Military first aid kit. Individual medical protective equipment (AI, IPP, PPI, pantocide). Military first aid kit (AB). Purpose, content, application procedure. Bandaging of the chest

medical property- these are special material means intended for the prevention, diagnosis of lesions and diseases, the treatment of the wounded and sick, caring for them, carrying out sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in the troops, laboratory, pharmacy and other work, as well as for educational purposes.

A special group of medical property is personal medical equipment for military personnel, designed to provide first aid in the order of self- and mutual assistance, as well as to weaken the impact of enemy weapons.

This group of medical property includes an individual first-aid kit (AI), an individual dressing package (PPI), individual anti-chemical packages of various modifications (IPP‑8,9,10), a water disinfectant.

Personnel who are in military equipment are provided with first aid in case of injury. group medical equipment- various first-aid kits (military, airborne, etc.) The items included in the first-aid kit are placed in a special metal case, which is fixed on board or in the cockpit of the combat vehicle in a conspicuous place.

First aid kit individual (AI)

Rice. 5 First aid kit individual

It contains means for the prevention and treatment of the consequences of exposure to weapons of mass destruction, as well as for weakening the primary reaction to radiation, in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of personnel. It is a set of medicines and antidotes in tablets (cases) and solutions (syringe-tubes) placed in a polyethylene case (Fig. 5). The drugs contained in syringe tubes and pencil cases are taken (injected) at an immediate threat or immediately after the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy in the order of self- or mutual assistance. Medicines contained in the first-aid kit are used at the direction of the commander (chief) or independently. Means in the first-aid kit are placed in a strictly defined sequence, in specially designated nests and differ from each other in the color of the package and shape, which makes it easier to find the right drug.

1. Remedy for poisoning with organophosphorus toxic substances (OPS) - one syringe tube with a red cap. Athens or Budaxim - injection solution - 1 ml. At the first signs of FOV damage (impaired breathing, vision, salivation), the contents of one syringe tube are injected intramuscularly. The second syringe-tube is used 5-10 minutes after the introduction of the contents of the first in cases where signs of poisoning continue to increase. In severe lesions, when they are accompanied by loss of consciousness, the contents of these syringe tubes are administered without intervals, in one step.

2. Pain reliever: one syringe tube with a colorless cap (2% promedol solution) is used for severe pain caused by bone fractures, extensive wounds, crushed tissues, burns and other lesions, in order to prevent the development of traumatic or burn shock. It is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

3. Radioprotective agent - cystamine - 0.2 tablets in two pink 8-sided pencil cases, 6 tablets each. The contents of one pencil case (6 white tablets) are taken 40-50 minutes before a possible exposure, if the expected dose of radiation can be 100 rad. and higher. If necessary, the drug in the same dose can be taken 6 hours after the first dose. In special cases (air temperature above 30 ° C, (nausea, motion sickness), it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug to 4 tablets, especially with repeated doses.

4. Antibacterial agent - two capsules of doxycycline hydrochloride, 0.2 g each. One capsule is taken when there is a risk of infection with pathogens of infectious diseases, as well as for injuries and burns. The second capsule is taken again 24 hours later.

5. Antiemetic (dimetcarb) - coated tablets, 10 pieces per pack (one pack). After irradiation, concussion, with the manifestation of nausea - one tablet is taken. The effect of the drug lasts 4-5 hours after administration. With continued nausea, the drug should be repeated at the same dose.

Tablets for water disinfection "Pantocide" or "Aquasept"

Designed for disinfection of individual water supplies in the field. Currently, the supply consists of pantocid in tablets containing 3 mg. active chlorine. To disinfect one flask (0.75 ml.) Of water, 1-2 pantocide tablets should be dissolved in it. To completely dissolve the pantocide, the flask with water must be shaken vigorously. After 30–40 minutes, disinfected water can be consumed for drinking. Pantocid is packaged in glass tubes of 20 tablets each. Tablets are not stable, have a limited shelf life (1 year) and therefore are not kept in stock.

Individual dressing package (PPI)

Designed to provide self- and mutual assistance in case of wounds and burns, as well as to protect wounds and burns from secondary infection. It is an individual means of medical equipment for a serviceman (Fig. 6).

