Patchouli essential oil, its properties and uses - reviews from experts. Patchouli oil. Application

Essential oil Patchouli has a completely unique and very lasting aroma - sensual, deep, with noticeable tart and bitter notes. Coming from colorful India and widely used since ancient times to scent rooms and items of clothing, patchouli aroma oil seems to have absorbed the exotic charm of this incomprehensibly colorful country. It can be compared to a good wine: it reveals the fullness of its earthy, warm and heavy aroma only over time, gradually improving its qualities.

The process of obtaining patchouli oil is quite complex: it is extracted from first dried and then fermented young leaves of a medium-sized herbaceous shrub native to distant Asian islands (Malaysia and the Philippines).


It has an active and strong aroma that dominates the compositions, a fairly dense consistency and slightly greenish color. This oil belongs to the group of essential oils of the Sun, while the character of patchouli is sunset, heavy, bringing with it love, prosperity and creativity, protecting against painful losses.

The scent of patchouli has been associated with business success for hundreds of years. career, stability and prosperity. It is believed that this aroma oil can attract good luck and wealth: many believe that a drop of patchouli applied to a wallet can improve their financial situation. This is the most ancient erotic oil, which not only plays the role of an aphrodisiac, but is also capable of improving hormonal balance and restore endocrine system.

Patchouli is considered a “masculine” scent, but in perfumery, fragrances based on this essential oil usually belong to the “unisex” category. Ideally combined with fresh and equally bright aromatic oils -, and. But patchouli cannot be mixed with all turpentine-containing oils (for example, with and).

In aromatic compositions and perfumes, patchouli always plays the role of a chypre note - spicy, tart, peppery and very warm. It is with the help of patchouli oil that refined oriental accents are introduced into the composition. It is an ideal oil for scenting clothing and textiles.

Beneficial features

The influence of patchouli essential oil is most fully revealed in emotional sphere: it calms, calms, relieves anxiety and warns depressive states, clears consciousness and has a pronounced erotic character.

The ability of patchouli oil to unload the subconscious, cause a surge of vigor and stimulate the work of the central nervous system It also manifests itself in concentrating attention, increasing receptivity and concentration, developing artistry, creativity and sophistication, and creative activity.

It seems that patchouli oil also affects the body, giving the skin elasticity and freshness, eliminating excessive dryness of the skin, promoting tissue regeneration, eliminating inflammation and infections, skin diseases (including dandruff, acne), promoting the removal of fluid and limiting appetite, eliminating unpleasant odors.

Application and dosage

  • Patchouli essential oil is used in a lower concentration than other aromatic oils: 3 drops of oil will be enough, and two drops will be enough.
  • Since patchouli is one of the most active and difficult to influence oils, you should strictly monitor compliance with the recommended dosages. It is also not recommended for use in the last month of pregnancy.
  • To enrich creams and other cosmetics, patchouli oil is used in a standard dosage - no more than 5 drops for each tablespoon (20 grams) of product, reducing the proportions only for products (up to 2-3 drops).
  • Foot baths with patchouli oil are very effective in combating sweating and unpleasant odor (3-7 drops of aroma oil for one procedure).
  • If you want to indulge in aromatic and sensual hot bath, then try not to overdo it with the amount of patchouli - 5 drops will be enough.
  • To do this, patchouli oil should be softened using a base - a fattier oil, for example, peach, corn, soybean - by preparing a mixture in a dosage of 7:10.
  • The wealth-attracting aroma oil is useful not only for “improving” the wallet: patchouli is effective means against moths, and you can use it both for aromatization and for wet cleaning, adding 10 drops of oil for every liter of water.

Patchouli, or more precisely, the oil of this tropical plant, will help solve existing problems with the nervous system. But the sedative property of this truly “magical liquid” is not its only advantage. Patchouli oil gives extraordinary peace and tranquility, as well as clears the mind and helps create a loving atmosphere. This remedy is also popular among those losing weight because it can curb appetite.

Patchouli oil gained its popularity in the sixties of the 20th century, and it still remains in demand. Results of the clinical trials have shown that the extract of this plant effectively fights constipation, diarrhea, inflammatory processes in the intestines. Patchouli oil, whose properties are of great interest to modern women who carefully monitor their appearance, has a beneficial effect on the skin. Its use will help get rid of acne, eczema, peeling, redness and irritation. skin. In addition, it produces a lifting effect on sagging skin. It also effectively fights seborrhea.

