

Homework: create a geologist’s route across the continent of South America. Assess mining conditions.

South America has a different geological structure, which is associated with the formation of the earth's crust in different archaeological periods. The eastern part was formed back in the Precambrian period, and there the relief of South America is a plain - this is the South American Platform. The West has been actively formed since the Paleozoic period and the Andes are located there.

Lowland South America

The flat platform has depressions and raised areas. In place of the first ones (also called “shields”), there are two highlands - the Brazilian and Guiana. During the period when they rose, the slopes became almost vertical. The part that rose the most was the part of the Brazilian Highlands in the east, where the sierras formed. At 2890 meters above sea level there is the most high point highlands - Bandeira massif.

Rice. 1. Relief of South America.

As for the troughs, there are three plains of enormous scale - La Plata, Orinoco, and Amazonian.

The topography and mineral resources of South America are closely related to its geological history. Thus, the ancient shields of the platform are the richest in iron ore - these are the Brazilian (center and outskirts) and Guiana (north) highlands. The highlands have rich reserves of bauxite containing aluminum) and manganese. Where the platform sags, there are reserves of oil and accompanying natural gas, as well as rock. Venezuela can rightfully be considered the leader in the production of “black gold” and gas. These facts must be noted in the textbook for grade 7.

Rice. 2. Brazilian Highlands.

Where igneous rocks lie close to the surface or even flowed onto it, uranium, titanium, nickel and zirconium are found.

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South America contains 38% of total stock iron ore on the planet.

Mountainous part of South America

The mountainous part of South America is called the English West, and it is located in the west.

The Andes chain is one of the highest on Earth. If we compare the topography of Africa and South America, one of the differences will be due to these mountains: when glaciers descended from their peaks, they “cut up” the coast, which is not observed on the African continent.

There are twenty peaks in the Andes whose height exceeds 6 thousand meters above sea level. And the highest point of the chain is Mount Anoncagua. It is located in the Chilean-Argentine part of the mountain range and rises to 6960 meters. Wherein total length the entire mountain chain is almost nine thousand kilometers, making it the longest on Earth.

Rice. 3. Andes.

The Andes began to form during the Paleozoic period, during the Hercynian folding, but the Alpine period became the main period for them. During the Cretaceous period, folding resulted in the Western Cordillera (Colombia-Terra del Fuego). But the relief features of the Central Andes are associated with Alpine orthogenesis, when ancient Hercynian structures were broken and partially uplifted. This is how the main high mountain plateau was formed.

The Andes continue to form in modern period. This is evidenced by the strongest earthquakes (the last of which happened less than half a century ago, in 1970 in Peru). The epicenters of the earthquakes are confined to the Peruvian Trench, which stretches along the western coast of the continent. The consequences of earthquakes are tsunamis. The highest active volcano in this part of the world is Llullaillaco; its brothers Osorno, San Pedro, Cotopaxi, and Ruiz are also not sleeping.

Thus, in the western part, the prevailing landforms determine the presence of corresponding minerals. Ores of metamorphic and igneous origin are located in rich deposits in the Andes. Precious stones and non-ferrous metals, considered rare, are also found in significant quantities in these places. Thus, Chile ranks second in the world ranking of countries mining copper and molybdenum ore, and tin reserves in Bolivia are regarded by experts as significant. This is not to mention Colombia, the “land of emeralds”. In addition to the minerals listed above, the western part of South America has reserves of gold, zinc and platinum, as well as antimony, silver, lead and tungsten. Many of them began to be developed by the ancient Incas, who even named one of the lakes Titicaca, that is, “lead rock.”

Chile is rich in saltpeter deposits, which were formed from the droppings of seabirds through biochemical decomposition. The main factor in their formation was the desert climate.

What have we learned?

We received a description of the relief of South America with reference to the historical periods of its formation, and also learned that a certain part of the continent continues to form. The formation process is manifested by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We figured out how the origin of landforms affects what minerals are common in a particular region and learned Interesting Facts about it. In addition, we received information about the main plains of South America and the Andes mountain range, as well as about the features of the continental topography and resource distribution.

Test on the topic

Evaluation of the report

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 180.

The relief of South America is varied and contrasting. Based on the nature of the surface structure on the continent, two parts are distinguished. The greater eastern part is dominated by lowland, elevated plains and plateaus, while the longest mountain ranges of the Andes are in the west.

The lowland plains (Amazonian, Orinoco, La Plata) have a flat topography and are composed of marine and lacustrine-fluvial deposits. The relief of the western part of the continent is the result of the interaction of several lithospheric plates, on the border of which mountain-building movements occur.

The formation of the Andes began in the Paleozoic and has not ended yet. The Andes continue to rise, volcanoes erupt, and strong earthquakes occur.

