What solution of potassium permanganate is needed for the treatment of seams. How to prepare and use a solution of potassium permanganate for plant treatment? How to make a wound dressing solution

Often, lovers of domestic plants have a question about how potassium permanganate is used for indoor flowers; its use requires knowledge of some subtleties. In particular, whether a solution of potassium permanganate helps against midges or infectious diseases, how to dilute a substance for spraying and stimulating plant growth. What flowers can be watered with potassium permanganate. All these questions will be considered in this material.

What is potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate has the chemical formula KMnO4 and in everyday life is called briefly and simply - potassium permanganate. Another name sounds like potassium permanganate. From a pharmacological point of view, this substance is considered deodorant and antiseptic.

When handling potassium permanganate, it is very important to be careful, since with some substances (aluminum, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, glycerin) it is active, which can lead to an explosion.

When using dark purple crystals for processing plants and soil, it is advisable to wear gloves. If the concentrated solution gets on the skin, then there is a risk of getting burned.

Potassium permanganate for indoor flowers - application and benefits

Prevention of infections in underground organs

Potassium permanganate saves from rot that appears on damaged roots, tubers and bulbs. It is advisable to use it when transplanting corm plants. If the underground organs were damaged, then after removing the rotten area, you can put them in a container with diluted KMnO4 for 10-15 minutes. But even whole tubers and bulbs do not hurt to hold in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for prevention.

Potassium permanganate from pests of indoor plants

Very often, potassium permanganate is recommended for indoor flowers from midges and other insect pests. Of course, you can try its application in practice for this purpose. But still, I would recommend that you use stronger targeted insecticides in such a situation. For example, Thunder-2, Aktara, or the equally effective Aktellik can help.

Potassium permanganate is not a poison for flying insects, so it is difficult to get a positive effect. If a midge is wound up on the flowers, then the mode of soil moisture should also be reviewed.

This substance helps to get rid of earthworms if by chance they ended up in a flower pot. These inhabitants of the soil are very useful and necessary in natural conditions, but in the limited space of the container they only bring harm to plants.

Soil disinfection for indoor plants

Powdery mildew, late blight, dangerous gray rot - this is a far from complete list of infectious diseases against which potassium permanganate is effective. It is used as a prophylactic against the fungus and as an active ingredient in the fight against it.

When transplanting plants, do not forget to disinfect not only the soil, but also pots and tools for work.

Acceleration of tying berries

If you grow fruit-bearing fruit crops at home (for example, strawberries, citrus fruits), then you can use a solution of trace elements to stimulate fruiting. In this case, the use of potassium permanganate in combination with boric acid and ash gives good results.

The proportions of the starting materials for the preparation of such a product are as follows: potassium permanganate and boric acid - 1 g each, sifted ash - ½ cup, water - 5 liters.

Stimulation of the growth of seeds and cuttings

It is justified to use potassium permanganate as a stimulator of seed germination during the self-propagation of many indoor plants. To do this, seed germs are soaked in a solution of KMnO4 for 30-40 minutes. In parallel, the seeds are disinfected before sowing.

Soaking in a permanganate solution is also used in green cuttings. In this case, it is a mineral growth stimulator of the root system. Potassium permanganate can replace heteroauxin if you don't have it available.

The method of soaking seeds and cuttings can be used not only for indoor flowers, but also for garden plants. It is effective for cucumbers, peppers, cabbages, eggplants and tomatoes before sowing them for seedlings. It is also useful to soak parsley and other herbs if you are growing them on a windowsill.

Potassium permanganate for indoor plants as a fertilizer

Since this substance is a source of manganese and potassium, in case of their shortage, it is advisable to consider potassium permanganate as a top dressing for plants. To determine if there is a deficiency of these elements, you need to pay attention to the following features.

Signs of potassium deficiency are:

  • dull greenish-blue color of the leaves;
  • yellowing of the leaf blade along the veins;
  • brown or brown tips of the leaves;
  • lack of flower buds;
  • twisting the leaves around the edge.