Fig.6 Individual dressing package

It consists of two cotton-gauze pads measuring 17x32 cm (movable and fixed), a gauze bandage 7 m long, 10 cm wide, a safety pin, an inner paper and an outer rubberized shell. One pad is fixed movably, and the second is fixed. With a small rand and a burn area, the pads of the bag can be applied doubled, and with a large wound or burn - expanded. To maintain the sterility of the pads, one side of them is stitched with colored threads, which can be taken by hand. The rubberized sheath ensures the sterility of the contents of the package, and is also used to apply an occlusive dressing for open pneumothorax. The application of dressings to various areas of the body should be carried out according to the general rules of desmurgy. To secure the bandage, a safety pin is inserted into the packaging of the package. On the surface of the rubberized shell, the method of opening and the rules for using the package, as well as the year of its manufacture, are indicated. Weight - 100 g.

Cape medical (NM)

Purpose: to protect the wounded and sick from adverse meteorological factors (low temperatures, precipitation, intense solar radiation).

Device: is a cloth made of lavsan film, metallized on one side with a layer of sputtered aluminum. Preservation of temperature in the patient (wounded) is achieved due to the reflection of the thermal radiation of the body by the metallizing layer of the cape.

Tactical and technical characteristics: the maximum duration of protection against hypothermia at a temperature of - 20 ° C - three hours; wrapping time 3-4 minutes; multiplicity of cycles of use - up to 3 times; unfolded dimensions - 2500 x 2300; in the package: 160 x 120, weight -160 g. The medical cape is used at ambient temperatures from -50 ° C to +40 ° C. It is used in MPB, MPP, OMedB, OMO.

Individual anti-chemical package (IPP‑8)

IPP-8 is intended for partial sanitization when exposed areas of the body and adjacent areas of clothing are contaminated with persistent toxic substances. The package consists of a universal degassing solution in a flat glass bottle with a capacity of up to 200 ml. and 4 gauze napkins.

The amount of degasser provides treatment of approximately 1500-2000 cm of body surface. The contents of the package are packed in a plastic bag with instructions for use. If toxic substances (liquid droplets) get on the skin, it is necessary to immediately treat the infected areas and the clothing adjacent to them, as well as protective equipment, with the contents of the package. Open the bottle, moisten a napkin with liquid from it and remove the drops of OM with a pinch-like movement. The liquid is poisonous and should not be used on the eyes.

Fig.7 Individual anti-chemical package IPP-8.

Military first aid kit (AB)

Rice. 8 First aid kit military

Designed to equip combat vehicles and military equipment on wheels and tracks.

It is designed to provide first aid in the order of self- and mutual assistance to 3-4 wounded and burned from among the crew members (crews) of combat vehicles and military equipment.

Provides treatment of the circumference of the wound, the imposition of a primary bandage on the wound and burn surface, temporary stoppage of bleeding, withdrawal from fainting, disinfection of individual water supplies, short-term immobilization of limbs.

Contains: antiseptic (iodine), irritant (ammonia), water disinfectant ("Pantocide"), dressings (sterile gauze bandage, small medical bandages, medical scarf), hemostatic tourniquet, safety pins.

The container is a cardboard box. Weight 800 g.

Medical means of prevention, assistance and treatment of affected OV and IS, contained in bags and kits of the medical service (SS; SMV; SVV; kits: PF, V-3, OV, UT). Purpose, content, application procedure

Kit call a set of various items of medical property, specially selected in composition and quantity and intended to provide a certain amount of medical care to the wounded (sick) or to equip the stages of medical evacuation, packed in a special container (Fig. 9).

Sets of medical equipment are divided into functional and special purposes.

Functional kits designed to ensure the work of functional units of the stages of medical evacuation and the provision of certain types of medical care. The composition of the functional kits includes medicines, consumables and inventory medical equipment.

Fig.9 A set of medical equipment

By purpose, functional kits are divided into groups:

1. First aid kits and kits for providing first medical, pre-medical and first medical aid. Designed for individual, group equipment of military personnel, equipment of stages of medical evacuation, provision of first medical, pre-medical and first medical aid. This group includes: “Individual First Aid Kit”, “Military First Aid Kit”, “Feldsher's”, “Large Dressing Room”, “Reception and Sorting Room”, “Special Assistance”, “Auto Dressing Room”, etc.

