The jewelry is pressed into the lip piercing. How does the upper and lower lip piercing procedure work?

All this to say, some people didn't end up very well. this procedure at home. That is why, such an “event” with one’s own person can lead to unsafe consequences if one is careless and not serious about this matter.

  1. Purchase a tool that can be used to perform a piercing. It is sold in specialized stores. Under no circumstances use a homemade needle or knitting needle to avoid introducing infection into the blood.
  2. Before the process, wash your hands well with soap, or even better, do this several times with a special antibacterial substance. The towel used to dry your hands should be as sterile and clean as possible.
  3. Carefully open the packaging of the piercing, thoroughly disinfect the accessory and equipment with which you are going to insert the piercing into the lip. Be sure to thoroughly clean the area where the piercing will be pierced and inserted.
  4. The procedure starts with inside lips To begin with, the puncture is made in the muscles, then with slight pressure on the needle a little deeper to pierce through the desired place. It will be good if you worry about this in advance and mark where the final puncture site will be. As soon as the needle goes through, quickly take a sterile piercing and insert it into your lip, tighten the washers, and show off in front of the mirror.

Proper piercing care

The process does not stop at the puncture procedure, because you need to protect your beauty and properly care for healing. The puncture will only hurt, itch and turn red for about two weeks. It may take you a month, or maybe more, for complete healing.

Do not complain that it will be inconvenient for you to eat, talk, or drink water. If you have bad habits, then you should forget for a few hours that you have cigarettes and it’s time to smoke. And the most patient ones, who held out from food and water after the puncture for about 5 hours, are allowed to eat a huge ice cream!

  • about two weeks you will have to refrain from salty, hard, too sweet, very hot and sour foods;
  • immediately upon completion of the puncture process go to the pharmacy for vitamins To make healing go faster, you will need vitamin B;
  • Chew it while eating several times carefully and not quickly, slowness and proper care are important here, your task is to follow the instructions, because this is your beauty;
  • Until your hands are washed or treated with alcohol, touching the piercing is strictly prohibited, and in general you should not touch the accessory too often, otherwise the healing will not be so fast;
  • the enamel of the teeth suffers greatly from punctures and piercings, so that this does not happen - make less sudden movements with your face and mouth, watch your conversation.

If you notice that the piercing is quite for a long time does not heal, then be sure to contact the specialist who performed the puncture for you. Moreover, noticing yellow spot at the puncture site, you must immediately consult a doctor. This is not a joke - probably an infection was introduced during the procedure, which cannot be delayed; it must be treated urgently.

Piercing is a very delicate matter, as all people passing by will look at it. Although punctures are harmless on the one hand, on the other hand, self-care requires sacrifice. Do not neglect all the ointments, creams and other methods that the specialists will advise you - this is for your own good and speedy healing. Remember that later you will probably want to take the piercing out forever, but while you are young, pierce your lips and don’t feel bad about it. It looks beautiful!

Currently, both boys and girls find ways to express themselves in various kinds of manipulations with their appearance. They do extraordinary hairstyles, wear flashy clothes and accessories. One such method of attracting attention is lip piercing, which today can be seen among many young people of both sexes.

This concept means the piercing of the corresponding part of the face and the subsequent insertion of jewelry into it. It is believed that this event is very harmless, since there are no large vessels or nerve endings in this part of the face. Nevertheless Negative consequences it can have.

How is the procedure performed?

It is worth contacting an experienced specialist who will fulfill all the requirements for the implementation of the event.

Here's how to do both the lower and upper lip piercings:

  • The tool that the master will use is disinfected;
  • With a special marker, the specialist marks the place where the hole will be made;
  • The master disinfects the lip;
  • Next, a special needle with a catheter is used to directly pierce the area, after which the needle is removed and the catheter remains. The decoration is pulled through it into the resulting hole.

Those who are planning to try this event on themselves are interested in whether the procedure is painful.

If it is performed by an experienced master, without ignoring all the rules and requirements, the event will be almost painless, it will take only a few minutes, and the puncture will heal relatively quickly. True, for this to be so, it is also necessary proper care behind the lip.

Types of piercing

They are determined depending on the chosen decorations and the place where the hole will be made. All of them can be divided into 2 varieties.

