What ointments for teething. Gel for teething: important information and review of products. Remedies for gum inflammation during teething

Teething is painful process, which all small children go through. The child is very restless during this period and causes his mother a lot of trouble.

In adulthood, people again encounter such unpleasant symptoms when wisdom teeth begin to grow. For relax painful sensations Today special gels are used.

Growth symptoms

Everyone knows that as their teeth grow, young children become capricious. But how do you know when it’s time to use the gel? To do this, you should study the signs of the formation of baby teeth:

  1. The gums become pink or red and become inflamed.
  2. There is a deterioration in general condition and loss of appetite.
  3. There is constant and copious discharge saliva.
  4. The face and cheeks become red.
  5. The baby cries at night and does not sleep well during the day.
  6. The child shakes his head or touches his ear.
  7. The baby puts everything in his mouth to scratch his gums. May bite or make smacking sounds.

As teething occurs, the child’s immunity decreases, which is why many parents report an increase in temperature. Diarrhea or constipation may also occur. The constant secretion of saliva irritates the delicate skin and rashes may appear on the chin. They can be lubricated with Vaseline, especially when going outside.

If the listed signs are detected, you can safely apply the gel. Do not be afraid for the baby’s health, all drugs have been tested and will not harm the child.

Operating principle and types

The product is rubbed into the child’s gums. This is done using a sponge or a cotton swab. You can apply the product with your finger. Since it does not have a strong analgesic effect, it reduces unpleasant symptoms that the child experiences, for about 20 minutes.

It is not recommended to use such drugs more than 6 times a day.

Among the existing gels for gums, the following types are distinguished:

  • cooling effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • homeopathic medicines.

Let's consider the action of each of them using the example of various medications.


Such drugs contain lidocaine, so they act as anesthesia. As a result, the child's painful sensations, sore gums bother him less.

Among popular means highlight:


Its main advantage is that it can be used for children who have reached 5 one month old. It is prescribed for painful sensations during teething. According to reviews, this gel for teething gums copes with its task perfectly, and it also has an antimicrobial and anesthetic effect.

In addition to lidocaine, the product contains cytilperidine, which is an antiseptic. It destroys most pathogens and fungi. Thanks to this effect, it is used not only for teething, but also when a baby has thrush in the oral cavity.

The disadvantage of this product is that it has an extensive list of contraindications. It is not recommended for use for the following diseases:

  • liver, heart or kidney failure;
  • bradycardia;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the stomach;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Since the product contains saccharin, it is not recommended for use in children suffering from diabetes mellitus or diathesis.

The gel acts for a short time. If unpleasant symptoms remain, then it is allowed to reapply the medicine after 20 minutes. The frequency of use per day is no more than 6 times.

You can purchase this gel for teething gums at a price of 240 rubles. per tube.


Its main use is to relieve pain during the growth of wisdom teeth. Thanks to chamomile, which is part of the medicine, it has antiseptic effect.

Also medicinal plant famous for its wound healing effect and the ability to reduce inflammatory processes . The product quickly penetrates the site of inflammation and reduces it. In addition, after applying the drug you can count on anesthetic and antimicrobial effect.

Kamistad is prescribed to relieve the following symptoms:

  1. Inflammation of the oral cavity.
  2. Irritation of the mucous membrane when using removable systems or dentures.
  3. During the growth of wisdom teeth and the eruption of baby teeth in children.

The list of contraindications for Kamistad gel is large and similar to the previous drug. It is not recommended to use it for children who have not reached 3 months of age. The cost of the product is on average 165 rubles.


It is most often used during the eruption of the first milk teeth, but can be used to alleviate the condition during the growth of eights. The tool provides anesthetic effect. It contains lidocaine and chamomile extract.

The drug is often prescribed to those who are highly sensitive to lidocaine, since it is contained in this drug in small quantities.

Polidocanol, which is part of the drug, fights bacteria. Despite low content lidocaine, it is not recommended to use it more than 3 times a day. Maximum term application is 2 weeks. You will have to pay about 200 rubles for Dentinox. per package.

Dentinox should not be taken by children who are allergic to fructose, since the medication contains sorbitol.