2. Sets of medical equipment for the provision of qualified medical care (hospital). They are designed to equip units of OMedR, OMedB, OMO, hospitals and provide qualified medical care. This group includes the following kits: “General medicines” (therapeutic, neurological, surgical), “Small operating room”, “Large operating room”, “Surgical materials”, “Surgical items”, “Ward”, “Care items”, “Anti-shock ”, “Anesthesiological”, etc.

3. Sets for disinfection and sanitization "Disinfection", "Sanitation" are designed to carry out disinfection and disinfestation measures, complete sanitization of the wounded and sick at various stages of medical evacuation.

4. Special Purpose Kits are used for the operational supply of medical equipment to units, units and medical institutions. A distinctive feature of these kits is that they contain only expendable medical equipment intended to provide medical care to the wounded with modern weapons. This group includes the following kits: “Sterile dressings”, “Splints”, “Plaster bandages”, “Medications for the treatment of wounded and burned”, “Medications for the treatment of those affected by ionizing radiation”, “Medications for the treatment of those affected by toxic substances” , "Antibiotics", "Anti-plague clothing".

Functional kits:

SS medic's bag

Designed to provide first aid to the wounded and sick. It is an equipment of the orderly, the orderly porter, the shooter-orderly and the driver-orderly.

Designed to provide first aid to 30 wounded and sick.

Provides a temporary stop of bleeding, treatment of the circumference of wounds, the imposition of primary dressings on the wound and burn surfaces, the imposition of an occlusive dressing in case of open pneumothorax, the prevention of wound infection and radiation damage, the withdrawal from fainting, the prevention of vomiting, the washing of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory bullets.


1. medicines of various pharmacotherapeutic groups: antiseptic (iodine), irritant (ammonia), antibiotic (doxycycline), antiemetic (etaperazine), radioprotective agent (cystamine), sodium preparation (sodium bicarbonate);

2. dressings (sterile gauze bandages, medical hygroscopic cotton wool, medical scarves, adhesive plaster, individual dressing bags, small medical bandages);

3. medical items (hemostatic tourniquets, scissors, safety pins) and other items (folding knife, notebook, pencil).

Container - SS bag cover. Weight - 4.8 kg.

The issue of completing an individual army military first-aid kit must be approached very seriously and carefully. Here, each flaw can cost the life or disability of the victim. One should also take into account the medical and psychological training of a fighter, the ability to provide first aid. Without basic medical knowledge, a military first aid kit can be useless. What should be guided by the formation of the composition of an individual army kit?

According to the US Combat lifesaver, the most likely first aid situations are:

  • head and neck injuries (16%)
  • torso injuries (32%)
  • limb injuries (44%)
  • mixed wounds (85%)
  • bleeding
  • eye injury
  • allergic reactions
  • burns
  • radiation and chemical damage

As we can see from the statistics, injuries and bleeding are the most likely reasons for first aid. Therefore, funds allocated for emergency relief activities should be in the immediate vicinity, literally “at hand”. That is, a military first aid kit should consist of at least two sets:

Both kits should be visually identified as first aid kits, and have an appropriate appearance, marking - a red cross.

The first set of a military first-aid kit is minimal, it should always be “at hand”


  1. IPP - individual dressing package
  2. Sterile bandage 7×14 - 2 pcs.
  3. Esmarch's tourniquet or similar - 2 pcs.
  4. Syringe tube with analgesic. Nalbufin or Butarfonol.
  5. Hemostatic Quiklot and Celox.; cheaper: Hemostop powder and collagen hemostatic sponges.

The second set of army military first aid kit - basic

Designed to provide further medical care. Partially duplicates the composition of the first set. Composition:

All of the above information is for guidance only. When completing an individual army first-aid kit, many factors are taken into account: the likelihood of exposure to poisonous substances, climatic conditions, the level of medical training of military personnel, etc. It should also be understood that many of the funds from the list do not have registration in a particular country, and, accordingly, require replacement with funds similar in purpose.

