Lumps on the labia during pregnancy. Lump on the labia majora

Any changes that affect the reproductive organs should alert a woman. Special attention in this case, bumps on the labia deserve. Even if they don’t hurt or cause any discomfort, it is imperative to identify the cause of their appearance.

This is due to the fact that such formations do not always indicate a violation of hygiene rules or hormonal changes. In some cases, a seal on the floor of the lips is the first sign of a dangerous disease.

Sometimes bumps on a woman's genitals are benign neoplasms. And although they do not carry within themselves mortal danger, it is still necessary to treat them, as they can lead to many complications.


Atheroma is an epidermal cyst that can form on the labia majora. It looks like a ball located under the skin. There is a secret inside the atheroma sebaceous gland. Cause of occurrence of this disease- blockage of the excretory duct. Such a ball on the labia always has a black center.

The situation can become hazardous to health if an infection enters the pathological area. This will cause the development of severe inflammation and tissue death. At the same time, the atheroma itself will become hot and begin to swell. This entire process will be accompanied by severe pain.

However, even if infection can be avoided, if the lump in the labia is not treated, the pathological process will rapidly progress. In such situations, the body temperature will begin to increase, and a liquid with an unpleasant odor will come out of the cone.

The method of treating atheroma can vary greatly depending on its stage. If the tubercle on the labia has no big sizes– it can be eliminated using a laser. IN severe cases The patient is scheduled for surgery.

When an infection occurs, it is mandatory to prescribe antibiotics.


The consistency of the tumor can be either soft or hard, but in any case it has a smooth texture and is oval in shape. To better understand what it all looks like, a woman can find a photo of this bump on the labia on the Internet.

Fibroids grow very slowly. Unfortunately, it can become malignant, so it must be treated.

As practice shows, a pea on the labia can appear as a result of the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • trauma to the labia;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • bad habits;
  • bad ecology;
  • helminthic infestations.

If a woman has a ball inside her labia, treatment may involve electrocoagulation, laser vaporization or cryotherapy. In some cases it is also used radio wave removal neoplasms and surgery. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice is made by the attending physician.


Hidradenoma is a tumor that comes from the constituent sweat glands. This formation on the labia usually occurs in young girls under 20 years of age.

Sometimes the patient has reproductive organs There are several hydradenomas at once. The size of each of them usually does not exceed 1 cm. These nodules are colored yellow, pink or brown. Neoplasms do not cause discomfort to a woman. They are discovered accidentally, during washing or epilation.

As practice shows, with this disease the patient may have hard balls on the labia or soft, but in any case they will be mobile.

Despite the fact that hidradenomas do not become malignant, they must be treated. They will never disappear on their own. With a long course of the pathology, the skin over the neoplasm cannot withstand the pressure exerted on it. As a result, it begins to become necrotic.

From the resulting hole, granular papillomatous tissue protrudes. Blood may ooze from the affected area. In this case, the bleeding lump on the labia will hurt. In this case, hidradenoma can be easily confused with pyogenic granuloma or a malignant tumor.

The essence of therapy for hidradenoma is to perform electrical excision or surgery.


Lymphangioma is a tumor that originates from the walls of lymphatic vessels. Scientists have not been able to identify the reasons for its occurrence. The size of this neoplasm can range from 1 mm to several centimeters.

Lymphangioma is quite often located near the inguinal folds. The lump on the labia with this disease is heterogeneous and has a blue tint. Lymphangioma is soft, but it contains solid inclusions. On palpation, the woman feels pain.

Lymphangioma increases in volume very slowly. However, it can become infected, so it is advisable to treat it. To eliminate such a ball under the skin on the labia, a specialist can use the drug Picibanil or perform surgery.


If a lump appears on the labia, this may indicate the presence of a myxoma - a tumor that develops from the remains of embryonic connective tissue in the fatty tissue.

It usually appears in elderly patients.

Myxoma contains a jelly-like substance and has an irregular shape. This tumor mobile and elastic, has a smooth surface.

