Facial alopecia in cats. Slap in cats: causes and treatment of illness. Treatment of focal symmetric baldness

Authors): A.N. Herke, K.V.N., veterinarian dermatologist, Member of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatologists (ESVD) / A. GERKE, DVM, PHD
Organization (s): CJSC "Network of Veterinary Clinics", St. Petersburg / "Network of Veterinary Clinics", St. Petersburg.
Magazine: №5-6 - 2013

Keywords: Cat, alopecia, allergic dermatitis, fleas, atopia, food hypersensitivity, dermatophytosis

Key Words: Cat, Alopecia, Allergic Dermatitis, Fleas, Atopy, Food Sensitivity, Dermatophytosis

UDC 619: 616.5: 636.7


Alopecia IS A Feline Cutaneous Reaction Pattern That May Have Various Causes. Most Cats with non-Inflammatory Alopecia Are PRURITIC AS A RESULT OF ALERGIES AND MAY BE CLOSET GROOMERS. The Diagnostic Approach to Alopecia Must Be Methodical, and Should Involve Certain Fundamental Steps: A Detailed History, Thorough Clinical Examination, And Carefully Chosen Diagnostic Tests, Selected According to the Differential Diagnosis. An Initial Range of Tests (E.G. Skin Scrapings and Mycological Investigations) Should He Performed Routinely, Given The Incidence of Ectoparasitic Infestation and Dermatophytosis in The Cat. Differential Allergy Diagnosis Is Based On Avoidance Measures (E.G. Flea Control and Restricted Diet) As Allergy Testing Remains Unreliable in This Species. Hormonal Alopecia Is Extremely Rare In Thefeline and Typically Affected Cats Show Other Severe Signs. Psychogenic Alopecia in the cat is greater overdiagnosed. Skin Biopsies Are Indicated When The History and Clinical Examination Suggest A Dermatosis That Requires Histological Diagnosis.

Alopecia is partial or complete loss of wool. Alopecia is a symptom that can be associated with a variety of violations in the cat's body, manifest itself symmetrical, focal or total loss / waste of the coat. By the origin of alopecia is divided into acquired and hereditary / congenital.

Etiology of alopecia in cats

The most frequent causes of alopecia cats can be "self-induced alopecia", damage to hair and hair follicles, inflammatory and / or infectious processesMore raid - violation of the growth of wool associated with hormonal disorders and hereditary diseases. The latter are associated with genetic reasons leading to a violation of the formation of follicles or structural proteins, in connection with which the growth of wool becomes impossible. Such alopections include ectodermal dysplasia and follicular dystrophy. Hereditary hypotrichoz is found at the root and Devon Recks, Buris, British and Siamese cats. These alopections can be focal or generalized. With histopathological study of biopsies, small, underdeveloped follicles of primary hair are detected, a small amount of follicles of secondary hair. The alopecia "weakened" (cream or blue) color is associated with the destruction of the hair rod under the influence of the anomalous melanin granules. For Pili Tortiand Thrichorrhexis nodosa.pathological changes occur in the hair rod.

Endocrine pathology in cats in rare cases lead to alopecia in contrast to dogs. To such alopections unrelated to the pathology of follicles, the cycle disorders hair follicula (for example, when systemic diseases - hyperadrenoxorticism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, rarely, in contrast to dogs, with hyper ethrogenism). The syndrome, accompanied by polyuria polydippsy, weight loss in polyphagia in older cats can be associated with hyperthyroidism, in which symmetric alopecia can also develop. Yatrogenic or spontaneous hyperadrenoxorticism in cats occurs rarely. It can lead to such dermatological disorders such as non-inflammatory alopecia, atrophy, increased brittleness of the skin, hemorrhage and twisting the tips of the ears. In most cases, Sugar diabetes is accompanied by Cushing syndrome.

Changes in general condition with signs of violation of the digestive system caused by neoplasia of the pancreas and biliary tract can lead to paranelastical syndrome accompanied by alopecia. At the same time, there is a progressive telogenicization and miniaturization of follicles with subsequent atrophy, accompanied by light epilation of wool over the entire surface of the skin and alopecia, mainly in the abdomen and limbs. The skin of the affected areas acquires a glossy shine. Pareenoplastic alopecia is mainly found in old cats with progressive weight loss and leargue in history. In this case, the appearance of alopecia is preceded by signs of gastrointestinal disorders (anorexia, vomiting, etc.).

Differential diagnosis

The flea allergic dermatitis (BAA) is the most common cause of dermatosis, accompanied by itching in cats. The lack of fleas and their feces on the skin of the cat does not exclude the presence of hypersensitivity to Bloch bites, as cats with dietary supplements are plotted and removed from the skin. Characteristic sign Bad is self-induced alopecia, mainly in the field of back and lower back. In addition, many cats with dietary supplements can be found signs of miliary dermatitis, and sometimes eosinophilic plaques and linear granules.