The most important medicinal properties extracts of this plant are:

· stimulation of the nervous system;

· antiseptic bactericidal effect;

Accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues, eliminating excessive dry skin;

· anti-allergenic effect;

· healing of wounds, abrasions, cracks;

· detrimental effect on the fungus;

· elimination of acne and dandruff;

· stimulation of sexual desire;

· reduction elevated temperature bodies;

· effective fight with eczema.

When should patchouli oil be used?

This remedy will help get rid of the following ailments:

· fast fatiguability, sleep disturbance, irritability;

· cracks in the skin, burns, wounds;

· frequent colds, Chronical bronchitis;

Shingles, herpes;

· foot fungus;

allergic dermatitis, eczema;

· cracks anus and hemorrhoids;

· pimples, blackheads;

· problems with potency in men, lack of desire for intimacy in women.

How to use patchouli oil?

The healing essence of this plant is widely used in professional cosmetology. It will bring a lot of joy when carrying out home procedures, such as:

· Aroma bath. The bath needs to be filled warm water and add no more than six drops of oil to it.

· Aroma lamp. Two drops per five will be enough square meters premises where it is used.

· Relaxing massage. Add six to eight drops of patchouli essence.

· The aroma medallion will exude a delicate aroma if you add a few drops of this oil to it.

Patchouli oil, the use of which is so popular in medicine and cosmetology, has following properties: This is a pasty viscous liquid, it has a mustard green, yellowish-brown, green-brown, red-brown, or dark orange color. The smell of such an essence is quite strong and persistent; it is woody, spicy, even cloying, and has herbaceous-earthy and moldy-camphor undertones. The older the oil, the higher its quality, since over time it acquires a more delicate aroma.

The consistency of the liquid can be called viscous. It is so dense and thick that it is not always easy to remove from the dosimeter of the bottle in which it is contained. When the oil comes into contact with cold, it releases a camphor-like substance that is hard to the touch.

The most successful are considered to be combinations of patchouli essence with jasmine, geranium, clove, bergamot, lavender, ginger, juniper, rose or Santalum, sage, and pine oils.

The only contraindication is the use of this oil on later pregnancy.

The patchouli plant is native to Malaysia. It is a low, herbaceous shrub. An essential oil with a specific earthy odor is produced from the leaves. Interestingly, its quality improves over time. Today you can buy patchouli oil in a pharmacy in any country. It is now produced in Malaysia, India, Paraguay and Burma. The main suppliers are China and the island of Sumatra.

patchouli plant

Patchouli in nature is a tropical subshrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family, genus Pogostemon.

By appearance This plant resembles lemon balm, familiar to our region. But it has a completely different scent. It is noteworthy that lemon balm and patchouli oils have an interesting, similar property - they repel moths.

This plant is widely cultivated today in Sri Lanka. To grow it, you need a stable air temperature of more than 20°C. Therefore, in middle lane it cannot be grown. The plant is very sensitive to cold. Therefore, it is not surprising that patchouli oil found its use in Indonesia, since the main part of the plant grows in this region. Let's look at why it is so valuable.

Properties of essential oil

Patchouli oil, the properties of which are described in this article, is a brownish or dark yellow liquid. It is quite thick and drips slowly from the bottle. This means we can conclude that this oil has low volatility. You can smell it even after a few days.

Perfumers discovered this property and began using the oil. essential patchouli as an effective fixative for perfume. It prevents more volatile components from evaporating quickly. In addition, it gives the perfume a certain “oriental” quality.

The smell of the plant is resinous, slightly tart, bitter, sometimes compared to the aroma of smoke and earth. For some, the first notes have a balsamic tint, although each person has their own association and reaction to the aroma.

As the scent develops, it becomes more sensual and sophisticated. Patchouli oil is not in vain considered an aphrodisiac.

Healing properties

Patchouli oil has also found application in medicine. It is mainly used to treat various problems with skin. It is especially effective against fungal infections. But it is worth remembering that using only this product for full recovery will not be enough, this kind of disease can be treated for a long time and with the help of medications.

Cracks can also be treated with oil, purulent wounds, hemorrhoids, scratches, allergic dermatitis, anal fissures - the product perfectly regenerates the skin. It will help with acute respiratory infections, colds, hoarseness, flu, high temperature. Recipes will be presented later in this article. effective medicines against colds using this oil.

It can be added to various massage mixtures, baths, inhalations, as well as local baths, for example, when steaming your feet. At the same time, treat the fungus or do prevention. In addition, such a bath will help with excessive sweating of the feet.