The main reasons for its appearance include genetic predisposition and injuries to the genital organs (including those received during treatment).

The essence of treatment for myxoma is to perform surgery. Unfortunately, after this, a relapse of the disease cannot be ruled out.


Hemangioma is a tumor that develops from small blood vessels. It can often be found on the labia of newborn girls.

In this case, there may be a lump on the inner labia or on the outer one. It is soft, has a bright crimson or red color. As for the sizes, they can be only 1-2 mm or reach several centimeters.

The exact causes of hemangioma on this moment are not known. It is believed that this is influenced by improper formation of blood vessels during the period intrauterine development. Active tumor growth usually occurs before the girl reaches the age of 1 year. After this, if the hemangioma increases, it is only slightly. In some cases, it may go away on its own.

During the period of active growth, the tumor can compress the nerve endings, causing the patient to experience a painful lump on the labia. In order to eliminate hemangioma, the doctor may suggest electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy, cryodestruction, laser treatment or surgery.


Household reasons

Sometimes a nodule on the labia can form even in absolutely healthy woman, whose immunity is slightly reduced.

In this case, tubercles on the labia may appear after:

  • hypothermia;
  • a cold suffered in the recent past;
  • shifts hygiene products, washing powder, underwear;
  • using someone else's towel.

A lump inside the labia often appears in patients who wear thongs, low-quality underwear, or do not carefully monitor their intimate hygiene.

Also, a white ball on the labia may appear after unsuccessful hair removal. Injuries to the skin and hair root can become entry points for infection. In this case, the woman will develop a large, painful pimple filled with pus, or rather a boil.

Along its edges you can see an inflamed edging. It is extremely undesirable to squeeze out such a lump, as this can provoke further spread of the infection and its entry into the bloodstream. The latter, in turn, threatens blood poisoning.

The essence of therapy for white lumps on the labia is to use compresses with Vishnevsky ointment at night. In addition, the cones need to be regularly treated with antibacterial medications.

To strengthen the immune system and thereby prevent recurrence of the disease, the patient needs to eat properly, refuse bad habits, sleep sufficient quantity hours, visit often fresh air and avoid stress. You can periodically take vitamin-mineral complexes and immunostimulants natural origin(Echinacea, Eleutherococcus).


Approximately 10-90 days after infection with Treponema pallidum, a woman develops a hard chancre on her genitals, which is how syphilis manifests itself. Such compaction can occur on the labia minora and on the labia majora.

Initially, chancre looks like a red spot on the skin or mucous membrane. After some time it turns into erosion.

To the main features chancre The following can be included:

  • diameter from 1 to 50 millimeters;
  • round shape;
  • dense and smooth edges;
  • dark red and hard bottom (on palpation this area looks like cartilage);
  • on the surface of the formation there is a purulent plaque with a yellow tint;
  • the area around the chancre does not become inflamed and retains its normal color.

Chancroid, as a rule, does not cause discomfort, so a woman can long time don't notice him. If you squeeze such a seal on the labia, it may protrude. clear liquid with a slight yellowish tint.

It may take about a month for erosive chancre to heal. A syphilitic ulcer can take up to 2 months to heal. After the chancre disappears, syphilis enters a clinically latent stage. During this period, treponema spreads throughout the body, and the patient complains of a deterioration in general health.

If you find a lump on the outer labia or on the inner one, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. In addition, it is not recommended to delay your visit to the doctor.

To diagnose the disease and identify its causes, the gynecologist will conduct a survey and perform a standard gynecological examination. After this, an experienced specialist will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis. However, before treating a lump on the labia, the doctor may additionally prescribe:

  • clinical blood test;
  • genital tract smear for infection;
  • blood test for STDs.

Only after this will the doctor be able to tell the lump on the floor of the lips: what it is. He will also select the most effective and safe treatment regimen for the patient.