The medicine contains benzocaine. After application, it acts within 20-40 minutes. The drug has good antiseptic effect, but has no antimicrobial effect.

When purchasing the drug, you should pay attention to the dosage. Gel 7.5% can be used for children from 4 months, the drug 10% is suitable only for children over 6 years old.

How to apply cooling gels correctly

Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly. Then do not squeeze out a large number of means on the finger. Next, the inflamed areas are treated with gel, making light massaging movements. If a child has already grown several teeth, he may bite. In this case, it is better to use cotton swabs.


The main purpose of such funds is to relieve inflammatory processes. As a result, swelling of the gums decreases and painful symptoms. Drugs in this series can be used at any time, without reference to meals.


The drug does not contain lidocaine and is used to relieve inflammation. He also has antimicrobial and analgesic effect. The gel reduces swelling and compression of soft tissues.

During application, the baby may feel a slight burning sensation, which will subside after 2-3 minutes. leaves. After this, pain immediately begins to decrease. Cholisal is the most expensive of listed drugs. Depending on the region, you can purchase it from 230 to 320 rubles. for a unit.

Main advantage analgesic drugs– this is that they can act for 8 hours. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the product is not washed off with saliva. The frequency of use per day is 2-3 times.

Since during teething the baby puts everything into his mouth, there is a chance of infection. Cetalkonium chloride, which is part of Cholisal, has a powerful antimicrobial effect . He destroys most viruses, fungi and bacteria.


The peculiarity of such drugs is that they contain only natural ingredients. Therefore, they are absolutely safe and are prescribed to children from 3 months.

Most often, doctors prescribe the drug Baby Doctor “First Teeth”. It effectively eliminates pain and can be used an unlimited number of times a day.

The gel relieves inflammation, heals wounds, has an antimicrobial and soothing effect, since it contains a number of medicinal herbs. Among them are chamomile, echinacea, calendula, marshmallow root, and plantain.

What to use to relieve pain during wisdom teeth development

Since the process of their growth is very long, a person experiences unpleasant symptoms for a long time. This is due physiological reasons, dense walls of the dental sac and durable mucous membrane.

As first aid, you can use special gels. You should not eat very hot or cold food during this period.

Of the listed drugs for reducing pain during the growth of figure eights, Dentinox and Kamistad. If after using them the symptoms do not go away, the body temperature rises and swelling is observed, then you need to contact a dentist.

Relieve pain during teething small child almost impossible. Therefore, you should not neglect medications at this time.

Once you are convinced that the cause of the child’s whims is related to the teeth, you can safely use gels for the gums. They temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms and give mother and child the opportunity to rest.

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  • Olga

    May 13, 2015 at 01:35 pm

    Every tooth of my child is special. We suffered for a very long time. This happened much faster among peers. Since my son is large and has large teeth, it is natural that teething occurs more noticeably. The gels did not save us for long, but this is a big victory. You cannot do without the help of medicine. According to the old method, we bought a silver spoon to scratch the gums. The baby really liked it and his teeth began to come through easier.

  • Svetlana

    May 21, 2015 at 08:25 pm

    In the first months of his life, our grandson was found to be allergic to certain foods when complementary foods were introduced. Therefore, we approached all medications with extreme caution. They were taken only after consultation with a doctor. The same thing happened during the period when teething began. The doctor prescribed us a teething gel with great caution, but we only used it exceptional cases, only when the child became restless, cried and could not sleep at night. The rest of the time we made do with folk remedies that alleviate the baby’s condition. They gave him crackers and dryers, cold teethers. Distracted by everyone available means. So be patient for you and your children! AND good health, Certainly!

  • Alicia Vladimirovna

    April 7, 2016 at 0:04

    At 3.5 months, our teeth began to emerge, you might say, we thought so too, but it turned out that the first tooth was asking to come out. We used Kalgel to somehow relieve the pain for our baby. By the way, he helped us a lot. There is a tooth!!! Now, according to the plan, we have a visit to the dentist to learn first-hand how to care for the oral cavity, and also for an examination, so that from an early age the dentist becomes our friend and we are not afraid of him.