Signs of a manganese deficiency are:

  • chlorosis between the veins or at the base of young leaves;
  • brown spotting and leaf death.

Disinfectant solution for flower bouquets

Of course, plants grown in a garden or meadow are not considered indoor plants. But, since we often put them in a vase at home, I thought it appropriate to talk about them. Potassium permanganate is useful to add to the water in which there are cut flowers. It disinfects the solution and thereby extends the shelf life of the bouquet.

A pink solution is especially useful for tulips and daffodils. But even when a nutrient mixture with sugar is prepared, then permanganate must be added to the water. But do not forget to first dilute it to a light pink shade.

Is it possible to water indoor flowers with potassium permanganate

In different concentrations, a solution of potassium permanganate brings considerable benefits to plants. But what flowers can be watered with potassium permanganate? How often can you spray and water? Let's figure it out.

The frequency of watering indoor plants with manganese is due to two factors. First, as already mentioned, potassium permanganate is a source of potassium and manganese. They are important and bring certain benefits to plants. But in large quantities they can have a negative impact on the development of the plant organism.

Secondly, with regular watering of indoor flowers with a solution of KMnO4, acidification of the soil occurs. Not all houseplants need and can withstand low pH values. That is why the mode of watering and spraying should be observed.

How often can you water flowers with manganese

If this procedure is needed for preventive purposes, then once every six months is enough. If the use of potassium permanganate for plants is due to some problem, then it is recommended to water indoor flowers more often - up to once a week.

More frequent watering can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to use other means in parallel to solve the problem. Ash, laundry soap, iodine, tobacco can help out at home. In case of urgent need, it does not hurt to buy professional tools.

What flowers can be watered with potassium permanganate

Despite the fact that the use of potassium permanganate for plants is useful, not everyone can withstand its effects. The list of suitable decorative foliage and flowering plants includes those who love acidic soils. First of all, these are tropical crops:

  • begonias
  • ferns
  • Tradescantia
  • cyperus
  • Monstera
  • ivy
  • Diefenbachia
  • Gardenia
  • Chlorophytum
  • zygocactus
  • paunsetia

Of the other indoor plants, they respond well to potassium permanganate:

  • Pomegranate
  • violets
  • Amaryllis
  • Lemon
  • Orange
  • Mandarin

When growing indoor varieties and seedlings of horticultural crops at home, you can also use a pink solution for:

  • Pertsev
  • Tomatoes
  • Kabachkov
  • Ogurtsov

Sometimes flower growers have a question, is it possible to water an orchid with potassium permanganate. Professionals say that it can not only water the ground, but also process the root system. Read more about growing orchids after purchase. Briefly, I will only say that potassium permanganate for orchids and violets is suitable as a disinfecting and nourishing agent.

Especially for orchid lovers, there are two books in electronic format, which contain all the necessary information on growing these plants. The first book is called Home first aid kit for orchids". It is written by a professional in his field, but in a very simple and understandable language. In addition, the book contains many illustrations.

In the second book Orchid Care Secrets» collected extensive material based on personal experience, given numerous recommendations and revealed secrets that few people know about. The authors of both books guarantee their readers support and answers to all questions about the care of these delicate flowers.

How to breed potassium permanganate for plants

The use of potassium permanganate in everyday life and for the care of indoor flowers is quite wide. But in different cases, it is required to prepare solutions of different concentrations. It is necessary to dilute KMnO4 until the crystals are completely dissolved. Otherwise, the leaves or roots of the plant may be burned.

It is important to remember about the shelf life of the finished solution - it is limited to 3-4 days.

For spraying indoor flowers, you must use a pale pink solution. The proportions are as follows - 1 g of crystalline powder per 5 liters of water. If you take a small amount of it in the palm of your hand, then it should be almost transparent.

To disinfect the earth potassium permanganate, you need to dilute 1-3 g of crystals in 5 liters of settled water. By the way, such a solution is used to cultivate the land in a greenhouse.