It is important to understand that the resulting formation is not always harmless. Timely visit to medical institution in some cases it will help preserve not only health, but also life

Neoplasms on the labia are problems in the intimate area that worry every woman. If a lump appears on the labia, it is important to immediately seek help from a doctor. First, it is important to determine the factors contributing to its appearance, which will help prescribe the correct treatment.

Why do formations appear?

The skin in the genital area is extremely thin; each injury must be treated carefully, and it is advisable to do everything to prevent it. To do this, you should know the causes of cones. They can be described as follows:

  • local irritation;
  • bartholinitis;
  • blockage of the sebaceous gland duct;
  • inflammation of the hair follicle.

The hair root and surrounding area can become inflamed due to shaving, which can cause hair to grow into the skin. Irritation occurs due to improper hygiene and poor quality underwear. If an infection occurs, the risk of a lump appearing is very high, and it can cause pain when palpated.

A lump in the form of an accumulation of fat appears as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland duct. This occurs due to the accumulation of sebum in the skin. The functions of the gland may be impaired due to the use of certain hygiene products. The cause may be dry skin. These two factors lead to narrowing of pores. This disrupts the functions of the gland, sebum accumulates and the duct becomes clogged. This lump usually does not cause pain, but if pressed hard, the contents may leak out. This lump usually forms on the labia majora.

A gland cyst in the intimate area can also manifest itself in the form of compactions. In this case, they are located as if inside the lip near the vagina. The cause of bartholinitis is various pathogens, for example, Trichomonas, coli. If inflammatory process does not go away on its own, pus accumulates, and the cyst becomes larger. Then the lump causes pain, even when walking, not to mention riding a bicycle or physical activity.

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Formations may appear during pregnancy. This indicates that an infection has appeared in the urethra or vagina, immunity expectant mother failed. Bartholinitis during this special period is dangerous for the baby in the womb; it can cause a miscarriage. It is very important to identify the pathogen as early as possible. The fact is that some pathogens cause various pathological processes in a child and negatively affect the process of his intrauterine development. The period of pregnancy at which seals on the labia were discovered is important. If this happens before the 13th week, the baby may die.

Associated symptoms

Yes, in addition to the cones themselves, a person may experience other symptoms, because the presence of pus causes the following manifestations:

Identifying a lump on the labia is not difficult. A small compaction becomes noticeable quite quickly, especially if you regularly examine the intimate area. If you touch this place, you get the feeling that under skin there is something like beans. The lump may be red at first. Over time, the color changes to blue. The formation is hot to the touch.


As soon as lumps on the labia begin to be felt, you should immediately consult a doctor. He prescribes treatment only after full examination. To begin with, he performs a standard examination of the labia. The patient has for microbiological research vaginal discharge is taken, which helps determine the presence and type of pathogens. Lab tests help determine the cause of the disease.

Women feel extremely uncomfortable in this state; it can interfere with a full sexual life. But what’s much worse is that neoplasms can pose a health hazard.

There is no need to self-medicate. Some women are embarrassed to go to the doctor with such a problem, while others simply do not want to waste time on this and prefer to be treated with home methods. It is important to remember that it is necessary to identify the causes of the disease, otherwise treatment will be useless, and the condition sometimes worsens. In some cases, the lumps can become so large in size that it becomes difficult for a woman to move. In these cases, surgery is required, because it is necessary to open and remove the abscess. Some people think that the abscess will eventually open on its own. In this case, there is no certainty that another formation will not appear. Opening an abscess on your own can lead to other problems. Under no circumstances should you remove the lump with your own hands!

Still, there is good news: if the bump is a consequence of inflammation of the hair root, it is not required special treatment. Of course, you will need to use some means, e.g. local anesthetics. But even they should be prescribed by a doctor only after examination and finding out the exact cause.

But if the ducts of the sebaceous gland are clogged, treatment should be thorough. The surgeon does it. Most often, he decides to remove the lump before it ruptures on its own. This can be achieved even with the help of special ointments.