  • Dasha69

    May 19, 2016 at 8:39 am

    My daughter’s teeth grew like a book - everything was on time and on time. But the pain was terrible. She was capricious, nervous, and slept very poorly at night. Of course, we turned to the pediatrician with this question. Our doctor said choose something at the pharmacy. But how can you choose SOMETHING at the pharmacy when your baby is only 8 months old? We contacted pediatric dentist. He prescribed Dentinox for us. We were very pleased with the drug. All symptoms have passed.

  • Julia

    September 30, 2016 at 08:43 pm

    I smeared the child’s gums with Dentol gel, but it only a short time relieved the pain. Therefore, I smeared my gums before bed to relieve pain and calm the baby. And then I bought Dentinox gel, its effect is ten times better. He calms the child down for half a day. I even tested it myself - when my gums became inflamed, I applied it and didn’t feel any pain or discomfort for about 5 hours. So I haven’t found anything better than Dentinox.

One of the most exciting moments in the life of a baby and his parents is the time when the baby is teething.

All children experience this time differently: some are capricious both day and night, others have a fever and bad dream, some eat poorly and experience terrible diarrhea, and some babies behave completely calmly, not bothering anyone with the appearance of their little pearls. But the latter happens, of course, extremely rarely.

Modern mothers do not necessarily have to resort to “grandfather’s” methods of calming the baby when his teeth appear. Instead of hanging it around the child's neck amber beads, put dried herbs under the pillow or smear the baby’s gums with honey, you just need to purchase a special gel for the gums that will help the baby survive this time without pain and tears.

Symptoms of teething in young children

The first signs that teeth are cutting include slightly swollen, reddened gums and heavy salivation. This can be observed 1-2 months before the tooth itself appears. At this time, the child begins to feel uncomfortable: loses appetite, sleeps poorly, pulls hands or various objects into his mouth.

As soon as the moment of teeth appearing, parents may notice a small white line on the child’s gum, and if you gently tap on it with a spoon, you can hear a characteristic clicking sound.

Some pediatricians, in addition to the above symptoms of teething, name several more signs:

  • Temperature increase. In most cases, in children, the temperature does not rise above 38-39 C and does not last longer than 1-2 days. If the temperature is too high and lasts for several days, then you should definitely consult a doctor. An increase in body temperature is not always a symptom of teething: sometimes it means that the child is sick;
  • The appearance of diarrhea. When your baby starts teething, salivation increases and he swallows too much saliva. This explains the changes in his intestinal function. As a rule, diarrhea in a child occurs 2-3 times a day, and the disorder itself lasts 1-2 days;
  • The appearance of a runny nose. This is due to the fact that the secretion of mucus by the glands of the nasal cavity also increases. Typically, babies have a “running nose” no more than three days, and the liquid itself is transparent and liquid.

How does gel help when teeth are being cut?

Most gum gels contain a local anesthetic. Thanks to him, the child experiences relief. This gel should be applied to teething areas using a cotton swab.

Depending on the components, all gum gels can be divided into three types:

  1. A cooling gel that contains lidocaine, which helps reduce pain on the child’s gums. This gel should be used no later than 30 minutes before feeding the baby;
  2. Anti-inflammatory gel, which also has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect;
  3. Homeopathic gel based only on natural ingredients, such as herbs.

A “device” like this will also help. It acts as a kind of massager for the gums and makes life much easier for the little capricious one.

Choosing the best tooth gel for pain relief and easier teething

When choosing a baby gel for teething relief, it is important to remember that it cannot be universal. Each child is individual, and if one child needs wellness just smear the gums homeopathic remedy, then another needs a gel with an anesthetic effect to calm down.

We have prepared a review of medications that will help your baby survive this difficult period. And although in most cases modern medicines differ from each other only in name, it is worth recognizing that the range of teething gels is quite wide.

Kamistad Baby gel

Antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory gel for gums, which contains chamomile decoction and lidocaine hydrochloride. Chamomile relieves inflammation and promotes healing of existing wounds in the mouth, and lidocaine quickly relieves pain. The gel can be used from 3 months, but treatment of children under 12 years of age should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Also due to high content It is prohibited to apply lidocaine Kamistad Baby Gel more than 3 times a day. The gel is also used to relieve irritation in the oral cavity when using braces or dentures, as well as to treat the oral mucosa.