On the lower lip

These include the following types of punctures:

  • Labret. A barbell with a ball is used as a decoration. The labret is also divided into two
    varieties: vertical and horizontal. The first one is very popular because it looks beautiful and there is no pain when piercing. The decoration is inserted into a hole made from the bottom edge of the lip to the top. Usually the piercing is done in the central part of the mouth. Horizontal piercings are slightly less popular. It is usually performed from left to right along the lip line;
  • Snake bite. Two punctures are performed, usually symmetrical, on both sides;

On the upper lip

There are several popular varieties.

Among them:

  • Monroe. As a rule, girls choose this style for themselves, since piercing allows
    imitate a famous mole with one of the most beautiful women- Marilyn Monroe. The puncture is performed only on the left side;
  • Madonna. This piercing method allows you to imitate the “fly” of a world-famous pop diva. Like the owner of the “original”, the hole is made on the right;
  • Dahlia. This type is no less popular and in demand than other types of piercings performed on the lip. Its originality lies in the fact that the punctures are performed on both sides, as if combining the two previous varieties - Monroe and Madonna;
  • Jellyfish. A hole is made in the groove above the lips;
  • Smile. It is not for nothing that this variety is called a smile (translated from English). Jewelry can only be seen when its owner smiles, which is the peculiarity of this style.

Depending on the chosen method of puncture - piercing performed above or below the lip, the jewelry itself is selected. The most commonly used earring is a labret earring, which is a barbell with two balls at the ends, usually made of titanium. Rings and circulars are also used, and for punctures made horizontally, microbananas are usually used.

Procedure at home

Of course, this option is economical, but before you begin the process, you need to make sure that you know all the requirements for the event, otherwise it may turn out to be unsafe.

Firstly, to make a piercing, regardless of where it will be - above, below or on the lip, you need to purchase a special tool.

Under no circumstances use a regular needle found in a sewing box for this purpose.

Secondly, make sure that your hands and instruments are sterile clean.

Remove the equipment from its packaging and disinfect it and the decoration you will be inserting. Wipe the future puncture site with gauze or a clean cloth.

Start the process from the inside of your mouth. Pierce the muscle tissue first and then press the needle again to complete the procedure. Make sure that from the outside the tool is where it is needed - first mark the puncture site. Control the piercing angle during the event. At the final stage, carefully insert the decoration into the resulting hole.


As a rule, healing of the place where the hole is made takes about 2 weeks. Complete healing will take about a month, in some cases – 2. Usually this period is characterized by the fact that a person experiences discomfort while eating or talking. Do not smoke, eat or drink for 3-4 hours after the event. After 4 hours you can treat yourself to ice cream.

To puncture lower lip or the top healed faster, follow these simple recommendations:

  • For 2 weeks, try to give up hot, salty, sweet, sour, and solid foods;
  • Take vitamins belonging to group B;
  • Chew your food carefully without damaging your tooth enamel;
  • Do not touch the earring without treating your hands with alcohol. You should not touch the jewelry often, and if you do, do not make sudden movements to avoid damaging your teeth.

If the piercing does not heal for a long time, you should consult a doctor, especially if yellowing appears at the hole site - this may indicate an infection.

You should not remove jewelry for more than 1 day, regardless of what type of piercing you choose.

If you decide to remove the jewelry for good, simply take out the earring and wait until the puncture heals completely. To speed up this process, use special ointments and creams.


Despite the fact that the event is considered practically safe, they can still happen. This must be taken into account before decorating your mouth with an earring.

How can the procedure turn out and what could be the consequences of it?

  • In 20% of cases, the decoration causes allergies, and during the event or during the healing process
    infection may occur;
  • In 10% of cases, the wound heals very poorly, so there is a need to see a doctor. He prescribes washing or the use of other means, and sometimes there are indications for getting rid of the piercing;
  • In some cases, the tissue does not heal properly;
  • There are situations when, during a procedure, a salon client is infected with viral hepatitis or even AIDS;
  • Sometimes, when piercing, nerve endings are affected, and this can manifest itself even years later.

Considering the possible consequences of lip piercing, think carefully about whether you are willing to risk your health.

The fashion for lip piercing is returning to us from ancient times. Today, piercing is one of the possible fashionable jewelry in the beauty industry. Both the upper and lower lips are pierced.

To express yourself, try something new and fashionable, try getting yourself a lip piercing.

There are two types of piercing: vertical and horizontal.

On the lip, horizontal piercing is done along the lip line using a deep puncture. This type of piercing takes 2 to 4 weeks to heal, and earrings for horizontal piercings should be chosen only from non-allergic materials. It is best to take an earring or pin made of titanium.