Symptoms such as fever, chills and others will persist until the abscess opens. To get rid of an abscess, the doctor performs the following steps:

  • opening of an abscess;
  • drainage;
  • treatment with antibacterial agents;
  • removal of the Bartholin gland, if necessary.

After this, the doctor advises doing antibacterial baths. It is important to strictly adhere to all his recommendations. A lump on the labia minora is sometimes a sign venereal disease, then the treatment is more serious. In any case, if any lumps are detected on the labia, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the cause so that treatment is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms.

Is it possible to treat bumps on the labia? traditional methods? In our age, the trust of many people in medicines falls. Such patients decide to treat any disease only with traditional methods. Any doctor will tell you that this is not a solution. Traditional methods treatments can only be an addition to medicinal methods. Perhaps the doctor himself will recommend doing some lotions, compresses, baths. You should consult your doctor about introducing new traditional methods.

Without treatment, any disease becomes chronic and torments a person throughout his life. The bumps will continue to appear if a woman catches a cold, catches a virus, or simply gets cold. If her immunity decreases, then during the next menstruation, seals and pain in the Bartholin gland will appear again. A woman will encounter unpleasant and painful sensations during sexual intercourse.


It is best to avoid the appearance of bumps on the labia. Based on the reasons, we can give some useful recommendations.

  • You should buy and wear underwear made from quality materials. Plus, it should be comfortable!
  • You cannot neglect hygiene in the intimate area, especially during menstruation!
  • It is better to refuse depilation in the intimate area or to do it very carefully and with high-quality, clean tools.
  • It is important to treat any infectious diseases caused by different pathogens.

It happens that during self-examination or by chance, a woman may identify some kind of lump in the vaginal area. Such a situation will seriously alarm you and throw you out of emotional balance. Various guesses will begin to appear, most often with negative connotations. But what a formation in the vagina actually means can be found out only after consulting a doctor. Until then, it’s better not to worry in vain.


A mass formation in the area of ​​a woman’s external genitalia may have different origins. And you need to understand all the reasons so as not to miss the really important ones. Lump in the vagina, as it is called ordinary people– this is the result of inflammatory, hyperplastic or other processes. The source of pathological growth can be the glands of the vulva, the vaginal wall (mucous, muscular, serous membranes) or nearby tissues. The cause of this formation is most often benign diseases:

  • Bartholinitis.
  • Cyst.
  • Fibroma.
  • Lipoma.

There are cases when the cervix is ​​mistaken for a lump, which due to weakness pelvic muscles descends all the way to the vestibule of the vagina. But a similar situation is more often observed in old age in women who have undergone more than one childbirth and have dealt with difficult labor in the past. physical work. But young girls are most afraid of oncology, although this is also unlikely, because malignant processes more typical during menopause, when the activity of hormonal control decreases. Then the appearance of vaginal carcinoma is possible.

The origin of a lump in the vaginal area is most often associated with benign processes, but in certain cases, oncology cannot be excluded.


The doctor, conducting a gynecological and physical examination of the patient, identifies symptoms confirming the nature of the formation. Pay attention to local and general signs. First, complaints are analyzed, and then it’s time for examination and palpation. In this case, any concomitant conditions that, one way or another, may be associated with the appearance of a lump are taken into account.


Inflammation of the glands at the base of the labia, i.e. bartholinitis, occurs quite often. The lump near the vagina is precisely connected with it. The causative agent of the disease is considered to be various microbes: strepto- and staphylococci, E. coli, candida, but also more specific representatives - gonococcus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas. The gland duct is blocked, and purulent exudate accumulates in its lumen. This leads to the formation of an abscess (false or true) and the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. Redness of the skin.
  2. Painful swelling.
  3. Enlarged gland.
  4. Blocking the entrance to the vagina.
  5. Pain when moving.
  6. Temperature increase.

With a true abscess, melting occurs glandular tissue, which is accompanied by more severe symptoms. Are increasing regional lymph nodes, labia swell, suffers general state women (malaise, headaches). When the abscess is opened, it is not completely emptied, which is a factor in recurrence and protracted course.