This yellowish gel contains chamomile tincture, mint decoction, polidocanol, lidocaine hydrochloride, as well as auxiliary components.

If you use Dentinox in for preventive purposes, then it will help the child painlessly endure the formation of incisors and other baby teeth. This remedy eliminates inflammation of the oral mucosa and irritation of the gums. Dentinox is contraindicated in children with fructose hypersensitivity as it contains sorbitol. Among side effects Skin rashes and itching are possible. In this case, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor immediately.


This gel has not only an analgesic, but also an antimicrobial effect. Basically, it should be used to eliminate pain in a child during teething. The main features of this drug are the following: the gel cannot be used for children under 5 months; it should be applied to the gums no more than 5-6 times a day.

In this case, more than 20 minutes should pass between applications of the product. Contraindications to the use of Kalgel are hepatic, cardiac or renal failure, arterial hypotension, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Unlike other gum gels that contain lidocaine, the action of Cholisal gel is aimed at eliminating the cause of pain, including in this case– this is inflammation and swelling of the gums. The main components of the drug are choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride, and auxiliary components include anise seed oil, glycerol and others.

Thanks to active substances tissue swelling decreases and pain disappears. The effect is achieved 2-3 minutes after applying the gel. One application of remedy discomfort“enough” for 7-8 hours. The drug is contraindicated in children with hypersensitivity to salicylates and other substances included in Cholisal.

Can there be allergic reactions?

Before using gum gels, you need to make sure that your baby’s anxiety is caused precisely by the process of teeth growing. If this is true, then using the gel will significantly alleviate the child’s condition. However, if the child is extremely sensitive to any components of the drug or is prone to allergies, then before using the gel it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. This is important, since not all gum gels are hypoallergenic: many of them contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

Teething is normal physiological process, which, however, causes kids and parents a lot of trouble. Protective functions small organism decrease. The baby may become lethargic, and the temperature often rises. But most of all the child is worried about pain in the gums. He becomes moody and cries a lot. There are many methods by which you can alleviate the condition of the baby. Mostly parents resort to medication. Today we will discuss which teething gels will be most effective.

How to tell when teeth are coming through

For most babies, by the age of three months the first symptoms begin to appear. But this does not mean that they will appear soon. The process may take a long time. In some children, central incisors appear only closer to one year. Despite this, parents must understand why their child is worried. Teething gel will ease the condition of the baby, and parents will be able to sleep all night.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the baby's mood. If calm child suddenly became irritable, sleeps poorly and cries a lot for no apparent reason, we should expect the appearance of the first tooth in the near future. To make sure of this, the mother should examine the baby’s gums. They will be red and swollen. The whole process is very painful. The child will put everything in his mouth that catches his eye. In this way, kids try to reduce pain. But you can just use an anesthetic gel when teething.

Folk remedies or medicines?

Many parents try to give their children as much less funds from the pharmacy. Many problems are being solved traditional methods. But this is not always the way to relieve pain in a baby’s gums. Teething gel acts quickly and effectively. For several hours the child calms down and can sleep.

It is still possible to do without medications. But the effect will not last long. It is worth offering your baby cold drinks as often as possible. During the teething period, with the help of a cool drink you can not only calm down the pain a little, but also replenish the fluid balance in your small body.

Gum massage has a good effect. Mom can do it herself with her fingers. And if you use clean gauze, the analgesic effect will increase. Special teethers operate on the same principle. These are small silicone toys filled with liquid. They are often given to a child. The teethers cool and massage the baby's gums.

How does teething gel work?

Medicines used for teething contain small amounts of a pain reliever that has local action. The gel “freezes” the child’s gums. The drug is applied directly to the site of tooth eruption massage movements. Within a few minutes the pain subsides and the baby calms down.

Depending on the active ingredients, all children's gels are divided into anti-inflammatory, cooling and homeopathic. The latter are based on natural ingredients. They are the most preferred. Such drugs quickly relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect.

It is worth noting that no medicine can provide a long-lasting effect. Some gels can be used for no more than one week continuously. Otherwise, addiction to the drug may occur.