South America is rich in mineral deposits. The ancient shields of the platform contain the richest deposits of iron, manganese, nickel ores, uranium, and deposits of bauxite containing aluminum. Oil, natural gas, and coal were discovered in the depressions and troughs of the platform. Deposits of non-ferrous and rare metals have been found in the Andes. For example, the famous “tin belt” of Bolivia stretches from north to south for 940 km. The Andes are home to the world's largest deposits of copper ores, as well as molybdenum, silver, tungsten, lead and zinc ores. Sulfur, boron, iodine, and saltpeter are mined from non-metallic minerals on the Pacific coast and in the foothills of the Andes. There is oil in the intermountain basins.

South America is made up of two main geological elements: the Andes, a folded mountain belt in the east, and the South American mountain platform. Throughout its existence, the platform has been lowered and raised several times. Sedimentary rocks accumulated in subsided areas, and crystalline rocks in uplifted areas. Due to the different rates of uplift, the earth's crust cracked and lava splashed to the surface.

The continent, due to the peculiarities of its internal structure, can be divided into two parts:

1. Vast lowlands.

Landforms of South America

La Plata, Orinokska and Amazonian lowlands, located in the troughs of the South American platform, occupy almost half the area of ​​the continent.

2. Plateaus. In the east Guiana and the Brazilian plateau are formed by projections of the basement. In some places their height reaches 3000 m. The plateaus on the mainland are dotted with numerous river valleys, which can be seen if you look video in English.

central part Guiana The plateau is notable for its huge flat-topped massifs, the walls of which are almost vertical. It is cut by abysses and deep canyons, but from a great height it seems that the surface is absolutely flat.

The Andes mountain system stretches along the Pacific coast, the average heights of which range from 3000 to 5000 m. The highest point is Mount Aconcagua (6960 m). These are young mountains, strong earthquakes and volcanisms are occurring here and now, resulting in the formation of the San Pedro and Cotopaxi.

Gold, uranium, aluminum, manganese, and iron ore are mined on the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus. The Andes are home to deposits of precious stones, zinc, lead and copper ores.

Thanks to the arid climate in the west of the South American continent, deposits of Chilean sulfur, which is a raw material for nitrogen fertilizer and iodine, have formed in dry reservoirs.

Volcanic phenomena in Andes contributed to the formation of deposits of building materials and sulfur. In the foothills and troughs of the platform in sedimentary deposits there are deposits of gas, oil, and coal. The largest oil fields are concentrated on the coast of the Caspian Sea and in the foothills of the Andes.


The area of ​​the mainland is 17.8 million sq. km without islands and 18.3 million sq. km with islands. Extent from north to south -70 degrees. w.d. exceeds 7500 km, from west to east (in the widest part) more than 45oo km. South America in the northern part is crossed by the equator. The northernmost point is Cape Galinhas, 13 deg. N; southernmost continental point Cape Froward, 54 deg. S, Cape Horn island, 56 deg. S The continent lies entirely in the Western Hemisphere. Westernmost point Cape Parinhas, 81 deg. w.d.; extreme eastern point of Cape Cabo Branco, 34 deg. w.d.

South America lies in the equatorial, two subequatorial, two tropical climate zones; South part located in the subtropics and temperate zone.

The continent is connected to North America by the Isthmus of Panama and separated from it by the Panama Canal, and from Antarctica by the Drake Passage.

Geological structure and main landforms of South America

It is washed in the west by the Pacific Ocean, in the south by the Drake Irrigation, in the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the north by the Caribbean Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. In the north there is the warm North Trade Wind Current, in the northeast - the warm Guiana Current, in the east - the warm Brazilian Current, in the southeast - the cold Falkland Current, in the south - the cold West Wind Current, in the west - the cold Peruvian Current, in the north -west - warm El Niño current. Coastline slightly indented. Small bays are located at the mouths of rivers (La Plata, Maracaibo). Adjacent islands: in the north - the Lesser Antilles, in the southeast - the Falklands (Malvinas), in the south - Tierra del Fuego, in the southwest - the Chilean archipelago. The geographical position of the continent, mainly in low latitudes, determines the predominance of tropical types of landscapes - the “kingdom of tropical nature”.


The relief of South America is asymmetrical. Most of the continent is occupied by vast plains of varying altitudes. In the west is one of the highest mountain systems in the world - the South American Cordillera (Andes). Average height mainland 580 m, the highest point is Mount Aconcagua 6960 m, the lowest is the Valdez Peninsula -40 m. The relief features are determined by the tectonic structure. At the base of South America lies the ancient South American Platform with a Precambrian basement. Within the platform there are large shields in the north and east, which correspond to the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus. Powerful block processes occurred within the Guiana Plateau, which is why the plateau has a highly dissected topography. The highest point is Mount Roraima 2771 m, average heights range from 500 to 1000 m.

The Brazilian plateau corresponds to three shields: Southern Amazonian, Eastern Brazilian, Western Brazilian. This plateau rises gently from the north and northwest to the southeast. The highest point is Mount Bandeira 2890 m. Active magmatism occurred within this territory, traps and volcanic plateaus are found here. This territory is finished

its formation. Peneplains (leveling surfaces, denudation plains) are formed here.

Between the shields there are syneclises (deflections) of the platform foundation, which are filled with thick layers of sedimentary rocks. They correspond to the vast lowland plains of South America: Amazonian, La Plata, Orinoco.