The chronic process may worsen during menstruation, with a decrease in the body's immune reactivity or concomitant diseases. A sensitive seal forms in the area of ​​the gland; discomfort is noticeable when moving, but sharp pain will not be. Subsequently, a cyst forms at this location.

Bartholinitis is a consequence of microbial inflammation of the gland of the vestibule of the vagina. It is accompanied by the appearance of a painful lump.

Vaginal cyst

The cause of a lump in the vagina is a cyst. It's not that much frequent illness, but you need to remember it. A cyst forms from the wall of the organ, and is filled epithelial tissues or liquid contents. The origin of the pathology is congenital or post-traumatic, and it is mostly asymptomatic, therefore it is detected more often when preventive examinations. The exception is cases with large cyst sizes, when subjective signs arise:

  • Foreign body sensation.
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Urinary disorders (dysuria).
  • Difficulty in defecation.

At gynecological examination the cyst does not cause pain, its surface is smooth and does not differ from the rest of the mucous membrane. Large formations create an obstacle to the birth of a child. If an inflammatory process occurs, then pathological discharge and soreness in the vagina. Then the cyst can ulcerate and even open on its own.

Benign tumors

True vaginal tumors of benign origin include fibromas, lipomas and fibromyomas. They are formed from layers of the vaginal wall and do not show signs of atypical growth. In most cases, such tumors develop asymptomatically and are localized along the anterior surface of the vagina. Sometimes there are periodic pains of pulling or aching character, discomfort during sexual intercourse, difficulty urinating and defecating. But this happens only when the pathological formation is large (about the size of a chicken egg).


The greatest danger among all lumps is carcinoma or vaginal cancer. Most often, oncology develops secondarily, that is, when it spreads from other sources (cervix, uterus, metastases). Some patients with cancer are asymptomatic, but most often there will be the following signs:

  • Scanty bleeding at any time, including between menstrual periods.
  • Pathological discharge: cloudy, whitish, liquid.
  • Pain - first during sexual intercourse, and then constant.

If the tumor grows into neighboring areas, dysuria and defecation disorders are possible. And in advanced cases, the woman’s general condition also suffers (cancer intoxication).

Cancer is the most serious and dangerous reason volumetric process in the vagina. Oncological alertness should be present in all women, especially those who have crossed the threshold of menopause.

Additional diagnostics

To establish the nature of the lump in the vaginal area, you need additional methods. The diagnostic process may include various techniques that help the doctor determine the cause of the formation. These include:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry (antibodies to infections, tumor markers).
  3. Analysis of vaginal discharge (microscopy, bacterial culture, PCR).
  4. Smear for oncocytology.
  5. Colposcopy.
  6. Biopsy with histology.

Having received all the results, the specialist makes a final conclusion and can definitely say whether the woman should have worried. And given the character pathological process and clinical situation will be taken curative measures and recommendations are given that the patient must adhere to.

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A lump on a woman’s labia should not be ignored. It can be any size, painful or not. Most often located under the skin. There are many causes of tumors, among them the most dangerous is oncology. To find out for sure, a detailed diagnosis is needed.

Reasons for the appearance of compaction

A dense formation on the genitals signals pathologies such as:

  • Hormonal changes. If the bumps disappear and then appear again, this is due to menstruation. This appearance is caused by an increase in hormones. The sebaceous gland becomes large and can be felt in the perineum. There is often a feeling of tension in the genital area. Recovering hormonal background, the seal goes away.

To prevent fungus from forming, it is important to maintain hygiene, use an antiseptic, and wear natural, loose-fitting underwear. At the end of the cycle, alcohol and sweets are not recommended.

  • If (condyloma) is present, we can talk about the human papillomavirus. These elements are eliminated using hardware. It is important to understand that if warts are damaged, they pose a danger to both the woman and her partner. Selected species condylomas are malignant, often causing the development of cervical cancer.
  • If a woman has had a small nodule for a long time and there are no third-party signs, unpleasant symptoms, then this may be abnormal development of the labia. The pathology is congenital and not dangerous.