If you are doing a vertical piercing, then it is better to place the piercing in the center of the lip. The puncture is made from the border of the lip to the central point on the lip. It is best to use a labret for this type of piercing (a 1.6 mm pin with a ball on one end and a cap on the other end). Choose a labret based on the thickness of your lips. The thinner the lips, the thinner the labret, otherwise the decoration will look too bulky.

If you choose a hoop earring, try to make a hole so that the ring does not touch your teeth. On the lip, such a ring looks very sexy, but if pierced incorrectly, it can add problems with the enamel of the teeth. Constant friction will cause scratches on the tooth and abrasions on the lip, so it is better to leave this type of piercing in the hands of professionals.

Does it hurt to get a piercing? The whole procedure will take you no more than a minute. Of course, there will be pain from the puncture, and its degree depends on the individual. pain threshold person. If you want to play it safe, every tattoo parlor has anesthetics that will numb the puncture site. Before using a painkiller, check if you are allergic to it - wipe your wrist and wait. If there are no redness or rashes, you can safely numb your lip. Lidocaine is most often used for anesthesia, so find out in advance if you have allergic reaction on him.

After getting your lip pierced, you should take care that the piercing heals quickly. The following rules will help you avoid lip inflammation:

2) after 4 hours you can eat cereals, bread, all dairy products, but you cannot eat citrus fruits and spicy foods;

3) Until the lip heals, avoid kissing and oral sex, as infection can enter the bloodstream through the wound;

4) during the healing process, do not eat too spicy, salty, sweet, avoid temperature changes (extremely hot or cold foods).

Many people experience problems with diction during the healing of a fresh puncture, especially the first few days. Very rarely, a fistula may appear on the lip.

In addition to piercing the lip itself, there is another type of piercing - Madonna piercing. The puncture for this type of piercing is made just above the upper lip and slightly to the side. Therefore, the “mole on the upper lip” effect occurs. Instead of a ball, a rhinestone, a small flower, or just a ball of precious metal is often screwed onto the end of the pin. Puncture over upper lip heals faster, and there is less pain, because the skin is less sensitive than on the lip. The downside of this type of piercing is the risk of puncturing an artery. In addition, a mole piercing is not suitable for those with thick lips. Men should not get this type of piercing, because... This will make shaving much more difficult.

If you want to pierce your lip at home, then first decide who exactly will do the piercing for you - you or another person? In addition, you can simply call a specialist from the salon to your home.

First, purchase a catheter needle (it is sold at the pharmacy). Choose the type of Labert earrings or ring. It is better to choose a long labert, it will take root faster and is easier to insert at home.

Before piercing your lip, wash yourself thoroughly and wipe the future piercing site with alcohol. Open the needle at the very last moment, because... she is already sterile. Wipe with alcohol and rinse the earring. The piercing should be done on the front side of the lip. Insert the labert or ring into the fresh puncture and wipe away any excess blood. Try not to be nervous during the procedure. Shaky hands can make the situation much worse. It's better to ask someone you trust to do the piercing.

Never don't do the following things:

— steaming the piercing (first week);

— water getting on the piercing (the first 2 days).

Don't forget to disinfect the puncture site every day. Until the piercing heals, the earring cannot be removed from the hole. When cleaning, lightly roll the earring up and down to clean and lubricate the pierced hole. To disinfect piercings, use chlorhexidine or miramistin. You can also use special antibacterial creams, boric or salicylic alcohol, and also wipe with calendula decoction.

Do not drink alcohol before getting a piercing. Alcohol will speed up the blood flow and make it more difficult to stop.

Remember! You should not save on your health by buying cheap jewelry. To avoid suppuration, do not remove the inserted earring until it is completely healed. If crusts appear, do not peel them off, wait until they fall off on their own. Tu soaked in antibacterial solution cotton swab. Use it to soften the crust and carefully remove.

Lip piercing or labial piercing is a piercing of the lower or upper part of it for installation in the formed hole of the jewelry. Experts consider this type of puncture to be one of the safest and simplest, since there is a low concentration of nerve nodes and large blood vessels in the lips.

IN Lately Lip piercing is quickly popularized in youth circles and is considered very fashionable. Both the upper and lower lips, as well as the skin above and below them, are pierced.

Jewelry for labial piercing

For this type of piercing, the most popular jewelry are earrings and labrets (barbells with non-screwing caps on one side and a removable ball on the other).