In the west, the platform is adjacent to an area of ​​folding of Alpine age, which was formed in the Cenozoic as a result of the subduction of the Nazca plate and the South American lithospheric plate. This area of ​​folding corresponds to the Andes, which belong to the highest and highest mountains. The highest point is Mount Aconcagua 6960 m. Mountain building processes here have not yet been completed and are accompanied by earthquakes and volcanism (volcanoes Cotopaxi, Chimborazo). Tectonic processes are strong in the Caribbean, Northern and Southern Andes, calm in the Central and Patagonian Andes. The Andes are made up of parallel ridges. As they come closer, they form mountain nodes, and where the ridges diverge lie the Central Andean highlands and plateaus with an altitude of 3500-4000m.

South America has a huge mineral resource base. Ore deposits are confined to outcrops of the crystalline basement and to the Andean fold belt. Non-metallic - to the cover of sedimentary rocks of the platform. Significant deposits of iron (Minas Geras - Brazil), manganese, bauxite, titanium and uranium ores were formed in ancient igneous and metamorphic rocks and weathering crusts. Reserves of beryllium, niobium, zirconium, and tantalum are concentrated here. Vein deposits of gold and diamonds in Brazil play a significant role. On the Guiana Plateau there are large deposits of iron ore, bauxite and gold; large reserves of copper are concentrated in the Andean belt in Peru and Chile; in Bolivia there is a tin belt. Emeralds are mined in Colombia. In the sedimentary cover of the Orinoco, Amazon and La Plata lowlands there are oil deposits, especially in Venezuela. 99% of the world's saltpeter reserves are concentrated in Atacama.

South America is the wettest continent on Earth, but not as hot as Africa, since the southern part lies in the temperate zone. Within the continent, an equatorial, two subequatorial, and two tropical climatic zones are formed; the southern part lies in the subtropics and temperate zone.

In general, the climate of South America is more varied than that of Africa and Australia. Average annual temperatures in most of the continent are from +20 to +28, and only in the south are these figures lower (from +8 in winter to + 16 in summer). The maximum recorded temperature is +46 (Cordoba), the minimum is -33 (Sariento). Antarctica has a huge influence on the climate of South America, from which the cold pampero wind blows into the temperate and even subtropical zones. In Patagonia, temperatures can drop to 0 in summer and -30 in winter; in the subtropics in the south of the Brazilian Plateau in summer up to +15, in winter up to +8.

The distribution of precipitation is extremely uneven, but the size of the precipitation layer is enormous - on average 1700 mm. The drainage layer into the hydrographic network is 700 mm. These values ​​are twice the earth's average. Maximum

the amount of precipitation falls in the western part of the Amazonian lowland (3000-4000 mm), on the western slopes of the equatorial Andes (up to 7000 mm) and on the western slopes of the Patagonian Andes (up to 4000-5000 mm). The minimum amount of precipitation is in the inland areas of the tropical zone, the south of the La Plata Lowland, and the barrier rain shadow zone in Patagonia. In general, the climate of South America, which is characterized by an abundance of warmth and light over most of the territory, creates favorable conditions for year-round plant growth.


Since South America is the wettest continent on Earth, one of the largest hydrographic networks in the world has formed here. South America covers 12% of the world's land area, but accounts for 36% of the world's ocean flow, 15% of which comes from the Amazon. The pattern of the hydrographic network is extremely asymmetrical, which is determined by the features of the relief. The main divide runs along the peaks of the Andes near the Pacific Ocean, so everything large rivers belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin (Amazon, Parana, Orinoco, San Francisco). Most of the rivers are fed by rain, and only the rivers of Patagonia and the Patagonian Andes are fed by snow and glaciers. The regime of rivers is determined by their position in climatic zones. For example, the rivers of the Amazon basin, which are fed by rain, are full of water throughout the year with two maximums in spring and autumn during the period of zenithal rains. Rivers of the subequatorial type are also fed by rain. These are major tributaries of the Amazon, Orinoco and Paraguay Rivers. They have maximum flow at the end of summer, beginning of autumn and winter low water. The rivers of the tropical zone in inland areas are low-water, but in the southeast of the Brazilian Plateau they are full-flowing throughout the year. Most of the rivers in the upper reaches are mountainous in nature, as they begin in the Andes and on the plateaus. There are an abundance of rapids and waterfalls. On the Guiana Plateau is the world's highest Angel Falls (1054 m). On the Iguazu River (Brazilian Plateau) is the world's longest Iguazu Falls (length about 3000 m, includes more than 270 cascades).

There are few large lakes. In the southern part of the Andes there are glacial lakes, in the north there is the lake-lagoon Maracaibo of tectonic origin, in the Central Andes at an altitude of 3800 m lies the largest alpine lake Titicaca with depths of up to 300 m.

Modern glaciation is relatively weak due to the high position of the snow line. Maximum glaciation in the Patagonian Andes and Tierra del Fuego.