In all cases of alopecia in cats, the first recommended test is trichoscopy, which gives you the opportunity to estimate the structural changes in the hair, including the root, rod and tips. To do this, with the help of the surgical clamp, 20 - 30 hairs are pulled out, which are placed on the slide glass with a pre-applied drop of liquid paraffin or glycerol, are covered with a coating material and a microscopy is carried out using the x4 and x20 lenses. This study makes it possible to estimate the prevailing stage of the cycle of the hair follicle (anagen, telogen), to identify the damage to the tips (with self-induced alopecia) and the hair rods (dermatophytosis, various changes in the cuticle, for example, Pili Torti,follicular dysplasia I. Thrichorrhexis nodosa).

Alopecia in the telogen stage is developing after 4-12 weeks after stress, for example, severe illness, fever, shock, surgical intervention, etc. In these cases, the premature termination of the anagena stage leads to the synchronization of follicles in Catagene, and then in telogen. Wool growth in this case will resume with the next mol.

To detect ticks that dwell on the surface of the skin, you can use a quick and simple scotch test. For example, with this method, you can detect adults Cheyletiella blakei,as well as their eggs attached to the hair rod. However, the sensitivity of the tape test is rather low, therefore, it is advisable to study the material obtained by combing using a brush for a better result.

Silbermayr K. With co-authors (2013) also proposes to use coprosopy to diagnose invasion Demodex Gatoi.A saturated sugar and zinc sulfate solution was used for flotation. IN this study pincers Demodex.they were found in feces like a cat breed Cornish Rex with alopecia and a Thai cat, which is in contact and does not have any signs of skin lesions. Tick \u200b\u200bdetection Demodex.in feces due to the fact that cats swallow ticks when lining. Thanks to chitinos, ticks are not exposed to digestive enzymes and go with feces.

In the presence of areas of inflamed skin, miliar dermatitis is recommended to conduct a cytological study, it can be useful in the diagnosis of allergic dermatitis, and also allows us to reveal dermatophytes and Malassezia.

Since dermatomycosis can be the cause of both focal and total or diffuse alopecia, all cats with alopecia fungal infections should be excluded. .

The direct visualization methods of mycoses include: Evaluation clinical signs, including inspection in the rays of Wood lamps, trichoscopy, cytological research. Undoubted pluses These methods are simplicity, speed, low cost. but negative qualities They are low sensitivity, lack of specific identification, complexity of interpretation in cases of opportunistic mycoses. Therefore, to establish and identify fungal infections in cats, it is recommended to combine several methods.

Routine approach to all cases of alopecia in cats includes inspection in the rays of the Wood lamp. The principle of the method is to detect the green fluorescence in the ultraviolet light characteristic of the PteryDida, the pigment contained in the hyphah Microsporum canis.Inspection are carried out in a darkened room, pre-warmed the lamp for 3-5 minutes. This procedure allows you to identify up to 50% of cases of microsporia. False glow (bluish, yellowish, etc.) can be caused by drugs, bacteria, etc.

A new method of express diagnostics is dermatoscopy with a dermatoscope, for some time already used in humane dermatology. So, with a dermatoscopic study using a 10-fold increase, with infection caused by Microsporum Canis,damaged hairs covered with pointed scales of the same thickness, white-yellow, "greasy" species were discovered. When carrying out microscopy of these hair, gifs and disputes were discovered along the hair rod .

For trichoscopy and dermatophyte culture, it is preferable to choose the hairs that fluorescents in the rays of the Wood lamps (when identifying such). Direct microscopy of hair and scales allows you to detect gifs and spores of dermatophytes (with a diameter of 3-12 microns), but the species belongings can only be established by obtaining culture on nutrient media.

For cultivation, both selective media (saburo with additive for dermatophytes, Dermatophyte Test Medium (DTM)) and non-selective, such as agar saburo are used. Before taking the material, the skin is treated with a tampon, moistened with alcohol, for 30 seconds to eliminate contamination of the sample of the non-pathogenic flora. For crops use wool and scales with affected areas (with focal damage, the material is taken from the center and from the edges), to confirm my micrical recovery - the material is combed using a brush. Treatment of culture of dermatophytes involves macroscopic and microscopic examination of the colonies. With the growth of dermatophytes on a selective DTM medium containing a color indicator, the medium acquires red staining associated with the effect of alkaline metabolites with growing colonies of dermatophytes. Usually it takes 3-10 days (at a temperature of 25-27 0 s). Later change in the color of the medium (after 2-4 weeks) is observed under the influence of the growth of saprophytic mushrooms (for example, ASPERGILLUS SPP. and MUCOR SPP.)and bacteria, which may cause a false positive result. The exception is view Microsporum Persicolor,not giveing \u200b\u200ba change in coloring (false-negative result). In this regard, the author recommends compulsory microscopy of the colonies obtained to obtain an accurate diagnosis, regardless of the type of nutrient used.