Lip piercings are often called labrets (named after the jewelry used). There are many options for lip piercing, it all depends on the desire, capabilities and imagination of the person. But there are two main types of punctures: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical piercing

The palm in terms of prevalence still belongs to vertical lip piercing, since it is practically safe and almost painless procedure. Traditionally, the lip is pierced exactly in the center (from its lower border to top point in the center). If everything is done correctly, this piercing looks great and heals quickly.

For this type of puncture, the best decoration is a labret. Here you need to be extremely careful and scrupulous in choosing decoration. Keep in mind that the length of the bar is determined depending on the thickness of the lips after complete healing of the wound.

This is necessary to avoid mistakes when choosing the size of the jewelry. After all, if the bar turns out to be too short, then this threatens the ball growing into the lip area, and a labret that is too long will constantly hit the teeth, causing irreparable damage to their enamel.

Jewelry in the form of rings is also perfect for this type of piercing. The main task is their correct placement. The piercing must be done so that the jewelry is between the teeth.

Horizontal piercing

Horizontal labial piercing is not very popular among beginners; as a rule, it is done by real piercing connoisseurs. Horizontal piercing initially involves a deep puncture, which is performed parallel to the lip. It is usually done on the lower lip from left to right. A labret with 2 balls, one of which is removable, is suitable as a decoration.

Also, not only the labial parts of the face are pierced, but also the skin above or below them. There are several varieties of such piercings: Dahlia, Snakebite, Monroe, Madonna, and Medusa.

Piercing above and below the lip

Madonna and Monroe are very popular types of piercings above the upper lip, when the decoration in the form of a pebble or ball resembles the “spot” (mole) of the famous actress Marilyn Monroe. The only difference is that Madonna is always pierced on the right, and Monroe is only pierced on the left above the upper lip.

This piercing is done in one minute and is almost painless. This is all because the tissue at the puncture site is very thin.

Two punctures made on both sides like flies (moles) above the upper lip are called Dahlia.

But similar double punctures made under the lower lip are called a little mysteriously and at the same time frighteningly - Snake Bite.

Jellyfish is a so-called groove piercing that simulates a tear in the mouth.

Before getting a lip piercing, seriously weigh all the pros and cons of this event.

You should know that lip piercing can be accompanied by very unpleasant consequences:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, one way or another related to teeth.
  • The occurrence of cracks in tooth enamel.
  • Redness, inflammation and bleeding of the gums.
  • The front teeth begin to crumble and break.

Such troubles most often occur in people under twenty-five years of age.

Who should not get a puncture?

Unfortunately, there is also a certain circle of people for whom lip piercing is generally contraindicated.

1. Firstly, these are teenagers under the age of eighteen.
2. Also, people who have poor blood clotting are diabetics.

However, a temporary obstacle to piercing may be a period of exacerbation of any chronic disease and even a banal acute respiratory infection, as well as fever.

If you are still determined to pierce your lip, contact a specialist in a tattoo parlor. Everything will happen there quickly, efficiently and in sterile conditions. Preferably this one - it’s safer.

But if you decide to do the piercing yourself, go to the pharmacy and buy: cotton wool, sterile gloves, alcohol, meramistin solution, an IV system, antibiotic ointment.

How to pierce your lip quickly and without pain? Procedure

Disinfect the earring or labret. First, soak the decoration in alcohol for twenty minutes, then boil it in a small bowl of water.

Before the piercing, do not forget to eat well, because after the piercing you should not eat for the next four hours.

Then rinse your mouth saline solution(one level teaspoon of salt per glass warm water). Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and, generously moistening cotton wool with alcohol, wipe with outside area of ​​the labial part intended for piercing. Let it dry. Then use a marker to mark the puncture points.

All necessary tools should be located near the mirror within easy reach. Hands must be sterile.

Before a puncture, you need to calm down so that your hands don’t tremble. Then, slightly retracting the lip, with a confident movement we push the sterile needle from the dropper through the point marked with a marker, and, inserting the decoration into the hollow catheter, place it in the formed hole. The entire procedure lasts no more than 2 minutes.

Please note that the lip is pierced from the inside. In order for the piercing to be in the planned place, the piercing angle should be maintained (90 degrees). After the decoration is secured, the outside of the wound must be treated with a miramestin solution.

To speed up the healing of the piercing site, rinse your mouth two to three times a day for six weeks and after each meal with a saline solution or a soft pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The piercing causes the lip to swell and the swelling will persist for about three days.

