How to prepare melt water. Preparation of melt water at home. Recipe for making melt water at home

Since ancient times, melt water has had beneficial effect to all living organisms on the planet: plants, animals and people. Without water there would be no life on Earth! It is not for nothing that the soil, saturated with melted snow, awakening after winter hibernation, gives life to new, fresh and lush vegetation. In ancient times, melt water was used to awaken the earth to spring, and the body to work after long frosty days.

Effect on the body

Cardiologists say that drinking at least a small amount of raw water every day is essential for human health. But for metropolitan residents, drinking chlorinated tap water is, of course, dangerous. Residents of mountainous regions are famous for their longevity, and all because they regularly consume melt water mountain rivers and lakes.

The simple formula of water is known to everyone who has graduated high school, but this primitiveness at first glance hides unique properties water. Her ability to store information, heal, purify and give life to everything on the planet is truly magical. Water also has another unique feature: whatever its original quality, it is quite possible to purify, improve and “revive” it.

Water has an ideal composition and is similar in structure to the liquid inside a living organism. Such water freely penetrates cell membranes and improves metabolism. It is these magical properties and melt, or in other words, structured water has.

Properties of “living water”

The properties of melt water are wide and varied:

  • harmonization of metabolism;
  • rejuvenation of the whole body;
  • improving the functioning of all organs and systems;
  • lowering blood cholesterol;
  • elimination of nervousness and fatigue;
  • activity of brain impulses;
  • decreased appetite and, as a result, weight.

Nutritionists pay close attention to melt water because it has properties that reduce appetite. In dietetics, melt water is used very successfully for weight loss. Penetrating into the cell, melt water molecules quickly break down unnecessary substances and remove them from the body.

It also does not contain hard salts that have a harmful effect on humans. It gives vigor and enhances a person’s energy. As a result, the feeling of hunger decreases and the body in this case requires less sleep and food, accordingly weight decreases and overall mood improves.

Such benefits of melt water for our body are already a reason for its daily use!

Prepare healthy liquid at home!

How to prepare melt water?

This can be done at home, and most importantly, it will not take up any extra money or time. By typing in three liter jar 85% water, let it settle. It is good if this water stands in the sun for 5-6 hours.

Then, pour into wide-necked plastic containers and place the water in the freezer. After about 11-12 hours the water should freeze. But it will not freeze completely, and inside the ice block there will be no a large number of liquids.

This is the same “bad” water with harmful substances such as bleach. The top edge of the ice, called delirium, must be broken through and the internal “bad” liquid drained into the sink. Place the ice in a suitable container, let it melt and drink to your health!

Preparing melt water, although not difficult, still requires knowledge of certain nuances. If the water is completely frozen, don’t be upset. Chop the block with a knife, in the center you will see cloudy ice - this is dirty water. Chip this part of the ice with a knife. You can store any amount of melt water in the refrigerator. You can drink it and also cook food with it. Melt water has no contraindications, since it is incapable of causing harm, but only brings benefit.

Those who are going to drink or cook food from melt water need to use already purified water to make ice. And then there will be no need to “look” for liquid or ice with impurities after freezing. Freeze water in enamel, glass or special plastic containers with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. And defrost the ice at room temperature.

Strengthening healing properties

Melt water prepared at home is also suitable for making ice cubes with herbal infusions. To do this, take herbs appropriate to the problem, brew them and infuse them. Then the liquid must be filtered and poured into special forms.

So “cosmetic” natural remedy a woman can wipe her face in the morning and before bed. By washing with cool melt water, a woman is able to preserve the beauty of her face and neck and tighten sagging skin.

Treatment with melt water must be carried out regularly, taking this liquid in the morning on an empty stomach.

Many models from world brands claim that this type of water helps them maintain their ideal weight and shape in quantities of about two liters per day.

Water is a unique product with amazing properties. About him healing qualities people have been saying since time immemorial. Melt water is a special product, the benefits and harms of which cause a lot of controversy in scientific circles. Let's try and figure out this issue.

Melt water, its properties and structure

You can’t talk about the benefits of melt water without touching on it incredible properties. The source of such liquid is ice, which is obtained by freezing ordinary water and then melting it. During the transition of a liquid to a solid state, its crystal structure undergoes changes.

The peculiarity of water also lies in its ability to absorb a lot of different information, including negative. To eliminate all negativity, the liquid must be purified energetically and restored to its natural structure. For these purposes, a procedure is used for freezing and thawing water, as a result of which its composition is “zeroed” and returned to its original state, both structural, energetic and informational.