Obtaining a culture allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis, is the only method confirming my micrical recovery after the course of treatment. With the help of culture studies, it is possible to diagnose various mycoses - these are highly specific methods that allow, in some cases, to determine the sensitivity to antimicotics. However, work with cultures of mushrooms requires skills, represents the risk of contamination and can be dangerous to health. These methods are fairly expensive and require time (to receive a mature culture may be required up to two or three weeks), there are also certain difficulties with opportunist mushrooms .

The highly sensitive and specific method of confirmation of mycoses is to identify antigens of mushrooms in the tissues by immunohistochemistry, which makes a quantitative assessment, but requires significant financial costs and special equipment. Another group of accurate studies is the methods allowing to assess the owner's answer (specific antibodies, the use of biomarkers, cell reaction analysis in histopreparations) - highly sensitive and specific, with the possibility quantitative assessmentbut requiring a special laboratory, some methods of species-specific and not applicable when acute forms Diseases. Therefore, this research group is used only in specialized research laboratories. .

Another fungus found on the skin of cats with alopecia is Malassezia.Mushrooms Roda Malassezia.- It is lipophilic yeast (2-8 μm in size), in some quantities present on the skin of all warm-blooded animals, which are opportunistic pathogens. M. Rachydermatis, M. Sympodialis, M. Globosadetect both on the skin of healthy cats and skin lesions (Moreover, the last 2, mainly, with otitis in cats). M. Rachydermatisit is not lipid-dependent, i.e., it grows well on the saburo environment, even without adding lipids, for the cultivation of other species Malassezia,which are lipid-dependent, use the modified Dixon medium and other lipid-containing media (for inhibiting the growth of bacteria uses 0.05% chloramphenicol and 0.05% cycloheximide).

Majalaziyous overgrown in cats are much less common than in dogs. In the literature there is data on Maskalaziyous reverse cats, confirmed by cytological and cultural research (M. PACHYDERMATIS).Clinical signs were alopecia and itching, as well as the appearance of erythema and crusts . Cats breed Devon-Rex and Kornish Rex have a breed predisposition to Malassezia.- Perform. Generalized lesions (with the exception of the auditory channel, interpallast folds and muzzles) caused by the outgrowth Malassezia.in cats, as a rule, are the complication of primary systemic diseases having a bad forecast, for example, follicular atrophy on the background of paralenoplastic syndrome (pancreas carcinoma or hepatobiliary system, etc.). Thus, the detection of the ammunition of mushrooms Malassezia.in cytological studies, cats implies the need to search for primary causes. In most cases, the control of Masseasonic reversal in cats involves lifelong therapy of those diseases that led to him, otherwise the recurrence probably sampleslem .

Hypersensitivity reactions

Hypersensitivity reactions are the most common cause of skin skin diseases, including hypersensitivity to Bloch bites (less often than other insects), food hypersensitivity reactions, urctaria, contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis .

According to studies conducted in various geographical areas, the ratio of different diagnoses varies significantly, but the listed of the causes of hypersensitivity in cats occupy Bloch bites. Immunopathogenesis of hypersensitivity to Bloch bites is devoted to a large number of research. In general, saliva flea CtenoCephalides Felis Felis.contains many high molecular weight proteins causing both allergic reactions I type and degranulation fat cellsand allergic delayed type reactions. Apparently, due to reactions immediate type, with a cytological / histological examination of skin sections, susceptible to self-induced alopecia due to dietary cells, an increase in the number of fat cells was revealed, compared with intact skin sections. Diagnosis of dietary supplements by intravenous tests with various species Extracts CtenoCephalides Felis Felis.i did not bring the expected result to many researchers, because due to unstable antigenicity, problems there are reproducibility of research. The same failure has been completed and serological tests, since many healthy cats without signs of itching showed results similar to cats with bad . Criteria for diagnosing hypersensitivity reactions to flea bites in cats described in Favrot C study with co-authors (2012), include the disappearance of the signs of itching in cats against the background of strict control of the flea of \u200b\u200binvasion and the resumption of itching with the termination of the processes. According to this study, 137 of 238 cats with signs of alopecia suffered from hypersensitivity to Bloch bites. In a recent study on the identification of areas most susceptible to itch and the appearance of alopecia in hypersensitivity to BLOC bite, it was established that the signs of itching are observed in 95.9% of these cats, including only enhanced losage - in 42.3%. Most often, the alopecia manifested itself on the back (43.6%), lower back (26.2%), abdomen (26.8%), less often on other parts of the body . According to C. Favrot,the manifestation of alopecia on the dorsal and side surface of the body is characteristic of hypersensitivity to Bloch bites, while alopecia, accompanied by damage in the head and neck, is often associated with food reactions and aero allergens. . When hypersensitivity is excluded for fleas bites and food allergies through regular treatments and trial feeding by eliminational diets for 8 to 12 weeks, and the signs of it are still not eliminated, allergotes can be carried out to identify the reaction to aero allergens.