Due to its large extent from north to south, the continent has a clearly represented natural zonation from equatorial forests in the center to semi-deserts and temperate deserts in the south. Due to the predominance of a hot, humid climate on the mainland, forests are widespread here and there are relatively few deserts and semi-deserts.

1) The zone of moist equatorial forests (selva) is located on both sides of the equator in the Amazon basin, on the slopes of the Andes and in the north of the Pacific coast. The zone is formed within the equatorial and subequatorial climatic zones. Thanks to the processes of chemical weathering, fertile red-yellow ferralite soils are formed in the jungle. They grow here different kinds palm trees, cocoa, hevea, many orchids, vines, melon tree, ceiba. Many animals are adapted to life in trees: prehensile-tailed monkeys, sloths, arboreal porcupines; Tapirs, anteaters, and jaguars also live here;

many species of parrots, hummingbirds; the world of insects is very rich; Snakes, including anacondas, are common. The forests have up to 12 tiers.

2) The zone of variable-humid equatorial forests is located north and south of the jungle, in the west of the Atlantic coast. It is formed within subequatorial climatic zones. Red soils and yellow soils are formed here. Vegetation and fauna are the same as in

3) The savannah zone occupies the Orinoco Lowland and most of the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus. Located in the subequatorial climatic zone. Red ferralitic and red-brown soils are formed here. Savannahs of the northern and southern hemispheres within the Southern

Americas are different. In the northern savannas (llanos), palm trees and acacias, mimosas, milkweeds, and bottle trees grow among the grasses. In the southern savannas (campos) the vegetation is poorer due to less rainfall: there are low-growing woodlands of Quebracho with very hard

wood. Among the animals in the savannas live small deer, wild peccary pigs, armadillos, anteaters, jaguars, pumas, and rhea ostriches.

4) The tropical desert zone occupies a small coastal strip on the west coast. Here, not far from the ocean, lies one of the most waterless deserts in the world - the Atacama. Cacti and thorny cushion-shaped bushes grow here and there on the rocky, infertile soils. On the shore

There are bird colonies on the rocks.

5) The steppe zone (pampa) is located south of the savannas. In the hot tropical climate, fertile red ferralite soils were formed here. The main vegetation is grasses, among which feather grass, wild millet and other cereals predominate. In the southwest, where there is less

precipitation, there are thickets of thorny grasses and shrubs. Fast-running animals are typical for the pampas: pampas deer, pampas cat, several types of llamas. Lots of rodents (nutria, viscacha), as well as armadillos and birds.

6) The zone of semi-deserts and temperate deserts was formed in Patagonia in a temperate climate with low rainfall. The soils are poor brown and grey-brown. The vegetation is represented by dry grasses and cushion-shaped shrubs. Animal world similar to the pampa, inhabited by rodents and burrowing animals. Among them are nutria and small armadillos.

7) Altitudinal zone.

In the equatorial zone: up to 1000 m - humid equatorial forests.

Up to 3000 m there are mountain and alpine forests where bamboo and tree ferns and cinchona are found.

Up to 4000 m - low trees and shrubs and woodlands appear. There are heather and myrtle thickets, and low-growing bamboos.

Above 4000 m there are alpine meadows (paramos). The vegetation consists of rare cereals and cushion-shaped shrubs. Flat areas have moss swamps, while large slopes are characterized by rocky, barren deserts.

Above 4500 m there are bare rocks, a belt of eternal ice.

In the subtropics, at the foot, there are deserts, turning into a belt of hard-leaved forests, extending to an altitude of 2000 m on the western slopes and up to 1800 m on the eastern slopes. Here you can find plane trees, glanders, and in the undergrowth there are thickets of flowering geraniums. Hard-leaved forests give way to deciduous beech forests, and above 2500 m there are mountain meadows.


Tectonic map

At the base of the continent lies the South American Plate, so most of relief - plains. In the west there is an area of ​​new folding, where the relief is mountainous. The central and eastern parts are occupied by plains (lowlands, hills and plateaus), and the Andes mountains in the west.

The Andes are the longest (9000 km) and one of the highest (Mount Aconcagua, 6962 m) mountain systems on Earth, bordering all of South America from the north and west; southern part of the Cordillera. In some places, the Andes reach a width of over 500 km (the greatest width - up to 750 km - in the Central Andes, between 18° and 20° S). The average altitude is about 4000 m.

The relief of the eastern part was formed on the ancient South American platform. The rise of its foundation in relief corresponds to plateaus, and low-lying plains have formed in the troughs. The most powerful tectonic movements occurred on the shields; they are broken by cracks and there are faults. Erosion processes, weathering, and tectonic processes have created a wide variety of landforms on the Guiana and Brazilian plateaus.

The lowland plains (Amazonian, Orinoco, La Plata) have a flat topography and are composed of marine and lacustrine-fluvial deposits.

Features of the relief forms of South America

The relief of the western part of the continent is the result of the interaction of several lithospheric plates, on the border of which mountain-building movements occur. The formation of the Andes began in the Paleozoic and has not ended yet. The Andes continue to rise, volcanoes erupt, and strong earthquakes occur.