For soaking seeds use a 0.5% solution. To prepare it, 0.5 g of crystalline powder is dissolved in 100 ml of water.

For plant nutrition use a solution made from 1.5 g of crystals per 5 liters of water. This liquid can also be used to treat the soil under garden plants that need additional potassium and manganese.

This is the use of potassium permanganate for indoor flowers. Agree that this common and cheap substance is a very important assistant in growing green pets.

I wish you successful and pleasant work with plants!

In order not to once again flood plants with chemistry, the fruits of which are used for their own needs, you can use potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate, which is sold in a pharmacy.

The solution is strong enough to eliminate fungus spores from growers' tools, or greenhouse interiors, or even in the soil. This substance is used at all stages of earthworks - from soaking the seeds until the harvest and after it - in the fall.

Potassium permanganate for plants is both a medicine, and top dressing, and an antiseptic. But you need to apply, based on the task. The strength of the solution for seeds and for wiping tools will be different - if you confuse the concentrations, the plants will get a leaf burn.

Treatment of tools with manganese

Ways to use potassium permanganate in the garden are not limited to watering. Before planting seeds in pots or plastic containers, it must be disinfected with a strong solution of manganese.

Garden equipment is also subject to processing:

  • shovels;
  • rake;
  • buckets;
  • boxes for collecting fruits and root crops.

It also needs a strong solution. It is usually poured into a container and the tools are left for several hours.

Tools that are used for pruning fruit trees - knives, pruners, saws - are treated with potassium permanganate so as not to transfer fungal infection spores from one tree to another. This is especially true for bushes and trees on which an outbreak of a disease was observed, and it was necessary to cut off the damaged branches with subsequent burning.

The disinfection procedure is carried out after harvesting, before sending working tools for storage in a barn or pantry.

Cleaning order:

  • All tools are first cleaned of soil and plant residues.
  • Using a rag, wash the work surfaces with a solution.
  • soaked for 3 - 4 hours iron parts in potassium permanganate.
  • Dry in the sun until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  • Iron parts are lubricated with technical oil so that they do not rust.

Vegetable storage boxes are sprayed with a spray bottle and dried in the shade. Then you can put the harvested crop in them and send it to the cellar.

The basement can also be winterized with manganese, especially if it is damp and moldy from time to time. Disinfect walls, ceiling, floor, steps and handrails. To do this, use a sprayer and a rag. When working with a concentrated solution, wear gloves and close the respiratory system.

The walls of the greenhouse are treated in a similar way from the inside, since with the doors closed, spores and bacteria settle and multiply on them. For high greenhouses, it is better to use a spray gun with a long handle.

When planting indoor plants, pots, a scoop for the earth are washed with a pink solution. If the land for indoor flowers is taken in the garden, then it is shed with potassium permanganate before planting.

Important! The concentration for processing tools and premises should be as follows: take 10 g of the substance in a bucket of water and mix well

The use of potassium permanganate for plants

At the stage of growing seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, the seeds are pre-soaked in a weak pink solution. Concentration 0.5%, that is, for 100 ml of water you need half a gram of potassium permanganate. Seeds are folded into cotton cloth and dipped in liquid for 30 minutes. No longer recommended as it could damage the seed.

In 1% solution seeds of tomatoes, legumes, celery, corn, onions can withstand up to 45 minutes. At the same time, germination is increased. seed eggplant, peppers, pumpkin, dill withstand in 2% liquid 20 minutes. The shell becomes looser, so shoots appear faster.

The main thing is not to exceed the concentration and exposure time. If the seed material is held longer than it should be, it may turn black and all the hairs that attract nutrients from the soil will burn. Such seeds will not germinate, and if they germinate, the seedlings will be weak.

Manganese for plants is used in preparing the soil for planting seeds. The procedure is called etching. For 1 liter of water take 0.5 g potassium permanganate and water the soil before planting seeds in it. The temperature of the solution should be above 60 degrees. Thus, the following diseases can be destroyed:

  • phytophthora;
  • blackleg;
  • all kinds of rot;
  • any spotting;
  • powdery mildew.