Cats with phenomena of hypersensitivity can have concomitant non-remnultological symptoms. In one of the research, 6% of cats with skin manifestations of allergies were also observed respiratory symptoms (sneezing, casing), in 14% - signs of digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting), in 7% - conjunctivitis, in 16% - outdoor or middle Otitis .

Research Rossi M.A. (2013) showed a higher efficiency of civory tests compared to intradermal injections in the reactions of hypersensitivity in cats .

In addition, additional diagnostic proceduresnecessary to form a diagnosis and assessment of the forecast, there may be studies of blood tests (hematology, biochemistry, endocrinological studies), allowing to identify systemic disorders. Eosinophilia in the blood can be observed with many diseases of cats, often associated with hypersensitivity to Bloch bites and other allergies. However, with a sharply occurred reaction, eosinophilic infiltration of the skin due to the migration of eosinophiles as the cell-effects of an allergic reaction may not be accompanied by eosinophilia in blood tests. On the contrary, the presence of eosinophilia in the blood against the background of antiallergic therapy indicates the ineffectiveness of this therapeutic tactics.

Rare cases, when only histological research allows accurate diagnostics, includes focal alopecia, atrophic alopecia (pseudohelade), etc. To obtain biopsy they use an excision biopsy (surgical excision of the skin sample) or a punch biopsy (US-6 and 8 mm diameter are usually used) . Bioptat fix 10% formalin. The study of skin biopsy should conduct a histopathologist who has experience in veterinary dermatology.

Methods of visual diagnostics (X-ray, ultrasound, CT and others) can be used in suspected pancreatic paraneoplastic alopecia .

Differential diagnosis of non-inflammatory alopecia in cats is presented in


Most cats experiencing itching are needed strict control over the flea invasion (as the main or auxiliary means of therapy and / or diagnostics). In one objective study on the study of Spinoada (Comfortis®, Elanco Companion Animal Health, UK), in which 46 cats with alopecia participated (from them only 27% were found fleas and their feces), it was confirmed that reliable protection against Bloch bites has Fast and long-term action. The drug was used monthly at a dose of 1 (270 mg) or the Tablet UU (depending on the size of the cat) for 7 months. All animals transferred the drug well (the cats have eaten the pills voluntarily or in the folded form with food), but some animals have observed a single vomiting (in three animals only at the first preparation). All cats participating in the experience were observed full recovery coarse cover without additional therapy .

- Suspicion of hypersensitivity to Bloch bites:aggressive control over flea invasia is required over 4 to 6 weeks. Elimination of signs of illness after processing confirms the diagnosis, in these cases it is recommended to use adultsides in conjunction with insect growth regulators for neutralization ambient.

- Proven hypersensitivity to Bloch bites:ideally, it is recommended to continuously use insect growth inhibitors, environmental disinsection and the use of amulticides (systemically, toopic). An alternative is the use of only adultsides, changing the drug at the first signs of resistance, or reducing the interval between processing. Often, the ineffectiveness of the control of flea of \u200b\u200binvasion is associated with a violation of the treatment regime, and not the development of fleas resistance.

- Lack of hypersensitivity to Bloch bites:Muller does not recommend regular processing with such an animal, with the exception of those cases when the owner himself wants it. If the client wants to start the work on the destruction of fleas, the choice of insect growth regulators will be the choice.

For the treatment of demodecosis caused by Demodex Gatoi,Silbermayr K. Co-authors used orally injecting form of ivermectin in a dose of 250 mg / kg every other day (before receiving negative results scrapings or coproskopia). No side effects were detected. Nevertheless, there is a message that after four months one cat, the treatment of ivermectin had to be stopped in connection with the advent of ataxia and the refusal of feed .

Antifungal therapy

Antifungal therapy must be assigned only after confirming the diagnosis. Optimally, if antifungal therapy will continue 2 weeks after receiving a negative culture and 4 weeks after the absence of mushrooms in cytology. For systemic therapy, you can use ketoconazole in doses of 2.5-10 mg / kg 1-2 times a day, itraconazole 5-10 mg / kg 1-2 times a day, terbinafin 10-30 mg / kg 1 time per day . The side effects of these drugs can be anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, cases of cholangogeatite development are reported.