Physiographic characteristics of the Interior Plains of South America.

The interior plains are located between the Brazilian Plateau and the Andes in the central part of the continent and are confined to three zones - subequatorial, tropical and subtropical. The Interior Plains includes five natural regions: Mamore, Pantanal, Gran Chaco, the interfluve of Parana and Uruguay, and Pampa.

Mamore Plains flat alluvial plains . In summer equatorial air masses bring here heavy rainfall, up to 2000 mm per year. In winter there is less rain, but the dry season is weakly expressed, so the composition of woody vegetation is closer to the hylae of the Amazon.

N variability of the Pantanal , dry in winter and flooded in summer with rainwater. It is composed of a thick layer of sedimentary rocks. The Pantanal plains are dominated by tall grasses and here and there trees and shrubs. Moisture-loving forests grow along the rivers.

Plains of the Gran Chaco. This is the hottest place in South America, the average January temperature is + 28, + 29 ° C, the absolute maximum is + 47 ° C. The alternation of the winter dry and summer rainy seasons is well expressed in the region. Precipitation is predominantly rainfall. In the western, more elevated part of the region, there are forests of prickly acacias, cacti, and agaves; areas of steppes and forests appear to the east. In wetter places the wax palm grows. In the north of the region there are extensive wetlands.

Interfluve of Parana and Uruguay It is a plain up to 100 m high. The climate here is subtropical, humid, with an even distribution of precipitation over the seasons, with over 1000 mm falling during the year. The northern part is swampy; the center and south of the interfluve are a well-drained, slightly hilly plain, composed of sandstones covered with marls. The black-colored soils of subtropical savannas are well developed; forests of mimosa and acacia grow here. There are areas of subtropical steppes.

The southern part of the Interior Plains is occupied by Pampa - grassy plains. The climate of Pampa is subtropical. The average temperature in January is + 22 - + 24° C, in July + 7 - + 9° C; precipitation falls 1000-1200 mm per year, it is distributed evenly across the seasons.

In the flora of Pampa there are up to a thousand species of different cereals. There are areas devoid of grass. On the clayey soils of Pampa, the grass silvery gynerium is present. The fauna of Pampa is not rich and monotonous. Vizcacha, a large rodent, is often found. Rare predators (puma). Typical birds are the ibis, ipikaha, and tinamous, which are similar in size and appearance to a partridge.

44. Precordillera and Pampinsky Sierras (physiographic characteristics).

Precordillera - Characterized by great contrasts in relief, climate, soil and vegetation cover. Against the background of elevated plains, steep mountain ranges with a height of 2500-4000 m often rise here. They are composed of Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks, and were subjected to long-term destruction and leveling. Between the mountain ranges, wide valleys formed - bolsons and depressions (Salinas Grande).

The Precordillera is characterized by a continental arid climate. Precipitation falls unevenly. The amount of precipitation decreases from east to west, with the eastern slopes of mountain ranges receiving more precipitation than the western ones. The river network is poorly developed. A large area is occupied by salt marshes.

The vegetation has a xerophytic appearance; shrub formations of the Monte type are widespread. At an altitude of 500-1000 m, remnants of subtropical forests with hard-leaved evergreen trees and shrubs have been preserved. Above 2500 m the mountain cereal steppe begins.

To the south the forests become thinner. In the southwest, large areas are occupied by semi-deserts with gray soils and salt marshes.

The southeastern part of the Precordillera is occupied by Patagonia. The surface of this natural area It is a stepped plateau composed of Meso-Cenozoic deposits. Lowlands are found only in the northeast and southeast. The position of Patagonia in temperate latitudes in the zone of western transport, between two oceans, should have led to a mild climate and good development hydraulic networks. main reason The aridity of Patagonia lies in the fact that the prevailing westerly winds in these latitudes carry moist sea air from the Pacific Ocean and encounter the Andes mountain barrier. The annual precipitation in Patagonia is 120 - 200 mm. The vegetation cover is dominated by cushion-shaped and creeping forms of shrubs with pronounced xeromorphism; there are few trees. Among the cereals there are plentiful thorny, inconspicuous bushes of harilla, dense cushions of bolax and azorella; southern species of cacti are found.

Among the endemic representatives of the fauna of Patagonia, we should note the Zorillo skunk, the fox-like Magellan's dog, and the Darwin ostrich (the southern species of rhea). Rodents (mara, tuco-tuco, etc.) are also typical, and the Pampas cat and armadillos are also found.

46. ​​Northern Andes (physiographic characteristics).

The mountain ranges of the Northern Andes, dissected by river valleys, stretch from the shores of the Caribbean Sea to 5° south. w. The Northern Andes include the Caribbean Andes, located along the coast of the Caribbean Sea, the Northwest Andes (the Andes of Colombia and Venezuela) and the Andes of Ecuador.