That ordinary water, which is known to everyone, if it is frozen and then thawed, changes the size of its molecules, which become smaller. As for their structure, it is now identical to the protoplasm of cells, and this allows them to leak through cell membranes without obstacles. This leads to chemical reactions become more intense, because molecules are indispensable members of metabolic processes. This allows you to influence various interactions between melt water and other components. As a result, the body saves energy that would have been spent on absorption. In other words, we can say that the movement of melt water molecules is carried out resonantly, no interference is created, which allows for better energy production.

A little about the benefits

In the process of freezing water, it is purified from heavy impurities. In addition, the benefits of melt water come down to the following points:

  1. Our usual tap water contains deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Its concentration is small and cannot harm the human body. But deuterium will not survive freezing and thawing; it completely disappears from the liquid in the process. People who drink melt water state that they are in a cheerful state and their well-being is also at the highest level.
  2. IN modern world More and more people are trying to solve the problem with melt water excess weight. This liquid has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and this provokes rapid burning of the fat layer. There is another version: the human body has to expend more energy because cold water you have to “warm it up”.
  3. Melt water is much softer than ordinary water, because it contains no harmful impurities. This liquid has an excellent effect on the composition of the blood and the functioning of the heart muscle, and also activates the activity of the brain.
  4. Thanks to the special structure and undeniable purity of the product, it gently cleanses the body and combats dermatological pathologies. The skin is rejuvenated and its condition improves.
  5. If you drink purified melt water in the system, you can count on the fact that the body’s protective properties will increase significantly, which means that it will be possible to resist a number of diseases.

Thus, melt water has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Can melt water cause harm?

If you prepare melt water without following necessary rules, then it can cause harm to the body. This is typical for the following situations:

  1. It is unwise to use street snow to prepare the product, because it contains quite a lot of impurities, heavy metals and harmful salts. If previously it was still possible to prepare melt water in this way in those areas that were quite remote from large cities, today, due to the far unfavorable environmental situation, using snow to obtain melt liquid is strictly prohibited.
  2. Usually, melt water is obtained for personal use in a fairly simple way: first it is frozen, then it is allowed to melt at room temperature. For these purposes, you cannot use tap water that has survived more than one boiling. In this case, the structure of the liquid undergoes physical changes, which is fraught with the formation of dangerous chlorine-containing compounds that can lead to the development of cancer.
  3. You should drink melt water immediately after it has been defrosted, before all its unique properties disappear.

Important! It must be remembered that an insufficiently comfortable temperature of thawed liquid, consumed immediately, can cause the development of sore throat or bronchitis.

You shouldn’t overuse melt liquid either. This is fraught with consequences in the form of disrupted metabolic processes and deterioration of well-being.

According to studies, no more than 30% of the total volume of liquid is allowed to consume this product per day.

For getting maximum effect, melt water should be properly prepared. It is best to do this in a specific sequence.

  1. For freezing, you can use plain tap water, but it is recommended to leave it for 3-4 hours before infusing. During this time, all gases will be able to leave the liquid. Only after this does it become suitable for freezing.
  2. The liquid should be poured into any plastic container. Important! Do not use glass jars under any circumstances; there is a high probability that they will burst. You should also refuse metal utensils, because metal does not interact with water. in the best possible way affects it, depriving it of a lot of useful components.
  3. Already settled, clean tap water is poured into a clean plastic container. The dishes should be covered with a lid and placed in the freezer. Once the liquid has completely frozen, it can be removed and left in the room, giving it a chance to thaw.
Despite the simplicity and simplicity of the process of preparing melt water, you should remember one “but”. In this way, it will be possible to obtain water that is not 100% purified from impurities and harmful components.

There is another way to freeze. A plastic container with liquid poured into it is placed in the freezer. But as soon as a thin crust of ice appears on the surface, it should be separated and discarded. The fact is that a significant part of the harmful components accumulates in this ice crust. The liquid that remains is put in the freezer, but it is not completely frozen. As soon as most of the contents will turn into ice, you need to get rid of the remaining water, since it is precisely this that accounts for the content of harmful impurities.

The resulting ice is defrosted, after which it is ready for use. Drinking such melt water is allowed only in its pure form. Such water should not be used for cooking, since when heated, all beneficial properties are lost.

Rules of use

It is advisable to adhere to general advice regarding the use of melt water:

Such liquid should be taken only in its raw form. The most useful product is considered to be with a temperature of about 10 degrees.