Gel "Baby Doctor"

This teething gel is very popular among parents. It is completely natural and does not contain anesthetic. It contains calendula, echinacea, plantain and chamomile. The Baby Doctor product can be used by children who are prone to allergic reactions.

The gel has both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The period of use of the drug is unlimited. A huge advantage is the possibility of restoring the mucous membrane. This is especially true when it comes to the eruption of molars. Quickly relieve pain and heal wounds with this teething gel. The price of the drug does not exceed 200 rubles.

Means "Kalgel"

The drug is an excellent pain reliever. But it cannot be called completely natural. It contains lidocaine, which has a cooling effect. You should not use this gel too often during teething. Reviews about the drug can be heard both positive and negative. Kalgel has an excellent analgesic effect, but the duration of action is quite short. And you can’t use it more than 6 times a day.

Lidocaine-based gels are not recommended for use immediately before feeding. Such drugs are also not used for prevention. The drug is applied directly to the affected area cotton swab or your finger. Dear parents, please pay attention! Whatever gels you might consider when teething, you should definitely read the instructions for use.

The drug "Cholisal"

Today it is one of the most popular teething products that does not contain lidocaine. The drug not only relieves pain, but also has an antimicrobial effect. Unpleasant sensations in the gums are relieved by reducing blood flow to soft tissues oral cavity.

Gel "Cholisal" is applied to the affected area with massage movements. Initially, the baby may feel a slight burning sensation. But the side effect goes away after a few minutes, and the baby stops feeling pain.

According to many parents, "Cholisal" - best gel during teething. Unlike medicines, which contain lidocaine, this product is not washed off with saliva. Due to this, the duration of its action increases to 8 hours. Parents can apply the gel to the child's gums before bed and spend almost the entire night peacefully.

Dentinox product

Dentinox gel can be used no more than three times a day. Most often it is applied before bedtime.

What should you keep in mind?

Before purchasing teething gels, you should consult your pediatrician. Any medicine can have side effects. This is especially important for those parents whose children are prone to allergies.

When choosing a particular drug at a pharmacy, do not hesitate to ask for instructions. It needs to be studied carefully. Particular attention should be paid to the age at which the use of the medicine is recommended. Some gels can only be applied to a child over 6 months old.

Drugs with a freezing effect (based on lidocaine) are used only after meals. Such gels can temporarily suppress the sucking reflex. Using lidocaine-based gels too often is not recommended.

Any product is applied to the gums with sterile hands. If it is difficult to get to the sore spot, you can use a cotton swab. Pediatricians recommend applying teething preparations immediately before bed.

Almost all parents invariably face the problem of teething in babies. Some children experience this period more or less calmly, but in most cases teething is very uncomfortable. The child is capricious, sleeps poorly and refuses food, driving his mothers and fathers to despair. In these cases, special gels come to the rescue, which facilitate the process of teething in babies. What medications are best to buy and when should you start using them?

When to buy

Children's baby teeth begin to erupt at different ages, and for everyone this happens purely individually. On average, this happens between 5 and 9 months, and the symptoms can vary depending on the characteristics of the child. But general signs are:

  • the baby becomes capricious and irritable;
  • it is very difficult to calm him down, feed him and put him to sleep;
  • gums become red and swollen, salivation increases;
  • the child strives to chew everything that comes into his hands;
  • the temperature can stay at 38 for several days;
  • Sometimes there is a cough, runny nose and even diarrhea.

All these symptoms indicate that the baby has started teething, so doctors recommend purchasing an anesthetic gel to relieve discomfort. Such remedies reduce pain, relieve inflammation and stabilize the child’s condition.

Varieties for babies

You shouldn’t rush to buy the first baby gel you see, because these drugs are classified into three main types. And you should purchase the product based on the symptoms: to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, etc. Let's consider all three types.

  1. Anti-inflammatory gels. They are designed specifically to eliminate inflammatory processes, but they do not guarantee long-term pain reduction. The drug is used no more than 5-6 times a day and is an effective antiseptic for teething.
  2. Homeopathic gels. Universal means, designed to simultaneously facilitate the process of teething and relieve pain. Gels are made based on extracts medicinal plants and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Pain relieving gels. Preparations with a cooling effect, which are based on anesthetic components, mainly lidocaine. Such products are guaranteed to relieve discomfort during teething and have a beneficial effect on the baby’s body.