Caribbean Andes Unlike other parts of the mountain system, they have a latitudinal strike. These are the northernmost and youngest ranges, they are more arid than the nearby plains. The mountains are almost devoid of forest cover. The main folding formations in the Caribbean Andes occurred in the Pliocene, when two main anticlinal folds arose - the Coastal and Inner Cordillera. They are separated by a longitudinal depression, now occupied by lacustrine alluvial deposits. The Caribbean Andes have a distinct winter dry season. The lower belt of the mountains is represented by summer-green open forests or thorny shrubs (chaparro) growing on red-brown soils. Higher up, with decreasing temperatures, precipitation becomes greater, so the forests are denser, and evergreens appear at an altitude of 1500-1600 m.

North of the Caribbean Andes are located Caribbean lowlands composed of alluvium. Lake Maracaibo once occupied the entire lowland; now its area is shrinking due to filling with alluvial sediments. At the same time, coastal areas are experiencing gradual subsidence.

The second tectonic trough is occupied by the lowlands of the Magdalena and Cauca rivers, composed of alluvium and coarse clastic material demolished from the Andean mountain ranges Northwestern Andes- the most branched and complexly constructed part of the Andean mountain system. They are located mainly in Colombia. Three main ridges are well defined here - the Western, Central and Eastern Cordillera with a height of more than 5000 m. Among the mountain peaks there are many extinct and active volcanoes. The Central Cordillera reaches the highest average height (Hila volcano, 5750 m, Ruiz peak, 5400 m). The Western and Eastern Cordillera are lower; the latter is divided in the north into two ranges (Sierra de Mérida and Sierra de Perija), covering the lowland of Maracaibo. Between the Eastern and Central Cordillera there is a valley of the Magdalena River - a graben filled with a thick layer of Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments. To the north-west along the coast of the Pacific Ocean stretches the low Sierra de Baudo, composed of Cretaceous and Tertiary tuffaceous strata.

The Northwestern Andes are located in a subequatorial and equatorial climate. In the direction from north to south, the duration of the dry period gradually decreases, which is practically absent south of Bogota. Mountain ranges in general are abundantly moistened, and on the Pacific coast, due to local circulation and orographic conditions, the amount of precipitation reaches 8000 m ( greatest number In South America). Inland areas are less moistened, but aridity is not pronounced. Climatic features are also reflected in the zonation of soil and vegetation cover. In the west, on the Pacific coast and the slopes of the Sierra de Baudo ridge, a dense mountain hylea is formed. To the east, the amount of precipitation decreases, so the lower parts of the slopes are covered with summer-green open forests and shrubs, higher up - with mixed, deciduous-evergreen forests, and only at an altitude of 1000 m does wet mountain hylea begin. Here you can find the toquilla palm, balsa wood with very light wood, and a number of wood species typical of the Amazon. The avifauna is richly represented - up to 1500 species. Parrots, hummingbirds, and sunbirds are typical.

Higher up, as the temperature decreases, belts of open forests and crooked forests appear; at an altitude of 2500-3500 m, the mountain meadows of paramos extend.

Geological structure, relief, minerals of South America

Even higher up there are peculiar associations of uplands of herbaceous vegetation with individual shrubs and cacti. The interior slopes of the northwestern Andes are drier. Hard-leaved or summer-green forests grow here.

Andes of Ecuador(from 2° N to 5° S) - the most narrow part Andes, high mountain and tectonically active. Two parallel chains are well defined in them - the Eastern Cordillera and the Western Cordillera, separated by a number of intermountain basins. Overall Width The mountain system here is about 90 km. The ridges consist of separate mountain ranges, separated by saddles that are poorly defined in relief. The main peaks are, as a rule, active and extinct volcanoes, including the highest of them, the Chimborazo volcano (6267 m). The active volcanoes of Cotopaxi, Antisana, and Sangay are known. Intermountain basins are located at an altitude of 2500-2800 m, they are filled with a layer of volcanic ash, tuff and alluvium. The epicenters of earthquakes are most often located in the area of ​​the intermountain valley separating these Cordillera chains.

To the west of the Andes mountain range lies a strip of the Costa coastal plain, with a hot and humid climate. Here there is a rapid decrease in precipitation from 1200-1500 mm in the northern part (with high relative humidity) to 400 mm in the south. These changes are reflected in the vegetation cover. Savannas with areas of humid equatorial forests occupying northern part Kostas are gradually replaced to the south by dry steppe vegetation. In the mountainous part, vertical zonality is well defined. Up to 800-1000 m, the change in climate and vegetation cover is still weakly felt, then the amount of precipitation increases noticeably, the amplitude of temperatures decreases with a general decrease. Cinchona, balsa, and ceiba trees appear in this belt. From an altitude of 1500-1800 m, palm trees disappear, and tree ferns become more numerous. Above 3000 m, vegetation of the paramos type predominates on mountain meadow and mountain steppe soils. Eternal snow begins at an altitude of 4200-4500 m. The mountain climate is more favorable for human life than the climate of Costa and Gil.