First of all, it should be said that there are several standard individual first-aid kits that are currently in use. These are AI-1, AI-2, AI-3 VS, AI-4 trains. You can also select one of the subspecies of AI-1M.

Directly individual first-aid kit of the first composition (AI-1) is designed to eliminate severe injuries and lesions in radiation, chemical and bacterial lesions. As a rule, such a first aid kit has a compact size and easily fits in your pocket.

The composition of the individual first aid kit AI-1

This first aid kit is divided into seven sections. Each such section contains one medicinal product. For convenience, they are usually distinguished by color.

So, in section No. 1 there is a syringe tube with a strong analgesic. At the moment, Promedol is used. This drug is a narcotic, therefore, as a rule, it is not put in the first-aid kit, but is issued upon special request. It is used for severe pain, which can be caused by extensive burns or bone fractures.

Section #2 contains "Taren". This remedy belongs to the class of prophylactic in case of poisoning with organophosphorus substances, such as sarin and soman. It comes in tablet form and starts working 20 minutes after ingestion. Instead of "Taren" "Athens" or "Budaxim" can be used. This tool has a red cap.

Section 3 contains "Sulfadimetoksin", which is an antibacterial agent and is used to prevent infectious diseases after radiation exposure. The tool has a colorless cap.

Section No. 4 contains Cystamine tablets, which are a radioprotective agent and are used in cases of damage by ionizing radiation. The kit comes with two pencil cases with a cap.

Chlortetracycline with nystatin tablets are used as an antibacterial agent. They are especially effective in infectious diseases such as plague, cholera and anthrax. At the moment, the drug "Vibromycin" is widely used. The presented funds are in section No. 5 and have colorless packaging.

Section No. 6 contains the radioprotective agent "Potassium Iodide". It is designed to block iodine, which can enter the body during radioactive fallout.

As a rule, in the last section is "Etaperazine", which has an antiemetic effect, and is used after irradiation. Sometimes "Dimertcarb" is used instead. Both substances are in blue cases.

There are many factors influencing the composition of an individual combat first-aid kit: the degree and type of threat, the level of training of the owner, the level of standard equipment and the possibility of acquiring non-standard equipment, an accessible place for it, after all. In general, this is a question that can be talked about all the time.
It so happened that I had the need to complete a small, easy-to-use first-aid kit from "improvised means" - from what was in stock and what was easiest to get. It can best be described in three words: simple, cheap, compact. I want to tell about her.

A first aid kit is a complex of saturation and a pouch. Each of the terms is important, each has certain requirements, but I will start with the defining one, with what it is planned to provide medical care.

1. TMS Control Wrap 4” - Elastic bandage. Much denser than gauze, allows for tighter bandaging. Much more efficient than its predecessor. Price: 315r
2. TMS OLAES Modular Bandage 4” – PPI based on elastic bandage. An American derivative of the Israeli pioneer by First Care. It has some differences, but, by and large, cosmetic, except for the lack of a plastic buckle to reverse the direction of bandaging. The main thing that I didn’t like was the bulky vacuum packaging, the Israelis pack much more compactly. Price: 540r

Hemostatic agents:
3. Collagen hemostatic sponge 90x90mm - Used in conjunction with dressings when there is heavy bleeding. It is unlikely to cope with arterial, but with venous or with severe damage to soft tissues it can be useful. Takes up little space and weighs almost nothing. Cheap, readily available hemostatic. Price: 160r
4. Hemostop 50g - Domestic hemostatic of the first, if I'm not mistaken, generation. An exit for those who did not have enough money for Celox. It has side effects corresponding to the generation: it is poorly excreted from the body, it heats up during work, which can lead to thermal burns. This is better than nothing, especially with complex severe wounds. Weakly distributed. Price: 600r

Mechanical means to stop bleeding:
5. C-A-T - Modern harness. Can be replaced by SOFTT-W - depending on what you can get. Price: 800r