Patchouli oil has found application in the fight against diarrhea, constipation, and intestinal inflammation. It is used both in microenemas in the form oil solutions, and for abdominal massage. The aroma of the oil reduces appetite, therefore it should be used by people who want to lose weight. For such purposes, it should be used in the form of a massage mixture or aroma pendant.

Patchouli oil for hair and skin

The product has gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology, as it has a number of properties that are beneficial for hair and skin.

It is especially indicated for sensitive, dry, chapped and irritated skin, as it can regenerate it. In addition, the oil tightens sagging tissues and has a lifting effect, therefore it is used to tighten the skin on the chest and chin.

This oil will also be useful for young skin. It eliminates redness and helps fight acne and pimples, as it has a bactericidal effect. It is used for eczema, allergic reactions skin, so patchouli essential oil can be added to tonics, lotions, and creams.

If you practice anti-cellulite massage, you can also add this product to the cream. This will help tighten the skin and make it more elastic. In addition, you can use it to make a massage mixture, which can really help get rid of stretch marks.

The oil is also good for hair. It helps to cope with dandruff, and also makes the strands healthy and shiny, strengthens them. It is enough to add a couple of drops to a portion of balm, mask or shampoo.

In addition, you can do aromatherapy with patchouli oil. A pleasant and useful procedure that can be easily done at home by simply dropping a couple of drops of oil on a comb.


Essential oils have strong energy. Therefore they can influence emotional condition and the human energy field. Thus, patchouli oil, the use of which has been widespread among people for many years, calms, pacifies, clarifies consciousness, creates an atmosphere of love, and prevents the occurrence of energy vampirism. It is suitable for meditation and gives you the opportunity to look deep into yourself.

In addition, it helps to look into the future, increases self-confidence, and takes off the “rose-colored glasses.”

But that's not all - patchouli oil has such strong energy that it attracts money! It is no secret that money has its own energy, very strong, which can only be attracted by a very powerful force.

Surprisingly, if you apply a little oil to your wallet, money will soon appear in it: an advance will be given, a salary will be returned, the debt will be returned, and so on. There is a belief that this remedy can save money from thieves.

There is a rational grain in all this. Since oil makes it possible to gain self-confidence, and therefore become bolder, it becomes much easier to solve various issues, and therefore money comes faster.

Practice has shown that financiers and businessmen like the aroma of this product, which confirms once again this is an amazing property.


To relieve tension and disinfect the space, you can use an aroma lamp with 4 drops of oil. It can be used for meditation and also to create a romantic atmosphere.

For an aroma bath you will need 6 drops. It can be taken for skin diseases, increased sensuality as an aphrodisiac, and for cellulite.

For massage you will need 6 drops of oil per 10 ml of base. It can be done for cellulite, colds, depression, to improve well-being, etc.

Also, using oil, you can improve the properties of various cosmetics intended for skin care. For 5 g of base (tonic, cream, lotion, mask) you will need 5 drops of the product. Can be used for acne, problem skin, cracks, fungus, etc.

Enrichment of hair products occurs as follows. Mix 2 drops of oil with 5 g of base (balm, shampoo, mask, conditioner). This excellent remedy for strengthening hair and against dandruff.

Aroma medallion - pour 2 drops into the pendant. This will increase your self-confidence, serve as an antidepressant, help reduce appetite and prevent acute respiratory infections.

The oil is also used in fragrances to scent linen and repel moths. To do this, drip the product onto small pieces of fabric and place them in your wardrobe.

Foot bath

To make it, you will need patchouli oil (the price of one bottle is approximately 65 rubles). Pour half a liter of whey into water and add 10 drops of essential oil. Take the bath for half an hour. This procedure treats fungal diseases, as well as cracked heels. After the bath, it is necessary to lubricate your feet with oil prepared according to the following recipe.

Foot oil

Take 10 ml of grape seed essential oil. Add some essence to it tea tree and patchouli oil (3 drops each). This product is intended for healing cracked heels, against unpleasant odor and sweating, fungal skin infections.

Mask for the face

Patchouli oil for the face is also actively used. You can do the following.

Mash a potato, boiled in its jacket, and add a spoonful to it olive oil and sour cream, 1 drop of fennel and 2 drops of patchouli. If the mask turns out to be too thick, you can add a little milk to it. Apply it warm to your neck and face, cover with a towel. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with broth linden color or water. This mask nourishes the skin well, makes it elastic, toned, and fresh. Ideal for fading and aging skin.