Lesson content 1.Checking homework.Checking homework. 2. Features of the relief of South America. Features of the relief of South America 3. Scheme “Profile of South America along the equator and parallel 20 0 S.” Scheme “Profile of South America along the equator and parallel 20 0 S.” 4.Plain East and Mountain West of the mainland.Plain East and Mountain West of the mainland. 5. Natural phenomena associated with the mobility of the earth’s crust in certain parts of the continent. Natural phenomena associated with the mobility of the earth’s crust in certain parts of the continent. 6. Mineral resources of South America. Mineral resources of South America. 7. Let's test our knowledge. Let's test our knowledge. 8. Homework.Homework.

Checking homework Filling out a contour map. The content of the text of the paragraph is about geographical discoveries and exploration of South America. Characteristics of physical geographical location South America. Let's remember! 1. Landforms. 2. The connection between the structure of the earth’s crust and landforms. 3. Types of rocks by origin. 4. Communication between geological structure territory and accommodation different types mineral. MountainsPlains LowlandsHighlandsPlateausLow mMedium-altitude mHigh More than 5000 mHighest Altitude above sea level

Features of the relief of South America Task: determine the features of the relief of the continent. a) Describe the relief of the continent according to the plan. b) Explain the reason for the peculiarities of the placement of continental relief forms, using a physical map and a map of the structure of the earth’s crust. c) Compare the topography of Africa, Australia and South America. Explain the reasons for the similarities and differences.

Profile of South America along the equator Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean 1000 m 2000 m 3000 m 4000 m 5000 m 6000 m Andes Amazonian lowland? 2 - ? Guiana Highlands

Reference and information material The highest peaks of South America NameHeight, mCountry Aconcagua6920Argentina Illamani6882Bolivia Ojos Del Salado6880Argentina-Chile Huascaran6807Peru Illampo6485Bolivia Chimborazo6267Ecuador Sajama6520Bolivia Coropuna6425 Peru Active volcanoes Llullaillaco6723Chile-Argentina San Pedro6154Chile Chachani6075Peru Cotopaxi5897Ecuador

The highest mountain peaks on Earth 0 m 3050 m 9140 m 1520 m 4579 m 6100 m 7620 m Asia: JOMOLUNGMA (Nepal-China, 8848 m) North America: MCKINLEY (USA, Alaska, 6194 m) South America: ACONCAGUA (Argentina, 6959 m) Europe: ELBRUS (Russia, 5642 m) Africa: KILIMANJARO (Tanzania, 5895 m) Antarctica: WILSON MASSIF, Sentinel Ridge (4897 m) Australia: KOSTSYUSHKO (New South Wales, 2228 m)

The mountainous Western Andes stretch along the entire west coast South America from the shores of the Caribbean Sea to Cape Horn. The length of the mountains is km (1st place in the world). The structure of the Andes is complex: the Western, or Main, Cordillera stretches across the entire continent. In the northern part of the continent, the Eastern Cordillera stretches parallel to it. Between them lies the wide (more than 500 km) Pune highlands. The Andes reach their greatest width in the central part. This is the Cordillera Central. To the south lies the Patagonian Cordillera. Aconcagua - the highest peak in South America Chimborazo - an extinct volcano Antiplano Puna Pass in the Andes

Plain East Included Plain East The following landforms are distinguished: the Amazonian Lowland, the Orinoco Lowland, the Guiana Highlands, the Brazilian Plateau, the La Plata Lowland, and the Patagonia Plateau. Brazilian Plateau Guiana Highlands Patagonia Plateau Foothills of the Eastern Andes Amazonian Lowland

Fill in the blanks The Andes Mountains were formed in the zone of interaction between _____________ and _______________ lithospheric plates. Earthquakes are frequent in them because ____________________________________________________________ Huge reserves of ore minerals belong to the tectonic structures of the ______________ belt and ______________ platform. They are represented by such minerals as _________________. The depressions of the platform correspond to ________________ deposits. Let's test our knowledge

1. In the east of the continent there are plains of varying heights. 2.The highest point of the Andes is the city of Aconcagua. 3. At the base of most of the continent lies the Pacific lithospheric plate. 4.There are large deposits of copper ore in the Andes. 5. In the center of the continent is the Amazon Lowland - the largest on Earth. 6.The Andes are old low mountains. 7.In the south of the mainland is the Guiana Highlands. 8. Puna is a plateau in the Central Andes. 9.The author of the book “The Lost World” was Jules Verne. 10. Plateaus are areas with a flat surface and gentle slopes. 11.Only in the Guiana Highlands are there tepuis. 12.The Brazilian plateau is rich in minerals of igneous origin. 13. Oil is extracted in the north of the continent. 14.Earthquakes are rare in the Andes. 15. The Chilean earthquake of 1960 is one of the most catastrophic in the geological history of the Earth. 16. Chimborazo is the volcano located closest to the center of the Earth. Do you agree that...