After the procedure, you should refrain from smoking for three to four hours. For six weeks (until the wound is completely healed), it is forbidden to eat salty, hot, sour, spicy, or hot foods. This is a good reason to go on a diet. Allowed to eat: cereals, fruits, dairy products, ice cream and yoghurts.

At first, until you get used to it, you should be extremely careful and attentive when chewing, so that the decoration does not hit your gums and teeth and damage them.

During the entire period of healing of the lip piercing, you should strictly refrain from biting it, as well as contact kisses. During this time, limit yourself to showing emotions in the form of “air kisses”, handshakes, friendly greetings in the form of “hugs” and pats on the shoulder. It is also strictly forbidden to apply lipstick (even hygienic) to the lip surface, “play” with jewelry and bite nails.

If after three days the swelling on the lip has not decreased, but rather turned red, increased even more and suppuration appeared on the wound, do not panic. Remove the pus with a solution of meramestine and apply an antiseptic ointment to the wound every four hours. If there is no improvement within a day, consult a doctor.

Do not remove or change the jewelry to something more presentable until the wound has completely healed. After all, it will be very difficult to insert it back.

Even after healing, you cannot remove the jewelry for more than a day because the channel formed in the lip tends to narrow. It will be more than a year before the jewelry can be taken out for an extended period.

If the labret is easy to replace on your own, then it is better to contact a specialist in a tattoo parlor about replacing the ring. Replacing the stud is usually done independently. But if you can’t do this due to a narrowing of the canal, contact a specialist. The master will always have the right tool to help you quickly and painlessly.

Video on the topic

The safest of all types of piercings is considered to be a lip piercing, since there are no nerve endings or large blood vessels that can be damaged. Many boys and girls also choose it because it looks elegant and unusual, focusing on the most seductive part of the face.

Perhaps there are as many piercing options as the masters offer in this area, neither on the eyebrows, nor in the nose, nor anywhere else. Therefore, the demand for this service has not decreased for many decades.


Exist different types lip piercing, and each of them has its own characteristics. When choosing, you need to focus on appearance(whether this arrangement of the earring suits you), how many punctures you are ready to make, how painful this or that area is and where the risk of injury is less.


Piercing above the upper lip on the left in the form of a small round mole. Marilyn Monroe had such a fly and Cindy Crawford, famous beautiful actresses, had such a fly.


A puncture similar to the previous one, only on the right, like the one of Madonna, an American singer. Both techniques are quite painful compared to all the others. In addition, this is where the facial nerve can be hit.


Nasolabial philtrum piercing is one of the most beautiful and painless. There are no nerve endings in this area, blood vessels are located far from the surface, which means there is no risk of injury, bleeding or paralysis.

Vertical labret

The most popular of all varieties is lower lip piercing, when 2 punctures are made vertically - below and in the center. Is different fast healing, since it does not affect nerve endings and blood vessels.

Horizontal labret

It is done at two horizontal points in the middle of the lower lip from left to right. It is very deep, accompanied by strong painful sensations and should be performed exclusively by a professional to avoid complications.


A simplified version of the previous two is a simple single puncture under the lower lip.


An analogue of the vertical labret - only for the upper lip. And there may already be painful sensations, and complications, since nerve endings or blood vessels can be affected.


Holes are pierced symmetrically to each other in the corners of the mouth. It looks very feminine and cute.

Angel bite

If you combine Monroe's and Madonna's piercings, you get Angel Bite. This is a bilateral symmetrical piercing above the upper lip from different sides.

Cyber ​​bite

2 punctures are made - under the lower lip strictly in the center and symmetrically on top - in the nasolabial groove.

Dog bite

A more complex technique, because it involves as many as 4 punctures: the first 2 are for Monroe and Madonna, the second pair is symmetrical to them under the lower lip.

Spider bite

Paired punctures located anywhere (top or bottom), the main thing is that they are together and on the side.

Shark bite

Holes are made in pairs on each side under the lower lip.

Snake bite

Punctures similar to the previous ones, only if you leave one hole on each side.

Dolphin bite

Piercing similar to the previous one, but horizontal punctures are made much closer to each other and to the center of the chin.

Predator bite

Three holes are made that form a stylish symmetrical triangle around the mouth. It is a combination of Snake Sting and Medusa.


Analogue of Medusa, only from below. One of the most painful, with many complications and side effects.