Means for smoothing scars and scars

To one spoon vegetable oil(olive, sunflower or sesame, infused with calendula), you need to add patchouli oil (reviews about this product are only positive) and lavender (3 drops each). Lubricate scars daily and do light massage. The process is long, but effective.

Body Scrub

Mix with a small spoon sea ​​salt, ground coffee and honey, add 2 drops of orange and patchouli to the mixture. Apply the scrub to a steamed body in a sauna or bathhouse and do self-massage. Massage areas with stretch marks and cellulite especially carefully. Rinse with water. After the procedure, your skin will be smooth and silky.

Aromatization of linen

Patchouli oil, which is very affordable, is also suitable for scenting linen. Add 2 drops of essence to the rinse water in your washing machine. You can also drip it onto a napkin and then put it in the drum. The oil has such a persistent odor that even after washing it will be noticeable.

Also, if you still have an empty bottle of oil, open it and hide it in a closet in a secluded place. The smell will last for a very long time.

Patchouli oil: reviews

You can find information about this tool today great amount reviews. Many admire him therapeutic effect, someone is attracted by it cosmetic properties, some are attracted by its ability to attract money, others simply like its subtle aroma. Negative reviews are extremely difficult to find. They are mainly associated with individual intolerance to the drug.

Since ancient times, people have used many products for body care and ritual ceremonies. aromatic oils. They differ in smell, properties, and application also differs. Patchouli oil is the most popular aromatic extracted from a small shrub native to the Philippine Islands. Even today, patchouli essential oil has not lost its relevance in skin, body and hair care.

Characteristics of patchouli oil

The pleasant-smelling substance is obtained from a small shrub, no more than a meter high, or more precisely, from its leaves. By themselves, they do not smell of anything, but after drying and steam distillation, during which the material is exposed to steam for a long time, the leaves acquire a unique aroma. After the production process is completed, a rather thick liquid of brown, orange or even red color is obtained, which must be warmed in your hand before use, otherwise it will hardly pour out of the bottle.

A relatively young oil may have a musty odor, which disappears as the liquid ages. The aroma of patchouli essential oil is subtle and sweet, reminiscent of spices from India and the smell of a fire, but the aroma oil is so multifaceted that it will not leave anyone indifferent.

Beneficial properties of patchouli oil

Patchouli essential oil is distinguished by many beneficial properties that both its aroma itself and the use of the product in cosmetology have. Using the substance when caring for dry skin will help moisturize it, and oily skin it will make it less problematic by affecting sebaceous glands and slowing down their work. Beneficial features allow you to renew tissues and start the process of cell regeneration, which smooths out wrinkles and unevenness, making your face fresher and healthier.

Patchouli oil is used to treat acne and inflammation on the skin, and also eliminates scars and scars from acne treatment, in addition, external use of the product allows you to treat a variety of skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, and also accelerates skin regeneration after cuts and wounds.

The aroma of patchouli perfectly relieves nervous excitement, calms and puts you in a positive mood. It is recommended to be used in cases where it is necessary to concentrate and improve performance. Aromatherapy, which uses patchouli oil, can excite a person and serves as a good aphrodisiac for increasing potency and libido.

The properties of the oil allow it to be used by simply adding a few drops to cosmetical tools daily use. This could be shampoo, body milk, lotion or cream.

Medicinal properties

The oil is distinguished by its remarkable healing properties, especially regarding wound healing and skin regeneration. In addition, the following uses of patchouli oil are possible:

For hemorrhoids and inflammation in the intestines, you can do microenemas, which are made by adding two or three drops of patchouli to the base oil in an amount of 30 ml.

The use of aromatherapy for disorders of the nervous system helps to relax and calm down, restores vigor and love for life.

During influenza epidemics and colds Inhaling patchouli vapor will help protect against them, which remarkably improves immunity.

Permissible dosage

When using this substance, under no circumstances should an overdose be allowed, since increased concentration oils can lead to headaches, unpleasant sensations, and when used externally - to allergies and burns.

Three drops of oil will be enough for an aroma lamp, but it is better to drop two into a medallion, since this type of oil is more saturated than the others.

For skin care products, the dosage should not exceed five drops for every twenty grams of product, that is, approximately per tablespoon (for hair care - two to three drops per tablespoon).

For foot baths Three to seven drops will be enough for one procedure, and five drops will be enough for a full bath.