Additional funds:
6. Adhesive plaster on a woven basis in a roll of 3x500cm - As versatile as tape and duct tape, but sticks better than them, especially to wet surfaces. For compactness - cut out the sleeve and crush. It is used to reduce the edges of wounds, to fix bandages, to seal penetrating wounds of the chest and to assemble valves for them from improvised materials. It has a modern analogue on a non-woven basis, which injures the skin less, but it is more expensive and less common. Price: 59r
7. Nitrile gloves 1 pair - Necessary for secondary examination and finer work with wounds. Pharmacies usually sell in large packs of 50-100 pairs, so I bought a pack of 10 pairs in a hardware store - no difference. The main thing is to take a larger size so that you can wear them directly over tactical gloves. Price: 10r

Auxiliary means:
8. HIS 15 cm white - Because it is dark outside. In case you don't have to think about blackout. Price: 55r
9. Indelible black marker - Required to mark the time of application of the tourniquet and information about the injected drugs. No less important than this very tourniquet. It is better to purchase a branded one and know that it will not dry out after a couple of weeks. Price: 25r

Total: 2564r– Probably, this is the most budget layout possible, without significant loss of content functionality.

Those interested in this topic will certainly have questions, some of which I want to highlight:
First, the question of the price of medicines. As I immediately wrote, some elements of this kit were purchased by me about a year ago, when the price for them was not so high, so the prices indicated are different from the current ones.
Secondly, the issue of configuration. Someone will consider this kit meager or antediluvian, they say, “it would be possible to add this and that”. The key point in the collection of this first aid kit was to use the most simple and affordable, both in terms of price and in terms of the prevalence of medicines, as well as the most easy to use even by a person with low qualifications. That is why it contains neither a decompression needle, nor a nasal tube, nor a special plaster for chest wounds.
Thirdly, about the lack of scissors and a flashlight. It was important for me that the first-aid kit turned out to be compact, so I abandoned the elements that duplicate each other - I always have a knife and a flashlight with me, regardless of the presence or absence of a first-aid kit. CHIS in this case plays the role of an additional agent.

With an increase in the degree of threat, the composition of the first-aid kit is supplemented with the necessary number of tourniquets and IPP, which are placed in the pockets of the uniform.

Dealt with the content. Now about the "packaging".
For a long time I could not find a suitable pouch. Of the available ones, they were either too big, or stupid, or very expensive, or several options at once. Quite by accident, I came across the Condor Rip-Away EMT Lite in Tan colorway - then I realized that this is what I was looking for.

This is a detachable medical pouch of small size of the usual design. It consists of a bag and a platform, connected by a textile clasp, doubled with a 25mm sling with fastex. The bag has a small patch panel and a number of straps for attaching contents to the outside, be it a tourniquet, HIS or scissors. The quality of materials and accessories from Condor is average, the main thing you need to pay attention to when buying is the quality of tailoring - marriage happens - and the design - there are obvious flaws. In this case, as you can see in the photo from the back, the side PALS cells are not sewn on the same level, and their number is not enough - a third one is requested for convenient attachment of an adapter or a pouch for a harness.

With the platform, everything also turned out to be not entirely smooth. The attachment kit came with two 6” clips, which were clearly too big, so I replaced them with 5” from another pouch from the same company. In this version, the panel fit perfectly on 3 PALS lines. I can't help but notice that the textile fastener is of good quality and the bag sits on the platform quite firmly.

The internal organization is standard for this kind of pouches. The outer flap has a figure-eight elastic band sewn on to allow contents to be placed in or under it. On the inner flap there is a pocket with an elastic neck, on top of it there is also a figure-eight of elastic tape, and in the corners there are four loops of paracord - to one of them I tied a piece of black elastic cord with a loop. On the side surfaces there is one gazyr from an elastic band. Minimalist but functional.

Medical supplies in the pouch.
The pocket contains a package with a hemostatic sponge. On top of it, under the elastic band - Hemostop. All content is fixed in its place and the extraction of any element does not entail the accidental dropping of another. The tools are categorized, which is very useful in many cases. The ease of access suits me.

An example of the location of the pouch on the chest vest.
The rule of access with both hands is observed, both to the bag itself for removing it from the platform, and simply to the contents without interruption.

In order to somehow summarize all of the above, I repeat that the composition of an individual first-aid kit depends on a large number of factors, both objective and subjective, so you should not chop off your shoulder, immediately arguing that this composition is "fundamentally wrong and outdated." Remember that the lion's share of service people still trust their lives to cotton-gauze PPI with, at best, not expired and Esmarch's rubber band, and not at all through their own fault, but that's a completely different story.
Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful to you.