This is an upper lip frenulum piercing. The decoration is only revealed when you smile (hence the name). The procedure is considered minimally painful, since the master knows the points on the frenulum that are less sensitive to puncture. However, the disadvantage of this technique is that the earring greatly interferes with eating, kissing and can seriously injure the gums and front teeth.


Puncture of the lower frenulum of the mouth. The decoration is detected extremely rarely - only when the lower lip protrudes. The disadvantages of this technique are exactly the same as those of Smile.

Externally, you may like this or that type of piercing. But this is not the only criterion that is worth focusing on. First of all, you should consult with a specialist, find out all the nuances of the piercing technique you like, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make a decision.

From the life of the stars. Lip piercings can be seen on such celebrities as Christina Aguilera, Chester Bennington, Shura Bi-2, Cara Delevingne, Amy Winehouse.

Jewelry selection

You will have to choose not only the type of piercing, but also jewelry. On modern market they come in different shapes and materials.


  • A ring-rod, with ends closed on a ball, is most often used for the lower lip and frenulum.
  • Labrets are jewelry consisting of several parts: a flat surface for the mucosa, a barbell and a decorative top with diamonds or rhinestones, ideal for options such as Monroe, Labret, Madonna, Medusa, Estrum.
  • Microbananas are curved rods decorated with multi-colored balls.
  • Horseshoe - a semicircle ending with arrows (good for the frenulum and lower lip).
  • A segmental ring divisible into parts (segments).
  • Twist is a hybrid of a spiral and half a ring with balls at the ends (put on the lower lip).
  • Circulars - jewelry in the form of earrings different shapes(snakes, for example) with threaded connections on the edges.
  • A rod is half a Labret: a short straight or curved tube with a single ball at the end, indispensable for all types of Labret.


The first jewelry that is inserted into the hole immediately after the piercing should be made of bioplastic. This is the material, not allergic, similar to silicone. Its only drawback is the high price. In its absence, high-grade gold (not lower than 585), surgical titanium or hypoallergenic plastic are allowed.

After the wound has healed, you can use any other materials, with the exception of medical steel (it contains a very strong allergen - nickel):

  • acrylic;
  • tree;
  • niobium;
  • silver;
  • Ivory;
  • Teflon;
  • surgical steel;
  • zircon.

Undoubtedly, gold piercing not only looks noble, but is also more preferable from a safety point of view. With it, the wound heals faster and does not cause any trouble later. However, the cost of the most unpretentious labret made from this precious metal starts at $25, while bioplastic, titanium and other materials cost around $6-8. Be sure to take this point into account.

For reference. Niobium is one of the most inexpensive metals for piercing jewelry. Its obvious advantage is that it is absolutely hypoallergenic.


Not everyone can afford a lip piercing in terms of health, since this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • allergies to metal and painkillers;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heat;
  • diabetes;
  • skin diseases: eczema, lupus erythematosus, etc.;
  • menstruation;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • colds, flu, sore throat, ARVI;
  • serious diseases such as kidney or heart failure, hepatitis, etc.;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • epilepsy.

The master is usually interested in the patient’s health, but an examination is not carried out in such cases, so in this matter all responsibility falls on you. Be extremely honest and do not hide existing diseases. The success of the event and the further condition of the puncture will depend on this.

Progress of the procedure

Everyone is interested in how lip piercing is done, so we invite you to get acquainted with the main course of the procedure, which will differ in different salons only in minor nuances. Those who are especially cold-blooded can watch a video of how this all happens.


  1. It is best to do piercing in winter, when you are not going to sunbathe or swim in the sea in the near future.
  2. Stop taking coagulants within a week.
  3. Girls should choose the time for piercing somewhere in the middle menstrual cycle, and not a few days before it, and certainly not on “such” days. This will reduce the risk heavy bleeding and swelling.
  4. Before the procedure, do not drink alcoholic beverages, as they accelerate the blood, and the bleeding will then be difficult to stop, and this will increase the risk of infection.
  5. Do not eat anything for 3 hours, and before going to the salon, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

In the cabin

  1. Disinfection of instruments.
  2. Marking the puncture site with a surgical marker, taking into account the patient’s wishes.
  3. Lip disinfection.
  4. Clamping the lip with surgical forceps.
  5. Piercing the skin with a special needle with a catheter.
  6. The needle is removed, but the catheter remains.
  7. The jewelry is pulled through the catheter into the resulting hole.

1 puncture takes no more than a minute.