  • The daily norm is set at 4 glasses.
  • In the morning after waking up, it is recommended to take a glass of melted water.
  • It is advisable to drink it before meals.
  • The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the desired result.

It must be remembered that even if melt water is prepared in compliance with all the rules, it should be taken with caution. Give Special attention your health after taking an unusual product, and if it worsens, you should stop and refrain from taking it. The fact is that the individual components contained in this product can cause completely the opposite effect.

Melt water is a special product, the purity and quality of which cannot be doubted. This energy drink, gifted to us by nature, is able to provide human body energy, health and strength, but only if it is used correctly.

Video: benefits of melt water

And just recently we discussed it. Today we'll talk about melt water - an accessible, simple and cheap way to obtain purified, healthy, healing water.

Such water is not only absolutely safe, but also healing for the body, since hydrogen bonds are preserved in it natural water. The structure of melt water is similar to the structure of protoplasm human cells, due to which it quickly penetrates the cells of the body, saturating it with oxygen and is ideally absorbed by it.

Melt water perfectly cleanses the body, possessing antioxidants, it rejuvenates it.

The benefits of melt water

  • Characterized by extremely high biological activity.
  • Melt water also strengthens the body.
  • Ensures excellent coherence of all body systems.
  • Decides vascular problems, reduces, dissolves blood clots, has a good effect on the body with varicose veins.
  • Perfectly restores the body after surgery and illness.
  • Relieves headaches, eliminates allergies.
  • Reduces weight if you take 150 ml of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach, and then 150 ml 2-3 times a day throughout the day. Weight loss occurs due to the normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Useful for asthma and bronchopulmonary diseases, widely used in inhalations, especially in children.

“Doctors who worked in the field of balneology and rehabilitation medicine, noted, for example, that a person who drinks 1–2 glasses of melt water daily normalizes the activity of the heart, blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord, blood composition and muscle function improve,” says Alexey Novikov.

It is important to know that melt water loses its beneficial properties over time, even after 6 – 12 hours (different sources give different numbers). So you won’t be able to cook it for future use.

However, with all the great usefulness of melt water, one should remember the fact that it is practically does not contain healthy salts metals, when water freezes, as well as when water boils, they precipitate.

Melt water in my own way chemical composition close to distilled water: The impurity content in it is very small. Therefore, you should always avoid drinking only melt water! If, nevertheless, you decide to make the entire volume of water you take from melt water, then you need to replenish the body with the potassium, magnesium it needs, and especially (30% of it comes with water) from additional sources.

Melt water. How to cook it at home correctly

Melt water is easy to prepare yourself at home. There are several ways to prepare water. The most common using conventional plastic bottle from under water.

A popular method of preparing melt water

What you need to prepare melt water at home.

  • Freezer or frost outside,
  • Water, preferably pre-purified, drinking water;
  • Container (plastic or metal, glass will crack).

Pour water into a bottle and put it in the freezer. The freezing process must be monitored. After just an hour, the unfrozen water from the edges needs to be drained - this is dirty water containing impurities. The one that managed to turn into ice - the middle stage is the most useful, we leave it. Unfrozen water in the middle of the bottle contains harmful salts, it should be thrown away after about 2-2.5 hours. The bad thing about this method is that you can simply forget about the water and not drain it in time. harmful impurity. The process must be kept under control at all times.

Preparing melt water is the best and most convenient way

I use a 1.5 liter metal saucepan for freezing so that freezer didn't take up much space. I pour purified water from the Aquaphor system into it from my special faucet like this, leaving 2 cm to the edges (water expands when frozen), settle it and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, I take out the pan, boil a kettle of water and pour boiling water over the frozen water. Like this:

The top layer melts immediately, it is harmful, dirt and light impurities have surfaced in it, we pour it into the sink.

Harmful suspensions and salts heavy metals gathered in the very center of the pan, the boiling water melts this part, forming a funnel. We also pour out the resulting water. Why did harmful salts accumulate there? Because their freezing point is below 0º. Ice, forming at the walls, displaces these salts into the center of the container.

At the bottom there were calcium salts that precipitated, and they also disappeared along with the boiling water.

The cleanest and light water forms near the walls of the dish. I take out such an icy transparent donut - this is the most useful melt water, devoid of impurities and harmful suspensions - structured.