Some dermatologists do not recommend the use of ketoconazole cats due to hepatotoxicity, giving preference to itraconazole . However, there is evidence that with prolonged use of itraconazole, especially in high doses, some cats may develop a hepatotoxic effect. According to Moriello K. (2013), the use of itraconazole in a dose of 5mg / kg week - after a week, it is safe for most cats, nevertheless authors recommend spending every 14 days control definition Activity of transaminases and bilirubin in serum cats on the treatment of itraconazole .

Fluconazole is inferior by efficiency in-vitro ketoconazole and itraconazole, but its appointment in doses of 2.5-5 mg / kg daily 21-28 days was effective in seborrheic dermatitis caused by Malassezia SPP.It should be borne in mind that due to the renal excretion of fluconazole, it is necessary to avoid its use in renal failure.

There are data on the high efficiency of Lufenuron (Lufenuron, Program® Novartis Animal Health) with Dermatofitosis in cats. It is known that this drug used earlier to combat insects (causes violations of chitin synthesis in insects), can also affect the synthesis of the cell wall in some fungi.


One of the criteria characteristic of food hypersensitivity reactions is all-season skin pathologiesnot eliminating after treatments against fleas. To confirm or eliminate food allergies, a provocative test after an eliminational diet for 6-8 weeks is carried out. Only in cases where the signs of itching are disappearing when using new / hydrolyzate feed and occur again when returning to the previous stern, you can make a conclusion about food allergies. If the clinical condition does not occur on a new diet, or it does not renew this when returning to the previous stern, then we can indicate the absence of adverse food reactions.

Such animals are used medication tools Therapies, including glucocorticoids, cyclosporine, antagonists for histamine receptors, possibly allergenphecific immunotherapy.


Glucocorticoids are often used in dermatology, in anti-inflammatory doses, they reduce the activity and migration of inflammatory cells. Corticosteroids are very effective in cases of atopy, they quickly eliminate symptoms, sometimes even in small doses. Traditionally, oral and injection glucocorticoids are used to treat allergic skin diseases in cats, but some cats require long-term applications, which increases the risk of developing side effects. Cats, hypersensitive to Bloch bites, are also positively responding to glucocorticoids. However, large doses may be required by such animals. If it is necessary to quickly eliminate itching the treatment of corticosteroids, only in the complex with strict control over the flea invasion . Glucocorticoids can be an option for choosing in animals with a seasonal manifestation of itching for 1-2 months a year in anti-inflammatory doses (prednisone up to 1 mg / kg, dexamethasone 0.1-0.25 mg / kg) every other day. Atopia, it is recommended to use glucocorticoids in a minimally effective dose, focusing on the presence / absence of itching. Thus, the dose is selected individually, while in different seasons of the year it can vary.

With local lesions, it may be appropriate local use glucocorticoids. In the study V.Schmidt. with co-authors (2012), the effectiveness of the topical use of the spray of hydrocortisonate (Cortavance®, Virbacsa) in cats with atopic dermatitis. Spray was applied once a day at a dose of 2 pressing by 10 cm 2 of the body surface and evaluated itching on the Fedesi scale. At the same time, no side effects were revealed, changes in hematology, biochemistry, urine tests. Part of the cats has become possible to use spray every other day, and some still needed daily use .

The probability of complications (in particular, diabetes mellitus), possible with long-term systemic use of corticosteroids, supports interest in the development of alternative methods of treatment.


For the first time, data on the effectiveness of cyclosporine for the treatment of hypersensitivity reactions in cats were presented in an open study published by NOLI with co-authors .

Cyclosporin A is an immunomodulator from a group of calcineurine inhibitors.

At the cellular level, cyclosporin A inhibits the activation of T-lymphocytes, eosinophils, antigen-representing cells, reduces the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by keratinocytes and the degranulation of fat cells mediated by IgE. After oral administration, peak concentrations and half-life in cats are extremely unstable. However, it was proved that there is no correlation between the concentrations of cyclosporine in the blood serum and the clinical effect of cats, therefore, in the conduct of this analysis, in most cases there is no need.