At home

For a puncture, you need to purchase a special tool (catheter needle) and under no circumstances use a regular one for sewing. Among the decorations, it is better to choose a labret, since it is the easiest to insert at home, and it takes root quickly. If you are not sure of the accuracy of your actions, you can additionally purchase special clamps that will allow you to make a puncture in the right place.

  1. Before the procedure, hands must be washed with soap and wiped with medical alcohol.
  2. Disinfect the instrument and decoration immediately after removing it from the packaging.
  3. Place cotton swabs under the inside of your cheeks to avoid excessive drooling.
  4. Wipe the future hole with a clean cloth soaked in chlorhexidine.
  5. Calm down and don’t be nervous so that your hands don’t shake, otherwise you won’t be able to do everything right.
  6. Start from the inside of the lip.
  7. The puncture is made by two pushing movements: the first tears the muscle tissue, the second - the skin.
  8. Thread the decoration into the resulting hole.
  9. Wipe up the blood.
  10. Rinse your mouth with Miramistin.

Clamp retainer and special catheters for piercing

Doctors and piercers strongly do not recommend carrying out such a procedure at home. Contacting the salon is a guarantee of success and minimization of all risks.


The rehabilitation period after lip piercing is considered to be the time for complete tissue healing. Each person's ability to regenerate is different, so it can last from 2 weeks to 2 months. Here are the restrictions that must be observed after the procedure:

  • do not eat, drink, or smoke for 4 hours;
  • Do not wash your face for 2 days and do not allow water to get on the piercing;
  • Do not steam your face for 1 week (steam baths, saunas, steam baths, and hot baths are prohibited);
  • for 2 weeks do not eat anything hot, salty, sour, spicy, alcoholic, or carbonated;
  • do not remove crusts that form;
  • do not touch the jewelry with your hands unless necessary, and if such a need arises, first disinfect your hands with medical alcohol;
  • do not remove the jewelry for more than a day and do not change the earring until the tissues have completely healed;
  • do not kiss or engage in oral sex;
  • do not use lipstick or gloss, and do not apply foundation in the pierced area above or below the lip.

To speed up tissue healing and reduce rehabilitation period, you can use the following recipes:

  1. A little less than half a teaspoon table salt dilute in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth up to 4 times a day.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in chlorhexidine, miramistin, boron or salicylic alcohol, tincture of calendula or propolis. Treat the injection site once a day. To prevent dirt and blood clots from remaining in the hole, the jewelry must be carefully rotated during cleaning.
  3. Rinse your mouth daily with pharmaceutical antiseptics - the same Miramistin, for example.

In addition to these limitations, lip piercing requires special care, not only during the rehabilitation period, but throughout the entire time you wear it. Here are its basic rules:

  1. Take B vitamins regularly.
  2. Include in your diet as many fruits (except citrus fruits), vegetables, meat, and whole grain cereals as possible.
  3. Try to chew food, kiss and put clothes on over your head as carefully as possible without touching your jewelry.
  4. Do not fiddle with or tug on the earrings.
  5. If any discomfort, seek help from a specialist or dermatologist.
  6. Avoid mechanical injuries.
  7. Have you decided to remove your piercing forever? Remove the jewelry from the puncture and wait until the hole heals.


Many people are frightened by the consequences of piercing: stories about festering and swollen wounds make them refuse the seductive Medusa or the stylish Shark Bite. Therefore, you need to know in advance which side effects are temporary and do not pose a threat, and which complications are the result of the unprofessionalism of the specialist or improper care- will cause a lot of trouble.

Scars after lip piercing

Possible side effects:

  • minor bleeding;
  • swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • soreness;
  • unclear diction.

They are temporary and usually go away within a week.

Possible complications as a result of the technician’s inexperience or insufficient care of the puncture site:

  • ingrowth of jewelry on the inside of the lips;
  • infection that causes inflammatory process and leaves scars after recovery;
  • infection viral hepatitis and HIV infection;
  • keloid scars;
  • fistula formation;
  • rejection of jewelry;
  • tooth damage, gum inflammation, periodontitis;
  • infection in the brain can lead to encephalitis or meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • injury facial nerve, the consequences of which may appear only after a few years;
  • endocarditis.

Such terrible complications as sepsis, endocarditis or meningitis are diagnosed extremely rarely. But you should know that such cases did occur. Recently, HIV infection has become increasingly common. The main reason is lip piercing at home, without proper hygiene, or by self-taught “masters”. To avoid such consequences, you must definitely choose a good, reputable salon and spare no expense on a professional.