General principles of use

Before using this or that drug, the first thing to do is to carefully read the instructions, paying attention Special attention for age recommendations. Otherwise, the effect of using the gel will be short-lived. How to use the product?

  1. Under no circumstances should you apply a large amount of the drug to your child’s gums; there is simply no need for this. It is enough to squeeze just a little onto your finger.
  2. Maximum use of the gel is no more than five times a day every four hours.
  3. Before using the medication, you should wash your hands thoroughly, since you only need to apply the gel with a clean finger, gently and easily rubbing the gel into the baby’s gums.
  4. After applying the product, it is better not to feed or drink the baby for the next half hour.
  5. Do not use the drug every time the child begins to act up; the gel should be used only when severe discomfort baby to avoid overdose.
  6. At the first sign of an allergic reaction, you should stop taking the medication.

Painkillers for teething are medicinal products, which should only be used in extreme cases when nothing helps and the child suffers. All parents should strictly follow the instructions and under no circumstances apply the gel at the first cry of the child. It is always important to remember that any medicine- This is, first of all, a medicine, the abuse of which is dangerous for the baby’s health. If you strictly adhere to simple recommendations, you can easily make the baby’s teething process easier and avoid unwanted consequences.

TOP 8 popular gels

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of various products, including children's gels and ointments. And it is sometimes very difficult to choose just one. Our recommendations are based on parental assessments; we present you the most popular drugs and help you figure out which one is best to choose.

Gels for teething in infants from 3-4 months

Kamistad. Complex remedy, which includes medicinal chamomile. Has healing and antiseptic properties, quickly relieves inflammation and pain. The use of the gel is allowed from three months of a child’s life.

  • Pros: after application, the effect of the drug lasts quite a long time.
  • Cons: like the previous drug, it has similar contraindications.

Dentinox. One of the most popular teething gels, which can be used from four months. Perfectly eliminates pain and prevents inflammation, soothes and relieves general state baby.

  • Pros: contains a small amount of lidocaine and medicinal chamomile infusion.
  • Cons: cannot be used with breastfeeding and gum damage.

This is an ideal anti-inflammatory drug for teething, effectively relieving pain and swelling of the gums. Absorbs well, lasts long and protects oral cavity child from germs and viruses. Can be used from three months.

  • Pros: can be used for, since the gel does not contain lidocaine.
  • Cons: You may feel a burning sensation after applying it, but it goes away quickly.

Baby Doctor. Homeopathic medicine based on herbal ingredients (chamomile, calendula and plantain), which can be used from three months of a child’s life. Disinfects the oral cavity, relieves pain and strengthens gums.

  • Pros: no side effects and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Cons: short-term effect and individual intolerance to the medication.

Dentol baby. Safe and effective ointment for teething based on benzocaine, which has a fairly rapid analgesic and healing effect. The gel can be used from the age of four months.

  • Pros: affordable pricing policy and minimal level of toxicity.
  • Cons: does not last long, the drug cannot be used more than four times a day.

Pansoral. Considered one of the most effective means, capable of quickly removing pain syndrome when the first teeth erupt. The drug soothes the gums and provides antibacterial effect. Can be used as early as four months.

  • Pros: the composition includes only natural plant extracts and components.
  • Cons: the effect is short-lived, the gel provides pain relief for a short period of time.

Gels for teething in infants from 5 months

Kalgel. A combined drug with an analgesic and cooling effect based on lidocaine. Reduces pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for children who have reached the age of five months.

  • Pros: acts immediately after use, instantly relieves discomfort.
  • Cons: has contraindications, may cause allergic reactions and urticaria.

Mundizal. An excellent anti-inflammatory drug, approved for use for babies after six months. It is well absorbed into the mucous membrane of the gums, cools, relieves irritation and soothes the gums during teething.

  • Pros: pain-relieving properties last a long time, long shelf life.
  • Cons: not recommended for use on babies during breastfeeding.