P.S. It's funny that when assembling this set, I almost repeated the package

Lesson leader

"___" _________ 20__

Military department


Topic 15. Medical training.

Lesson 1.

Lesson 2.


The package consists of a flat glass bottle with a capacity of 125-135 ml filled with a degassing liquid and four gauze swabs. The whole package is in a cellophane bag. To carry out partial sanitization, it is necessary to open the package, remove the vial and swab, unscrew the cork of the vial and moisten the swab abundantly with its contents, using the first one, moisten the next one, etc., carefully wipe open areas of the skin, face, neck, hands that are suspicious for infection , legs, as well as the edges of the collar and cuffs adjacent to the skin.


The first-aid kit AB - military is designed to equip combat vehicles and military equipment on wheels and tracks.

The first-aid kit is designed to provide first aid in the order of self-help and mutual assistance to 3-4 wounded and burned from among the crew members (crews) of military vehicles and military equipment.

The first-aid kit contains: an antiseptic (iodine 5% alcohol solution, 1 ml), an irritant (ammonia 10% solution, 1 ml), a water disinfectant ("Pantocid" in tablets of 0.0082), dressings (sterile gauze bandage , small medical bandages, medical scarf), hemostatic tourniquet, safety pins.

STARTING POSITION: The trainee lies, holds a package in his hands. On command: “DELIVERY PACKAGING!” the trainee unpacks the package and prepares it for first aid.

Name of the regulation Content of the standard Category
ex. choir. beats
DEPLOYING THE INDIVIDUAL BATCH PACK Open individual dressing bag 1. Put the PPI in the left hand so that the longitudinal gluing of the cut shell is on top. 2. With your right hand, take the notched edge of the gluing and tear it off; expand the rubberized shell. 3. Remove the pin from the paper shell and stick it temporarily into your clothes in a visible place. 4. Unfold the paper wrapper and remove the padded bandage. 5. In the left hand, take the end of the bandage, to which the fixed pad is sewn, and in the right hand - the roll of the bandage and spread your arms to the sides. 6. Take the pads by the sides stitched with colored threads. soldiers 0.20 0.25 0.30

Mistakes that reduce the score by one point:

1. The pin is not attached to your uniform. 2. The sterility of the package is broken.

2. Applying bandages to various areas of the body using standard and improvised means to stop bleeding.


To bandage the chest, use wider bandages. If the bandage is applied incorrectly, it slips off after a short time. IN CONNECTION WITH THIS, THE CHEST SHOULD NOT BE BANDAGED WITH SPIRAL WAYS. It is best to bandage the chest with eights, and the bandage should begin with the imposition of the first moves in its lower section. The chest is bandaged sequentially up to the armpits, then with the help of one strengthening move they go to the left shoulder and go down the back under the right armpit. Then a circular motion is again applied to the chest, then they go under the left armpit, from there bandages are led to the back and back to the left shoulder.

The bandage is finished with circular passages in the upper part of the chest.


For dressing the abdomen, use wider bandages. Bandages do not slip off the abdomen so often, so they can be bandaged with ordinary spiral moves. The first moves are applied in the upper abdomen; subsequent moves, which should cover half of the previous moves, go to the lower abdomen. The finishing moves are applied to the right thigh. When finishing the bandage on the right thigh, several spiky moves can be made.


STARTING POSITION: The "wounded" and the trainee are lying. Dressings and other first aid equipment are in the hands of the trainee or near him. When applying a bandage, the time is counted from the beginning of the deployment of the dressing to the fixing of the bandage. The time taken to find the wound is not taken into account. Bandaging over uniforms is allowed. By command:

"PUT THE PRIMARY BANDAGE ON THE CHEST!" the trainee discovers the wound and proceeds to apply the dressing.