What disadvantages of lip piercing should you be prepared for in advance:

  • many contraindications;
  • the salon procedure is not available until the age of 18, although it is possible from 16, but only in the presence and with the permission of the parents;
  • Very dangerous consequences infections (HIV, sepsis, meningitis, etc.);
  • decreased sensitivity of the lips;
  • diction is impaired;
  • after healing, a scar remains, and it is no longer possible to puncture again in the same place;
  • inconvenience and discomfort when eating and kissing;
  • Not all companies, due to their dress code, allow their employees to wear such extreme jewelry;
  • The attitude of most people around me towards pierced lips is very negative.

Questions and answers block

If any doubts about lip piercing were left out of our discussion, we suggest you look at experts’ answers to the most common questions.

Is it painful to do?

This depends on many factors: the patient’s pain threshold, the puncture site, the use of painkillers, the professionalism and experience of the master. For example, upper lip or chin piercings are the most unpleasant and require 100% use of lidocaine or any other analgesic. If you are very sensitive to pain, be sure to notify the specialist in advance and ask to use local anesthesia.

How to remove?

  1. If the hole is inflamed or festering, take a pain reliever before removing the jewelry.
  2. Rinse your mouth with any antiseptic.
  3. Wash and dry your hands.
  4. If there are crusts on the puncture, apply a cotton pad soaked in strong saline solution(a tablespoon per glass of warm water).
  5. Bite the jewelry with your teeth to fix it in one place.
  6. Unscrew the tip. Unclench your teeth.
  7. Carefully remove the earring, trying not to twist it, from the inside of your lip. If it gets stuck, drop some oil or boiled water on it. olive oil. Vaseline cannot be used for such purposes.
  8. Rinse your mouth again with an antiseptic solution.

How to remove swelling after piercing?

Firstly, this is not a tumor, but edema. Secondly, most correct option- wait until this one by-effect it will go away on its own. This usually happens within a week. If the swelling does not disappear after the specified time, be sure to contact a specialist to avoid complications.

If you need to speed up the healing process, follow all the rules for caring for your pierced lip during the rehabilitation period. Apply an ice cube to the swollen area once a day. You can buy lollipops with antiseptic:

  • Septolete Neo;
  • Falimint;
  • Faringosept.

How to remove a hole from a piercing?

If you decide that you no longer need a piercing, follow the recommendations of professionals:

  1. Remove the decoration.
  2. Twice a day, lubricate the puncture with Contratubex and wipe with lotion with salicylic acid.
  3. Twice a week prepare a scrub from rich sour cream and sea ​​salt for this area.
  4. Once a week, massage using tocopherol oil extract instead of cream.
  5. If the puncture has not healed within six months, the hole will have to be repaired using plastic surgery. After microdermabrasion, the cosmetologist will sew up the hole.

How long does it take to heal?

From 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the speed of tissue regeneration (it is different for each person) and care of the puncture site.

What to process?

You can treat the wound:

  • weak saline solution;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • miramistin;
  • boric alcohol;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • propolis tincture.

What to do if your lip piercing is inflamed and festering?

Possible causes of suppuration: poor-quality decoration, lack of care for the puncture, incorrect size. What to do if the inflammation has just begun and is not yet severe:

  1. Remove decoration. Examine it for the presence of: additional free space of about 2 mm in each direction, polishing (it can be spoiled by the sample stamp). If necessary, replace the earring.
  2. Apply a cotton pad with Vishnevsky ointment to the puncture for half an hour.
  3. Wash the hole with soap. Dry with a paper towel.
  4. Instill miramistin into the puncture. Use it to moisten the decoration and return it to its place.
  5. Apply Actovegin (Solcoseryl, Baneocin or Contractubex) in a thin layer.
  6. No bandages needed.
  7. Rinse daily with furatsilin solution: 1 tablet per 100 ml of warm water. Fill a syringe and inject into the puncture.

If the situation is advanced, the wound festers very badly, and the jewelry cannot be removed. You need to fill the syringe with warm boiled water and pass it through the hole. Spit and rinse your mouth with antibacterial lotion. Contact your doctor. Most likely, antibiotics will be prescribed.

Lip piercing is, without a doubt, very stylish, modern and seductive. But in pursuit of the trends of the times and constantly elusive fashion, you should not forget about your health. Before the procedure, weigh the pros and cons in order to later avoid bitter disappointment due to an appearance spoiled by scars.