The peak of the concentration is observed in an hour after oral administration of cyclosporine at a dose of 5 mg / kg and ranges from 100 to 1600 ng / ml when measuring with liquid chromatography under high pressure. It is worth noting that depending on the study method, the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood of cat varies. Immunolological methods are obtained, as a rule, more high values. The bioavailability of cyclosporine in cats is rather low (29%) and its cumulation is usually not observed. Cyclosporin is a lipophilic, which provides its higher concentration in the skin (4 times higher than in serum). Feeding before the introduction of cyclosporin leads to a decrease in bioavailability, however, it does not affect the clinical effect. There are a number of studies dedicated to drug interactions of cyclosporine. It is known that cyclosporin interacts with cytochrome P 450, so when concomitant treatment ketoconazole, itraconazole, clarithromycin dose of cyclosporin should be reduced. It is also possible to interactions with ranitidine, omeprazolezole, cimetidine, erythromycin, digoxin, furosemide, ciprofloxacin, three-metaprimal sulfonamide and a number of other drugs. Side effects Cyclosporin include gastrointestinal symptoms, anorexia, weight loss and gingivitis. Cases of development of otitis and cystitis are also registered against the background of the use of cyclosporine in cats, but the causal relationship has not been studied .

Immunosuppression caused by cyclosporin can lead to severe flow of toxoplasmosis, 2 viral infections or neoplasia. However, this risk is small (when used in recommended doses for the treatment of atopy in cats) .

There are recommendations that cats overlooking the street must be tested on IgG Koxoplasmosis, as infection of toxoplasmosis against the background of treatment with cyclosporin may have negative consequences. By at least, Sernegative animals need to eliminate the exit to the street and feeding with raw meat throughout the course of treatment. On the contrary, gray-positive cats can begin with cyclosporin treatment. Cats with chronic infectious diseasesSuch as FIV, FELV, dermatophytosis should also not receive cyclosporine. Cats with chronic renal failure and diabetes can receive cyclosporine, but they must be under regular observation .

In the NOVARTIS study on vaccination opportunities against the background of the use of cyclosporine, the cats were first vaccinated, then they received cyclosporin A in a dose of 24 mg / kg for 8 weeks. After this period of treatment, they were re-vaccinated. As a result, lower serum captions were obtained in cats of the experimental group than in control animals, but they remained in the reference limits for vaccinated animals. The results of these studies suggest that vaccination can be carried out during the treatment of cyclosporin .

The results of the first controlled Wisselink study with co-authors showed that clinical improvements in the treatment of cats with allergies were seen in both groups, both when using cyclosporine A in a dose of 5 mg / kg and in a group of cats received prednisone at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg. In another study, after that, evidence was presented that a more efficient dose for cats with allergies is 7 mg / kg . In addition, it was shown that after the initial phase of treatment from 6 to 8 weeks, about 70% of allergic cats can be transferred to the use of cyclosporine and every other day. After 4 additional weeks, 55% were obtained only twice a week, and 20% were still every other day and 15% daily. Only 10% of cats did not respond to treatment.

In general, studies show that cyclosporine A is a good option for the treatment of allergic cats and in most cases, is well tolerated.


Antihistamine preparations are often used in patient therapy with itching. Moreover, the positive answer in cats is observed more often than in dogs. However, oral intake of the cat of antihistamine drugs for a long time, sometimes several times a day, difficult for owners. However, with the possibility and visible clinical improvements, the purpose of antihistamine preparations is preferable than glucocorticoids. Even in cases where the corticosteroids cannot be canceled, often additional use Antihistamine preparations can significantly reduce the dose of hormones. Cetirizine is most often used (it is an inhibitor of eosinophil exocytosis) at a dose of 5 mg / cat every 12-24 hours, Loratidine at a dose of 5 mg / cat every 12-24 hours .

Various antihistamine drugs were used to treat cats with itching and contradictory results were obtained. Therefore, Wildermuth C. With co-authors (2013), a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical study was carried out on the use of this class of drugs in cats. In this study, the cat with atopic dermatitis was divided into an experimental and control group, they obtained orally cetirizine hydrochloride at a dose of 1 mg / kg orally once a day for 28 days or placebo, respectively. Cats inspected weekly and evaluated the degree of itch. Studies have shown that no statistically significant differences between both groups are not identified, and therefore the authors of this study do not recommend cetirizin hydrochloride for the treatment of cats with atopic dermatitis .


An indispensable fatty acids are necessary to perform the barrier functions of the skin, they are a component of the cell membrane. Food additives some fatty acids, such as linoleic (from sunflower seeds), gamma linoleiac (from an evening primrose oil), Eyko-seated (out of marine fish) can have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is associated with a decrease in prostaglan-dynov and leukotriene products. Also, the use of fatty acids in a complex with glucocorticoids can allow to reduce the dose of the latter. The ideal doses and the omega 6 / omega3 fatty acid ratio is an object of scientific research and is not fully clarified. Mueller Ralf S. (2000) recommends using 20 mg / kg per day of eico-seated acid and 20-50 mg / kg of linoleic acid .