Name of the regulation Contents of the Regulation The order and sequence of the implementation of the standard Category Time to meet the standard for evaluation (min. sec.)
ex. choir. beats
“Eight-shaped” bandage ON THE CHEST (applied with one bag or bandage). Stop bleeding, prevent the development of pneumothorax, infection of the wound by applying a primary dressing 1. Open an individual dressing bag (standard No. 1). 2. In case of a penetrating wound of the chest, apply a rubberized sheath to the wound with the inside, then gauze pads and bandage. In case of a wound in the chest without complications of pneumothorax, apply gauze pads to the wound and start bandaging. 3. Start bandaging by fixing the bandage with several circular moves on the chest. 4. Bring the bandage along the front surface of the chest upward obliquely to the right to the left forearm, then across the back transversely to the right forearm and lower it obliquely under the left armpit. Fasten the bandage around the chest. Next, direct the bandage through the left shoulder girdle, repeating the 2nd and 3rd moves soldiers 2.35 2.45 2.55
Errors that reduce the rating For one point 1. Weak or overly tight bandage. 2. Wrinkles have formed or the bandage is slipping. 3. The bandage is not fastened or is fastened over the wound.

Traumatic shock.

Most often, shock occurs as a result of severe extensive injuries, accompanied by blood loss. Predisposing moments to the development of traumatic shock are nervous and physical overwork, cooling, radiation damage. Traumatic shock can occur with injuries that are not accompanied by large bleeding, especially if the most sensitive, so-called reflex zones (thoracic cavity, skull, abdominal cavity, perineum) are injured.


FIRST PHASE - erectile - occurs at the time of injury, a sharp excitation of the nervous system.

SECOND PHASE - torpid (inhibition phase), inhibition of the activity of the nervous system, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys.


SHOCK I DEGREE (EASY). The victim is pale, consciousness is usually clear, sometimes slight lethargy, reflexes are reduced, shortness of breath. PULSE IS ACCELERATED, 90-100 BEATS PER MINUTE.


STAGE III SHOCK (SEVERE). Consciousness is preserved, but he does not perceive the environment. The skin is earthy-gray in color, covered with cold sticky sweat, the cyanosis of the lips, nose and fingertips is pronounced. PULSE 140-160 BEATS PER MINUTE.

STAGE IV SHOCK (PREDAGONIA OR AGONIA). Consciousness is absent. The pulse is not determined.


In shock, first aid is more effective the sooner it is given. It should be aimed at eliminating the causes of shock (RELIEVING OR REDUCING PAIN, STOPPING BLEEDING, CARRYING OUT MEASURES TO PROVIDE IMPROVEMENT OF BREATHING AND CARDIAC ACTIVITY AND PREVENT GENERAL COOLING).

Pain reduction is achieved by giving the patient or injured limb a position in which there are fewer conditions for intensifying pain, by the behavior of reliable immobilization of the damaged part of the body, and by giving painkillers.

In the absence of painkillers, the victim can be allowed to drink a little (20-30 ml) of alcohol, vodka.

The next most important task of first aid is the organization of the speedy transportation of the victim to the hospital. It is best to transport in a special resuscitation vehicle in which effective measures can be carried out.


Incomplete supply of oxygen to the lungs is called asphyxia. The terminal state in this case occurs quickly, within 2-3 minutes. Asphyxia can occur as a result of compression of the airways. Squeezing the larynx and trachea is called suffocation, filling the airways with water is called drowning. Asphyxia also occurs when the airways are filled with mucus, vomit, earth, as a result of closing the entrance to the larynx with a foreign body or tongue, paralysis of the respiratory center from the action of toxic substances or direct brain injury.


The victim is placed with his stomach on the bent knee of the assisting person in such a way that the head is lower than the chest, and any piece of cloth is removed from the oral cavity and pharynx with water, vomit, algae. Then, with several vigorous movements, squeezing the chest, they try to remove water from the trachea and bronchi. If you do not immediately begin to provide first aid to the victim, then PARALYSIS OF THE RESPIRATORY CENTER COMES IN 4 - 5 MIN. HEART ACTIVITY STOP AFTER 15 MIN. After the release of the airways from the water, the victim is laid on a flat surface and, in the absence of breathing, artificial respiration is started using one of the known methods with a rhythm of 16-20 times per minute. In the absence of cardiac activity, it is simultaneously necessary to carry out an external heart massage. For greater effectiveness of artificial respiration, it is necessary to free the victim from constraining clothing. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION AND EXTERNAL MASSAGE OF THE HEART SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT FOR A LONG TIME, FOR SEVERAL HOURS, UNTIL INDEPENDENT BREATHING, NORMAL CARDIAC ACTIVITY ARE RECOVERED OR UNDOUBTED SIGNS OF BIOLOGICAL DEATH APPEAR.