Video: The benefits of potassium permanganate for plants, seeds and soil

After picking, the seedlings are planted in open ground. When examining the root system, the damaged parts are removed and cauterized with a solution so that the plants do not get sick when planted in the soil. For this stir 2 g of crystals in a liter of water, after removal, leave the plant in a container for half an hour for disinfection. Then you can plant in the ground.

Spraying with rose solution

Active active substances - manganese and potassium - help not only in the fight against infection. They are nutrients without which plants do not develop well. This is especially true for the lack of potassium, which is responsible for the quality and quantity of fruits.

Without potassium, nitrogen is poorly absorbed in the tissues, the leaves begin to dry and fall off. Buds and ovaries are especially sensitive to a lack of potassium. In fruit crops, the deficiency causes the ovaries to fall off, which affects the yield. Urgent top dressing can be arranged by spraying plants with a solution of potassium permanganate 3 g of substance per bucket of water.

Manganese also takes part in metabolism. With a sufficient amount, photosynthesis and respiration processes proceed normally, crops are able to withstand diseases and bad weather conditions. The assimilation of carbon dioxide entirely depends on the presence of the trace element manganese in the soil.

Fertilizing with potassium permanganate is carried out both by root and foliar methods. The foliar method delivers nutrition to the leaves faster. While mineral or organic fertilizers are decomposed in the soil by microorganisms so that the roots can absorb them and deliver them higher, the solution on the leaves is already working, the plants come to their senses and continue to develop normally.

Acidic soils are more likely to have an excess of manganese, so use with caution. It is advisable to first find out if the pH in the garden is too low. You can do this with litmus paper purchased from a gardening store.

Is it possible to water cucumbers with potassium permanganate

To combat diseases, it is advisable to combine a pink solution with other pharmaceutical preparations - hydrogen peroxide, boric acid, brilliant green. Or use herbal supplements in the preparation of a natural fungicide - for example, garlic.

Top dressing of cucumbers with potassium permanganate is carried out 2 times per season. You can use the following recipes to choose from:

  • 3 g of substance per 10 liters of water. Spray the tops, the soil under the cucumbers. Carry out 2 - 3 sprayings with an interval of 3 days. This recipe is suitable for controlling powdery mildew.
  • Against phytophthora need to be done solution 1 g / 10 l and add crushed garlic - 1 cup passed through a meat grinder or blender. Spray the plants with an interval of 10 days.

The sooner the procedures are started, the less likely the disease will spread. The first plant, on which signs of fungus appeared, must be removed with the root and burned, and the soil should be shed with a garlic-manganese solution. This recipe is suitable for tomatoes that are affected by late blight.

  • Add to 3 g of permanganate 50 g potassium nitrate and stir it all in a bucket of water. Powdery mildew ceases to multiply after spraying with this composition.

Important! It is necessary to observe plants from the beginning of their growth in open ground in order to see in time where spores develop and take measures.

Manganese against the black leg of cabbage

Seedlings of cabbage at high temperatures and humidity are susceptible to the fungal disease "black leg". Part of the shoot near the ground darkens and rots, the weak plant dies. To save, the soil from under the root is removed and replaced with sand or ash. Sand is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.


When planting potatoes, tubers are sometimes cut into two parts, each of which has an eye. So that the planting material does not become infected and does not deteriorate, the knife is moistened in a solution of manganese, and the cut point is wiped with ash. Potassium permanganate is used for potatoes mixed with copper sulphate:

  • potassium permanganate - 10 g;
  • copper sulfate - 2 g.

Substances dissolved in a bucket of water. Enough quantity to plant a whole garden - for 10 kg you need 200 ml of liquid. Treat tubers just before planting in the ground. The same mixture can be used against potato late blight.