Provoking pathologies

On the genitals, a dense formation sometimes signals benign tumor or cancer.

  • Fibroma. A hard knot in the deep layer of the vagina. It also happens inside the labia. It arises from connective tissues, feels hard or soft to the touch, smooth, with an oval contour. The treatment is surgical, rehabilitation is not difficult, the prognosis is good.
  • Myoma. A tumor with an elastic surface, mobile. Formed between the labia majora. To eliminate it, a surgical method is used.
  • Fibroids. A harmless tumor that has all the manifestations of the above types.
  • Lipoma. Internal. It is located near the vagina and stands on a dense stem. Rotating, soft, located in the middle of the capsule. Pathology can contribute to the development of bleeding, infections, edema, and necrosis. For this reason, it needs to be excised.
  • Myxoma. Formed from rudiments muscle tissue. Localization – pubis, vulva. It is observed in women in old age. To be deleted.
  • Hidradenoma. A hardened ball on the labia minora, which arose against the background of high activity of the glands responsible for sweating. The nodules are multiple, oval or flat. Color yellow, pink, brown.
  • Oncology. Lump under the labia, vagina. Accompanied purulent discharge, smelly mucus, bleeding. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the prognosis cannot be predicted.
  • Hemangioma. Congenital pathology mucous tissue. This is a blue or red spot that is slightly raised above the skin. When it grows, it tends to spread to the uterus and vagina. Radiation therapy is used.
  • Lymphangioma. Formed from . Dense tubercles merge with each other, slowly enlarge, and are prone to inflammation. The treatment is carried out by a surgeon.

Attention! If any formation in the perineum does not disappear for a couple of days, grows, or hurts, it is recommended to urgently consult a gynecologist.

Bartholin gland

A common trigger for the development of cones is the Bartholin gland. It is located in front of the vagina in subcutaneous tissue big lips. Her job is to synthesize the secretion released from the vagina that occurs before intimacy. If the excretory duct is blocked, the development of neoplasms in the form of a ball begins.

A similar pathology occurs in women who do not keep their genitals clean. The specificity of the disease is that symptoms may not appear for a certain time. After the onset of inflammation (7-14 days), inside formation of large lips occurs. The ball on the labia causes pain. They swell, itching and pain appear. In advanced cases there will be suppuration.

Bartholinitis does not require special therapy, but if complete absence treatment, relapses occur. Subsequently, the pathology develops into a cyst, and surgical intervention is prescribed. If, with bartholinitis, the subcutaneous tubercle festers, your health worsens, your temperature rises, and there is pain during sex, this is a serious reason to seek help.

Bartholinitis during pregnancy provokes a miscarriage.

Meaning of seals

  • Lump on the labia majora. Causes discomfort when moving. Occurs when wearing tight clothes. It is provoked by bartholinitis or poor hygiene.
  • Lump on a small part of the vulva. Often occur when wearing thongs of the wrong size. The remaining reasons are similar to the above meaning.
  • Painless lump. In some cases, the formation does not cause discomfort and is discovered by chance. This happens when there is a blockage sebaceous glands, condylomas, congenital pathologies.
  • Painful nodule on the genitals. Develop against the background of bartholinitis with accompanying severe pain. It will not be possible to avoid the sensations, since the tubercle is located in a vulnerable area. The seals are injured by clothing or when walking. If the problem is ignored, suppuration occurs.


They help avoid surgical intervention homeopathic medicines. They should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. If a woman is indicated for surgery, drink similar medicines makes no sense and poses a health hazard.

  • Belladonna. Prescribed against the background of purulent mucus, severe redness of the genitals, swollen lips, and bartholinitis;
  • Gepar sulphur. Eliminates an abscess and prevents it from spreading purulent inflammation along the vaginal lining. Prescribed for herpes (white, small, pimples under the lip);
  • Mercurius solubilis. Helps with bartholinitis, ulcers, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, suppuration;
  • Silicea. It is needed if there is a slow abscess, with fistulas and chronic pathologies.