The substance cannot be used in its pure form; it must be diluted with another oil if it is intended to be applied to the skin.

Magic properties

Aroma oil has been used in magical and religious rituals since time immemorial, and associated with this is the belief that each type of oil has its own specific magical properties. Patchouli oil is considered the strongest magnet for money and wealth; experts in this field say that first of all it is necessary to charge the substance with your energy, for which you need to hold it in your hands, psychologically tuning into wealth and thinking about new major acquisitions.

For getting better effect It is necessary to lubricate with oil those places where the blood pulsation is most strongly felt, the main thing is not to forget to dilute the liquid, otherwise you can easily get a burn.

In addition to this method, you can use the magical properties of patchouli in a slightly different way to attract money:

Patchouli oil should be applied not only to the human body, but also to places associated with storing and making money. The aroma oil should be spread on credit cards, wallets, bank books, and it would also be a good idea to treat your pens entrance doors, computer and other things that are used to make money.

You can mix a mixture of different oils, the aroma of which will help in the difficult task of improving your financial situation. To do this, you need to mix two drops of nutmeg oil, two drops of cinnamon, five drops of cedarwood and seven drops of patchouli, then apply this liquid with a cotton swab to work utensils and wallets.

You can perform a ritual that uses green candles and patchouli oil. You need to prepare a mixture that includes cedar aroma oil and patchouli in a ratio of 5:7 and lubricate the candle with it, which is then burned on the sixth day lunar calendar, Bye full moon did not enter the sky.

Since the properties of the oil allow it to be used for body care, you can combine business with pleasure and take a “money bath” by mixing one part each of patchouli, cedar and cinnamon, and also adding a little salt. This mixture must be dissolved in water and take a bath for twenty minutes, relaxing and dreaming of your successful and rich future.

It doesn’t hurt to carry patchouli with you in a special medallion, into which a small amount of liquid is poured, which allows you to always carry with you a kind of amulet charged with wealth.

Contraindications to the use of patchouli

Like any other natural substance used in cosmetology and medicine, patchouli oil has some contraindications that make the use of this substance impossible for certain groups of people, which include:

  • People with peptic ulcer disease;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Small children under two years of age;
  • Asthmatics.

Video: Patchouli and money “magic”

Patchouli essential oil is obtained from the leaves of a tropical shrub. The Philippines and Malaysia are considered its homeland. Pre-dried raw materials are subjected to extraction by distillation. The result is a viscous liquid dark brown with a greenish tint.

Patchouli oil has a deep, rich aroma with a woody-herbal undertone. It is widely used in perfumery as a fixing agent in oriental-type perfumes.

Patchouli oil is natural antidepressant. It removes nervous tension, stimulates mental activity and increases concentration. Its aroma activates creative activity and is used for meditation. Patchouli oil is recommended for insomnia, depression and increased irritability.

Essential oil has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Rectal application helps eliminate hemorrhoids. Due to its mild diuretic effect, it is indicated for inflammation of the urinary organs. Used in products for intimate hygiene, preventing the development of genital diseases caused by bacteria.

Essential oil is an erotic stimulant, enhancing sexual desire. It increases potency, balances hormonal background and rejuvenates the body's endocrine system.

Patchouli oil has an antifungal effect and promotes accelerated tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is used to heal wounds, burns and cracks. Effective in treatment allergic dermatitis and eczema, helps with fungal infections, acne. Eliminates dandruff, nourishes and strengthens hair, gives it shine and elasticity, promotes growth.

In cosmetology, patchouli essential oil is valued as a skin care product, especially dry and sensitive skin. It has a nourishing, rejuvenating and smoothing effect. Eliminates irritation and flaking on problem skin. Helps eliminate excessive sweating feet and armpits.

Patchouli oil removes excess fluid from the body and also reduces appetite, so it is recommended for people who want to lose weight. It is actively used to achieve a lifting effect and give the skin elasticity. The oil has the ability to eliminate cellulite, is included in massage compositions, and eliminates sagging bust, abdomen and thighs.

There are contraindications to the use of patchouli essential oil. It is not recommended for pregnant women, children under 1 year of age, or for those with individual intolerance.

The ways to use the oil are very diverse. It can be used in aroma lamps, aroma medallions and for bathing. Adding a few drops of the product to the face cream enriches it and gives it new properties. To treat seborrhea, it is recommended to add a little oil to the shampoo every time you wash your hair.

It is included in massage products and is used for douching and microenemas. You should follow the dosage and do not use patchouli oil undiluted.