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT)

Evidence of effectiveness and safety asitis in cats is significantly less than in dogs. In cats, immunotherapy is developed on the basis of positive results of intradermal tests. At the same time, the evaluation of the results of intradermal tests in cats is considered more complicated than in dogs. To facilitate the assessment of skin samples in cats, some authors recommended intravenous introduction of a 10% fluorescein solution . In a double-blind study, immunotherapy with flea antigens turned out to be unsuccessful in cats therapy with badges, more than half of the patients had a relapse of clinical signs. However, the probability of recurrence was inversely proportional to the duration of immunotherapy, which is a perspective for further scientific research. .


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Many cats have wool constantly during natural process (molting) as part of a normal cellular update. This happens to adjust the time replacing year. This is a completely normal process in which there is no reasons for concern. However, excessive molting, wool loss before the appearance of bald or naked skin, or the loss of whole beams of wool is not normal, and may indicate the presence of a certain problem.

What is alopecia (baldness) in cats?

Alopecia, or baldness is the term used to designate hair loss or fur in animals, which can occur due to many different reasons. Cats, as a rule, are liming to the most highly in the spring and autumn, and, of course, long-haired cats are linked noticeably stronger than short-haired. If you think the cat lines too much, then, sometimes, she can help a simple additional care and grooming. Additional cat wool care will provide her cleaning from old fur and will stimulate the growth of new healthy wool, which will help keep it in good condition, giving you the opportunity to check and wool and your pet's skin.

If you notice that your cat's fur is actually rare and thin, especially in those places where dandruff is present, or, as you think there is skin irritation or pain, then your cat may have the problems that you have to decide.

The main causes of dog baldness

There are more than a hundred different reasons why your cat can potentially fall out wool, and the veterinarian can make a solution and take a sample of the skin of the animal to conduct it with a microscope.

The most frequent causes of wool loss in cats are:

Bloch infection

Heavy cases of flea infection often lead to loss of wool and hair in cats, as saliva from flea bites is a strong stimulus, which can cause skin inflammation and subsequent hair loss. If you suspect your cat to alopecia, then make sure that there is no flea on it (and in your home).

Allergy skin

As in the case of allergies on flea bites, there are other stimuli, which can lead to allergic reactions in cats on the skin. Allergies can cause additives, certain products, household chemicals and even pollen of plants.

Disease thyroid gland

Hyperthyroidism (hyperactivity of the thyroid gland) and other problems with thyroid gland Can lead to baldness in cats. Hyperthyroidism is diagnosed with an extended blood test and can be monitored by veterinary preparationscontaining thyroid hormones. After the start of treatment, the wool loss associated with the thyroid gland is usually stopped.

Delicate or dermatophitima

A ringless deprived is a skin fungus that spreads in circular spots, wool on which, rather soon falls. Lishe, as a rule, is quite easily diagnosed and cured with the help of antifungal drugs.

psychogenic dermatitis

Dermatitis is a common term to designate skin problems, which, in turn, lead to hair loss. Psychogenic dermatitis is the term used to designate dermatitis, which occurs due to the excessive cat's care for itself: licking, biting or scratching the skin and wool so much that the hair is thinned and fall out. This type of dermatitis is not caused by some kind of skin problem, but refers to psychological factors that can be stressful for the cat and cause compulsive behavior from it. Ecology and any other cause of stress, such as a change in the house, change the owner, intimidating other pets, can change the state of your cat and lead to psychogenic dermatitis.

As already mentioned, it can be quite difficult for the owner of the cat to understand and determine the cause of wool falling out of his pet. Therefore, even if you are sure about baldness, it is always helpful to talk about it with a veterinarian to make sure that you correctly determined the diagnosis and follow the correct method of treating the relevant problem.

Partial hair loss is called pericular alopecia. With her, on the body of a pet formed propellars. Wool loss in cats signals serious problems with health.

Normally, pets are linked 2 times a year, but sometimes they lose a large amount of hair due to frequent water procedures and due to age-related changesflowing in the body. To determine whether the wool loss is a norm or pathology, the owner of the cat should know the main signs and causes that cause baldness.

Signs of alopecia

Alopecia arises against the background of a domestic pet organism and requires urgent treatment. In this case, the baldness is not a primary disease. The main signs for which the owner is able to diagnose this pathology from the cat, the following:

  • abundant wool loss;
  • the formation of properins in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, near the tail, on the neck and on the ridge;
  • reddened skin on the bald places (normally the skin should be a pinkish shade);
  • education wounds and ulcers;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • strong itching (the cat is constantly drawn, because of what is properly starting to bleed);
  • restless behavior of pet.

If one of the characteristic symptoms of alopecia is detected, it is urgent to show a cat veterinary doctor. Without timely and competent treatment, the state of the pet will only deteriorate, and the disease will go into a heavy stage.