It’s better for the ice to melt on its own; you shouldn’t heat it, but if it’s very important, you can warm it up a little. It is recommended to drink melt water on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast. There is an opinion that at a temperature of +36º water loses its structure, and therefore its properties. Therefore, it is better to drink it cool, at room temperature, it is more beneficial.

From the entire volume of ice, approximately 500-700 ml of melt water is obtained, which I drink per day. The recommended volume of melt water per day is at least 200 grams. I make up the rest of the water I need with fruits and vegetables.

If you need a larger volume of water, take a 2-3 liter pan. Provided that the water is clean, you can melt all the frozen water, leaving an average small amount of ice. We safely throw it away. Sometimes, being lazy, I do the same, but in my melt water there is a white suspension, in the form of flakes, the same precipitated calcium that remains at the bottom. Our water is very hard and calcined, so sediment is visible to the eye.

And so we get clean water, devoid of any impurities, including heavy metal salts, close to distilled. The question arises, but with water we replenish ours. There is an opinion that calcium from water is poorly absorbed, deposited on the walls of blood vessels, it is best to replenish it with food: seafood, vegetables and fruits. Read about calcium and how to replenish it

For many decades, people have been confident that melt water is good for health, preserves youth and beauty. Our great-grandfathers collected freshly fallen snow, thawed it and drank it with the whole family. Today, melt water is still consumed by those who want to improve their health. We will tell you about the rules for preparing melt water at home.

What is special about melt water?

Research has proven that under the influence of external conditions, water can change its structure, and this affects its properties. A liquid having a particular structure acts on the body in a certain way. Tap water harmful to us, since its molecular crystals were deformed while moving through polluted pipes. But water that evaporated from the surface of the earth, condensed and fell frozen (snow or hail), on the contrary, is useful.

In the process of these transformations, it is cleared of impurities, and its molecules take the form of regular crystals. Melt water retains this structure, enters into chemical reactions more freely, is more easily absorbed by the body and at the same time becomes an unfavorable environment for pathogenic microflora. This leads to increased immunity and improved well-being. Melt water also removes excess salt from the body, since it itself does not contain it.

Who should take it?

Melt water can be taken by everyone without exception. So far, no contraindications have been identified and side effects from its use. To improve your health, you need to drink pure miracle water throughout the year. You can also make tinctures or dilute medicines with it.

Melt water is especially indicated in the following cases:

  • when metabolism is disturbed, salt retention occurs in the body;
  • for diseases of the digestive tract;
  • for joint pain of various origins;
  • if there are problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • for obesity;
  • When the human body is weakened, immunodeficiency occurs.

Cooking at home

Melt water can be bought on tap at special kiosks or from water carriers. But in this case you will never be sure of its quality. Therefore, it is worth learning how to make melt water at home. There are two simple ways: snow thawing and artificial freezing of water.

Thawing the snow

In winter, you can collect snow outside and then melt it. But in order not to harm yourself, adhere to the following rules:

  • Collect snow only outside the city, away from roads and industrial enterprises.
  • It is better to collect freshly fallen snow, as it is cleaner.
  • Thawing should be carried out at room temperature in an enamel container with a lid.
  • Pay attention to the formation of precipitation during thawing. If the walls of the dishes become dirty, you should not use the resulting liquid.
  • After defrosting, it is advisable to filter the water.
  • Store melt water in a sealed container for no more than 5 days. After this, it will remain drinkable, but will lose its healing properties.
  • Drink pure water in the morning on an empty stomach and before each meal.

Freezing Methods

In the warm season, there is no way to collect snow, and you need to constantly take melt water. Therefore, we will obtain it by freezing it in the freezer. This procedure is quite simple, it will not take much time and will not require much effort.

We present to you several ways to prepare melt water.

  1. Pour clean water into a small container, it can also be tap water. You need to leave it in the sun for several hours and filter it.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and place it in the freezer.
  3. After 40 minutes, remove the resulting ice film; it contains deuterium, a harmful impurity.
  4. Freeze the remaining water for 10 hours.
  5. In the middle of the formed ice there will be a liquid with heavy metals. Drain it after breaking the ice with a knife.
  6. Finish making the melt water by leaving the frozen liquid at room temperature until completely thawed.

Attention: the duration of freezing may vary depending on the volume of water, the depth of the container and the temperature in the freezer.

Second way:

  1. Freeze using the method described above, but increase the time the water remains in the freezer. As a result, its entire volume will freeze.
  2. Thaw the water at room temperature until a small cloudy piece of ice remains. It needs to be thrown away.
  3. You can also do this: remove the frozen water from the container and split it with a sharp object. There will be a cloudy area in the center of the ice block. This part should be separated and discarded.