Homework 1. Study the textbook paragraph on the topic. 2.Know the nomenclature on the topic; be able to show continental relief forms on a wall map. 3.Optional: draw pictures on the topics: “Surface of South America”, “Volcanic eruption”; “Amazonian lowland”, etc.; compile a “Mini-toponymic dictionary of the relief of South America” (use the toponymic dictionary of E.M. Pospelov from the office library); complete a creative task: create a slide show or presentation based on the chapters of J. Verne’s novel “The Children of Captain Grant,” which describes the adventures of the heroes in the Andes and Patagonia.

Thanks to its unique topography, the subsoil of South America is exceptionally rich in deposits of iron and porphyry copper ores, tin ores, antimony and other ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, as well as silver, gold and platinum.

The Andean troughs, Venezuela and the Caribbean contain large quantities of oil and natural gas deposits. There are also small deposits of coal on the continent.

In addition to oil and precious metals, the subsoil of South America is full of such riches as diamonds, emeralds and other precious and semi-precious stones.

Features of the relief of South America and their impact on mineral deposits

South America is usually divided into two geologically different parts: the eastern, which is based on the ancient South American platform, with elevated territories in the Guiana and Brazilian highlands, and the western, along which stretches the longest land mountain range of the Andes. Therefore, the continent is rich in both minerals formed on the plains and plateaus, and rocks and minerals formed as a result of volcanic activity.

The Andes are rich in ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals of metamorphic and igneous origin, including zinc, tin, copper, iron, antimony, lead and others. Also in the mountains there is mining of precious stones and metals (silver, gold, platinum).

The eastern highlands of the continent are rich in deposits of rare ores, from which zirconium, uranium, nickel, bismuth and titanium are mined, as well as deposits of beryl ( gemstone). The occurrence of ores and beryl is associated with volcanic activity and the release of magma to the surface.

Vast deposits of oil and natural gas formed in the platform troughs, intermountain and foothill depressions. Thanks to the weathering processes of the earth's crust, aluminum deposits appeared in the bowels of the continent. And biochemical processes in a company with a desert climate “worked” on the droppings of seabirds, as a result of which deposits of Chilean saltpeter appeared on the continent.

Types of minerals in South America

Combustible minerals:

  • coal (Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina) is one of the most popular energy resources in the world;
  • oil (Caribbean) - a liquid oily substance, the occurrence of which is confined to continental depressions and margins;
  • natural gas.

Ferrous metal ores

Iron(fields in Venezuela). It is used for the smelting of steel and alloys, and is contained in minerals such as limonite, hematite, chamosite, magnetite, etc.

Manganese(fields in Brazil). It is used in the smelting of alloyed cast iron and steel.

Chrome ores(stocks in Brazil). Chromium is an essential component of heat-resistant and stainless steel.

Non-ferrous metal ores

Represented by reserves of bauxite, from which they produce aluminum(valued for its lightness, hypoallergenicity and ease of processing), vanadium And tungsten ores.

There are huge deposits copper ores(copper is widely used in electrical and mechanical engineering industries).

The bowels of the continent are rich lead(Peru), used in automotive, construction and other fields, nickel(used for the production of nickel steel and various metal coatings), zinc, tin(“tin belt” stretching through Bolivia), molybdenum, bismuth(metal is mined directly from bismuth ore only in Bolivia), antimony (used for the production of fire retardants).

Precious metal ores

The continent is rich platinum And silver ores, as well as deposits gold. Noble metals are exceptionally resistant to corrosion and have a special shine in products; they are used for the production of jewelry, expensive tableware and luxury items, as well as in industry.

Ores of rare and rare earth metals

Niobium And tantalum- rare metals used for the production of high-strength alloys and metal-cutting tools. Rare earth metals are found on the continent in lithium, niobium And beryllium ores.

Non-metallic minerals of the continent:

  • sodium nitrate (Chile);
  • native sulfur (Chile, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela);
  • gypsum;
  • rock salt;
  • fluorites, etc.
  • diamonds (Brazil, Venezuela, etc.);
  • beryl, tourmaline and topaz are minerals formed in granite pegmatites (Brazil);
  • amethyst (formed in quartz veins);
  • agate (formed in Mesozoic basalts);
  • emeralds (large deposit in Colombia).


Resources and major mineral deposits

Let us briefly consider the main mineral deposits of South America. Chile ranks second in the world in molybdenum production, has the world's largest reserves of sodium nitrate (about 300 million tons, deposit in the Atacama Desert) and the largest copper reserves on the continent.

Coal mining in South America is concentrated in Colombia in the area of ​​​​the huge El Cerrejon coal mine, where the mineral is mined by open pit mining. The largest oil and gas basin, Maracaibo, is located in the territories of Colombia and Venezuela, which is the leading supplier of oil on the continent. Oil is also produced in the territories of Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago. Venezuela accounts for 4.3% of global oil production.

Rich in rare ores and minerals, Brazil has 13% of the world's tantalum reserves, and is also the largest producer of niobium raw materials on Earth (about 80% of the world's total).

Peru owns 11.4% of the world's copper reserves, and the continent as a whole has about 56 million tons of world iron ore reserves. The Andes are home to some of the largest deposits of silver, molybdenum, zinc, tungsten and lead on Earth.