Causes of pathology

The main reasons that provoke the emergence of this pathology in a domestic pet is conventionally divided into several groups:

Among other reasons causeing alopecia, distinguish the lack of vitamins in the animal body, the hereditary predisposition and chronic diseases of the internal organs. Accurate problem It is capable of identifying only a veterinarian.

Treatment methods

After the examination, the doctor will appoint medication. The treatment regimen will depend on the reason why the cat is bald. Drug therapy is not required by a pet in the event that the shoulders appeared due to an allergic reaction. In such a situation, it is necessary to identify a stimulus and protect the animal from it. If the allergy was caused by food, then the cat needs a special diet, which will recommend at the veterinarian reception.

When a disease is detected, a course of certain drugs is assigned. Most often, the doctor prescribes the reception of the following medicines:

The course of receiving drugs appointed by a veterinary doctor is not worth interrupted, even with the improvement of the state of the pet. Exceeding the dosage recommended by the specialist is prohibited.

Cats are always constantly updating the coat, this process is called molting. However, if your pet has a lot of bald sections, or the animal itches and worries, pay attention to his health.

What is baldness

Cat baldness may arise due to mass causes

The baldness is called alopecia, while the abnormality of the cat occurs an abnormal wool loss. As a result, the animal on the body appears naked areas of the skin. The baldness indicates a failure in the work of the body, it is not primary illness.

Causes of the disease

Allergic reasons:

  • and their saliva (flea dermatitis);
  • allergies to any odors (on smoke cigarettes, caustic couples, etc.);
  • llergia to various foods (especially on chicken protein);
  • reaction to drugs.
  • scabies;
  • squeectosis (ear mites);
  • skin fungus and;
  • jumps on the skin (pyoderma);
  • various inflammation and abscesses on the skin;
  • fat seborrhea;
  • dermatomycosis and dermatophytium.

Hormonal violations (endocrine):

  • hypo- and hyperthyroidism (shortage and overabundancy of thyroid hormones);
  • excessive adrenal work;

The remaining causes of alopecia:

  • (shortage of vitamins and minerals);
  • chronic diseases of internal organs (and stomach, incorrect operation of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • stress (the cat is nervous and actively loses any parts of the body, which leads to baldness);
  • heredity.

Symptoms of baldness in cats

Symptoms of baldness will notice even an inexperienced owner. Cat everywhere leaves wool, some parts of the body become lys (most often the ears are amazed, the base of the tail, belly and back).

As a state of the skin, it is determined that the development of alopecia caused. In some cases, the cat in the polling places appears redness, the skin of the Zudit and is worried about the animal. With serious diseases, scabs are formed, ulcers, skin cover peeling, sometimes small bumps grow.

Places of baldness can be delivered to a cat discomfort. If the animal is violently combing the skin or does not allow himself to touch himself - this is a reason to show it to a veterinary doctor. In the affected places, the skin can be hot and ineelastic.

Diagnosis of alopecia

If you have noticed signs of baldness from your cat, show it to a veterinary doctor. It will appoint research and on the basis of the results obtained will diagnose and prescribe treatment. The list of events for the diagnosis of alopecia includes:

  • clinical inspection;
  • survey of the owners and the collection of the history of the disease;
  • study of the roots of fur coat under the microscope;
  • general blood analysis;
  • specific blood tests (for example, hormonal);
  • taking scraping from affected areas;
  • ultrasound examination or x-ray when tumor suspected.

How to treat baldness

Usually, amoxicillin is prescribed for treatment

After installing the exact diagnosis, the doctor will appoint appropriate treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of baldness and the fight against the primary disease. With an allergic reaction, the contact of the cat with an allergen is excluded and give animal preparations that strengthen immune system. During food allergies, a special diet is prescribed (Purina Ha, Hillszd and others).

Skin infections are treated with antibiotics course, usually for these purposes. With demodecosis, cats are struggling with regular baths with a sulfur-selenium shampoo 1%. If the baldness is caused stressful stress, the animal prescribe the reception of sedatives.

With a ring-dryer, the wool shave, the cat gives the following medicine:

  • itraconazole;
  • ketoconazole;
  • griestoofulfin - this drug is better to feed with a piece of butter, so it will better stand.

Cat baldness prevention

In order for your cat to disturb such a disease like baldness, the following preventive measures should be observed:

The baldness in cats is often found, it speaks of a serious failure in the work of the body. At the first signs of alopecia, show your animal veterinarian and proceed to treatment, do not start the disease, because it is easier to cope with it in the early stages.

Watch the video in which the hope of Hope will tell about the reasons for the appearance of alopecia in cats (baldness of cats) and treatment methods.

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