Important! Check the soil for acidity before using potassium permanganate

Strawberries or strawberries

The bushes are often attacked by the weevil, which damages the ovaries and flowers. A feature of this insect is its constant migration through all types of horticultural crops, therefore, if a weevil has appeared, you need to fight it everywhere.

Potassium permanganate has been present in every first aid kit, in every home since ancient times. It is used in the treatment of wounds, for gargling, when bathing young children, and so on. But the question is why it is so difficult to get it, because it is not sold everywhere and strictly by prescription. Is it really that dangerous to health? How to dilute potassium permanganate so as not to harm yourself? You will find the answer to these and other questions in our article.

Potassium permanganate for bathing

All young mothers know that bathing babies, especially newborns, is only with a solution of potassium permanganate. But inexperienced parents always wonder how to breed potassium permanganate for bathing so as not to harm the baby.

What do pediatricians recommend? First, boil the kettle. Take a transparent glass and (without touching the grains) pour in a few crystals. It is worth pouring only with boiling water so that the grains are better dissolved in water. As soon as you stir, look into the glass at the light, make sure that there is no sediment at the bottom, it is he who can burn the baby's skin. Look, there should be a purple solution in the glass, a little transparent. If you have done everything, then you can pour the solution into the bath for bathing. As a result, the water in the bath turns out to be a pale pink hue.

How to breed potassium permanganate for wound treatment?

Potassium permanganate is a good assistant in disinfection and wound healing. The solution is used for treatment. But few people know how to dilute potassium permanganate for treating a wound correctly. Now let's move on to this difficult issue. We note all the pros and cons of treating wounds with a solution.

If you need to treat a wound or a burn, and possibly surgery, then you should do this with a pale pink solution, watch carefully for the complete dissolution of the grains so as not to harm yourself even more. If the grains do not dissolve completely, then strain several times through two or three layers of gauze or bandage. Note that a few grains are quite enough for a glass of water. They can also gargle with an illness.


As you know, the best remedy for poisoning is gastric lavage. Very often they use a saline solution, completely forgetting about the benefits of potassium permanganate in this matter.

As in the previous paragraphs, we will analyze how potassium permanganate is diluted for gastric lavage in case of poisoning. As with or solution for washing wounds, water for gastric lavage should be pink, there should be no undissolved crystals. How to dilute potassium permanganate for now we know, we will analyze one more question

Many believe that immediately after drinking it is necessary to induce vomiting. This is not true! Potassium permanganate must fulfill its function in the stomach. As for breeding, the grandmother's method by eye (three or four grains per liter of water) is still quite effective.

Potassium permanganate and gardening

Potassium permanganate for plants is not only a good disinfectant, but also a microfertilizer. In every house, there is always a ready-made strong or grains in a dry form. How to dilute potassium permanganate for plant treatment?

It is very convenient to use a transparent jar and a toothpick to prepare the solution. Pour the required amount of water into the jar, moisten the tip of a toothpick and grab a few crystals. The solution should be slightly pinkish. Only after complete dissolution, you can use the liquid for watering or spraying.

Application of KMnO4 solution for gynecological purposes

If you had unprotected intercourse with a new partner, then the same potassium permanganate will become the first assistant for disinfection. How to dilute potassium permanganate for treating the genitals and douching? All the same, the solution should be pale pink, the grains should not get on the skin and mucous membranes in order to avoid a chemical burn.

After you have done everything necessary, be sure to visit a doctor to make sure that you have no infection or disease left. Despite the fact that potassium permanganate helps in the fight against many microbes and infections, it is not a 100% guarantee. Use contraceptives, then there will be no problems.

Let's look at how to prepare a potassium permanganate solution for treating wounds. Potassium permanganate is dark purple, almost black crystals. If a couple of crystals are diluted in water, then the water will turn crimson. Potassium permanganate has synonyms: potassium permanganate or potassium salt of manganese acid.

Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is widely used by specialists for medical and veterinary purposes. This unique substance is one of the most famous metal compounds. The chemical composition of such an unusual substance includes potassium, manganese and oxygen.