The action of drugs affects the deep layers of the genital organs. Their peculiarity lies in working with a whole bunch of diseases, including dense nodules that have appeared in the perineum. Homeopathy is used as complementary therapy.

If a woman is diagnosed with bartholinitis, the doctor prescribes medications strictly according to indications. When flashing acute form illness requires hospitalization ( bed rest V mandatory, painkillers, antibiotics). The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.


Bartholinitis can be detected by yourself. Swelling is observed near the vulva. Under the skin of the formation, a ball on the labia similar to a bean is felt. The tumor is red and later turns blue. If you touch the nodule, you feel heat. The woman's temperature is also rising. Weakness and lethargy cannot be ruled out. Against this background, when the lump is pressed, acute pain appears.

If you do not seek help, the dense tubercle will open on its own. The disease does not go away, but moves to chronic stage. If you ignore therapy, bartholinitis turns into a cyst. A doctor is already needed here. He will take a smear, conduct a study, and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Women tend to postpone going to the gynecologist, even if serious reason. Some cases require immediate attention to the clinic, so as not to suffer from pain when walking or intimate intimacy.

We treat each new formation on the female external genitalia with caution, since these formations can serve as signs dangerous diseases. For their effective therapy It will be necessary to conduct diagnostics and find out the causes of formations.

Lump on the female genital organs - possible causes:

Inflamed hair follicle.

Local irritation.

Blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Inflammation of the Bartholin gland.

Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Inflammation of the hair follicle

Most common factor the appearance of a lump on the labia majora/minor. With frequent epilation/depilation, hair grows into the skin, which often leads to inflammation. At first, the formation is small in size and can be barely felt with your fingers. Gradually the lump fills up purulent fluid, increasing in size. If the inflammatory process is not stopped in time and infection is not prevented, the purulent bubble will burst under the skin, which will lead to infection of neighboring tissues. In such a situation, bumps may also appear near the labia.

Local irritation

The reasons why skin irritation occurs are as follows:

shaving hair in intimate areas;

low quality linen;

insufficient personal hygiene;

tight outfits;

not really optimal mode temperature;

long horse riding or cycling.

On early stage irritation manifests itself in the form of a tiny rash and redness. It often goes away on its own. In case of infection, purulent blisters appear. The blisters look like bumps on the female genitals and can cause pain.

Sebaceous gland blockage

Due to excessively dry skin and unsuitable cosmetics causes narrowing of pores, which makes it difficult for sebum to come out. Subsequently, the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with its own products. Fat accumulates, turning over time into a subcutaneous pad. Often it is present on the labia in the form of a hard lump, which does not cause pain or discomfort. If you press hard on it, the fat will come out of the seal, but the this procedure it is undesirable to produce.

Bartholinitis - cyst of the labia gland

At the entrance to the vagina there is a Bartholin gland, due to damage to the tissues and excretory ducts of which, a small lump initially forms on one or both labia, causing pain. The causative agents of the disease are:

staphylococcus bacteria;


Trichomonas vaginalis;


combined infections.

Occasionally, bartholinitis disappears on its own after a certain time, as does a lump with swelling. In other cases, the clogged gland is filled with pus and infiltrate. A purulent lump forms directly in/on the labia at the entrance to the vagina. Then an abscess forms, which oozes and causes unbearable pain.

Lump on the labia - treatment

If inflamed hair follicles or there is local irritation, then medical procedures include only taking antibiotic or local antiseptic drugs. In addition, doctors advise taking good care of your genitals and wearing high-quality cotton underwear.

If a lump forms as a result of a blocked sebaceous gland, you should contact a surgeon, as well as a gynecologist. It is recommended to eliminate these formations even before the onset of inflammation by surgical intervention or through absorbable medications.

The process of curing inflammation of the Bartholin gland should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The procedure often involves eliminating inflammation and opening the bladder with its further drainage.