Third way:

  1. Heat the water over the fire and almost bring it to a boil (until the first bubbles appear).
  2. Cool by immersing the pan in a container with cold water.
  3. Freeze in the freezer.
  4. Defrost using one of the methods described above.

Melt water prepared at home will be as healthy as possible if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Freeze in a plastic container. The surface of a metal container can interact with water molecules, saturating them with metal ions. This reduces the effectiveness of the product. It is also not recommended to use glass containers: when water freezes, it expands, which leads to glass destruction.
  • Melt ice only at room temperature. Heating to speed up the process will destroy the crystals.
  • Store melt water in a container with a closed lid so that the liquid does not absorb foreign substances and odors.
  • Melt water should be used exclusively in its pure form. Various flavoring additives can change its structure and reduce the positive effect on the body.
  • It is not prohibited to use melt water for cooking. However, you need to keep in mind that it loses its beneficial properties under the influence high temperatures And food additives. For culinary purposes, ordinary drinking water is more suitable.

Melt water at home. The easiest method: Video

Water plays a huge role in the life of every person. Since ancient times in folk medicine melt water was used. This an indispensable tool in order to raise the tone of the body, as well as physical activity. This water prolongs life and fills it with energy.

How can you make melt water at home?

Fast way

Fill a clean container with eighty-five percent of the total volume cleaned drinking water. Cover tightly and place in freezer until completely frozen. Then defrost at room temperature naturally. Set the water to defrost before you go to bed. In the morning you can drink fresh and healthy melt water.

Beneficial features melt water

1. There is no deuterium in such water, unlike tap water. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen, it makes water molecules heavier and larger, as a result, metabolic processes in the human body are hampered.

2. The ideal structure of melt water is similar to a human cell. Therefore, the body perceives such water as a related product. Once in the body, such water displaces old cells that have exhausted their potential.

3. People who drink “living” water become healthier and more energetic, more cheerful and resilient. Efficiency increases, increases brain activity brain and labor productivity.

4. This excellent remedy to prolong life. Here is the following energy: the duration of sleep is reduced, activity increases.

5. Metabolism accelerates. This means that the body is cleansed faster, the process of healing and rejuvenation of the body occurs.

6. This healing water has enormous internal potential - if you drink it regularly, you will always be in a great mood, full of strength and energy.

7. It is a great helper for losing weight. By drinking half a liter of this miracle medicine, you can lose weight.

8. Immunity increases.

Another recipe for making melt water.

Good way

Heat three glasses of raw water in a saucepan over low heat. The water should not boil; the optimal temperature to which heating should occur is ninety-five degrees. As soon as you see air bubbles rising in streams from the bottom, remove the pan and cool the water. Pour the cooled water into a container and place it in the freezer until completely frozen. Be sure to remove the first thin crust of ice - this is harmful deuterium. Rinse the completely frozen water under cold tap water - this will already be a piece of ice that should melt naturally.

Cooking secrets

1. To make melt water at home, use only glass or metal containers. Under no circumstances use plastic containers for this purpose, as they contain toxic impurities.

2. Prepare melt water only in good mood.

3. Do not heat a piece of ice, defrost it naturally.

4. After defrosting, the healing properties last for five to six hours, so during this time you need to drink water.

5. Don’t wait until the ice has completely dissolved – take a sip.

The best way preparing melt water

Do everything as in the previous method, only after removing the first crust you need to wait until almost all the water freezes, but some, 20%, does not. This needs to be drained too. Further everything is as written above.

How to take melt water?

1. Drink it immediately after defrosting.

2. In order to improve your body’s health, consume this miracle remedy half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a month, maybe a month and a half. Everyone drink water three times a day during this period. Definitely before meals.

3. You need to drink at least five hundred milliliters at a time. The temperature of such water should not exceed three to seven degrees. Otherwise, the healing properties will be lost.

4. Previously, people made melt water by melting snow. Unfortunately, today this cannot be done due to environmental pollution and high content in the snow there are substances harmful to the body.

By the way, to get rid of excess weight, not only drink melt water, but also cook dishes with it - soups, porridge. And if you also increase your consumption of vegetables and fruits, fresh berries, then the effect will be simply amazing. In order to speed up the process of losing weight, you can do yoga or dancing, and also sign up for swimming, and of course, don’t forget to walk more in the fresh air.