No. p / p Educational questions, their summary and methodological techniques Time (min.) Visual aids and technical teaching aids
1. Introductory part
1) I announce the topic, objectives of the lesson, educational questions, the procedure for conducting the lesson. I emphasize the importance of the issues under study. Conduct safety briefings for trainees.
2. Main part
Study questions: 1. Composition, purpose of an individual first-aid kit, PPI, an anti-chemical package, a combined-arms first-aid kit. 2.Bandage head and neck, chest and abdomen, upper and lower extremities. 3.Med. help with bleeding. 4.Med. help with traumatic shock. 5.Med. help with burns and frostbite. 6.Med. help with suffocation and drowning. 7.Med. assistance in case of accidents (electrical injury). 30 30 15 15 15
Final part 1) I sum up the results of the lesson, answer questions, evaluate the actions of each of the trainees. 2) I give the command to end the lesson.

Lesson leader

(position, military rank, signature, initial of name, surname)

"___" _________ 20__


Military department



Topic 15. Medical training.

Lesson 1. Composition, purpose of an individual first-aid kit, a combined-arms first-aid kit, an individual dressing package, an individual anti-chemical package. Rules and methods for applying a primary dressing in case of damage to individual parts of the body. The procedure and rules for the use of standard medical protective equipment.

Lesson 2. First aid for gunshot wounds, injuries, bleeding. Types of medical care provided to the wounded and sick in units and subunits. Rules and methods for stopping bleeding in gunshot wounds. Rules and methods of providing assistance in case of injuries and bleeding, acute diseases, poisoning and accidents (drowning people, as well as persons affected by frostbite, burns, overheating and electric shock). Ways to extract the wounded from the battlefield.

A GAS MASK reliably protects against the ingress of radioactive substances into the respiratory and digestive organs while in an infected area; The eyes can be protected with CANNED GLASSES. The effect of penetrating radiation and radioactive substances on the human body is significantly weakened by the timely use of radioprotective agents available in the INDIVIDUAL AID KIT (AI-2).


First aid kit individual - a set of means of medical self-help for a serviceman. The first aid kit is designed to prevent or reduce the damaging effect of various types of modern weapons, as well as to provide first aid in case of damage to personnel.

Socket 1- RESERVE.

Socket 2- ANTIDOTE PILLS against organophosphorus poisonous substances in a RED CASE.

Socket 3- IN A LARGE WHITE CASE OF PILLS (ANTIBACTERIAL 2), which are taken after radiation exposure for gastrointestinal disorders, 7 tablets per dose on the first day and 4 tablets daily for 2 and 3 days. Tablets are a means of preventing infectious diseases due to the weakening of the protective properties of the irradiated organism.

Socket 4- TWO PINK CASES OF TABLETS (RADIO PROTECTIVE 1). It is taken for personal prophylaxis in case of a threat of radioactive contamination 30-60 minutes before the start of exposure (6 tablets per dose). Repeated intake of 6 tablets is allowed only after 5-6 hours.

Socket 5- IN TWO WHITE CASES OF BROAD SPECTRUM ANTIBIOTICS (ANTIBACTERIAL 1). It is taken for wounds and burns and for emergency prophylaxis when working in the foci of infectious diseases (the first dose is 5 tablets, and after 6 hours the second dose is another 5).

Socket 6- PILLS IN WHITE CASE (RADIO PROTECTIVE 2). It is taken in cases where a person eats food contaminated with radioactive substances in the territory (1 tablet daily for 10 days). Tablets prevent the deposition of radioactive iodine in the human thyroid gland.

Socket 7- PILLS (ANTI-EMEMETIC) IN THE CASE OF BLUE COLOR. Take 1 tablet for head bruises, concussions and contusions, with a primary radiation reaction in order to prevent vomiting.