It can perfectly dissolve in an aqueous medium and is a strong oxidizing agent. If the potassium permanganate crystals are heated to a certain temperature, then all the oxygen will begin to evaporate and the potassium permanganate will begin to decompose. This process is very popular with chemists who use it to produce pure oxygen.

Potassium permanganate can be used to treat wounds. Potassium permanganate perfectly disinfects the surface and helps the wound heal faster.

Thanks to all the substances that make up potassium permanganate, it has excellent antiseptic properties. As soon as manganese (in dissolved and not dissolved form) begins to contact with living cells of a person or animal, potassium permanganate begins to release atomic oxygen, which is why this substance is so widely used in the field of medicine.

The composition of the crystals is very interesting, since when potassium salt is mixed with another chemical, an explosion can occur, so you should not experiment and mix potassium permanganate with coal, tannin or sugar.

Diluted potassium permanganate is very widely used in medicine.

Its antiseptic properties help protect open wounds and burns from various harmful microorganisms, and its solution will help people who have been poisoned by toxic substances to provoke vomiting to clear the stomach.

Indications for use:

  1. A solution of potassium permanganate can be used to lubricate ulcerative and burn surfaces: infected wounds, ulcers and skin burns.
  2. Gargling with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is widespread among the people. In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa and oropharynx, the potassium salt of manganese acid will perfectly help get rid of pathogens.
  3. Potassium permanganate is widely used for gynecological and urological diseases for washing or douching. Usually, specialists do such procedures to the patient when colpitis and urethritis are present in the body.
  4. A solution of potassium permanganate is used for gastric lavage. Doctors widely use this method for acute poisoning, which was caused by hydrocyanic acid, phosphorus, and other substances harmful to the body.
  5. Also, with a solution of potassium permanganate, you can gently rinse your eyes if a poisonous insect has bitten you in this area.

Before using this method, you need to consult a specialist.

A contraindication to the use of this solution can only be human hypersensitivity.

How to properly dilute the solution for wound treatment

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in preparing this solution, but you should be extremely careful with it. Crystals, even when dissolved, are very strong oxidizing agents. A high concentration of potassium permanganate can cause burns and swelling of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, mouth and esophagus.

Therefore, in order to carry out the procedure correctly, you will need to observe the concentration of this substance in water with high accuracy. Treatment and disinfection of wound surfaces is carried out with a 0.1-0.5% solution of potassium permanganate.

The high antiseptic properties of crystals are of great benefit to humans, but remember that it is not the wound itself that needs to be treated, but only its circumference. If you do the opposite, then this will lead to infection in the wound itself.

To treat the edge of the wound, prepare a light pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then treat the surface of the skin around the wound with it.

If any fragments, earth or dirt got into the wound, then in no case should you remove all the particles that got there yourself, but rather seek help from a qualified specialist.

If you need to replace a bandage that has dried to the wound, then you can moisten it with a solution of potassium permanganate and carefully remove the moistened cotton wool or gauze.

Recommendations for preparing the correct solution of potassium permanganate:

  1. You need to dissolve the manganese crystals in slightly warm water, so the dissolution process will be faster. For 70 ml of water, a couple of grains of potassium permanganate is enough. Stir them until completely dissolved.
  2. You should not take the particles themselves with your bare hands, use a spoon or a toothpick for this.
  3. If the solution turned out to be a dark pink color, then add a little more water so that the solution turns out to be the consistency you need.
  4. In extreme cases, you can pour potassium permanganate with only unprotected hands, but do not forget to wash your fingers immediately, because if a large amount of "pure" manganese gets on the skin, you can get burned.
    It is desirable to dilute manganese only in transparent dishes so that its color can be seen.

The prepared solution must be used immediately, as it cannot be stored. Always remember that potassium permanganate dries the skin very much.

So, this wonderful solution can be used as a universal antibacterial agent. It is great at helping to decontaminate the wound and stop bleeding, which will help you apply the bandage properly.
